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File: 152 KB, 1024x1019, 1621578792197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18286402 No.18286402 [Reply] [Original]

how would you describe what is happening in the photo?

>> No.18286416

Families are miserable.

>> No.18286420

a supporting and loving family letting their little kid go through their silly but normal rebellious phase

>> No.18286430

a child is going through a rebellious phase

>> No.18286520


>> No.18286528
File: 50 KB, 640x605, 360125AD-300D-4B9A-8A57-AAC59865284A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grandmother is sprinkling rat poison into that cup while the birthday girl is distracted by the camera man. The other young lady knows but says nothing, the Matriarch has ordained it so. It is for the good of the Clan.

>> No.18286548

>be American youth
>raised in individualist-libertarian cultural vacuum
>raised in consumerist dystopia
>treat identity as a consumer good that you can just purchase and apply as easily as you can apply makeup
>pick the gaudiest, shallowest and most external identity possible, because to modern tastes anything is "good" or "special" so long as it stands out
>ineffectual father figure fails to even assert his authority, much less actually address the profound existential dread that drives a youth to this type of clownery
>vapid, uncaring family - unconcerned with any serious paternal authority that may assert order or any sense of personal and cultural standards - enables this disastrous and self-destructive behaviour
>at best, all this means "celebrating" the birthday of a cherished family member while paradoxically experiencing deep anguish at the same time; at worst, this celebration entails treating this normally due to a complete lack of awareness
>this is the future we chose

>> No.18286566

have sex

>> No.18286570

okay, hand over your bussy

>> No.18286575

None of this is normal you half-brained domesticated faggot

>> No.18286623

i'm too fucking old to argue with some try hard "trad" edgelord on the internet

>> No.18286635

Kid should be beat until it has a reason to dress like that

>> No.18286645

very naive. all you're doing is hurting the kid who will most likely ignore you anyway.

>> No.18286652

Your sons will end up touching their daughters.

>> No.18286658
File: 70 KB, 452x363, rrx9f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. you
Clearly, you have never been beat.

>> No.18286660

jessica, 9 looks like a weird goth fuck

>> No.18286672
File: 56 KB, 640x587, 4b121ca10ec8de735fc086e4c613783caeafd043a5eca2ec2b5fbca9f7c30eeb_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18286679

Well said.
I would have never found those words. Das it mane

>> No.18286683

i was actually. my dad is cameroonian and he thought everything could be solved by violence, like most people there.

>> No.18286686

Holy mother of based

>> No.18286687

reminder corporal punishment empirically makes children's behaviour worse, reduces their grey matter, impulse control, etc.

>> No.18286698

Yes people tend to think the treatment they recieved as children is justified. Because if they didn't they would have to accept that their childhood wasn't good, and that the childhood has affected their mental state in a negative way.

I understand why this is hard for you, but it's probably the reason you have multiple wojak folders on your computer.
Beating your kids isn't helpful mkay. You aren't changing them, just making them hide those parts of themselves.

>> No.18286703

Lambert based.
I've had time to reflect on it, the same shit happened to me lol. Only difference is I got into a different type of metal music so no goth makeup. Spent my teen years walking around in all black with the leather clothes and all that. I got better, but since I didn't learn good taste when I should have I still have a huge fetish for punk girls and dyed hair. It sucks so hard bros.

>> No.18286715

Her birthday is on halloween or something idk

>> No.18286721

Still not necessarily the easiest style to pick though. It'll still get you lots of weird stares and in trouble with various school administrators.

>> No.18286724

Typical shit.

>> No.18286730

Teenage menstrual trauma happened, therefore, penis needs to be applied to turn underdefined lacking unwashed pussy into real grown up cunt.

t. Freudian analyst with 30 years of consulting experience

>> No.18286736

Your dad sounds based, bro. DESU generally violence is better than no violence, although a really talented parent can solve things perfectly with just a normal chat. Those people are rare, though.
Reminder that not using corporal punishment empirically makes your kids lose all respect for authority and that actions have consequences.
I was beat, my childhood was shit (but not because of the beatings). I don't care.
>Beating your kids isn't helpful mkay. You aren't changing them, just making them hide those parts of themselves.
Maybe if your kids are weak. Being beat not only taught me to stand my ground or get fucked, but also taught me good habits because that's why my parents were beating me. Some kids shrink away. Those are not very suited for corporal punishment, but then again with that kind of people, you won't need it very often.

>> No.18286738

Don't worry, give her a year or two and she will be working in a bank or estate agent somewhere, hoping that mom never posts this pic on her feed where her yearly performance reviewer will see it.

>> No.18286744

That is true, but that's also partly what makes it compelling for many youths. Paying a price for your style makes you feel that it's significant and truly matters.

>> No.18286749

Or maybe sometimes it is okay to realize you were a faggot that deserved a little slap for fucking with your mom or dad.

>> No.18286750

Reminder that authority based only on violence doesn't deserve respect.

>> No.18286765

cont. It's not necessarily that it was good, or that it could not have been handled better, but have the imposition that another person's childhood was "bad" because it didn't fit in with your cultural conception of a "good childhood" is retarded because the subject's account is still important.

>> No.18286769

/lit/bros, please, never have kids. they'll turn into serial killers.

if you think you can beat a child into conforming to your ideals, try reading about the mistakes of the behaviorists

>> No.18286770

>Reminder that not using corporal punishment empirically makes your kids lose all respect for authority and that actions have consequences.
If that were the case, then why do kids that get hit behave worse? Most of the badly behaved children I've known came from dysfunctional households with lots of corporal punishment, while all the meek ordinary hard-working children came from middle class households without it. The cause and effect link between corporal punishment and future misbehaviour seems to have been empirically demonstrated by studies showing that when parents phase out corporal punishment, bad behaviour decreases also. Viz. your "actions have consequences" comment -- children subjected to corporal punishment have lower impulse control, more likely to commit crime, do drugs, etc. It seems to have the exact opposite effect that you say it does. Defenders of corporal punishment speak in platitudes (and enjoy the gruff grandiosity of their own statements) but rarely appeal to empirical evidence. Ironically betraying their own lack of intellectual discipline, and emotional impulsivity.

>> No.18286772

Lmao at the poofta cunt bootlickers itt having a sook because "huur dressing goth means you are rebelling against society".
First of all its superficial.
Secondly should society in its current state not be rebelled against?

>> No.18286783

little incels

>> No.18286789

>Sucks so hard

Got to make the most of it Anon, my carer is pretty gothy and I don't think i'll ever make a non consumerist out of her but she's cute, kind and obedient so I manage. Just find one who's not an edgy degenerate.

>> No.18286790

My parents beat me, my school disciplined me, I was still punk as a teenager.

>> No.18286791

Why are you Americans so obsessed with sex? Is it because you're all homosexuals?

>> No.18286793

>the grown """""""""man"""""""""" who needs to bully small children to feel tough
>calling others weak
lmfao if you justified this this by saying that rabbi guenon said so this would be peak /lit/

>> No.18286796
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one single incel is worth ten thousand women

>> No.18286808

This child can't be helped, right?

I've been thinking of the aporias of an imaginary heroic-like salvation of someone stranded and astrayed and, alas, yet without a sufficient self-awareness to seize the roads they've astrayed in for a while.

And what i've came to is -- not because the so called unique horrible modernity, that i doubt exists -- because of the very nature, a priori and ontologically based, of a human kind one cannot escape the traps scattered along the way. Not only the evasion is impossible, but also it is impossible to quit such a trap without being damaged. So there can't be such a hero to save. That hypothetical Orpheus will escape only with wreckage left from what have a been a pure soul.

Either way she quits -- gets on drugs, self hate, mental degradation or chooses middle class life journey -- isn't she doomed? As doomed as her family?

In this perfectly contraposed image interdependent parts are presented: silly and unfair label of "rebel" attached by the left part onto the child (she exists only as long as they exist) and the silly contempt opposed from right to left (not to mention, their existence is dependent on hers). But they are dialectically the same. The ones who lost the battle, and the one yet to lose. And, to tell the truth, i see more blackness and horror on the left.

>> No.18286813
File: 31 KB, 564x564, 10af06c42ffd821d161358fce725c429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally in this place, a bunch of losers squeal from a cool looking girl who will never be with such nerds as they

>> No.18286829

Reminder that authority based on violence doesn't care if it deserves respect.
Beatings aren't sufficient for a good upbringing. Used on their own, they will backfire. Combined with other methods, they can help.
>If that were the case, then why do kids that get hit behave worse?
Sounds like bullshit. At worst, they'll learn to lie very well, but they will behave nice in public.
>children subjected to corporal punishment have lower impulse control, more likely to commit crime, do drugs, etc
I will accept what you say as true, but I do not think you can blame this on corporal punishment. Quantitative study cannot pinpoint something like this. All the alcoholic retards who beat the shit out of their families would also count in such a study and would therefore spoil the results.
>Ironically betraying their own lack of intellectual discipline, and emotional impulsivity.
Meanwhile "meek middle class" kids like you take smug jabs from behind their veneer of impartial intelligence, because you think you're so smart.
Nice fanfic retard, want me to jerk you off as well or is your own hand sufficient?
Take your meds.

>> No.18286834

Post tits, Wendy

>> No.18286847

I told you earlier to hand over your bussy, anon.
That's the issue. Physically, I am super attracted to edgy degenerates, even though my soul knows that I should be going for the opposite type of woman.

>> No.18286848


>> No.18286852

when you losers have a girl you won't care about your dumb fucking incel ideas
let her enjoy her self
if you're worried about her becoming a whore then lead by example

>> No.18286861

Have you considered that the reason that you are unhappy is that the views you hold are making you so? You got beaten as a kid and now are terrified of other men seeing you as weak because you only ever see yourself as a child in comparison to them. The only one you are fooling is yourself.

>> No.18286862

cringe samefag

>> No.18286869

more like based truthfags

>> No.18286892

>since I didn't learn good taste when I should have I still have a huge fetish for punk girls and dyed hair
>Physically, I am super attracted to edgy degenerates
reminds me of this
>her infertile lifestyle drives you wild

>> No.18286894

then show the proofs

>> No.18286899
File: 79 KB, 500x700, D_tvr_SVAAAG5rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's NOT a phase mom!

>> No.18286901
File: 7 KB, 234x216, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont believe in studies

>> No.18286907

Ah, so your testosterone levels have shrunk to negative levels due to a lifestyle of physical inactivity and conformity. Go hang yourself, faggot.

>> No.18286913

we know, you've already shown yourself to be illiterate and retarded

i bet when you hear that older people tend to be conservative you attribute it to their wisdom in old age. cherry picking fuck lmao

>> No.18286914

>I will do the sex sex sex sex cannopt stoph me oooogoooooohoooooohooooooooo cryiogn psuuuy styanly,,,,,,,

>> No.18286920

>Sounds like bullshit. At worst, they'll learn to lie very well, but they will behave nice in public.
The effect I've seen described in the literature is that corporal punishment produces a short-term increase in compliance but a long-term pattern of increased non-compliance. It also says that corporal punishment doesn't seem to produce moral internalisation (the kid learns not to perform the behaviour in front of the parent, not that the behaviour is "wrong". They become better liars and continue to act out risky and/or antisocial behaviours in secret).
>All the alcoholic retards who beat the shit out of their families would also count in such a study and would therefore spoil the results.
This is a reasonable concern but so far as I've seen follow-up studies have accounted for the severity of punishments (and also adjust for factors like race, socioecononomics, education, etc.).
>Meanwhile "meek middle class" kids like you take smug jabs from behind their veneer of impartial intelligence, because you think you're so smart.
No he can't heckin insult me on an internet forum

>> No.18286921

what's wrong with conformity? don't you want everyone to be nazis/christians/whatever?

>> No.18286927

Well good luck Anon, meanwhile I get stuff like

>sorry Sir, I got cheek piercings and forgot to ask if thats ok

Edgy degenerates are fun but so are sweet girls in edgy costumes.

>> No.18286940
File: 25 KB, 395x474, 1548010886261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conformity with all things good, noble and beautiful
>conformity with clown world
>the same thing

>> No.18286951

>no argument, just spooks
looks like I win yet again

>> No.18286952
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>conformity with all things good, noble and beautiful
the love between men,. only lower souls love women..

>> No.18286954
File: 21 KB, 416x352, EUeYcuDU8AASgKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18286958

>terrified of other men seeing you as weak because you only ever see yourself as a child in comparison to them
Leave the armchair pop psychology in your advice column, cheers.

>> No.18286959

I unironically thought this was photoshopped.

>> No.18286960 [DELETED] 

The problem is the age of consent. If only her teacher could lay his hands on her she would immediately be cured.

>> No.18286967

Because children who are sexually abused turn out fine

>> No.18286973

I accept your humble concession.

>> No.18286974

Its not abuse if she needs, wants and thrives through it.

>> No.18286980

umm... based?

>> No.18286984
File: 38 KB, 540x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I say I want to fuck her
>I'm an incel
If I say I don't like her
>I'm an incel

>> No.18286990 [DELETED] 

desu Trauma is a myth and an adult cock could potentially cure all of todays youth problems.

>> No.18286992

This lol. Dressing like that is a cry for help from the child. Help in the form of beatings.

>> No.18286998

She cute. I wish I had a girlfriend like her.

>> No.18287003

Not beating but the cry for her first orgasm.

>> No.18287005

It isn't about wanting to coom.
It's about your attitude to people that makes you an incel
i.e. beating kids is good

>> No.18287027

teenage angst fueled by social media apps engineered to fixate your instantaneous cravings, I wonder how much pornography women look at.

>> No.18287033

oh she'll grow out of it

>> No.18287045

this is why I love 4chan, you don't get posts like these anywhere else

>> No.18287049

I have literally never been unhappy, anon. When I see something funny, I am happy for the next two minutes. When I see something sad, I am unhappy for the next two minutes. When I see your post, I feel cringe overcome me for the next two minutes. Simple stuff.
Source: my interaction with people who didn't get beat as kids.
>The effect I've seen described in the literature is that corporal punishment produces a short-term increase in compliance but a long-term pattern of increased non-compliance. It also says that corporal punishment doesn't seem to produce moral internalisation (the kid learns not to perform the behaviour in front of the parent, not that the behaviour is "wrong". They become better liars and continue to act out risky and/or antisocial behaviours in secret).
If you only beat your kid then yeah they won't internalise shit. If you explain why you beat them then they easily will. Also the "act out in secret" stuff is a cope. It's only true if you beat your kids enough to piss them off but not enough to make them realise that actions have consequences.
>This is a reasonable concern but so far as I've seen follow-up studies have accounted for the severity of punishments (and also adjust for factors like race, socioecononomics, education, etc.).
I doubt the ability of researchers to account for this acceptably well.
>No he can't heckin insult me on an internet forum
I literally insulted you back retard.

>> No.18287058

>i.e. beating kids is good
I never said that wtf

>> No.18287066

It's fucking true, although some of the ones in the video look soulless. Also, a septum piercing is an instant turnoff. Makes otherwise beautiful people look like livestock. No idea why people get them.
LOL that's kind of cute. Thanks btw.
By no means a foregone conclusion.

>> No.18287073

these two are also going through their silly but normal rebellious phase

>> No.18287079

People learn that "actions have consequences" regardless of whether or not they are beaten. And even those that are beaten follow rationality: they minimise negative consequences and maximalise positive ones, while still behaving in as close a manner as they please as possible. Is the "actions have consequences" precept a moral one? Because it can be learned anywhere. And is it meant to prevent bad behaviour? Why, when bad behaviour can easily be committed without incurring negative consequences?

>> No.18287087

Still in that huh?

>> No.18287114

>By no means a foregone conclusion.
I biated you, I merely parroted what i have heard parents say, when they are either too apathetic or scared to impose onto the development of their children, or simply have no idea. It is so strange, the nurture of the human mind

>> No.18287140


>> No.18287151

>People learn that "actions have consequences" regardless of whether or not they are beaten.
This is absolutely untrue and I know this because I go to university in a Western country where no one beats their kids. I have never seen a people this fickle, entitled and unrealistic. No respect for family at all, either. Whenever one of them complains to me about their siblings or parents it makes me want to throw up.
>Is the "actions have consequences" precept a moral one? Because it can be learned anywhere.
It's a practical one at least as much as it is a moral one and the problem is that it is not learned just anywhere.
>And is it meant to prevent bad behaviour? Why, when bad behaviour can easily be committed without incurring negative consequences?
Because it is a demonstration that bad behaviour is beneath the dignity of the party which is being punished. If you did not think someone could do better, you would not bother to punish them at all. Not to mention that people who act with utter impunity often do a lot more damage with their lack of good sense than those who at least know the limits of what can and cannot go unpunished.

>> No.18287160

a desperate cry for attention and genuine family bonding that the child has been denied her entire life

>> No.18287161

Well I think it's pretty safe to say you are socially maladjusted. I turned out good, you go around advocating violence against children.

>> No.18287165

LOL. Okay anon, you got me.

>> No.18287171


>> No.18287183

If beating produces respect for parents, then why are children that are beaten less compliant? If corporal punishment produces moral behaviour, then why do those reared with it have worse outcomes: more criminality, more drug abuse, more domestic abuse, etc.? Your subjective experience of people being "fickle, entitled, unrealistic" and lacking in respect for family can be attributed to a million other cultural factors. What country did you come from, and what country are you in now?

>> No.18287193

that's a lot of words to say not much at all. If you can summarise your post in one sentence, post it as one sentence.

>> No.18287207

See >>18287049

>> No.18287210

The most creative people often don't appear any strict way at all and are even through subconscious envy belittled by people like in the OP but are never called creative in the same way she would be. I would know because I used to be that way and by proxy still am. Someone who comprehends the world in such a physical and literal way will only ever skim the delightful surface but never really puncture into anything substantial.

>> No.18287212

>then why are children that are beaten less compliant?
They are not. Use your brain. Who is more likely to comply with your requests, a person who knows they will get beat if they don't or the opposite?
>If corporal punishment produces moral behaviour, then why do those reared with it have worse outcomes: more criminality, more drug abuse, more domestic abuse, etc.?
Because most people who use corporal punishment are alcoholics or other shitbags and skew the statistics.
>Your subjective experience of people being "fickle, entitled, unrealistic" and lacking in respect for family can be attributed to a million other cultural factors.
It can, but it is not, because my qualitative analysis is way more reliable than "quantitative social science".
>What country did you come from, and what country are you in now?
Serbian living in the UK.

>> No.18287221

it's not rebellious in the slightest. taken alone it wouldn't be, if anything it would be total conformity to subculture marketing. but if they are a supporting and loving family then what is rebellious about it. and what is rebellious about normalcy?

>> No.18287238
File: 84 KB, 393x829, 929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18287251

>They are not. Use your brain.
You can invent rationales for anything, the problem is that the evidence contradicts you. When parents stop using corporal punishment, the behaviour of their children improves.
>Because most people who use corporal punishment are alcoholics or other shitbags and skew the statistics.
This is literally the first thing they account for.
>It can, but it is not, because my qualitative analysis is way more reliable than "quantitative social science".

>> No.18287253

corporal punishment isn't some utter failure/loser beating their kid constantly for no reason. it's actual corporal punishment. measured and applied effectively with no emotion involved on the punisher's part (much less enjoyment). you can't take people who are worse than their kids fucking around as an example of corporal punishment lmao.

>> No.18287268
File: 61 KB, 619x720, 1619532547271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marilyn manson
dumb bitch, at least listen to nine inch nails if you have to listen to edgy goth shit

>> No.18287281

I correctly understood that you guys would beat your daughter if she dressed like this for her birthday and you would ruin her holiday because of your stupid views?

>> No.18287283

Sorry anon but even moderate spanking produces these same effects, just to a lesser degree. All violent punishment is associated with these outcomes.

>> No.18287288

Damn you really are legion

>> No.18287295

>You can invent rationales for anything, the problem is that the evidence contradicts you. When parents stop using corporal punishment, the behaviour of their children improves.
Muh evidence. Most of you people do not actually have any sources. Those who do typically have broken methodology. What you say is simply wrong and no appeal to authority will make it otherwise.
>This is literally the first thing they account for.
I am sure they do, anon.
It is called independent thinking, anon.
If your kid has the clothes and makeup to dress up like this you have already lost the war.

>> No.18287336

>Those who do typically have broken methodology.
You literally made this up. Your parents should have spanked you more to stop you lying

>> No.18287344

>authority enables prosperity
O.K pal

>> No.18287349

>I could save her bros

>> No.18287350

Best books to read about goth girls?

>> No.18287379


>> No.18287380

100% of social studies I have actually bothered to read off of the "peer reviewed journal" had some deliberately misleading, obscurantist or flawed methodology.

>> No.18287434

literally me

>> No.18287440

>how would you describe what is happening in the photo?

>> No.18287457

it generally is

>> No.18287468

Did you give yourself a little rush while typing this out?

>> No.18287473

Girl is cute. Hope her family supported her.

>> No.18287476

Her makeup job is excellent. That kid is talented

>> No.18287478


>> No.18287480

thread has a disturbing lack of big tiddy goth gf

>> No.18287483

I love this.

>> No.18287489
File: 407 KB, 694x600, 6546945-069-5406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marilyn Manson is a bad person but his early psychedelic rock stuff was pretty good


>> No.18287560
File: 32 KB, 750x370, 2EC059AF-DFC6-43A9-8C6D-3EF7EB6332EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when amidst the flashing multicolor strobelights, ear-grating music, glittery oddly demonic costumes, and facepaint of a bizarre end-of-the-year elementary/middle school stage performance your high-school class was forced to watch from the bleachers, you uneasily and in reluctant disbelief begin to differentiate and draw distinctions within the dance-chaos of spasmodic, erratically dancing costumed imps—recalling what could perhaps be, behind the eye mask, a memory of an individual seen the year prior, a memory of that attentive, energized yet contemplative, member of a group of elementary students who you taught in the identification of native plants on campus, that girl who sat cross-legged on the grass, in dreamlike observation of flowers and leaves of each particular tree in discussion, asked questions wisely beyond her years, her distinction not obnoxiously distracting from the rest of the group but completing and vivifying and motivating both students and teacher, an archetype of the awe-struck, religious curiosity of the child-observer of the natural world, that simple passion which you yearn to reobtain, failing to conjure it no matter how many field-guides and academic papers you read, no matter how much isolated strolls in the woods, the child-spirit that never doubted why it stared intensely at the smallest insect, that child-spirit which synthesized science and religion, that threefold spirit of wisdom and knowledge and understanding that goes beyond jargon and sterile biomass calculations…..alas that childish spirit, that innocence, I have lost it, it has been lost—……
>……the clamor stops abruptly and the darkling ghouls in risqué costume end their performance and the masks disappear behind the shadows of the curtain and neon-purple glow is all that remains. The nightmare is finished
Yeah it wasn’t her OP, surely it wasn’t, no chance, couldn’t have been. What was I thinking?

>> No.18287572

Not everyone is an universalist

>> No.18287574

Tbh I get the sentiment but a loving family wouldn't let their child dress like a horror movie antagonist. Girl in op is 12 and that's kinda fucked to let her dress like that at that age

>> No.18287620
File: 61 KB, 1024x1024, 1610289321866m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superficial materialistic society
>rebel superficially and materialistically.

>> No.18287675

/ck/ here. Why isn’t anyone talking about those atrocious yellow cakes?

>> No.18287799
File: 13 KB, 443x443, lycia-band-860909c2-33dd-45d6-9fc0-89a85ddd706-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lycia is better

>> No.18287903
File: 515 KB, 700x1012, Pierre-Auguste_Renoir_-_En_été_(La_Bohémienne).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the question of "should" or "should not" is not really the main question, rather it's the fact that "she does" and trying to suppress this will likely only make the tendency grow stronger. She is a young artistic-minded girl and as a social / cultural phenomena what she's doing isn't very different from Renoir's depiction of a young "Bohémienne" from 1868.

Also the history of gothic art, literature and aesthetics have a long tradition in western culture. This might look like an extreme modern version of it, but I don't think it's that new, really.

>> No.18287909

Hits pipe

>> No.18287913

This is an artistic representation of me when I go to dinner with my family

>> No.18287922

Kid goes through unfortunate phase, family being gracious

>> No.18287936
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I feel that a 12-year-old dressing like a horror movie antagonist is much better than a 42-year-old dressing like a horror movie antagonist.

>> No.18287937
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back to co/ck/, f**dfag

>> No.18287938

I find the speed at which people forget what being an adolescent feels like to be very tragic and socially stifling.

>> No.18287952

The old man sees and disapproves yet remains silent.

>> No.18287969
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>> No.18287985

Nobody gives a fuck about a shitty cake, as if there is such a thing as a good cake, when the endgame is asceticism

>> No.18287997

13 candles
Lemon cake is delicious

>> No.18288030

>trying to suppress this will likely only make the tendency grow stronger
This is a lie that has been repeated to you so many times you started to believe it.

>> No.18288058

A little old for trick or treating if I'm being honest.

>> No.18288098

Sc*entism is the most repugnant religion on this planet.

>> No.18288109

>I wonder how much pornography women look at.
I would not be surprised if most of gen Z were internet pornography addicts.

>> No.18288131

>Reminder that not using corporal punishment empirically makes your kids lose all respect for authority and that actions have consequences
Lol no. I was beat and it just led me to have no impilse control, I'd beat my own parents back (lmao) until I got my shit together on my own.

>> No.18288190

Read the desert fathers. There is a time for asceticism and a time to rejoice for others. You must be fun at parties—forcing to guests to eat shitty cake while you sit their moping after not eating for several days. Fast in private, eat well in company. Unless you are a total hermit, but if you need to eat, which you do since you are not angelic, eat well and partake of the fruits of creation. Learn to live in want but also learn to live in satiety

>> No.18288247

Furthermore, the Israelites literally offered cake offerings to God and if you do not comprehend the immense importance communal eating and BREAD has to do with Christianity then you are probably a braindead gnostic or someone who denies the incarnation, in which case you are truly lost. Asceticism is a means not an end to itself. See you at the wedding feast!

>> No.18288281

Imagine caring about your relevancy at parties

>> No.18288344

Its cruel to let your child become a freak, you dont have to beat them but if you seem them get into weird shit it's your job to steer them away

>> No.18288362

its rebellious but not revolutionary - it's easily recuperable by capitalism and does not threaten the structure it rebels against but rather appreciates this structure through rebelion.

being a teen trad is not normal you half-brained domesticated cunt - someone has beat any sense out of you guys.

I wish I could dress that edgy at that age

>> No.18288363


>> No.18288484

What would you guys do if you adopted your niece and she was like the goth girl? How would you go about giving her the love she needs?

>> No.18288544

I’m not eating that sugary cyanide, I’ll politely refuse. And continue to socialize. I never eat anything I don’t personally make and I’m still invited to dinner parties(I bring my own food)

>> No.18288555

That shit isn’t comparable to what was offered to god. The Israelites put more work into their “cakes” than that bitch who likely bought a “cake” from costco

>> No.18288564

Why are white people so emotionally unavailable for their own kin? And they want to make fun asians lol.

>> No.18288652

scientism is a term used to deride. i don't think you understand it. it is not a religion you utter twat.

>> No.18288661
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>thirteen candles

>> No.18288671

sorry but she's just holding a phone, it blends into the background.

>> No.18288672

Science "believers" are religious, and frankly, more often wrong than other religions.

>> No.18288685

Sounds like a lack of grey matter.

>> No.18288874

those are the prime childbearing years

>> No.18288999

There's nothing normal about it, and allowing your kids to act in such deviant ways is not good or healthy. In that picture I see evidence of the parents not having any control over who their daughters hangs out with and it's a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.18289011

this. and also rich people privilege that the kid has time and energy to go through this phase instead of worrying about other things

>> No.18289021

Fuck I miss being 13

>> No.18289028

Actually same.

>> No.18289037
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Thats when I peaked. Its all been downhill since

>> No.18289046

"rebellious" phase is literally a marketing term to get kids away from their parents and sell them harmful garbage

>> No.18289049
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For me, it was before there was any pressure. Now I have to be someone and do something.
Back then I could just be me and was glee.

>> No.18289051

>t. Has no personality

>> No.18289059

cope, your rebellious phase was just a consumerist scheme and you fell for it

>> No.18289064
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>rebellious" phase is literally a marketing term to get kids away from their parents and sell them harmful garbage

>> No.18289066

Everyone thinks you're boring

>> No.18289065

>t. bought a personality

Better to have none than have one made for you

>> No.18289074

Everyone thinks you're a sucker and laughs knowing how you acted as a teenager

>> No.18289079
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>> No.18289083

Cope, keep buying what the merchant tells you to buy