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/lit/ - Literature

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18267388 No.18267388 [Reply] [Original]

Does this fucking store ever have actual sales on books anymore and not just sales for funko pops and anime?

>> No.18267393

You buy books at a store that sells funko pops?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18268033

all retailers are the same

>> No.18268352

Not yet, once their profits drop enough, the good sales will begin. The Liquidation Sales.

>> No.18268380
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>he buys his books from overpriced book stores where a single hardback is $20+ dollars
Take the used bookstore pill anon.

>> No.18268430

Used bookstores are gross

>> No.18268493

I would, but I have a strong feeling that my local used bookstore is managed by antifa.

>> No.18268566

How so? Do they sell Marxist books or something?

>> No.18268577

Plenty of people touch and read the books at places like Barnes and Noble. There's a good 60% chance some sweaty bastard touched your copy of the Iliad before you got to it.

>> No.18268590

Just buy anything from Evola and see what happens.

>> No.18268600

This is why I don't buy /lit/core

>> No.18268601

What do you think they make their money on?
Christmas is hardcover season and the rest of the year os mainly for browsing, if you read a lot just use your library membership or go for used books.

>> No.18268706

one time at a used book store I had a stack of 6 or so books and the guy commented on each one but when he got to the Nietzsche volume he just put it in the bag without saying anything

>> No.18268713

Lucky, mine is ran by a bunch of old women who exclusively read romance novels. Their classic lit section is extremely low priced though, so I guess it’s a plus

>> No.18268735

This guy gets it. Stop buying from there op

>> No.18268750

They usually have a few Marx books in the philosophy section, but there's nothing odd about that in and of itself, however. They have set up a BIPOC aisle that's at the front of the store, and everyone who works there either looks like a numale, wears blacks and has tattoos, or is a fat lesbian with dyed hair.
I've never seen an Evola book there lol, and I'm not sure if they would even accept it. They didn't even accept my copy of the abridged The Decline of the West no matter how many times I tried to turn it in for store credit.

>> No.18268753

the used stores here always are filled with crap no one wanted, old textbooks and penguin classics paperbacks

>> No.18268759

Mine legitimately is, they constantly put their stickers and posters in the window. They're real big on extinction rebellion and other shit like that as well

>> No.18268825

dont buy from stores that sell exclusively new books. either pure used bookstores or bookstores that have both a new and used section. my local one keeps new and gently used books on the same shelf while anything with writing anywhere other than the covers and first few pages is on the bargain shelves and new
novel or booker prize winners/runners-up get their own table.

>> No.18268828

Why don't bookstores curate their selection anymore...?

>> No.18268933

I went into one of these for the first time in 10 years last weekend. I was appalled. Half the store wasnt even books. Everything else was either genre fiction or otherwise race bait critical theory garbage

>> No.18268946

I found some good books at a goodwill the other day. Only two bucks each. Ebay is also great

>> No.18268955

is this just a thing that depends on were you live because the ones I been to are pretty decent

beats all the big retail stores that throw all there books on the floor in some spot no one would ever visit and call it a day.

>> No.18268963

I got one near my house that I pop in every few months to buy a batch of books. The coffee shop inside also makes a great place to take chicks out for dates.

>> No.18268972

so it seems like a very small hurdle to get over

>> No.18268981

*whispers in your ear* you could just not go to a chain bookstore, there are small ones. i'd literally rather pay a little extra for a book at a shitty mom and pop than be psychically assaulted by a chain bookstore's floor plan and advertisements.

>> No.18269005

Saw some art ho girls in my library the other day. I wanted to talk to them but they were discussin tarot and I would have spazzed at them for it

>> No.18269010

as opposed to "legit" bookstores that are run by soulless corpofags?

>> No.18269018

This sort of works, but it can be difficult to find a given work you want. I've been looking for a used copy of Gravity's Rainbow for two years. Not hard, just every time I go into a store.

I collect old books. Travelogs and diplomatic memoirs. I try to focus on WWI, particularly the Great Game and build up to it, but I take what I can get. Best so far has been a two volume tell all by an American diplomat who worked in the Asia-Pacific from 1860. Published 1896. Got some travelogs from the Pacific circa 1880 too, but I find Central Asia more interesting, just harder to find.

Also got a 1920 memoir of a clerk of Sykes on WWI.

I find the cheapness and quickness of Kindle really nice, but paper is better for some types of books. I normally start old classics on Kindle to see if I will stick with them, then grab used paper. I've started the Phenomenology of Spirit four times and only bought it hard copy when I cleared the preface in one very long go and knew I'd finish.

>> No.18269035

based. all the local bookstores in my area are hard left, marxist, anti logos fronts

>> No.18269036

All I buy there is anime. Books are all cheaper used somewhere else or digital.

Anime is the same price there as online. Finding used anime is difficult and my shitty Kentucky library has none. Back in Massachusetts I had access to unlimited anime and graphic novels through interlibrary loan within a few days. I can't even get many classics here without waiting a month.

>> No.18269041

I only go into those chain bookstores to steal.

>> No.18269046
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So support them comrade. You're not pro fash.... right?

>> No.18269286
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Tarot is just applied meme magic. You basically run an RNG of cards and form a narrative based around your results. It serves as a great catalyst to get to know somebody if you're shit at finding conversation starters.

>> No.18269295

Expropiate the books then

>> No.18269301

kek post your actual body faggot subhuman

>> No.18269386

Is there any money in owning a book store these days?

>> No.18269410

>They have set up a BIPOC aisle that's at the front of the store, and everyone who works there either looks like a numale, wears blacks and has tattoos, or is a fat lesbian with dyed hair.
You just described 90% of the bookstores I've been to in my life

>> No.18269422

Based antique book buyer

For me, it's 19th century nautical texts, pre-power tool books on trades, old history books, and ethnological surveys

>> No.18270185

You have any recommendations on the Great Game? I

>> No.18270190

>buying from a box box store and not your local independent used book store

>> No.18270208

homosex insecure roider pls go

>> No.18270291
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>he thinks used bookstores stock Evola

>> No.18270778

Just steal books from b&n, they don’t even have good camera coverage. You don’t need sales when shit is free.

>> No.18270817
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>when a man is physically fit
I thought polcels admired strength?

>> No.18270891

I literally picked up the complete works of Shakespeare, the Iliad, and the Odyssey for less than $20

>> No.18271768

The one near me has a huge used book/rare book section. Its pretty great and the guy who runs it is v knowledgable and eccentric

>> No.18271786

Juche is the only based communism, especially white juche.

>> No.18271806

I bought a collection of greek works from one
Learned recently the translations are pozzed and censored
Pretty pissed, it was like 40 dollars

>> No.18271823

I had a similar experience when i bought my catechism. Saw that it was post vatican 2 only after purchase

>> No.18272196

I don't think christ approves.

>> No.18272199


>> No.18272200

literally my local barnes and nobel

>> No.18272485


>> No.18272494


>> No.18272512

There's antifa in Tennessee? I mean I'm not surprised they're in every city but they seem too retarded and criminally inclined to manage a business

>> No.18273034

recommend me 19th century nautical texts anon

>> No.18273212

t. Barnes and Noble owner

>> No.18273231

It's about the last bookstore we've got. And for the last 15 yrs they've been rededicating more & more floor space to being a toy store than book store.
Apparently, books are for children, so why not just turn the bookstore into a toy store?

>> No.18273234

>used bookstore is managed by antifa.
fucking finally someone says it. i'm never buying a used book because of this

>> No.18273312
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>> No.18273335
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Hopkirk's books. They read like legit adventure novels.

Not gonna lie, I live in Kentucky but do big road trip/backpacking/mountaineering trips to the US/Canadian Rockies every year and larp in my head as a Russian or British explorer.

Actually just was in the Wind River range in Wyoming. Outside North Cascades National Park in Washington now, but I'm headed back through Utah and Colorado with some more stop offs.

Remote work is the shit. I sold my house and am going to buy an RV to live in once Starling portable is out.

>> No.18273338

Lmao when they find the one guy who doesn't look like a twink

>> No.18273643 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 316x482, 515qwLiLJML.SX316.SY480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is historical fiction, but there's good stuff in it.

>> No.18273656
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This is historical fiction and a fun read, but the historical bits, the author goes to great lengths to tell accurately.

>> No.18273756

>caring about what you imagine some mainstream tulpa has to "think"

>> No.18273770

Yet you probably wipe your ass with toilet paper after a burrito filled shit. Animal.

>> No.18273813

For a store this massive, the book selection is ridiculously limited.
Instead of having the retarded board games and Blu Ray section, they can have 3 more rows of history books.
Fuck them and their business model. They can't go out of business quick enough.

>> No.18275157

>Saw that it was post vatican 2 only after purchase
how do I find a pre-Vatican 2 catechism?

>> No.18275158

> They have set up a BIPOC aisle that's at the front of the store, and everyone who works there either looks like a numale, wears blacks and has tattoos, or is a fat lesbian with dyed hair.
Oh get over yourself. These are the types of people that read books, particularly fiction. That anyone from 4Chan is involved with reading literature is a happy anomaly at best, and you'll have to come to grips with the fact that those types are going to be the majority of your "peers" and not swapped out for some other group of nerds that lament the downfall of western civilization to [insert minority here].

>> No.18275498

as an employee, yes. for the most part we are the whim of publishers, so books from the same publisher will tend to go on sale together (for example, BOGO 50% from a selection of books). nonetheless there are often rotating sales on bestsellers. don't think coupons are as frequent anymore though, but the membership still exists

>> No.18275600

how do you feel about working there? friend got a job there somewhat recently and I may apply after summer when my sis goes on maternity leave and I can’t babysit for her anymore

>> No.18275601

No, Manassas.

>> No.18275841

The B&N near me recently moved to a new and smaller location. The only things that made me laugh is Harry Potter has an entire section dedicated to it and between the fiction section and the classics section is a black authors section, which includes all those campy looking dime novels that /lit/ sometimes meme. The ones written in AAVE.

>> No.18275871

They dont admire roidmonkeys

>> No.18276746

On amazon

>> No.18276985
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Reminder that /lit/ is a Catholic board. Heathens begone.

>> No.18277135

Go for it, anon. If you like books what better place to work than at a book store?

>> No.18277144

>10 years ago
\>local mall shutdown
>bookstore liquidation sale
>$5 to fill a cardboard grocery bag with as many books as you can fit
shit was cash

>> No.18277239

>entire books written in ebonics
Now this is something I have to see. In return, here's an ancient gem

>> No.18277268
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The used bookstore doesn't have brand-new books anon. That is, unless they sell new books too. – In fact local, independent new/used bookstores that will specifically order you books and put you on a list for used books are the A-class kind of bookstore, if you ask me.

>> No.18277430

post physique

>> No.18277447

I got a used copy of Gravity's Rainbow for $1 at a yard sale. I swear I was buying someone who browsed here's books. It was an old couple selling their son's books and they were all stuff that gets heavily discussed on here. I got GR, IJ, the Pale King, 100 years of Solitude, and Pale Fire. There was also a bunch of Dosotyevsky, and Greek stuff that I already had

>> No.18277745

i just came back from my local used book store and in their eastern theology section they had quite a bit of guenon

>> No.18277757

*whispers in your ear* Go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.18278792

/lit/ is not an atheist board you /his/eathen

>> No.18278807

Not the guy you replied too, but I actually applied to B&N to work a few years back.
I had my Bachelors degree in Finance and everything (was job hunting at the time in a new city so figured it’d be a comfy gig while I was doing that process).

They fucking turned me down lol.
Got a job at Petco instead cleaning cat shit. Wasn’t bad but the people were even more autistic than the B&N crowd.

Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t get that job. Probably being a jock-ish straight white male- that’s all I can think anyway.

Now years later I have a successful career and I still laugh every time I go into one now that I make more than everyone in that store. (Not bragging that’s not a huge accomplishment).

For most things Amazon is better, but the leather bounds for $25 are hard to beat price point and they have really good sales on classics. So I still go in despite them spurning me.

>> No.18278812

I cannot remember the last time B&N had a sale.

>> No.18278826

You have to go to that section that’s usually in front of the registers.

It’s the aisles that are chock full of junk like photography/coffee table books but if you hunt through them you can find some good stuff (especially classic lit) usually.

>> No.18278832

B&N is for public bathrooms and coffee. Books come from the internet in a box.

>> No.18278864

I hate how there are only two rows for classics/fiction in my B&N. When I was a kid books spanned the whole store. Now a sold 40% is non-book items and then another 25% are space inefficient tables advertising the next YA books, even though they could have six to eight shelves replacing two tables with how far the tables are, not to mention they have thirty copies of the same YA book on a table at my store when they could restrict YA trash to a corner and have the niche foreign literature I'm looking for. I asked for Lights Out for the Territory, The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, and Road to Oxiana and they didn't have it, but they did have "ALL THE LATEST YA FICTION WHY DON'T I LOOK AT THAT INSTEAD :D IT IS MORE ENJOYABLE THAN CLASSICS PLUS YOU GOTTA DIVERSIFY WHAT YOU READ SIR, YOU CAN'T JUST READ SERIOUS THINGS :DDDD"

>> No.18278877

i love it! i've actually been at my store on and off for about four years at this point. the pay isn't stellar (where i work, at least) but all my coworkers are awesome. i always end up coming back because it's so dependable

>> No.18278914
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I used to work at Barnes and Noble for a bit.
I'm pretty sure they had a section for books that were on sale - but they might have been damaged which is why they were on sale to begin with.

I was pretty hyped about starting to work at a bookstore until I realized I was just standing at a cash register for 8 hours a day or putting books away and being forced to listen to the store radio.

I quit after a month and a half.
The best part about working there was the access to TTRPG books 40% off and flirting with roasties needing help finding a book.

I suggest all young NEETs go work at a Barnes & Noble for a month.

>> No.18278976

the word bipoc was made up like a year ago.

>> No.18279029

>I had my Bachelors degree in Finance and everything (was job hunting at the time in a new city so figured it’d be a comfy gig while I was doing that process).
>Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t get that job. Probably being a jock-ish straight white male- that’s all I can think anyway.

If you put your degree on your resume they knew you were doing that and didn't want to train someone who'd just bounce in three months. Given that your degree was in finance, it's not like they couldn't also have a massive red flag about culture fit as well.

If you didn't put down your degree then they were dodging someone with a multi-year blank space on their resume.

>> No.18280307

What an expressive tongue

>> No.18280329

Just buy from abebooks or similar sites, anon.

>> No.18280333

There's no antifa anywhere because it's a made up boogeyman the right uses to divert attention from themselves. It was a particularly idiotic move by them to name them "anti-fascist" as if anyone with half a brain was going to see that as being remotely bad. But that explains why so many of you retards actually fell for the meme.

>> No.18280363

nice b8

>> No.18280642
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I, for one, believe in the 4 Gods of Force

>> No.18280690
File: 31 KB, 480x505, anti bad guy squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifa is, and always has been, a bunch of power-hungry communist losers while pretending they're the only solution to Fascism. They're as retarded as Fascists rebranding as Anticom and pretending they're the good guys because they're against Communism.