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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 428x368, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18250478 No.18250478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>sister brags about having read twice as many books as me on her goodreads
>see what she's reading
>all muscle men on the cover
>flip to random page
>"he grasped both of her wrists and held them above her head"
>"Let me go! I'll scream rape!"
>"he shoved her back against the lockers"
>"Scream all you want sweetheart. Nobody's going to believe the quiet, nerdy girl over the star quarterback"
>"her legs quivered with anticipation"
>Ok let's try this book with a werewolf on the cover
>"Stop it you're hurting me!"
>"You're mine!" he cried out as he bit down on her shoulders.
>"her body betrayed her as her core tightened involuntarily at the pain."
>Okay let's try one of the historical looking books
>"M'lord you must let me go, you must! I am betrothed to another."
>"Your lips say no m'lady but your body is more honest."
>"the delicate folds of her quim glistened with feminine dew. how could she behave so wantonly in front of this man, this stranger?"

why do girls do this?

>> No.18250486

she might read trash but she's right that you should be reading more

>> No.18250496

She knew that you'd look at the books she has read. She's trying to tell you something. Stop being a pussy go hold her down and fuck her like she wants to be fucked.

>> No.18250507

>why do girls do this?
woman are perpetually horney yet have the gaul to call men pigs

>> No.18250519

I hope you are banned for frogposting

>> No.18250532

Why do they need to go through the perfidious Gaul as a middle-man, can't they just call men pigs themselves

>> No.18250561

But smelly and cowardly manlet can't make woman's body betray her, that's why he is nowhere to be found in these citations.

>> No.18250572

Sex her

>> No.18250714

What else are they to do with the Gaul? Waste not want not y'know

>> No.18250830
File: 1.46 MB, 500x500, girl on bed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching zizek debate with cousin
>she's starts squirming and rubbing her legs together
>ask her what's wrong
>she says her tummy feels funny
>she runs upstairs during commercial break and slams her door

why are they like this? what had to go run during our evolutionary history to make women behave in such a way?

>> No.18250841

Sounds like your sister needs to get laid

>> No.18250858
File: 107 KB, 1200x1185, 1580552095218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read any history book
>the women do nothing but surrender and spread their legs for conquerors
>this happens every single time all over the world
it seems like we are living on an alien planet these days where women have so much power

>> No.18250923


>> No.18250938
File: 1.54 MB, 3554x2442, womenpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

females of /lit/, explain this shit

Why are you a feminist by day and smut consumer by night? Explain this hypocrisy

>> No.18250951

Fucking frog fuckers

>> No.18250962
File: 144 KB, 1826x769, womenpilled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>women would rather fuck an attractive man than hug an unattractive man
>women would rather get raped by an attractive man than get consensually eaten out by an unattractive man

>> No.18250977


>> No.18250978

Women date average looking men all the time. Most women settle for a man who is not her type

>> No.18250987

Found the w*men

>> No.18250998
File: 194 KB, 1362x1018, DSC0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we want to be dominated and 'owned' by men, but only by attractive men who are sexually fit and financially well off. Not you incels.

Eggs are precious. Sperms are a dime a million. We produce one every month and it makes us irritable. You spew out millions into the ether everyday without thinking twice. You're not the one burdened for 9 whole months with a parasite that makes you weak and hungry all the time. You're not the one who has to scream their lungs off while shitting out said parasite.

So fuck us for having higher standards right? Fuck us for thinking that we deserve someone who is fit and can take care of us. Fuck us for wanting our baby to grow up big and strong and not weak and fragile after all the effort it took to make one.

Our body our choice. Get over it.

>> No.18251007 [DELETED] 

Holy shit incels btfo

>> No.18251017

>hit the wall

>> No.18251019

Holy shit incels btfo

>> No.18251031

Keep disrespecting her and see what happens. My dad just applied for a janitorial position here and the acceptance emails will be sent any day now.

>> No.18251038


>> No.18251045

You will never be a woman

>> No.18251054

remarkably stupid image

>> No.18251059

When will women stop asking for it

>> No.18251065
File: 47 KB, 584x413, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to explain?


>> No.18251067


This is absolute bollocks and it's because what women will say is nowhere close to what they do. What sort of bubble do you live in where you don't see this, I'm a solid 5 and I was with a genuine 9/10 for 6 years and I left her. All my friends have had very attractive girlfriends at some point despite none of them being particularly attractive, I have some very attractive girl friends that have been with both very attractive and average men.

Women chat a load of shit but it's not reality, ask them what's the biggest dick they've ever fucked is and they'll all say like 9 despite the fact they've probably never met someone with a 9 inch dick. Posts like this reek of limited life experience.

>> No.18251075


>> No.18251090
File: 91 KB, 1891x977, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18251106

We do not want to be owned.
> We produce one every month


>> No.18251153
File: 202 KB, 856x940, nuwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you basedboys hate women? Why do you want them to deny their biology? Why don't you want them to be happy?

post pics of your feet so i can do a cum tribute

>> No.18251179

Make your goodreads public and post it RIGHT NOW.

If you don't post it within 5 minutes of this post I'll assume your shelves were full of smut and you were trying to clean it up.

>> No.18251198


>> No.18251212

> implying regular male-oriented porn that is not thinly veiled rape exists
Shouldn't you look in the mirror first?

>> No.18251221
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 12D767C1-DE3C-41DA-8E0E-4033D10ACC48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have one of those. Social media is a sham

>> No.18251233

Women have not always been like this. It's due to Westerners' values being corrupted after WWII. There is a way to train women not to be whores. It will be a chapter in my future book.

>> No.18251252
File: 1.10 MB, 2448x3264, 1846c30b370eaecdd7a4cde0a66a57a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikea shark

>> No.18251604

While obviously bait, I think this is a good representation of how many women think. The issue is they're too nearsighted to see that the sort of man they want their child to take care of is not the sort of man that is developed by an increasingly matriarchal society.

>> No.18251635

There probably should be a distinction made between average women and whores. What you're describing is in line with average women.
>all women are whores
Thats just false. Get off social media.

>> No.18251670
File: 434 KB, 1024x680, AAA631BD-02D6-4B72-BB63-240AF060F056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an increasingly matriarchal society.
This is a gag, anon. This is in no way matriarchal. Not even leaning towards an equilibrium of the sexes

>> No.18251684

what do you masturbate to when you think nobody's watching?

>> No.18251745

Technology is the great leveler
None of you morons would be able to voice your opinions and pretend other people cared in a world where actual men still ruled

>> No.18251778 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.31 MB, 2832x4240, 1621146944438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recently, Naughty Lada and Jeny Smith.

>> No.18251870

i don't like porn myself but this is bullshit. little to none of it centres around force or rape. regardless of how you see it (it is agreeably disgusting and unnatural). indeed, professional porn is particularly bad because of the lack of psychological and emotional dimensions to it.

for the women reading that stuff it's psychological, the forcefulness is the hot part. for random porn, the sexual content in whatever form is the hot part, other stuff is is sidelined. porn categories and titles are also kinda irrelevant because they're the same thing (same women even). it's basically clickbait. the only male equivalent is niche shit like ASMR and hentai that focuses on specific fetishes. from what I've noticed most the people who like hentai are fucking autogynephiliacs in some form or another too. porn is really disgusting, cringy, and pathetic. men or women.

btw you cannot watch porn without being a cuck. it is an inherently voyeuristic distortion of your sexuality.

>> No.18251882

>/lit/'s new fetish is having a French man call you Cochon while your horny sister gets off with him
Why are we always trying to outdo /pol/?

>> No.18251961

>There is a way to train women not to be whores.
inb4 "islam is right about women"

>> No.18251991
File: 2.71 MB, 720x1280, women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does getting raped by some hot guy really feel that amazing? are men missing out?

>> No.18252020

butters don't say we
you are not a women

>> No.18252035
File: 365 KB, 1130x554, 1ED3403C-5841-43EC-A4CC-E77350A11EB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a bottom who gets off on incest. And exhibitionist enough to make the whole internet her therapist.

Never speak to me again.

>> No.18252067
File: 3.94 MB, 320x180, 1555205634150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. Pregnancy is a fucking pain in the ass. Imagine your stomach muscles seperating where your inner orgns get expoed thanks to rectus diastasis. Shitting out hemorhites like there is no tomorrow because your organs got reorganized. Having to throw up from smelling your favorite food, not being abel to eat the most nutritous food due to toxoplasmosis gondi and listeria. Having to wake up multiple times a night to piss, unable to fall asleep again. Imagine your biggest and more vulnerable nerv, the ischias, getting fucked with to a degree where your legs just suddenly give up from pain. Being constantly sleepy and low energy, unable to even lift a grocery back without a pelvic base prolapse. Constantly worryin about the health of your child to a degree a man will never be able to just to finally be in pain and existencial angst for 12-38h, getting your cunt and asshole cut open to release the craken and get regular mastities if you don't stuff your burning and bleeding titts in your infants mouth every 2h day and night, plus diaper changes and the fun cholik months.

I mean I love my child, but pregnancy and the stress surrounding the first months makes higher standards for genetic peak performance and the ability to actually provide more than logical. The consequences of a mindless fuck evolutionary can mean death, not only to you but most likely even the kids you produced ib4.

Meanwhile a guy can just squirt out multiple times a day and fuck off wihtout consequences.

>> No.18252082

>trusting posts on r*ddit
Are you senile?

>> No.18252087

>Your lips say no m'lady but your body is more honest
>my hips are moving on their own!
Jesus fucking christ lmao

>> No.18252093

Oh and don't forgetti the vena cava syndrom where you can literally sunset yourself and your child for laying on your fucking back, to roll off from the pain of constantly having to sleep on your left side for 9 months on end.

>> No.18252096

You should sexually assault your sister, its obviously what shes trying to get you to do.

>> No.18252100

I mean the typical commercial porn, the one that is consumed by men in the same volumes as hot romance is by women. It is essentially UH-UH-UH-PENIS IN VAGOO (or something else in its stead in other genres), then poses and closeup angles switch until the timer is off. Some complain about plot — but there is an absence of absolutely everything else, just a simple desire to stick it in the hole as fast as possible. This is basically rape scenario, but with a magical condition that makes a woman pretend that her body says yes (quite unconvincingly in almost every case), and without even rape fantasy scene itself!

I can't remember jerking off to such content in the last decade or so. I honestly don't know what arousal someone who is out of teenage years can feel from Babes with Big Tits vol. 48 or Babes Doing Sexual Acrobatics vol.15. Still, people watch that. Do they actually do it because it's their choice, or are they simply never taught to look for more?

So the question is why men and women consume formulaic rape-like shit again and again.

>> No.18252129

>So the question is why men and women consume formulaic rape-like shit again and again.
If there's one single thing I'm okay with reducing to formula, it's sex. I view my sex drive as an anachronism that I'm unwillingly beholden to, similarly to how my body requires food and water. The difference is that food and water have excellent, direct utility in that they keep me alive. I actively want to deal with sex on a more abstract level because to me it has zero utility. It creates children, which I don't want, and it forms intense bonds and moral obligations which I also want no part of. I've found a couple specific things which excite my basal monkey brain and I cycle through them endlessly. I don't want to give the sexual impulse a gram more of gravitas than it deserves, which is precisely nothing.

>> No.18252131

Great posts. I'm impressed at how well you put it down. How old are you?

>> No.18252134

Just imagine believing that you are simple homo economicus so much.

>> No.18252147

Even if there is something about the human brain which exceeds the sum of its parts, those parts are still components of the whole. If there is something divine about the human spirit, and there may well be, it rests upon a bunch of phenomenal structures composed of material and mundanity with a knowable causality to it.

>> No.18252153

Electra complex and rape fetish exist to allow women to live in patriarchy and serve.

It’s function is social, just like BPD and molestation.

>> No.18252157

No, you don't *know* it, you just *chose* the most bland, safe, and easy model of the world that won't contradict the environment.

>> No.18252167

You'll have to forgive me if I don't agree with your interpretation of my beliefs. There's probably no point in saying this, but you're jumping to conclusions. You don't actually know anything about my beliefs, what they rest on, or how rigorous they are. Your pattern brain is playing tricks on you here.

>> No.18252173

speak for yourself loser
I would be a king at worst

>> No.18252178

That's a lot of words for "I want to be bred rough and hard by chad and men to pay for the abortion afterward".

Your sex drive is there for the purpose of procreation and advancement of the human race jezebel.

>> No.18252183

I'm a guy, you utter retard.

>> No.18252188

How the fuck could you think he was a woman? Holy kek what a moron

>> No.18252192

My hard earned tax dollars are never going towards subsidizing contraceptives for your lascivious lifestyle

I'll be here laughing at your 40 year old childless spinster ass while you pretend to celebrate what the sexual revolution and liberal abortion laws did for your career

>> No.18252197
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x898, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a woman

>> No.18252200

>spread their legs
>get violently beaten and raped

yeah okay

>> No.18252203

>hehe u mad? trololol wait til my buddies on 9gag see these epic screencaps

>> No.18252204

What would *you* know? You're not a woman.

You're conflating rape with the male sexual desire being possessive in nature.

>> No.18252249

>I want to be bred rough and hard by chad and men to pay for the abortion afterward
>I'm a guy
These are not mutually exclusive statements, cuck.

>> No.18252297

Hey, if you want to breed dudes, that's none of my business. I don't see what your weird fetishes and ignorance of basic biology have to do with me though.

>> No.18252376

This is you, don't pretend otherwise


>> No.18252404

So I'm a cuck here >>18252249 but now you're convinced I'm not a cuck but someone else you've disagreed with who's not a cuck but a mother. These ARE mutually exclusive, in case you're having trouble keeping up. You're trying way too hard and I'm just not gonna bite.

>> No.18252418

I need the source on this

>> No.18252429

what's her tiktok?

>> No.18252664

I'll give you the source and that other girl's tiktok if you help me btfo this cuck/tranny/jezebel/person whatever he is here


>> No.18252718

If you haven't figured it out yet, you have mispelled gall

>> No.18252806

No idea about youur beef with the other anon, but I'm certainly not him.

>> No.18252842

I hate you frog fuckers so god damn much

>> No.18252856

He's just butt hurt that my views aren't POGGERS TRADCATH and is trying to get a rise out of me. Unsuccessfully.

>> No.18252861

post her thighs
and yours too :3

>> No.18252862

men watch porn
women read porn

>> No.18252865

Jokes on you, I actually write the porn.

>> No.18252890
File: 26 KB, 500x500, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ugh, I hate you frog fuckers so god damn much."
>She tried to jerk away from him but the damned amphibian was just too strong.
>His 3 foot long tongue, the same wicked appendage that snatched the fly out of the air earlier, darted out to lick away her tears.
>A jolt of electricity shot down her spine at the contact.
>She rubbed her thighs together as wetness pooled between her legs.
>His webbed hands moved past her navel, inching ever closer to the brown curls at the apex of her thighs.
>*If his fingers moved any further, he would surely know...* she thought to herself as she desperately tried to wiggle free.
>As if sensing her arousal, he suddenly dipped one finger into her sex.
>"What's this?" He held up one green finger dripping with her slick. "I thought you hated us frog fuckers!"
>"T-that's just a physical reaction. It means nothing!"

>> No.18252921

Based, how much do you .make a month writing erotica?

>> No.18252938

>girls in public: noooooo rape is Bad goyim you are going to jail if you do it
>girl in head: Chad please rape me
Why woman want to be raped?

>> No.18252947

Are you jealous that your sister probably has sex and you don’t? You can be honest, we are all friends here.

>> No.18252958

>Fuck us for thinking that we deserve someone who is fit and can take care of us
But must women are always involuntary sluts.

>> No.18252960

She's in seventh grade you idiot.

>> No.18252963

Any suggestions for erotica like this?
I really like stories with really conflicted protagonists and slightly sadistic bullying and dominant men
No rape though, that's disgusting only it's dubious consent

>> No.18252966

>implying girls who read that shit have sex
The more fucked up shit she's into the less sexual partners she had, our lord and savior Georges Bataille already warned us of this

>> No.18252980

Not reading philosophy, history or literary fiction.
Your sister is ngmi.

>> No.18252988

>She's in seventh grade you idiot.
>seventh grade
>likes reading pseudo-rape stories with muscle men on the cover
>not a thot
I remember being naive about girls

>Georges Bataille
What should I read to learn more?

>> No.18253008

Can you post the quote or tell us where to find it?

>> No.18253010


>> No.18253013

I'm just referring to Simone's character from the story of the eye

>> No.18253019
File: 76 KB, 220x210, 1621033417545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sister brags about having fucked twice as many men as me on her OnlyFans
>>see who she's fucking
>>all muscle men thumbnails
>>click on random video
>>he grasped both of her wrists and held them above her head
>>"Let me go! I'll scream rape!"
>>he shoved her back against the lockers
>>"Scream all you want sweetheart. Nobody's going to believe the quiet, nerdy girl over the star quarterback"
>>her legs quivered with anticipation
>>Ok let's try this book with a werewolf on the thumbnail
>>"Stop it you're hurting me!"
>>"You're mine!" he cried out as he bit down on her shoulders.
>>her body betrayed her as her core tightened involuntarily at the pain.
>>Okay let's try one of the historical looking vids
>>"M'lord you must let me go, you must! I am betrothed to another."
>>"Your lips say no m'lady but your body is more honest."
>>the delicate folds of her quim glistened with feminine dew. how could she behave so wantonly in front of this man, this stranger?

why do girls do this?

>> No.18253029

Based on what this guy said

I have built the following psychological profile of you.

You are a female, age 18-25. You were shy in high school and never dated. You were into books and not very popular with the other females. Boys who shared your interests were too shy to approach you themselves and therefore you remain sexually inexperienced. Sometimes you wonder if you're really a lesbian, which is why you feel at home pretending to be a guy on a board of guys. But this thread caught your eye because it rekindled some feminine embers within you that you thought had long died out. What's your father, dear? Is he a librarian? Does he stink of vellum? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the -whoops sorry wrong profile.

>> No.18253041

God I hate women so fucking much bros...

>> No.18253043
File: 284 KB, 1150x1443, DSC0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we love you anon ;(

>> No.18253046


>> No.18253051

You will never be a woman, and, as such, please, please let me suck your dick.

If you do have a cunt I'll put forth with my best and try to suck it anyway.

>> No.18253054

Uh I'm just a weirdo tranny virgin who finds erotica hot and have mostly read fanfiction to this point but am considering just reading erotica fiction cause i'm desperate for wish fulfilment atm
I won't lie though, the fact that I like this stuff is incredibly embarrassing so I haven't looked at any novels yet...
You were right about the age and book things ig gj

>> No.18253061

>baby = parasite
Your mother never loved you huh?

>> No.18253066

You will never be a woman, and, congratulations! that is, in fact, a very good thing—women are fucking awful. Be thankful of your masculinity tranny! rejoice! you shall never be a woman.

>> No.18253067

please learn to separate fiction from reality.
I myself is a sexist femdomfag. I think women are inferior to men but at the same time enjoy being dominated by a woman. Although all of that desire fade away immidiately after I cum

>> No.18253084

Knock yourself out


>> No.18253156

I'll read one of these ty anon
Yeah ok whatever
Good for you

>> No.18253171

Since I helped you out can you post a pic of your feet

>> No.18253181
File: 670 KB, 626x593, IMG0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go enjoy.

>> No.18253189

Sorry my feet are way too ugly to post pics
Not mine

>> No.18253191

Post hole

>> No.18253192

post regardless

>> No.18253218

WTF?! How did you get a picture of my feet you perv?!

>> No.18253361

>a parasite for 9 months
The wives are around for a lot longer than that tho

>> No.18253460

Gaul? Who's Gaul?

>> No.18253885

Haha that was great anon, I loled.

>> No.18254962


>> No.18255098

>tfw lit gf

>> No.18255264

>tfw when ugly
>Tfw other ugly girl wants my company
Omg when this ride end?

>> No.18255582


>> No.18255934

All I'm seeing here is that OP's sister rekt him

>> No.18256001

you are a 40 years old hag who spends hours a day attentionwhoring on lit
no one wants you

>> No.18256057
File: 47 KB, 571x548, 8D11B8EE-D6FE-4752-9CDC-DB2966B47FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of fake copypastas about women enjoying being raped is evidence women are whores.
Why do incels have no ability to say “wow this story is totally ridiculous lmao, probably not true”? Imagine being so retarded you think some bait post about women saying they enjoy being raped is real.

>> No.18256105

Kek. Nice bait.

>> No.18256407

I really want to kill you fucking whore.

>> No.18256429

>Why do you basedboys hate women? Why do you want them to deny their biology? Why don't you want them to be happy?
woman hands made this post, and that picture bears an odd resemblance to something some horny hag on twitter would post while continuing to go about her day dumping liberal marxist nonsense without seeing the irony in doing so.

>> No.18256454

Recently I have been reading Gay Korean novels and I must say there are some bangers in there
Current reading one about a vegan who wants to fucks a caveman who can transform into a big bear
Very good,love the world building

>> No.18256689

but seriously folks, such degenerate females should be sent to gaol.

>> No.18256710

based blåhaj

>> No.18256719

I watched redo of the healer with mh sis and she got visibly turned on when the black gay priest was fucking the mc in the ass. Women depraved

>> No.18257396

>going back Home from visiting friends
>i bring the book i'm currently reading to make flight enjoyable
>i sit in the same row as Two mexican cholos
>don't take out book cause i'll know they Will think i'm a nerd and make fun of me
why AM i like this, i'm 27 yo

>> No.18257514
File: 34 KB, 387x334, 4bfc653c81c9eeba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to kill a faithfull wife because she shared the unpleasant reality of pregnancy to bunch of individuals probably never getting near such a situation

>> No.18257602

being a woman sounds awful :(

>> No.18257822
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1555316107921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just part and parcel of being evolutionary successfull. I just think it would be nice if guys wouldn't act like pregnancy is all about buying baby cloths and eating a truckload to feel like they have the shorter end of the stick of parenting and being a human. You're basically becoming a vessel for another human for 9 months and have to completely relegate all your choices for its benefit - if you're not a trash mother. And lets not forgett that the majority of people suddenly think they have a right to speak with you about all kinds of topics which are completely inappropiate like you ceased to be a human with a personality, decency and shame.

>mfw christmas dinner with the whole family suddenly becomes the perfect setting to talk to your husband about how you'll shit during a water birth, how episiotomy is absolutely necessary (because MIL always had to endure them) or questioning you if you have enought adult diapers at hand or grandma can borrow you some for post partum bleeding

>> No.18257957
File: 27 KB, 540x360, CB99EA5A-54B7-4073-85BB-3098FE625FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it hasn’t been posted yet
well, here you go.

>> No.18258084

>Social media is a sham
What is 4chan?

>> No.18258089

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as them. Even in your prime, you were less than their right shoulders, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18258419


>> No.18258461

This guy fucks

>> No.18258492
File: 55 KB, 480x828, IMG_20210514_223751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my bonger gf /lit/

>> No.18258530


Pull your pants down now. Make sure you post indicating you've pulled your pants down so I can spank you.

>> No.18258534

It's me btw (:3)

>> No.18258536

Is that Katya Lischina?

>> No.18258538

Does that mean she’s British?

>> No.18258541
File: 841 KB, 360x360, AB0F6DB4-9F4A-47F1-9337-FEE67DEA0204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18258542



>> No.18258556

*Looks at you and waits for you to pull your pants down*

I'm serious Butterfly. :3

>> No.18258566


>> No.18258571

Very astute buttertranny

>> No.18258619

>they don't remember that Zeus cursed mankind with women

>> No.18258667

Don’t call me that

>> No.18258868

Makes me sad that women get off from the thought of being raped by certain guys but guys like me need to take them on dates and all that gay shit first. I’ll just fuck hookers

>> No.18258884
File: 139 KB, 1052x591, f38c9fb333c05230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wont they fuck a nice guy

>> No.18258890

I’m not talking about that. Anyone can act like a douche to get laid. But women have literal rape fantasies about guys and not being one of them is gay

>> No.18258916

It's not the rape part which makes women wet, it's about being that much desired that a guy can't help himself even if he risks getting publicly executed as a consequence. It' the ultimate compliment - but only from an aesthetic and fit specimen. Getting rapey vipes from fat neckies is just disgusting, because those guys would literally fuck hambeasts just to get their dick wet.

You can archive the same stuff by just being slightly rought with your gf. Pinning her neck to the wall and getting some kissies without fucking asking if you are allowed to. Sadly the majority of men have been raised by retarded single mothers and only learned to be a man by what a post wall whore would like to be treated by a guy which she doesn't feel sexual towards. So of course modern young women are hardcore starvd for masculine men giving them the feeling of being delicate beauties, which couldn't fight off the advances of a strong warrior. Women want to feel smol and weak in the arms of strong and big men. If they can't get it they either become the man or get degeneratly fucked by animals.

>> No.18258965

>>why wont they fuck a nice guy
They live in patriarchy. I mean rape fantasies are pure patriarchy. Come to daddy.

>> No.18258998

Cry harder faggot

>> No.18259111

someone give the source please

>> No.18260109

>burdened [...] with a parasite
Love from Kazakhstan