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/lit/ - Literature

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18224607 No.18224607 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18224613

Someone should have proofread that shirt

>> No.18224614

Was it so hard to wait until the bump limit?

>> No.18224617
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>> No.18224626
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I fucking hate kpoop and kpoop fags. I hope China destroys that degenerate society as soon as possible.

>> No.18224628

one week in no fap

>> No.18224632

I feel like whoever drew this used Brezhnev as a facial model

>> No.18224649

What the hell does this mean:

>> No.18224655
File: 49 KB, 1268x705, Ygritte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European Women >

>> No.18224667

it wasn't hard at all

>> No.18224679

i think a trap wants to have sex with you, anon

>> No.18224719


How dare you use this fucking k-pop picture? These people are really degenerate. Just imagine the pressure of having to walk around like that and pretend to be like them. It's just disgusting and I can see through this repetitive scam. It doesn't pull with me. My brain is already too mature for that, I can see the suffering behind it. I can feel the heartlessness of these people through my screen. This k-pop shit is even worse than Japan.

I don't mind if you look hot but this shit has nothing to do with it anymore. It has nothing to do with taste, it's a trick. Wake up bitch!

Do u see this?

Fuck this shit

>> No.18224728
File: 35 KB, 416x429, 709659_95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kpop bugmen thread pic

These threads are the only thing I still browse and they are ruined by garbage for manchildren.

>> No.18224733

We should have just stuck with the anime op pics.

>> No.18224771

here, that's some real shit!


I have love for the REAL people, not that k-pop shit!!!

>> No.18224780
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>> No.18224783

based (for real)

>> No.18224798

It's some kind of coordinated gimmick posting effort, been a couple months of alternately kpop and anime. They do it in other generals too. Every year or half a year /lit/ has some boring forced meme like this. Just ignore it.

>> No.18224815

The worst thing is the jannies keep deleting sensible alternatives.
The pic of the previous one was actually decent.

>> No.18224866

why the hitler gif? because israel has weapons from germany and uses them? who shot first? I am not familiar with this Middle East conflict. but just saw those tweets with the missiles.

>> No.18224872

Shouldn’t have made an early thread.

>> No.18224881

Jannies come and go. Probably just following the rules autistically and not caring about board culture. Either way, /lit/ has been through worse. If the responses of the spammers to minor setbacks are any indication they are very mentally unwell and anything you could to spite them would be drops in a full bucket.

>> No.18224909
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I fucking hate Kafka, I want to read a fan-fic about Kafka manning up for once in his fucking life.

>> No.18225142

I have been shitposting and browsing 4chan for 5 hours now. I will now resume reading

>> No.18225169
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>> No.18225202

You ever write a post, sit back and think. Man, how many people go through these threads in a day and read my post. Did it have an effect on them? Did they feeling anything? Did it change their life? That's how I feel when I see a thread get archived and I get no replies. It's like a never ending book. If you publish a book, how do you know if it changed anything at all? Either change is slow or society just evolves so quickly that change is the same as no change.

>> No.18225406

Chill, obviously it has a huge impact on a lot of people. Everything I read on /lit/ I filter through my head and think about it for at least 2 seconds. For posts that I like or that occupy me, the time is between 1 and 10 minutes. Also, I don't answer everything I like and I often laugh at posts. not because they're bad, but because I have my own sense of humor. but I don't make fun of the people here, I feel sorry for some of them. If it comes off like this, it's not meant to be serious, it's part of my writing style to make something more entertaining.

>> No.18225470

It's interesting to see people post on social media about Israel and Palestine. These are the same people that hopped on whatever bandwagon social justice trend has occurred in the past year.

I wonder if this will be turned into an antisemetic thing eventually. I think both sides are shitty and have done awful things, but that area of the world will always be at war because of the Holy Lands.

>> No.18225481

I have a race of various monsters with a mysterious origin, who can't climb anything, is it important that I somehow explain why or have some sort of theme behind it or can I just leave it at that? I really just need it as an excuse for worldbuilding that builds on their limitation.

>> No.18225486

I think the Holy Lands is an interesting concept. Those people who started the war aren't even around anymore and yet the fighting goes on anyways. It makes me feel like all the education I gained growing up amounts to nothing to the odd problems of reality.

>> No.18225528

Why are my threads always ignored? This place is like real life after all.

>> No.18225532

her top says:
>"I like when a boy makes me feel life a woman and alittle girl at the same time"
>makes me feel life a woman
>alittle girl

>> No.18225542

I spoke for two hours today with a woman that I have had a crush on for longer than maybe anyone else. It was for purely professional reasons and she's older than me, but I realized that I was nervous like if I were on a date. Thoughts of her consume me. I hope there's a resolution to this. I hope this doesn't get out of hand.

>> No.18225559

obviously u have to put more effort into them

>> No.18225576

How can I write humor if I'm a painfully unfunny person?

>> No.18225593
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>a picture wroth a thousand words

>> No.18225599

I read in Atomic Habits about that a few comedians. Just start writing jokes every day and improving upon them slowly. Something like it's amount of content over trying to create one good one or something. Either that or it was Deep Work. Either way, same thing.

>> No.18225605

Something feels different about this particular Israel-Palestine conflict flare up. And it has nothing to do with the specifics of the case I would argue, nothing to do with how it started or how either side responded. One is tempted to think this is just another futile misery-go-round of the violence carousel, with neither side able to deal the killing blow or willing to capitulate to the other's demands, ensuring that the same bloody holding pattern remains indefinitely. What is different about the current moment is how the internet and in particular smart phones and rapid video content upload factors in. The internet is once more showing its power as an amplifier of chaos. The ubiquity of smartphones guarantees that anything of note is recorded, providing both sides with ideological ammunition on top of the piles of physical bullets, rockets and bombs. Ignorance is the great peacekeeper. There can be no outrage where there is no awareness. As with so much these days the internet is the connective tissue binding world events and making knowlege of hostilities more widespread, thereby spreading it further.

>> No.18225663

I keep having dreams about being mauled by a dog. This time I was going to some slavic country like Ukraine or Russia and as I got out of the plane I was attacked by this cross breed between a chihuahua and a german shepherd with 6 legs.

>> No.18225738

Word of advice fren, in case anything happens, just kick the fuck out of the dog

>> No.18225743

>cross breed between a chihuahua and a german shepherd

That sounds extremely painful

>> No.18225751

The "Little Dark Age" video by MGMT is mostly about a tranny, right?

>> No.18225755
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>> No.18225774
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For one, every leftoid in my third world country has always hated "zionists" but are too scared to call out all jews. Right wing fags are mostly catholic and can't stop sucking jew cock.
Me? I just want Tel Aviv to burn.

>> No.18225775

Its always been trendy for the more 'hardcore' lefties to support Palestine. The never go as far to truly criticize Israel, just give support to Palestinians.

>> No.18225778

I wish I could listen to music as transcendentally as Proust did. I rarely experience these vast worlds of sound and emotion that rise up out of the notes like he does. Few works of music do that for me.

>> No.18225793

I don't find reading fun at all, to me it's all a big game to attain absolute mastery.

>> No.18225800


>> No.18225813

It is well past a reasonable time for bed, but getting 3-5 hours of sleep is pretty normal by now. I have work to do, but instead, I waste hours here. About the only constructive thing outside of work that I've done today was get a second bookshelf put together. Now, I can be one of those edgy fucks who has a "private study", instead of just two bookshelves in the living room like a normal person. Not that private means much, given that nobody visits.
However, I was reminded that the universe does have a sense of humor. I recently received a package called "The A-Z of Classical Music", which has this giant book of composers, musicians, and musical terms. I opened the book to a random page and the first term I spotted was "fagott" "Bassoon" in German
I guess I'll turn in for the night.

>> No.18225835


>> No.18225875

Why the fuck are gays more attracted to me than women? If I can't find a girl that mires my abs as much as the homos do I'm switching teams

>> No.18225940

>thinking about switching teams at all
Because hey (both) sense your fagginess bro

>> No.18225960

do go for the adrogynous/non-binary folk then, if she sounds like woman, looks like one, sits like a man and has a feminine penis. I don't think that's too gay.

>> No.18226015

I wish I was a fag. It would eliminate maybe 80% of my problems

>> No.18226059

I can feel my empiricist mindset slipping away and it is at the junctions that psychoanalysis investigates which are the issue: death and sexuality. I can only think of the word 'spirit' when I encounter these two impossible subjects. They seem to have been ignored or misunderstood in my previous framework and now they stare my directly in the face.

>> No.18226085

I got banned for making a thread with the word "vaccine". On my mind is this: Fuck you janitor.

>> No.18226107

I'm seriously starting to get afraid of starting a thread on /lit/ because the jannies are so unaccountable. Last time I got banned was for posting a thread about the Transgender Industrial Complex book, and I don't know why.

>> No.18226160

Jannies are trannies

>> No.18226188

KEK there's now a bunch of retired US generals signing a letter criticizing Biden and calling the election illegitimate. Just like the Spanish generals and the French generals. Holy fuck we might get a wave of military coups in the West.

>> No.18226189

Women are only genuinely horny when they're ovulating and that is increasingly rarer as they take contraceptives.

>> No.18226206

how do you approach introducing a character's superpower(s)?
like say if one character has multiple superpowers, if I dump the whole list in the beginning, it will be obviously bad, expository and lack surprises
but if I introduce a superpower one by one when the situation calls for it, readers probably will accuse of asspull and such

>> No.18226225

Only an American, someone so utterly inculcated into a society that worships TV, could ever think that a picture is worth a thousand words

>> No.18226233

All I can write is erotica. At first all I did was write my most depraved fantasies down to get them out of my head. This was the only time I felt any kind of "compulsion" to write that many professional writers speak of. Try to write creatively was always a strain. I have many ideas in my head but when it comes time to write them down I find it so tedious and uninteresting I abandon my stories in chapter 1. I think it is because I spend too long mulling the ideas over in my mind, so that they are boring to me before I even start to write them.

This doesn't happen with erotica though. I have recurring fantasies, but they're different each time because I'm not hung up on the details as much. I just let my dick guide me. This means every erotic story I write is unexplored territory in a way, and writing it can be exciting. I can spend hours writing tens of thousands of words for erotica and forget to eat. Meanwhile I find writing 30 minutes continuously for my serious stories to be a daunting task.

So what I started doing was blending erotica with other genres. I started writing erotically charged adventure stories, or erotic comedic short stories, erotic sci-fi, whatever. And you know what? It fucking worked. I wrote a 40,000 word novella that started as an erotic short story about an explorer, and it barely had any sex or erotic content in it. I also have a 25,000 word fantasy short story, and a 29,000 sci-fi one. I've never been able to produce this much writing on a single idea before, and what they all have in common besides erotica is that they weren't based on any of my previous ideas. I just started writing and made it up as I went.

I've been doing it wrong all these years. Fuck planning, just fucking write.

>> No.18226235

I Have No Butthole And I Must Poop

>> No.18226240

Oh yay? Then how many?

>> No.18226247

Imagine being an Iroid...


>> No.18226263

Is this true? Heard it before, but never looked into it.

>> No.18226270

based. it's time to pull out

>> No.18226345
File: 138 KB, 960x960, 1580965535966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black * K-fag nonsense *

"I like when a boy
makes me feel LIFE
a woman and a little girl
at the same time

It's all so tiresome, pic semi-related

>> No.18226368

I think i might be covert narcissist. That would explain quite a lot.

>> No.18226387

Most of America is, don't feel bad about it

>> No.18226397

Why do you assume he's American

>> No.18226408

Because you like men

>> No.18226415

I do!

>> No.18226424

the only way to write heroes is to turn to the greeks. read pindar, ovid, euripides. avoid the drivel of comics.

>> No.18226459

>I was going to some slavic country like Ukraine
>cross breed between a chihuahua and a german shepherd with 6 legs
Chernobyl maybe?

>> No.18226705

Nah, americans are sociopaths

>> No.18226715
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>I hope China destroys that degenerate society as soon as possible.

>> No.18226860
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Should I create a personal goal of books to read in a certain number of months?

>> No.18226864


>> No.18226971
File: 59 KB, 820x652, grooving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like JRPG's but i cannot stop listening to the FFVI soundtrack, it's truly a masterpiece:

>> No.18226982

Jannies hate it when you make a thread about Existential Comics
Smack her ass and grab her left tit. 100% foulproof method, always works

>> No.18226988
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gastropods fire a hormone laced harpoon at one another to determine who's gonna be the male during mating

>> No.18226995

>Last time I got banned was for posting a thread about the Transgender Industrial Complex book, and I don't know why.
Probably because a book about politics is still about politics and would therefore belong on /pol/. I don't really know what the metric is, but I'm completely in favor of that absolute gutter-tier trash getting zapped. Believe it or not, there are people here who don't give a shit about BOLIDIGS or TRANNY BAD and just want to discuss literature.

>> No.18227002

Then why do Tocqueville threads survive?

>> No.18227011


>> No.18227021

Bought a cheap vintage telescope a few days ago because it looked cool. I realized how much fun it is to look out at the city (I live in a high building so I can see a large portion of it from here). So many details in the world. Cool toy.

>> No.18227022

How the fuck should I know?

>> No.18227025

I believe I have seen God and Yeshua.

>> No.18227113

palestine is the meme of the month. Much like in the case of hong kong, the liberals who support the protestors have no idea what is going on or who supports whom. I am pro-palestine but I detest this reddit behavior of supporting protestors just because they see kids crying on the streets.

>> No.18227125

I did see a ferris wheel in my dream.

>> No.18227130

Totally poggers post bruh

>> No.18227145

tf does this even mean

>> No.18227146

The dog
He destroyed his face
The dog is out

>> No.18227147
File: 2.05 MB, 320x180, These are Israelis dancing and celebrating at the burning of the al-Aqsa compound, home to one of the most sacred sites in Islam. This is not a country we should be supporting.-v8vdrjnu5jy61 (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of diaspora Jews side with Palestine too. Jews are rather schizophrenic

>> No.18227157 [DELETED] 

Nigger, nigger, nigger. KFC for dinner.

>> No.18227161

You said politics books belong to /pol/ and that's why he probably got banned, but there are many politics books that don't get you a ban.

>> No.18227192

Maybe those other books don't immediately and irrevocably devolve into single line shitpost wars full of wojaks and other image macros. I don't have an answer for you because I don't know the metric.

>> No.18227444

consumer price index is up 4.2% in april, highest surge since 2008, insane! used car costs up 10% highest jump in recorded data.

>> No.18227472

Bout to smash a load of strawberry pierogi. Yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yum

>> No.18227485

Why are prices increasing? Is there lower production? Or higher demand? Because people don't go in holidays? What's happening?

>> No.18227490

Anyone who claims to offer more than conjecture is overstepping themselves.

>> No.18227692

>economy grows
>price increase
>economy slows
>price increase

>> No.18227698

Lucky anon

>> No.18227791

why are so many people into cuckold porn? the mom ntr stuff baffles me

>> No.18227902 [DELETED] 

the government refuses to increase interest rates and they are sending checks of free cash to both businesses and workers, when there is more money, but the same or lower production, then prices increase. it's simple supply and demand. there is more money, but not more stuff, therefore the stuff costs more. your school didn't require econ classes as part of gen ed reqs?

>> No.18227922 [DELETED] 

inflation is well understood. the government paid workers more to stay home and do nothing than to work. those workers produced nothing, but have more money to spend. more money chasing less stuff means prices so go up. same thing happened with quantitative easing under obama. essentially the standard of living is dropping, but it doesn't feel as bad cuz everyone's bank account is full of rapidly depreciating cash.

>> No.18227934 [DELETED] 

the price only increases when the economy slows if the government prints cash to cover it up, i.e. quantitative easing and ppp "loans" that don't have to be paid back etc.

>> No.18228040

inflation is well understood.

>> No.18228159

Inflation is not natural, it's one of the weapons used to control the working class.

>> No.18228164

Money isn't natural you dingus

>> No.18228191
File: 6 KB, 244x206, 1609945627662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys ever feel completely beat down by life
and in that moment all you feel is endless pain
and you realize there's nothing you can do about it at all
you just have to sit there and wait for it to go away

>> No.18228244 [DELETED] 

Not him but inflation would exist without money. I Sneed produces ten times the feed than last year and wants to exchange feed for Chuck's seed, Chuck (knowing Sneed have a lot of feed) will ask ten times more feed for his seed.

Also inflation and deflation would almost not exist if money was created proportionally to the goods actually produced, because money is a tool of exchange of goods in the first place because the buying power would grow with supply of goods.
They use money to make funny joke numbers go up and down at will.

>> No.18228280

Not him but inflation would exist without money. If Sneed produces ten times the feed than last year and wants to exchange feed for Chuck's seed, Chuck (knowing Sneed have a lot of feed) will ask ten times more feed for his seed.

Also inflation and deflation would almost not exist if money was created proportionally to the goods actually produced, because money is a tool of exchange of goods in the first place.

They use money to make funny joke numbers go up and down at will.

>> No.18228282
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>> No.18228289

That's a difference in kind and also why the gubment tries to direct how much of each crop is produced.

>> No.18228290

recommend me types of exercise for to undo my gut. I'm considering muay thai, because it gives a real kind of goal to the exercise (not getting beat up). I think that without a goal I will not carry through. And I hate jogging.

>> No.18228300

Why in the hell do people subscribe to a school of philosophy?
Philosophy is and ever was the search for truth in life but contrary to science the only definitive "proof" is history. So why is it then that people subscribe to any one of these as if they have all the answers? As if any one group's perspective on life can be considered "The Truth"
I'm not trying to disparage those that do as if they're all fools and I am the enlightened one. Currently I'm seeking to find a way to take all of these contextual frames of reference for the philosophers and make sense of it on the scale of causality so even if I were to subscribe to one, I cannot get as invested in it as other's can and thus I wish to know their perspectives on the matter.

>> No.18228311

Hello bro


>> No.18228316

tell me about it

>> No.18228326

I'm pretty sure they all want to kill themselves

>> No.18228361
File: 67 KB, 625x415, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ff9t5uh.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scarred by life when I was 5 and beaten by it when I was 12.
I found when life beat me down, that I was taken to the edge. Y'know, the one that has a gun pointed at your head or looking up ways to rename a hangman's noose as to not get flagged by google. First trip was when I was 15, and assuming you don't kys you more or less get a free pass as the shock is it's own price of admission. After that, life provided the trips for free, every day finding something new to break me and send me back. The trip back however always cost something. Usually something small at first, some sleep, some stability, some time. But with each repeated trip, it costs more and more, your smile, your grip on reality, your ability to form connections, your future. Each time taking away more of what makes you a person.
By the time I was 17, I had already had about twenty or so trips and calling me a husk of a human being wouldn't be too incorrect. Instead of a trip back from the edge, I just waited outside the entrance knowing life would come for me again, and again, and again.
So I'd say I know.
That said,
When I was 21, I'd gone back so many times that I'd basically lived there. I sold my future, my love, and my emotions (not that I had many to begin with). There was another way out, and that's by someone covering the cost for you. A friend, a lover, family even, willing to inconvenience themselves for your sake to bring you back on your feet. But nobody was coming to save me so I learned another way.
In the small bits of respite between life sending another shitstorm my way, I would grow stronger. I'd read, I'd learn, I'd grow as a human being. The strength you get from facing countless hardships and tragedies is worth more than society can ever impart upon you. I remembered all those people I pulled back from the edge over the years, watched where their lives were going, took my own lessons to them to heart. Three years later and it's still going, two weeks ago I lost my job, got ghosted by my best friend, and was on the verge of being homeless all in the span of week. But even then I refused to back down, to be pushed back. After some destressing at the gym, I summoned the will to push through and I'm more than ready for whatever evil scheme life can concoct to continue it's trend of one-upping itself. Unlike those days where I sold my being for another shot at life, I'll never be broken again.
And I still have faith in the grace of God.

>> No.18228371

can't handle their energy desu

>> No.18228380

Ok I didn't have a big gut at winter but I mostly got rid of it through abdominal crunch, V-ups and the works

>> No.18228383

If you hate exercise just go on a diet.
The only thing that matter with regards to your gut is body fat percentage, and the only way to get that down is calorie deficit.

>> No.18228384

>4chan has a bunch of fat fucks
>They all get motivated to get healthy
>/fit/ is created
>/fit/ turns their wasted energy into results
>With /fit/ bodies they have more energy than ever
>But they're still on 4chan and usually lonely
>That excess energy is spent masturbating
>But they only really go on /fit/ nowadays
>The tragedy of body rate threads happens
>Now theres a lot of /fit/ fags
I think a lot of boards here can have a full sociology case study written about them.
Also just go to /fit/ there's some good not gay threads full of encouraging and kind anons.

>> No.18228401

Not him but
>Be autist
>Can't eat anything I don't have a craving for
>Will quite literally starve if I don't eat something I actually want
>Everything I want is a calorie monster
>Not enough to make me fat
>But just enough to make a calorie deficit nearly non-existent
I've got an ever so slight pudge I'm trying to get rid of and I can exercise it away, but I wanna go ottermode and not having a deficit before then makes that damn near impossible.

>> No.18228402
File: 162 KB, 1600x1000, pensive-man-1248056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot niggers i dont like
jews suck like vampy bats
both suck like fucking queers
i fucking hate billy gates
you stupid cunts really wanna test me
i dont fist fight i slang machetes
i dont low kick i draw quick
i dont fistcufd i headbutt
i dont believe in fighting blacks
they gang you like fiends on crack
i do believe in killing jews
palestinians do too
the usa is a sateillite
of the zionist kikehive
that insurance company won't pay me
they want compensation for stealing fromthelaiety
pay the court and abnegate
ill burn your office and expactorate
you cunts really test me
united states of cockmeat
show up at my fuckibg door
i'll beat you bloody craving more
don't approach me with that needle sir
i'll turn around with the steel sir

>> No.18228410

It's pretty shit man, your flows are all over the place, rhyming barely exists or is outright forced, and the subject matter sounds more like you have a lot of misdirected anger than genuine disdain for the mentioned groups. It more or less sounds like an internet extremist doing a rewrite of a hood song about pulling out your gat because some guy who is literally your neighbor said hi, but he's wearing blue instead of red.

>> No.18228430

i dont carei didnt ask
you suck dick
and huff anal gas

>> No.18228438
File: 128 KB, 393x381, 1603487720856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pretending to be a retard, anon.

>> No.18228460
File: 593 KB, 960x789, 1592983706257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your consciousness emerges from a specific arrangement of matter, then there is a nonzero possibility matter will in the future be arranged once again in the exact same pattern that gave birh to your consciousness, or even that some supercomputer might deliberately arrange it so.

We're all going to make it, bros.

>> No.18228502

It's a very awkward story. I wish I could go into detail.

>> No.18228517

I'm almost 30 years old and I have no idea what to do with my life. I also have enough wealth to be semi-retired. I don't know what to do in my position, I've always been lazy, indifferent, and non-commital, but I fear I'm going to go through life without figuring anything out. Where should I start /lit/?

>> No.18228535

Give your wealth to me.

>> No.18228537


>> No.18228539

have kids

>> No.18228545

Planning on it, but I feel like there should be something else. Maybe not though.

>> No.18228566

>turn to the greeks. read pindar, ovid, euripides

>> No.18228578

nice pic, OP

>> No.18228613

Stop trying to give me a boner, it's fucking up my reading.

>> No.18228769

ive seen way worse webms of the same thing as this. This one isnt actually that bad or maybe its just the poor gif quality hiding her ugly side?

>> No.18228771 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18228775

Want to FUCK this chink pig

>> No.18228793

I want to fuck a femboy and let him ejaculate in my mouth

>> No.18228849

What does /lit/ think about the Israel-Palestine conflict?

>> No.18228885
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femboys are with Palestine

>> No.18228889

Semi-retire and pursue whatever passions you might have. I would give anything to be in your position.

>> No.18228893

Heartbreaking. Crazy that the world allowed the Jews to build a country because "their ancestors lived there 3000 years ago" tho.

>> No.18228894

We are all anonymous, embarrassment doesn't exist here

>> No.18228928

>materialist explanation for reincarnation
Gross and cringe

You can treat your eating disorder

I could write a thousand words on any painting, easily, and there would still be a lot left unsaid.

Absolute mastery? Absolutely masturbatory

>> No.18228937

>You can treat your eating disorder
Brain damage is not an eating disorder...

>> No.18228939

Everything I don't like is bait.

>> No.18228952

Any of you actually make any sort of income from your writing?

If so, please tell me about it.

>> No.18228964

nothing gets by you anon

>> No.18228994
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>> No.18229002
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love this guy, he's very smart like me

>> No.18229012

>pursue whatever passions you might have. I

I don't know what those are. I also feel like I'm interested in too many things and can't focus on something enough to become excellent at it.

>> No.18229018

Am the only human witness to the experience.

>> No.18229026
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I'm looking forward to seeing him call crystal ball a nazbol pipeline puppet master to her face when he accepts Kyle's invite.

>> No.18229057 [DELETED] 

read about that african king who brought his massive gold reserve through egypt on the way to hajj, it caused depression in gold value in egypt for generations which is to say inflation as everything else got more expensive relative to gold. i think it was mansa musa, but i can't be bothered to google shit for some kid who never took an econ class

>> No.18229067

I moved to a foreign country to teach English and consciously decided to not bring a computer/buy a television/etc. It took the extreme contrast between living a high-wealth tech-connected life in America and a low-tech, low-wealth lifestyle in Asia for me to really be able to differentiate between the veil of maya and "reality".

Life slows down, small pleasures become more beautiful, the colors seems brighter - everything becomes more concrete, in ways that are hard to describe with any sort of brevity. And god, oh god, the pussy.

>> No.18229097

I'm wealthy enough to not have to teach English to chinks.

>> No.18229107

Yeah, me too, that's what I did it. It's an easy way to get a long-term visa, is the easiest job in the world, helps you get to know the people and the language, and is only suitable for someone who already has money because it gets absolutely no respect from any employer back in your home country.

I implore you to consider it. What other options are you thinking about?

>> No.18229116
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I'm thinking about how folk knowledge when alienated from its source and rediscovered in isolation somehow gains this bitter taintedness.
Specifically, I'm thinking about the trad shit I see on here and on /fit/, and I'm thinking about rebbit's female dating strategy sub.
The dudes thing seems to be eschewing spending time with women who they sense are not interested in starting a family, pursuing a committed and serious relationship, in favor of this ideal of the wheat field flower dress girl. And I get it- that's the universal male fantasy, right?
And for girls, it's this concept that dudes are not living up to the archetype that they should, and somehow they're congregating on reddit and sharing that the archetype is real and that they're disappointed with the way modern dudes have come up short.
OK. Both of these are justified, or at least justifiable, but they contain a serious amount of hatred for the other gender.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I remember that growing up in a liberal-ass area (see pic), whatever propaganda came through around how dudes should expect a promiscuous career woman and how women should settle for a weed-addicted porn addict gamer boy, my parents still taught us the real shit. I was heavily encouraged to pursue a real ass chick, and my sister was heavily encouraged to pursue a real ass dude, and we all kind of knew that the shit happening out there in the world propaganda stage was bullshit. So me and my sister both share the ideas of these random communities, but both of us tend to enjoy the company of the other gender and manage to have wholesome relationships with our SOs that are untainted by toxicity or brutal expectations. It just really helps us select who we have these times with.
Did these people not receive this folk knowledge from parents and siblings? What is it about discovering it late in life, when you probably heard it countless times growing up, that makes them so bitter and shitty?
I think the bitterness and the shittiness is a clear sign of not having internalized the principles they claim to believe in. Classic projection formation.

>> No.18229118

You are too connected and bombarded by external stimulus to the point you don’t know who you are. Take a weekend, or just an evening, go into nature, bring nothing other then supplies to survive for however long your stay. Spend the weekend/trip in retrospection about everything

>> No.18229127

This is incredibly based life, what language do you teach? I have an interest in doing something similar with Japanese if I could ever get good enough with it

>> No.18229161

I'm officially employed at the university now, which has always been my dream. Even got the certificate for the Coroni vaxxine. Alas, it's just a tutoring position for newbies. It's plenty cool I got it but I don't feel like I deserve the "uni employee" label.

Other than that my girlfriend's finally gonna be back in the country in July. I wonder how much Polish I could learn in six weeks to impress her Polish mum?

>> No.18229167

For me, it was Chinese (in China). I already spoke some Chinese, enough to get around, and made it my goal from day 1 to get fluent, which I consider myself to have done. I am back in the States now and honestly I sort of wish I hadn't come back.

I don't think I would recommend Japanese, since it's a very wealthy country so it's not too likely that you'll get the experience you're looking for, desu. China is still very much a wild west in a lot of ways.

Also, if you are willing to commit to learning it when you get there and can deal with being embarrassed, misunderstood frequently, etc, you can go to a country without speaking much of the language and do fine. And with Asian languages, generally speaking, you're never going to get to the "good enough with it"-level you're describing until you go there and you'll probably just defer your departure indefinitely. If you want to do it, bite the bullet and go - the younger you are when you do this, the better.

But do definitely read about the culture and social "rules" before you go, make some friends, get a language tutor (paid or, even better, just exchange English practice for your target language), etc and really jump in and try to participate in life there as much as possible. Don't hang around with expats, for the sake of your language development and, more importantly, because most of them are weirdos, honestly.

Vietnam is apparently the best place for this nowadays - I have no first-hand experience of that, but the sentiment seems widespread.

>> No.18229215

are the GME redditors hoping to create a financial crisis?

>> No.18229232

What country? How old were you when you moved? If I can ask...

>> No.18229241

Do you think you could have fully assimilated in China if you really wanted to? I’ve heard China is a lot worse than other places in that regard.

>> No.18229250

See my response here:
I went when I was 23. The pay is also not as bad as you might think - ~$3k a month after taxes, which is actually pretty big money in China. I don't know if foreigners are allowed in right now because of the coronavirus, but if it's possible, I'd recommend it. China can be frustrating at times, but also charming in its own ways.

>> No.18229291

Would you still go if you had been older? I’m 28 but I’ve been out of University for only a few years. I’ve wanted to do this but just never could and then by the time I was ready, covid shut everything down.

>> No.18229307

I don't believe it is possible to fully assimilate from one country to another outside of silly examples like US to Canada or Belgium to the Netherlands, but it's true that you will be very much a foreigner for your whole time in China, whether you learn the language or not, but this is true for all of Asia.

I don't think this is bad and didn't mind it, but don't think that you'll ever be someone's "friend", free of an additional adjective - you'll be their "American/foreign friend", which is slightly different.

>> No.18229315

I see. That’s a little disappointing given where we are. What if one day you wanted to sell some books in Chinese or something? It’s to be expected regardless I guess.

>> No.18229326
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woke up out of bed this morning and immediately jotted this bit down I remembered from my dream involving the israel-palestine conflict:

>" *idf guy voice* woah maybe not so much using of the big bullets moisham? Maybe using the smaller bullets for the baby sniping my friend. I'm just saying it's a big expensive bullet to be using for such a tiny baby target.

what do you guys think is this hackneyed territory

I also have a smaller note under it that I don't remember writing that just says
>Rock Proof Vests
and another that says
>bullet shaving: time honored idf tradition of scraping off as much metal from the bullet as they can get away with, to be sold later. No use wasting all that extra expensive metal my friend

>> No.18229330

Do you imagine on your deathbed you will gasp out "I wish I hadn't gone to Asia, experienced a totally different style of life, learned a new language, slept with lots of women, and had to sacrifice 1 out of my 40 years of my career in my home country"? Just go - it is unlikely to do your career any real harm and you can come back at any time. There is absolutely no reason not to do it if you are curious, unless you are on some sort of extremely strict career path, which it sounds like you aren't, which is true of 99%+ of people.

>> No.18229334 [DELETED] 
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Tense question, appreciate any help.
>Here she cut through the dust. In staggering steps, in a crawl on all fours, she moved through the waste.
>The desert is ancient. Here and there a sapling emerged, or a new creek wound through the dirt, or a pure snowfall desaturated the terrain, but you will never find a fresh desert. A land denuded into a landscape extraordinary in simplicity. Plains. Dunes. Or, a landscape extraordinary in complexity. Hoodoos, arches, soaring yardangs. Never facile. It strives, it yearns to make living impossible. By nature and definition the desert is parched, depriving any unfortunate inhabitants of that which is essential for life, and flooding them with that which is harmful.

So the story is third person past tense, this is rough draft my introduction. The second paragraph is clearly full of present tense, but changing it to past doesn't make sense to me. (The desert WAS ancient(?)/ It strove, it yearned to make living impossible(?)) When I'm trying to express general statements of the nature of the desert, shouldn't it be present tense? I can't quite figure it out, thanks for any help.

>> No.18229341

my mind is shifting and lost, i know of reality, but what is it to begin with?

>> No.18229409

No but as someone who’s regretted pretty much every big decision I’ve made to this point, you can understand that I’m a little apprehensive to make big decisions from here on out.

>> No.18229456

>what do you guys think is this hackneyed territory

>> No.18229491
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I never felt ambitious, energetic, young and strong.
t. 32yo

>> No.18229493

>Did these people not receive this folk knowledge from parents and siblings?
Yeah probably. I think a lot of people receive the message from their parent that any romantic relationship is adversarial, either directly or indirectly. But also the "wheat field flower dress girl" is not a real ass chick, she is literally a cartoon and figuratively the fantasy of men who are fed up with "modernity" while still completely living in it.

>> No.18229499

Autism isn't brain damage and what you are describing is in fact an eating disorder

>> No.18229503

That's why we want to know.

>> No.18229504

Those sections where he talks about art are incredible

>> No.18229571

what's worse? straigh up porn, or very lewd asmr?

>> No.18229599

The latter, because you might trick yourself into thinking you're experiencing intimacy

>> No.18229647

the heckin modern world I tell you hwat

>> No.18229705

>got a youtube ad for an investment firm
>they want to MAKE ME RICH
>literally had a disclaimer saying 70+% of amateur investors hiring this firm lose money and that I should beware
some kind of system works.

>> No.18229756

guess you're right.
But intimacy is what gets me off. I actually had a gf not long ago. She was into rape roleplay, which I couldn't get into, ultimately making her dump me.
Thinking of it now, the idea is hot, but back then I was into the love making shit and just couldn't do it.

>> No.18229849

What about a smartphone?

>> No.18229861
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>> No.18229883
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It's been funny watching far left types side with Palestine, especially since there are a lot of Palestinians on twitter unrionically quoting/praising Hitler for killing Jews. I think it would be long before antifa starts praising Hitler lol.

>> No.18229922

there's a lot of hitler love among middle eastern jews, typically more socially conservative and in favor of brutalizing palestinians, against european jews, typically more socially liberal and typically looking for a two-state solution.
Our american ways of conceiving political boundaries and history are so not useful outside of our own country

>> No.18229930

>a transexual man wants to molest you
>lucky you

>> No.18229989

>"I like when a boy makes me feel LIFE a woman and a little girl at the same time"
Profound sadness, japs can't learn english for shit.

>> No.18230212
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I'm mad, I'm so very mad. When I'm mad I can't think, I can't work, I can't enjoy, I'm simply enraged by the world's stupidty and injustice, I therefore become partial to acting stupid and unjust myself, perhaps in the chance to understand the world by becoming more like it. Then I hate myself like I hate the world, I hate this sentiment and I desire once again to overcome it, to be intelligent and seren, not let myself go in this process, to restore hope in myself and everything else. But it's of no use if the world remains the same. I want to change it but I can't.

I'm in the minority, I disagree, I simply disagree with mostly everyone. I don't want to take sides because I don't see myself in either side, I don't want to not take sides either, because I can't allow all of this potential to be constrained by these two or three lies while I stay silent. I want to present another point of view, a new and fresh point of view unlike any other. But the world only knows itself as it is and immediately call me out. They mistake what I defend for the side that they hate or pretend that what I bring has no side to it at all.

I'm taken by a sense of humility that says not only that I can't change the world, but that I wouldn't be able to recognize what's best for it, that I'm no better than the next idiot. But I know what I don't want and it's all around me. I'm taken also by a sense of shame, by the thought that I'm too old to rebel and too young to conform. That I should have known better by now, however I'm struck just the same, surprised just the same, impotent just the same that from when I was teenager.

Damn you world. I want to save you, but you don't want to be saved. I want to save myself from you, but I'm too stubborn to forget your illness or to pretend I don't know how to savour the scent of happiness that blooms out of your concrete. I could make you crack open in freedom, if only you'd listen. And so I hate you.

>> No.18230267
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If the next semester is online again I will just freeze, I can't take this shit anymore.
I wanted to graduate within the first 5 years as it is supposed to be, and I know that I could have done that if it wasn't for this lockdown shit that ruined everything.

>> No.18230309


I think many of these people have really bad parents who don't give them any guidance on how to live, or the guidance they do give is really bad and confusing, so they go searching online for things that they think could fix what's wrong with their family situation

>> No.18230355

>I want to present another point of view, a new and fresh point of view unlike any other
Let's hear it then

>> No.18230398

I can’t take working in an office anymore. I’m just not cut out for this. Problem is, I don’t know what the hell else I’m going to do now after all this time.

>> No.18230405

Why don't political leaders have cool crazy wild sci-fi ideas any more? It's all so boring now, politicians are just accountants for neoliberalism, the most boring yet stubbornly stable ideology in history.

> Stalin ordered leading Russian scientists to develop a half human-half ape hybrid. He is quoted, in state-controlled Moscow papers, as saying “I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.” Accordingly, in 1926, the Politburo put the Soviet Academy of Science to the task of creating a ‘living war machine’.

Stalin’s ape-men, of “immense strength, but with an underdeveloped brain”, were to be utilised in strengthening Russia’s industry and building railroads, in addition to the obvious military applications. The experiments were led by Ilya Ivanov, a prominent Soviet scientist, and expert in animal husbandry. Despite numerous tests involving captured chimpanzees, Ivanov was unsuccessful, leading ultimately to his arrest and exile to Kazakhstan.

>> No.18230408

fascinating. they have no sense for the cultural zeitgeist tho?

>> No.18230433

The mechanical retention of which I
sweet dreams are made of this time
conducted through instrumental gauges inside
reality time warps as I hit subscribe
the momentum occasions have fish fried

>> No.18230444

That must suck. I'd hate to be in college during the age of "remote learning" rotting the mind and spirit. Unironically probably the main highlight of going to college for me was the whole "college experience" marketing trope.

>> No.18230465

The 20th century was fucking wild. To think that the people who decided this were, by all accounts, very intelligent, and that they had already pretty advanced knowledge at their disposal, yet they could still believe in such a cartoonishly silly idea, it does boggle the mind.

>> No.18230480

It's too complicated. For the time being I'm just mad and venting out, it's not the solution for everything but a method not even myself can live up to right now. I'm pissed off at my family and local politics and just all around frustrated and furious, I had to write something, I don't know how to tame this feeling.

>> No.18230496

What you're describing applies to many young people on the internet. General dissatisfaction with life plus conflicting standards broadcasted all around them by all kinds of media venues (you should study and be virtuous and make money while staying humble and be grateful for what you have but remember, the sky is the limit, learn how not to take no for an answer, realize your potential and enjoy yourself, live in the moment as a God-fearing free citizen of the world, no regret, also the young aids-ridden libyan yazidis activists of southern kurdish myanmar are calling for your help and need you to realize your privilege has made you entitled and lead to the ruin of your nation-state) compounded with relative ignorance of philosophy, history or critical thinking make inexperienced people pretty vulnerable to all manners of grifts and half-baked ideologies. Their (understandable) need for transcendence is in effect being constantly channeled into shoddy marketing products (such as the weaht-flower-dress girl you mention, people earnestly buy that shit should be sentenced to three weeks of forced labor in a farm just to see how wrong they are).

>> No.18230513

Read and write an hour (each) everyday if you can. Start by venting like you just did. There's some substance in your anger, do not let it go to waste. Anger can sometimes be refined into strength, in the best cases even into enlightenment.

>> No.18230543

It's typical to present these bizarre moonshot mad scientist ideas to totalitarian excess. Both the nazis and soviets had an idealistic, though diametrically opposed vision for a New Man, reforging what it means to be human down to the genetic level. The nazis were famously obsessed with occultism and sent out expeditions as far as Tibet to recover artifacts for clues as to the nature of the proverbial Aryan Hyperborea, while the Soviets were deeply invested in parapsychic research such as telepathy and telekinesis. Their ideology told them that anything was possible and that they had infallible mastery of science and industry and had developed a perfected, complete system for society and epistemology.

But the US had similar ideas. Notorious MKUltra mind control experiments, chemical and biological weapons research (including developing Limes disease) and napalm. Eventually they settled on something far more ancient and proven as a source of power, one that is universally suggestive and achieves unfailing results without the bombast or flair: money. Today it is money, not ideas that rule the minds of the elite.

>> No.18230740
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The roots of my pessimism lie in the belief that nobody can solve my problems but me. Certainly not a therapist or psychiatrist, who have only words or pills to offer rather than a new way of life. Thus the pessimism arises from the realization that I am unable to solve my problems or else they wouldn’t appear so daunting and insurmountable. That is where the fatalism sinks in.

And I believe that the cast has already set; I have been acting out the same immobile habits for as long as I remember and they compel me with the force of sheer automatism.

Even if I were to strike it rich one day and had a platter of life’s possibilities put out before me, I doubt I would know how to take advantage of it. Because I wouldn’t know how to get into the mindset that views life in terms of fresh possibilities.

Even in areas where my life has progressed it is unstable and transitory, always reverting to the mean, requiring constant input just to maintain a tolerable homeostasis. I am only able to reign supreme in the world of my thoughts, which must be why I am driven to the ink-stained exiled fate of the writer.
Writing fiction is really a sad state of affairs, because the motive is to play out experiences you haven't had, or to reframe those you did. A real human being lives.

>> No.18230754

thats a pathetic cope

>> No.18230786
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It sucks: we learn less, don't get to know other people, it's easy to cheat, and many other things.
At least the first semester of the first year it felt atleast a bit humane, probably because we were all new and had that emotion that people have when they just get to uni, there were guys making jokes on the chat, the interactions with the teacher felt more natural, and I can actually remember stuff I learned that semester, but after that it just went downhill.

>> No.18230796

Why do I even love you? We're not a match, we are not compatible, we cannot communicate harmoniously, and yet, I still love you and long for you.

>> No.18230821

You're an unsympathetic dope. And clearly you know nothing of bipolar depression. And you certainly haven't lived my life. Despite my struggles, I know with deep certainty you are beneath me and I have achieved great, if quietly unrecognized things.

>> No.18230828

Thanks for the advice, brother.

You know, I used to have a pseudonym and a twitter account with over 10k followers. I was followed by social workers, priests, environmentalists, journalists and politicians, even a couple of presidential candidates from my country. I used to vent my ideas there and I think I got part of my point across, I was doing all of that anonymously through a persona I invented for myself. In 2020 I had a nervous breakdown and deleted my account and all of my tweets with it. Sometimes I ego search my pseudonym and find people saying "what would he do" or "I miss him, he would know what to say about this". Today I felt the urge to say something, even if vague, so I just came here instead.

>> No.18230854

Get on a mood stabiliser. What if you were a diabetic person who needs insulin? Would you take it? Mania is neurodegenerative and gets worse and worse each time it happens, soon enough you're in a psychotic loop and can't escape.

>> No.18230872

It's ok. I love you too.

>> No.18230883

Thank you, honey.

>> No.18230893

more like
>transexual man wants to be molested by you
>lucky you

>> No.18230900

I have a somewhat tangental experience having entered the remote workforce. I can't help but feel I have been sold a lie. The digitally mediated lifestyle has always tended toward constructing the human as an isolated unit of productivity disconnected from its natural habitat, and it seems with the pandemic shutdowns this trend has only accelerated. I sympathize with zoomers who are coming of age many of whom will never have an authentic experience of their humanity, with all of life's would-be formative experiences replaced by the totalizing and inescapable monotony of screen culture. The loss of presence and embodiment is serious and underestimated. Not only are you missing out on the college experience, but you won't even have the (already sucky) experience of at least having to go outside to go to your job and maybe interact pleasantly with your coworkers .

I don't even have to go outside unless compelled. I work from home, I can press buttons to order food, I meet people online to have sex with, anything I want can be downloaded. The world outside is an increasingly dreary place anyway. It's an uncanny Kafkaesque existence.

Everything: sociality, sexuality, education, commerce, is subsumed by the inhuman eternal Screen, and human nature is the sacrifice. Is it better than nothing (mass unemployment or lack of education for months)? Perhaps, but sometimes things aren't measured on a simple scale of better or worse. Sometimes you just replace one bad with another bad

>> No.18230906

I'm already on one. And I have been for years. It doesn't change my behavior. During some of my best years I wasn't on it. It's a weird cocktail of circumstances and behavioral conditioning.

>> No.18230909

You looked like you have an inflated ego, honestly stopped reading after the "therapists are beneath me" part. You have to grow up and realize that talking to people is vital for your own sanity.

To be honest, I used to be just like you and that's why I was trigerred by your post.

>> No.18230921

Might have to go deep down the degeneracy route after my stoic ways for the past 4 years have been fruitless, boring and to pushed to the limit with last years quarantine. This may be my last chance before the world accelerates toward major conflict so might as well forgo all attempts at building anything Good. I'm abandoning that path and will seek all material pleasures this modern hellscape has to offer. Many times in the past I've denied them on account of the Good but this world does not care. I was born in the mud and looked to the stars now I lower my eyes.

>> No.18230927

>an isolated unit of productivity
and consumption

>> No.18230933

Oh well? Lol what do you want me to tell you? That I am actually ravaged by deep set insecurities from years of childhood abuse?

>> No.18230945

I've skimmed a bit and your situation sounds extremely close to mine, gimme a bit to finish whacking it to touhou ero text games and I'll read it more thoroughly.

>> No.18230951

Also I've been to therapists. All they do is nod their heads and say "uh huh" while I pay them $200 dollars an hour. It's rational to be suspicious to assume one can hire a third party with no direct connection to you to utter the magic words that will evaporate the past and clear up the path to the future.

>> No.18230973

Never been to a therapist before but having a talk about my deep insecurities with a friend while on LSD was a life changing experience for me. I imagine a good therapist is the same.

>> No.18231008

Forgive me for not wanting to pour my guts out on the therapist market and relive and retell all the most harrowing episodes of my life an interminable amount of times in search for a "good one." Therapy is supplemental. And different people respond to it differently.

>> No.18231014

Take your time fren. Do the needful.

>> No.18231061

i haven't read my books in over a week, i've been neglecting my school work (adult learner/doing my GED), i've been losing a lot of money on crypto and stocks, and feeling depressed

hope you lads are doing better

>> No.18231147
File: 63 KB, 980x653, Kurt-Cobain-Layne-Staley-630x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lane Staley is the superior moody grunge blond guy from Washington who died young than Kurt Cobain. Alice in Chains is a more interesting, versatile and not to mention heavy band than Nirvana. Alice in Chain's flirtations with heavy metal give it a backbone and pitch that Nirvana's sleepy riffs could never achieve. It's only that Cobain was cuter than Staley that he is more highly regarded. He was arguably the better singer too.

>> No.18231183

1. I dreamed a dream: a million-colored rose unfolded to my view. Standing on an empty plain beneath an empty sky, I watched both the plain and the sky gradually disappear, and I myself became concentred only to one enormous eye that could see in any directions, an eye that also had the power somehow to apprehend sound, an essence of audient vision somehow suspended in pure space. But somehow I knew that I lay at the bottom of some innominate abyss.
2. Of a sudden a great mass of ever-seething flame and smoke uprose, seemingly from nowhere. With sonorities as of a million thunders, the great mass of smoke and flame, firmly fixed upon the nothingness of the nadir, uncoiled swiftly to the zenith, with lights upon lights upon lights of a strange, septuple splendor.
3. Anon a weird, half-veiled illuminescence hovered over and out from this outré phenomenon, and suddenly at the top of the great mass of smoke and flame, a rosebud appeared, a rosebud curiously black and white and gray, a rosebud which waxed fuller and fuller, suddenly to burst forth in riotous bloom incredible, with a million petals and with a million colors, filling space as far as the eye could see.

4. Now this million-colored rose began to expand further and further, again filling space as far as the eye could see. And anon, deep within the profounds of the million-colored petals, I perceived tiny particles of incandescent matter which I suddenly recognized as innumerable stars around which there circled in unending cycles other stars as well as moons and planets.

>> No.18231195

5. Now all these atoms or stars began to circle around the great central eye which, I belatedly noticed, could perceive in all directions at once. Over and over, the atoms or stars wheeled around the great central eye in a deliberate and pre-measured music that seemed to have no end and no beginning. And now the splendors of that far-flung rose waxed ever brighter, whit colors and lights never imaged and never to be imagined.
6. And once again the million-colored rose began to expand further and further, again filling space as far as the eye could see. And somehow I knew that the million-colored rose had reached her uttermost growth, her uttermost bloom. What an infinity of atoms and stars nestled in her petals! In that one great expansive jet of light… a resplendent fountainhead or matrix of innumerable and innominate shapes and forms and fantasies… I perceived and understood the essential unity of everyone and everything.

7. Anon the stars or atoms grew faint and began to fail, and the million-colored rose began to withdraw back upon and into herself. Then with a suddenness unexpected as it was frightening, the rose burst into great and all-consuming flame. But through the flames I was able still to perceive a rosebud of pristine beauty, a rosebud curiously black and white and gray. The rosebud vanished and in her place a fiery alpha appeared, endued with incredible splendors. Anon the million-colored splendors of the alpha changed to a single phosphorescent and compassionate blue, and then the alpha disappeared. And then I and the eye and the vision become one. And then I woke.

>> No.18231216

Gonna keep track of my thoughts per post because I'm addled as fuck from lack of sleep, I'll do a full response after.
>You want to fight the world but the world threatens to consume you
>You disagree with most mainstay politics like anyone with a decent brain and are vilified as a fence-sitter/opposition
>Though this isn't entirely out of desire for truth
>You're made to feel impotent and not entirely without reason. Meekness and social pressure telling you you're only human
>You lash out at the "world" not fully explaining your definition thereof
>It's too complicated and more of a methodology and ideology than political plan
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours :^)
>The fury drives you
>Actually learned to speak his mind even if it was random venting but e-an heroed in a moment of mental instability
>Pessimism derived from defeatism
>Believes nothing can change himself, even himself.
>Hesitant even in theory
>Cries about writing only fiction
>Lashes against a shitposting anon who is mainly ignorant of the things he's defensive about
>Agrandized self-worth despite prevalent self-loathing.
>Is on the Lithium train, believes it does little to nothing. Considers his situation conditional based on circumstance
>Uses "lol", consider sending him to the gulag
>Has no faith in therapists
>Is reluctant to relive the past

Alright, I've got my notes together, lets do this.
For starters, >>18228361 is me. It's not even a small fragment of how deep that shit goes, but it's a good basis and excuse for me not having to type all that shit again.

>> No.18231244

Chris Cornell

>> No.18231302

OKAY, here we go.
From my cursory analysis, I can see we're similar in a lot of aspects. Like you, I too have a desire to see the world changed, I too want to am often ostracized for not going with the flow, and I too find myself trapped between a rock and a hard place that leaves me often frustrated. So, some of this is going to be rather critical if not outright crude so when I say we're similar, take it less as a personal attack and more as constructive criticism from the other side of the same coin.
First thing to tackle is (You). I don't know how old you are and frankly don't care. Your mental age is what shows when ideas are shared, even if it's affected by actual physical age and it's partially why I believe you should stop caring as well. You aren't getting any younger, and the past I know for a fact you feel was stolen from you is not coming back. In this moment your present is the sum of your past, your choices, other's choices, and the experiences therein. It's history and can never be rewritten and if you lash out against it, you're simply yelling at a brick fucking wall that you painted with your nightmares. Take a look at yourself here and now and ask the big questions before determining what you do with the future. Reconciling with yourself ain't gonna be pretty but it needs to be done.
On the same topic we have the you in the now, one that's stressed out of his goddamn mind because he's worried about everything. And I do mean everything as in the whole fucking world. Whether this is a messiah complex or not remains to be seen, but it's your greatest source of stress and has been for a while. This you has, whether you've noticed or not developed what I, with my degree in armchair psychology, have dubbed "Cowardly Lion Syndrome". Where you've garnered the notion that you are the lion and picked up on it's pride to boot. Yet at the same time despite having the image of a lion, you have the temperament of a sheep. But one or both of these is not your real self which is where your internalized conflict over whether you should submit or dominate come from. Perhaps you were always a lion that got battered into submission by life (you're going to read that and think it's the correct one, don't do that) or maybe you've always been a sheep and being kept away from the herd has made you confused. Or maybe you're just you, but you have no idea who the fuck you even are and it's why your personality is all over the place. Take for example your words on "humility" where you claim it's prevalent in you and yet you also claim to be certain of being a better man than other people and therapists. Or how you wish to be a man that changes the world, but knows he can't even change himself and then proclaims it's the world's fault for not wanting to be saved.
Long story short, reconcile yourself, past first, present second, and THEN worry about the future. How can you move towards your destination if you have no idea where you are?

>> No.18231357
File: 90 KB, 423x285, 4758-1324356437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be a famous writer. I can feel it. I can sense it. I'm going to be one of the writers remembered from the 21st century. People are going to be reading my writing a thousand years from now.

>> No.18231391

Second things second, let's talk about me for a bit and why this is relevant to you at all.
If you read the post I linked, it should be clear I have not lived a pleasant life. It had no pleasant beginning, no pleasant middle, and likely won't have a pleasant end. This is just the reality of my situation. My mother was into verbal degradation, my father was an abusive drunk, my aunt and my grandmother were the only people I ever felt love from and they died a horrible slow death from cancer. There's a book's-worth more, but let's cut to the chase.
I've seen hell, I know what it means to be haunted, I know what it means to have those precious years wasted away, and I came out the other side reading your post and feeling like an alternate reality version of me posted what you did. The situation I'm in has the stakes increasing every time life comes to bring new tragedy, I have no reason to hope, I have no reason to smile, and yet I do.
So take these next words into careful consideration:
Stop being a whiny faggot.
I mean it, and in a lot more ways than you're currently thinking. The truth is, you ARE only human. The truth is, the world is a place rotten to the core and one man cannot arise to save it alone. The truth is, you're not mentally stable and until you sort yourself out and overcome it, you won't be able to save yourself let alone the world. The truth is, you're not the first person in the world to think like you do and your perspectives aren't always if ever going to be unique. But just as you might know these truths, there's a million more you're overlooking because your downcast gaze will not allow you to see them. Perhaps the world really can change by the works of a single man though the judge of your actions will always be history. Perhaps your ideas really can spur change, but you again need to understand that the way the world works is not something that can be enscribed to a single book. It takes a lifetime of observation and understanding for most of the great minds we know in history to come up with their own fragmented idea of what the truth is.
Frankly speaking, you seem like someone who wants to be the hero of a new era, but I do not think you entirely comprehend how big that role is. Though I also don't say you cannot achieve it. At this moment, the greatest impeder of your progress is you and it might be for some time. Finally, and I'll keep this brief. You have brain rot. By immersing yourself in the world without precaution, you have been afflicted with the same cancer you wish to remove. Consider that and understand it.

Now, if I'm being more honest, this constant wall-of-text posts and staring at my desktop for 20 hours today have left me with a migraine.
I've said something sufficient, but nowhere close to what I could say.
If you want to continue this outside of the thread, pop me on dickscord Robin#7175
I only use it as a secondary IM, not as social media. I know it's shit so dont say it

>> No.18231392

>that Nirvana's sleepy riffs could never achieve.
But that is the reason why Nirvana is popular, Anon.

>> No.18231452

I was in the same boat last week but just got in a 190 page book today so I’m feeling more or less back in the groove. 190 pages is typically a lot for me.

>> No.18231507

People who have personal relationships outside their family, romantic partner, inner circle of friends and mentors are making up for a personal deficiency at that point. To crave social interaction and sharing personal information with lots of people seems like it stems from a dissatisfaction with oneself that prevents them from being alone.
This is my personal bias and I have no confidence in it being correct.

>> No.18231556

I agree.

>> No.18231584
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>> No.18231633

My stomach is upset and I cannot get thoughts of this woman out of my head. She is practically a stranger but I think I love her. Something has to happen. I don't want to go on like this forever. I must either permanently banish her from my thoughts or find some miracle and bring her fully into my life. I have never experienced such an intense attraction before. Not even to the woman I thought I would marry and nearly did.
She's older than me and was once a teacher of mine - she's 30 and I'm 23. Seven years isn't that much, I suppose, but if things may happen, they must happen soon. Why this strangeness in my life?

>> No.18231705

People are ungrateful and that fine, but dont be rude about your shortcommings. Living life seems like walking around with a pie in your face and everyone is opkay with it

>> No.18231805

Yes I can see this conclusion but here is another one:
Some haven't found people they are similar enough to constitute or acknowledge as truthfully adequate friends so they are often searching.

>> No.18231814

Any literature with this feel?

>> No.18231964

The gas squeeze hit mz town a little while ago, and I couldnt help but put 'When The Man Comes Around' on my car radio driving to work and watching people flood the gas stations to try and get what was left over.
That was a bad move and got me in a weird mood for the rest of the day..
I will be able to get an IR scope and mounting rail for my G3 just in time.

>> No.18232037

I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time ever earlier today.

I'm a bit concerned about going to sleep now.

>> No.18232039
File: 102 KB, 2130x1197, 1504052119796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this back and forth atheist vs Christian arguing I read online is pointless and has only made me more conflicted

>> No.18232043

Everybody goes on and on about people who like chocolate versus people who like vanilla, and the broader implications of that.

What does it mean for me that I've always liked strawberry more than both of those?

>> No.18232051

Did you sleep during day or night? For me, the easiest way to experience sleep paralysis is sleeping on stomach during daytime.

>> No.18232052
File: 125 KB, 640x959, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand most edgyposting anymore. it's feels vile to laugh at some things.
Did you see the shadow? Felt the cat?
Last time I got one, the cat said to me "You're the son of the devil". Not very nice.

>> No.18232056

It was in the morning, not long after waking up I took a nap and then it occurred, sleeping on my side.

Amazing stuff.

>> No.18232068

You guys see, I didn't hallucinate, everything just got blurry.
What did you two feel?

>> No.18232104

I didnt see any shadow people or other hallucinations but i felt like being forcefully pulled back the moment i start to escape the sleep paralysis. I can never get used to this or get past it hence i cant get into lucid dreaming.

>> No.18232127
File: 43 KB, 640x715, 652b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a curse on me.
It's a curse not to be like most of them. And worst of all, it sounds like a cheesy teen movie quote. And there is nothing I can do about it. What ever. Let's talk about internet culture. When I see these memes on Instagram about introverts getting 50,000 likes, I get sick. Somehow everyone seems to understand. In truth, it's just a cheap copy of reality. The tragedy is that the word is misused and this leads to black and white thinking. A dangerous oversimplification of complex questions. In general, I feel like memes haven't addressed the world's problems for the past 5 years. It's just a bad joke. In fact, for a while I thought it was malignant, a vicious, childlike cynicism caused by a numbness caused by the generalization of certain symptoms. The symptoms are phenomena of human perception in the interplay of the influence of social media and populism. For this reason alone, I can't really enjoy it, but I've only looked at it every now and then and don't even know why. In the beginning I looked at it out of contempt and then at some point I didn't feel anything at all. And millennials are not encouraged to question things, but rather to accept the circumstances or interpret a weakness in them that needs to be overcome. Like Zarathustra, when one of them skipped over the weaker one. I have a feeling that something malicious is being done with it. And it points to a new superman. One who recognizes emotional weaknesses (which would not be a weakness in a world with a soul, but a refined mind, a personality to be proud of) and uses this as a template to exploit it. From an evolutionary point of view, that would even make sense. But when you add reductionist determinism, it's a nightmare. There is something inhuman about this whole thing, something artificial. What if there really is nothing but dead matter? Then life would really be a farce. Then all this shit would be just a stupid joke. But an incredibly sneaky joke and a lot of people would be even more malicious to me than they already are.

And these shitty memes are also the reason why the romance, the hope / the optimism of many people is broken. The world has become much colder overall, a mask of a perfect person has been put on via the Internet, this fake picture is now being spread everywhere. We are at war.

Pic not related btw. There was some really shitty Barbie meme that ultimately triggered me, but I couldn't find it after I wrote this post. Those damn bastards.

>> No.18232137
File: 20 KB, 792x475, shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is pretty close, the shadow man is bigger in my case.
I have about 5-10 episodes of sleep paralysis a year, I mostly have them when I'm stressed. I would say half of the times there's hallucinations, a big shadow man or cat (that I can sense and hear, saw it three times). The first time I got both. One time I had three episodes of paralysis on the same night.
I got used to it in the sense that I know I'm having a sleep paralysis (and the shadow isn't real) but still get scared and try to move my arms so I can beat the paralysis as soon as possible.

>> No.18232143

Let me correct that, 10 is honestly an exaggeration, it was only one year that I got that much.

>> No.18232156

>I can never get used to this or get past it hence
How long have you been having them for?

>One time I had three episodes of paralysis on the same night
That fucking sucks. You've been having them for how long?

From what I understand, first-timers get really scared no?
I felt as if I were going to die. It started with me not being able to move as I dreamt, and then woke up, and the inability to move trascended to awakeness. Even tried to scream, but couldn't. Felt extremely weak, lethargic.

I had just "accepted" fate, and contemplated what I thought would be my own death.

I have no idea how I woke up.

>> No.18232191

the fuck you asking me for

>> No.18232201

>Women have it so easy
Why don't we just use make up to contour our faces and do the same thing
>but that's....gay :(((

>> No.18232207

Every now and then I use triggers to form such thoughts; It's something that has always preoccupied me, a typical problem for Generation Y, I was born in 92. When it comes to something as trivial as memes, I can, by my standards, articulate these lines of thought pretty well, which is usually less the case. The really complex circumstances would exceed the interpersonal accessibility anyway due to the current discourse. But that's not bad either, because I don't want to dig deep into my bag of tricks or be branded as someone who only deals with such topics because otherwise they have no life or no friends. Which is unfortunately interpreted this way nowadays when one seriously deals with unusual subject areas. But these unusual topics are the counterculture and many do not understand how important it has become in this time.

>> No.18232221

>tfw ywnbaw

>> No.18232223

>You've been having them for how long?
4 years ago.
The first time it was hell on earth since I knew nothing about sleep paralysis. I got a shadow moving in my room and a cat at my side while paralyzed for about 40-60 seconds, for some of those seconds I was questioning my conception of reality. It's funny now, but my thoughts were: god please save me I understand you're real, demons are real please let me move let me move, what is this thing going to do, etc. Like you I accepted I was dying right there.
>I have no idea how I woke up.
Well, if you ever get another one again I would advice you to "try" to move some extremity as hard as you can, it feels hopeless but It works for some, nowadays my paralysis don't last more than 10 seconds thanks to that.
What still terrifies me is that ear ringing, exploding head syndrome stuff I got one time.

>> No.18232226

I meant limb.

>> No.18232250
File: 95 KB, 683x1024, 1614490671708m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy damn, now that's some stronger stuff there with the shadow and the cat.
I also remember doing the exact same thing you mentioned, moving my extremities as hard as I could, but nothing happened.
I read somewhere that slowly moving both your hand and feet fingers also helps.

Goodnight anon (or whatever time). Take care.

>> No.18232294

ohh, yeah... make up is the real problem here

nah, it's not about the natural charisma and acceptance of people. nah, it's not about not putting so much pressure on younger people to the point where you get insane and think this act is real. that one denies one's feelings because these feelings cannot be expressed in these lifeless dolls and therefore self-loathing is developed.
no, that's not the point. it's the make-up.

bruh ... just leave it.
are you 16 or a trannie? If either is true, then I still have no problem with it. but why the hell should i not want to use make-up because otherwise it would be gay. who comes up with that?

>> No.18232311

>Women have it so easy

nobody said it was specifically about women, but this reprehensible k-pop shit.

>> No.18232319

I know I'm better than this, I know I have the power I need to do what I want, and I know that it is definitely not too late. So why? Why am I doing nothing?

>> No.18232335

I have found that it is best to not think about it at all and just do it. If there is something distracting you, then delete those distractions. Use a site blocking browser extension if necessary.

>> No.18232351

eating a lot before sleeping typically brings on really weird dreams and half-dreams and that exploding head phenomenon. i can't find anything else to reliably cause a disrupted sleep or lucid dreams or sleep paralysis.

that confused and even panicked half-asleep state can be fucking sublime though. lucid dreaming and paralysis have only happened to me one time each but i think they're sort of the same thing as the half-sleeping state; a more extreme and rare experience of it.

>> No.18232401

>I can't stand most edgyposting anymore

At first I thought this edgyposting was bait, but then I realized that it was mostly meant seriously. I really thought it was ironic for a while, but that was a fallacy. Many have something in their hearts and especially the younger anons here don't know what their problem is because they can't articulate it. Everyone has a longing and everyone is attracted to something. Only years later, after learning a great deal about life, there is a central point where you can think back to the past and formulate it with the knowledge you have learned. After you have passed this midpoint, the past slowly fades and you can no longer say exactly how you actually felt in the past because too much time has passed. It is therefore important to think each time and to acquire new knowledge in good time so that one can better interpret the events as soon as one reaches such a central point according to one's own feelings. That's the trick of the whole thing. That's why I never understood the anons who made fun of the kind of books others read. Your own selection of books is exactly what is inherent in you, where it is drawn. your own destiny, so to speak. You will find the books at some point when they are meant for you. It doesn't matter whether the author of these books is popular or not. Sometimes I feel like these posers are only feeling smart because they're reading something that isn't that popular. But who cares.

>> No.18232408

Is it wrong to feel that if you have no potential recourse within a friendship you are undignified in the eyes of your friends?

>> No.18232412

I suddenly started growing chest hair what happened

>> No.18232415

Secondstage puberty?

>> No.18232426

I'm 22 though. Could be the old man DHT is kicking in

>> No.18232443

this shit is normal bruh, nothing special about it, it will grow even more, just wait another 5 years.
shit isn't always what you're told

and to all the other anons. u c? everything can change. stay positive

>> No.18232445

I am also 22 and have been seeing an increase in body hair as well.
Some sortve planetary alignment, maybe? The xenoestrogens from microplastics transmogrifying into xenoandrogens?

>> No.18232466

Ur right, development doesn't end as soon as I was led to believe
Have you been hitting the gym and eating meat as well? I might have been stunting my test levels by being a lazy fuck

>> No.18232483

Been going atleast 4 days a week since December. Iirc, excessive bodyfat will lower overall test level by retaining compounds that mitigate androgen production, while muscle does the opposite and increases. Higher muscle percentage helps your immune response as well, iirc.

>> No.18232656

can women sense that i secretly hate them?

>> No.18232669

How many people browse /lit/? My guess is no more than a couple hundred.

>> No.18232694

most of you are absolutely pathetic and evoke in me a profound revulsion

>> No.18233195

How do you write from an edgelord's perspective without the work coming across as infantile? The story is basically about letting go of things and recognising your own unimportance in the cosmic scheme. I want to illustrate this by having a traumatised (trafficked, tortured, enslaved) protagonist who makes a name for themselves as a morally ambiguous character (exploiting every legal means to murder e.g. highwaymen) slowly come to realise the futility of their actions and, more importantly, the poor assumptions they followed from. While I could write in a detached, third person style, I'd prefer to delve into their mental life so as to be more impactful in my descriptions of e.g. the murder of your slaver.

>> No.18233238

As long as you arrive at
>the futility of their actions and, more importantly, the poor assumptions they followed from
and you'll be fine. Just start writing and trust your gut on adjusting the edge-dial.

>> No.18233409

It's been 5 days of fasting and so far it hasn't helped my mental state at all like I hoped. I wonder if it just needs more time.

>> No.18233427

I play volleyball regularly and so one of my good friends invited me to a sand league to play with him and some other people we both know, although besides him it’s much more aquaintinces then friends the other people are for me. We hung out last weekend and I brought my indoor ball so we could play and practice and the entire time they complained about how badly it hurt their arms, and they were genuinely getting bruises from just passing the ball normally. I feel so bad like I genuinely didn’t realize the ball would hurt that much to people who don’t play regularly and now they just keep talking about how their arms hurt and how I’ve injured the team, we have a game tonight and I don’t want to go. I don’t want to see these people or talk to them. Like Christ I wouldn’t feel bad if they just said it hurt and that was it like grow up but the fact some girls on the team actually have bruises on their arms is just baffling to me. I just want to crawl in a hole and never talk to them ever again

>> No.18233430

I can't put my finger on it, but it seems to me that our society is being eclipsed by an evil ghost. Or as if you were standing, in the middle of the night, in an abandoned, run-down house where some crime has been committed, with nothing but your dim mobile phone light to fill the cobwebs and plastic coverings with unearthly life. Only my smallest circle of family and friends somehow makes sense. I intuitively feel what is right and wrong, and when I apply my reason to the rules I feel, they make sense. Everything else is like a graveyard at night.

>> No.18233463
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>> No.18233467

The ghost in a ghost story is there for the comic relief.

>> No.18233468

Everyone needs a tailor.

>> No.18233530

The root of all blunders: when a peasant thinks he is a prince.

>> No.18233573

The board is surprisingly fast. /effay/ moves at a turtle pace by comparison, and I would have thought that was the more popular board. But maybe times have changed?

>> No.18233577

50 anons and 100 feds

>> No.18233580

You are no different to any of us. What makes you special?

>> No.18233615
File: 168 KB, 675x1200, EOHdqNJWoAATcPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God made girls for gymnastics and boys for sports

>> No.18233626


>> No.18233649

Me too fren, me too

>> No.18233657

i don't know if i'm having a stroke or what but i don't understand what the problem is here
how is it your fault that their arms hurt?

>> No.18233661

He just has brain fog

>> No.18233670

Does this pose have a name? What do I google to find more pics of women doing this pose?

>> No.18233675

but he could've meant something else tho, since he hasn't said "better than /lit/" but better then "this" and this is "what's on your mind". it could be about procrastination, that's what I thought. someone with low self esteem would be projecting this >>18233580 into it, I guess

>> No.18233687


>> No.18233692

He brought an indoor ball that is harder and the guys he played with are so unfit they got hurt by the slightly harder ball. This is the average state of millennials.

>> No.18233699

What are the feds doing on /lit/

>> No.18233703

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18233705

i see now
anon you should take a stick and beat their arms and hands with it

>> No.18233710

Taking a break from shitposting on /pol/

>> No.18233711

Idk it really shouldn’t be my fault but the level of complaining and them straight up saying I “injured the team” makes it feel like it is, I don’t even like these people that much.
This is essentially the case, I played with a regular group last night of boomers with the same ball that we actually pumped up because it was a bit flat and none of them complained about it being too hard or hurting.

>> No.18233713

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18233716

Honestly like I understand if you’re not used to playing it’s a bit of a shock that it doesn’t feel good to have the rubber ball smack your arms at high speeds but any sport has a level of minor injury, some even more so. Idk what they expected but I’m being made to feel like a villain

>> No.18233718

Time to bake a new bread?

>> No.18233723


>> No.18233730

Thank you for a good thread image.

>> No.18233744

My pleasure anon