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/lit/ - Literature

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18184107 No.18184107 [Reply] [Original]

3x3 of the last 9 books you read

>> No.18184132

but why?

>> No.18184217

Most of /lit/ cant make a 3x3 of books read ever

>> No.18184234

I've read only 9 books

>> No.18184238
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weirdly enough despite the junger and ma I'm not a right wing guy at all. harassment architecture was funny as shit though.

>> No.18185496
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I’m sitting at 26 books read in total this year. Hoping to hit 100 by end of year.

>> No.18185570
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Just the fiction

>> No.18185709
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>> No.18185754
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>> No.18186013
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I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment. Need to open up that sense of wonder again, the infinite depth of good words. I wish you all well and good luck.

>> No.18186862

>/lit/ doesn’t read
>/v/ doesn’t play vidya
>/mu/ doesn’t listen to music
>/fit/ doesn’t exercise
>/a/ doesn’t watch anime
>/pol/ never gassed a single jew
>/jp/ doesn’t speak nihongo
>/o/ rides a bike
I feel like this website is a one big lie

>> No.18186895

it's a meme. naturally, there are novices before their innitiation, but these younglings on the bottom of the barrel are only about 10% in here. most read whatever they feel like. exit-level /lit/ effort-posters are a rare breed, but they stop by after reading once in a while.
t. oldfart

>> No.18186967
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Took me almost two years, but I can proudly say I'm now invincible in debates.

>> No.18187001

you're just a resourceful sophist now, you should have read philosophy instead of this useless bullshit.

>> No.18187002

Doesn't own or shoot guns

>> No.18187015


3/10 just for Rema*que


5/10 a bit blasted by marketing, ey?

0/10 for bait

3.5/10 did u cum when he crashed?

8/10 very comfy, may I suggest Jack Vance

0/10, possibly even worse than the guy who was baiting, back in my day reading this shit would have been a bannable offence

>> No.18187019
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>> No.18187040

>/lgbt/ doesn't...
Wait, could it be the most productive board

>> No.18187094
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Marketing? If you think that from this list you're an idiot.

All of the books (save for Kawabata/Woolf/ASOIF) are things I bought the last time I ordered books; I intentionally ordered stuff I wouldn't normally read.

>Revenge -- 7.0/10 (Great atmosphere)
>Storm of Swords -- 6.0/10 (Martin has good lore but meh writing; never liked fantasy as a genre save for C.S. Lewis as a grade-schooler)
>Red Sorghum -- 7.0/10 (Wanted to read a novel from China; started poor but got better)
>Real World -- 7.5/10 (Great characterization, solid pacing)
>1974 -- 6.5/10 (Great authorial voice)
>Surfacing -- 6.0/10 (Forced myself to read Atwood; her writing is clear but she's heavy-handed (duh), her themes are trite, and her characters lack depth)
>Ararat -- 1.5/10 (Just awful)
>To The Lighthouse -- 8.5/10 (Admired the sensitivity with which Woolf treated her characters; very refreshing after Atwood)
>Snow Country -- 8.5/10 (Near perfect tone, brought out a surprising level of characterization with economy of prose)

>> No.18187148
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The Magic Mountain is one of my favorite reads ever now. Such a great book. So many feelings

>> No.18187181
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Two in Finnish, the rest in English.

>> No.18187190

Are there any Finnish classics you can recommend?

>> No.18187213

I'm reading the hoffman storm of steel as well and am enjoying it, one of the best war novels and even has some funny moments that I don't know if they were intentional, like when he talks about the two boys loosely following the army exercises and how they gave one a menial task and he immediately juxtaposes it with "I think the other one went to an officers school in hannover". Also very vivid book in general, the part about the dying lad covering his own face with his coat to have some privacy has stuck with me.

>> No.18187227

Years ago I read a Japanese war memoir, can't recall the title. When the narrator, a young recruit is in boot camp he discovers that another recruit, a talented illustrator, is distributing illicit drawings of cakes and pastries, their higher up (idk military terms) chimps when he finds out

>> No.18187252

You are unbelievably retarded if you don't see that your reading habits have been massively impacted by marketing (Kawabata and Woolf being the exceptions that are so popular that they do not demonstrate any particularities of taste).
Nearly every writer on that list is an extremely popular, LIVING writer, with big publishing being interests in their success. Furthermore, you are reading authors for the masses like Atwood, not Murnane or Botho Strauss. You are reading Yoko Ogawa and Mo Yan - not, for example, Jia Pingwa. Not that there is anything wrong with Mo Yan, but his status in the west is an entirely artificial. In China and western literary circles there are at least 10 other living chinese who are just as well regarded, but not as well known by the masses (for they didn't win the Nobel and aren't as sensationalist as Mo Yan - sensationalist headlines are easy to market). For fuck's sake, you are reading Martin and some jap thriller. Alone, there's nothing wrong with that. But then every book follows this trend, you are an idiot for not reflecting upon it.
In other words, you are a normie who reads what Big Publishing tells him to. There is not one book on there that would signify that you are an interesting person.

>> No.18187260

8/10 what did you think about melancholy?

7/10 a bit generic

>> No.18187272
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>You are unbelievably retarded if you don't see that your reading habits have been massively impacted by marketing (Kawabata and Woolf being the exceptions that are so popular that they do not demonstrate any particularities of taste). Nearly every writer on that list is an extremely popular, LIVING writer, with big publishing being interests in their success. Furthermore, you are reading authors for the masses like Atwood, not Murnane or Botho Strauss. You are reading Yoko Ogawa and Mo Yan - not, for example, Jia Pingwa. Not that there is anything wrong with Mo Yan, but his status in the west is an entirely artificial. In China and western literary circles there are at least 10 other living chinese who are just as well regarded, but not as well known by the masses (for they didn't win the Nobel and aren't as sensationalist as Mo Yan - sensationalist headlines are easy to market). For fuck's sake, you are reading Martin and some jap thriller. Alone, there's nothing wrong with that. But then every book follows this trend, you are an idiot for not reflecting upon it. In other words, you are a normie who reads what Big Publishing tells him to. There is not one book on there that would signify that you are an interesting person.

>> No.18187275

War is hell, isn't it.

>> No.18187286

Seethe more

>> No.18187290

Melancholy of Resistance was just alright in my opinion. I can see why people would love it but it was kind of tedious at some points. I felt the same way about Satantango. When it’s good it’s absolutely brilliant but I felt like I was trekking through waist-deep mud at times. I think Krasznahorkai is obviously a great writer but his work is not for everyone

>> No.18187298

I feel the same way I guess. I like Krazzy, but I have also gotten into arguments on /lit/ about his sentence construction (which in my opinion is retarded).

>> No.18187324
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Yeah, WW1 was horrifying and Storm of Steel does a good job conveying that fact. It hurts to think about how these young men, often teenagers, were sent out to their deaths like that.
I am looking for a word to describe the feeling that comes from thinking about a kid getting shot in the head out of nowhere on the front. A life snuffed out in a split second. It’s all over. Someone’s son, brother, gone forever. Just like that. Never to experience love, fatherhood, any of the joys life brings. It’s awful

>> No.18187334
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The Egyptian by Mika Waltari.

>> No.18187426

Bazirani Devidé-chad

>> No.18187446

>/lit/ doesn’t read
Busy arguing what's the best way to start
>/v/ doesn’t play vidya
Busy watching twitch
>/mu/ doesn’t listen to music
Busy comparing graphs
>/fit/ doesn’t exercise
Busy comparing dick size
>/a/ doesn’t watch anime
Busy reading the manga
>/pol/ never gassed a single jew
Busy discussing Trump or wtv
>/jp/ doesn’t speak nihongo
Busy watching trains and posting dolls
>/o/ rides a bike
Too poor/underage to get a car

>> No.18187496
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4/9 because I mostly read fiction and I'm not familiar with those nonfiction books.

>> No.18187553
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I'm going to have to disagree with you, anon. This may sound it is from the viewpoint of a heartless privileged idiot, but my dad has been to war, I've seen many different war movies and read war novels, and I don't really feel that same sadness about it. "War is sweet to those who have never experienced it". Yes I get that quote but I've contemplated it and the vast majority of people are just average men. Sure one or two here and there may have been a great poet or mathematician, and maybe a lot of these guys will never get to experience certain joys of life, but so what. When you read stuff like lord of the flies, the nature of man is obvious, he wants adventure and to fight and to die. And you say Storm of Steel does a good job conveying how horrifying it is, but it also shows some of the lighter sides, like how at certain points the trenches were so close that you could talk to the other sentry and tell him to get down because you're about to start shooting, and arguing with the other non-commissioned officer about which side is bigger bastards. I can't help it but desire war, at least WWI, nowadays yeah drone strikes and modern firepower make war hell but I simply must die in a trench.

>> No.18187721
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>more shilling for that central banking book
well it's certainly a more elaborate ploy than just spamming READ THIS threads everyday

good to hear, I just started and can tell it's going to take a fortnight or more at my pace

what's gump doing there

>> No.18187741

So you've never been to war, why the fuck would anyone listen to your ideas about it? It's one of those things were experience really matters. If you want war go sign up for the army, chances are basic training will be enough to convince you that it's not such a good thing.

>> No.18187769
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Yes the decimating aspect of the army is awful and I would rather go back to high school than get hazed in the army but I still would like to die in a war

>> No.18187787

A side note: my grandfathers autobiography includes a part where he talks about how he was sad he never got to be a hero because all he did was help organizational tasks in the air force during the korean war. This was a man who had saved people from drowning in a flood with his personal boat and who had many heroic experiences, but even he still desired to have the chance to be in a war. Faggots will not understand.

>> No.18187797

Based and Ovepilled

>> No.18187810

i hope this is a joke

>> No.18187822
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y-y-you're joking, right?

>> No.18187824

what exactly was his struggle?.

>> No.18187831
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> i got my politics from gamergate and never turned back

Anon, don't you understand? He's seen war movies.

>> No.18187850


premature ejaculation

>> No.18187851

Can Psycho Brett Easton?

>> No.18187891

>premature ejaculation
is this true?.
knausgaard seems to have a pretty vulgar life. "my struggle" sounds so ironic and narcissist at the same time.

>> No.18187931
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>/co/ doesn't read comics
>/x/ probably isn't institutionalized
What do you expect? The people who do these things are too busy to post.

>> No.18188003
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Started really getting into reading this year so the grid might potentially include some meme books
based Snow Country bro
Should I read Serotonin if I enjoyed other Houellebecq books? Is it good?
please be bait please be bait

>> No.18188298

Jest, taj sam.

>> No.18188698
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non fiction kang

>> No.18189831
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1/1, I'm reading The Magic Mountain.

>> No.18190915
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Lol that wasn't even me.

>living authors
What a midwit take. You gave your second-highest rating to a guy who included Rich Dad Poor Dad/Debt The First 3000 Years/Galileo's Middle Finger. What, you have a hard-on for Gene Wolfe because he isn't a "living writer?" He hasn't even been dead for 2 years (and if you'd consider him obscure you're very VERY lghtly read). Since you like to make blanket hipster statements, I'll make a blanket Chad one: Fantasy is for ugly girls and guys who can't get girlfriends (even ugly ones who read fantasy).

>Extremely popular
Hahaha. You make that criticism alongside the idea that only classics by deceased writers are worth reading (cognitive dissonance much). Besides, Surfacing is a deep-cut as far as Atwood is concerned (you might have been warranted had I read Handmaid or Oryx & Crake). I don't like Margaret Atwood, I chose Surfacing because it was an early novel where she tackled the themes that made her prominent (even if she had already won the GG). The whole thing with Atwood is the fact she jumps onto whatever aspects of the zeitgeist are most prominent and puts out a midwit take. (I don't like her, but I wanted to find some redeemable characteristics in her writing (it's clear/fluid) and thought Surfacing would be a key work to take a look at: it was).

>Not that there's anything wrong with Mo Yan
He's basically a shill for the CCP in the same way Gorky was for the Soviets (so I'd say there's a lot wrong there). In line with that thought, did it ever occur to you I might have picked Mo Yan specifically because he was hyped in the West? Uh oh! Do you take that statement as proving your hipster midwit read because no one should read anything acclaimed/popular (unless the writer is dead)? Maybe reading a writer who shills for the CCP, won a Nobel, and is relatively prominent in the West was the point. Or do you think the only thing you can learn from literature is empathy? Midwit.

>Yoko Ogawa and Mo Yan - not, for example, Jia Pingwa
Ogawa is Japanese (either you can't recognize a Japanese name or you don't know what a non sequitur when you make one). Besides, Ogawa was great. You're a moron.

>Martin and some jap thriller
Uh oh, you almost got me there. ASOIF has a big fanbase so I guess I'm a normie if I read it. Maybe it's just that a book over 700 pages isn't light reading for someone like you? As far as "jap thriller" goes--you ever think maybe someone wanted to read a contemporary Japanese author? That, just maybe, someone might want to see what constitutes a popular page-turner in another country? Oh, sorry -- I didn't choose Namo Obascuro.

>you are an idiot for not reflecting upon it
You're an idiot for assuming I chose the above books for the same reasons a midwit like yourself would. Fucking hipster...get some better reads on people if you want to become an author (seeing how pretentious you are, I'm assuming that's a goal you've set).

>> No.18191370

I heard Forrest Gump is a weird book that was nothing like the movie (and didn't Charlie Kaufman take a shot at Zemeckis in "I'm thinking of ending things"). Was it?

>> No.18191474
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yes i enjoy le guin, fight me.

>> No.18191529

Read it recently and holy fucking it’s probably one of the most striking books I’ve ever read

>> No.18191538

What’s the book?

>> No.18191846

It's not weird at all, it's the funniest book I've ever read. Hollywood turned it into conservative propaganda and the author was so mad that he wrote a shitty sequel just to show the middle finger to the movie.

>> No.18191955
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Began reading like six months ago and I'm enjoying the ride so far

>> No.18191963

Sorry, I wasn't clear (that's what I was getting at). I think I was thinking of the sequel? A teacher I had told me it was strange. What did you like about it (besides just the humor)?

>> No.18191997

You'd be surprised by how many people there have supposedly had sex, and they can't lie on the internet of course

>> No.18192019

Never read the sequel. What did I like about Forrest Gump? Unlike the movie, characters aren't one dimensional. Dan, Jenny, Forrest, they are constantly changing.
I really like the movie, but the book is way more interesting and dynamic than the story about a holy autistic man a doomed whore.

>> No.18192028

And a doomed whore*

>> No.18192064

Good on you. You jumped right into the deep end with the classics there (and didn't add any fluff to lighten it up in between). I'd say lighten it up a bit, but if you were able to power through Hamlet/Moby Dick/Don Quiote/Brothers Karamazov in 6 months you probably don't need to,

>> No.18192134

Based selection anon

>> No.18192139

How'd you find man and his symbols?

>> No.18192145

No poetry, change that anons it's the core of the tradition. I was a prose fag once, start with Dickinson or Poe, something simple, will change your reading life.

>> No.18192148

I bet you really enjoy your job where you get yelled at for 12 hours a day by a GOP state senator

>> No.18192155

kaiserreich discord mod

>> No.18192205
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I got this version (pic) in a used bookstore for $15. Know anything about the differences between the editions?

>> No.18192252

how was the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind?

>> No.18192318
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I'm new to literature.

>> No.18192334
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Yeah, Zemekis is known for contrived heartfelt shit (I think that's why Kaufman used him in "I'm Thinking of Ending Things"). I enjoy Kaufman quite a bit (he's a great screenwriter and the 3 movies he's directed are all solid). Ending Things was based on a mediocre book (which I read when I found out he was going to adapt and direct a movie based on it), it was a solid film if you want to check it out. (The only reason to read the book is if the movie goes over your head (I don't want to put in a spoiler...but a friend I watched it with was confused until I told him what was going on in the book); one of the rare times when a movie has more depth and is a lot more entertaining than the novel).

Thanks for taking the time to tell me about Forrest Gump; I'll put it on my list. (Check out that film if you're interested in character studies).

>> No.18192353
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Looks like you're off to a good start. Check out this reading guide (pic). It's old and out of print (but you can easily find cheap used copies online)

>> No.18192375

How the fuck did you find Dreamscape?

>> No.18192582
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>Seethe more

>> No.18192745

Hey anon, I live in a third world shithole. Any links to a pdf?

>> No.18192815

nice troll anon.

>> No.18192833


Your dad has been to war. Thats it. You hear first hand accounts but think to yourself, "Oh it cant be that bad." Anon, I have seen my friends get shot. Yes, people in dire situations do find hilarity in the worst situations not because the situation is not that bad, its because its so fucking ridiculous, you have to trick yourself with laughing. If you want to feel like a man pick up MMA or something like that. You will cry at nights and be scared at loud noises after war

>> No.18192927
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Thanks, anon. I thought, as bait, it might be too obvious, but the results speak for themselves.

>> No.18192949
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>> No.18193020
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apparently im the only one on this board reading anything worth a damn (history) and not wasting my time on philosophy and meme lit.

>> No.18193057

Clockwork orange is f unreadable lmao all this bizarre language it is a though you english people weren't weird enough

>> No.18193061

Totally worthless. Imagine wanting to be "informed".

>> No.18193085

Sorry man, I don't think that book was prominent enough to ever end up digitized. (I found it in a used bookstore before I owned a computer and have had a lot of fun collecting books from it over the last decade). If you ever have the chance, try and order it online (it's a great resource for getting into literature).

>> No.18193305

Pathetic post. Butthurt at the first sign of criticism. Won't even consider the spirit of what I said, will continue reading writers straight from Oprah recommendations lists instead of developing his own unique taste. Reads books based on the writer's political opinions. Misrepresents what I said because he is dyslexic. Reads Martin and Atwood, calls me a normie.
Rope yourself or get cancer, subhuman.

>no one should read anything acclaimed/popular
you are such a dishonest imbecile, slit your wrists

>> No.18193696


>> No.18193780
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Hey! Ammo is expensive right now... And my old range closed! And and and....

>> No.18193906

How did you like War At The End Of The World?

>> No.18194285

Is hyperion good? I picked it up and I've read the first 50 pages and so far I don't like it very much.

>> No.18194313

>Busy reading the manga
Wait, was /a/ the most based board all along?

>> No.18194333

Interesting, watched the movie and liked it. If what you say is true the book sounds better. Will check it out.

>> No.18195403

Not sure if srs or legit retarded

>> No.18195765

books for this feel?

>> No.18195911

what kind of question is this. you didn't randomly stumble into reading the book now did you?
If you don't like the sci-fi fine but at least finish the Priest's story nearly done with, it's widely considered the best. Unfortunately the soldier's proceeds it and most rank it comparatively low but I say try it and if that's where you want to drop it so be it, but finish the Priest!

>> No.18195985
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>> No.18196490
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>> No.18196954


>> No.18197006

Holy... based

>> No.18197013

Getting your politics from bunkerchan isn't any better, dumb tranny

>> No.18197090

>educating yourself is reddit
Perhaps xvideos comment section is more your speed

>> No.18197149
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Cope. Sorry you're not smart enough to pull off being pretentious. Have fun with being a fantasy fag.

>> No.18197314

you sound like a seething tranny

>> No.18197471

Fantasy novels aren't a substitute for having a girlfriend.

>> No.18197523

k glowboy don't shot my pupper

1. the ancient city 1864
2.no country for old men
3.hate inc
4.the hound of the baskervilles
5.the greek way 1932
6. how money works
7. death in the grizzly maze
8. the roman way 1932
9.fight club

>> No.18197550
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Is this you?

>> No.18197566

What did you think of the bridge trilogy? I liked the sprawl trilogy but felt like things fell off a lot after Neuromancer. I liked that and Burning Chrome way better than either Count Zero or Mona Lisa.

>> No.18197601

Every board is larping NEETS, do you believe that anybody with real world skills or qualifications would be here? This is a magical place where you can pretend not to be a incel smelling of piss with a cum stained body pillow with lolicon on it

>> No.18197800
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>> No.18198186

I liked the bridge trilogy more than the sprawl trilogy. The bridge books fit together more cohesively than the sprawl, I also found the characters to be more interesting.

>> No.18198871

Have to learn Russian first to appreciate it.