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18172537 No.18172537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on why precisely its only the sexually and socially frustrated estranged young white men who believe that the Western society is collapsing, while no one else is preoccupied with that belief and just lives out his life happily without caring?

>> No.18172552

kill yourself, tranny filth

>> No.18172560

found the
>sexually and socially frustrated estranged young white men who believe that the Western society is collapsing

>> No.18172566
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Male suicide rates have never been higher in modern history. Making these threads gives justification and incentive to the people you’re trying to to drive out. I don’t know what political party the ‘cover my eyes and pretend nothing is wrong’ party is, but even the richest neoliberal could take a glance at the state of things and see we’re going toward a bad place. You’ve posted this just to start a fight, and I am a dumber human being for replying.

>> No.18172575
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You cannot escape your destiny

>> No.18172581
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Society is collapsing

>> No.18172586

But Evola was a sex haver. He hosted magical sex orgies. And Guenon had a wife and kids.

>> No.18172607

>Any books on why precisely its only the sexually and socially frustrated estranged young white men who believe that the Western society is collapsing, while no one else is preoccupied with that belief and just lives out his life happily without caring?
huh? whenever i go in a bookstore the current events section is filled with books by liberal journalists and poc talking about the collapse of the west and liberalism and america.

>> No.18172612

>Male suicide rates have never been higher in modern history.
Thats just because in the past these incels, these subhumans, would be the first to die of plague or in war. Right now theres neither, so the rise in depression in suicides is a form of nature.. balancing itself out, in novel ways ;)

>> No.18172614

Why do low in poltards even come to this board

>> No.18172618

>the Western society is collapsing
what about the climate stuff everyone talks about

>> No.18172629

I'm 32, Asian, 800k net worth, have gf. I too think west is collapsing and feel very sorry about that.

>> No.18172633

It's collapsing, retard. That doesn't mean you can't be happy, and that doesn't mean that everyone who noticed is an incel, you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.18172651

I am going to find you

>> No.18172686

>why dont young, successful, happy people oppose the status quo
Geez I wonder why, but what I really wonder about is why you make these retarded bait posts here.

>> No.18172710

Spengler was probably a virgin

>> No.18172718

I was talking about people, not insects. Sorry.

>> No.18172738

lol, bitter too much?

>> No.18172753
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...Okay, so post body with time stamp. If you have unimpressive physique, you’re gonna have to shoot yourself on livestream to prove you believe the ideas you espouse.
>no plagues and wars to kill incels
>The country with the largest military in the world has been at war nonstop since the seventies
I’m being baited aren’t I

>> No.18172759

Bunkertrannies are obsessed with polfags not because they're polar opposite but because minus the bottom surgery and the wussy opinions they're the exact same people.

>> No.18172768

>>The country with the largest military in the world has been at war nonstop since the seventies
COVID literally only kills off the very old (and a small percentage at that), and the last time draft was used was in the vietnam war and even then only the equivalent of 1 small town (50k) of US soldiers died throughout the whole war

>> No.18172787
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any books about subhumans like OP?

>> No.18172812
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>the human population is at it’s highest
>therefore these sums of deaths which would be astronomical in ancient times are in fact, small
Can you imagine an entire small town of corpses? Have you ever smelled rotting meat? Imagine that on every street, in every house of an entire town.
The draft is no longer needed because college is unworkable and kids are told (typically truthfully so) they need a diploma to survive. This, combined with a nearly 100 year old romanticism regarding the American military guarantees that America’s Army will always be full. I wouldn’t hesitate to say that more than 10 million people have died since the seventies to protect or further American interests- not just American soldiers dying, foreign ones too. I guess they were all incels though, right? Now post body, you sex god, you judge of men, and prove you’re stronger and better looking than the average US marine.

>> No.18172846

sure, 1 death is a tragedy and so on, but many deaths are a statistic, and the statistic for US deaths in the vietnam war is surprisingly humble.

>> No.18172863

Ikr.. That anon needs to relax and learn to stop being so depressed... I recommend seeing a therapist. Wellbutrin helped me and Lexapro helped my sister. I used to feel sad but now I don't anymore so they work. Medication works. Therapy works. Now I'm normal again and happy. I can go to work and post. Sometimes I see a post that says "I hate that the road is bumpy, why can't politicians fix this? We pay taxes" and I say dude lol just be grateful you HAVE roads? I don't mind the road, it's just a little bumpy, why do you care so much? Like just relax, wow, who hurt you. I recommend getting some therapy, maybe go outside a little, maybe get a hobby and some normal friends with normal hobbies who you can learn to be normal around. I was not normal like you until I learned to be normal and now I'm happy and I don't get upset anymore. I'm not saying the game is bad, it's an amazing game and guys I am having so much fun playing it, like so much fun, but I think they shouldn't be charging $15 for palette swap DLC... but I don't mean to be negative lol I love the game I really do, I am having soo much fun with it. I don't even notice that the road has potholes lol why do you care so much. Just ignore it turn on the radio haha. My life was messed up until I got on Lexapro. It takes a while to work bro but trust me now I'm fine

>> No.18172879

>normal again and happy
Biggest redflags that you are in fact a viscous cunt.

>> No.18172894

good post. reads a bit too much like something Cassie from the Skins would write (its hectic and retardedly written) but i can tell it comes from a sincere place and frankly im the same, altho i didnt need meds to fix myself

>> No.18172925


>> No.18172928
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>If only I lived in the 1950s or the middle ages then I'd have a trad wife and wouldn't be a loser

>> No.18172956

I know it's trite but the left really can't meme. why the ironic "le" it adds nothing and how the person who drew it tried to make it look shitty buy clearly put alot of work into it its sad really. at least it's not covered in text and transflags though.

>> No.18172986

Hmm, let's see what other groups we can find that are obsessed with doomsday narratives
>Jews are ruining everything (More Arabs than whites believe this
>Capitalism is destroying all of our lifes in a totalitarian matter(Frankfurt school leftists)
>The 1% keep the population poor and oppressed (Less radical bernies and other leftists)
>European civilization is being destroyed by global capital and immigrants(Radical intellectuals in western europe, everyone in eastern europe)
>We live in a state of racist terror and oppression (Blacks, blacked white females and low-t males)
>Whites are colonial and imperialist oppressors (Academic third worlders, browned white females and low-t males)
>America is an evil nation that wants to subjugate the entire world (Western europeans, Russians, Chinese, arabs)
>Western Civilization is destroying and undermining our religion and culture (Arabs)
>Our proud indian nation is undermined by muslims who must be kicked out of the country (Nationalistic Indians)
>Women are at fault for everything (Incels)
>Men are at fault for everything (ugly feminists)
>Trannies are at fault for everything (god)
There certainly are some people that are living happily without caring, but if you believe it's just white incels who complain, you live in a little bit of a bubble yourself :)

>> No.18173002

They feel neglected combined with a bad case of emotional underdevelopment. "western society" doesn't put their concerns front and center anymore.

Though I consider myself far from sexually frustrated I also share that western society is collapsing or at least declining. That's plain enough to see from all the chaos and weakness it's showing, is it not? Though I attribute different causes and reasons for this dilapidation rather than feminism and jews.

>> No.18173033

am I being baited?
That post was sarcastic

>> No.18173038

>Trannies are at fault for everything (god)

>> No.18173043

>Any book from Houellebecq?
Yes. It will show you why the people who are successful are blind to the obvious solution (meditation, art and self-control) and search happiness through the markets, especially the sexual market. No reason to worry about the birth rate if you're having threesome with young girls, your happiness has been commodified by capitalism. Notice that the wave of depression and suicide during 'just a flu' is mostly hitting those 'successful' people - they can't spend time with themselves without having to think, whereas /r9k/ remained firm in their losers' beliefs.

>> No.18173077

I mean the fact we have such a decent amount (and rising) number of males that are essentially dead weight with nothing going for them is probably a sign things aren't as good as they could be. Haven't really seen any non meme answers to the "Incel Question"

>> No.18173091

I have a good job, a girlfriend, friends, and houses on the beach on both coasts and I think this.

There are quantitative data that show the quality of life is decreasing, but there are still people who insist that the house isn’t on fire and everything’s just fine. While I think some of these people simply aren’t paying attention, I believe many of them actually understand what’s happening, but also realize many of the policies they champion are causing it, and so they’re shy about admitting it. Instead they attempt to claim that there’s something wrong with the people who are pointing out the obvious.

>> No.18173094

youre generalizing. the truth is, these hateful/negative views are almost universally held by the socially and/or socially and/or career frustrated

>> No.18173100

I'm not socially frustrated though

>> No.18173104

>I have a good job, a girlfriend, friends, and houses on the beach on both coasts

>> No.18173108

>the socially and/or socially and/or career frustrated
Which is a worryingly large and expanding group of people...

>> No.18173110

I don't get what you are saying. How do i deny what you claim to be the truth. It's obviously always the frustrated who want change. Nothing i posed as an example denies this.

>> No.18173114

Because those are the only humans for whom it is not actually successful to be a vapid helpless incompetent reliable consumer of noninformation.

>> No.18173136

>People unhappy with the status quo don't like the status quo
WOW this is groundbreaking anon

>> No.18173145

The reason the west is falling is because nobody is preoccupied with that, they are instead just pleasure seeking.

The reason your strawman is angry is because he is alone in his willingness to examine ideas and elect himself to struggle.

The reason he is along is because you and everyone else are weak stupid worthless incoherent and incapable of going 5 seconds without pleasure seeking.

And yet he doesn't change himself to become a virtue signaling and socially harmonious little bitchboy. You are welcome for his effort.

>> No.18173150

Its almost as if people who are occupied with engineered distractions arent able to critically look at the world around them.

>> No.18173154

They are universally held by everyone so of course that will include the socially/career frustrated as well.

>> No.18173164
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Does the obsession with sex lives of authors prove theory correct that striving for higher ideals and culture is redirected sexual energy? It seems to be always someone brings up sex when high culture and achievement is discussed, or possibility of its downfall. I'm very skeptical of nofap, but it seems that everyone has some type of intuitive knowledge that someone who reaches towards something ''higher'' is not fucking, or has certain disregard/disinterest towards sex. Naturally opinions vary where the energy should be directed, but it seems there is agreement where it stems from.

>> No.18173170
File: 115 KB, 907x507, thankgodformeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow anon you sound just like me! I use to have trouble doing all the rows and rows of basic arithmetic practice the teachers wanted me to do at school, but then the school counselor got me on Ritalin(TM) and boy that sure has helped! Its helped me focus much better and I now do all of my homework instead of those stupid drawings I used to be interested in (the drawings annoyed Miss Barker, but now she tells me I'm a good student all the time). I use to want to be an artist but now I think Ill follow my passion for actuarial sciences into university - theres always gonna be someone who needs their car insured. trust the system bros it works out great.

>> No.18173175

>it seems that everyone has some type of intuitive knowledge that someone who reaches towards something ''higher'' is not fucking, or has certain disregard/disinterest towards sex.

>> No.18173176

So you know how homosexuality is exhibited by large complex mammals at the top of their local niche? This is because of a lack of selective pressures.

On a long enough timeline if that prosperity continues, hunting/gathering strategies will become less ubiquitous and a fewer of the hardworking, competent, capable, alpha whales/gorillas who elect themselves to struggle, they will try to pull the increasing weight of everyone who refuses to do the same because they have decided instead to worry about gender identities and the nuances of pleasure seeking.

Guess what the mammals who did all that work are going to have a hard time to respect the ones who spent all day jerking off and want food now.

>> No.18173178

I've had sex and I have a good job and it's pretty obvious that society is collapsing due to the liberal agenda.

>> No.18173187
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>So you know how homosexuality is exhibited by large complex mammals at the top of their local niche? This is because of a lack of selective pressures.

>> No.18173188
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>low in

>> No.18173189

The world is turning to shit but not for the reason these people claim it is. They've been brainwashed to obsess over trannies, racial minorities and immigrants specifically to deflect them away from the real shit that is hitting the fan.

>> No.18173190

They must just have been paying attention to history and be willing to scrutinize their ideas.

Dont worry about it. Get back to your videogames.

>> No.18173203

>I’m being baited aren’t I
gee whiz, you think so?

>> No.18173229

>It's obviously always the frustrated who want change
What Im saying is, they dont want change in the areas theyre frustrated. They pretend to care about wholly different areas, but just as a cope for their frustration

>> No.18173246
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Man, I just want a hot GF for sex...

>> No.18173271

Nobody said "only mammals"
You are a fuckup.

You clearly have never made an attempt to weigh an argument. Like the rest of your weak privilledges generation, you instead point at projected feelings and imagined motives to avoid addressing the actual arguments made.

That is why democracy is failing.
That is why the west is falling.
It's because you are a weak stupid fuckup.

>> No.18173282

This seems like a good diagnosis. The two have such a weird obsession with eachother.

>> No.18173289

Homos are stronger.

>> No.18173306

>The country with the largest military in the world has been at war nonstop since the seventies
Wars are different now

>> No.18173307

Sex isn't that good. But not having it is worse.

>> No.18173353
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> ad hominem
/ˌad ˈhämənəm/
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"vicious ad hominem attacks"

>> No.18173382

saying western society has fallen is obvoiusly completely retarded. It will just continue to grind away eating up more and more people.