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/lit/ - Literature

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18157829 No.18157829 [Reply] [Original]

sites to read small and intresting articles about random shit.. major plus if its psychology or philosophy or self help related

>> No.18157857

? just read book

>> No.18157861

i can't read straight for a hundred pages bro i just need sm quick

>> No.18157897

Read my twitter page

>> No.18157899

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

>> No.18157901
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don't read
listen outliers by malcolm gladwell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezZvc-YupnA
that will awake your desire for listening to more books(including higher quality books)
after a while, you'll get tired of audiobooks and you'll read real books
>t. retard who did that and now is able to finish reading a 3-400 pages novel in 3 days
I was like you anon burned out reward system and add
now I still have these problems but when it comes to reading they are gone

>> No.18158006

>psychology or philosophy or self help related
Kill yourself. You are pathetic

>> No.18158021

If finishing a book that's only 3-400 pages in 3 days, you are a really slow reader. Not surprising, though, since you recommended an audiobook (not even a real book) by Malcolm Gladwell of all people.

>> No.18158076

>really slow reader
some people are still in school anon; I envy people like you who have all the day for themselves
>not even a real book
why do you think a recommended a meme book?
because you have to start somewhere
real books are more demanding than this one and he doesn't have the attention required to read them

>> No.18158093

There are plenty of other "easy" books out there. Posting Malcolm Gladwell on here should be a bannable offense

>> No.18158180

Not him, but I've never heard of Gladwell. What's wrong with him? Generic self-help book trite?

>> No.18158221

>Generic self-help book trite?
something like that
more like pop psychology and studies