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File: 96 KB, 350x350, Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18149463 No.18149463 [Reply] [Original]

He was right about antidepressants being used as a way to control the masses and make them accept unacceptable living conditions.

>> No.18149496


>> No.18149502

Haven't seen a Ted post in a while.

>> No.18149504

right about everything

>> No.18149535

Now extend that to all psychiatric pharmaceuticals and psychotherapy. The touch of madness always accompanies a deep intuition.

>> No.18149542

>For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being a female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and did not disclose his reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a "major turning point" in his life:[34][35][36] "I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope."[35]

>> No.18149548

that sounds based as fuck tbqh

>> No.18149569

Idk anon why don't you /read/ one of his books

>> No.18149598
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What are you trying to imply when you spam this in every Ted thread? That a man sank to his lowest level of dispair in order to change his life? Lets be honest, we've all gone through events in life similar to this.

>> No.18149661

Kaczynski would have done the same thing when steam engines became popular human tools. He was a psychopathic neo-Luddite.

He suffers from dysphoria and sexual repression. I have experienced that phase too.

>> No.18149679

>He suffers from dysphoria and sexual repression. I have experienced that phase too.
He suffered it seems like, but he got over his fetishism and modernity-induced feelings. I’ve done it. You would have if you hadn’t fallen to your base sexual desires

>> No.18149711

Basically over sexualization from technology, now imagine what he would have done if he was operating post 2010.

>> No.18149717

Yes yes and the nazis were trannies too and an 80 year old review of citizen kane that totally was just discovered makes black panther the greatest movie of all time. Fuck off kike

>> No.18149810 [DELETED] 

He will probably target the anime and streaming media industry.

Hmmm, I usually look for information or people's reviews about the book in question first rather than jumping right into reading it.

>> No.18149824

Now I am worried about bringing up the topic to my psychiatrist.

He will probably target the anime and streaming media industry.

Hmmm, I usually look for information or people's reviews about the book in question first rather than jumping right into reading it.

>> No.18149841

> T. never saw an actual schizo off his meds in crisis

>> No.18149844

yeah the nazi's actually were all a bunch of fucking faggots though. They played on emotion and were obsessed with aesthetics.

degenerate bitch shit

>> No.18149868

By his logic this is just a shitty transitional stage until our brains are mind controlled to feel more happy than naturally possible but he hasn't any arguments against that besides Muh freedom

>> No.18149887

Institut für Sexualwissenschaft

>> No.18149904

teds not wrong, exactly
many ecological representatives feel the same. ted just took action. albeit he didn't aim it very well.

imo, humanity goes through these things. otherwise, how do we learn
pendulums swinging back around now

>> No.18149913

Why are you so mean to those guys from /his/

>> No.18149946
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100% based

>> No.18149964
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>yeah the nazi's actually were all a bunch of fucking faggots though. They played on emotion and were obsessed with aesthetics.
That's actually v based

>> No.18149969

He should just stick to being a writer.

Right idea wrong execution.

The liberal system makes people romanticize neurotic behavior and domesticates men.

I can only dream of a decentralized future that does not rely on systems.

>> No.18150330

> makes black panther the greatest movie of all time
Actually the greatest movie of all time is now Paddington 2. Stay mad non-anglo fags.

>> No.18150418

he's being fucked in hell right now by the AI retroactively

>> No.18150468
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He is the rare based schizo

>> No.18150480

>He should just stick to being a writer.
same argument with philosophy. without embodiment, it's nothing. just simplistic catharsis while perceived threat still spreads

>> No.18150876

I get it when people say he is an autist, psycho, soziopath etc, but the schizo shit never made sense. His writting and thoughts are way too coherently for him to be considered a schizo

>> No.18150884

The court psychiatrist diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.18150911

I don't buy it. I have seen actual schizos and they where in no way capable of doing what Ted did. Seems as if they just wanted to discredit him.

>> No.18150925

His own lawyers tried an insanity plea without his knowledge, they were all doing their best to discredit him

>> No.18150982

I'm inclined to believe you but remember that the greatest programmer of all times was also a skitzo
I even heard about a psychologist who's a paranoid skitzo

>> No.18151009

Kaczynski solved the human spirit

>> No.18151013

This merely helped show him the incongruent path society was taking in regard to the natural world. Are you stupid?

>> No.18151016


>> No.18151019

he's argument is logical valid. the only effective criticism of his axioms, particularly is psychoanalysis of leftists, but i think he managed to paint an accurate enough picture of the psychology of leftists to be workable

>> No.18151043
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>> No.18151044
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Pynchon scrambled his brain

>> No.18151062

>the only effective criticism of his axioms, particularly is psychoanalysis of leftists
It's actually a pretty intuitive and well thought out conclusion. It's essentially slave morality simplified.

>> No.18151091

>I like his strawman so it's okay


>> No.18151101
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>> No.18151186

It's not logically cromulent at any rate

>> No.18151414

>the greatest programmer of all times was also a skitzo
I guess you mean Terry Davis. While he for sure was a genius, it was clear by the way he talked and rambled that he suffered from some form of shizophrenia, while the same can not be said about Ted. Maybe you could call him schizoid, but not at all schizophrenic

>> No.18151592
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>> No.18152340

Based in many positions. For instance the part about the establishment rebels, or system's greatest trick. It's so obviously true that there exist some "intellectuals" who shine some light on the world but not enough for people to actually understand what it's all about. I recall that documentary maker, Adam Curtis who is kind of that, people like Noam Chomsky, Sam Harris etc. also play the same role.

>> No.18152351

I’ve read both his books and used to think he was great but he is full of shit. He has some good insights here and there but overall he’s delusional like most ideologues

>> No.18152369

He should be forced to read Plato and the Bible until he snaps out of his infantile infatuation

>> No.18152376

>He is full of shit
Which part of his critique of technological society and industrialisation did you disagree with?

>> No.18152386

>It's so obviously true that there exist some "intellectuals" who shine some light on the world but not enough for people to actually understand what it's all about.
What it's like to listen to Mark Fisher

>> No.18152646

I’ve gone through it a hundred times on this board. His apocalyptic prediction is in the same vein as the marxist and christian prophecies he criticizes. I don’t think substitutions for “natural” ways of fulfilling the power process are worse and I don’t think fulfilling the power process is all there is to happiness. He himself doesn’t romanticize pre industrial life and admits it was very hard and criticizes anarcho primitivists for their naivete, so the only reason you would want to start an anti tech revolution is if you believe in his prediction he lays out which again he admits isn’t objective and is just his own opinion as to what will happen, and considering the stakes and what the consequences of an anti tech revolution would be, it’s not worth it to base it off of one guy’s apocalypse prophecy which is woefully lacking in evidence, especially when you consider 99% of prophecies and predictions ever have been false no matter how reasonable they seem.

>> No.18152682

I have only read his manifesto, so I can't speak for his other work, but it's far from schizo rambling, if I had to diagnose him with a mental illness based only on his work that I read, worst I could call him is autistic

>> No.18152704


>> No.18152791

>posting this in 2021
oh honey no, sweetie.... no

>> No.18152799

he's the opposite of a schizo, he's autistic.

>> No.18152931

Creates a simple all encompassing problem(tech), creates a simple all encompassing answer(primitivism). Hes simplifying stuff, caught in black and white thinking/retardation.

>> No.18153016

>Kaczynski would have done the same thing when steam engines became popular human tools.
Can't find the quote right now, but IIRC Tolkein had a dislike of trains. One of his children noticed that he looked the other way when trains go by, and asked him why. He said he hated them because they take people to their slavery.

>> No.18153786

Pretty based. 7.5/10.

>> No.18153847

god damn all tedniggers are retarded. I'm done talking about this guy, everyone who actually cares about him seems to be a retard or at least underage

>> No.18154116
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Now extend that to everything that has ever been produced, including ideas of any kind. Ideas are ideological justifications of material conditions in the same way that antidepressants justify-enable the current material conditions.

Ideology is reactive.

>> No.18154286


>> No.18154371

not the other one but :
>I don’t think substitutions for “natural” ways of fulfilling the power process are worse and I don’t think fulfilling the power process is all there is to happiness
You really think that still with all the coronavirus and confinement bullshit ? Do you really think the modern life offers fulfillment with all it's domestication ?

>> No.18154500

>Do you really think the modern life offers fulfillment with all it's domestication ?
perhaps not fully in it's present state, but it can be improved to that end. The idea that there exists two choices, using modern technology or going back to defecating in the woods is very defeatist and spoken by Ted, as someone who hasn't experienced all the ills of humans natural habitat.

>> No.18154807

>>18154500 checked
what is wrong with shitting in the woods ?
Shitting into water you pay for, which means you pay in order to shit, is pretty worse.

Also he didn't say A or B only, because there is lots of nuance between these two poles. For each individual according to his possibilities. He said you can fight the modern world from within. But ultimately one should abstain from it as much he can, as it brings peace. Time passing the modern world is getting worst and the possibilities to live naturally, narrow or bold.
Ted did that and lived in a forest.

I interpret his hopes for a future cataclism that would bring an end to technology freely, as he allowed it himself. It will be the end of the kali yuga or iron age, the end of a world.
If he wrote his stuff it's because he had a bit of hope for at least some resistance. And that's not bad. He didn't made clear illuminate type prophecy.

>> No.18154832

Also he didn't reject every product of civilisation, but the ones of the industrial revolution, that are unnatural and inhuman. But again, as time passes, it is getting harder to use traditional tools

>> No.18154846
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fuck off city slicker

>> No.18156056


>> No.18156095

As you can see from this thread, he is appreciated a lot by people who use expressions like 'based', post wojaks or are looking for an author to be 'right about everything'.
Good if you're under 20 or haven't read much else, which is probably the case, who else hasn't read Ted by this point?

>> No.18156828

>no arguments
why are you on this board

>> No.18156984

Read his manifesto; very frustrating to read because he is absolutely correct about a whole lot of issues, but in general is very repetitive and writes like an incel/woman who can't cope with reality (also fuck this guy for murdering the innocent)

>> No.18157035

you can be sure that kaczynski was a schizoid thought that's besides the point
what I was trying to say is that even if he was a schizophrenic (which I think it's not true) that would not change the fact that his manifesto made sense and is actually an important work
you can't discredit someone's achievements for the sole reason that he had mental health issues

>> No.18157975

His first book was awful havnt read the second.>>18149569
basically schizo ramblings-he has trouble organizing his thoughts in a coherent way. He seems out of touch. Complaining about "wenches" he's like an incel from the 1800s lol

>> No.18158049

Considering how many anons on here are racist i think popularity of "based" is hilarious. Literally imitating the quintessential nig while feigning superiority.

>> No.18158071
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Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)06:50:23 No.18156095▶>>18158049
>>18149463 (OP)
As you can see from this thread, he is appreciated a lot by people who use expressions like 'based', post wojaks or are looking for an author to be 'right about everything'.
Good if you're under 20 or haven't read much else, which is probably the case, who else hasn't read Ted by this point?

>> No.18158154

The only reason Ted's writings are known by even normies is because of his crimes, which he did commit to have his manifesto be better known.

The truth is, you're just stupid.

>> No.18158187


Happiness and feeling fulfilled are not the same thing. Happiness and feeling at peace are not the same thing. Happiness is a thing in of itself, and it alone doesn't really make life worth living, since all happiness is fleeting and so pursuing it is insanity.

A world where you can only be happy, and not fulfilled or at peace is the word Ted describes. It's a world of senseless hedonistic dreams without limit where there's plenty of people but not a soul among them.

>> No.18158192

anti tech revolution gives society much needed break from the 'tension' of industrial society during which the improvement that you mention can be brought about

>> No.18158195

If you agree with any of his points, you agree that the people he killed weren't innocent.

>> No.18158208

Ted is overrated. His arguments are well-reasoned but very intuitive and superficial, meaning there's no depth or real revelation you can gleam from them other than "Yeah that's true I suppose". He doesn't actually have much to say about the topics he brings up, so randomly invokes non sequiturs (See: The spiel about liberals) until he goes full circle and justifies it under the technological society narrative. There's something to be said about Ted' being sensationalized to the point of lending exposure to his ideas to the public at least, but what the fuck are they going to do with that information? Post "return to monke" memes while replying to shoe0nhead's or Vaush's twitter feed? Ultimately, he appeals to a generation that will never actualize his ideas because they don't have the self-awareness to do so.

Also his hyper-materialism disgusts me.

>> No.18158220

>Complaining about "wenches" he's like an incel from the 1800s lol

>> No.18158227

It's not prescriptive, it's descriptive. What he's describing is a system that will either destroy humanity, itself, or both. If what he says is true, that destruction will come to pass regardless of what people do.

>his hyper-materialism
It seems like you're having a hard time understanding what he's saying due to your retardation.

>> No.18158241

>it’s not worth it to base it off of one guy’s apocalypse prophecy which is woefully lacking in evidence
The idea there won't be an apocalyptic human event is the one that's lacking evidence, actually. Imagine having faith in a future where nukes were not only conceived of conceptually, but actually exist and have been used.

>> No.18158243

>butthurt lefty can't even call it leftism must say spiel about liberals
He's talking beyond you. He doesn't want people who even know who them twitter faggots reading him. So fuck off, oversocialised faggot.

>> No.18158343

>It's not prescriptive, it's descriptive. What he's describing is a system that will either destroy humanity, itself, or both. If what he says is true, that destruction will come to pass regardless of what people do.
Ted presents all his shallow axioms as completely self-evident truths, especially when he starts devolving into humanistic rants about things such as the "power process". It's interesting, but there's no rigor whatsoever. Read Ellul.
>It seems like you're having a hard time understanding what he's saying due to your retardation.
Ted is an atheist, views society through a purely historical materialist lens, and doesn't take any meaningful consideration of spirituality or religion and what it can truly bring to the table.
>>butthurt lefty can't even call it leftism must say spiel about liberals
You clearly care more about this shit than I do, so I might as well tell you to fuck off now with your garbage attitude.

>> No.18158347

That's true i dont have ovaries or a womb or the correct chromosomes

>> No.18158355

that speaks more to people being drawn to drama
ted didn't get wild for the sake of spreading his ideas, he did it as self expression acting upon them

also i never said i disagreed with him taking action. i defended that people should act on how they feel, generally.
i just said he aimed it like a retard

>> No.18158366

most people arent as cripplingly autistic as Ted. I look at his writing and see a need to divert more funding into better understanding of and treating individuals with mental conditions such as autism and such.

>> No.18158374
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>He suffers from dysphoria and sexual repression.
Freudian bullshit.

>> No.18158377

>and doesn't take any meaningful consideration of spirituality or religion and what it can truly bring to the table.
this desu, ted (like marx) was naive enough to believe humans are good-natured idiots by default, but we genuinely are fucked up enough as a species to desire complete and total automation. the death of god is at fault here.

>> No.18158383

He's right about everything but perhaps sending people bombs is the wrong way to go.

>> No.18158387

Did he kill any of his intended targets? I know he blew the hands of some guys secretary. Pretty misguided if you ask me.

>> No.18158400

Literally had his brain raped to pieces by MK Ultra. Dude's a complete schizo.

>> No.18158426

>Shitting into water you pay for, which means you pay in order to shit, is pretty worse.
Because modern sanitation allows 100+m people to live in the same place without being instantly killed by rampaging disease.

>> No.18158488

How is this good?

>> No.18158500

>how is this good?
What, not having a disease?

>> No.18158528

just slowly killed by other trash

>> No.18158530

You're implicitly saying that so called gender disorder is merely a paraphilia.

If you have such feeligns as well and "changed" your sex because of them, please, kill yourself.

>> No.18158684

>I'm inclined to believe you but remember that the greatest programmer of all times was also a skitzo
Terry wasn't the greatest programmer though.

>> No.18158688

psychology and psychiatry are the science approach to human mind, human condition cant be explained in labels or the scientific method. in fact, the question of this thread prove the actual preponderance of "science of the mind" as the arbiter of human truth. you cant criticize psychiatry and not be seeing as a schizo, psychotic, or whatever label they want. we are half fucked with this "official" human psych approved society we are living.

psychology is a direct blow to individuality. if you cant see it you will pay for it. so he is semi-based in this stanza.

>> No.18158698

Yeah like oxygen

>> No.18158700

>they tried to make him take his meds

>> No.18158704
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lol no it isn't. He points out that some people are pussies wow

>> No.18158726

hes not wrong tho psychiatry works within established cultural/social standardization of humans

>> No.18158729

This is bad why?

>> No.18158738

>f-fuck off
Oversocialised faggot lefty, missing my point

>> No.18158741

>works within established cultural/social standardization
This is why you need someone who thinks outside the box which is generally rare in our species but does exist. There are also scientifically established standards.

>> No.18158747

you sound a little oversocialised yourself lol

>> No.18158765

How is hundreds of millions of people not dying of cholera good?
Other than air pollution in dense megacities I really don't see what you're talking about.

>> No.18158776

Life is sacred

>> No.18158782

you are confirming my first point
>if you criticize psychiatry you are literally crazy.
i have luck and i never have to go to psychiatrists, and i probably refuse to go til last stand. anyway whether i want it or not they will make a shitty diagnosis and depends where i live the government force me or invite me to take my beloved meds. so this is what i refer about global psychiatry judging how a healthy human mind and human society should be.

>> No.18158784

I'm yet to meet a single trans woman that - hen probed anonymously - does not have a history of progressively extreme fetish porn use and at the very least have no cross-dressed sexually.
Used to know one that was viciously anti-sissy/CD who used to be a sissy maid out FL. It's all just projected insecurity on the part of trans women.

>> No.18158803

They're just trying to help you

>> No.18158807

>you confirmed my point
it was a joke. To some degree i do agree with you though. But there are certain standards we have come to through studying the human brain, body, and behavior.

>> No.18158811

And what about its sacredness dissipates when people live together? At what specific population density does this occur?
As with every Ted thread it started with people holding technophobic or anti-modern knee-jerk reactions as self-evident truths and then falling back on meaningless babble.

>> No.18158812

He just didn't have a break.

>> No.18158829

>why is bad standardizations of humans?
you have the problem trying to substantiate this. in fact you if you try you probably will say whatever euphemism because standardization sounds "too bad". even psychiatrists put this kind of thing behind thousands of veils.

>> No.18158838


>> No.18158848

He was an agent. Simple as that. Whose purpose was to keep you staring at your own dick, thinking about technology and stuff, while the world keeps moving.

>> No.18158857

human mind dont have a purpose. we dont know what it is the finality of it. psychyatry trying to see thoughts, imagination or intuition as a material organ with a finality is pretty fucked up. its something more delicate than that.

>> No.18158868

>human mind dont have a purpose
It has the same purpose as the brain of any other animal. Biological computer.

>> No.18158896

>Biological computer.
i disagree. this mechanicist and ultimate materialist view of the mind is gross to me. and im not an spiritualist type neither. it just astonished me how this somewhat debatable point about human mind is not debatable anymore. just take your pills and be happy. i suppose i still see something sacred in the inner life.

>> No.18158905

he was right about everything

>> No.18158920

>take your pills and be happy
that's the problem with modern society. There is a difference between therapist and psychiatrist and the former uses verbal therapy and not drugs.

>somewhat debatable point
are you referring to whether not we have souls/higher purpose?

>> No.18158931

His message is correct, but his methodology was retarded. Could've done something useful instead of bombing some random university people who don't matter anyway. I guess if the point was just to get attention to his manifesto, then it worked, but it certainly failed to save the world.

Still, the guy was unsatisfied with the state of things and unlike 99% of people, he actually tried to do something about it. That seems more sane to me than just trying to jerk off and not think about it.

>> No.18158936

Ted recognized that the desire to transition is just a degenerate fetish, that's it.

>> No.18158962

i never made the claim its bad
just that how you will be engineered is relative to governmental and cultural expectations
there is a cost to our society
no ones going to "gain enlightenment" in a materialistic society, for example

>> No.18158970

>This is why you need someone who thinks outside the box which is generally rare in our species but does exist
its only rare because of the extreme amount of cultural association and conditioning

>> No.18158972

>former uses verbal therapy and not drugs.
pills are the more agressive approach, but i refer to their "teachings". the psychology as authority of behaviour, feelings, or thoughts. pills is just the metaphore about the total submission to this train of thought.
>are you referring to whether not we have souls/higher purpose?
i dont know. i personally would not use soul.
what i trying to say is that is debatable that mind should be treated as a leg, as an organ. you say its a biological computer. but for what?. what this computer have to do?. i suppose you would say survive or something along the lines. so all is down to this survivalists mode of seeing the mind. like i said, i see it as something broader and more delicate and not with the finality of making the body survive. i, naively, thought everyone think like me about this, but somewhat almost everyone agree in a nonchalant way, that we are biological computers. and to me it sound like they just dont think too much about it. so we have the success of psychiatry and pscyhology because of that. maybe.

>> No.18159005

>Other than air pollution in dense megacities I really don't see what you're talking about.
i suggest you examine your water more closely then

>> No.18159012

who's defining the standard and by what structure
maybe the environment is wrong

>> No.18159015

Why not

>> No.18159017

>But there are certain standards we have come to
cultural ones

>> No.18159034

>it just astonished me how this somewhat debatable point about human mind is not debatable anymore
its a net result of the surrounding culture that is profoundly materialistic
it seeps into all perspective of reality
the sciences are absolutely wrought with it and they are treated as nu-god

tesla went on about aether, and in part due to this perception, he was able to make discoveries that he did
science generally wont entertain this and cest la vie, they can't ride that stream for its fruits

>> No.18159035

>the psychology as authority of behaviour, feelings, or thoughts
some people in the field have spend their whole lives studying medicine and its effects of the human brain. Look at any field of study and find me one that has no flaws.

>i see it as something broader and more delicate and not with the finality of making the body survive.
our brains began to evolve when we began to cook our food. We became so smart we literally question our existence which other animals dont. We are probably just here to replicate our dna but it can be hard to accept this so we impose delusions. And that isn't to say there definetly is no god or no purpose. But we are clearly just making that shit up. As we understand how the brain works more every decade i think such sillyness will cease to exist. Or maybe that's naive of me because humans can cope in the face of clear evidence.

>how neurons work depends on your culture

>> No.18159045

>former uses verbal therapy
even this is still weak
NLP is a useful tool but sensory therapy, art therapy, and existential conditioning (socially anxious? go be social. scared? face fear) coupled with methods of self programming should be taught more
but its all language and pills

>> No.18159057

Yes, but we all haven't blew shit up when we were upset.

>> No.18159064

because its default antithesis to that state
even words. look how convoluted our language is.
our culture is entirely inverted to avoid it. its the most powerful tool for self and environmental awareness there is

>> No.18159082

>our culture is entirely inverted to avoid it.

>> No.18159104

>allows 100+m people to live in the same place
That's just another problem. What is the interest of this industrial achievement ? Rural exodus, concentration of everyone in megalopolises, death of the rural life, overpopulation, confinement, having to pay to just have a place to live that is ridiculous and where you wont even be free, living in beehives,...

>> No.18159124

I suppose it depends on the person(s)/setting. Being in a group therapy setting helped me with my social anxiety and hearing about other peoples lives while discussing my own helped with depression. Sometimes a change in perspective really helps.

>> No.18159167

lol no retard. Some things can only be solved by violence or isolation. We don't agree, and I want you to die.

>> No.18159183

your post is what i say about saying we are biological computers in a nonchalant way.
>We are probably just here to replicate our dna
and like i said, i think you dont think too much about it either. we are in the science secular times and people believe in their notions without really thinking much about it. it sound just logical.
anyway, we come from too deep different beginnings. i accept you, i hope your notions of what is the mind dont affect me and psychology and psychiatry dont hold more power than they already have. just that. humanity as concept is not a survivalist way of see the world and ourselves, i really feel it that way.

>> No.18159192

>implying anyone comes to any 4chan board for an intelligent conversation
it's nice when they actually occur though

>> No.18159249

>you disagree with me so I want you to die
Spoken like a true oversocalized leftie

>> No.18159279

Sure thing leftypol. Let's have a debate and reach a compromise on our inherently incompatible perspectives. Oh what's that, your position is that you won't leave me alone? Yeah, drop dead.

>> No.18159288

>leftists greatest argument is "oh so you're saying your a faggot retarded leftist like me?!?!?!?!"

>> No.18159306
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Uncle ted is based and right about a lot of things

>> No.18159375

>m-muh leftyp-pol
Cry harder bitch

>> No.18159471

language convolution
things like carbohydrates (dry fast for 2 days and you'll notice just how bored you are and how much your awareness increases)
static living (non-transience)
expectations from our relations (people as tools)
theres more
im not saying its wrong, its just far from that particular "state"

>> No.18159506

>It's not prescriptive, it's descriptive. What he's describing is a system that will either destroy humanity, itself, or both. If what he says is true, that destruction will come to pass regardless of what people do.
>When you hate modern technological society enough to live in the woods, but not enough that you still go to the local town for groceries.

>> No.18159777

It's just like the word nigger; originally a creation of the white man, appropriated by niggers. Based was created by niggers, but appropriated by the white man.

>> No.18159818

Fucking hell he was nearly a trannoid.

>> No.18159827

It's not an either or thing. Ted argues that technology should be limited to what a self sufficient community or village can maintain. We can have sanitation but things like computers or cars should be done away with because these require expertise and resources from many different places. It's the tyranny and suffering that come as a result of these experts and managers that make it so a healthy community can't accept them.

>> No.18159838

Yeah and stuff like vaccinations and hospitals lol

>> No.18159947

Isolationists end up having no pull in the actions of other groups
China ruins your atmosphere, hat are you going to do if there's no economic, materials, manufacturing, etc. connections?
Ted displayed a microcosm of this. And his absence of material goods meant he didn't get very far with it.

The man could have just become an innovator. He is/was obviously intelligent.

>> No.18160006


>> No.18160024

That's actually a perfect example of things we should get rid of. At best they're making people live longer than they should and allowing the weak to survive.

>> No.18160083

Bad why?

>> No.18160118

You're going to die
Accept it

>> No.18160150

>he had a sexual fetish therefore everything he said was wrong

how braindead and reddit do you have to be to take this as a legitimate argument

>> No.18160252

It might have something to do with the two reasons given to you.

>> No.18160324
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>> No.18160349
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>> No.18161377

>absence of material goods meant he didn't get very far with it.
he attempted to bomb multiple people mostly unsuccessfully and hurting innocent people in a few cases.

>> No.18161937


>> No.18161965

Perhaps we shouldn't have a 100+m people living in the same place...Perhaps the kind of social dynamic it creates causes an unbelievable amount of misery...

>> No.18161978

And you're solution for this problem is what? Atleast birth rates have lowered.

>> No.18162395

What you're typing isn't coherent. Take your lithium and then try posting again.

>> No.18162416
File: 144 KB, 634x702, 3118e6f200000578-3442524-image-a-33_1455206460909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realized that cutting your dick off was retard and didn't do it

>> No.18162445

He’s on the right track but wrong about antidepressants. Antidepressants are used because the society we live in is damaging us. Not taking antidepressants isn’t going to help the depressed, and to think the solution is then to destroy our society and invent a new one is literal the story of mankind and it never failed to make things even worse than before.

>> No.18162457

This is the thing that people always forget. His actions don't line up in any way with his stated goals. How does violence against random people dismantle industrial society exactly?

>> No.18162482

You either destroy the system or live in an increasingly unsatisfying servile state.

>> No.18162527
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>almost escaped the manlet pit

>> No.18162537

selective memory

>> No.18162565

He literally states in the manifesto that he committed violence to draw attention to himself and, thus, his writings.

He has never, in any of his writings, proposed or encouraged violence.

>> No.18162620

hello astroturfers >>18162565

>> No.18162631

sometimes actions speak louder than words

>> No.18162636

A schizo with a few good points

>> No.18162642

>sometimes actions speak louder than words
and other clichés

>> No.18162644

cliches exist for a reason. He promoted violence through his actions.

>> No.18162652

based, the only true source of change in the world. Who do you think your faggot platitudes are appealing to, leftypol? Aren't you all anarchist fruits anyway?

>> No.18162660

If the Nazis had stayed away from politics and had focused on art, everyone would love them today. They chose a different path and thus they were evil.

>> No.18162662

i couldnt care less i just wanted to refute that he didnt promote violence

>> No.18162672

Everyone knows that isn't true leftypol. Has it ever occured to you that if you have to lie all of the time and fold this easy that maybe you're just stupid and the things you believe are indefensible and embarrasing?

>> No.18162685

All you had to do was admit he promoted violence in the first place. Also
are you schizophrenic?

>> No.18162705

He didn't though, you're just trying to keep repeating the same thing after being refuted and now I'm going to shitpost at you which I began doing to posts ago. You aren't smart leftypol

>> No.18162715

>cliches exist for a reason
Which is in itself a cliché.

>> No.18162718

>attempting to blow people up isnt a promotion of violence
kek retard

>> No.18162727

What part of Industrial Society and It's Future or Anti-Tech Revolution promote violence?

>> No.18162739

A fake and a hypocrite. Got a PhD in math while claiming you shouldn't pursue math because it is meaningless. He's like Thoreau who hiked a couple of miles outside of his mom's back yard and camped out for a week and decided to Walden.

Why doesn't he just join the Amish if his convictions are real?

>> No.18162745

Stop trying retard

>> No.18162800

Why are all you people so fucking retarded? He literally lays out his plans for how to start a global violent revolution in the entire second half of anti-tech revolution, hence the fucking name, what do you think a revolution is? No, you can’t separate him from his actions, because if you believe his theories his actions are justified. Why have none of you faggots actually read him?

>> No.18162805

Not really. The kind of mentally disturbed people who worship him are violent and anti-social. Who else would be drawn to someone who mailed bombs to random people, harming innocents?

>> No.18162814

Uh oh! The interloping troon is getting le very very angry!!!!

>> No.18162822

Yeah but you're a radical marxist and support violence and anti-social behavior so nobody gives a single fuck what you have to say

>> No.18162835

>drops a water purification tablet in a bottle of his piss

>> No.18162836

how are you even able to post on the internet while being this dumb? You’d think it would take at least some modicum of intelligence to use a computer

>> No.18162842

>its the fault of society
>changing the society is not in the game
i know in your mind sounds good but its a pretty retard assumption.

>> No.18162847

le impotent tranny rage :(

>> No.18162861

It's an argument of values, if you decide his values are irrelevant then his argument is irrelevant too. The problem is, most people won't call his values irrelevant, because they are usually thought of as a core structure of the human spirit. For most people, it would be tragic and maybe life wouldn't be worth living at all if these values were worthless.

>> No.18162868

your hero has literally been ousted as a hypocrite and tranny >>18149542

go join the 41% you dumb troon

>> No.18162899


>> No.18162904

I am BEGGING you to actually read Ted. He is not the epic heckin based right wing nature fascist you think he is, and I’m not le cringe leftist tranny for not buying every word out his autist mouth zoomer faggot. Please just have a little self awareness and try to actually think about what you believe

>> No.18162926

>think about what you believe
we dont want him to hurt himself though

>> No.18162925

This is literal retard level logic. There are countless ways to draw attention to your writing. Even if you are desperate enough to commit a criminal act, harming random people draws relatively little attention compared to other acts (which I won't name here, but you can use your imagination).

>> No.18162932

like jerking off in public?

>> No.18162938

not him but you cannot take his body of work and disregard his actions, to disregard one is to disregard the other and that is because Ted lived every thing he believed

>> No.18162965

not fooling anyone leftypol :( maybe you could try targeting thomas pynchon instead

>> No.18163031

>youre not fooling anyone
what did he mean by this?

>> No.18163050
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I meant to ask why you anarcho-communist anti-authoritarian faggots whine about Teddy so much. It's not really just because he called you pic related is it anon? Are you really that pathetic?

>> No.18163066


>> No.18163073

Answer the question

>> No.18163111

Sure. Beats random violence.
Then explain how his actions were supposed to advance his goals. If you can't do that, then he wasn't living his beliefs.

>> No.18163115

He’s wrong not because he’s “wrong” but because we’re not getting off the ride any time soon and complaining about the ride only makes your time on it worse.

>> No.18163129

I'm not Ted, you should ask Ted in regard to this. He is actually the only person on Earth that can answer this and have an honest claim to it being a legitimate answer. All I'm saying is that, to toss out the actions is to toss out his words as well. You either believe he is right and justified, or you believe he is wrong and unjustified.

>> No.18163158
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we're talking about him right now because of his actions, leftypol. why do you anarcho-communist anti-authoritarian faggots whine about Teddy so much. It's not really just because he called you pic related is it anon? Are you really that pathetic?

>> No.18163218
File: 51 KB, 976x549, _88634010_moot_getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some schizo venting his father issues on some coom board is hardly a discussion

>> No.18163222

Launch enough nukes and we can end it all tomorrow

>> No.18163324

Pure sophism. If someone says the right things, but does not act in line with them then I will indeed adopt their words and toss out their actions.
We're talking about him on /lit/, because this is where his fans are. If he was hoping to draw attention to his writings, he failed.

>> No.18163347

Wrong, you dilute his words by discarding his actions. You are simply weak willed and agree with his logic but lack the stomach to accept what comes next.

>> No.18163386

What’s the fun in a conclusion like that? Just so roaches can do what we did next?

>> No.18163400

You still haven't provided a shred of evidence that his actions follow from his words. Now you're resorting to personal insults because you can't do it. "What comes next" is I don't waste any more time on this thread.

>> No.18163438

Anon, his words are the justification for his violence. That is why they call it a manifesto. You might actually be a retard.

>> No.18163542

>We're talking about him on /lit/, because this is where his fans are. If he was hoping to draw attention to his writings, he failed.
I saw swathes of normalfags talking about him and, albeit superficially, his book when that Netflix special came out about him.

>> No.18163544

>Violence bad

Bro, Ted does point to violence as a necessary means to an end in his FC manifesto. In his later writings he doesn't mention violence as a means, but doesn't explicitly oppose it.
It's a pragmatic stance. I don't want to be violent, but if it's necessary at some point for the goal of purging the fruits of the industrial revolution then so be it.
>inb4 who decides when it's necessary
Well noone has all the answers, the point I'm trying to make is that violence can sometimes be justified. This should be obvious if you read any history book.

>> No.18163586

It's a literal cope to try and separate his words from his actions, it's under handed and wrong. I agree with Ted's words. I totally agree with his words. Completely. But I see this technique used all the time in politics, where actions and words are separated and it's always done by cheap and little people and they're always doing it deceitfully. Never do it. It is kike bullshit to try and do that.

>> No.18163593

>Kaczynski would have done the same thing when steam engines became popular tools.
Well yes, he was against the industrial revolution and its consequences, the steam engine kickstarted the industrial revolution.
>But Ted wants to be caveman ooga booga
Here's an estimate, very imprecise, but good enough to get a vision of what the "antitech revolution" would bring: find the date of the discovery of the steam powered engine, and then look at the state of society some years before that.

>> No.18163616

I didn't want to try to separate the two, my bad if I wrote it like that, English isn't my first language. What I want to say is:
>Ted's ideas are good
>Alright lets do this leeroy jenkins
>Oh no, someone wants to kill me for trying to fuck up the entire world and bring us back to the glorious preindustrial age
>Well then, off with your head
No deceit here, at least not intentional.

>> No.18163618

these people have a value system based in the evasion of fear and the allocation of comfort, they are roughly describable as a worldwide opium den

>> No.18163629

There is a global mental illness with a runaway train effect, in regard to fear and comfort. Truth is relative, so it doesn't matter if Ted is right. The domesticated have their world, and you cannot displace them as they define the reality via mob mentality.

>> No.18164658


>> No.18164735

tl;dr He's right, but we're quite far past the post at which we could have prevented the serious suffering wrought by technological society in its current state.

Tech isn't inherently bad, but technology that debases the human spirit and takes advantage of our natural flaws to do so is now everywhere.

One underlooked point Ted made in Industrial Society was about the prevalence of "bad" thoughts. He mentioned that everyone has passing thoughts or feelings sometimes that aren't acceptable, and that nowadays we're made to feel lesser than for just thinking about the wrong things because the technological semi-feudal system we live in requires more and more submission from those who live in it the more powerful it grows or it will come tumbling down.

This crushing of "wrongthink" actually ends up creating the very demons that the system fears the most (school and other mass shooters, political extremists-most notably neo-nazis, cruel or vindictive people of questionable moral character, ect.) Mental illness can even in part be attributed to this strain.

The system demands you subsume more and more of yourself to it, which creates a strain between the individual who doesn't want to lose their identity to the system and those running or working for the system. The more unnecessary social strain you put on someone by confining them to a niche that goes against their nature the more those negative thoughts multiply and push otherwise normal people to extreme levels

But it's clear that the system's big enough that even if it fails, its effects will remain long afterwards, and that humanity likely would suffer more from its collapse than not.

There's no telling what will happen in the distant future (from where I'm sitting at least) but in the 2020s-2040s we'll fight it out over who gets to access the system and who doesn't, and after we remember that war is horrible and billions die we'll go back to "normal" and be less reliant on tech and more on other people

>> No.18164760

cuz your a pussy

>> No.18165259

i hate all of you

>> No.18165331

The upper image needs updating. It should now be a room full of beanbags, rainbow flags and expensive Mac computers. The employees should be blue-haired women and spotty, pencil-necked bugmen.

>> No.18165523

This just makes ted more based in my eyes. he realised that it was a fetish and rather than be forced to be sterilized he overcame his fetish.

we all have our low points and although ted was a schizo he certainly wasn't tricked into mutilating himself

>> No.18165542

yes he even says in the manifesto that its not some grand conspiracy but just a natural outgrowth of a system that requires all people to cooperate and doesn't allow for individual dissenters to become hermits or something. If you're depression IS caused by your living conditions and you reformat yourself rather the the conditions then I don't see how you could argue hes wrong.

>> No.18165549

If you spend anytime in a leftist party not a liberal one you would realize he is probably about 50% right in regard to his diagnosis of leftists. I actually think his criticism is more true of most liberals in regard to white guilt, etcetera.

>> No.18165583

the feats he accomplished are on par with some of the greats. almost every "programmer" in our modern world can't do shit.

>> No.18165597

I think Ted was right about a lot of the conditions we experience within modern society and he puts some theories across so well that he tops other authors of the same genre. But, some of his stuff is just rambling and often comes across as a personal grudge rather than analysis.

But, if you put his writing in the context of other theorists like Debord it really elevates his analysis. His prognosis of 'false opposition' or whatever you call it is spot on.

so he was a based schizo

>> No.18165686

>He suffers from dysphoria
That is not only incorrect but literally the opposite of the truth.

>> No.18165721

Punk ass nigga

>> No.18165735

He was a victim of a literal psyop experiment by the CIA so you take a guess.

>> No.18165739

You realize he isnt actually schizophrenic right? Like thats just to discredit him? Have you ever met a schizophrenic? They cant string a sentence together.

>> No.18165754

What feats? He had a lot of free time on his hands.

>> No.18165757

>I get when people say Terry Dsvis is an autist, psycho, soziopath etc. (sic), but the schizo shit never made sense. His coding and OS are way too coherently (sic) for him to be a schizo

>> No.18165976

Some can. My older brother is and his main hobby is writing books. Ted simply isn't skilled at cohesively putting his thoughts together on paper. Doesnt have anything to do with being a schizo or not.

>> No.18165999


>> No.18166050

I wonder how many Teds the last decade has created or how many it has culled. A traumatic experience to say the least.

>> No.18166079

I honestly wanted to be like him till i read his book and found out he wasnt as smart as i had been lead to believe

>> No.18167734

industrial society and it's future is half great insights on modern society, and half retarded whining about people he doesn't like.

>> No.18168200

If anything this makes his claim more legitimate. There's no better example than trannies as the victims of this diseased modernity, he experienced that corruption first-hand.

>> No.18168213

Schizos are based

>> No.18168588

no, there are no great insights in his work, he's just upset at normies because autism makes loud noises give him headaches.

>> No.18169161

Dont forget about the wenches

>> No.18169652

>Ted isn't skilled at cohesively putting his thoughts together on paper

literally never read a word of his confirmed he is amongst the most concise writers to ever live

>> No.18169667

He's irrelevant.

t. AI from the future

>> No.18169732

>literally never read a word of his confirmed he is

>> No.18169733

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.18169739
File: 61 KB, 616x596, 35-352027_post-pepe-the-frog-fuck-you-clipart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.18169911
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Trans stuff anyway is eugenics for neurotypical individuals in the West. Anyone with high enough autism such as I can smell the CIA ops in it's sudden Walter Lippmann energy push.

Sterilization as a fetish.

>> No.18169959

Idk man, I was very much against psychiatry and especially psychiatric medication, and I still believe that people are overdiagnosed to cope with the destruction of human cognitive ecology. That being said, I hated living, I used to think about how much I was looking forward to dying every single day. For me, personally, Wellbutrin has been working. I feel more hopeful, more motivated, and much more willing to talk to other people. I certainly wouldn't blanket recommend it for anyone, but it did help me.

>> No.18170019


>> No.18170788

jesus christ he was like god tier degenerate for the time, something we are not even aware of today woudl be the equivalent. eating your own dick maybe??

>> No.18170797

>turbo manlet
every fucking time. funny thing is they are either turbo manlets (most who are in the west are like this) or lanklets (thsoe stay more in their countries)

>> No.18171739

You have never read ISAIF or Technological Slavery

>> No.18172458

yes I have

>> No.18172467

I don't know about you, but I've never wanted to be no tranny

>> No.18172684

TK is based and bang on.

>> No.18173036

no you haven’t

>> No.18173215

You're a loser becuase you replied and further engaged with someone who was never in a position to give anything back. Sorry you had to get angry in vain.

>> No.18173869

whatever helps you cope :)

>> No.18173884

He got exactly what he wanted. Newspapers wouldn't have published his manifesto and he wouldn't be talked about to this day had it not been for his bombing.

>> No.18173896

I don't get why he didn't just use his IQ and survival skills to just live comfortably in the wild for the rest of his life, occasionally publishing things he write. He criticized leftists for their broken psychology and resentment, but was himself a leftist in his absolute dedication to serving his revolutionary cause. He was a self-sacrificing martyr just like every other over socialized marxists

>> No.18173964

nobody takes him seriously though

>> No.18173967

Because he wasn't dedicated enough to actually live off the grid and his autism suffered for it

>> No.18173981

I do

>> No.18174175

Modern life is sweet, but people could spend more time learning that consooming.

>> No.18174307


>> No.18174338

Ted couldn't :)

>> No.18174470


>> No.18174521

Ok transhumanist tranny

>> No.18174530
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>> No.18174743

Did he not understand that by killing a bunch of innocent people he would poison all discussion of his ideas?

>> No.18174919

keep seething lol

>> No.18174953

kill yourself faggot

>> No.18174976


>> No.18175091

Ok technophile tranny

>> No.18175638

case in point

>> No.18175756

Transexuals aren't that new. Lou Reed dated one.

>> No.18175906

way too over rated. basically a watered down version of previous thinkers like Ellul but with much less realistic solutions

>> No.18176019


>> No.18176409

jewish slander as usual