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18118470 No.18118470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>About to graduate this semester with a degree in Political Science and History
>No idea what to do next

What's the best job for me to get, /lit/? ._.
Do I have to sacrifice my ideals and work for some corporation? What job would be ideal for a socialist political science major?

>> No.18118493

>Do I have to sacrifice my ideals and work for some corporation?
Depends, do you consider the Democratic party and its allies to be a corporation?

>> No.18118501

What skills do you have?

>> No.18118507

>What job would be ideal for a socialist political science major

>> No.18118509

yes. the only lucrative positions for liberal arts majors are positions wherein you either actively protect the bourgeoisie (I.e. law, government) or you work as a servant for bourgeoisie interests (i.e. police, military, truck driver). This is why academic discussion of Marxism is tolerated. They know that you’re going to graduate university and protect bourgeoisie capital like everyone else.

>> No.18118515

>What job would be ideal for a socialist political science major?

>> No.18118522

This has to be bait

>> No.18118523
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Read this. It will contain all the answers

>> No.18118534

why did you take polisci?

>> No.18118536

get a job, join your local DSA, begin doing community outreach. start with boy scout troops (assuming there is one somewhere nearby

>> No.18118538

You must begin the largest anti-tech movement in history.

>> No.18118541

also raise awareness about the problems with social media eg ddiscussed in The Social Dil

>> No.18118548

The Social Dilemma

>> No.18118553

I'm bilingual (English and Spanish), I'm knowledgeable in history, political science, administration, law, etc.
I mainly have customer service experience.
I lack experience, but I'm willing to learn and can work for cheap.

Hmm, couldn't I hypothetically work for some socialist government, like Cuba, or even China? (realistically Cuba though, because I know Spanish not Chinese). Even working for a Left-leaning country like Ecuador or Venezuela would be suitable for me.

>> No.18118557


>> No.18118577

Do you have experience doing research? Were you part of debating clubs? Have you participated in any political campaign?

>> No.18118581

Try out for the fbi if you don’t make it go be a cop.

>> No.18118589
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Joe pobre mestizo communista

>> No.18118599
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>he thinks leftist governments want his "skills"
You have a bachelor's in political science and history.

>> No.18118604

Not professional research, but yes, I have a lot of experience doing research.

I have participated in 1 political campaign, as a volunteer.

I mainly debate online rather than in person or through any clubs.

>> No.18118612

I understand that I don't have very high qualifications. But any organization has high and low level positions. I don't expect to go in there and get some fucking Cabinet position or something lmao. I'm talking about a position in the bureaucracy, or even an internship.

>> No.18118613 [DELETED] 

Why would you get a degree in polsci and history if you don’t want to work in academia? You’re literally a walking meme. This thread has got to be bait.

>> No.18118621

Go back to college, anon.

>> No.18118624

I never said I didn't want to work in academia

>> No.18118629

Always put practicality above ideals. Get any job you can get.

>> No.18118636

Those countries have their own pipelines to positons in the state. I don't see why they'd look for a foreigner.

>> No.18118638

Leftist governments are comprised of engineers. I can't believe you became a fan of the retard worker government without realizing they're all buggopolis.

>> No.18118639

all of those countries will think you're a CIA agent

>> No.18118643

You ought to have sought internships before graduating.
What is your GPA? If it is good, go apply to every think tank internship you can google.

>> No.18118646

Become a professor and hasten the downfall of mankind already you stupid faggot.

>> No.18118648

Which is totally a realistic goal. I say get in where you fit in, wait a couple of years and eventually your work experience will count 1,000 times more than your degree

>> No.18118663
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the best part is knowing that even if OP is trolling this actually happens to faggots irl lmao

>> No.18118682

Yes, there are people actually getting a degree in political science. Sad

>> No.18118695

Thank you for your encouragement and advice

>> No.18118708


I don't know why you have to be an asshole about it. Usually this is the type of shit I hear from people I went to high school with, who didn't go to college. They can't stand that I did, so they spend all their time scoffing and mocking. I don't judge your decisions or career path. If you're not going to help, why even comment? It's pathetic, man. Get your own house in order.

>> No.18118757

>he took a polsci degree in uni?
Genuine question OP are retarded? Did you even think about the job you’re planning on doing after you get the degree? Best bet you’ll be stuck in McDonald’s flipping burgers for a living

>> No.18118771

My dad majored in polisci because he needed to get a degree while in his officer program. My mom majored in history. Neither of them work in a related field.

>> No.18118791

So if a degree in Political Science is shit, would a minor in something like Leadership help?

>> No.18118798

What sort of political science degree was it? Was it the sort where you just cover random political topics and write papers, or was it the sort where they teach you how to run a campaign? I would consider applying to things like the peace corps or some NGO's where they coddle you and give you interesting experience. As it stands, your best bet is to accept a lower management position where all they want is a bachelors in anything. Going to grad school for a JD or MBA is a major gamble but it can pay off, especially if you have a good GPA.

>> No.18118803

That's okay. Please understand that I'm not demanding some super ideal political job. This post is for general advice and direction, not with an expectation that with this degree, I'll lead a revolution or achieve world peace. I have very low expectations. That's precisely why I made this post.

>> No.18118832

>Was it the sort where you just cover random political topics and write papers, or was it the sort where they teach you how to run a campaign?
I wonder now what others do. I just graduated with a multidisciplinary degree that allowed me to study history, modern IR/political theory, philosophy, and current events in my specialized area, and I never once thought how my program differed from the average polisci /IR course. I consider myself to be blessed insofar as I actually learned from policy experts about the areas of my choosing and, other than that, my course load was low impact enough to read almost the entirety of the Greeks from Homer to Plutarch throughout my studies

>> No.18118845

International relations would be your best bet. My school is a literal CIA spook factory and the polisci department is linked up with the economics and foreign language stuff.
I'm just giving you a hard time. You're Spanish language skills are actually pretty useful for getting a job with the U.S. government, and you don't have to become a spook if you don't want to. Look for openings on https://www.usajobs.gov/
>note: you will have to learn how to avoid all the bullshit filters the HR department of this site has

>> No.18118876

>I am le ebin socialist
>oh no I majored in a useless bourgeoise field and have no job prospects
>will communist governments still take me? >haha maybe I can go work in Cuba...

>> No.18118883

If you're going the academic route and citing knowledge in those areas as skills then you need more schooling and get a TA position

>> No.18118910

To add, I don't know why social science majors don't use the opportunity to study more outside of their field. With four years of low impact work, you can make a serious dent in philosophy. Realistically, you can be come intimately familiar with an epoch of history. What do american social science majors even do to graduate with such superficial knowledge of their field?

>> No.18118970

>a degree in Political Science and History
lol better open up an onlyfans

>> No.18118986

You can buy an old trailer or a construct a small cabin in the woods for under 5k easily. I dropped out of school, got on welfare, bought a boat for a grand and a motorcycle for another grand and now I am financially independent and pursuing my dreams.
Stop letting other people define success for you OP. You can achieve independence (ie, enough of a nest egg to live off of for several months, a home that you don't have to pay rent on, and a means to get from point A to point B) in under a year and then you will be your own master in life
Say you want to be a political operative. The best way to do this is to be financially independent, then you can write what you want without fear of repercussions. When you can write what you want without fear of repercussions you can engage with political radicalism in ways others cant. When you have a free hand to engage in politics like that, you are immediately a free political actor. When you are a free political actor, you embody politics on a visceral level that is innately superior to being a slave to one party or another.
So that is my advice. Build a cabin in the woods and study the Greeks. Drop your slave ideology of socialism. Self-actualize. Politics can be practiced on the level of dasein without need of an ideology or institutional bodies.

>> No.18119008

>Join the DSA
Why would you join such a worthless organization

>> No.18119034

Should’ve majored in getting a job! GOTTEM

>> No.18119070

matate chicano
de hecho mejor ve a venezuela para que te maten

>> No.18119158

Interesting idea... Thanks a lot for the advice, anon. Sometimes the stress can be too much.

Thanks anon! This is probably one of the best comments in the entire thread. I'll keep at it and search there and other sites. Thank you

>> No.18119164

>I’ll only work for an organization that meets my vague ideas of Utopia
Get over yourself man

>> No.18119245

I never said that

>> No.18119273

become a teacher

>> No.18119279

I would but I have a really bad speech impediment.

>> No.18119285

idk then I guess it's ogre

>> No.18119292

you could be a journo

>> No.18119300

Line cook

>> No.18119324

Thanks anon, I have some experience with journalism. It was one of the options I had before going with political science. I was able to publish a few articles in my college newspaper.

>> No.18119341


>> No.18119346

You’re merely telling him to become a gypsy with a laptop and a wordpress blog

>> No.18119363

well what was your plan when you invested the time and money to get this education???

>> No.18119370

Yes, anon, that’s a great idea. Take some knee pads with you, though, that’s the only way you’ll eat something in your socialist paradise, cocksucker.

>> No.18119377

Hope you're ready to work retail for a year or two before going back to school for something that'll actually make money.

>> No.18119397
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>making actual concrete plans to reach their goals

>> No.18119417

Hey Faggots,
I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.18119439

Look into consultancies, think tanks, and equity reseaech companies

>> No.18119528

yeah let me get a 10 piece mcnuggets with that, thanks

>> No.18119533

be a good commie and complete your larp by getting a job in a local coal mine and tell yourself every day that the means of production will be yours any day now

>> No.18119554

>too lazy to have the image on hand
>not too lazy to edit the pasta to leave out the references to the image

>> No.18119601

>anon graduates and learns the commune already has a poet: the thread

>> No.18119652

So you don't have any marketable skills. The fact you put that you are bilingual first demonstrates this clearly, since that isn't very remarkable. You need to actually have skills to be hired, and I mean skills that earn your boss money, not random pop-quiz knowledge about politics and history

>> No.18119700
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>> No.18119706

>PMC socialist
>”how do I avoid becoming working class?”
Classic. Your type either succeeds and lands a job at vice/buzzfeed/vox or some useless NGO where you complete the transition to wokelib or you will fall to the dirt with the rest of us plebs and become apolitical or a Tucker Carlsonite populist.

>> No.18119708

is international relations a real major? the only people I've seen who've had any success with that field are people whose parents/uncles/family is already in politics and they've have jobs at think tanks or Washington DC waiting for them. The normal people didn't have any chance of getting the nice jobs. I actually know a really smart guy who only got the job because he married some important guy's daughter

>> No.18119717

The working class is everyone who works for a wage. The socialists who hate the upper middle class are retards.

Apply for internships all over your biggest most densely populated city in start ups. Bonus points for companies that talk about diversity or inclusion or whatever because I'm assuming you're brown. Lie about your GPA, lie about your accomplishments, and work hard. Sell out. Faggot.

God the only reason I'm helping you is I went through my socialist uni phase too. Let me guess, parents are from a shithole country the US fucked over? You'll realize soon that socialism isn't the answer bud, your parents came here for you to make something of yourself you pussy faggot

>> No.18119753

Do you think university is about learning random trivial facts? Then clearly you haven't gone. These courses are about developing skills in writing, communicating, research methods, administration, leadership, teamwork, analysis, and critical thinking. It's not enough to know that Napoleon did this thing or that Aristotle said this other thing. It's the ability to make connections across history and across political ideas to develop and express ones own perspective. For all the shit that political science majors get, this is actually one of the degrees with the broadest range of prospects available. 19 million people work in government to some capacity or another. Other political science majors work for non-profits, NGOs, or political campaigns.

"oH bUt tHiS kNoWleDgE iS sOmEtHiNg yOu CoULd'Ve goTTeN wItHoUt cOllEgE"

I know. Hypothetically, anyone could pick up a book and figure things out. Before I entered university, I was already pretty knowledgeable and already had some useful skills that were developed further during my time here. But usually, the people who say that university is useless (or that my major is useless) are the people who need it the most. They're so damn sure of themselves, and that they know as much as any university graduate, but ultimately they end up showing their ignorance in extraordinary ways. Have some humility about what you think your expertise is. I do have skills, just not skills in craftsmanship or the standard 5 jobs that everyone instantly thinks of (doctor, police, teacher, construction worker, truck driver) in this small town I live in.

>> No.18119762

so why doesn't OP pick one of the careers he already researched ahead of time where these supposed skills can be applied?

>> No.18119771

I thought he made this thread because he hadn't researched political science careers?

>> No.18119779
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> socialist political science major

>> No.18119785

I'm >>18119717 and I agree. STEM retards are the type to get their morality and political philosophies from infographics on 4chan and none of them know how to write lmao

>> No.18119837

It's true that high schoolers sneer at it without knowing why. They're just echoing what the popular consensus is, which is that paying $40k - $60k for an education only fit for low-level bureaucratic work is foolish.

>> No.18119840


OP here. The problem isn't that I don't have any options available. The problem is that there's too much options and it's hard to narrow it down to a single thing. I could easily sell out and work for something I don't believe in. I've worked for political campaigns before (for some corporate Democrat that I hated lol). I could also go into the military and do something with that.

But given my political perspective, I would prefer not to sell out, and was wondering what route might be available for someone who is highly critical of the existing political and economic system. I understand that many of you may not agree with my criticisms of the existing system. But to understand where I'm coming from, please don't think of me as some graduate who never gave thought about what his career was going to be after college. I have given this extensive thought, and have some experience with it. That's why I'm exploring options where my skills can go to a career that I find fulfilling, not the many jobs available where I'd just be a cog in a very broken machine.

>> No.18119858

Nope. You either work for a corporation (some are better than others, could work for startups, etc.), think tank (never going to happen unless you network and bust your ass), nonprofit (can even be more evil than corps), or be a teacher or other kind of assorted wagie.

What is the difference between being a grocery store member and being part of the HR department of a corpo ethically? Make yourself comfortable first retard

>> No.18119869

The class interests of the PMC/aspiring elite is directly antagonistic to the interests of the working class. That’s why the former support large immigration of unskilled workers, outsourcing, college debt write-offs for their gender phds and all the other bugman measures while the latter understands it would either hurt them or make them superfluous to production. Marxist theory on wage labour vs capital is simplified and outdated in the sense that American leftoids use it. The big problem for modern workers isn’t the porky factory owner in the top hat lowering their wage. It’s the production of the multinational megacorp leaving the country altogether, with only the LGBTQ+-certified Hr-department left. These HR-department employees in turn will then import cheap immigrant gig workers to service them as they cancel anyone who complain about the conditions for fascism.

That’s why right-wing populism and economic nationalism is in vogue in poor rural communities while progressive wokeism and globalism is popular in rich Urban communities. The left has already decided it no longer wants or needs the domestic working class.

Read Brahmin left and Merchant right. In America a better name would be HR-department left and CEO-right.

>> No.18119887

I understand this and agree. Doesn't mean I'm not going to leverage my brownness and skills with the help of AA into a lucrative career and money for me and my loved ones. Going to make it from crypto soon and buy some land, become a nomad capitalist, and figure out where to put some roots down with my family.

Grow up retard, socialists are not going to win and the whole system is going to crash and burn -- when this shit happens life will be shit for everyone and you wont live to to an age cool enough to enjoy the prosperity of whatever system comes afterwards. Keep your faggot opinions to yourself and make money for those you love and you, to save them from the future to some extent.

>> No.18119890

How old are you, anon?

>> No.18119898

Maybe you're right

>> No.18119911

(because I wasted time doing Nursing when I could've been doing political science, which was my goal all along)

>> No.18119912

If you're not living in the US anymore, like he would be doing in that scenario, you have no obligation to pay student debts.

>> No.18119930

You ought to go back to nursing, even if it requires some extra time in school. You'll be able to help people in a meaningful. However, if you choose to persist in the path, you have to make peace with the fact that you'll be another cog in the grinder. The political system has no interest in revolutionaries.

>> No.18119940

>That's why I'm exploring options where my skills can go to a career that I find fulfilling, not the many jobs available where I'd just be a cog in a very broken machine.
Should have studied a real skill that could get your foot in an industry which is fulfilling then. Its not too late to take up a trade OP.

>> No.18119945

If you haven't already made it from crypto you probably wont.

>> No.18119952

Unless you go back to nursing I would at least try a corpocuck job and do what I told you about those internships. Trying shit and not liking it is good, at least you know. You did say you had a speech impediment though, which would hurt basically any job involving communication desu -- You might have faired better as a nurse, as regardless of what systems in place at least you're genuinely helping people.

>> No.18119963
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There's so much more time to make it. Even if this bullrun collapses overnight (it won't -- BTC is going to at least 100k) there will be more bullruns. Crypto is slowly grinding into actually being useful to people over time through all its hype and pump and dump cycles. There are promising crypto projects. It is still very early -- we are in the visionaries stage. No one can stop it.

>> No.18119970

>he could have helped people by making a tangible imrpovement to their lives every single day while making bank as a nurse
>instead he studied socialism and wonders why his life isn't fufilling
You're dumb af

>> No.18119977

then start a political party? work for some degenerate NGO? what the fuck did you expect to find within this extremely narrow criteria?

>> No.18119980

Although I wasn't able to become a nurse, I was able to get my CNA, which is a certified nursing assistant. If I really run out of options, I could do that, but it's not as well paid, and I'll have to feed old people and wipe their ass for $15 - 18 / hr.

I wouldn't mind, but I think the worst part of doing that are the sneers and condescension I'll get from my family. They haven't been supportive of my political science degree this whole time and so I wouldn't want to prove them right by going back to nursing.

>> No.18119988

becoming a nurse is hard as fuck, and I was barely passing the classes, even with the introductory level stuff. I knew that once we got to the difficult material, I would've flunked out and been massively in debt. I changed my major because I saw how things were going and knew that I basically ate, slept, and dreamt politics. I knew that even though it would be much lower paying and much more difficult to find something in, it's something that I genuinely enjoy.

>> No.18119996

Yeah fuck nurses, all they do is help people who are incapable of helping themselves and improve their health and quality of life, what a demeaning profession, not nearly as noble as writing white papers that no one is ever going to read

>> No.18120000

>Crypto is slowly grinding into actually being useful to people over time through all its hype and pump and dump cycles
This is called a speculative bubble and it isn't helpful to anyone.
Don't get me wrong its an interesting technology for sure, I think ethereum classic has great potential personally, but a bunch of undergrads buying coins and sitting on them isn't a tech revolution. Hyperinflation is coming soon and when it hits the insane bull runs in stocks, cryptos, etc. are going to collapse as people panic and pull their funds.
You want a quality investment tip? Buy cigarette cartons.They hold value like you wont believe, you can sit on them for years, and the markup is insane if you're willing to hang around a street corner hocking individual packs.

>> No.18120003

Okay well, you could do technical writing, anything involving writing,.. etc.. The options are wide, but you NEED to get an internship at a corpo soon. Just to develop your skills in writing, reading, communication, analyzing, etc and keep them sharp. You will have to work at a company like most Americans fag, get used to it. Keep your politics to yourself and fly under the radar.

You might work as a monkey for a tech startup and actually think what they're doing is interesting, I dunno. You could become an archivist too -- doesn't pay well but its cool thumbing through old historical papers and cataloguing them.

>> No.18120005

Political speech writing.

>> No.18120009

It goes through periods of being a speculative bubble, like anything new.
>etherreum classic

You're regurgitating a lot of things from ncoiners I'm too lazy to answer but yes, it is a bubble, and yes there will be more bubbles, and yes crypto won't be revolutionizing anything until 5-10 years from now. RSR is the third most downloaded app in Venezuela atm, and is spreading across South America, look into it if you find it promising. You won't like the space as a socialist though, but whatever floats your boat. Decentralization is good no?

>> No.18120019

Then you should take my advice in >>18118986. I'm currently doing the kind of stimulating, enjoyable, prestigious work that most people work their entire entire career towards (and still fall short of), and the only reason I'm able to do it is because I do it for free and support myself without much money.

Nobody is going to pay you to do something easy, enjoyable, and fulfilling. They'll either do it themselves or give it to a friend/family member. If you really want to contribute to society become a nurse, if thats too hard you can become a paramedic in less than a year and you'll get more pussy (but make less money). If you really love politics become a school teacher and you can spend 8 hours a day indoctrinating impressionable young children with whatever crazy ideas you want. You're delusional if you think that you'll just stumble into some high paying prestigious job that doesn't require you to work like a slave for ten years first. The skills you learn in university don't translate to the real world unless you're training towards a specific job.

>> No.18120024

I don’t think you understand that picture, anon. This is like the third time you’ve used it incorrectly.

>> No.18120028

You fucking idiot. You need to work within the system of your country's government. Get to a position of power eventually, and work to take it down from the inside.

>> No.18120037

>What job would be ideal for a socialist political science major?
Federal informant infiltrating ANTIFA

>> No.18120041
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>implying antifa isn't a spook CIA undercover op

>> No.18120044

you have no idea who's running that shit. It could just as easily be amazon.

Ok maybe not just as easily, but it really could be anyone.

>> No.18120049

Cops do use agent provocateurs all the time, but anyone against fascism is antifa

>> No.18120053

Take your pick DESU

>> No.18120064

I'm not questioning that to be honest. But the antifa guys starting fires across the west last year who weren't reported on by official media, actually saw some of them myself.
Could certainly be some other organizations people doing that + instigating some of the riots, but the lack of media response is really what sets my alarm bells off.

>> No.18120075

Its the same tech, without being driven up by hype and speculation. Whats more is that it has a small core of autistic ancap nerds working on it. I'm not that loser socialist, I actually enjoy my "job". I'll look into it though, any advice on where to start?

I'm not knocking on crypto at all, I've been interested in it since the Silk Road days and I actually enjoy reading the white papers and various dissertations on crypto.My issue is that the tech and the tech implications aren't the same thing as bitcoin the coin, Of course South Americans are going to do anything they can to escape their shitty economies, but I lived in Argentina during the Macri administration and I saw how quick hyperinflation fucks everything up. If hyperinflation hits the USD I don't see any kind of reason to think that wouldn't take down crypto with it as people pull their speculative investments. The best way to hold your money that I could see was to dump it into cigarette cartons. They keep value like nothing else and are a great medium of exchange in that they are divisible, don't expire, and have an inherent utility that fiat doesn't provide.

>> No.18120086

I went to school with a girl who was ex military, Afghan vet. Her thesis was on alt-right groups and right wing extremism. She basically infiltrated their ranks and wrote about the kind of shit you can get for free on /pol/.
Anyways immediately (within two months) after graduating she shaved half her head, died the other half purple, and got deeply involved in the Portland antifa movement.
You can draw your own conclusions, but I think antifa is fishy as fuck.

>> No.18120092

Woke capitalism had to be born. Can’t let them think about the economic crisis

>> No.18120098

You don't know anything about crypto. Google what Ethereum is working on.. it isn't just hype retard. I won't spoonfeed you, but Ethereum is on the verge on institutional adoption. EIP-1599 will be the start of something new. The tech isn't 'the same'. Do you know how much the cypto space has progressed since 2017? Defi? Please don't talk about things you haven't researched about. In only 4 years the space has changed dramatically.

They can't stop crypto. they can't ban it. It is impossible. They can only ban the fiat off-ramps, but that doesn't matter. Think bigger. Ethereum, LINK, AAVE, Maker, Yearn are going to change everything in 5-10 years. Imagine holding your shit in a bank when inflation hits instead of in stablecoins getting a normal 8% APY. Even if hyperinflation doesn't hit and we successfully export our inflation to the rest of the world again in some miraculous way, you are a fucking retard if you use a savings account with .5% interest and not generating interest on stables. Even when crypto crashes hard again in 3-4 months the rates on stables won't go below 5%. The game has changed man. There is a reason this hype cycle is being picked up by more 'institutional' people than before. It will crash, and come back even bigger in 3-4 years. The first useful and widely used crypto will be Ethereum or RSR.