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18093058 No.18093058[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I waste 6 hrs/day playing dota2.

It brings no value to my existence other than killing time & entertainment.

I have towering stacks of books I never touched.

Should I quit videogames and spend ~6-8 hrs/day reading books instead?

>> No.18093070

Just shitpost on 4chan for 6 hrs/day instead

>> No.18093081

My sincere opinion is that no, you shouldn’t quit video games. You should perhaps just cut down or preferably, find a way to monetize your activities.

>> No.18093083


>> No.18093124

Quit league for good a year ago. I was in your same situation, and haven’t touched the game since.

I do read more after quitting, but I still play vidya in moderation; not repetitive dopamine farms, but rather the “artsy” games that get suggested on /v/ from time to time. Despite what some contrarians will have you think, some video games are more than just toys and have the power to say something about the human condition through the medium of interactivity.

So, try it. The best course of action is to just cut yourself away. Delete, uninstall and ruin all of it so you won’t come back.

>> No.18093137

>Should I quit videogames and spend ~6-8 hrs/day reading books instead?
Yes, but you won't.

Start small. If you try to read for eight hours a day you'll burn yourself out and grow to hate it in no time.

>> No.18093158

Quit online gaming, it's an absolute waste of time. Focus on single player games.

>> No.18093176
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I used to play vidya all the time, but one day I just sat there with this horrible feeling that I was wasting my life. There was absolutely nothing I gained from playing games like League. Anything I learned was just applicable to playing more League. I began to feel the same about other games too. Now I don't do anything but play the occasional tabletop because I can justify it to a degree (involves a lot of creative writing practice for world building). I've got a friend that keeps badgering me for not spending more time and money on vidya but I'm perfectly content. It honestly seems like he wants me to do it for his sake rather than mine.

>> No.18093184

This. Multiplayer games are cashgrabs/timegrabs that exploit your desires for social status and peer recognition. Singleplayer games are experiences-in-a-bottle that are, in my opinion, on the same level as reading a fantasy/sci-fi fiction book.

>> No.18093208


I only constrict my use on 4chan on two boards: /adv/ and /lit/. Other boards are either outside my circle of interest or of political and racial nature (quit politics/news recently).


In this case, I am only left with one option: reduce 6 hrs/day of dota 2 with 1 hr/day of singleplayer games.


So, I switch 6 hours of ONLINE gaming a day to 1 hour of single-player gaming, on games that don't destroy your attention span (grinding, exp, too complex mechanisms, low-key methods to get you addicted to them, transactions, etc.)


What about 1 hr of (the type of gaming I talked about above) and 2-3 hours of reading?



>> No.18093230

Yes. Video games waste your time and damage your brain.

>> No.18093237

i used to play a similar amount of dota, i've completely changed my life by quitting it. you'll feel much better when you quit.
the turning point for me was when I ordered ubereats one day and thought in my mind that I wanted to speedboost the "courier" so he would get here faster. realised how fucked it was that i was thinking about dota in real life situations. books are great, i regret not quitting sooner.

>> No.18093261
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Only play Morrowind. I'm with anon who said single player only and compared them to stand alone experiences/books.
I started with skyrim when it came out, oblivion a few years later now all i play is TES: III

>> No.18093287
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> and damage your brain.

About that:

I have been suffering from:

> porn addiction, coom 7 times a week, 365 times a year. dick desensitized.

> consumption of "toxic" (unironically literally toxic) political content (news, /pol/, black pill (incel shit), racial inferority inducing content, etc)

> video gaming addiction

> not doing what i ought to do (study). I haven't opened my textbooks in months.
So far:

> porn addiction: Didn't coom yesterday. Will realistically reduce cooming to 2 times a week maybe, over time of course.

> in regards to politics, race, incel, any polarizing context: i quit all that cold turkey and have never been feeling better. check >>18092653 for a little more context

> video games: haven't played anything for 3 days, have been reading good books (pic related). Planning to play Metro 2033, and other story rich singleplayer games, for 30 mins to 1 hour a day now.

> gonna study today and catch up with my peers and graduate (should've graduated two years ago)
Unironically, I quit going to my psychiatrist two months ago. Quit taking psyche meds like a month ago, gradually of course.

That psychiatrist never dealt with the causes of my mental disfunction. It was the news, 4chan ultra-politicized boards, gaming, cooming and learned helplessness from politics' venom. Doing what I did above at once should've been what I did months ago. I feel like I was scammed out of the total $500 I paid to these "Dr.s"

I feel overwhelmed and I literally walk around the house with nothing to do. A BIG ASS VACUUM appeared and I will not give in and refill it with that toxic shit I have been suffering from.

How to take it from here?

I am already reading books. Mainly non-fiction.

>> No.18093290

tf2 is fun but i agree

>> No.18093294


Btw about meds: don't go apeshit. I don't have any serious mental disorder diagnosis. Just good ol' OCD, so I am not schizoid or whatever.

>> No.18093302


Oh yeah, apart from breakfast all of my food intake was fast food junk.

I have ditched soda and french fries cold turkey. started taking a multi vitamin, and am eating more and more healthier food by the day.

My body fat percentage is 23% btw IDK if that is considered fat

>> No.18093348

Start by playing textbook like games, like divinity or other rpgs, then you'll gradually transit to just reading books and, of course, stop cooming, exercise, sleep and eat well.

>> No.18093364

get a job lmao

>> No.18093372
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>coom 7 times a week
Rookie numbers

>> No.18093385

>porn addiction, coom 7 times a week
lel. Try cooming 7 times a day, then we can talk.

>> No.18093390
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It’s not a competition

>> No.18093396

start reading the bible and praying. may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.18093404

>human condition
spook made up by the secular bourgeois humanist in their narrative to seize power from the christians.

>> No.18093417

Pretty unrealistic that you will spend 6/8hrs a day reading, but if you want my advice to maximize your chances of success:
> uninstall all games from PC
> unplug all consoles and put them away
> pick a relatively light read to start, reading is a skill and if you’re fucking around playing vidya all day you’re out of practice
> I’m serious, don’t start reading Moby Dick or Crime and Punishment right off the bat, you’re setting yourself up for failure
> if you break down and play vidya one day, make sure to uninstall after and don’t beat yourself up about it
> remove TV and pc from your bedroom and read before bed every night, it will get you in the habit and help your sleep quality

>> No.18093421


I come from a Muslim background, don't know shit about Christianity or the Bible lmao

>> No.18093440

fresh start then. knock on the door and it will open.

>> No.18093441

Rank? This will determine if it's worth it for you to do anything

>> No.18093490


I started playing Dota 2 back in the beta phase in 2013. By 2014 I have 500 hours of Dota 2.

Stopped playing Dota 2 in 2014, returned mid 2015. Amassed 1500 hours on a NEW account by mid 2016.

Quit that account, came back in 2019ish, played for 200 hours.

Left 2019.

Returned last January. 200 hours now. Unranked most of the time (because I suck at the game lmao)

I haven't played ranked at all until 2021, and I got something called Guardian 2 or something, it's like silver 2 from CSGO I think...

>> No.18093809

Video games impair your attention and hook you up like drugs. I have your same problem.

>> No.18093833
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If you want to stop doing something, stop looking for excuses as to why you're unhappy. You want to blame games, but in reality if you spent that time reading you would be just as unhappy, and then may look to some other pseudo social group for validation. Maybe make some other larger change for the better OP.

>> No.18093843

Timely thread, I was considering deleting games, and their launchers tonight, so I can focus on actually studying.

>> No.18093977


Your post is too vague to extract an insight from. Can you elaborate more?

Excessive consumption of anything, like games and news can make you unhappy. Especially news, where your emotional instability entails increased consumption which causes news people to manipulate you even further.

> look to some other pseudo social group for validation.

Pseudo or not, what matters is whether it gives meaning/happiness. Nothing's not "pseudo", our entire society, institutions and morals can be called "superficial constructs". It's our belief in them that gives them "existence"

> Maybe make some other larger change for the better OP.

Can you actually expand on it? I am searching for these kinds of answers.

Right now I am fixing my sleeping. I sleep 4 hours a day and feel like a castrated mule all day long. Maybe by sleeping right I'll feel energized again.

Thank you