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18055728 No.18055728 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever read a story so depressing that it fucked you up irl?

>> No.18055748

my diary desu

>> No.18055751

The Semplica-Girl Diaries did that to me. Walked around lost all day.

>> No.18055753

Unironically, certain works of erotica on literotica.

>> No.18055754
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Your diary desu

>> No.18055756

Not yet but I'm sure I will. I'm heavily affected by stuff I read though, but the effects are usually more nuanced than crushing depression. The ending of The Idiot was kinda heavy on me. One of my favorite endings and redeemed Dostoy's shitty ending in Crime and Punishment

>> No.18055760

No but if you want a documentary like that watch "Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father".
You will cry, it will fuck you up

>> No.18055770
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>> No.18056645

Interesting how does that fuck you up? Is it Just spanking it to deranged filth and then realizing your a lowly coomer.

>> No.18056652

Patriotism by Mishima was beautiful and fucked me up, I had physical reactions to it.

>> No.18056669

The ending of A Farewell to Arms felt like a punch in the gut

>> No.18056672


>> No.18056683

Norwegian Wood was a gut punch because I was close to what happened at the end

>> No.18056693

No, I'm a coomer and I don't feel bad about that. It's just some of the fetishy stuff I've seen is more than just boner-killing, it's actually quite depressing/gruesome. I suppose in the end it's a good thing, because it pretty much purged me of most BDSM-type fetishes/interests.

>> No.18056696

The Idiot, Hero of our Time, Wittgenstein's Nephew, Stoner

>> No.18057049

The Elementary Particles
Was sober for like 84 days. Finished the novel while out of town. Got back in town, couldn't stop thinking about it, then 24hrs later I was drinking and didn't stop for four months.

>> No.18057180

This, that book put me in a funk for a while.

>> No.18057229

Death of Ivan Illyich, one of the first things I read getting into literature. After I finished it I just kind of stared at the wall for a while. In the long run it was good though because that story put into perspective how unhappy I was with the way my life was going.

>> No.18057236

why am I always late on this

>> No.18057390

Onani Master Kurosawa

>> No.18057410

I quit reading Brideshead Revisited 2/3 of the way through because it was too depressing

>> No.18057440

Gone with the Wind because it was heartbreaking seeing the Confederacy be destroyed

>> No.18057489

Dude like every fucking book that's supposed to be "good" makes me want to kys irl in minecraft ironically, i'm so fucking glad i dropped out and didn't read this shit back then or 16 year old me wouldn't have made it

>> No.18057522

man, fuck that book.

>> No.18057628

the girl next door. the real life story is even worse. anam anam doğmaz olaydım

>> No.18057658
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>> No.18057685

No, fiction is a waste of time, energy and emotions. I use what I read from philosphy every day.

>> No.18057709

Countless philosophers also wrote novels. Checkmate homosexual

>> No.18058111


>> No.18058118

i shed a tear when i read Justine

>> No.18058318

some short story where an abusive husband locks his wife outside a cabin during the winter and she gets frostbite in her feet. pretty sure it ends with her being dragged to the hospital and having to get her feet amputated.

>> No.18059164
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Click on the second link down (it says Mr. Mike)

>> No.18059189
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The first part messed me up for a couple of days.

>> No.18059255

Dostoevsky's white nights. A little too relatable.

>> No.18059273

The expansion for Amnesia?

>> No.18059278

read upon the story of the woman who drilled a puppys anus for crush porn about 5 months ago

>> No.18059310
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>> No.18059344

no i no i joke

>> No.18059381

when I was younger I would constantly have to put books down to get up and walk off the emotions and thoughts while reading
now media doesn't affect me
kinda wish being an emotional child but we all get jaded and bored

>> No.18059413

dh lawrence and paul bowles write similarly bleak romance stories which I love-hated

taipei fucked me up a bit but thankfully the dude's tendency to humblebrag breaks the spell of hopelessness the book has.

>> No.18059439

I wrote down the story of my life, I read it, then I got depressed and killed myself.

>> No.18059471

Multiple manga and light novels have left me depressed to the point of suicidal ideation. It’s not because they profoundly impacted me or anything. It’s because I know they’re precisely just fantastical wish fulfillment even if kind of deep. Yeah, that girl is never going to fall from the sky, I’m never going to get isekai’d, there’s never going to be a call to action. No matter how much I can identify with the protagonist, I’ll always stay them in chapter 1.

>> No.18059487

Sons and Lovers is a great novel that gets few mentions here.I’ve been interested in Bowles for some time. I’m hoping to check him out within the next year

>> No.18059492

I read a book about a girl with a brother who commits suicide after he can’t kick his opium addiction...just a month after I resumed a benzodiazepine addiction after being clean for 3 years.

>> No.18059493

Seconded. I read anons diary, it made me cut myself. :^(

>> No.18059496

nah no books have done that to me.
some fucked up wikipedia pages have kept me up many nights though.

>> No.18059499

reading a canticle for leibowitz left me feeling pretty morose for like a week after reading it, took me a while before I moved on and picked up another book. especially this little simple but effective passage:

>“Listen, are we helpless? Are we doomed to do it again and again and again? Have we no choice but to play the Phoenix in an unending sequence of rise and fall? Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Carthage, Rome, the Empires of Charlemagne and the Turk: Ground to dust and plowed with salt. Spain, France, Britain, America—burned into the oblivion of the centuries. And again and again and again. Are we doomed to it, Lord, chained to the pendulum of our own mad clockwork, helpless to halt its swing? This time, it will swing us clean to oblivion.”

>> No.18059503
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I'll see your Dear Zachary and raise you 3h45m of kids dying from cancer (pic).

>> No.18059549

The Last Jew in Treblinka was much worse than that one. I had nightmares (the part where he describes trying to cut a mother's hair fast enough because she doesn't want to be separated from her daughter going into the gas chamber...and doesn't).

>> No.18059666

The doomed city by the brothers that did roadside picnic. The slow and methodical destruction of optimism got me.

>> No.18059697

Not depressing, but when I read In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan I was so creeped-out and disturbed afterwards I legit didn't read anything else for a year and a half. It's not horror, but it's a very unsettling and eerie book. I mean I had other things going on too, but I read that at just the wrong time in my life, i.e. mentally. It's a fucked up book.

>> No.18059769
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The very hungry caterpillar

>> No.18060047
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>> No.18060144

Yeah the ending to The Idiot is like all hope just got sucked out of the world. The ending to Demons by comparison is just cathartic like in a Greek tragedy