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18053602 No.18053602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18053610

Was net neutrality a scam?

>> No.18053619

Have you tried no coping?
Have you tried just absolutely losing your mind?

>> No.18053639
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>> No.18053643

Will this really help me cope? Or will it just explain the fall?

>> No.18053645

>Will this really help me cope?
No, not really.

>> No.18053649


>> No.18053665
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Havent read this one yet but I have it on my reading list, not sure.

>> No.18053692
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Same author

>> No.18053777

I remember in the olden days of 4chins whenever someone would insult America you would get blasted by that copypasta
>Largest GDP in the world
>Military bases on every continet
And other such things I can't now remember. Now they're too meek to even fight for themselves

>> No.18053815
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>> No.18053866
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>> No.18053946

It was irrelevant to consumer interests, but that doesn't stop big tech from getting people upset on their behalf

>> No.18053964

The Americas, two separate continents.
North America and South America, continents.
America, a country.

>> No.18054084



>> No.18054091

Among us?

>> No.18054269

Try alcohol to cope. Wine's my go-to, very established tradition of cope.

>> No.18054416

Literally nothing happened, it was probably the biggest nothingburger of the decade, Americans didn't realise most of the world doesn't have it and is fine.

>> No.18054519
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thrive in a world of languish, OP

>> No.18054531

Beaner fever.

>> No.18054540

America was never great
Nor will it ever be
Americans refute Descartes
They do not think
Yet they are

>> No.18054551

don't be a baby. britain has been in decline for a century and we're all right

>> No.18055031


>> No.18055058

That image makes no sense. If net neutrality is repealed, the ISP decides what you visit. Big Tech will just buy the ISPs and still control it.

>> No.18055166

>fall of a continent
You must mean the USA
If you don’t embrace it, I don’t think you should cope
Socialist readings, start with Stirner though.

>> No.18055182

>Are there books that will help me cope with the fall of America
Was that an honest question or did you want to talk about net neutrality?
To answer your question: Thus Spoke Zarathustra from Nietzsche and stuff that has been influenced by him, such as Bronze Age Mindset.

>> No.18055277

Most retarded reading suggestions one could come up with

>> No.18055301

why do you have to cope? This is awesome

>> No.18055352


>> No.18055520
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It was too little too late to save cable television.

>> No.18055680

yes, when people refer to America, or American politics, they are referring to your shitty bean country

>> No.18055727

Terms like Latin America or Anglo America imply there is only one continent. North America and South America impy a separation from a unity: America. Otherwise they would have different names.

>> No.18055743
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>> No.18055750
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>> No.18055766
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>heh, we're alright. just a little tired.

>> No.18056056

You're just a mentally ill weakfag. There's no remedy for you.

>> No.18056082

It was literally repealed years ago, it just doesn't matter except MAYBE for antitrust purposes

>> No.18056090

Just move to Europe. I went to Uni in Ireland now I live here.

>> No.18056094
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You have to understand that liberalism is not a sign of American decline but of increasing American supremacy. With it, we are turning the rest of the world into our cultural vassals.

>> No.18056100

the american people are the victims of their own elite, there's no 'we' you fucking idiot

>> No.18056109





>> No.18056120

If we need to give up some personal freedom for the sake of the country, so be it.

Your children, whether they live in the Americas, Europe, MENA, (anywhere outside of China, really) will grow up watching American media, learning English, and keeping up with American politics, all on social media platforms owned by American companies. Who is the one coping?

>> No.18056138

>Who is the one coping?
I am an American living in rural Europe. And no they don’t because I hate American “culture” so much that I don’t let them use the internet or TV. You’ll be speaking Chinese soon enough anyway after based Xi conquers the West Coast.

>> No.18056141

divest in nationalism invest in globalism

>> No.18056180

You cannot stop it, anon. Your kids will go out into the workforce one day, or maybe to college: what then? They will be exposed to American culture in all its various forms, and perhaps they will like it. And even if it's not their cup of tea, maybe your grandchildren will find it appealing. It only takes one.

>P-please, based Xi, stop degeneracy and save the West!
Now that's a cope

>> No.18056192 [DELETED] 

Except they won’t for numerous reasons.
And it’s not a cope. Soon America will be an irrelevant backwater while China is the leading world power.

>> No.18056283


The Soviet Union won the Cold War and is currently turning the entire world into their vassal.

>> No.18056330

Thanks John Oliver

>> No.18056339

Sounds like something Baudrillard would say

>> No.18056341

You literally can’t use Websters anymore though since they update words in real time

>> No.18056362

Those have always been the definitions. It's the same in other dictionaries. Cope. "America" meaning the USA is a posterior colloquialism.

>> No.18056435

>the mental gymnastics to justify your shithole country
Glad to see you gone retards

>> No.18056480

Biggest cope I’ve ever read. A few Americanized Irish virtue signaling because of BLM VS year long riots in all your major cities because of BLM.

>> No.18056485
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Oh fuck off.

>> No.18056531

>Americans refute Descartes
>They do not think
>Yet they are

Such a retarded line. Descartes said that I think therefore I am, not that I am, therefore I think. Americans refute the latter statement, but not the former.

>> No.18056695

they´re already vassal states, what´s the point of getting them worship blacc pipo? amerimutts everyone

>> No.18056735
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We dominate them economically and culturally, but now we will do so mentally/spiritually.

>You will support LGBT rights.
>You will speak English.
>You will watch American media.
>You will kneel for BLM.
>You will fight systemic racism.
>You will keep up with American politics.
>You will get your news from American websites.
>You will be a feminist.
>You will acknowledge your privilege.
>You will obey America.
Kneel. Your grandchildren will be monolingual English speakers, and they will keep up with American identity politics, implementing them in your country as well. If you want to see the future of Europe, imagine a Muslim LGBT POC waving a BLM banner atop the Arc de Triomphe, forever.

>> No.18056790
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>>You will support LGBT rights.
>>You will speak English.
>>You will watch American media.
>>You will kneel for BLM.
>>You will fight systemic racism.
>>You will keep up with American politics.
>>You will get your news from American websites.
>>You will be a feminist.
>>You will acknowledge your privilege.
>>You will obey America.
>Kneel. Your grandchildren will be monolingual English speakers, and they will keep up with American identity politics, implementing them in your country as well. If you want to see the future of Europe, imagine a Muslim LGBT POC waving a BLM banner atop the Arc de Triomphe, forever.
Not if I kill myself first!

>> No.18056831

I dunno. American pop-culture has gotten seriously bad and the divisions in the domestic population are making the old, most lucrative, model of “big money production with something for everyone” impossible to pull off.
I think the trend will probably be towards a more fractured cultural zeitgeist with a much narrower focus for each piece.
Every market in media looks like it’s going to go that way to me.
The whole situation just seems ripe for the erosion of America’s market share in cultural exports.
Most moneyed Americans already think literally every other nationality and ethnicity on the planet is cooler than America i’m not sure what’s stopping people abroad from realizing there’s money to be made in entertainment.
With shit like Pokemon it’s not like there’s not a massive precedent for wild success.