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/lit/ - Literature

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17995301 No.17995301 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much ressentiment on /lit/?

>> No.17995308

Nazis romanticize reading as much as 20 year old Harry Potter fangirls do.

>> No.17995310

Because so much exists in the world.

>> No.17995321

We're all losers here, brother

>> No.17995325

ressentiment is based and good for your health

>> No.17995341
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I guess. Was I wrong to assume that our pathos towards life was overcoming our flaws and not incessant seething?

>> No.17995392
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I am malicious because I am miserable. am I not shunned and hated by all mankind? why I should pity man more than he pities me? If any felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them a hundred and a hundredfold; for that one's sake I would make peace with the whole kind. but I indulge in dreams of bliss that cannot be realised. the human senses are insurmountable barriers, yet mine shall not be the submission of abject slavery. I will revenge my injuries; if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear.
I swear inextinguishable hatred.

>> No.17995402

Many nerds/incels/progressives/Christians around these parts, it's only natural.

>> No.17995426
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Helo ar u woman sex? Plz?

>> No.17995448
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I blame discord

>> No.17995471
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This. Lots of sexually frustrated kids with daddy issues

>> No.17995500
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Because I just lost a total war campaign and I'm frustrated and very mad!

>> No.17995517
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I swear I see more threads bitching about the state of lit than there are threads on lit what's up with that

>> No.17995533
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Don't take it personally.
Watch me ban females off this website and board culture improve tenfold.

>> No.17995556

mommy issues

>> No.17995570

teenage gril hands wrote this post

>> No.17995577 [DELETED] 

lol i figured that was a quote for evola or one of those other incelmagik dudes

>> No.17995603

>on /lit/?

>> No.17995607 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17995608

Revenge only causes more harm. Let your love heal yourself.
No one can see you and your pain, and they have pains of their own


>> No.17995618

>implying that the people complaining aren't all men

>> No.17995621

holy fuck butters do you even read?

>> No.17995635
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>> No.17995636

Yeah. I don’t expect people to keep track of my afk time, but I am away

>> No.17995640

I don't like that word, stop using it.
>re(redo, retry, reset) - ss(snake) -entiment
It just doesn't make sense

>> No.17995645

I would kill you if I saw you IRL

>> No.17995734

You'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.17995746

No wonder this board is shit again, you're here. Your mere presence is what ruins this board, why do you even come here when you're not wanted?

>> No.17995785
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Yes. The point of life is to learn from and interact accordingly with stimuli. Things that make you seethe should make you seethe. Accepting negative emotion for what it is as a normal, healthy part of existing is a lesson most people never learn in life. Too afraid of pain, sadness and anger, not realizing how blessed they are to live in a world where things are sometimes bad.

>> No.17995800
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shut the fuck up you fucking stupid mentally ill tranny freak
you will NEVER be a woman

>> No.17995825

No you wouldn't

>> No.17995830
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>> No.17995867

The whole of 4chan is like this. But it's been getting worse...

>> No.17995878

We're failed men in a society controlled by women. What do you expect?

>> No.17995889

You'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.17995902

Egotistical maniacs with inferiority complexes

>> No.17996027

Open up the "write what's on your mind" thread and you'll realise what a neurotic mess 90% of people on this board are

>> No.17996172
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You misunderstood me. I very much agree with you that we should embrace negative emotions like anger, sadness and pain, and those who don't reject their humanity. Where I differ is that ressentiment is not something that's life affirming or beneficial to your existence.

>> No.17996183

It's written like the underground man kek

>> No.17996187

Bacause I can.
Now stop asking stupid questions

>> No.17996193

We got infiltrated by Satanists, like /pol/ and /his/.

>> No.17996228

Because trolling has gone from being a art to being an science done by professionals.

>> No.17996253

selection bias retard

>> No.17996375

This was a tolerable background noise while devouring my dindin.

>> No.17996401

Isn’t it nice? I wish there was a track list. I love that fourth one I think it is.

>> No.17996442

because we're stuck here.
this place is a miserable shitpit, but we're like feral dogs, who need to be resocialized before we can leave. I got deleted once because I called Abby Shapiro a stupid, knee-showing slut, entirely in good humor.

>> No.17996450


Who am I supposed to resent exactly?

>> No.17996460

JIDF ops

>> No.17996489

I am not familiar with the book and I clicked on the link without much preconception. I am usually quite intolerant of Indian culture, at least its modern state, but I find this mix interesting. It's probably not something I would listen to again.

>> No.17997197

life itself

>> No.17997214
File: 26 KB, 598x574, BOOBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the BOOBA anon? That's no transter.

>> No.17997221 [DELETED] 

Most people here are faliures in life so they are stuck within a crab mentality, while the others are just sociopaths who enjoy the chaos of attacking anons - simple.

>> No.17997254

There are no women here

>> No.17997278

Too much reading and not enough human contact, plus the negativity in this echo chamber doesn’t help.

>> No.17997291
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It is the complete opposite; not enough reading and too much human contact. This is a literature board not your fucking clubhouse.

>> No.17997292

>Why is there so much ressentiment on /lit/?
it's spelled resentment retard

>> No.17997318

No. He’s right

>> No.17997332

Maybe for people in the real world yes, but I’m talking specifically this board and it’s morose inhabitants.

>> No.17997355
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>> No.17997366

I’ve been had! The butterfly is a PsyOp believe me

>> No.17997398

We were raised well by god fearing parents who tried to pass on their beliefs to us, but their beliefs were just for show. Mother was a whore who loved Nazi cock and Father was a drunk and blamed the world for everything. When Mother left Father for Mr. Jr. KKK, Father became an born again antinatalist woman hating incel. We are all just trying to cope until this brutal custody battle is over and we can finally get on with life.

>> No.17997467
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No really! I read a book on it. A brain surgeon author even.

>> No.17997592
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Real shit anon, you've got excellent diction and I appreciate that. Chin up my man, people are hardly so malicious as you think, they just dumb. We all dumb, remember you dumb too and we all be kinda dumb together. Love you senpai

>> No.17997609

it’s a quote from Frankenstein you dumb niggers

>> No.17997705
File: 90 KB, 1125x1175, 1615701461635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unnecessary aggression my dude, I don't remember every line of everything I've ever read. As a passage it is remarkably similar to the kinds of resentment I see here regularly, and so I assumed it was genuine. Do you have any logs I can borrow, Brother?

>> No.17997757
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>> No.17997778

>Unnecessary aggression my dude
True, perhaps the protective coloration of vitriol isn’t necessary in a thread made specifically to call that out.
>I don't remember every line of everything I've ever read
If you have even the vaguest memory of Frankenstein that passage should be obvious as the main storyline (in addition to Victor being a whiny faggot) is his creature being an ugly fuck with so much love to give.
>Do you have any logs I can borrow, Brother?
No wood logs but I’m drowning in server logs if you’re interested in those.

>> No.17997806

ayy lmao

>> No.17997808


>> No.17997815

why did you change your trip? this is an imposter

>> No.17997842

why are you black?

>> No.17997844
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I do remember the story pretty well, but I more or less remember the concepts and themes of it rather than the actual prose. Truthfully I struggle to remember any written word unless it rhymes or strikes me as particularly profound. I attribute this to my being primarily an auditory learner. And I don't have any use for server logs but I appreciate the gesture my friend.

>> No.17997888
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Why do you make assumptions of my race based on the vernacular I use in a Tibetan cobbling forum? Truthfully I talk that way because it's more fun than using my full vocabulary and it's more relatable to the people that I work with. I find most people don't like to feel talked down to, even if it is unintentional, so I dumb down my word choice and it makes socializing much smoother. You should try it out sometime, it really is fun.

>> No.17997914
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>> No.17997938

you sound like a monkey and i unironically in my real actual life refuse to associate with anyone who talks like that

>> No.17998058
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To each his own, my brother. I get alot of enjoyment out of socializing with the people of my community, even if it isn't always at a high intellectual level. I have learned a lot from regular folks. But my perspective is limited, and maybe it does enrich your life cutting out people less well spoken than yourself.

>> No.17998068

Ding Ding Ding

>> No.17998078

>Where I differ is that ressentiment is not something that's life affirming or beneficial to your existence.
This is wrong. It's perfectly natural depending on one's inner nature; this is actually what Nietzsche argued, and he was correct to do so. Men should act according to their nature, whether that means ressentiment or no. Anything else is denying one's own will; one's own essence.

>> No.17998113

I forgot to add, you are one of the many people who conflate Nietzsche's doctrine with some sort of "feel good", "eliminate all conflict" philosophy, which is directly opposed to his actual doctrine centered around the will to power and the affirmation of it (by all people; not only the Übermensch. The Übermensch is only created by the gradual evolution of humanity by interplays of the will to power of different individuals, whether they be sentiments or ressentiments). Denying the will to power in oneself is equivalent to the denying of life, ergo if one has feelings of ressentiment, denying them is denying one's own will and one's own life. It might lead to bitter feelings of resignation with superficial happiness and contentment, but those feelings will always be there festering. Nietzsche was about accepting oneself in one's entirety, especially the will, not repressing oneself.

>> No.17998123

>everything bad is nazis
i guarantee you most of the retarded posters on this board who pretend to have read who they post about are not literal nazis, you guys are assumedly part of that group though

>> No.17998138
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We are talking about the resentful ones not just the ones who don't read. You can not read and not be resentful baka.

>> No.17998199

it's not about being well-spoken or class or even intelligence, it's about acting like a negro or acting like a white person. i don't mind white people of any class, and have gotten along with poorer ones just fine. but i can't stand negros and i can't stand their language - everything expressed in it becomes trivialized and meaningless, the valence it evokes is one of jovial nihilism and primitiveness. i just can't take anybody seriously who expresses themselves with the language of lower beings

>> No.17998209
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>> No.17998215

>tfw neo nazi harry potter fangirl

no wonder why i love reading so much

>> No.17998458

I didn't read that crap and never will.

>> No.17998474

The idea of "lower beings" is a foolish one. We are all of us equal. There are differences of course, but they do not denote superiority. Darwin's finches are an excellent representation of this idea. But I'll meet you where you are, for the sake of argument let's say that black people are inferior. Does the musician that translates the language of the birds degrade himself in doing so? Or is it possible to restructure something inspiring into a more palletable form as to derive increased enjoyment from it? If you were capable of recreating and understanding the language of the animals, would you assume they have no wisdom to teach?

>> No.17998482

dumb ape nigger

>> No.17998515


>> No.17998569

>We are all of us equal.
but that's ridiculous, this is putting every single person on the level of human garbage. how can i not interpret that as the greatest possible insult, a libel against the entire human race?

>> No.17998660

based prose keep it up

>> No.17998832

Every living organism is locked in constant battle for survival, you are no better than the worm beneath your boot for it, only luckier. You think yourself better, but you are no less fragile. You assume yourself superior, but how easy it would be to choke on a peach pit. "There but for the grace of God, go I". This by no means is a declaration that there aren't people that need killin, but it is an understanding that I am in truth no better than those, only different.

>> No.17998852

>low IQ
>crab mentality
>arts degree
>objective failures in life
>sexually frustrated
>sociopathic loners
basically first world problems

>> No.17998855

Every. Single. Time. Someone invariably says "there are more meta threads than the threads they complain about!" Take a look at the catalog you smooth-brained boob we're flooded with basic bitch philosophy threads, religion threads, frog threads, /r9k/ self-help threads and you complain about the one meta thread.

>> No.17998891


It's from Frankenstein.

>> No.17999011

Bunch of pseuds.

>> No.17999113

Animefags threads are the only good threads.

>> No.17999582

Why lie?

>> No.17999589

I'm deeply depressed, if I had a button to cease all existance I would have pressed it 10 years ago.

>> No.17999793

based Dostoevsky character

>> No.17999937
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I dont blindly follow Nietschze's doctrine. and I also believe that there is no conflict to be had in ressentiment

>> No.17999984
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God damnit.

>> No.17999995

So you pick the bits you like even if it makes your entire belief system incoherent?
>and I also believe that there is no conflict to be had in ressentiment
Then you don't understand what ressentiment fundamentally is. Hint: The prefix re- actually serves a purpose.

>> No.18000002


because that's just what literature is really all about

>> No.18000051
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>ahhh people are talking about things!!!

i see plenty of /r9k/ threads like this one...

>> No.18000106

To busy trying to read books they feel they 'should' read instead of books they might enjoy or find interesting.

>> No.18000185


>> No.18000208


>> No.18000214

I hate EVERY single one of these limp-dicked intellectuals /lit/ shills all the time. /lit/ should be an art board and NOTHING else.

>> No.18000224


>> No.18000254

What a great thread op. Lots of you's for this high quality thread

>> No.18000271

>gay pic
>gay op
>gay thread
Yep, checks out

>> No.18000507
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It's true, animefags really are superior

>> No.18000509

resentment is the most precious flower of poverty

>> No.18000523
File: 16 KB, 400x400, PepeDissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You basically admitted to not reading; seriously, get the fuck off of this board.

>> No.18000544

I have never read a book in my entire life; and now, purely to spite you, I never shall.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.18000558

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