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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 1000x1501, Rupi-Kaur-about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17987531 No.17987531 [Reply] [Original]

You only hate her because she's more successful than you.

>> No.17987539

I would literally let her castrate me for one chance at her succ

>> No.17987540

I hate her because she's not white.

>> No.17987548

I hate her because she's a woman.

>> No.17987562

I hate her because she's a curry version of my high school crush, whom I still dream about.

>> No.17987570

the world does not revolve around me
I hate her because she's successful despite being worse at poetry than any of the posters above, even those who haven't written a line in their life.

>> No.17987599
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/lit/ BTFO

>> No.17987604

I think she's kind of cute desu, and I hope that someday I have enough of a successful literary carer to drunkenly hit on her at a fancy party and maybe even sniff her hair as she walks away.

>> No.17987611

Who is this sand nigger?

>> No.17987617

She's a street shitter you fucking bigot

>> No.17987619
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>> No.17987624

Shut up, you faggot coon

>> No.17987630

It is a curse
To be the color of poop
Do you know how often
Flies confuse me for food

>> No.17987634

Its a blessing she the color of earth bcuz i force my seed into her

>> No.17987637


>> No.17987641

Everyone's more successful than me.

>> No.17987643
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>> No.17987671


>> No.17987673

Nice! I'm now part of a hecking epic meme!

>> No.17987695

No idea who this bitch is but she looks hot

>> No.17987734

I just wanna drop a hot nickel ball on her pussy

>> No.17987739

Based Department?

>> No.17987757
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>> No.17987996

Let me tell you brother, I've fucked some hogs in my day, but there is nothing that compares to a good indian pussy after some hash, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.17988006

>I've fucked some hogs in my day
You been piggin?

Sometimes a man needs to fuck a few hogs

>> No.17988014

>if you know what I'm saying.
No, elaborate.

>> No.17988040



>> No.17988043

Modern poetry
is pretty
you just have to
write some words
and you don't
even have to make
Fantastic !

>> No.17988067
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>> No.17988329
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>> No.17988340

I want to fuck her feet

>> No.17988342

I never knew I could feel this way

>> No.17988361

I don't hate her but I think her "poetry" is trite and tryhard and I showed it to my mom while we were hanging out on a Barnes and Noble, so at least her opinion has to count, right?

>> No.17988378

I am crying

>> No.17988386

such art

>> No.17988388
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Let's make rupi poem memes a thing

>> No.17988699

I don't like
Her poetry
Her ass
Is nice
I think

>> No.17988757

Rupi Kaur Is
an obnoxious bitch
who writes
8th grade poetry
at the age
of 30

>> No.17988816

Why do women with big noses make me feel so aroused. Can anyone relate or have any insight as to why? Is there anything in literature about this?

>> No.17988899

I have no idea who she is and I feel good about that.

>> No.17988974

Neither did I but now I'm horny

>> No.17988981

Get better taste in women b

>> No.17989007

Can't help what I'm aroused by

>> No.17989045
File: 143 KB, 112x112, 1603662822031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got me thinking. Every single girl I've ever seriously tried to get with has been some shade of brown. Even going back to elementary school, I only had crushes on brown girls. Thinking back now

>> No.17989049

True art ! Pure beauty !

>> No.17989053

You're a true Murican'.

>> No.17989064

Yeah but I still think white girls are attractive and my neighborhood growing up was 70-85% white

>> No.17989071

>still better than whatever counts as her best

>> No.17989077

I don't hate her. I don't even care about her.

I do wish I had money, though.

>> No.17989159

Is there some quality you attribute or associate with latina or black women that you find attractive? Could it also be that you perceive them as easier than a white girl of the same level of attractiveness and so more appealing?

>> No.17989320

wait until you discover iran

>> No.17989371

good one anon

>> No.17989421
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>You only hate her
I don't know who she is
>she's more successful than you
Ok I hate her

>> No.17989429

Typical thing a woman says

>> No.17989446

i want to lick her stinky indian asshole

>> No.17989453

This one is alright.

Ineffective humor since she is not actually affecting any posture; for example, Sterne and Swift affect the the posture of a learned scholar or a storyteller in order to misdirect the reader toward something ridiculous. But with Kaur it is too obvious that she is trying to be funny.

Pretty good affectation of your average /r9k/ poster.

Pretty good affectation of your average /pol/ poster.

>> No.17989477


>> No.17989652

No. I don't think its a conscious trait or a socially-produced idea since it's been like that since I was literally 5 and it's not a pattern I have noticed or specifically acted on until the last few months

>> No.17989662

Dude this is kek x 9363937474748

>> No.17989667

Well do you think you are genetically inclined to mate with non white women?

>> No.17989673

My sides

>> No.17989680

I don't see why I would be. Maybe I'm like destined to BLEACH everything to my south

>> No.17989686

Based and horny shnozposter

>> No.17989700

Imagine this poonjob riding you with a strapon.
Sometimes nonconsensual sex is the best

>> No.17989740

If i had a tongue long enough i would stick my tongue up her ass until it went out of her mouth, then i would eat her pussy simultaneously

>> No.17989789

She is a beautiful goddess and I would worship the ground she walks upon


>> No.17989795
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Great job

>> No.17989798

Imagine if a male poet did the same thing, scribble a misshapen man crudely spreading himself and the poem is in the shape of his dick. Why are women allowed to get away with so much shit?

>> No.17989805

The asshole was a great addition

>> No.17989859

She should have drawn one where theres a stream of piss coming out the vagina

>> No.17989883

Don't criticise my queen

If it were her piss? I'd drink it

>> No.17989892

i don't hate her and i don't care about her at all. i have no idea who she is.

by hating celebrities you don't know, you are giving them your energy. focus on things you like instead of things you hate.

>> No.17989895

I'd get it in an iv bag and straight up inject it into my bloodstream

>> No.17989915

I like her. I like her a lot

Imagine the feeling of her piss flowing through your veins. The knowledge that this beautiful goddess is literally inside you. What a warm feeling that must be

>> No.17989929

I feel like it would be even more potent than a shot of heroin. Probably more akin to having the blood of Jesus himself flowing through you to clean you out.

>> No.17990349

More like autistic department you fucking incel

>> No.17990423
File: 109 KB, 220x124, i dont even know who you are.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17990458

It is a curse
To be the color of cum
Do you know how often
Anon confuses me for food

>> No.17991047

nice job.

>> No.17991449

He copied posts in this thread you fucking imbecile.

>> No.17991454


>> No.17991906

fuck you stealing me idea

>> No.17992102

I hate her because I'm indian.

>> No.17992111

fucking KEK

>> No.17992146
File: 52 KB, 748x635, pottery (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17992147

She's a Poojeta who drowned kittens in a well when she was a child back in her shithole vile country

>> No.17992153

is this true lol?

>> No.17992158

Not if she's (d)hindu. They're vegetarian don't do anything to animals because they're afraid of reincarnating as animals.

>> No.17992192

she's still clapped though


>> No.17992392


>> No.17992466

Peak vulgarity — that fingering poem reading cemented her vileness, absolute buffoon shitter

>> No.17992486

Why is there no capitals, commas and periods? It feels like I'm reading a rushed sentence.

>> No.17992541

The matter with her is not just the vulgarity alone, it's that untranslatable russian word "пoшлocть" that applies to so much of her oeuvre

>> No.17992974

Which poem?

>> No.17993078


Explain the word please.

>> No.17993111


>> No.17993127

I hate her because her poetry is dogshit

>> No.17993142

her poetry is actual dogshit, but she deserves props for swindling millions with the corpse of the deadest artform.

>> No.17993163



>> No.17993172
File: 25 KB, 480x442, 1616676742133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17993267

You're biologically inclined to seek diversity.

>> No.17993277

>the corpse of the deadest artform

Oh, I didn't realize she wrote plays.

>> No.17994073

You're a coon hound my friend

>> No.17994661


>> No.17995359


>> No.17995483

if she is considered a great writer then that is a great excuse to find other aspirations and never revisit contemporary literature again

>> No.17995493
