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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 342 KB, 404x603, heart of islam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17978775 No.17978775 [Reply] [Original]

There was an Islam reading chart posted as a thread yesterday or the day before. It was made by a very radical Muslim discord group. As an alternative to their disgusting chart, I recommend pic related instead as well as the rest of Nasr's works.

>> No.17978813

>very radical Muslim discord

Were they actually Muslims who believe in Allah, or just wimpy incels who need Islam to control women and get rid of LGBT people?

>> No.17978834

>secondary literature
Cringe. Read the Quran and sunna. Simple as.

>> No.17978856

you must learn arabic first

>> No.17978882

There are hundred of millions of Muslims who cannot read arabic, why would it be mandatory for OP? He can learn it later once he's sure of his interest.

>> No.17980396

post their chart

>> No.17980820
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>> No.17980831

>just wimpy incels who need Islam to control women and get rid of LGBT people?
this, and welcome to the latest 4chan tradlarp faggotry.

>> No.17980899 [DELETED] 


>> No.17980901

Religion is secularized metaphysics, modernity has as much power over people who reject it as it does over people who embrace it (recreating them in it's image), and the only solution is expanding your ego to recreate modernity in your own image.
The tradfag brand is truly a vile child of modernity.

>> No.17980946
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I axed the discord, it's still up but I'm keeping people off because feds got a friend of mine who was a very sincere and dedicated convert who had learned Arabic. He didn't post there (in fact he only used encrypted chat so be careful) but I don't want anyone getting into trouble who isn't ready for it.

Nasr is a good writer but his loyalties are completely to idolaters over Muslims


>> No.17980968

Based, Nasr works are excellent, even if I dont always agree with his conclusions

>Nasr is a good writer but his loyalties are completely to idolaters over Muslims
I find this to be a common trend amoung iranian western diaspora

>> No.17980988

>The tradfag brand is truly a vile child of modernity.
this. it's pathetic (in the sense that is pitiful) zoomer cope to deal with their alienation under postmodernity. somewhat understandable, i suppose, but utterly wretched.

>> No.17981032

Yes and he left precisely because the western puppet fell from power, a puppet he strongly supported and who gave the British unlimited access to the oil there

>> No.17981040

Its amazing how easily they believe standard narratives about what is opposed to the modern state of affairs, all one can truly do is admire advertising agencies and social media sites for their absolute destruction of any semblance of an understanding of reality. Reading early 20th century writer's fears regarding censorship feels so silly, when a sea of contextless information has done far more to keep people in the dark than the most advanced methods of censorship.

>> No.17981212
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>Religion is secularized

>> No.17981291
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I know you can be a better person and I will pray for your happiness, you don't need to act in such a way in the future

>> No.17981325
File: 15 KB, 300x250, B1E9BB01-A264-4DC3-8C08-CF1D96A1EDE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<— LOOK! It’s the prophet Moemomhid!

>_< ...Oh. Thought the book was The Art of Islam

>> No.17981360

I sometimes wonder what comes after the commodification of religion, what will be commodified and then mass-marketed to the masses, or what will be excised of all deep meaning and mass-marketed as a lifestyle, what trends will get artificially created next, I regret being born, they've won I can do nothing but watch as the past fades away and the future approaches. Ah well, might as well enjoy the ride

>> No.17981368

Ya’ll rocking with the Sunni or the Shiite?

>> No.17981386

Sufi. Now go away.

>> No.17981407

>so you are criticizing modernity?
>but you happen to be living in modernity, how ironic, *tips fedora*

>> No.17981423

I don't think there is any commodification there

>> No.17981974

>standard narratives about what is opposed to the modern state of affairs
Not being the client of any of the five permanent members of the UN security council is as vivid of a revolt as it comes

>> No.17982742
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> But they plan. And Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners

>> No.17982748

Are you calling the Shia idolaters again?

>> No.17983201

There is classical ijmaa that Shia are not Muslims. The only difference of opinion is whether their laity are excused from kufr due to gross ignorance

>> No.17983242

Not gonna lie, living in this clown world has made me more attracted to Islam

>> No.17983250

Your "ijmaa" means nothing if it is only restricted to people who agree with you. They worship Allah as the only God and accept Muhammad as his final messenger, and they follow the laws revealed in the Quran. Not accepting sunni khalifas doesn't make them idolaters.

>> No.17983272

Slandering A'isha makes them deniers of the Qur'an which exonerated her. This is very serious. The fact is they slander most of the Sahaba and so through out what they narrate, then throw out many strong narrations by Ali as well, such as those praising Umar, saying Ali was just doing taqiyyah even when he married his daughter to Umar. Then they use known liars as sources for narrations and say it's because liars sometimes give sound narrations. Taken together they effectively deny the Quran and Sunnah in many respects and this makes one a kaffir

As far as the idolatry goes, they pray to shrines and graves and ascribe omniscience to the dead and this is idolatry of which there is no classical difference of opinion, the difference being only if ignorance excuses one from being a kaffir here

>> No.17983337

Muhammed was a pedophile. What a degenerate amiright.

>> No.17983350

Most Shia don't really talk much about Aisha and the Sahaba much (thanks to the efforts started by Khomeini). As for narrations they believe even strong narrations are subject to distortions, unlike the Quran. They admire and revere Shia imams as guardians appointed by Allah (which is very different than idolatry) ask them for intercession (tawassul) in their prayers (which has Quranic basis: see 4:64) The classical opinion you talk about only includes the Sunni; were it to include the Shia, there would be no "ijmaa", so the talk of that is ridiculous. Idolatry is a serious charge and you should not lightly accuse your Muslim brothers of it with ill knowledge and ill intentions.

>> No.17983371


>> No.17983387

Khomeini said A'isha and Umar and Abu Bakr were kuffar.

I have no interest in Shia opinion anymore than Qadiani opinion. It's like telling a Christian to they're not considering the opinion of Moonies

>> No.17983389 [DELETED] 


>> No.17983415

Are there actually any GOOD books written by muslims? Not just interesting or informative.

>> No.17983419

>Khomeini said A'isha and Umar and Abu Bakr were kuffar.
It would serve you well to understand why he said that.
>I have no interest in Shia opinion
Your interests is your own business only, but your false accusation of others is not.

>> No.17983421

What kind of book? Literature, philosophy, mysticism, or something else?

>> No.17983422

I’ve got Islam and the destiny of man on my reading list, plus some Sufi stuff

>> No.17983432

I understand why he said it, because he dismisses the words of Ali as taqiyyah and takes from narrators who he admits narrate a lot of nonsense and uses these narrators as a basis to make takfir of most of the Sahaba, they pathetically complains we're dirty bigots if we make takfir on him while he proliferates his filth

Get back to me about your crocodile tears over false accusations when you care about their application to the Sahaba

>> No.17983440

i despise the jihadi spammers on lit, they've pretty much soured me on the whole religion, but Islam and the Destiny of Man is a beautifully written book, the best thing I read last year.

>> No.17983464

If you mean fiction, it's frowned upon, Islamically. So is heavily embellished prose or jargon

>> No.17983467

I don't really care about Sahaba except for Ali and a few others, but it might interest you to know the Shia have developed the science of Rijal, which examines each narrator thoroughly to understand whether or how much they could be trusted. Aside that, the Shia don't generally place too much stock on any narration unless it is supported by the Quran. So it's not as simplified as your short-sighted claim. Even so, accusing some of the Sahaba of kufr doesn't make the Shia "idolaters".

>> No.17983470

The most eminent Muslim works:
>Abu Nuwas
>Al-Jahiz (author of ‘Concubines and Youths in Competition’)
>Al-Katib (author of the ‘Encyclopedia of Pleasure’)
>Ibn Hazm
>Omar Khayyam
>Attar of Nishapur
>Ibn Quzman
>Daftarkhwan (author of ‘The Thousand and One Youths’)
>Ibn Matruh
>Amir Khusrau
>an-Nawaji (author of ‘Gazelle’s Pastures: On Beautiful Youths’)
>Ahmad Gazali
>Sarmad Mahmud
>Ta’alibi (author of the ‘Book of Youths’)
>Wali Dakkani
>Naji Shakir
>Shah Mubarak Abroo
>Taban Abdul Hai
>Mir Taqi Mir
The list goes on...

>> No.17983479



No, praying to graves and ascribing powers to the dead does make them idolaters though

>> No.17983484 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is your problem, you're literally like shitting up every single thread in the /lit/ board! Oh my gosh, I am so angry right now with you what the fuck is wrong with you!!!!!

>> No.17983488

Intercession is not idolatry, no matter how much you insist it is. It even has Quranic basis.

>> No.17983489

Rumi, Ahmad and probably several others are not considered Muslims due to making statements which are kufr akbar

>> No.17983496

Intercession is literally what the pagan Arabs claimed they were doing lol. Furthermore Shia go even further than they did in ascribing powers to their dead and asking them to do things for them

>> No.17983504

>in ascribing powers to their dead and asking them to do things for them
Which is... intercession? Asking the Prophet or the Imams to pray for them.
>Intercession is literally what the pagan Arabs claimed they were doing lol.
I don't know how much of this is true. Even if it is, they weren't asking Guardians of Allah to pray for them to Allah.

>> No.17983529

Shia ascribe powers to their dead, they don't even just say ask Allah for x, but "do x" or "grant me x"

Their idols were mostly of what they considered their righteous dead. In fact this is how idolatry started on earth, Shaytan told people to do this

>> No.17983542

I have never seen nor heard this happen. Either Allah is directly asked, or the Prophet or the Imams are asked to ask for them. It might be some folk practice of some region, but it not Shia doctrine. Please do not believe nor spread any slander you hear.

>> No.17983548

You haven't looked at the pastebin on Shia Hadith epistemology which I posted to show you were very ignorant on that. Take a break before you wander here

>> No.17983554 [DELETED] 

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Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)20:33:32 No.17983253▶>>17983258 >>17983263 >>17983328
What are some books?
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)20:34:57 No.17983256▶>>17983304 >>17983328
File: crab.jpg (195 KB, 1024x922)
195 KB
I breathe thru my mouth. Muhammad is a paedophile
PERSEY UBOMPA, THE UNVANQUISHABLE OUTLAW 04/09/21(Fri)20:35:38 No.17983258▶>>17983323 >>17983328
>>17983253 (OP)
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)20:37:13 No.17983263▶>>17983328
>>17983253 (OP)
Big Sneed and the Yang Gang Do Datona
PERSEY UBOMPA, THE INFAMOUS OUTLAW 04/09/21(Fri)20:48:44 No.17983304▶>>17983328
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)20:53:35 No.17983323▶
>>17983258 (You)
take your meds schizo
PERSEY UBOMPA, THE INFAMOUS OUTLAW 04/09/21(Fri)20:53:50 No.17983326▶
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)20:54:40 No.17983328▶>>17983332 >>17983506
>>17983253 (OP)
>>17983258 (You)
>>17983304 (You)
samefag fag
PERSEY UBOMPA, THE INFAMOUS OUTLAW 04/09/21(Fri)20:55:49 No.17983332▶>>17983396 >>17983506
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)21:12:44 No.17983396▶>>17983506
>>17983332 (You)
what the fuck is your problem you fucking schizo faggot???
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)21:36:32 No.17983506▶
>>17983396 (You)
>>17983332 (You)
samefag same fag fag nigger fag
Anonymous 04/09/21(Fri)21:40:54 No.17983520▶

>> No.17983571

I've read your very biased note on "epistemology" (which read more like: Why I Am Not a Shia). Of course Taqiyyah would develop when the Shia were heavily persecuted by ignorant people. If they hadn't done this to protect themselves, all the Shia would have died out in the first Islamic century.

>> No.17983588

Almost all of the writing there is from Shia sources. Biased?

>> No.17983596

What a buzzkill

>> No.17983597

I think also this theory makes no sense: did the Prophet ﷺ and his followers lie about their teachings to avoid persecution? Did ANY prophet?

>> No.17983618

It certainly can be for journos, see Daniel Pearl

>> No.17983622

Which sources?
Taqiyyah is permitted by Allah in the Quran.
>Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.
>Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.

>> No.17983664

The sources are linked

Yeah sure if someone is pointing a gun to your head you're excused. This doesn't mean you can actively proliferate falsehood

>> No.17983666

Based Allah.

>> No.17983681

>Daniel Pearl
Why did they kill him? He could’ve been a bargaining chip at least

>> No.17983684

I will examine your sources when I have time.
>Yeah sure if someone is pointing a gun to your head you're excused. This doesn't mean you can actively proliferate falsehood
Read some early Islamic history. Whenever a person was said to be Shia, a mob would rush to behead him and violate his corpse in the most vile manners. The Shia Taqiyyah was very much to save their lives.

>> No.17983694

He was a Jewish journalist

I'm sure it did but don't claim this is a legitimate succession of the Sunnah of the prophets. Islam allows to blasphemy with a gun to your head too, it doesn't mean you can go around publicly blaspheming to blend in

>> No.17983722

No Shia "actively blasphemed". In the early Shia history, Shi'ism was a secret, elitist practice, and rightly so, since Shia focuses so much on spiritual esotericism, which is absent from Sunni ritualism. Few were initiated and allowed in, and the books were not publically published, but were circulated privately in the in-group. When they had to interact with the Sunni, they practiced Taqiyyah just so they wouldn't lose their lives. There were no "active blasphemy" involved.

>> No.17983738

>Pretentious fart sniffing is absent from Ahlul Sunnah

There are a ton of narrations from Ali that totally discredit Shiaism but Shia claim it's all taqiyyah, that Ali extolled Umar in taqiyyah and Abu Bakr in taqiyyah and married his daughter to Umar in taqiyyah, this is all public

>> No.17983769

ibadi mogs every branch of islam

>> No.17983786

As I said above, no narration is so strong to be exempt of distortion, especially Hadith chain, which involves 4th or 5th hand narration (or more), which almost guarantees some distortion. Even if those narrations are fully accurate, after the Prophet's death, Ali saw himself and his followers alone against the majority who didn't want to acknowledge his succession (even though the Prophet made the Sahaba to make Bay'ah to him on Ghadir Khumm). I see no problem with his practicing Taqiyyah when it is permitted by Allah if he saw himself in danger of getting lynched by the mob and some power hungry persons.

>> No.17983805
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Or it could just be that the Shia are liars and so disniss every statement by Ali showing their stupidity as taqiyyah while taking from known liars and fabricators to affirm their narration.

The Shia do not believe Ali was ever in such danger really because they ascribe him the same status as a Messager and consider martyrdom of imams to only happen when they embrace it for a higher purpose

>> No.17983807

>Islam and the Destiny of man
>Martin Ling's biography of Muhammad
How in the hell are those even radical books wtf?

>> No.17983847

Well yes, the same is true of the Prophet. The Prophet was protected by Allah, but that doesn't mean he didn't have to be extremely careful in his plans and strategies to promote Islam. In fact, he was a great politician and strategist to this aim. Speaking of myself, my faith in Shia does not come from historical sources, but reading the books and sermons of Shia Imams filled my heart with such a light that I cannot in anyway see in myself to doubt their legitimacy. I am also not asking you to become a Shia. All I am asking is to forego this irrational hatred and consider that the Shia might be your Muslim brothers; that on the day of judgement in the Hereafter you might be reprimanded for your treatment of your brothers.

>> No.17983861

The Prophet ﷺ carried credibility primarily because his honesty was considered impeccable.

I hate the Shia and I am sure they will go to Jahannam for their love of lying

>> No.17983900

The Prophet's honestly was indeed impeccable, and was a chief reason he gained followers during the Meccan period, but are you denying that he showed great statesmanship in Medinan period as he took over the whole of Arabia?
>I hate the Shia and I am sure they will go to Jahannam for their love of lying
Only Allah decides who goes to Jannah and who goes to Jahannam. What you claim to be sure of, only Allah knows about, and nobody else.

>> No.17983914

Yeah are you saying Ali marrying his daughter to someone you consider a kaffir is great statesmanship?

Anyone who denies Jahannam is the fate of someone dying upon kufr, is himself a kaffir

>> No.17983944

I don't consider the first three caliphates to be kafirs though. Sure it was a terrible thing to do to deny Ali his rightful succession, but they also were of help to the Prophet during the early years of Islam. Allah will decide their fate in the Hereafter.
>Anyone who denies Jahannam is the fate of someone dying upon kufr, is himself a kaffir
I am not sure I follow. I certainly don't deny Jahannam, nor does any Shia.

>> No.17983948

OP is referring to me and I don't have Discord, although I made this chart for the meme.
>First Row:
If you're on /pol/ or /lit/ for longer than 3 months you probably read the first three books already as they're the most shilled books on this board. I believe they're good for refuting modernity and the need for religious traditional values. This is not for LARP purposes, but simply to make you understand the divine truth better from another perspective.
>Second Row:
First book is written by a Greek muslim who gives decent arguments for the existence of God and why he believes Islam is the true religion. The second book contains the arguments for God from philosophers of other backgrounds. The third one does the same and is based on al-Ghazali. The fourth one is written by a muslim too.
>Third Row:
Understanding the background and motives of the two most notorious Islamic groups. When a lot people think of Islam, they usually think of these two groups. I didn't put them there for Salafist propaganda purposes, but it's good to understand how they think and their history. Ernst Junger is there for the sake of heroism, which is common in Islam.
>Fourth Row:
The first book helps you understand women better and the other three books are one of the most respected non-divine books in Islam.

A simplified chart would be: The Modernist Menace to Islam -> The Divine Reality -> Islam and the Destiny of Man -> Muhammad -> Quran, but people can always decide to read the Quran first or read the Quran while reading the other books.

>> No.17983956

The first three Khulifah are outright kuffar who don't believe in Allah in Shia narrations and are quite literally hated more than Abu Jahl. It's also taught A'isha poisoned the Prophet ﷺ on their behalf

If you don't know what dying on kufr is than you don't even know what Tawheed is

>> No.17983964

And the woman with bad hijab? Did you put her in there for the sake of the memes too?

>> No.17983970

Yeah, but I photoshopped the clothes. It was a girl with a cleavage that some coomer posted on /lit/ a week ago, so I thought it was a nice touch.

>> No.17983975

>The first three Khulifah are outright kuffar who don't believe in Allah in Shia narrations and are quite literally hated more than Abu Jahl. It's also taught A'isha poisoned the Prophet ﷺ on their behalf
None of this is true at all. Where did you get this from? I do know what dying on kufr is, what I don't know is how it relates to the discussion at hand.

>> No.17983976

>I thought it was a nice touch.
.... Yeah. It isn't.

>> No.17983991

Why would anyone appreciate the Quran after having read all that?

>> No.17983994

It is all absolutely true, I'm afraid you are in the dark. Please take the time to actually familiarize yourself with Shia narrations and go beyond wikipedia. They go even further and say the Qur'an had chapters taken out though Shia today reject this narration despite it being by their prominent narrators on the basis of it being mistaken

>> No.17983995

Yes, if there is one religion being heavily promoted its Islam.

>> No.17983996

The anon is just trying to appeal to /pol/ sensibilities (Nazism, Redpill books, etc.)

>> No.17984008

Why do you care? Why not read some serious literature? The board is full of it.

>> No.17984013

As I said, the Shia don't put too much stock even on Shia narrations. For narrations to be proven to be true, they must be supported by the Quran, and it applies to Shia narrations too. But I have read many Shia literature none said anything about the caliphates not believing in Allah. They only emphasize their mistreatment of Ali. As for who poisoned the Prophet, it is said in Shia books that it was a Jewish woman. It is also said in Shia literature that Ali compiled a version of the Quran all by himself after the Prophet's death, in the correct ordering of the Surahs, but Umar and Uthman rejected his compilation and the current arrangement of the Surahs in the Quran is not in the intended order of the Prophet. I'm afraid you hold many beliefs about the Shia which are simply not true.

>> No.17984017
File: 63 KB, 445x400, academic-art-8376cfd1-06c7-4a33-a01f-c6121a3d7e5-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look a beautiful image.

>> No.17984038
File: 256 KB, 1444x1600, chartv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here akhi, a compromise.

>> No.17984044
File: 198 KB, 1024x792, bba229d0a6ace582cc684538b6df5317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image disproves the Quran.

>> No.17984051

So deep bro

>> No.17984061

Which statements? Are you a salafi? Idiot.

>> No.17984062

I appreciate your efforts to spread Islam anon, don't take me wrong. Maybe also remove the book by rational male? The advice to "spin multiple plates" and having extramarital sex isn't really Islamic. I also know you wish death on the Shia but including a book from them would have been nice too.

>> No.17984068

We should all just spam islam threads with art.

Semitic heckeling versus European art.

>> No.17984072

>The advice to "spin multiple plates" and having extramarital sex isn't really Islamic
It literally is, only muslims do it through rape.

>> No.17984076

It is indeed beautiful. Islam, and specifically the Shia, does not have anything against art.

>> No.17984079

Nice taqiyyah but you say Imam Ja'far is engaged in taqiyyah when he praises abu Bakr and that this is authentic

>Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) was sitting with a group of his followers, and asked them, “Do you know whether the Prophet died a natural death or was murdered? Allah, the Almighty, says: ”…If he dies, rather is killed…“ [Al-Quran; 3:145] The Imam (peace be upon him) continued, "The truth is that the Prophet was poisoned in his last days before he died. Aisha and Hafsa administered poison in his food."Upon hearing this, the Imam’s followers said, "They (i.e. Aisha and Hafsa) and their fathers are among the worst villains ever created by Allah.”

Rumi made multiple perennialist statements and Ahmad was literally a satanist

>> No.17984080

If that is so, why is European art superior compared to all other forms of art? If you enjoy art, why not become a humanist instaid?

>> No.17984082
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>entire civilization is falling
>"atleast i got some art pics bro"
Holy cope. Not to forget most modern art is just Satanic Avant-Garde hipster trash. NGMI.
Why would I include a SHIA book. It says /lit/ chart, not /x/ chart. Shia chart books already exist (pic related)

>> No.17984083

>getting multiple low class sluts from your hood pregnant isn't islamic
Yes it is and it's the most exciting part about the religion

>> No.17984085

Have you ever read Dante anon?

>> No.17984089

>entire civilization is falling
Whereas yours already has, lmao. Or is mowing crowds of people down fron your toyota considered civilized?

>> No.17984090

I am not doing taqiyyah and this isn't a strong narration. Any Shia clergy that I talked to and any Shia books that I've read said the Prophet was poisoned by a Jewish woman.

>> No.17984103

If you care so much about civilization, why do you follow the religion of Islam with its sluggish economic principles and its uneducated population?

>> No.17984104

Islamic art mostly focused on poetry and architecture tbqh. If you were to read some Islamic poetry (not in translation, although the translation does have some merit), you would know it is absolutely sublime. Have you heard about Attar?

>> No.17984114

Tbh, Islam making the gold standard compulsory already makes it superior. You won't see these in the modern Islamic world though, because they tend to get invaded when they do that (ex. Qadaffi).

>> No.17984118

I'm afraid no words could convince against your anti-Shia zeal, but I would say it would be better if the chart showed both the contemporary Sunni and Shia perspective. If you wanted to add one, I would suggest "Shi'ite Islam" by Tabatabai (I would also recommend yourself to read it, to see if you have any misconceptions).

>> No.17984126

Why would I respect a religion with such a onesided approach to art? Classical Western art is broader and better, therefor there is no need to become muslim

We are superior.

>> No.17984129

It wouldn't make sense for me to recommend a religious path I don't believe in. Might as well say I should also put Christian and Zoroastrian books in the chart for the sake of perspective. I don't really believe /pol/ would be interested in the liberal pro-transgender version of Islam, however, I've seen some zoomers LARP as Shia, because they believe Assad is le based and the fact they attack "sunni sandn*gger terrorists," and you know how it goes.

>> No.17984132

But the Islamic world is poorer and less educated, so why would I care.

>> No.17984136

I also enjoy western art too, anon. You can be both a Muslim and enjoy and create art.

>> No.17984138

Have you ever thought that you read books to learn new things and challenge your mind?

What the hell is belief anyway? Autistic obsession with one ideology?

>> No.17984143

Before I was a Muslim. I obviously don't read him any more

This is based on Khamenei's new policy, not based on Shia epistemology.

The Prophet ﷺ was poisoned but it was years before his death. If they thought he died from that poisoning they wouldn't have washed his body because he would be a shaheed. It did cause a lot of suffering

ISIS made over an hour long documentary about the importance of reviving the gold standard

>> No.17984151

Haven't you read what I said? I just said Islamic economics isn't present in the Islamic world, but has been in Qadaffi - which had a great economy respected by both socialists as third positionists/fascists. Enjoy your kike neo-liberalism bro with 30 trillion debt, which will fall soon (US is a third world country btw).

>> No.17984150

Sigh if Western art is superior, then the only option left is to become a humanist.


>> No.17984154

>I obviously don't read him any more
Why did you give up on the Great Books?

>> No.17984159

>It has been narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said to Hafsa: “I will tell you a secret. But if you divulge it, Allah, His Angels, and all the people will curse you (for revealing it).”“So, what is it?”, wondered Hafsa. The Prophet said, “(It is that) Abu Bakr will be able to seize the caliphate and the power after me, and (he) will be succeeded by your father, Umar.” Hafsa then asked, “Who informed you of this?” To which the Prophet replied, “Allah, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient, informed me.“On the same day, Hafsa divulged the secret to her friend, Aisha. In turn, Aisha divulged the secret to her father, Abu Bakr. So, Abu Bakr came to Umar and said, "My daughter, Aisha, told me a secret reported by Hafsa, but I cannot always trust what Aisha says. So you ask your daughter, Hafsa, make sure (that it is true) and tell me."So Umar went over to Hafsa, and asked her. At first, she was startled and denied it. But Umar said to her, "If you have indeed heard this secret, then tell us, so we can immediately seize power and get rid of Muhammad.” So Hafsa said, “Yes, he told me that.” At this point, those four got together and conspired to poison the Prophet.“

-Tafseer Al-Qummi;

>> No.17984163

I don't support ISIS, but ISIS made a good documentary about economy desu. One of the only things that made me doubt ISIS being CIA-controlled (although, they may still have intervened).

>> No.17984167

The economy is not a product of abstract economic systems, but of the people. A hardworking people, careful with their money and willing to get educated would thrive no manner the economic system.

Middle East is poor, therefor they lack work ethics, thus they are immoral.

>> No.17984169

Dante belittles Muhammad ﷺ, what's great about reading a man like this? Nothing. Certainly Satan could write better than Dante, should I therefore read him?

>> No.17984171

Anon please. We talked about this. Shia only allows the change of sex operation only under biological deformities. I would suggest you visit some religious Shia countries to see it isn't at all "liberal". It makes sense to put it in there because the Shia are also Muslims who believe in Allah and His Prophet, although with some differences with regards to the Sunni. It would serve to make the chart comprehensive. I am also thinking of starting threads on the Shia, too, so I might also make a chart.

>> No.17984175

ISIS confuse a lot of people because every political dimension in the world is beholden to one or more of the five nations on the permanent UN security council. ISIS rejects that paradigm altogether leaving people scratching their heads thinking they must secretly have one as an ally

>> No.17984179

>A hardworking people, careful with their money and willing to get educated would thrive no manner the economic system.
do americans really

>> No.17984184
File: 633 KB, 720x991, shia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shia only allows the change of sex operation only under biological deformities.

>> No.17984187

The western having good work ethics that participate in an immoral system of capitalism, advanced technology and imperialism - THAT is immoral. Keep coping and just keep applauding for Elon Musk putting chips in animal brains and advance AI until you're in a fully automated and transhumanist cyberpunk dystopy full NEETs. Btw Americans aren't even educated well compared to Europe and Asia.

>> No.17984197

As >>17984184 tries to prove, it's not just for biological deformities. Homosexuals who get caught can escape the death penalty by saying they FEEL like a girl. It's based on feelings, not emotions. They are the #1 in transgender surgeries in the world, there aren't THAT many people with biological deformities. Iran, despite being a theocracy, is one of the least religious countries in the Islamic world. The mosques of Tehran are always empty.

>> No.17984198

And you know they aren't deformed in their private parts because?

>> No.17984202

Yes. Absolutely. He is a great writer, just read him and also Voltaire who also mocks Muhammed.

>> No.17984203

Guys please don't argue over sects. The Heart of Islam is a book about ISLAM, not the author's particular branch.

>> No.17984205

>Homosexuals who get caught can escape the death penalty by saying they FEEL like a girl. It's based on feelings, not emotions.
>Iran, despite being a theocracy, is one of the least religious countries in the Islamic world. The mosques of Tehran are always empty.
Simply not true.

>> No.17984211

Maryam Khatoonpour Molkara got a fatwa from Khomeini that he was allowed to do transgender surgeries. Maryam did not have biological deformities, but just felt like the opposite sex. This fatwa caused the modern law of today, that everyone is allowed to do transgender surgeries. Stop your taqiyya.

>> No.17984212


>> No.17984218

>do americans really
I dont know, but as a Dutchmen I hate nothing more then the lazy.

Half of that is fantasy. The West has brough cheap foods, modern health care, education, roads, free information to the world?

I think that beats dying from malaria and malnourishment living under a warlord.

>> No.17984234
File: 1.25 MB, 1242x1670, E7B61B07-73B3-45D8-9542-54972B6EF681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been reading pic related from Nasr recently and I would definitely recommend it.

>> No.17984235

>cheap foods
Muh McDonalds, what a great achievement
>modern health care
Yeah, take your anti-depressa pills and cut off your dick. Health care and hospitals has its roots in the Islamic Golden Age by the way.
Most Americans can't even point North Korea on the map and elementary schools teach children about genders and faggotry nowadays.
>free information to the world
Worst thing that happened.

Why aren't you talking about all the awful things the so called judea-christian west has given. These outscale the positive sides.

>> No.17984241

I was not aware of this. At any rate, Khomeini is not the only Shia marja, and most Shia marjas today don't allow this, even if it is allowed by the law.

>> No.17984253

Cope. Iran has one of the highest tranny rates worldwide

>> No.17984256

Napoleon said Voltaire was an imbecile and cited this mockery to prove it

>> No.17984287

>be Dutch
>learns about LGBT in elementary school
>high school teacher fired because of diversity law, need more women
>gay flags everywhere
>pedophilia, drugs and prostitution literally legal
>average age girls lose virginity is 14
>average sex partners they have before 29 is 12
>almost anyone divorces atleast once
>cheating is literally promoted in the country, can't stop watching TV or wait for the bus without seeing "Second Love" advertisements
>shows for children on TV where adults are literally naked called "Gewoon Bloot"
>biggest political party VVD known for regular frauds
>people already ask for new elections 1 week after the recent elections of a few weeks ago
>all media are owned by so called political party and all big corporates fund them
>a literal communist who supports Pol Pot is responsible for the Dutch education
>it's legal to break into houses as long you believe no one is inside the house
>more AIDS in Amsterdam than Africa
>surveys claim only 25% of Dutch people wash their hands after toilet use

>atleast I got roads


>> No.17984295

>Have you ever read Dante anon?
Literally based on Muhammad's night journey. There was a priest that spent 20 years cataloging all the things Dante stole from Islam.

>> No.17984311

Honestly what I'm seeing is some edgy plebs trying to be edgier by trying to force themselves to believe in a dying religion.
Islam is pathetic.

>> No.17984323

>I have never seen nor heard this happen. Either Allah is directly asked, or the Prophet or the Imams are asked to ask for them. It might be some folk practice of some region, but it not Shia doctrine. Please do not believe nor spread any slander you hear.

As a Muslim, the biggest sin that a Muslim commits is a shirk. Allah forg polytheism ives basically everything except shirk. Shirk is polytheism and that’s what Shiias does. Glorification of Ali, Fatima or Hussein is a form of polytheism. Theologically Shiias are retarded

>> No.17984332

Sunnis glorify them too

>> No.17984516
File: 1.98 MB, 2340x2555, 1598689741599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the other anons in this thread that follow the ahl al-bayt, I wish that Allah will grant what is best for you in this life and the next

>> No.17984566

>posting a haram image on the haram Internet
ok murtad

>> No.17984575

>posting on a haram board on the haram Internet
ok murtad

>> No.17985444

Imam Ja'far was a Sunni and said Shia are retarded. Which Ahlul Bayt are you talking about?

>> No.17985755

>in a dying religion.
We’re not talking about Crosscucks

>> No.17985905

Thanks anon, I wish the same for you. Also, the picture you posted is beautiful. Where is it from?

>> No.17986231
File: 105 KB, 936x691, suf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any Trads/Guenonians here tell me if the Naqshbandi Haqqani branch of that tariqa is authentic? Was Shaykh Nazim legit? They're very popularized and out in the open, which I'd think would be a red flag - is it?

Salafi retards who make threads with Daniel Hikachu's trash need not reply to screech about tasawuf and their exoteric hylic aversion for it

>> No.17986256

Is inevitable that incel /polK9/ will feel an affinity with garbage Islamism.

>> No.17986272
File: 35 KB, 300x400, 7b52da94de695d2c409bf288e3f0f196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chantard Muslim
>chantard Christian
>chantard buddhist

LARP harder boys.

>> No.17986306

As far as sufism goes Naqshbandi are as legit as it gets, with probably the strongest golden chain.

>> No.17986494

Just go drink camel piss elsewhere you stinky carpet dealer.

>> No.17986513

Shut up dude my religion is real

>> No.17986526

wdym by chantard?

>> No.17986545

your image made me giggle

>> No.17986773

Their chain is strange, they as they claim to orginate via Abu Bakr, not Ali unlike most other tariqas, but go via Jafar al Sadiq simply because of his marriage. It seems to me almost that thier true lineage is via Ali but they do not want to say so.

>> No.17986940

>Imam Ja'far was a Sunni
>Bukhari refused to narrate hadiths from him

>> No.17986997

For anyone legitimately considering Islam, just know that 90% of the things you’re interested in (or like doing) now will be considered haram when you convert. Did you know that music, ALL music, EVEN CLASSICAL MUSIC WITH NO LYRICS, is considered haram? Legitimately, 100% haram? If you like having a glass of wine or whisky occasionally, get ready to give it up. If you like marijuana, psilocybin, LSD, get ready to give them up forever. Heck even coffee is considered an intoxicant, and therefore haram. Don’t conflate Arabic culture with the actual ISLAMIC lifestyle, and assume you’ll be smoking hash and dancing to Oriental music with cute Arab women. That’s another thing: Muslim men and women are simply not allowed to mix, outside of the family. You may be picturing your qt exotic trad wife who will have 20 babies with you and not leave the house. But know that you’re not allowed to date Muslim women and can only propose to them. And good luck being picked for marriage: Muslims are wary of allowing their daughters to marry white converts because they don’t trust them, and they want to maintain their culture. And good luck getting past the incredibly widespread practice of arranged cousin marriages, which will obviously overlook you. And Muslims everywhere will legitimately hold you to this standard, because it’s enshrined in the religion.
Last but not least, if you actually convert to Islam but change your mind afterwards and leave the faith, all accepted schools of Islamic jurisprudence dictate that you must be PUT TO DEATH for being an apostate. So you’d be trapped in the religion, and (at the very least) ostracized by everyone you met in the community before you left. So good luck. Maybe question your pseudo-fascist motives for giving your life a complete religious overhaul.

>> No.17987501

Bukhari didn't narrate from a lot of Sunnis that others narrated from (he is considered the absolute strictest in this), I'm not sure how you're construing this as takfir (since Bukhari said Shia are kuffar). The fact is Imam Ja'far condemned the Rafida and said he had nothing to do with them and they lied about him.

>> No.17987552

Classical music is not haram in Shia (pop music is, though).

>> No.17987577

>wahh God commands me not to do things therefore Islam is bad and fake!!!

>> No.17987644


>> No.17987680

If Imam Ja'far was a sunni, and not just any sunni, but a master of islamic sciences, a teacher of Abu Hanifah and Malik ibn Anas, who saw the shia as fools, and was connected both the household of the Prophet and Abu Bakr, why would he have considered unreliable?

>> No.17987698
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah islam is a stupid religion.

>> No.17987705
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>> No.17987714


>> No.17987744
File: 89 KB, 1133x579, Muhammad favourite drink (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe camel piss drinker.

>The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet (ﷺ) he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.

>> No.17987766

Based. May Allah grant me the strength to treat apostates like you the way Prophet treated those bandits

>> No.17987799
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, Dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May he provide you flies to dip in your drink instead, stupid muslim.

>Narrated Abu Huraira:

>The Prophet ﷺ said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."

>> No.17987917

This is why hadith should not be dogmatically relied upon. Narrations like this are obviously made up, no matter how "strong" the chain is.

>> No.17987945

>I-I want to chose ahadith that suits me or at least are not too ridiculous
Islam doesn't work like that. It's take it or leave it (and being killed in the process).
So as a muslim you have to dip flies in your drink because Muhammad told so. Period.

>> No.17987963

not true

>> No.17987975

Didn't you read the hadith? Is it not sahih?

>> No.17987986

Only sunnis care so much about "sahih" hadith.

>> No.17988010

Simply because of his own standards of accepting narrations from others

Islamqa says this is a bogus Hadith but I don't see why to reject it just because it sounds unreasonable, a lot of things we think are based and science would be thought insane before, like inoculation or many types of surgery

>> No.17988107
File: 37 KB, 500x396, Allah&#039;s the greatest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alhamdulillah dipping flies in your drink is healthy medicine, have this beautiful hadith telling how Muhammad's meal glorified Allah.

Narrated 'Abdullah:

We used to consider miracles as Allah's Blessings, but you people consider them to be a warning. Once we were with Allah's Apostle on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said, "Bring the water remaining with you." The people brought a utensil containing a little water. He placed his hand in it and said, "Come to the blessed water, and the Blessing is from Allah." I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of Allah's Apostle , and no doubt, we heard the meal glorifying Allah, when it was being eaten (by him).

>> No.17988145

Inanimate objects talking is considered the miracle identifying Muhammad ﷺ similar to miraculously healing was identified with Isa, عليه السلام. All objects will give testimony on judgement day, rocks and trees alike, and each will bring its grievance

>> No.17988151

>miracles bad!

>> No.17988209

You are a stupid ape rationalizing silly bedtime stories your grandmother would be ashamed to tell a children.

Come on, humiliate yourself further justifying this very stupid hadith.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet ﷺ said, "Allah loves sneezing but dislikes yawning;
so if anyone of you sneezes and then praises Allah, every Muslim who hears him (praising Allah) has to say Tashmit to him. But as regards yawning, it is from Satan, so if one of you yawns, he should try his best to stop it, for when anyone of you yawns, Satan laughs at him."

>> No.17988236
