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17963871 No.17963871 [Reply] [Original]

Petersonbros... we got too cocky...

>> No.17963892


>> No.17963905
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>> No.17963912

>they think milquetoast memerson is the red skull
thats like calling contrapoints Stalin.
Guess it gets retweets and capitol though from the machine.

>> No.17963916

Coates has to be the biggest midwit who has ever existed, he explores an entire new vector of midwit space we didn't even know about

>> No.17963933

>Jungian lobsterman is Hitler
Oh man, imagine if this Coates nigger could read!

>> No.17963994

person i dont like is RED SKELETON NAZI DEMON

>> No.17964026
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>> No.17964031
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how will we recover

>> No.17964440

It's kind of fascinating really. There are really people out there who, when prompted to think of the most 'evil, far right' person that exist, answer with Peterson.

>> No.17964452

He's a college dropout afterall.

>> No.17964484


>> No.17964513

Someone needs to manage this boomer’s social media.

>> No.17964557

I asked one guy to tell me what Peterson said that is so horrible, he posted a quote about how "women are stupid and should be enslaved" and I asked for a source he just youtubed "Jordan Peterson" and posted the Kathy Griffin or whatever her name is interview. The quote was from some satire article, and to source it he just posted the top youtube result. This is the level of human shit that a lot of these people are at. This is the genuine level of delusion, where they truly believe that all these Peterson fans are listening to someone who calls for literally enslaving women and genociding minorities. That is what they think Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, the Proud Boys, whatever are saying.
Then you have your slightly more with it internet Marxist types who just reee about him endlessly because he has a different definition of communism than Marx. And like to point out "he is trying to create some leftist communist bogeyman, he just wants to scare people" as if we aren't all already living in 2021 and can't just look outside and see for ourselves.
Really, Peterson was pretty good. He was so inoffensive that he made all these people look extra stupid.

>> No.17964586

Peterson did make a fool of himself when talked about postmodernism and Marxism. Like I understand exactly the phenomenon he is referring to when he says 'postmodern neomarxism'(basically intersectionality and the 'objectivity is whiteness' type discourse) but it's a dumb label and he really doesn't know anything about pomo or marxism. His analysis of communists themselves is maybe slightly better, though it's very reductive.

>> No.17964589

he's an idiot who worships Barack Obama. That's exactly why the establishment props him up, because he's more friendly to them than genuine left-wing activists who aren't lapdogs for the woke neoliberal narrative.

>> No.17964595 [DELETED] 

What Coates is doing here is exactly what he's meant to do: point to Jordan Peterson and "white supremacy" as the scapegoats for black peoples' problems.

>> No.17964599

He really didn't. None of you seem to understand that one, it was just a shorthand for modern progressivism, and two that post modernism and Marxism were just two of the biggest intellectual influences on it. He did not go into detailed analysis of Marxist theory or intricacies of postmodernism.He used them as basic shorthands as everyone understands them.

>> No.17964607

What Coates is doing here is exactly what he's meant to do: point to Jordan Peterson and "white supremacy" as the scapegoats for black peoples' problems, instead of turning to the prison-industrial complex or the swathe of corporate interests who give him his Atlantic Mag paychecks.

>> No.17964611

No one in a right state of mind reads capeshit as an adult. What a non-issue.

>> No.17964641

Retarded commie analysis yet again.
It is the "prison industrial complex" that is responsible for black people's problems? Is it the "prison industrial complex" in Haiti, Africa, France, everywhere else on earth that is the problem, too? What about "corporate interests"? Is that what is wrong with black people? God I hate commies so much. They always try to come in and pretend to be "edgy and based" and "on our side" and meanwhile sneak in Marxism through the back door, while never actually saying anything actually un-PC. Their analysis always comes down to the exact same thing as the PC analysis, but blaming muh corporations instead of muh rednecks. Never actually calling out problems directly. Never would they say it has anything to do with black people. Nooo. It's the prisons and the banks and shit. Cause they are WOKE and giving us the HARD TRUTHS on the matter.

>> No.17964682

i mean the situation in black America has declined precipitously since the 50s, so you can't pin it entirely on their simply being dysfunctional. Their communities were destroyed by the same sorts of policies that have ruined many white communities in the US too.

>> No.17964698

All you need to do to see why they've declined is to read Daniel Patrick Moynihan's "The Negro Family: The Case For National Action" which came out in 1965. It was remarkably prescient.

The most troubling thing is that everything he said now also applies to lower-class whites too. Charles Murray was making this point in "Coming Apart" as well but everyone ignores him as some conservative reactionary.

>> No.17964706

>no, you guys just didn't get it, Peterson really knows what he's talking about... you guys just don't get it lol

>> No.17964717
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>postmodern Marxism is shorthand for modern progressivism
why didn't he just fucking say that then you fucking ape. stop slobbering all over this nigger's dick. just because people make up a lot of fake criticism doesn't mean he's immune to actual criticism.

>that post modernism and Marxism were just two of the biggest intellectual influences on it
I would disagree with this assessment. "Modern progressives" aren't rejecting any grand narratives a la pomo, they're in fact concocting one of the largest ones to have ever existed, it simply happens to be counter to those same narratives that the post-modernists also rejected. Correlation != causation. And his association of marxism with this movement seems solely based on the fact that they're using marxist critique, when they actually seem to have very little interest in any of the solutions that Marx proposed. These "modern progressives" seem to in fact be much more interested in simply flipping the system so that the colors that are on the bottom are on the top. If he knew anything about either of these things he so flippantly uses as labels for his opponents, he might actually have better grounds on which to criticize them. But how much can you really expect of a benzo addict that got big because he made a stink about not using nonsense pronouns to refer to faggots on his campus.

>He did not go into detailed analysis of Marxist theory or intricacies of postmodernism.
because he isn't familiar enough with either to do so, which is the original point. He's a clinical psychologist not a philosopher, by his own admission. Which is why his self-help stuff is good (insofar as it seems to actually help some people), but he seems to have at best a high-school level of understanding of philosophy and politics, which explains why he continues to make a fool of himself every time he tries to talk about either of these things with anyone but the middlest of the midwits.

>> No.17964739
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>Come on anon, you can clean up your room tomorrow. What’s the harm in leaving it there for one more day?

>> No.17964757

>ta-nehisi coates
>nikole hannah jones
>ibram kendi

why are they all so fucking stupid? can the left not find one smart black writer to give their prizes to?

>> No.17964762

they are not selecting for smart

>> No.17964765

>modern progressivism
So neither post modern nor marxist? Huh, I wonder why people called him on "postmodern neomarxist" then.

>> No.17964769

Lmao normies are so oblivious. I think I'm going to shill Peterson whenever and wherever I can just to make them seethe

>> No.17964779
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thats kinda cringe bro

>> No.17964787

You're a frog frogposter. You don't have a say

>> No.17964789

Peterson is hardly the only person to offer potentially radicalizing rhetoric in easily digestible bits that rhetorically mirrors the self-help genre. Heck, I wouldn't even have grouped Peterson into the camp of "potentially radicalizing," since his work is utterly banal, except he can't help but see his work in Coates' Red Skull. In that sense, this all seems like a bit of a self own, since Peterson is the one seeing himself in the words of a cartoon Nazi.

>> No.17964797
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You take that back

>> No.17964798

>not all over Peterson's clean penis
t. desperate normie

>> No.17964802

No it is pretty obviously directed at him lol

>> No.17964808

>/co/ BTFOs /lit/
Not like this...

>> No.17964812

>10 rules for life
It’s pretty obvious who they’re referencing here.

>> No.17964813

It's not directed at him at all. He's clearly not the audience. It's mimicking his rhetorical style (one shared by lots of reactionaries, from the boring to the insane) to characterize how the Red Skull targets young men looking for meaning in life. Read Umberto Eco's essay on Ur-Fascism. It articulates Red Skull's rhetorical goals, and has fuck all to do with Peterson. That Peterson can't help but relate to a Nazi is his problem, not Coates'.

>> No.17964819

O-okay ;-;
Depends, most that I know of are against him despite not having read any of his books.

>> No.17964820

>It articulates Red Skull's rhetorical goals, and has fuck all to do with Peterson. That Peterson can't help but relate to a Nazi is his problem, not Coates'.
Your belief is that "10 rules for life" and "chaos and order" aren't meant to be allusions to Peterson?

>> No.17964823

Umberto wouldn't know fascism even if Mosley drilled it into his skull

>> No.17964824

lmao not a single person buys this you faggot

>> No.17964836

JP is a fascist?

>> No.17964869

funny to watch /lit/ seethe over how consequential jbp is

>> No.17964874

It's not aping Peterson alone, as I said, and even then, inasmuch as it is aping Peterson, it seems to be doing it at the superficial level, unless you want to draw semantic lines between Peterson and fascism. Chaos and order are perennial topics for extremists, among many others. Numerous pundits and politicians (including the last POTUS) have been discussing them in recent months. And numbered lists abound in self help. What self help book doesn't include a list of activities for proper living? The Proud Boys certainly do. So sure, Peterson is obviously included because his particular rhetorical choices are shared by countless radicalizers, but I don't think it serves Peterson well to draw over Coates' dotted line more darkly.

>> No.17964879

Peterson seems to think so.

>> No.17964885

>Let me just go ahead and comment on a thing I've never read

>> No.17964894

>It is the "prison industrial complex" that is responsible for black people's problems? Is it the "prison industrial complex" in Haiti, Africa, France, everywhere else on earth that is the problem, too? What
You're a legit moron for putting the prison industrial complex in scare quotes. It's common knowledge that private prisons lobby the government to invent useless laws just to put people in prison for corporate exploitation. There are tens of thousands of men in prison in the US being forced to work for pennies a day for different private companies in the US and somehow you're okay with this because 'fuck niggers'.
I'll never understand the white american mind. You're the most unrepentant house-niggers in the world then act like you're superior to anybody in anything.

>> No.17964897

>Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder, — Lenin
Shoe-horning politics into absolutely everything must be exasperating for them, except social media has them seeking likes & upvotes in meatworld
Not the banality, the peurility of evil

>> No.17964910

Did any of you retards consider that the Red Skull is aping Peterson in universe because the Skull recognizes that the Peterson of 616 (or some facsimile) is, as he is in the real world, pretty good at targeting disaffected young men and getting them to listen to his message?

>> No.17964916

You really think this passive aggressive faggot approach works

>> No.17964919

They'll cry about muh jews turning young white people into degenerates but they just plug ears when prison industrial complex is mentioned, cia involvement in drug distribution, the jews that used black media as a test for moving onto white media, and everything else the government does to keep blacks stupid and poor to fill the role of welfare class, free votes, reason for increased police funding etc.
Conspiracy theories arent real when anyone who isnt a basement dwelling incel isnt the 'victim'.

>> No.17964920

Try again once you know what words mean.

>> No.17964923
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>all these niggas scared of memerson the milquetoast deradicalizer when the trojan horse slips right past them

>> No.17964924

Peterson doesn't like corporatism and is not against party politics I think, so no.

>> No.17964925

Imagine thinking this junkie clown is the greatest living intellectual

>> No.17964927

>anyone who isnt a basement dwelling incel is the 'victim'

>> No.17964929

slimy little faggot

>> No.17964931
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>> No.17964941

Imagine seething at a comic calling out your incel Messiah

>> No.17964945

Peterson is a grifter who once gave generic relationship advice on Dr Oz. You guys think too much.

>> No.17964951

Is hating on Peterson the most midwit signaling strategy out there?

>> No.17964953

It depends for which reason they are hating.

>> No.17964965

Meh, people are rallying to remove classical literature because the author pool is too full of white males. The retards are coming for books outside of comics now. Starting to think /pol/ isn't insane any more.

>> No.17964969

Hating on Peterson is dumb across the board. He is saying inoffensive stuff and telling men to be better by bettering themselves and their environment. It is dumb as hell to go after someone as tame as Kermit the Frog.

>> No.17964972

someone isn't pretending to be on your side just because they dislike the same person as you
they give them the prizes because they're stupid. feature not a bug.

>> No.17964979

>Ten (Twelve) Rules For Life
>Karl (Carl) Leuger's (Jung's) Genius
>The Feminist Trap
>Chaos and Order
The only thing it's missing is some drivel about how Solzhenitsyn BTFOed communism and reading the bible will solve all your problems lol. it's clearly referencing lobsterman specifically. get out of here coats

>> No.17964983


>> No.17964984

Lot of triggered Peterson snowflakes here.

>> No.17965005

who fucking cares, you can still read them, can't you?

>> No.17965011

trigger deez nuts, go choke on red meat.

>> No.17965013

>the jews that used black media as a test for moving onto white media
You got a source for that, because it confirms a lot of suspicions I've had.

>> No.17965019

Sure. Just like I can read a copy of If I Ran a Zoo by Dr. Suess. I will just go buy a copy from.....oh wait. I can't. Not from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target, and other stores and it is placed on the forbidden list on eBay too so I can't even buy it used and it isn't being printed anymore either.

If you think this kind of shit won't happen to classic literature, you are a moron.

>> No.17965026

Peterson does not have a good understanding of postmodern philosophy but he uses the term to refer to a certain group of retards. It would be interesting for him to actually learn about it because I believe he could find a religious association in it

>> No.17965031

You misunderstood me, I hate Peterson and think he's an utter joke

>> No.17965032

lel just checked his twitter and he's still seething. Wonder why this got to him.

>> No.17965034

Just a reminder that companies can retroactively claim copyright over public domain works as well. It's a Wonderful Life was public domain for over 20 years before the theme music and "plot" was copyrighted post-hoc.

The endgame of this is that all culture will be canceled, save for whatever your corporate overlords are willing to sell you at ridiculous markups. You're entire heritage is being stolen from you by the global elites and at the end of it all you'll be forced to rent it back from them while they call you a nazi.

>> No.17965035

dude says extremely misogynist shit

>> No.17965038

post it or it didnt happen

>> No.17965041

He takes himself way too seriously desu. I like him but he needs to learn to laugh at himself.

No he doesn't. Lefties just throw racism and sexism around as accusations against anyone they don't like and repeat it till it sticks.

>> No.17965051

he said women don't belong in the workplace and supports forced monogamy. he's a piece of shit

>> No.17965053

I don't get it. Won't this just make Peterson more famous? Also won't at least some of the comic book neckbeards look up Peterson out of curiosity and end up following him?

>> No.17965059

Peterson has a well documented track record of sexist statements and sympathizing with incels.

>> No.17965063

This. Also Peterson immediately knew who his favorite male author was but it took him like 10 minutes to think of a favorite female author when he was asked during an interview. Dude hates women, sorry fascists.

>> No.17965065


>Prisoners work for private corps.
Yeah and no. Most work for government stuff like fire departments, outreach programs, roadside cleaning, etc. UNICOR exists in federal prisons and those guys make stuff, the bulk of which is bought by the government with a small percentage being made for commercial use like John Deer clothing items for example.

The main reason for over population in prisons (which has actually been on a steady decline for almost a decade now) is the Supreme Court saying Plea Bargains are ok to use back in the early 70's causing a MASSIVE explosion in the prison population. Over 95% of ALL prisoners in the USA over the past 20 years are in on plea bargains, and that statistic is not an exaggeration. A high conviction rate makes the DA happy, a court appointed attorney needs to be on the DA's good side to stay employed so they talk clients into accepting the deals a lot.

As for why black people are incarcerated more? They commit more crimes on average. Why do they commit more crimes? A fuck load of reasons. Gonna take a ridiculous amount of work in the black community to fix that shit because the current trend of voting in democrats to throw more money it blindly isn't fixing shit.

>> No.17965069

post it or it didnt happen

>> No.17965074

>Women don't belong in the workforce.

Did he say that? Really? Those were his exact words?

>> No.17965085

wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.17965086


>"It's possible that a lot of the antipathy that exists right now between women and men exists because of the birth control"

>"“The masculine spirit is under assault"

>“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto incel killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.” "“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.” “You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”

>"I don't see any regulating force for that, that terrible femininity. And it seems to be invading the culture and undermining the, the masculine power of the culture in a way that's, I think, fatal, I really do believe that."

>"Is it possible that young women are so outraged because they are craving infant contact in a society that makes that very difficult?"

>> No.17965087

jesus christ he sucks

>> No.17965089

I mean, he isn't wrong

>> No.17965090

You have to be genuinely obtuse to not pick up on the references. Is he just supposed to feign incredulity or something?

>> No.17965091

He said agreeable people get paid less and used more. Women are more agreeable than men.

Instead of people realizing that is him saying "Women should not be doormats at work." people instead assumed he was calling Women weak. He is saying that people are taking advantage of the natural agreeable nature most Women have and they won't stop, so women should fix themselves. Of course "Fix yourself" is his overall message to EVERYONE.

>> No.17965093

He defended an incel shooter. That alone is pretty damning

>> No.17965094

Nothing there is misogynistic.

>> No.17965098

Peterson is a fucking muppet, just a more polite and polished milo yiannopoulos type. All he says are psuedo-facts, sympathises with the racist beliefs of eugenics and is an extreme sexist.

>> No.17965099

>Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, the Proud Boys,
Glowie plants for retards

>> No.17965100

I shit post about Peterson because he is a boomer. Its not his 12 rules, but his retarded obsession with evolutionary psychology and profane analysis of the Bible to support his nonsense theories.

>> No.17965102

Everything there is over the line if you drink the neoliberal kool aid.

>> No.17965103

I thought the enforced monogamy shit was a joke. That's disturbing.

>> No.17965104

He didn't defend the shooter. Stating WHY someone does something is not the same as saying it is OKAY that someone did something.

I can understand why someone woken up by their screaming infant shook the infant to death in a fit of blind rage. Still need to fry the bastard, but I can total understand why they performed the act.

>> No.17965105

>All he says are psuedo-facts, sympathises with the racist beliefs of eugenics and is an extreme sexist.
nice. guess i better start reading him then

>> No.17965106

No he didn't lmao

>> No.17965109

>>"It's possible that a lot of the antipathy that exists right now between women and men exists because of the birth control"
1.)weasel words 2.) 'wow a social dynamic that's never existed before might be effecting the way people view society and their place in it'

>>"“The masculine spirit is under assault"

>>“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto incel killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.” "“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.” “You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”
bad take, but again, 'wow a social dynamic that's never existed before might be effecting the way people view society and their place in it'
he probably should've said "A cure for that ..."

>>"I don't see any regulating force for that, that terrible femininity. And it seems to be invading the culture and undermining the, the masculine power of the culture in a way that's, I think, fatal, I really do believe that."
out of context it's bad take, don't give enough of a shit to read the article for context, don't like lobsterman that much anyway

>>"Is it possible that young women are so outraged because they are craving infant contact in a society that makes that very difficult?"
1.)weasel words 2.) 'wow a social dynamic that's never existed before might be effecting the way people view society and their place in it'

also this>>17965094

YWNBAW, go back to twitter

>> No.17965111

there is no "why" other than the person was a deranged lunatic. peterson was trying to rationalize it by repeating the incel narrative

>> No.17965113

>he's still seething.
Just getting his audience back, and it's working considering this thread

>> No.17965115
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The Red Skull would talk about more interesting and impactful things than random self help jargon

>> No.17965117

this is why we keep having deranged lunatic shooters

>> No.17965121

Meh, can't hate on the Bible. Not even religious, but the core concepts for social norms in it did a lot to establish humanity. Religion in general is pretty important in setting down cohesive cultural norms that help society progress throughout history.

>> No.17965122

Not surprised you're a Peterson fan.

>> No.17965123

Also why are they using the Red Skull as a modern villain? Didn’t he die or get sucked into the testicleract or something? Capetards can’t create new characters after 75 years, huh.

>> No.17965124

>there is no "why" other than the person was a deranged lunatic
that's pretty reductive. You don't think any external factors played a role?

>> No.17965125

that's not miss soggy knees, but simply based

>> No.17965126

not an argument

>> No.17965128

nah, just don't think reductionist viewpoints have ever helped anything. keep seething tho, nigger. be your best self

>> No.17965129

There is nothing that could rationalize a disgusting atrocity like that, especially some retard not being able to get his dick wet. It's disgusting and appalling that Peterson is sympathizing and playing damage control for that monster

>> No.17965131

Nobody will take the time to seriously address the issue because nobody can agree what is really the root cause, and even if we could, changing something like that would require a monumental effort. In other words, it’s a lot easier to just let a fraction of a percent of people die from this than to fix the problem.

>> No.17965132

Enforced monogamy is very much needed for the good of society. It isn't assigning you a government appointed girl/boyfriend, but making it a completely unacceptable thing for people to sleep around or cheat on their spouse or boy/girlfriend is a major benefit to society.

>> No.17965134

The answer is to put these lunatics into therapy or give them meds instead of validating their delusions. You're probably one of them though.

>> No.17965137

Obviously, every murderer has something going through their head. An attempt to identify and diagnose those psychological states - and, indeed, potentially the social phenomena which may have played a part in developing those aforementioned states - does not mean, let alone imply, that the attempt to explain those psychological states is an attempt to justify them morally. In fact, investigating those very things may be helpful to prevent tragedies in the future if we can be honest about the causes.

>> No.17965141

lol peterson fans are making excuses for a mass shooter cant make this shit up

>> No.17965143

>he was a deranged lunatic
Yup. Why was he deranged? Was it an undiagnosed mental illness? A tumor in the brain? A changing social dynamic that caused a mental break?

We don't know. You are suggesting we don't try to find an answer to try and prevent it from happening again, which is pretty dumb.

>> No.17965145

Proves Coates' comic right

>> No.17965150

>mental illness

>> No.17965157

>>"“The masculine spirit is under assault"

That you chose this quote says everything we need to know about you.

>> No.17965159

He didn't do damage control or display sympathy. He offered a possible explanation as to why the guy committed an irredeemable act.

>> No.17965160

>there is no "why" other than the person was a deranged lunatic

Good luck with understanding society, what failings it has and how we improve it with that reactionary attitude

>> No.17965167

Screeching on Twitter about popular media is 80% of what the Peterson crowd is doing anyways, so this should come to no one's surprise

>> No.17965168

no it's not
what's more disturbing is the fact that women find bottom 80% of men below average in attractiveness. we need enforced monogamy to create a stable society.

you do not belong on 4chan. maybe reddit is more up your alley

>> No.17965171

Lol kill yourself incel faggot

>> No.17965174

disgusting tranny freak

>> No.17965175
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>> No.17965176

his "explanation" was implying that the incel ideology is based in any real concern and not schizophrenic delusions. incels are mentally ill and there beliefs are not rooted in reality. they are in a sexist death cult and peterson is enabling it because he makes money off of them. sick bastard

>> No.17965182

I'm glad you will die alone. Send me a link to the livestream of your suicide so I can get a good laugh in when the time comes.

>> No.17965183


>> No.17965184
File: 106 KB, 500x662, comment_1591050164niP3LZGYJCYkfXcCUZCQe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his "explanation" was implying that the incel ideology is based in any real concern and not schizophrenic delusions. incels are mentally ill and there beliefs are not rooted in reality.
Our beliefs have a solid foundation in evolutionary biology and psychology and are very much rooted in reality.

>> No.17965186

Peterson explains it here:
>So, let’s summarize. Men get frustrated when they are not competitive in the sexual marketplace (note: the fact that they DO get frustrated does not mean that they SHOULD get frustrated. Pointing out the existence of something is not the same as justifying its existence). Frustrated men tend to become dangerous, particularly if they are young. The dangerousness of frustrated young men (even if that frustration stems from their own incompetence) has to be regulated socially. The manifold social conventions tilting most societies toward monogamy constitute such regulation.
>That’s all.
>No recommendation of police-state assignation of woman to man (or, for that matter, man to woman).
>No arbitrary dealing out of damsels to incels.
>Nothing scandalous (all innuendo and suggestive editing to the contrary)
>Just the plain, bare, common-sense facts: socially-enforced monogamous conventions decrease male violence. In addition (and not trivially) they also help provide mothers with comparatively reliable male partners, and increase the probability that stable, father-intact homes will exist for children.

I don't agree with him, but I respect his opinion, and I still think he has a lot of good to say about getting your shit together.

>> No.17965188

I'm serious, and hopefully that day comes real soon

>> No.17965190

who hurt you?

>> No.17965194

We really do need to do more to treat mental illness like bodily illness. Get a check up, get care, and nobody should give a shit if you got it like not caring if you have migrains. Currently A LOT of employers will absolutely shit can you for getting help with mental health issues. They can't legally do it for that reason, so excessive absences or something will be used instead. Then you got the government refusing to acknowledge a mental illness as a disability unless you are a drooling invalid too. You may want to climb a clock tower and blast a bunch of college students brains all over the place, but as long as your legs and arms function, clearly you are 100% healthy citizen.

>> No.17965195

I fucking hate ISM global culture. holy shit.
>ideological comic books
This is the shit that makes me want to join ISIS

>> No.17965197

incels should unironically be put in camps

>> No.17965200
File: 193 KB, 498x498, fab8e88332446b7f26df4427c9cc885d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 6% of women are the most attractive?
Damn, I sure am lucky to have my wife.

>> No.17965201

lol what's your problem. are you the same person calling someone deranged?

>> No.17965203

contrapoints is just a tranny shilling his own ideology while LARPing as someone "healing radicalism". just another lying two faced shill like almost every other person on this planet these days. my god this ideological planet needs more than a few nukes.

>> No.17965204

Fuck off incel subhuman. You say vile shit all the time. Nobody gives a shit about you and if you died nobody would care. You people are the lowest of the low on the totem pole of humanity for a reason. Women don't want to be with you because you are rotten soulless husks who dehumanize anyone that isn't a straight white male. The world will be much better off when you and your subculture perish.

>> No.17965208

whos going to do that? Intersectional feminist death squads?

>> No.17965209

cute :)

>> No.17965213

this desu. theyre vile abhorrent creatures that worship mass murderers. incels are incels for a reason. who would want to be around someone like that?

>> No.17965214

We all die alone, anon.

>> No.17965216

Nah, they just need to ignore local women and get a wife from a 3rd world country. Completely starving women from attention is what is needed here. We live in a society where someone who is best known for being a loud mouthed gangster wannabe just made over one million dollars in a few hours after turning 18 and starting an onlyfans account.

Starve that shit out. Ignore instagram thots, ignore streamers who show cleavage, publicly shun whores, etc.

>> No.17965221

No bro when they say that women are all retarded whores that should be raped it's just like ironic and like pent up rage bro

>> No.17965224


>> No.17965225

Comic books. Dear God, how talentless and bitter. I almost pity them.

>> No.17965229
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>> No.17965234

>he thinks women are defensible

>> No.17965236

>trannies, leftists and fatass consumercucks try to "one up" jordan peterson by referring him to a comic book villain

>> No.17965242

>Single mom
>Drinks alcohol
>Online photos in revealing clothes
>Not a virgin
>College education

>> No.17965243

I haven't had much problems with them personally. You might do better with them if you treated them like people.

>> No.17965244

Can you stop being so antisemitic over Deuteronomy?

>> No.17965245

I have never said that and I'm in a happy relationship living with my girlfriend. I'm just asking who hurt you? You project as much hurt as incels in your hate towards them...

>> No.17965263
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>Cultural marxism is a plague because it seeks to destroy hierarchies! The left is trying to destroy immutable power structures that form everywhere in nature! No more participation trophies!
>...also, we need monogamy so that everyone can have sex, regardless of their position on the sexual hierarchy
This was when I realized that he's just another spiritual-/pol/cel fueled purely by ressentiment.

>> No.17965264

Incels destroyed this website so that pisses me off. They're also reprehensible bigots with a pathological hatred towards women and as someone who loves women I find their rhetoric and actions dangerous. The world would be better off with them dead.

>> No.17965272

i have a feeling you would not raise objections if an incel posted their typical rants

>> No.17965278

Peterson is far far far from anything written on /pol/ you ideologically brainwashed tranny. pretty sure he got bullied off /pol/

>> No.17965284

This is what makes me want to round up every ideological scumbag and shoot them in the head. Peterson is pretty gay but the guy has enough problems in his life that it makes no sense for some fatass skinnyfat tranny freak to add him in a comic book portraying him as a cartoon character evil bad nazi bad bad bad nazi!!!! Every single person under the age of 70 living today should simply be killed.

>> No.17965286

By wishing death upon the group you despise, aren't you guilty of the same pathological hatred of a group of people that you seem to find reprehensible? I'm not trying to do a 'gotcha' type of thing, but how do you expect to end this cycle of hatred if you only perpetuate it?

>> No.17965288

yeah dude youre totally not a peterson fanatic no sir

>> No.17965290

>I'm just asking who hurt you
Leftist dweebs like you hurt us by attacking our sense of selfworth and undermining our society.

>> No.17965294

If they want to change, they can. If they want to continue to push their hatred of women and harm them, then they can die for all I care.

>> No.17965298

I've never even read his gay book, but seeing this consumercuck trash culture dragign people through the circus of LE HECKIN MARVEL COMICSS!!!!! is why I want to dirty bomb the worlds fresh water supplies. humanity is done, we lived too long as a species we dont deserve to exist.

>> No.17965300

Hatred in not something real that floats around.

>> No.17965305

We will defend ourselves with all our might before we let animals like you hurt us.

>> No.17965310

>If they want to continue to push their hatred of women and harm them

>> No.17965311

>Leftist dweebs
I think you are confused.. I'm arguing against incel hatred... Jeez.. You guys deserve each other in spinning wheel of hatred.

>> No.17965314

lol you cant even talk to a girl without shitting yourself

>> No.17965317

What is with this trend of comparing anything you don’t like to racism and nazis. It’s such a dirty low IQ tactic.

>> No.17965323

Ok buddy

>> No.17965325

lol what was that in teh news the other day? 20 or so prostitutes from ukraine (all women) posing naked on a balcony in dubai? hahahah yeah women so scary!
>protip: they're all going to prison for it

>> No.17965329

it's just as stupid as dumb /pol/tards comparing anything to the left of Trump to communism. same brain virus

>> No.17965331

deliriously seething lol

>> No.17965335

Anyone bothered by someone not having sex is a leftist.

I bet you talk to girls all the time, but they wont have sex witg you.

Question. Do you actually enjoy talking to woman?

Then you are gay.

>> No.17965342

peterson isn't a nazi but he is pretty firmly right wing and reactionary

>> No.17965343

Nice sarcasm. Just too remind you, you are not a victim but a predator and so are the girls you defend.

>> No.17965345

someones new.

>> No.17965347

Peterson is a leftist.

>> No.17965348

Lmao this is sad bro. Good night

>> No.17965349

How is this /lit/ anymore? Where are the Jannies? These posts are more retarded than on /b/ og /pol/

>> No.17965350


>> No.17965352

i have no idea what the fuck you are even on about kek

>> No.17965355

>right wing
Petersons a monarchist?

>> No.17965357

Sarcasm and pc thinking are just tools the sociopath uses to undermine society.

>> No.17965364

You wont see 40 men lining up naked in dubai for a porn photoshoot for an Israeli website
everytime, look at OnlyFans
all womyn selling for SIMPS
womyn are fucking brain dead

>> No.17965368

The thing is it doesn’t matter if he is not. People will do it for the sake of their own ego and to “win” arguments.

>> No.17965371

>Like I
Opinion discarded

>> No.17965376

Would you consider ISIS reactionary?

>> No.17965378

check out a gay pride parade

>> No.17965379

ISIS is the invention of Western security services, so no.

>> No.17965385

No. Purely progressive agenda. Do you think they want to stop racemixing and read the Greeks?

>> No.17965389

lmao this is absurd you gotta be doing a bit i'll admit you got me

>> No.17965390

homosexuality is a mental problem and using mental illness as a comparison for healthy individuals is not an argument. only mentally ill men behave like womyn

>> No.17965394

Why do you think monarchy is reactionary? It wouldn’t be for almost all countries. It would be revolutionary not reactionary.

>> No.17965397

ISIS is radically collectivist with wealth distribution policies etc

>> No.17965401

but female authors are thrash with or without jp dude.

>> No.17965405

oh forgive me, its hard to be caught up in tihs bullshit 1960s invented New Speak "language"

>> No.17965407

Wut? Do you think isis with their anti-aristocratic agenda is reactionary or conservative in any sense? How is a slave revolt, mixing the classes and destroying ancient heritage anything but leftwing?

>> No.17965411
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>sorry fascists
bait. go read more HARRY POTTER

>> No.17965412

Actually Islam considers communism satanic and is for private privately and the exclusion of government in economics. It’s similar to capitalism except with ban on interest and usury

>> No.17965420

Your a fucking retard. He isn't even a conservative, he is a Christian Liberal.

Which word is more abused, fascists or reactionary? People misuse fascist more frequently but people literally don't even know what reactionary means

>> No.17965423

It doesnt matter what Islam considers or doesn't consider, we are talking about ISIS. They even pulled a Maoist cultural revolution by dismantling, looting, and destroying archaeological heritage sites. ISIS is about as reactionary a Maoist Red Guard. Same exact philosophy.

>> No.17965424

I usually don’t correct people’s misuse of words on other boards but we are on /lit/ dammit

>> No.17965431

Monarchy id a progressive movement. Aristocracy is reactionary.

>> No.17965432

Reactionary was used by those 1960s burnout hippie losers in academia that got cucked by the Freud Cult, etc and wound up those burnt out envrionmentalist types today working for GAFAM backed NGOs. Fascist is the new buzzword for anyone that doesnt want to force children to take HRT.

>> No.17965440

christian liberalism is right wing. are republicans leftists in your eyes?

>> No.17965443

>right wing
you have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.17965445

Islam as a whole largely opposes communism. ISIS wants to establish Islamic theocracy.

>> No.17965446

I'm against PC thinking, but I am even more against asinine thinking which this threads seethes of, both ways..

>> No.17965450

We don't live in 1789 France dickwad

>> No.17965451

I would and am.

>> No.17965452

Bait. Hard pass

>> No.17965454

Coates was unable to reconcile his ideal of Obama to the reality of his Presidency and that was his downfall.

In 2017 Cornel West wrote an article tearing down Coates for this exact reason and Coates got so ass blasted he deleted his Twitter. The two are polar opposites so their debate and the reactions were pretty interesting. Here's what I'm talking about: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/dec/20/ta-nehisi-coates-quits-twitter-after-public-row-with-cornel-west

>> No.17965458

>Islamic theocracy
i don't care what costume they wear, their radical wealth distribution, destruction of heritage, radical collectivism, etc puts them on the same level as the Red Guard - they are the same exact shade.

so then maybe you shouldn't be trying to force terms from 1789 in the contemporary situation yeah?

>> No.17965459

I'm a different anon here. Dude seriously if your identifying as an incel you need to hit the gym and read some based books.

Women are dumb, you don't need them. Get fit. Get smart. You won't need one but if you wanted one you would, easily.

>> No.17965464

a predator in nature works as such if they are a noble creature:
you care first about contrlling space, territory, harnessing powers, developing strengths, skills, etc. "reproduction" a la mating etc comes after this fact. darwinists are completely wrong about the nature of life, because they revolve everything around reproduction but in my opinion reproduction is a byproduct of Will that only comes after the initial foundations have been established

>> No.17965465

>their radical wealth distribution
No such thing in Islam
> destruction of heritage
They are destroying statues because in Islam you can’t draw people or make statues of them. It’s a major sin and considered challenging God. It has nothing to do with destroying heritage.
> radical collectivism
What does this even mean?

>> No.17965466

I don't identify as an incel, I said I would argue against an incels rant and am doing so in this thread.

Happy relationship, beautiful girlfriend, living together. Perhaps you need to read some commitment and love books, that life and the world doesn't only revolve around yourself, and that it has to offer more if you realize this.

>> No.17965473

Oh christ

>> No.17965476

>No such thing in Islam
We're talking about ISIS, not Islam.
>They are destroying statues because in Islam you can’t draw people or make statues of them. It’s a major sin and considered challenging God. It has nothing to do with destroying heritage.
They literally blew up the Greco-Roman site of Palmyra and pushed mesopotamian Ziggurats into rivers.
>What does this even mean?
Radical collectivism. ISIS organize their society horizontally with the only requirement being a member of their ideology. Most abrahamics (judaism, christianity, islam) are based on collectivist principles (they were designed to undermine aristocratic Rome)

>> No.17965483

Wheres the lie? Define it? Im not even talking about men or women this is just a definition of life. focusing life on developing skills acquiring territory and space is pre-requisite to reproduction. people who place reproduction before that live in government subsidized housing their whole life (prison cells)

>> No.17965486

Dude I'm not reading your incel nonsense get a grip

>> No.17965488

Are you one those people who unironically thinks ISIS is not Islamic? They are literally doing what Sharia Law has said to do.

>inb4 you respond with Islam doesn’t say to kill homosexuals. ISIS is wrong!!!!!

>> No.17965491

>self-reliance is incel

>> No.17965496

>Are you one those people who unironically thinks ISIS is not Islamic? They are literally doing what Sharia Law has said to do.
Most Islamic scholars would disagree with you.

>> No.17965497

No, ISIS behavior is similar to other far left revolutionary organizations from the Red Guard to the Khmer Rouge. They are not built on traditional priniciples of aristocracy, etc. Collectivism as I said is a component of Abrhahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) but ISIS is radically collectivist.

>> No.17965503

These modern westernized Islamic scholars are all liars who we going against their own books. Islam literally calls for killing of homosexuals. ISIS is BEING Islamic on the contrary.

>> No.17965504

Incels are living rent free in your head

>> No.17965507

>>17965440 >>17965443

I almost feel sorry for leftist, they are just so detached and uneducated.

Hard-line traditional Liberalism (John Lock style) is right wing.

As you mind be able to tell, Peterson is not a 17th century liberal. Regardless, he wouldn't be rightwing compaired to a conservative, he would be centrist. Again, I have no clue how you named him a reactionary.

If anything Peterson is more of a
American democrat "liberal". Bare in mind he is Canadian.

>> No.17965509

Social species owns lone hunter species. Nothing comes first, it's all an entanglement of absurdity, fornication, death, fighting for love and territory, ageing, comradery and brutality. There is as much Will as there is Love.

>> No.17965515

Did I mention Monarchism?

>> No.17965517

John Lock was a Leftist.

>> No.17965521

I don't see anything absurd about it

>> No.17965522

What are you even saying bro. Republicans are not liberal. Not in any sense of the word.
The fact you think such proves your a reranged lefty

>> No.17965527

Then fail to see behind the veil. You are still stuck in the theater.

>> No.17965528

>Republicans aren't Liberal

>> No.17965534

the only absurdity in human life especially contemporary life is morality

>> No.17965536

That’s relative isn’t? If you’re a hardline theocrat you would consider republicans as liberal and degenerates because American government is secular

>> No.17965537

They have classical liberalism factions

>> No.17965540

soibois are using marvel now

>> No.17965541

American Republicans ARE Liberal.

>> No.17965544

I would unironically read Stalin’s work and support his policies if he looks like Contrapoints. And by read and support, I mean masturbate to his videos.

>> No.17965545
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>> No.17965549

>he finds a dude in heavy layers of makeup, artifical drugs, plastic surgery attractive
NGMI post suicide vid

>> No.17965552

this is basically the level of discourse you can expect in the modern world. this is why i am pro-terrorism.

>> No.17965556
File: 13 KB, 644x800, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmpf, this Manchild Comic Book Villain would ackshually not be concerned with this drivel

>> No.17965562

They cry fascism when they haven't even seen the real fascists yet

>> No.17965587

hail hydra

>> No.17965593

so he said nothing wrong

>> No.17965617

>And by read and support, I mean masturbate to his videos.
Wow really?

>> No.17965622

kill yourself

>> No.17965625

Yeah, homosexuality is punishable by death in Islam. No one denies this. Go back to R*ddit btw.

>> No.17965627

What a fucking faggot lmao

>> No.17965632

Why is the toddler crying. Did he lose a game?

>> No.17965633

Women don't belong in the workplace. Brother do men but Even less so women.

>> No.17965635

God this video just killed me, poor kid. Imagine playing basketball and fucking Michael Jordan or something comes to challenge you while loud, bombastic music starts playing. I would be shitting my fucking pants.

>> No.17965636

Just for everyone involved in this conversation.
>liberal party in commonwealth nations is the conservative party

>> No.17965641

A loving relationship is a path to fulfillment.
The current state of affairs will lead to lots of people dying alone.

>> No.17965645

>Republicans are not liberal. Not in any sense of the word.

Read a fucking book, retard.

>> No.17965646

Just watch this

>> No.17965649

He certainly did...

>> No.17965681
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*this thread*

>> No.17965683
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To be fair, most self-ascribed post-modernists and Marxists can hardly be said to hew the line to the dogma very well. Many are hardly up to date on either at all.

Both pomo and Marxist thinkers get quoted a lot by people who don't really know where these philosophical ideas exist in the contemporary moment. You don't know how often I've tried to bring up accelerationism with avowed Marxists and been met by relative or complete ignorance. Similarly, you have many people quoting pomo philosopher yet espousing essentially modernist views.

Peterson is certainly no expert in either field, but what he rails against is the VOCAL MAJORITY of laymen progressives who use the lingo and ideas of pomo and Marxist thought to forward ad-hoc dogma.

The guy is a neo-Jungian, not a critical theorist. You can call him out and get autistic about the terminology but the way he uses it is completely in line with the actual physical manifestation of these ideologies.

Getting assmad about this is like complaining that someone's attacking the "hypocrisy of Christianity" and then butting in with "well, ACTUALLY, according to the apostolic tradition..." as though the platonic ideal of Christianity is what is being discussed and not the morbidly obese trailer trash Christainity that actually exists.

>> No.17965689

I KNOW this is a woman. This level of basic thought HAS to be female.

>> No.17965721

Neither* not brother lmao

>> No.17965724

You are quite the specimen sweetie.

>> No.17965726
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>> No.17965735

>West has since accused Obama of political minstrelsy, insinuated that he was a race traitor and called him a “neoliberal opportunist” and a “Rockefeller Republican in blackface”.
based as fuck

>> No.17965736

You are now reminded that women browse this board

>> No.17965740

>forced monogamy
If you want to sleep around don't get married. Simple as.

>> No.17965757

He does, but these people think that's a good thing

>> No.17965767

they shouldn't

>> No.17965780

The other side believes men can become women and that aspiring to fulfill the unique role of the female body to produce offspring is a shameful impulse that only subjugated slaves naturally gravitate towards valuing. Aka pure lunacy.

>> No.17965789

I hope they get help, and not from Peterson

>> No.17965810

is that character's name "red skull"? seriously? sorry, i was never into capeshit

>> No.17965811

Here's the thing, incel subculture does not go away. That's what everyone sane is trying to get you and your reductive ilk to understand. Hating it won't make it to away. The cure is coming, but you're going to hate that 100x more than you hate incels. Sex companion technology is less than 50 years away and along with it will come a complete shift of male attention away from biological females. It is the dream of feminists come true. Men will no longer sexualize colleagues and strangers. Or at the very least there will be a huge reduction in sexualization. Biological women will not be able to compete with technology for fulfilling men sexually and women will be liberated from their role of being a sex object. And they will be more miserable than at any point in history because of it.

>> No.17965817

Reminder that "ideological fights" are a grift.
Guys like Coates cannot survive without an army of retards on either "side" giving him either money or attention.

If you're legitimately entertained by this or if you're making some money off of it, good for you.
Otherwise, you should take a step back and reconsider.

>> No.17965830

You make it sound like liberal capitalism is "conservative and traditional".

>> No.17965838

It's just growing pains due to technology outstripping biology. It's going to be ugly for a few centuries. Think of it like a dark ages but for culture instead of technological progress. Once transformative technology like VR really gets going things will get better. Weirder, but much less hate driven and more joy driven.

>> No.17965839

try giving them anti psychotics then it might go away

>> No.17965841
File: 97 KB, 366x626, 1617209486028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to read
>Abu Nuwas
>Al-Jahiz (author of ‘Concubines and Youths in Competition’)
>Al-Katib (author of the ‘Encyclopedia of Pleasure’)
>Ibn Hazm
>Omar Khayyam
>Attar of Nishapur
>Ibn Quzman
>Daftarkhwan (author of ‘The Thousand and One Youths’)
>Ibn Matruh
>Amir Khusrau
>an-Nawaji (author of ‘Gazelle’s Pastures: On Beautiful Youths’)
>Ahmad Gazali
>Sarmad Mahmud
>Ta’alibi (author of the ‘Book of Youths’)
>Wali Dakkani
>Naji Shakir
>Shah Mubarak Abroo
>Taban Abdul Hai
>Mir Taqi Mir
The list goes on...
See also: the famed Muslim king Mahmud and his catamite Ayaz, the Afghan practice of bacha bazi and the Sufi practice of shahid bazi
Pictured: Shah Abbas of Iran with a page

>> No.17965862

The same reason people call anyone they don't like "fascist" or "reactionary"
It's an emotionally charged label, I wish I could have come up with it

>> No.17965863

That can't be real

>> No.17965866

did you fap a lot while reading those?

>> No.17965879

Why do you boring sociopaths talk so much about peterson instead of others like jonathan pageau or spyridon bailey who are varying levels of being adjacent. It gets old, I want to see opinions on different targets

>> No.17965881

Ah yes, everyone is chained by SOCIETY except for incels
It's completely their fault they are like this

>> No.17965895

You do know the dirty little secret statistics about how many school shooters were on antipsychotics, right? Those drugs are not subtle. It's like trying to fix a delicate piece of machinery like a circuit board with a hammer. Medicine may one day have the fidelity to handle the problem but currently the antipsychotic/antidepressant industry is mostly a grift and a cope. Society expects a contribution from the medical industry to fix "psychos" and the medical industry is happy to take free money. The Ritalin model for squirrelly kids tells you all you need to know about modern medicine's priorities and effectiveness at solving problems.

>> No.17965898

Reminder. Control is primarily orientated at the sexual drives, if someone abandons this drive, they become a threat to the status quo.

>> No.17965905

Unironically yes
It's a deranged mindset

>> No.17965908

why dont you clean your room buddy?

>> No.17965912

Damn. Is that from a book or did you come up with it yourself

>> No.17965920
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no in fact i will live well into my 90's just to spite your ass

>> No.17965928


>> No.17965940

The kids a prodigy and played a very good game. Wont be long until he does beat Karpov

>> No.17965952

Isn't contrapoints an opioid addict now after taking painkillers for a while due to face plastic surgery? On some level I feel bad for trannies who actually go as far as surgery, because a ton of plastic surgery is one big grift with potentially life ruining botching. They commodified every aspect about trooning out to extract money and mentally ill individuals fall into it as a way to run away or distract themselves from something. They couldve just stayed a homo with a fetish in the bedroom, without the self butchering

>> No.17965953

you will die within a decade and no one will go to your funeral. your parents will be relieved they are rid of the burden

>> No.17965960

yes. get a life and stop reading /r9k/ you freak

>> No.17966041

>homo with a fetish in the bedroom
I see, you're a man of culture as well.

>> No.17966154

It's actually an optics gift for the right because he appears as such a harmless image that it's actually doing conservatives a favour because anyone even slightly centrist can see he makes some fair points.

>> No.17966178

So he cried at the big reveal not even at his impending loss? That's kind of cuter in a way, he has humility as opposed to the arrogant pride I might expect an unexperienced 3-year-old prodigy of anything to have.

>> No.17966179
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Shots fucking fired holy shit motherfucking defcon 6 over here

>> No.17966192

He cried after he lost the game due to a time out.

>> No.17966224

Medical shroooooms

>> No.17966251 [DELETED] 

just curious what is this "ritalin model"?

>> No.17966255

I think it's because he's a nazi and the radical leftists that write it only know how to unsubtly cram politics into comics.

>> No.17966298

>what do you mean I can't just tear down a strawman? stop being so autistic

>> No.17966511
File: 1.91 MB, 1988x3056, 5232174-1026399205-XUymu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17966519

Contrapoints is so fucking hot. I would do terrible, irredeemable things to be with her. You dont want to know.

>> No.17966559

>When comic writers go so far left their villains start making sense.

>> No.17966662

You sound soiful. There's not a single good thing about promiscuity.

>> No.17966700
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, fedorason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell 'em!

>> No.17966787

that's one hep buckaroo

>> No.17966908
File: 154 KB, 600x1016, 1613375544992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Marvel is getting too cocky bros, nobody buys their shit comics anymore and they think hardcore pandering will get them somewhere in a futile attempt to scream for help while they are getting dragged into the fire by their mistakes

>> No.17966946
File: 69 KB, 775x837, 1616642836154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what part of that speech was wrong again?

>> No.17967074

That’s how I know Peterson is legit. The people I hate the most are trying to stop him.

>> No.17967224
File: 151 KB, 1199x741, 1588477034618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
