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/lit/ - Literature

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17963666 No.17963666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quality of life?
Peaceful and trusting societies?
Who needs it? Just so long as my credit cards work!

>> No.17963680

>did you know that all of humanity could live in an area the size of rhode island, with the only downside being a population density equivalent to kowloon city?
>ergo, there is plenty of space in your country for immigrants

>> No.17963689

I agree that this book makes bad arguments, but what's the point of starting this thread? Do you think anyone here is going to vigorously disagree with you?

>> No.17963691

Low crime rates?
Efficient public services?
Why, I just want a variety of take out food restaurants!

>> No.17963692
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>> No.17963693

I’m still struggling to believe this book isn’t satire. I suppose it was written by a “Caplan” and illustrated by “Weinersmith”though so I shouldn’t be too surprised.

>> No.17963700

/lit/ has too many shitty threads right now so I'm going to make a good one

>> No.17963717
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Lets read it together, froggy.

>> No.17963765

>This book is stupid!
>Yes, it is stupid
>I concur, and the person who wrote it is stupid and bad
>Yes, everyone who likes this bad book is stupid and bad
>Those people are all stupid and bad, not like us

Really stimulating.

>> No.17963770

you forgot to include the people like you going 'y r u even talking about this jeez'

>> No.17963780

This is true.

Caplan also argues for having more kids.

So he is consistent on that.

>> No.17963781

This unironically except without the midwit-tier implication at the end that disagreeing with bad ideas makes you as stupid as the people supporting the bad ideas.

>> No.17963785

This isn't the correct venue to discuss this work. Go start up a conversation about it somewhere where people are likely to defend it. This is just pathetic; it's like watching social justice people circlejerk about Nazis

>> No.17963788
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>> No.17963795

I reject your authority to determine whether this is the proper venue tbqh

>> No.17963799
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>Assuming retirees are the only ones who use social programs
>Openly admitting workers are only good as cattle

>> No.17963814
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It's "like" a pyramid scheme. But so long as the pyramid keeps getting bigger and bigger we'll be ok!

>> No.17963831

Open borders causes racism and other forms of discrimination via wage stagnation which results in people being unhappy. Unhappy people act out.

>> No.17963839
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Well then maybe you'll listen to the authority of the people who run this board.

>If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/
It's in the fucking sticky.

>> No.17963849

we could just cut social security

>> No.17963851

We're not discussing politics. We're discussing literature.

>> No.17963877

>Well then maybe you'll listen to the authority of the people who run this board.
I mean no of course I won't. I don't get mad at them when they ban me, it's their job and all, but I am obviously not going to follow the rules

>> No.17963923

Who are these threads even supposed to be baiting? Nobody apart from a few trolls here will actually argue for open borders.

>> No.17963938

He is saying workers are taxed more as the ratio of retirees to workers rises.

>> No.17963945


>> No.17963952

thats a good point tho

>> No.17963961

Did migrants take your job? Good.

>> No.17963973

you pay for them too lel

>> No.17963978

I don't care as long as you cry about it

>> No.17963992

Here’s your (You)

>> No.17964003

Did you read the thread retard?

>> No.17964028
File: 44 KB, 399x600, 71jP7Z+JsGL._AC_UL600_SR399,600_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how Caplan went form 2 of the best books of all time to this fucking graphic novel.
The Myth of the Rational Voter
The Case Against Education

>> No.17964042

All his books are anti-populist.

Except maybe his book on having more children, dunno, haven't read it yet.

>> No.17964048

It is very racist of you to mock POC who are losing their jobs because of mass immigration

>> No.17964058

This unironically. Mass immigration was planned to destroy the black working class before they got too revolutionary.

>> No.17964120

If only todays leftists were based instead of being soibois they would go around beating up illegal immgrants like Ceasar Chavez and his crew used to do

>> No.17964241
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>“We asked for workers; we got people instead”

>> No.17964263


>> No.17964289

He's saying we need tax paying immigrants to pay social security, but when those people get old, we'll need even more and so on. What he doesn't tell you and won't admit is that it's unsustainable in the long run.

>> No.17964676
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>> No.17964719

>Who needs it? Just so long as my credit cards work!
Credit cards no longer working would be kind of a big problem though

>> No.17964728
File: 33 KB, 343x403, unnamed (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go around beating up illegal immgrants like Ceasar Chavez and his crew used to do
They were Clintonite Democrats

Wow, what a based left that we've lost. RIP

>> No.17964772

I hate animalistic coomer retards. The kind that pumps out 4-5 children like it’s nobody’s business, then wonder why the world is going to shit. This kind of shortsightedness is why we are where we are and why we are going where we are going.

>> No.17964777

Caplan is against social programs like Medicare so that's a non-argument

>> No.17964788

Based retard

>> No.17964795
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>> No.17964835

It blatantly presents the unsustainability of the system it supposedly supports

>> No.17964865

Like a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.17964900
File: 324 KB, 768x346, open_borders_israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]