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17959915 No.17959915 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books to understand the modern woman?

>> No.17959917

read the sticky

>> No.17959922
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>> No.17959931

Madame Bovary

>> No.17959977

Elliott Rodger - My Twisted World
Dr. Castle - Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong
F. Roger Devlin - Sexual Utopia In Power

>> No.17960001

Any nonmeme answers? I want to know why women are so onboard with social media virtue signaling, cancel culture, wokeness, identity politics. Why they pander to minorities or often fail to see the bigger picture. And above all why they are so militant in their beliefs despite being often badly read uninformed beliefs they have adopted from elsewhere.

>> No.17960034

Bachofens Das Mutterrecht
Barojas The World of the Witches

>> No.17960039

Just marathon The Bachelor

>> No.17960057

Not book, but reddit gonewild subs

>> No.17960086


Women are in general more empathetic and thus more on board when it comes to social issues. That's most probably down to evolution.

Not seeing the bigger picture and being militant despite poorly inform goes for men as well.

>> No.17960109

Narcissism and consumer signification.

>> No.17960115

>Women are in general more empathetic and thus more on board when it comes to social issues.

But they only have empathy for politically correct social issues and ones that fit the oppressor-oppressed narrative. For example I see no empathy for the South African farmers. Their empathy only extends to Twitter politics regarding "minorities".

>> No.17960119

Women’s empathy is very limited
Some middle class white girl getting snufffed by some creepy cop sets off mass protests and but they couldn’t care less how many Chicago negroes shoot each other every day

>> No.17960132

>Women are in general more empathetic
So empathetic they divorce rape their husbands, murder their unborn children, burn down cities, rob young men blind with their vagina and are extremely corrupt, selfish politicians with no regard for the future.

>> No.17960208

Women are smelly, messy, and stupid. Their progression in media and scientific fields alike are due to pity points or sometimes sex.

>> No.17960327
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>Women are in general more empathetic

>> No.17960344

Madame Bovary.
You'll hate the protrag.

>> No.17960374

It's not that complicated, they're just shittier versions of men. Imagine yourself at 15

>> No.17960394

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.17960429

Hardly any person, male *or* female, is nuanced enough to be truly unbiased and equally empathetic. "The Modern Woman" buys into a narrative (White people have opressed), and then buy into a worldview and stereotypes about it. Plus, twitter "warriors", like most entitled and sheltered people in the west, are not exposed to the whole picture, so they just but into the most empathetic mindset they can see, rather than anything that is truly impartial and understanding.

>> No.17960431

Unironically marketing. Marketing rots your brain and 90 % of it is aimed at women, which has rotted their brain. This is why women who hate commercials are often very based, while the women who love commercials are complete retards.

>> No.17960434


>> No.17960480

they're only more empathetic for children and good looking men.

>> No.17961280

>Women are in general more empathetic

Did your sociology teacher tell you that? Because that's false.

>> No.17961290


>> No.17961602
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why you need a book for that?

maybe read: The Rational Male, Rollo Tomassi

>> No.17961649
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women are crazy.

>> No.17961667

the boy who cried wolf

>> No.17962009

Great answer, maybe add the relationship advice sub too. It's really eye opening.

>> No.17962071

this, it is full of women cucking their bfs/husbands and redditors saying they had it coming for whatever bullshit reason

>> No.17962099
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No, If you really want to find out how females can tick if they live unchecked just visit the female dating strategy subreddit.


>> No.17962112

A Doll's House

>> No.17962118

Where’s the lie though?

>> No.17962131

The real revelations occur when someone goes against the grain and gets scolded by reddit harpies for holding medieval beliefs (IE not wanting your girlfriend to watch a movie with her ex at his place).

>> No.17962165
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You are not there yet.

>> No.17962194

Women are more socially conscious and conforming to group dynamics. The "empathy" you speak of is nothing more than adhering to collective interests.

>> No.17962227

Conflation of freedom with impinging on the freedom of others.

>> No.17962272

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.17962326 [SPOILER] 
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The bible

>> No.17962346 [SPOILER] 
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>Any nonmeme answers?
The Bible
>I want to know why women are so onboard with social media virtue signaling, cancel culture, wokeness, identity politics.
No what you want is to know how to respond to women being women so read the bible.
>Why they pander to minorities or often fail to see the bigger picture.
Dont ask why just read the Bible
>And above all why they are so militant in their beliefs despite being often badly read uninformed beliefs they have adopted from elsewhere.

>> No.17962450

Already read it, found it too juvenile and cringe.

>> No.17962467


>> No.17962480
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Any evolutionary psychology textbook. Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind is a good start

>> No.17962695

in fairness women want the left one too but what for men is having a Harem for women is having men compete

I guess women desire to be desired and men desire to desire and if either lets one side of the coin weigh heaver it's going to cause a life of turmoil.

a lot of religions tackle the urges/desires we have and usually make women subservient because women only complicate things and are fine with following.

>> No.17963160
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Focuses on inner thoughts (stream of consciousness) and is written by a woman who dispised the term 'feminist.'

>> No.17963990

Madame Bovary.

>> No.17964224
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The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar
By a woman.

>If a young man gets married, starts a family, and spends the rest of his life working at a soul-destroying job, he is held up as an example of virtue and responsibility. The other type of man, living only for himself, working only for himself, doing first one thing and then another simply because he enjoys it and because he has to keep only himself, sleeping where and when he wants, and facing woman when he meets her, on equal terms and not as one of a million slaves, is rejected by society. The free, unshackled man has no place in its midst.

>There are men who carefully manoeuvre a large limousine out of the garage at eight o'clock every morning. Others leave an hour earlier, traveling in a middle-class sedan. Still others leave when it is not yet light, wearing overalls and carrying lunch boxes, to catch buses, subways, or trains to factories or building sites. By a trick of fate, it is always the latter, the poorest, who are exploited by the least attractive women. For, unlike women (who have an eye for money), men notice only woman's external appearance. Therefore, the more desirable women in their own class are always being snatched away from under their noses by men who happen to earn more.

>No matter what a particular man does or how he spends his day, he has one thing in common with all other men - he spends it in a degrading manner. And he himself does not gain by it. It is not his own livelihood that matters: he would have to struggle far less for that, since luxuries do not mean anything to him anyway it is the fact that he does it for others that makes him so tremendously proud. He will undoubtedly have a photograph of his wife and children on his desk, and will miss no opportunity to hand it around.

>No matter what a man's job may be - bookkeeper, doctor, bus driver, or managing director - every moment of his life will be spent as a cog in a huge and pitiless system - a system designed to exploit him to the utmost, to his dying day. (...) We have long ceased to play the games of childhood. As children, we became bored quickly and changed from one game to another. A man is like a child who is condemned to play the same game for the rest of his life.

>> No.17964236

>When will women become civilized enough to stop mistreating men? When will they cease from training their lovers to become providers, merely because they have the power to do so? As long as they continue as they are, men have no alternative to polygamy.

>> No.17964253

>Someday it will dawn on man that woman does not read the wonderful books with which he has filled his libraries, and though she may well admire his marvelous works of art in museums she herself will rarely create, only copy.

>> No.17964256

I found "The Rational Male" Informative.

>> No.17964258

Liberalism is a hostage situation tl;dr

>> No.17964264

Women are easily manipulated. They can't live without being told what to do and think. Without strong fathers an husbands they will get it from the sewer of propaganda and pop media.

>> No.17964265

Excluding empathy this is correct

>> No.17964283

I hate to say this but it's more true than you want.

>> No.17965530

Imagine thinking modern women don't have enough freedom. The problem is that they have too much of it

>> No.17965548
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Buddha was woke on the WQ

>> No.17965553

sadly this

>> No.17965554

Women as Sex Vendors.
Written by Progressive Era socialist Mary Marcy who thought that women are inherently bourgeois because of their monopoly on the sexual resources

>> No.17965559

this is some guy seething. Being a man is about having responsibility and adding value to the people and things around him.

>> No.17965567
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>> No.17965575

It's interesting that Vilar was a Jew too, yet she wasn't a feminist. Why are Jews so obsessed with sex egalitarianism?

>> No.17965585

Slaves were really manly in that case

>> No.17965609

Honestly this. It's a solved problem and has been for thousands of years.

>> No.17965631
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This is all you'll need

>> No.17965748

You don’t need to read anything to understand why. It’s literally just in their nature to be more sympathetic and easy to manipulate. The dominant culture of today promotes social justice so naturally they just conform to it. To make it even worse, feminism convinced young women that they’re all perpetually liberated by modern politics and so they all inherently follow very liberal beliefs. If feminism didn’t exist or if progressivism was so widely institutionalized, then women would just conform to whatever else was the dominant culture.

>> No.17966806
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>> No.17966849
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imagine a being that lies and pretends its way through life and gets the greatest honours bestowed on it because another kind of being highly desires that beings favour. Now imagine what kind of mindset that produces
that is modern women

>> No.17967702
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They are literally unconscious, not kidding. They actually believe they are doing good and follow morals etc, but they don't have the capacity for abstract reason from which to look at themselves objectively. The unconscious manifests in their behavior which is decadent, but they are not able to see it so they can't stop it. It has traditionally been the man's position to guide her on that, to let her know when she is being unreasonable, what is indecent etc. The decadency of modern woman is not only about that the woman have gone bad, but the modern man has lost his balls and has become scared of fighting against them, calling out their bullshit when they see it. This is why they need a father figure who has his shit together for her to become adjusted, and without having that figure, you get the rampant, unfiltered adult modern woman that you see. Just become the embodiment of the cosmic reason and have the courage of voicing it, and the women will submit to it. They really do want to follow that higher reason if it is just going to be provided for them, but the pussified modern man has not the capacity of being it.

>> No.17968113

Book was written by a woman

>> No.17968133
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>> No.17968144
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>Women are in general more empathetic

>> No.17968192
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The final stage is ethnic cleansing. There is nothing comparable to it when white autism gets collectively pressed to the corner and has to fight for survival. It's still fun and safe that what is coming can be denied. But shit keeps building up

>> No.17968438

Imagine grabbing dat ass