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/lit/ - Literature

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17941626 No.17941626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are comic books and manga literature?

>> No.17941630

yes, now fuck off with your basic ass question. Berserk is good. Everyone likes Berserk. Everyone likes Guts. Everyone hates Griffith. There's your validation for liking it.

>> No.17941636

What about comic books?

>> No.17941641

no its not

>> No.17941644

Griffith did nothing wrong

>> No.17941648

Griffith = Overman
Guts = Last Man

>> No.17941651

What are some /lit/ approved comic books and manga?

>> No.17941655
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Yes, read some Tsuge.

>> No.17941682

No. Literature is a medium that strictly uses written language, ie. the experience is all happening in ones own thinking / imagination.
I like plenty of comic books, but they use pictures and therefore are a different form. Not literature.

>> No.17941707

he's literally a twink cuck who only rose to power because of a LITERAL Dei ex machina and fucked up everything because his husbando didn't want to fuck him. Idk where you come from, but most people would not consider than an overman.

>> No.17941715

Where are you getting that definition from? Cite. Technically this makes the Iliad and Odyssey not literature, as they were never meant to be read/written down; they were meant to be preformed lyrically with musical accompaniment. Same with Beowulf and the Sagas, Gilgamesh and many other famous epics generally considered towering works of literature with significant importance and relevance.

>> No.17941718

Incal, Borgia, V for Vendetta, Boxer (Kleist), the Goon (Powell), Sandman

>> No.17941721

Geiserick did nothing wrong


>> No.17941724
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>> No.17941725

No, they are comic books. But they can have literary qualities.

>> No.17941731

I'm just pushing my own definition, but there's something to it, look:
I would say that those are literature because we now have them in the written form. That part alone is literature and the act of reciting them along with music is literature enhanced with other forms of art and therefore a more complex cultural experience.
If a comic book got rewritten into pure language and read, it would, then, be literature (of whatever quality).

>> No.17941743


>> No.17941777

Other stuff by Moebius and Manara could count.
And possibly Sin City and the Watchmen.
...and stuff with soul, like Calvin and Hobbes

>> No.17941801

climber, vagabond, monster, pun pun

>> No.17941818

Also Akira and Pluto, don't forget those.

>> No.17941826
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This is now a Donovan thread. Post your Donovan related content

>> No.17941857

Griffiths cock has good mouth feel

>> No.17941862
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There isn't a single person in this world who wouldn't hate fuck Griffith. Beautiful androgynous bastard that he is.

>> No.17941880

Fuck Guts. Griffith did nothing wrong. Donovan is the best character. FUCK YOU AND GUTS.

>> No.17941886
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Chris Ware's works are esentially Postmodern Literature converted into comics

>> No.17941887

>Griffith did nothing wrong
you should try forming your own opinions sometime, anon.

>> No.17941893

Tintin desu

>> No.17941900
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Watchmen is still one of the greats. Anyone who chides Watchmen is just an edgy pseud who thinks they sound intellectual for balking at something that's popular and well-known/loved. Its an incredibly good deconstruction of comics as a medium with a lot of expertise put into just about every aspect. Always notice something new every time that I re-read it and always enjoy it. Perfectly utilizes the structure and unique literary devices innate to comics to tell a story that can only properly be told through a comic.

>> No.17941902

No they're comic books and have aesthetic different standards.

>> No.17941925

Poetry also has different aesthetic standards from a novel as does a short story as does an epic as does various other forms of expression categorized under the broad term "literature". So what makes comics not a part of that broad term?

>> No.17941926

Hugo Pratt

>> No.17941933


>> No.17941936

>the act of reciting them along with music is literature enhanced with other forms of art
The ancients would tell you that poetry without "recitas" (musical performance of the meter) is not literature, but is poetry degraded into a less form. In a sense the opposite of an "enhancement". This, under your definition, would categorize them as not literature in the strict definition as they are no more intended to be only read than a comic is meant to be transliterated without its panels/artwork.

>> No.17941974
File: 99 KB, 500x724, qqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, does anyone here know where I can read or download The Strange Tale Of Panorama Island by Maruo Suehiro?

>> No.17941980

>The Strange Tale Of Panorama Island

>> No.17941985

Full book in the original weebanese if applicable:

>> No.17941992

Thanks, but I don't speak either Spanish or Japanese. :)

>> No.17942033

Maybe but Berserk definitely is not.

>> No.17942039

Read The Metabarons, Jodo's best comic work.

>> No.17942066

The use of panels to (at least) show the transition of time and direct the action of the work. You can have a play script and call it "literature," but you can't have a comic without graphics and a method like panelling that shows how the story progresses.

>> No.17942072

on occasion

>> No.17942144


Made by Buzzati, the writer of Tartar Steppe

>> No.17942204

Oh damn, I didn't realize the first one was spanish, my bad lol. Oh well, I tried, anon, I really did.

>> No.17942220

np. if it ever comes to paperback, I will probably buy it.

>> No.17942225

Well if I ever find it I'll post it as its own thread on here. Hopefully you'll be lurking when/if it happens

>> No.17942248

I do not like Berserk.
The only thing I like about Beserk is Guts' birth. I just want to know how far removed from Grimdark Fantasy my story needs to be to get away with copying it.

>> No.17942271

These threads always make me want to shoot myself. Niggers claiming that oral literature isn't literature, jesus fuck, how is one supposed to communicate with such beings?

>> No.17942710
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>> No.17943230

Berserk was pretty good during its peak
it unironically sucks now

>> No.17943577

Berserk was only good for its first arc. Golden age is unironic trash.

>> No.17943625

Read Ashita no Joe. Very Nietzschean. Mishima was also a big fan.

>One legend says that Mishima, who was a big fan of "Ashita no Joe" , couldn't buy the latest issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine due to filming in the summer of 1969, and suddenly visited the editorial department of Kodansha Ltd. to acquire it in the middle of the night without waiting until the next morning. Around the time this "Young Man Theory in Gekiga" was published, Joe and Rikiishi were about to settle the duel. Mishima must have been an absorbed reader.

>> No.17943667

Franz Masareel

>> No.17943811
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>> No.17943829
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sure why not

>> No.17944143

I was just rereading some of the last chapters, and during a discussion about the empire Griffith was going to build and what kind of reforms he was going to adopt i was reminded of Plato's republic.

>> No.17944161

This but without any irony, everything after Black Swordsman arc is soulless garbage

>> No.17944279

According to Terry Eagleton (and stupid old Marxists), comic books or mangas are not literature, for me, mangas and comics books clearly are literature (they are carefully scripted, therefore well writen).

>> No.17944889

Requiem Vampire Knight, Elric, Hunter x Hunter

>> No.17944957

>Berserk is good.
Not after Conviction, the new group is fucking shonen trash

> Everyone likes Berserk.
*Everyone likes GA and Conviction

>> No.17945306

the beggining of Berserk wasnt very good

>> No.17945314


>> No.17945332

Both GA and Conviction are edgy shonen trash. Berserk was never good.

>> No.17945396

It's literally the one scene with the hanging tree.

>> No.17945414

oh damn, is it worth to read? i really liked tartar steppe

>> No.17945550

Wow people with actual taste DO exist after all.
>muh Game of Thrones so brilliant!!!

Black Swordsman was completely sincere and not at all derivative shonenshit.

>> No.17945551

Sorry that the plot has progressed past its obvious low point anon. If it was all Conviction levels of grim dark it would be boring af. The whole point of Berserk is to navigate trauma and strife and to cling to one's humanity and recover. The fantasia arc is the culmination of that journey and should be read thusly. It's a very, VERY clear thematic trajectory. How did you not notice this?