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17893225 No.17893225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this?

I haven’t but the thesis seem very important and powerful. Basically, that powerful rich Zionists exploit the Holocaust and the idea of the exceptionality of “Jewish suffering” to support their own corrupt political agenda (i.e. slaughtering Palestinians, taking their land, then oppressing them).

>> No.17893242

I have read it, it was good, he is right

>> No.17893268
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What about the industry of criticizing the holocaust industry? Have you noticed it's all Jews?

>> No.17893318

It’s because Jews ironically are able to criticize their own race without AS MUCH fear of being seen as “antisemitic.” The same way there’s American black conservatives who relish being able to criticize factions of their own race’s failings and how the left crudely panders to them for votes, like Candace Owens. Ironically, it’s whites who have to be most afraid of going into this territory because they don’t want to be criticized as “white Supremacists”, which is why Trump became a pseudo-messianic figure to so many. He sure as hell wasn’t perfect (and he wasn’t at all a white supremacist either) but he had the balls to push back against the totalitarian regime of “political correctness,” and thus was like a pressure release for so many people who feel slighted and disregarded by the bullshit PC mainstream media and dominant narrative.

>> No.17893320

Anon I...

>> No.17893339

Go read it then. If I wanted to know what you're after explaining in the OP I can see more on Wikipedia.

>> No.17893357

Look at all these dumbfucks

>> No.17893364
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Great answer. On a side note, if the holocaust industry bothers you, I would advise just not participating in it. I don't think you're gonna win any big prizes being able to cite norm finklestein, and you're not gonna stop Jews from celebrating their own destruction.

>> No.17893369

I can tell you right here and now that no one has ever said "Nazis killed us during the Holocaust so it's good and okay for us to kill Palestinians."

>> No.17893401

Amazing book. Finkelstein is acerbic as hell and an incredible scholar. Very meticulous.

"Fragments was widely hailed as a classic of Holocaust literature. It was translated into a dozen languages and won the Jewish National Book Award, the Jewish Quarterly Prize, and the Prix de Memoire de la Shoah. Star of documentaries, keynoter at Holocaust conferences and seminars, fund-raiser for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Wilkomirski quickly became a Holocaust poster boy. Acclaiming Fragments a "small masterpiece," Daniel Goldhagen was Wilkomirski's main academic champion. Knowledgeable historians like Raul Hilberg, however, early on pegged Fragments as a fraud. Hilberg also posed the right questions after the fraud's exposure: "How did this book pass as a memoir in several publishing houses? How could it have brought Mr. Wilkomirski invitations to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as recognized universities? How come we have no decent quality control when it comes to evaluating Holocaust material for publication?"

Half-fruitcake, half-mountebank, Wilkomirski, it turns out, spent the entire war in Switzerland. He is not even Jewish. Listen, however, to the Holocaust industry postmortems:

Arthur Samuelson (publisher): Fragments "is a pretty cool book ... It's only a fraud if you call it non-fiction. I would then reissue it, in the fiction category. Maybe it's not true -- then he's a better writer!"
Carol Brown Janeway (editor and translator): "If the charges ... turn out to be correct, then what's at issue are not empirical facts that can be checked, but spiritual facts that must be pondered. What would be required is soul-checking, and that's an impossibility."

There's more. Israel Gutman is a director of Yad Vashem and a Holocaust lecturer at Hebrew University. He is also a former inmate of Auschwitz. According to Gutman, "it's not that important" whether Fragments is a fraud. "Wilkomirski has written a story which he has experienced deeply; that's for sure.... He is not a fake. He is someone who lives this story very deeply in his soul. The pain is authentic." So it doesn't matter whether he spent the war in a concentration camp or a Swiss chalet; Wilkomirski is not a fake if his "pain is authentic": thus speaks an Auschwitz survivor turned Holocaust expert. The others deserve contempt; Gutman, just pity."

It's also worth watching the interviews Finkelstein did on the book, to see how the holocaust industry operates in real time. And of course watch his debate with Dershowitz, and learn about how Dershowitz ruined his career with influence (he just did it again to someone else). This bald bitch tries to act like he knows Raul Hilberg, only for Finkelstein to reveal he's close personal friends with Hilberg (who endorsed the book):

>> No.17893402
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That's true. On another note here's a decent book about zionism, little bit old now but the ideas are still there.

>> No.17893418

You sir are an antisemite.

>> No.17893460
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Thanks for this. It’s simple advice but it is something I could use. I’ve come close to burning bridges with people by bringing up stuff like potential Israeli Mossad involvement in 9/11. Its self-destructive but oddly fun for me.

>> No.17893466

You might like this

>> No.17893470

Yeah, but figures like Netanyahu have criticized stuff like the International Criminal Court launching an investigation into Israel for war crimes against Palestinians as “turning the organization originally meant to fight against stuff like Nazism against its victims.”

>> No.17893493

Glad I can help. Regardless if Mossad was behind 9/11 the Jew sitting in front of you at the dinner table most likely wasn't involved and doesn't understand why you think he was

>> No.17893521


>> No.17893601
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Oh of course.

>> No.17893634

Nice thanks.

>> No.17893638

And your mother wears army boots.

>> No.17893639


>> No.17893665

You're 100% correct, anon

>> No.17894001

Maybe not directly, but they are certainly thinking along the lines of "Nazis killed us during the Holocaust and we can never risk it happening again, even if it means killing Palestinians."
Whenever you criticize Israeli actions they'll accuse you of antisemitism and even namedrop the Nazis or the Protocols. They understand rhetoric and know not to break frame as a method of memetic defense. They take "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children" far more seriously than any /pol/tard could ever take the 14 words.

Source: was Jewish

>> No.17894115

very good book worth reading

>> No.17894254

I never knew anything about Jews. I still really don't
But I watched schindlers list years ago and after, I said id never make a jew joke again (we would just say edgy taboo stuff we didn't know anything about just because)

Seems pretty powerful to me
I think back to that shower scene and it feels pretty exploitative to me now considering the violent emotional reaction I had (meaning it made its way into my nervous system)

>> No.17894559

Nobody has said it but it's been implied millions if not billions of times

>> No.17894776
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I listened to a podcast the other day with Max Blumenthal, who is Jewish or was at least raised Jewish (I don't know if he's religious) and is absolutely hated by Zionists and goes into his experiences of growing up Jewish in D.C. and traveling to Israel and just becoming horrified by the whole Israeli project which he views as increasingly fascistic:


Wrote a book about it too which pretty much got him frozen out of establishment media. His website:


>> No.17894843

>They take "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children" far more seriously than any /pol/tard could ever take the 14 words.
Well, you'll see some white nationalists like Richard Spencer straight up say that he looks at Israel as a model. The thing is, he's not wrong about that when he calls it an ethnostate, although he is being deliberately deceptive when he conflates Israel and Zionism with Jews -- which is also what the Israeli state does. This makes Spencer a Zionist in my opinion.

What he does though, is that he throws a wrench in the arguments that liberal or "progressive" Zionists (to the extent that those people even exist anymore) use to defend Israel. It's an impossible, contradictory position to be in if you're even vaguely "on the left" but I think there is going to be more and more of a split happen with a very hardline anti-Israel left that opposes it on the basis that Israel is a fascist ethnostate, and an anti-Zionist Jewish left (like Blumenthal). And that's where Norman Finkelstein comes from.

And likewise, the deepest wellspring of support for Israel now in the United States comes from Evangelical Christians -- and Israeli newspapers talk about this openly, "we can't just depend on Jews from New Jersey anymore, it's these Bible-thumping Christians who we need to keep in our camp." Of course there is a Jewish Zionist lobby in the U.S., but the Christian Zionist lobby is probably decisive.

Some of the Orthodox Jewish culture can be interesting to me, like this cosmic stuff:


I really like some of this music. Some of those Rabbis look like some pretty dangerous, rough-and-tumble guys though. They'd nuke the Palestinians if they could get away with it.

>> No.17894909

it's not all jews it's simply that if you even say something like 'no jews were not made into lampshades' you are denounced as an antisemitic white supremacist nazi sexist homophobic fascist transphobe pig etc etc. and barred from talking about anything in any capacity. you are simply inhuman to the politicised/associative mind once those labels are dropped. israel/zionists and some other jews encourage this and use it to great effect. the scaffolding is already there and it's so easy to abuse that many jews, along with how they're raised, do gleefully.

>> No.17895963 [DELETED] 

I used to believe everything activists told me about the poor Palestinians, but seeing how much activists have lied about events in my own country during my lifetime, I not believe that Israel is probably doing their best and every Palestinian "kid" or "medic" who gets shot is probably a suicide bomber and every bulldozed house is probably a weapons cache. Fuck activists, won't fool me twice

>> No.17895968

>>17893225 (OP)
I used to believe everything activists told me about the poor Palestinians, but seeing how much activists have lied about events in my own country during my lifetime, I now believe that Israel is probably doing their best and every Palestinian "kid" or "medic" who gets shot is probably a suicide bomber and every bulldozed house is probably a weapons cache. Fuck activists, won't fool me twice

>> No.17895983

Norman Finkelstein is based
now go read some some Barry Chamish


>> No.17895996

There are no good sides sadly.

>> No.17896077

Good post. Thank you

>> No.17896087

>According to Gutman, "it's not that important" whether Fragments is a fraud. "Wilkomirski has written a story which he has experienced deeply; that's for sure.... He is not a fake. He is someone who lives this story very deeply in his soul. The pain is authentic."
I'm supposed to believe this race has a high IQ?

>> No.17896114

It's a manipulative statement, he clearly does not believe in it.

>> No.17896116

Yes, I'm aware