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/lit/ - Literature

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17874722 No.17874722 [Reply] [Original]

Post reviews by women

>> No.17874726

Based slimehole dabbing on pseuds

>> No.17874727

unfathomably based

>> No.17874740

She is more honest and closer to virtue than all of /lit/, who do the same shamelessly.

>> No.17874747

How could a loving God have created women?

>> No.17874766

Chic factor is extremely important in anything that you undertake. Poor fags (in spirit) will never understand.

>> No.17874768

That's a veiled review of the book, can you even read between the lines, she says the book's only worth is the color of its cover and 'didn't understand a word he was saying' means the book was shit.

>> No.17874995
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based sarah

>> No.17875441
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The existence of women proves gnosticism true

>> No.17875469

What book?

>> No.17875470

so uhh this board is just a bunch of incel misogynists? yikes, who hurt yall?

>> No.17875476

You are nowhere near close to any virtue with that pseud projection

>> No.17875484

>means the book was shit.
why would she rate it 5/5 then?

>> No.17875487

What book?

>> No.17875494

Might be reading a bit into it but it's definitely tongue in cheek.

>> No.17875495

Oh, so you're telling me that you actually read books? You actually sit down for several hours to stare at paper?

>> No.17875501


>> No.17875513

You're a man. You wouldn't understand it.

>> No.17875514


>> No.17875538

Sarah is just such a nice name. I can't help it, but I have fallen in love with every woman I've met who was named Sarah. I don't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.17875548

It's a very wifey, very classic and biblical name. When I think of the name I imagine cute girls with pale skin and brown hair and noble eyes.

>> No.17875554


>> No.17875579

We are all tools anon. Everything can be described as a tool. Like us, women are tools, and unfortunately they are being grievously misused

>> No.17875603

Does the number of stars mean anything when the text of the reviews are bad? I'm sure you actually read the reviews and not the stars, right?

>> No.17875612

It's perfectly explained in the Bible. We're being punished by Adam's actions of allowing his wife to give him the forbidden fruit.

>> No.17875655
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how about men who are actually women

>> No.17875718


Imagine failing at being a woman lol
opinion = discraded

But let's judge his argument on merit. Is a revolution a stark deviation from the norm, or an everyday unsurprising occurrence?

>> No.17875720

What a disgusting specimen. Burke was nothing short of a saint.

>> No.17875918

Sucks, but female materialist consumerism is still less shit than female "intellectual" consumerism. Guarantee this lady is exponentially less shitty than almost any f*male undergrad.

>> No.17875938

That guy is firing the right shot at the wrong target

>> No.17875952

This quote doesn't even indicate that Burke was against the Revolution which he was but that's beside the point here. Why do normies struggle so hard with reading books that present a worldview opposite to their own? I have no problem getting through Marx for example

>> No.17876021

shes based

>> No.17876022

>than almost any f*male undergrad.
female graduates aren't better than the undergrad variety.

>> No.17876040

I guarantee you she has an undergrad degree lol

>> No.17876070

I formaly invite you both to go fuck yourselves for making me remember her. We were happy

>> No.17876192

Revolutions become more frequent as time goes by. Specifically those moved by scientific advances and new laws, so much so that there might have been serious revolutions (in the dictionary sense) in the late 2019 - early 2021 period alone that we aren't aware of.

>> No.17876198
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A classic

>> No.17876211

Philosemite trash.
Margaret is a real Aryan name.

>> No.17876224

It's a joke, you nerds.

>> No.17876225

Margaret is Greek and Aryan means Iranian.

>> No.17876336
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Imagine being the dicklet Tyrone in question and coming across this review.

>> No.17876359

??? why the fuck did she have to relate her unrelated sexual experience. She should be banned for making people read her unrelated blogshit

>> No.17876363

No retard, Iranian is derived from Aryan, a word synonymous with Indo-European which describes a multitude of peoples including Greeks and excluding semites.

>> No.17876381

I'm not a gnostic, I disagree with gnostic dualism and Manichaean world-denial, but you're right. There's something incredibly base, tamasic and chthonic about testosterone-deficient anthropomorphs.

>> No.17876391

I appreciate her florid prose, in spite of the degenerate subject matter.

>> No.17876539

How do you think I feel?
We are sufferers of a shared pain.

Why do you insist on this rude existence?

>> No.17876548

Is this an ironic review?

>> No.17876552

Never had a Sarah in my life. But I had a Sylvia. She was perfection. But I let her go and I regret it so I can relate.

>> No.17876659

Holy kino heheheh

>> No.17876703

Tears of Eros

>> No.17876710


God I love the femoid race.

>> No.17876716

proof women aren't funny even when resorting to low brow HAHA SEX

>> No.17876732


>> No.17876747

I don't show people my books and I don't tell them people what I read.
Not everyone reads for street cred or whatever.

>> No.17876757

lmao at the virgins seething. this is pretty damn funny.

>> No.17876790

My sisters name is Sarah. It’s a very Jewish name.

>> No.17876794

Does she mock her partner? I want to read it but I'm extremely insecure incase she roasts something that hits home

>> No.17876808

Why disagree?

>> No.17876949
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Anon, it's perfectly related. She proved Weininger correct.

>> No.17876973


it was foretold

>> No.17876994

jewesses are cute

>> No.17877011

>hahah dick
funny how male liberals are feminine in nature

>> No.17877019

That's the worst moment of her life? How can you possibly think that women don't live on easy mode?

>> No.17877081
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I've been sleeping on these Handmaid's Tale Reviews for ages

Part 1 of 2

>> No.17877087
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Part 2 of 2

>> No.17877115

>Please please please let me kill babies ;’(

>> No.17877124

I was kind of in love with a Sarah. Dammit.

>> No.17877191

I actually kek'd, but it's most likely just pasta anyway. I remember seeing a similar review

>> No.17877203

Why do women always blog about everything? No one cares what you have to say you stupid cunt.

>> No.17877218

At least she has good taste

>> No.17877225

Lmao, fucking based

>> No.17877263
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>> No.17877282
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>> No.17877293

What the fuck

>> No.17877297

fucking kek what is she reviewing?

>> No.17877302

imagine hating yourself so much you imagine everyone else is just like you to cope. Wow you're a sad specimen

>> No.17877305

I thought this was satire. Is it possible to have a dick that small?

>> No.17877362

It's Hebrew in origin, so yes, that's true. However, it's a pretty popular name and there's probably thousands of girls named Sarah who aren't Jewish. Are you Jewish?


Good for you, fren. Strike while the iron's hot.

>> No.17877382

What does any of that have to do with Handmaid's Tale?
Isn't it about girls in Puritan New England and witchcraft?

>> No.17877388

bait harder

>> No.17877421

It's mostly true, people on here either read some parts of edgy fringe political treatises or buy books that make them look good and never read

>> No.17877585

Post pics

>> No.17877591

OP had a good idea

>> No.17877620

Of what?

>> No.17877635

>muh women
the most redpiled on women book - Wuthering Heights - is wrtitten by a woman, how can you cope /lit/?

>> No.17877679
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The Handmaid's Tale goodreads page is full of these. They actually believe the future of The Handmaid's Tale is possible. It'd be sad if it weren't so hilarious.

It's actually a dystopia set in a near future after conservative Christians stage a coup against the United States. They finally get to do what we all know Christians have wanted all along: turn all women into sex/baby rearing slaves.
It's basically rape smut made more complicated by Margaret Atwood's irrational fear of Christians and all things remotely feminine.

>> No.17877690

This Is Pleasure by Mary Gaitskill

>> No.17877712

How delusional must one be to believe that is close to being a reality in the US. ESPECIALLY since conservatives keep ceding and ceding their Christian beliefs, and now basically only are firm on their economic views. The only Christian value mainline conservatives still have in common for the most part is being pro-life, and some even are willing to bend slightly if a woman was raped.

>> No.17877748

>'Woman is only sexual'
>Otto 'I make them think about their ex' Weininger

>> No.17877868
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I like to think even Atwood was shocked women bought the grift.
Sauce: https://archive.is/HPt9q

>> No.17877893
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>> No.17877895

based. Is there anymore literature like this?

>> No.17878016

butthurt basketball american detected

>> No.17878063
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Can anyone match the power of a brown woman with a thesaurus?

>> No.17878105
File: 351 KB, 750x1334, BC4C52D9-DAB4-41A1-A281-8119FC219CC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the top review for Hobbes’ Leviathan.

>> No.17878136

>women deserve the right to vot.......

>> No.17878173

wouldn't 'paradigm shift' be more accurate in that context

>> No.17878197

>i hate him so much i would flash him

... what the fuck why are grills like this

is this like the same thing that causes them to protest for political causes and every time they do it they get naked for no fucking reason?

>> No.17878224

Uncontrolled narcissism. I love how she manages to make exactly the opposite of the correct interpretation of Hobbes, like how the fuck can you read Leviathan and think it’s advocating for Christian theocracy?

>> No.17878227

Never paid much attention to that reddit novel but that sounds like a utopia

>> No.17878230

Picked up. That is some interesting stuff.

>> No.17878238

Get the new translation, the old one is pretty awful.

>> No.17878244

Will do.

Also, is the German word for 'sex' supposed to be an onomatopoeia? lel

>> No.17878251
File: 1.33 MB, 1720x3776, OYVEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based boomette

>> No.17878263

boomers using the internet is wild
their whole generation occupies a strange space. they dont read. they use the internet in bizarre ways. really, theyre only comfortable with television

>> No.17878289
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>> No.17878335

Sounds good

>> No.17878339
File: 188 KB, 1125x1734, FB8AF728-7CD7-475C-A063-E53BEB64B82F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers read, but only what has been vetted by their peers and favored media personalities as being acceptable. The way they use the internet is possibly the most pure and true to its original intended use. No other generation seems more addled, more incomprehensibly amazed by the internet and all its bamboozling distractions than Boomers. I often feel like it’s made for them alone.

>> No.17878343

Me on Goodreads after reading House of the Sleeping Beauties.

>> No.17878396
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>> No.17878417
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>not exactly sure what I just read
>the most blatant metaphor in literature

>> No.17878431
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How about some based women reviews?

>> No.17878465

I want to fuck her so bad bros

>> No.17878475
File: 201 KB, 1024x1406, 1CC33B02-173A-4639-8FA1-A4D3389BCFED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not based at all

She looks like a man. To each their own.

>> No.17878496
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go outside, you need it

>> No.17878580
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Did someone say BASED?

>> No.17878595

p solid

>> No.17878602


>> No.17878705
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Lots of love to you too, Timmy

>> No.17878887 [DELETED] 

what book is this?

>> No.17878902

poor guy.

>> No.17878920

>turning your review into a blog

>> No.17878923

Literal Schizo post

>> No.17878928

What the fuck. How do you not enjoyed Frankenstein?
I finished it one sitting. It was immensely pleasurable.

>> No.17878959

Lmao, this is like a cumtown joke

>> No.17878964

>Mishima writes book perfectly encapsulating his view of masculinity
>Woman has this impression of it

Honestly exactly what I expected. Sailor is the Master and Commander of novels

>> No.17878965

After all this amount of cringe women produce daily, is there really someone who still likes women??

>> No.17878985

was this you? >>17876198

>> No.17878994
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Actually funny, cant believe so many of you guys are seething at this

>> No.17879080

>I didn't think anything could be worse than Kafka's 'The Metamorphoses.'
>Seems I'm never too old to be wrong.

>> No.17879086

Not anymore sadly, well not in once sitting. I tend to have 20 to 30 min reading breaks in between work at the moment. Sometimes on the weekend I pull a few hour reading session but not like I'm used to.

>> No.17879215 [DELETED] 

they were the first generation for whom reading was really just a form of entertainment, a second-rate form of television... Was it Gore Vidal who tore Wilder's ass off for writing 'Our Town'?

>> No.17879335

Butterfly's diary desu

>> No.17879357

It's more based when women are honest bimbos

>> No.17879445

No lies detected.

>> No.17879456

By them and for them.

>> No.17879476

>Dear Diary
>Today I made very meaningful and concise posts on /lit/ about anarchism, socialism, and obscure LGBTQP authors. Popped over to /tv/ for a hot minute to post in a Lynch thread about Jodorowsky.
>Came back to /lit/ had a glass of zinni, made wistful posts about the socialism's appeal to the highest human aspirations.
>Masturbated to softcore CP.
>Still no gf. Or wealthy and handsome anon dropping me his email so he can sugardaddy me. This despite my internet fame.
>Oh well. There's always tomorrow.

>> No.17879509

>They finally get to do what we all know Christians have wanted all along: turn all women into sex/baby rearing slaves.
Yes because christianity is a fashionable new political system you can project your own desires unto and not a 2000 year old religion. Lol!

>> No.17879512

why are all the somewhat interesting women fatties or dykes?

>> No.17879533

This is actually hilarious. She seems fun.

>> No.17879558

/lit/ chads

>> No.17879628

He's being sarcastic, not baiting you moron.

>> No.17879824

>wah wah i'm scared daddy i don't want to go to work boohoo i'm an insect please don't kill me

The Metamorphosis is a poorly-delivered runt of an idea which only appeals to small-minded individuals who think critics are the voice of good taste. Any "Goosebumps" children's book has tighter writing, better pacing, and bigger stakes. Its brevity is its only redeeming quality.

>> No.17879866

The irony in this post is palpable

>> No.17879876

Holy based

>> No.17880329


I don't need to cope. I long ago internalized: "Don't try to understand women; women understand women; and women hate women".

There was a quote from Hollaback Homme a while ago about romantic love requiring the ability to project an idealized version of the entire sex onto a partner, and how repeated sexual contact makes that impossible for women. Trying to understand women is the flip side to that.

>> No.17880364

I don't read hardcovers, I don't wear nail polish and I don't talk about any of the books I've read here, only irl. I mostly come here to shitpost.
>virtuously refuted

>> No.17880647

hello, based institution?

>> No.17880701


>> No.17880703

There's kids in Fountainhead??

>> No.17880708

How am I supposed to look chic with books when they don't leave my home?

>> No.17880710

>insecure self conscious egomaniac
literally me HAHAH

>> No.17880719
File: 1.14 MB, 3006x1284, 31F98F69-5815-442A-8039-B2583D6F78BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban women

>> No.17880722

A self-aware woman?

>> No.17880738

Unironically one of, if not the best reason to buy and read a book.

>> No.17880867

>haha the joke is that a guy had a small penis but she's being very verbose about it! very epic funny!
>why aren't you laughing? you're probably mad because it's a WOMAN being funny, right?

>> No.17880885

>you're probably mad because it's a WOMAN being funny, right?
project harder

>> No.17880897

Here here! More cuckolding, less rape!

>> No.17880911

>you guys don't think a woman WORDS WORDS WORDSing "haha small penis" is very funny, clearly you're SEETHING
>*points out you're retarded and gay*

>> No.17880976


Wittgenstein would literally hand this book out to people and ask them to read it.
if I remember correctly he said most of it was wrong, but was interesting in the way it was wrong
Probably something to do with him being a self-hating jew as well

>> No.17880979

I need to read this, this is some good shit

Which translation?

>> No.17881028

Dude calm down. There is no call for your all caps screeching.

>> No.17881051
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This isnt based at all. A brief look at the rest of this review and a few of her others outs her as a cookie cutter middle aged feminist with slightly above average eloquence. Moans about 'patriarchy', 'misogyny', 'racism' and 'religion' on a cassette loop, zero thought given to what full sexual liberation spells for a civilisation long term, either that or Class Solidarity Machine Broke when it comes to down and out white males starting to recognise a shit deal when they see one

>> No.17881091

think I would let her conquer my Moby-Dick if you catch my drift

>> No.17881113

isnt this the same idea behind stack/shelf threads? we're all the same

>> No.17881243

I never realized how fat this guy was

>> No.17881301

Being greek I always fall in love with helens.

>> No.17881670

A brown woman with a thesaurus and a punctuation manual

>> No.17881821

Where's the lie?

>> No.17881829


>> No.17881852

based Stacy

>> No.17881869

Serious question, /lit/. How much to pork Roxane Gay after she’s had several boxes of rangoons and hasn’t showered for at three days besides? She also wants you to lick her feet.

>> No.17881973

Young blonde too dumb to understand animal farm. My god, she’s perfect.

>> No.17882414

It's not funny or clever. It only proves the point Weininger tries to make

>> No.17882431

True, but lit isn't ready to hear that yet.

>> No.17882445

Read the theogony.

>> No.17882653

>caring about the opinions of a literally who jewish incel
If your father were still in the picture he would probably kill you and/or himself.

>> No.17882804

holy kek. proving the man's point directly. the jokes just write themselves.

>> No.17882920
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The fact people responded to you so butthurt suggests they conceive of themselves as the average /lit/izen. What you said is absolutely true of people on this shitty board, and it's sad that so many people think they are representatives of this board rather than exceptions to the rule. If they really were better than the shit on this board they wouldn't take offense to your point, because it's absolutely correct.

>> No.17882937

This cunt's kind of based ngl

>> No.17883115
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Yeah right, it's the "boomers" who don't read or only read what their told to and not the stupid kiddies who play around on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, tick-tock, musically, vine, and Twitch all day. Fuck off.
Growing up, TV was a communal thing; you watched it with your family and you talked about all the recent episodes with kids during recess and the guys after work (we liked to talk about Cheers and Miami Vice as kids, but strictly speaking, we shouldn't have been watching that sort of stuff.)
Yeah sure there were some couch-potatoes who just watched TV all day (mostly old guys) but most people just watched a couple of shows and turned it off.
Other than TV and radio there was nothing else to mindlessly do that didn't involve TALKING to someone (our Social media was called the mall! It was almost as much of a waste of time but at least mall-rats didn't have their face stuck in front of a screen all day!).
Besides video games (which didn't take too much of our lives up either unlike nowadays), there was nothing to distract us. We went fishing, played real life games, and generally just enjoyed being outside.
You know what else we did? READ. Us kids were really into Tolkien, even the rocker types I liked hanging around with read that sort of stuff. C.S. Lewis, of course, was another good writer we read. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was something my older brother swore by and reading it I ENVIED him so much (excellent book please read it). He also read stuff like Steppenwolf but I can't say that I've gotten around to reading that yet. My family was fortunate enough to have the Encyclopædia Britannica set, that was basically our Wikipedia (we and most people also got the info we wanted from the library. I'll admit that information being available to more people is a good thing but the library was a cool place to hang out and kids don't do that enough these days). My dad loved true crime stuff and books like All The Presidents Men (Never read it but the film was amazing). I could go on but this comment is already way to long and I'm rambling right now.
Point is, the older generations (I'm not a boomer but you kids use that term every which way nowadays to talk about us older guys) read way more books than you guys ever did (unless, maybe, you happen to count YA stuff).
t. 48

>> No.17883164

It's just so tiring, I hate women why lord why do I have to put up with them all my life? I want to stop existing

>> No.17883314


>> No.17883511

>God I hate women, I wish they didn't exist.
Misogyny != faggotry
Seriously, why are young men like this nowadays?
This board is stating to become as gay as /lgbt/ and /int/

>> No.17883549

>Seriously, why are young men like this nowadays?
Because young women are like that nowadays.

>> No.17883610

put your reading glasses on grandpa

>> No.17883637

For what it’s worth, a local bar I hang out at has a bunch of teenagers working and one of them was bragging about how a girl he’s talking to on snap had just sent him a video of a cucumber in her asshole
The manager is younger than me, 28, and even he fucking blanched on the spot

>> No.17883684

Tyrone bros I don't feel so good...

>> No.17883771

>Seriously, why are young men like this nowadays?
Have a look at how young women are these days. In fact, just have a look at how society is these days. There's zero incentive to get close to women and a very high incentive to stay the fuck away from them.

>> No.17883806

For all we know, that guy's name was Juan or Pajeet or something, just saying...

>> No.17884160

It is.
It has a really unique style of storytelling based on the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual, but instead of statistics and gameplay data it slowly unfurls 健康クロス's vision of a dark, erotic utopia.
If you can read Japanese (or are willing to suffer through some bad translations) and have any interest in fantasy or erotica I heartily recommend it. The physical versions have some additional text and illustrations, but for me nothing beats the original web version.

>> No.17884198
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I don't know what it actually is though

>> No.17884254

Based Zedder

>> No.17884264

It's literally tranny shills from bunkerchan. /lit/ is notoriously receptive to them.

>> No.17884272
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>> No.17884332

Much like your post Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was bloated, self-fellating, bore.

>> No.17884347

>shelves: non-ya
imagine reading so much YA that it’s easier to classify your books this way
what /lit/anons say about f*moids is true isn’t it

>> No.17884369

pretty girls don't have to try in life so they tastes aren't sublime, this isn't rocket science

>> No.17884373

>I wish they didn't exist.

Wrong. I just don't think they deserve the same rights men do. If we weren't supposed to treat them as 'equals', then nobody would care about their petty diatribes.

>> No.17884430

>pretty girls live life on easy mode
how does this explain the phenomenon of grown adult women reading primarily YA

>> No.17884437

Women are the perfect consoomers.

>> No.17884599


German here. It's Franziska for me.

>> No.17884612

Hilarious and also proves Weininger’s thesis. Very nice.

>> No.17884719

Think about YA for a moment. It's a perfectly alluring premise.
Young Adult
"For adults and those who think young."
"For the youthful and the worldwise."
This genre is packaged as a fount of wisdom and virtue. The young girl who picks up a novel from the YA section believes she is crossing a bridge from her youthful inexperience in adulthood. The middle aged woman who picks up a YA wants a rearview mirror with which to reclaim her own youth. It's genius.
Independent of the marketting, the YA genre has become centered on community. The authors are all connected with each other, first by social media, second by a complicated net of recommendations, mutual promotions and assorted fellations. They borrow each other's plot structures, character patterns, and conflicts. remember, the writers fall into the category of "middle aged women." It's a recursive game of telephone and the results are sold as a semblance of reality.
YA creates its own reality, and it immunizes itself against dissent. Like a living organism rejecting a pathogen, the YA community rejects stories that reflect too deeply on what it means to be human, a woman, or a girl. They reject stories that conflict with the grand tacit agreements that make up the bulk of YA storytelling. Now especially, fluffy depictions of alternative lifestyles devoid of internal conflict are the norm. It's a beautiful false reality women have been spoon-fed for decades. The real world does not function the way it does in a YA novel, but YA is so familiar and attractive to them that they cannot overcome the pain of rowing out of it. They MUST come back to the world of YA, to allow themselves to be shaped by the YA author circles. Maybe it's the female equivalent of a coom addiction.

Really the fault lies with publishers and writers for failing to adapt the qualities of literature for the more broadly educated public last century.

>> No.17884792

And you will never be a woman

>> No.17884805

are we allowed to hit those?

>> No.17884945

>mutual promotions and assorted fellations
Kek, interesting to hear about the cliquishness of the industry itself but that doesn’t explain the phenomenon from the perspective of the reader.
The main explanations you provided for grown adults reading YA were:
>rearview mirror with which to reclaim lost youth
>beautiful and alluring false reality to indulge in as an escape
Is that enough for women to justify the humiliation of wasting hours upon hours consuming content intended for tweens? We’re missing something here.
An idea: the adult YA reader is subconsciously aware that she is mentally more similar to the intended audience of the book than to the adult men around her. She turns to YA as a socially-acceptable way to rebel against the prevailing feminist culture that asserts that she is in every way the equal of those men. Reading YA provides her a way to temporarily strip off her mask and take up her rightful place in the hierarchy. This ‘recharging’ effect would help explain the relatively common occurrence of the 20-30-something woman with a full-time job and other obligations who is able to get through 100+ YA novels a year.

>> No.17884950

>It's a beautiful false reality women have been spoon-fed for decades. The real world does not function the way it does in a YA novel, but YA is so familiar and attractive to them that they cannot overcome the pain of rowing out of it.

I saw a booktube video once where the presenter was talking with her sister, a YA reader in her 30s. The YA sister basically confirmed this - she said that she reads as an escape, so she's wanting to get away from real-world difficulties and wants something she can gulp down without any reading complexities. The way she described it made it sound like a kind of nostalgia addiction, an adult pining to be back in the more simplistic world of a teenager.

>> No.17884995

First funny thing ever written by a woman

>> No.17885064


>> No.17885350

>one of Europe's largest and most powerful kingdoms which has endured for 1000+ years suddenly collapses overnight into Revolution and invades the entire world
Yeah, that happens every other week.
Fucking subhuman tranny moron.

>> No.17885354

Quintessential pseud post.

>> No.17885402

Aren't there multiple countries in the middle east that are basically like the society described in The Handmaid's Tale except Muslim?

>> No.17885415

>vibrate with originality
>the strange
>voracious imagination
>straining the seams of skin

Please stop.

>> No.17885432
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>the adult YA reader is subconsciously aware that she is mentally more similar to the intended audience of the book than to the adult men around her.
This may be part of it. A more charitable explanation might take into account the high (and rapidly declining)social value attached to their feminine beauty.
In any novel, the physicality of the characters is secondary to their actions and their thoughts. For a woman who can no longer look like a YA protagonist, perhaps thinking and behaving like one can alleviate some of the existential dread of aging.
>to rebel against the prevailing feminist culture that asserts that she is in every way the equal of those men.
I'm not sure about this one. The characters may have weak agency on the whole, but YA is usually absurdly feminist(in the most stereotypical ways).
>woman with a full-time job and other obligations who is able to get through 100+ YA novels a year.
This phenomena is extremely interesting as has a lot to do with the way YA is written. Even YA books that are lauded for being "beautifully written" are designed to be skimmed. In fact, to get the best experience, you have to read as quickly as you can. Any given paragraph will contain only 1-3 ideas. The sentences within each paragraph are extremely redundant, but if you gloss past the paragraph long enough to absorb even one of those ideas, you have everything you need to understand what's happening. It's a totally different animal from most other literature.
>rowing out of it
I meant "growing out of it"
Yeah, I know a few women like the one you describe.

>> No.17885445

I don't think they make the concubines literally do the sex on the wife's lap in those countries, but basically

>> No.17885495

>the "ginger kid" is a literal Chad
>rape fetish is the most common fetish for women
Chances are she (a post-wall 4/10) would hit that at light speed regardless of his political opinions if given half a chance.

>> No.17885623

Some of us read as an escape too but in a different way. I enjoy reading classics because I am disgusted by the present age and try to remove myself from it as much as possible. I don't want to think about social media, widespread drug abuse, feminism, BLM, anti-white racism, dysgenics, climate change, and whatever new degenerate fad is trending today. It's all over the internet, television, music, everything. The only place you can get away from it is by reading books that are at least 100 years old. I suspect that a lot of people here feel the same way.

>> No.17885645

Exactly right. Escapists and coomers alike come in all sexes

>> No.17885648
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dropped pic>>17885645

>> No.17885711

Ah yes, I remember the middle ages, the period where the Church was at the height of its power, and where all women in Christendom were some form of slave. Indeed, one could argue that the greatest impact of that era was their attitudes towards women. What a frightening epoch of history.

>> No.17885726

I hope she gets so triggered she commits suicide

>> No.17885781

You're an edgy little fag aren't ya? lol

>> No.17885794

Search for responses to questions about Schopenhauer's "On Women" on Quora. It's a goldmine.

>> No.17886083

He's called Gas for a reason, sweaty.

>> No.17886756
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Being a biological male homo is top /lit/, femanon-chan~

>> No.17886769

based and incredibly funny

>> No.17886789

I should call her...

>> No.17886814

>Its brevity is its only redeeming quality.
This is such a cliché that I'm sure you came up with it yourself.

>> No.17886832

It's non-ya business

>> No.17886857

god i need to leave this fucking website

>> No.17886994


>> No.17886997
File: 81 KB, 509x1102, 1616380006884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read a book dumbass this Mongolian erotic fan fiction forum will still be here when you get back

>> No.17887128
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"I wasn't always smart, I was actually very stupid in school [T]here was a boy who was very attractive who was even stupider than I was. And in order to ingratiate myself with this boy who was very beautiful, I began to do his homework for him – and that's how I became smart, I had to do all this work to just keep ahead of him a little bit, in order to help him. In a sense, all the rest of my life I've been trying to do intellectual things that would attract beautiful boys."

>> No.17887158

lack empathy

>> No.17887289

no, in private women are whores and men are cumbrains there too

>> No.17887336
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holy shit I knew I'd seen that mug somewhere before
I don't know how someone can read so much and stay so dumb. Honestly terrifying.

>> No.17887439
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>please be my gf please god

>> No.17887444

God I hate and love women bros

>> No.17887561

>the future of The Handmaid's Tale is possible
I fucking wish it were.

>> No.17887640

This is the most emotionally healthy take for a man to have.

>> No.17887695

which book

>> No.17887702

checked and true. never forget weininger, bros.

>> No.17887719

Midnight library, first in fiction when you go to choice awards on goodreads

>> No.17887987


I've noticed a trend with this sort of thing - women always assume the author has a positive or affirmative view of whatever they write in their books. They can't comprehend writing something vulgar and awful, not because you agree with it, but because it's an unspoken indictment of something you've witnessed, or just a difficult concept being explored with an author's neutrality. I've noticed that when women write about 'issues' (see any booker prize shortlist, it's full of real-world issue crap, mostly about identity and immigration) they withhold the grotesque, and instead hit you in the face with very obvious "this thing is bad" language. This is why I feel thatas long as women always come into literature with this mindset of author-reader 'solidarity' they'll never write anything visceral. Blood meridian written by a woman would tell us exactly why the characters were evil, instead of letting them be evil.

>> No.17888054
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>I absolutely bought this book because the narratives match my favourite 4chan memes exactly. really, I didn't understand a word he was saying but I looked impossibly redpilled while reading it.

>> No.17888067

is this what schizophrenia feels like

>> No.17888305
File: 64 KB, 680x349, Screenshot_2021-03-28 Selected Writings (Penguin Classics) Eckhart, Meister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men do the best reviews

>> No.17888331
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like pottery

>> No.17888407

>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was bloated, self-fellating, bore.

why do boombooms love this book so much?

>> No.17888465

Sarah? I've always been more of a Hannah guy

>> No.17888681

>valuable minutes of my life
Considering the story she just told, not likely.

>> No.17888687

Every Margaret I’ve ever met has been the pudgy and inbred-esque sort of ugly, and annoying or a bitch.

>> No.17888696

>t. women

>> No.17888700

Don't remind me. God that author is trash.

>> No.17888711

That’s really cool. Also unfathomably based.

>> No.17888728

Who would ever think of making a single goodreads review into your personal, regularly-updating blog post? Very based.

>> No.17889154
File: 163 KB, 643x478, Screen Shot 2021-03-28 at 22.14.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman's review of Weininger's 'Sex and Character'

Pretty much exactly what one would expect, and completely reaffirms everything written in the book they are so desperate to slander.

>> No.17889191

somebody (>>17876198) beat you to it anon and already farmed a sizable crop of (You)s from it

>> No.17889252

That guy is a gifted writer. Incredibly based.

>> No.17889256

>Regarding Otto Weininger, Adolf Hitler is reported to have said something to the effect of "There was only one decent Jew, and he killed himself."

>> No.17889275

You must be kidding, christshit.

>> No.17889309

>shelf: subterranean
who needs this category

>> No.17889324


>> No.17889464

> how the fuck can you read Leviathan and think it’s advocating for Christian theocracy?
Narcissistic projection. Plain and simple.

>> No.17889507

No, don’t base your understanding of the world off of 4chan.

>> No.17889567

Peak feminine literary review. It has everything:
>the reviewer’s sex is brought up apropos of nothing
>has literally the most wrong interpretation of the text possible
>threatens violence against dead author because she “just can’t even”
And she did it in such a short word count. Bonus points for brevity.

>> No.17889623

Woah, this one radiates femme-boomer energy. Bery impressive.

>> No.17889691

lol triggered boomers always make sure effort-heavy posts

>> No.17889704

I don't get what's supposed to be funny about this. Women are never funny because they don't suffer sexually.

>> No.17889738

I always see this in women's reviews of any media. Most recently when I stumbled upon a RYM review of Diamanda Galas' s/t album where the female reviewer criticized it for sounding scary and evil.

>> No.17889751

that's Bloom, not Gass.

>> No.17889763

You need all of the fertile women in your nation having at least 2-3 kids. That shit is their duty, their role.

I hate this narcissistic age where people think their lives matter, but society as a whole doesn't.

>> No.17889802

>mutt doesn't known what virtue is
Color me surprised

>> No.17890192
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Fuck society

>> No.17890305

Wizard with the words! I’m impressed with her writing skills

>> No.17890370

this is funny BUT she resorts to "MUH VAGINA", so I'll give it a 7/10

>> No.17890417

Based and individualistpilled

>> No.17890448

wow, im feeling homicidal after this one. the arrogance and stupidity fucking christ

>> No.17890581
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I, for one, think women are incredibly based.

>> No.17890662

Family Guy-style writing hopping from cultural reference to cultural reference is nauseating and quintessential boomercore

>> No.17890728

This is just OP with slightly different cut.

>> No.17890750

I'm pretty sure that was written by some gayfag in the late 60's. Some Warhol guy

>> No.17890806
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>> No.17890822

She didnt write that. Shes a softcore porn star who went back to school and fashioned herself as a sexpert. Im almost certain that was written by a gay man, as the sexuality on display is that of a gay mans

>> No.17890942
File: 123 KB, 800x445, 1614698877010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first kiss was with a Sarah...
Where has the time gone brehs?

>> No.17891117


She’s bitching about the second impeachment. No sane human being actually followed another show trial willingly. It’s a litmus test for TDS.

>> No.17892123

>zero zip nada
stopped right there

>> No.17892130

You're not allowed to hit anyone, you troglodyte.

>> No.17892252
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>> No.17892259

You mean pro-birth. They don't give a fuck what happens to the kids after that, as long as the mother is forced to squeeze it out.

>> No.17892428

>It only proves the point Weininger tries to make
>review contains spoilers
Guess the irony was lost on you.

>> No.17892451

sarah pls go

>> No.17892488

says you nerd

>> No.17892505
File: 21 KB, 474x363, 1616888586021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait

>> No.17892545

someone should write to him

>> No.17892572

it says from its airconditioned box, drinking water and eating food with no idea where they're from

>> No.17892639

>Mein Kempf
holy shit this is GOLD

>> No.17892713

I envy those times. At least most of us here remember the times before everyone had a smartphone and stared at it for 3 hours daily.

>> No.17892718

I read the handmaids tale it's shit.
>if we had a nuclear holocaust and most women became infertile, it'd be pretty shit for women
>and some shit about government controlling us too
There I saved you a couple hundred pages. Fuck off Atwood.

>> No.17892752

He doesn't exist, women just have bad=smallpenis as a shortcut in their brain nowadays.
>I dislike guns, if you have a gun you must have a small penis
>I dislike big cars, if you have a big car....
>I dislike xyz, if you like xyz you are a virgin/no girlfriend loser

>> No.17893170

>harlo davidson goes vroom vroom

>> No.17893277

>channel my inner john mccain and just survive the torture
actually made me laugh, based grandma

>> No.17893319

We got too cocky

>> No.17893594

sounds like an actual paranoid schizophrenic babbling about invisible conspiracies

>> No.17893960

I do not think that man voted for Joe Biden...

>> No.17894341

This is basically the same thing as the guys posting pics of books and cigarettes in the other thread.

>> No.17894484
File: 230 KB, 1512x1474, shcope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a women appreciation thread. If you can't see the difference between women and an addictive substance, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.17894495

This is actually incredibly based and cute.

>> No.17894510

>can’t help you

Please log off Twitter faggot.

>> No.17894646

this image makes /lit/ seethe. saved.

>> No.17894653

lamo if youre a man and youre not thinking sex at least 5 times a day somethings wrong with you.

>> No.17894886

Because christ is lord my man.

>> No.17895254

It’s evolutionary psychology, if we have different bodies and different behaviours needed to be successful the obviously we will have different psychological tendencies too (innately from our genes). Why are some people so adverse to this idea? it’s as if they feel it’s immoral to believe such a thing.

>> No.17895322

They revile the individual and worship the collective. If they must be an individual, they must hold themselves responsible for their own evil.

>> No.17895362
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>> No.17895554

Keep coping.

>> No.17895569

She's right and based.

>> No.17896271

certain religious factions on the right are trying to defund isis, because they commit genocide which is only 3% of what they do (with NO federal $ going towards them). Mostly IS provides protection to muslims who wouldn't get is otherwise..........icky poor muslims.

>> No.17896307

idiots of both sexes think this way. they can't comprehend much.

>> No.17896342

RED PILL ALERT: do not view if below top chadist level based clearence
the reason women love this book so much is because it details their most intense sexual desires

>> No.17896439

Bump to keep based thread alive

>> No.17896587

Carolina for me