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17859504 No.17859504 [Reply] [Original]

post songs, albums, or artists you like to listen to while reading if that's something you do

>> No.17859513


>> No.17859524

Psychology literature has taught me to think twice before playing music in the background.

>> No.17859529


I listen to Cumtown backwards.

>> No.17859544
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>> No.17859569

I only can hear no talking ASMR while reading

>> No.17859579


>> No.17859598


listen to drone bands, specifically earth while reading mccarthy (especially blood meridian)

>> No.17859613

Yeah bud The Bees Made Honey was inspired by BM we all know faggot.

>> No.17859647

I don't get the appeal. It's soulless electronic music.

>> No.17859650

ambient and post-rock all dai erri dai

>> No.17859664



>> No.17859974
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I'm not proud to say it, but I've spent 850-900 hours listening to this masterpiece

>> No.17860190
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>> No.17860326


>> No.17860372

I was thinking about this album this morning.

Telepath and HKE are like perfect opposites for me. HKE having great technical and compositional skills but poor inspiration, and Telepath putting his soul into everything despite being basically an amateur with softwares. In other words, HKE the editor and Telepath the poet.

They complement each other. That's why they made something so perfect.

>> No.17860403

Great stuff here are a few more mallsoft albums if you need more.

>> No.17860430

I listen to a lot of ambient stuff and jazz piano, sometimes a bit of chill electronica
Ambient - Brian Eno
Jazz piano - Bill Evans Trio, Brad Mehldau
electronica - liquid DnB (Netsky), Rei Harakami
Sometimes indie stuff from Japan which works because I can't understand their language so its like BGM. Love love love, advantage Lucy

>> No.17860578
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>> No.17860588

i can't concentrate

>> No.17860606

I just listen to “sad ambient music” on spotify

>> No.17860698

god damn noise music is way too fried. none of that was good ,I tried 6/9 albums in your pic. Only halfway ok one was Tiger Thrush because the idea of a cute Japanese lady making those ludicrous noises and looping them to make an album that actually got released is funny to me.

>> No.17860718
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Nothing human is worth listening to. Birds, rivers, the wind, trees; these all make the music of the world and man needs nothing better.

>> No.17860745
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>> No.17860769

Totally forgot about that album. Based. Thanks for reminding me anon.

>> No.17860777

>"dude what an epic mysterious creepy cover, the music must be obviously the same woah": the album

>> No.17860780


>> No.17860921

>stars of the lid: and the refinement of their decline
I remember crying a little bit while listening to this and reading ryu murakami's coin locker babies simultaneously
>harold budd - the pearl
>helios - eingya
absolutely peak comfy.
>any t e l e p a t h album
>any tim hecker album
>any brian eno album
>any hiroshi yoshimura album
>thing song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP61k8iQADs

I also listening to this on repeat while reading stoner: https://youtu.be/2twPX3and_A

my favorite album. Captures the mood of 21st century so perfectly well. I rarely listen to it because I don't wanna get bored of it

>> No.17860927

this song

>> No.17860936

a.k.a. Pablo's Cruise

>> No.17860966
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Mostly classical music because I can't concentrate while listening to voices.

>> No.17860975

There's no denying Eno is the master of ambient

>> No.17860977

schubert isn't distracting??

>> No.17860981

loud techno

>> No.17861009

It isn't, at least for me. Also, I like Chopin too.

>> No.17861296


My favorite song. Hope you like it bros

>> No.17861340

It's a cool cover. Jesus, what is with the incessant cynicism from some of ye?

>> No.17861374

I was suggesting that for most people the enjoyment of the album depends on the cover, not on an intrinsic quality of the music itself.

>> No.17861494
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>> No.17861503

there's plenty of overlap between /mu/ and /lit/ users. I've seen mu threads about what books people read. This is fine

>> No.17861987

elaborate pls

>> No.17862000

great song, but do you really listen to it over and over?

>> No.17862104

I’d say it’s some of the most soulful electronic music out there.

>> No.17862120
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>> No.17862598

>I can't concentrate while listening to voices.
I'm like this too, but it doesn't seem to bother me if it doesn't sound like real words, so I can listen to certain Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance albums. Ultra chill.


>> No.17862695

Based based based.

>> No.17862714


>> No.17862720


>> No.17862990

lol the full album is called the music scene lmao not just the one song

>> No.17863031

Association with an event. If a song plays enough, it may be interlinked in a person's mind. For example, not listening to a certain song a couple loves after that couple break-ups.

>> No.17863223
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The best you can get is ambient, I like artic ambient, it give me a cold hug to put focus on the reading. Other type of music, makes me lose the point. Maybe I'm retarded, I don't know, but this album rocks.

-Deep Frieze by Sleep Research Facility

>> No.17863248

The Revenant main theme by Ryuichi Sakamoto.

>> No.17863261
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I do not listen to music. I am clean

>> No.17863264

the unnatural world is kinda shit desu. deathcon and sea of worry are the better albums, and the voids version of sea of worry songs are better anyways

>> No.17863447

Actually, you're right. If I don't understand what the artist is saying I can listen to his voice. For example, sometimes I listen to mongol chants while reading.

>> No.17863703

Thanks for the rec anon.

>> No.17863775


>> No.17864878

can it also damage your cognitive abilities the same way multitasking does? i'm asking because i've had music playing in the background for a good portion of my life and i've never thought it a bad thing

>> No.17864927

I was reading The Master and Margarita whilst listening to DJ Screw last night and it was peak comfy but usually I turn to Labradford, 2814, Tim Hecker, AL-90, Alice Coltrane, The Lemon Quartet, Jan Jelinek (Loop Finding is the GOAT) and Nils Frahm etc

>> No.17864937

my guy, keep the music blaring, who gives a fuck what some lit pseud is chatting

>> No.17865111

well i've had that question on my mind for some time now (stemming from my recent need of all around mental betterment), and i only asked that anon since he brought up psychology and seems to claim to be well read on the subject

>> No.17865184

fair enough man, I listen to music continuously too and I don't imagine I'm suffering any adverse effects from it, I can recommend reading The Attention Revolution (a book examining the mental advantages of Shamatha meditation on the brain) though which does comment on the notion that you should only direct your attention into one avenue, it explicitly states not to read whilst consuming music if my memory serves me but I'm personally not convinced

>> No.17865264

I read in silence.

>> No.17865274
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I posted this guy in another thread recently. I love this type of music for reading Greek lit and philosophy. There's no real melody, it just kind of peacefully meanders so it's not distracting at all. He has tons of albums on Spotify.


>> No.17865864

Who is Willy Brandt?