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/lit/ - Literature

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17856222 No.17856222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do women read?

>> No.17856226

books on how to exclude 75% of the male population from sexual activity.

>> No.17856256
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Books about finding a wild man who they can tame in order to realize his potential.

>> No.17856262

Go up to a woman and ask.

>> No.17856273

>the a/v Jordan Peterson fan

>> No.17856282

RC Waldun, F Gardner, John David Card, John Green, Horia Belcia, Carl Jung, etc

>> No.17856293

Japanese literature

>> No.17856310
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It's just true. They're pretty much all like that. See Twilight or Shades of Grey.

>> No.17856336
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My mom has been reading pic related, and has 2 bookcases full of J.D Robb books.
She also has erotica and a lot of YA novels

>> No.17856341


>> No.17856347

YA literature mostly from what I've seen.

>> No.17856352

books on psychology and other various pseudosciences. and maybe witchcraft

>> No.17856353


>> No.17856360

Type "sexy" on audiobookbay and middle aged women actually read that stuff unironically.

>> No.17856368

Off the top of my head, my friend has talked about dfw, dillard, fitzgerald, Atwood, Bolaño, Barthes, dune, a tree grows in Brooklyn,
She’s bpd and I want to escape her.

>> No.17856376

The 27 virgin I dumped only read Harry Potter, Star Wars and Hitchiker's guide, shit like that
And my sister only reads autobiographies of black girls who escaped somalia and genocide or whatever

>> No.17856419


>> No.17856481

The first 5 instagram comments on a new picture and twitter.

>> No.17856531

Instagram memes

>> No.17856600

Facebook posts anon

>> No.17856609

That's not how this works anon. We're talking about the average woman not your friend.

>> No.17856618

Based and blackpilled

>> No.17856641

They usually read romance and ya and other types of litchic crap but figuring the taste of the normie girls is too easy. Where's the fun in doing that?

>> No.17856649

The average guy is no better.

>> No.17856655

Mainly detective novels.

>> No.17856661

I didn't make a statement regarding male superiority here. +I'm not sure what the average guy reads. I guess Stephen King and Tom Clancy or something like that.

>> No.17856667

>I guess Stephen King and Tom Clancy or something like that.
The average guy thinks "reading's for fags"

>> No.17856672

I guess we're comparing apples with oranges here anyway, men who read are propably in intelligence further from their average than females.

>> No.17856679

Well he's more embarrassed I think but we are of course talking about the average reader. Neither the average male or woman read.

>> No.17856722

i don't know what they read... but i do know what they write... they write dear john letters to men, good men, who were maybe too focused on work. good, caring men who. who had a lot to offer.

>> No.17856729

Currently reading A Little Life and Pet Sematary
>inb4 tranny
I ovulate

>> No.17856738

You will never be a woman.
You will never have a uterus.

>> No.17856778


what the fuck? how is this the first i'm hearing about this?

>> No.17856788

Jane Austen, Jules Verne

>> No.17856807
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>women contain eggs
>women deposit eggs
>women lay eggs
>the material that women lay eggs into is the woman itself
>i am the product of an egg

what is going on..


>> No.17856845

Are you Swedish?

>> No.17856862

chill schizo, 4chan is not an underground boy's club
lmao bro google it, basic stuff. Is just when the egg is released so it can be fertilized (or not)

>> No.17856864

if anything at all, they read completely brainless trash

>> No.17856874


>> No.17856878
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Is there a chicken inside the woman or WHAT?!!!!?

>> No.17856887

>Aktchually, its because the patriarchy wants women to accept arranged marriages to fugly bozos and finding the "goodness" in that person just because you're forced in that predicament. This is all the tools of the patriarchy despite being a perfectly charming and attractive fantasy for women that memetically stuck in their media, that at the same time can ennoble them for wanting to be a positive force in someone's life.

>> No.17856888

Indeed there is and its name is cowardice. For that reason alone women are beneath men!

>> No.17856897

I hate women so fucking much bros.

>> No.17856924

>what books do women read?
Funny you should ask, I recently started asking my Tinder matches about this and I was surprised to find out that a large majority of them read romance novels.
>Tinder girls- selection bias.
My mom and sister both read about things that interest them. My mother really enjoys Christian spirituality books and some "business related works. My older sister, a social worker, reads a lot of psychology relating to addiction and tangentially related mental illness.

>> No.17856931

pop psychology. I doubt that women read Freud or Adler

>> No.17857016
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Who cares?

>> No.17857027

lol remember the time Nora Roberts got tired of being Nora Roberts so she decided to call herself JD Robb instead and ended up being even more Nora Roberts than Nora Roberts had been

>> No.17857544

Idk but my mum likes Dostojewski, Irvin Yalom and some modern Greek poets/wrjters. She also really liked "Confessioslns of a mask" (by Yukio Mishima) and a book on christianity by Hegel that she read in university. She studied archeology and philology in university so she likes all them classics and can read ancient greek. Stem shit bores her. Idk what other women like to read.

>> No.17857811

girl told me she loves bukowski

>> No.17857822

i guess it depends, my mom likes to read about the habsburg dynasty and countryside crime comedy, sister used to read forensic thrillers and jane austen, exgf read stupid self help books and how to deal with your depression #4352, friend of mine reads ya shit, aunt reads flavor of the month literature (she's a teacher)

>> No.17857920

I have the 'tism

>> No.17857933

Boring shit usually

>> No.17857975

Let her pop the blackheads on your back or you're a faggot

>> No.17857983

Depends on the woman, I guess. Women I've known like to read stuff like Beyond Freedom and Dignity, The Second Sex, Wuthering Heights and tons of erotica.
Yeah, this one too. A surprising amount of them have read some comic book essentials. It baffles me since I lost all interest in that before my 20's.

>> No.17857993
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Sorry for the double post: pic related is also extremely popular.

>> No.17858004

Most books are only read by women. Men don't read books anymore, they just play video games and watch porn.

>> No.17858104

American education.

>> No.17858207

Murakami is pretty popular around wet holes

>> No.17858220
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Calm down roastie, don't get toastie

>> No.17858265

>by Allah I shall give you a taste of my shoe

>> No.17858268

Is your mom like 32?

>> No.17858303

That's definitely not true in the Western world... Britain alone would disprove that.

>> No.17858323

Maybe if they were melodramas

>> No.17858326

Women do not read

>> No.17858904

my slightly autist, formerly tarot obsessed (now obsessed with different kinds of "landscapes" and their names (she makes lists on her phone)) gf says: pratchett, kafka.

she reads kafka because i recc it to her. she likes fantasy literature mostly, doesn't really read any particular author (except pratchett)

>> No.17859031

Just look up "bookshelf tour" on youtube and you'll find out.

>> No.17859067

My mother reads shitty crime novels while my sister enjoys Bukowski, Kundera and Mishima.

>> No.17859085

so much this!

>> No.17859118

Personally, I like reading about the emotional torture of cute men. I want them broken.

>> No.17859138
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>> No.17859149

> third worlders are proud of their primitive parental traditions

Will they grow up soon?

>> No.17859155

if it works it works

>> No.17859175

The "developed" Western family is not exactly a model one should seek to follow.

>> No.17859180

you say that like americans don't brag about being whipped by a belt.

>> No.17859237

Same thing as you do, I pretend to be male to fit in here

>> No.17859246

It's actually a quail.

>> No.17859274
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Nothing. No girls allowed

>> No.17859346

My wife reads Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen... That sort of thing. I got her to read Michel houellebeq once and she hasn't taken a rec from me since lmao

>> No.17859361

85% of women do not read and are mindless consumers
10% read generic romance and YA novels
5% are fujoshi and read fanfic/manga

>> No.17859387

>yet like reading yaoi
What am I?

>> No.17859401

Also, gay

>> No.17859444

The average American*

>> No.17859639

YA, I know creative writing majors that exclusively read YA.

>> No.17859657

my woman friends either read fanfiction or they read the secret history, oscar wilde, sappho poetry, etc. and my mother reads tolstoy and books about how trees communicate

>> No.17859658


>> No.17859672
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>> No.17859673

I think my mother and sister are reading that tree book too.

>> No.17859676

Has she tried reading George Simenon? I feel like that would be up her alley.

>> No.17859706
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if we're talking strictly /lit/, this too probably

>> No.17859736

men should read it too, not joking. at least if you're interested in contemporary literature

>> No.17859750
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>> No.17859823

doubt it

>> No.17860087

do they secretely like harems?

>> No.17860265

love from kazakhstan

>> No.17860278

My diary desu, also checked.

>> No.17860334

>inb4 fanfiction
I do read fanfiction on occasion but my favorite authors are Nabokov and Conrad. I’m reading perfume right now, it’s got some tasty prose for sure.

>> No.17860340

My gf reads a lot of the same books /lit/ reads. She’s old and conservative though.

>> No.17860362

your gf sounds interesting
my gf's just a basic bitch

>> No.17860368

Whatever they're told to

>> No.17860519

No, they openly like harems

>> No.17860813

My ex-best friend was reading Mein Kampf when I met her, and she got really excited when I let her borrow my Satanic Bible to read. I don't know any other women.

>> No.17860848

She said bukkake. You need to learn to listen to women anon.

>> No.17860872

is there a youtube channel that consists of a female reading their short stories with stock footage as a backdrop ?

is this an actual youtube world?

>> No.17860918

I hate women and want to contribute to this thread but I can't write fast enough on my phone so I am going to go home where my computer is brb

>> No.17860929
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the issue is that the internet has given unto women harems of their own choosing. this gay ass future has women sampling men instead of men sampling women.


>> No.17860935

Based brother. Our Holy Prophet Eliott Rodger (PBUH) was correct. The retribution will come. The fire rises. Inshallah

>> No.17860939

based. you better write a novella

>> No.17860957

I meant women forming harems, each for a single chad

>> No.17860993

i know what you meant but your observation is on its head. roasties aren't signing up for harems, roasties have harems arranged for them through apps. you're lost in another century, brother. wake up.

>> No.17861163

What they hell you doing dealing with a borderline female. Unless you live with her cut her out before you get borderline slop all over you.

>> No.17861214

Some things I hate about women

>Slow, saunter everywhere
Try walking anywhere with your girlfriend. She will go slow even relative to how fucking short and weak she is. A man of the same height and build would walk much faster.

Women cry about having a "bad day." Women cry in response to being asked why they are crying.

Every woman is "on keto" and won't shut the fuck up about keto. Yet they are also stupid and cheat constantly so they are probably not even on keto most of the time but slingshotting back and forth between ketosis and carb crashing.

All women are stupid.

Women are not ambitious. Don't ever talk to me again about "getting serious" when you're a 26 year old medical technician who has already reached the highest job title you can ever hope to hold in your industry within 3 years and you are constantly causing drama at the office so you won't even have it for long. We both know I'm going to be supporting you.

>No hobbies
Women think "thing you do often" is a hobby. I shit often. That's not a hobby. Women don't know how to have real interests in things.

>Read gay shit
Women only read gay shit like some flapper's poetry in a 120 page book with no point and no message. Or they read Harry Potter again and again and never see a problem with this (see no hobbies). Or they read something so thick and dense with saccharine modernist self-awareness that it's like that hyper-rich Greek almond cake that comes in triangular slices. Why don't you read a fucking normal book with normal events related by a reliable narrator for once? Does everything have to be filtered through the narcissism of a young hysterical woman or grungy self-pitying man? Do you care about any aspects of the human condition that aren't the immediate surface-level emotions of being "sad" or "happy?"

>Stupid pictures, objects
Women fill their apartments with stupid pointless pictures and objects. The pictures are not for contemplation. Why are your bookshelves covered in baubles? Why do you need a featureless sphere on a shelf? What does this picture of St. Louis mean to you? You have never been to St. Louis.

>Clothing, shoes on floor
Why would you take your shoes and clothing off and just drop it on the floor anywhere so your apartment is always a pigsty? Why would you "get dressed" to go for a 20 minute walk to the store at 11PM, put on and take off multiple articles of clothing that all look the same, and then drop the (clean) clothes on the floor in another room? Why is your apartment an obstacle course?

>Cat shit
Women love cats but refuse to clean up the cat's shit. A good woman will clean it up not often enough. A bad woman (most are bad) will clean it up so infrequently that it actually is cruel to the cat and you feel bad for it.

>Wearing clothing multiple times, skipping showers because you can get away with it
Do you want other people to know you do this? Then why do you want me to know it? That's gross.

>> No.17861241

>the jews practice the culture of critique!
>critiquing the hell out of your women

shit or get off the pot

>> No.17861245
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