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17842133 No.17842133 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this atheist so popular on this board? Can someone please explain?

>> No.17842196

He's funny, just read his book. He also the predecessor who influenced Nietzsche

>> No.17842209
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He also made Marx have an autistic shit fit because he said communism, socialism would just end up in tyranny, and that it was grift for duped egoists - he ended up being right. Stirner has this poetic status of hated for just speaking his mind when all long he was absolutely right about everything he said. In the end, history redeemed him.

>> No.17842219

He validates the sociopathic behavior of most of the people who browse this place

>> No.17842233

But this board is filled with "God loving" people. Can't see them being okay with Stirner, since Atheism is considered to be a midwit's stance here.

>> No.17842237 [DELETED] 

It's the cathlarpers that are overpresented

>> No.17842239

Stirner himself was far from sociopathic, his contemporaries noted him for being "frugal" and "unambitious." His book has a certain vagabond ontology, and he has often been compared to Yang Zhu, Zhuang Zhou and Zen. You could certainly interpret Stirner as being sociopathic, but usually because just meme him, and don't actually read his book.

>> No.17842248

because, monsieur, he is an obscure intellectual to the general public who are so inundated with the publicity campaigns behind nietzsche, marx, and all the existentialists with the philosophical equivalent of a septum piercing. makes one seem, don't you think, quite well read to talk about stirner? he didn't believe some things, made a very proud stand against some ideas, which was very curiously noted by the ladyfolk who he did dress up quite nicely for.

>> No.17842256

Yeah, this board is filled with spooked people such as Christians, but ironically, Stirner does represent a small sliver of Christian thought. Stirner references the bible quite a bit in his book, and his philosophy has also been compared Ecclesiastes who Stirner even references in the book. In fact, the most well known interpretation, translation of Stirner was done by a Christian (David Leopold's Ego and Its Own) who found that value in his work.

>> No.17842267

Believe it or not OP, there was a time before the tradcath immigrants began their LARP on this board. Stirner is an old meme.

>> No.17842306

Seems like it was a lot better back then. I've been here for 6 years, but I guess I was too late..

>> No.17842316

People always complain about the tradcath but they are nowhere to be seen

>> No.17842349 [DELETED] 


>> No.17842358


>> No.17842375
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In my opinion this site has a tendency to put forward works that are especially relevant for the current period.

Here we are in forced isolation, an entire generation of religious apostates who have been drilled relentlessly by the media, the educational systems, the government, to ritualistically humiliate and abase themselves, and to always seek out a higher authority on who's altar we can offer our Ego, our wants and desires, as sacrifice.

Stirner understood that the Left, the Right, the Church, and the State, family, lovers, employers all wanted essentially the same thing, conformity and obeisance. Man would have been a /lit/izen if he were born today, no doubt.

Not to mention he's a pretty damn good writer, and his book is essentially several hundred pages of rage posting.

>> No.17842386

His beliefs are ridiculous and funny with a dash of truth to them. Basically, his philosophy had all of the components of a good meme. Ta-da! He becomes a meme.

>> No.17842426

I your take away from him is atheism , you got other problems

>> No.17842436

Thats not my question.

>> No.17842513
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Because Stirner was a edgy boy who shit on Marx.

>> No.17842711
File: 47 KB, 423x240, EYDw-sRU0AEad0z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's nothing more important than yourself, and right now what's popular is to destroy your own ego.
Without ego, you're an easy prey to sects, ideologies, consumerism and so on. "The ego and its own" is the best self-help book one can read.

>> No.17842751

his book is a little bit funny but not bad. he just became a meme beacuse of that funnyness inside his book.

>> No.17842834

a more like lax sterner am I right ha

>> No.17842847

1. He’s right
2. He’s a fun and easy read
3. Being just a sketch, he’s easily meme-able

>> No.17842886

There is no way you're the same butterfly that was on here before. You're too based now

>> No.17842908
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Lit got me to read him ages ago...

I made this.

>> No.17842915

his philosophy is the logical conclusion to the individualistic and materialist worldview that dominates modernity

>> No.17842921

>dominates modernity

>> No.17843015

Is there much difference in The Unique and Its Property compared to The Ego and His Own? Got the latter translation before I remembered the former.

>> No.17843046

Butterfly? You were a massive lefty three years ago

>> No.17843053
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>> No.17843055

I still am

>> No.17843062

I still have your selfie in a hard drive backup probably. What the hell

>> No.17843071

Seems permabans don't actually kill people in real life. Thought you just left and went out to be normal

>> No.17843079

i've always wanted to date an older woman

>> No.17843083

Popularity is a spook. So are boards and explanations.

>> No.17843097

I have The Unique and its Property and it just establishes that, well, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging you're an egoist by default and that you should stop chasing phantoms unless it's for your own benefit.

It's actually could be elaborated further but it's stated properly enough in the book and to elaborate further would miss the point.

>> No.17843433

that's the underlying implication though.
anyways, you might just ask why is the chad-meme so popular and get similar answers

>> No.17843454

Probably the fact that most religious people are patronizing retards who don’t even practice themselves what they preach. If they don’t follow their own rules, why should anyone else?

To me, Stirner just sounds like the average Christian with fewer steps

>> No.17843531

Not really. I've noticed that this board won't hesitate to call an atheist a midwit. I'm just curious how Stirner gets awat with it. Whether he truly considered himself to be an Atheist or whether this board considers him to be a theist, is something I'll admit I do not know.

>> No.17843539

>I've noticed that this board won't hesitate to call an atheist a midwit.
That’s because this board is about 90% NEET larpers

>> No.17843549

>Probably the fact that most religious people are patronizing retards who don’t even practice themselves what they preach

This was my exact experience when I tried to give Christianity a shot.

>> No.17843871

I never recovered from reading the first chapter of his book
the guy is an atomic bomb
unlike Nietzsche that was dynamite

>> No.17843889

You’ve been here 6 months lil man

>> No.17843896

Nah. 6 years.

>> No.17843901

Because he attacks the ideas of atheists -secular humanism

>> No.17843909

That’s great, I’ve been here almost twice as long, do I get a medal now?

>> No.17843927

No, you’ve been here 4 months now. That’s the end, times infinity times whatever you say, I win newfag.

>> No.17843936

Made Marx and his provider seethe hard, so people love him

>> No.17843989

where should I start with him?

>> No.17844026

Max Stirner's Dialectical Egoism: A New Interpretation and Wolfi Landsteiner's added commentry to it. If you can get your hands on it, you can also read Max Stirner on the Path of Doubt by Stepelevich

>> No.17844093


>> No.17844161

I'm just correcting him, anon. Also, I dud imply that I was a newfag.

>> No.17844176

Strong meme power

>> No.17844191


>> No.17844970

He was the first based person to exist.

>> No.17845176

The second, if you count God.

>> No.17845204

Stirner refuted God.

>> No.17845450

no he just called God an egoist

>> No.17845687

His name is literally "funny forehead".

>> No.17845697

God is, as metaphysical concept, neither refutable nor confirmable.

You should read more.

>> No.17845827

not really, "stirn" means forhead, and Max Stirner is a joke name he had among the Young Hegelians

>> No.17845835

what's his actual name then?

>> No.17845844

Johann Kaspar Schmidt

>> No.17845845

So in other words, completely useless as a description of anything

>> No.17847173

read more

>> No.17847188

An atheist is still a child of God. I don't think you understand Christianity at all.

>> No.17847218

It did not set out to refute god though. He argues such questions are not worth considering, and even if a god exists, he is useful because it his actions dialectical gives birth to Der Einzige's own utility. And with this utility you can say whatever propositions god posits against you; you have the utility, the ability to say otherwise. Just as god defines his own laws, and causes, you can set your own.

>> No.17848024

You're an atheist too. Get real idiot.

>> No.17848036

cos he is right

>> No.17848040
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>> No.17848059


>> No.17848075

because they are intrigued the line drawing

>> No.17848082

He is in some sense the hipster version of Nietzsche, because Nietzsche is too popular and his work is too self-indulgent. I highly enjoy Zarathustra and it offers a similar outlook, but the Unique and its Property is so crisp, savage, and cohesive it blows it out of the water.

Obviously, you have to be predisposed towards a certain mindset to even get anything out of it, but he is a very clever writer.
Not to mention that it is very interesting to see a different perspective on the humanist and liberal movement of the 19th century, particularly in Germany.

>> No.17848084

h-how? how d-did you know?

>> No.17848582

>neither refutable nor confirmable
What's the point, then?