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17835655 No.17835655 [Reply] [Original]

What a fucking language! The absolute precision and sonority are equalled by no other tongue in the world. German is simply the most masculine and cool European language. Once you know the rules, it starts to make a lot of sense, unlike English. The only downside about German is that some Germans pronounce their Rs like in that homosexual and disgusting ape screech known as French. I want my Rs to sound like Rs, not like fucking sickening phlegms from subhuman throats. And also they sometimes don't finish their words! Think British English (the non-rhotic dialects). But then German literature is literally GODLIKE and it's worth the price of admittance alone, so it's all forgiven! Sadly the modern German person is a burgerized pussyllanimous bugman! Their literature should be the main focus, not the unworthy social aspect. Either way, this tongue is unparalleled. The thinking man's language. Latin of the 21st century.

>> No.17835700
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>> No.17835717

wenn ich könnte, hatte ich diese Nigger OP seiner Gesicht geschlagen. Principalement parce qu´il ne comprendre pas qui le Français est la meilleure langue. You fucking faggot

>> No.17835723

1. Yes, they were and there's nothing wrong with that
2. Same goes for any language. Most of dictionary words are not used.
3. What's the problem, you little *cocksucker*?
4. Meme complain. Grammatical gender =/= biological gender.

>> No.17835731
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Didn't read.

>> No.17835735

>rincipalement parce qu´il ne comprendre pas qui le Français est la meilleure langue = croak croak croak croak ggggggg hhhhhhh ggggggg
that's all I heard. try sounding like a man next time.

>> No.17835743

of course not, why would you? we're on /lit/

>> No.17836002

>anglo not able to write a sentence in German and French without making multiple mistakes

>> No.17836023


Very based, Kamerad. Congratulations on having found the one and only path to enlightenment.

>> No.17836029

>But then German literature is literally GODLIKE
Maybe up until 100 years ago. Today it's just autistic navel gazing of former GDR inmates or woke feminist garbage like in the anglo-world.
t. Deutschfag

>> No.17836050
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>blathers on about "homosexual and discusting ape screech"
>uses four exclamation marks in one paragraph

>> No.17836062

I´m trying nigga, also what were the mistakes? So I can correct them

Já agora, eu também sei português seu cabrão

>> No.17836071


As if, nigger.

t. fellow Deutschschwuchtel

>> No.17836079
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>> No.17836087


>> No.17836122


Mosebach, Kracht, Strauß, Maron, Suter, Lenz - there are several good contemporary writers.

>> No.17836139
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>The absolute precision
>Only has 2 past tenses
Imagine not being able to even express your fucking ideas because your language lacks the words for it. Latin truly was the superior mother language, wasn't it.

>> No.17836155

>Once you know the rules, it starts to make a lot of sense, unlike English.

I was born and raised in Germany and I know that I would have difficulty knowing when to use Der/Die/Das if I wasn't. It DOESN'T make sense.
Maybe there is some mystic mathematic rule behind it or whatever that I don't know of, but it definitely does NOT make sense.

>> No.17836159


>> No.17836163
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>list of sozis and faggots

>> No.17836166

>Latin of the 21st century
>Not the living languages of the Latin family.
Only g*rman hands could type something this vile.

>> No.17836169

>Sadly the modern German person is a burgerized pussyllanimous bugman
After seeing all the self-hating Germans ITT, I was proven even more right.

>> No.17836183

German has cases. The main modern Latin languages don't besides Romanian.

>> No.17836195

If a German person is presented with a borrowed word from a foreign language, or someone makes up a new word in German, are Germans usually able to instinctively agree on the grammatical gender?
Say, if you were to say "I would like to buy a creamy tiramissu" or something. Would germans generally agree on the grammatical gender of tiramissu?
If yes, you have just internalized the typical markers and shit that determine grammatical gender, but it became so innate to you that you think it's arbitrary. It really isn't. Grammatical gender is a very simple filter for absolute idiots. It's not that complicated in 99% of the languages that have it.

>> No.17836207

Latin has a trillion other things that bring it closer to the languages in the romance family. Russian also has cases and no sane person claims it's the Latin of the 21st century.
Please keep your barbaric throat clearing language far from us.

>> No.17836216

French is more barbaric-sounding than German.

>> No.17836223

Can anyone recommend me a good resource to learn German? I want something that touches on German culture, things like history, music, literature, etc. Most German grammar books are stale and neutral about that, and they barely talk about their customs and lifestyle. I know it sounds corny, but I studied Italian with a book like that and it helped so much.

>> No.17836224

Which Italian books?

>> No.17836236

The past is never dead. It's not even past.

>> No.17836247

I don’t know about German but it’s easy in Spanish. It’s almost always based on the gender of the last letter of the word. O = masculine. A = feminine.

>> No.17836252

To be honest, I was thinking about that earlier today too because I watched a video in which a woman said "Meine Mind ist blown.". I thought it's weird because I've only ever heard "Mein Mind" which sounds much better to me; but the thing is... formally, "Meine Mind" wouldn't be wrong either as it IS arbitrary.

As I'm Greek, I can compare it to German and that's when I see that in German, you just go by "the feeling" while there should be a clear rule.
For example, in Greek, if a word ends with an η (like "φίλη"; female friend), it's article typically also is ηη φίλη, while if it ends with an "o" (φίλΟς; male friend), it's article is "ο".

There's nothing compared to this rule in German.

>> No.17836267

Du bist ein wertloser Hurensohn und jedes Wort in deinem Post ist pseudointellektueller Ramsch. Deine Ansichten über die deutsche Sprache sind so kindisch wie peinlich. Wenn du nochmal etwas über meine überlegene Sprache postest komm ich und brech deine Kniescheiben. Halt die Fresse.

Signiert Hans Kartoffelkopf

>> No.17836271

Nuovo Progetto Italiano 2, by Edilingua. It takes you from a basic B1 level to a pretty solid B2, almost C1. They have a lot of series like it. would highly recommend.

>> No.17836280

Another reason why everything German sucks. But the main reason stays Merkel. And von der Leyen. And Bärbock. And Esken. Kotz!

>> No.17836281

This is true. German articles are entirely arbitrary and follow no logic whatsoever. They're historical remnants. Which is totally fine, it's just a matter of fact and makes German impossible to learn.

>> No.17836285

I think he means foreign words from a genderless language. In general, genders in Spanish are assigned based on the Spanish name of the kind of object we're dealing with. For example an iPod. An iPod, a word that doesn't end with O, is masculine in Spanish because it's a "dispositivo" (device, masculine noun), so it's "el iPod" rather than "la iPod."

>> No.17836288

OP is a gay aids ridden Anglo and so are you.

>> No.17836290

yep, german, russian, Spanish are most based and spiritual languages.

>> No.17836292


>> No.17836295

Thanks, will look it up for sure. My goal is to read Leopardi in the original. Heard that it's hard but I will put in the effort.

>> No.17836298

I understood everything yayyyy Im making progress :D

>> No.17836307

t. burgerized pussyllanimous bugman

>> No.17836323

This is true for most languages that have grammatical gender. The markers may change, but there are usually markers, and when there aren't it's not as relevant.
German prolly has more markers or more complex than other languages, but I highly doubt it's "totally arbitrary". I've seen a few languages make this case, but none of them were major languages. It was always small shit nobody actually speaks.

Doing a quick google (cause I don't speak german) it seems like we get shit like:
masculine: -ich,-or,-ig,-ling,-ismus,-är,-ant,-el
feminine: -in, -ei, -keit, -ung, -ion, -ine, -schaft, -ade, -ette, -ik, -ur, -sis, -tat, -heit, -ie

Again, I don't speak german so I can't confirm if this is true, but do you feel this holds any water? Because in most languages there are markers like this, and people learn them over time and are generally either able to instantaneously agree on the gender of a word, or when they can't it's not as relevant (such as the mein/meine mind example).

People who equate grammatical gender to biological gender are usually just americans that never learned another language. But seeing people speaking gendered languages and saying shit like this surprises me.
It's not weird that "madchën" is neuter. This does NOT mean that girls in real life are neuter. This just means that the word for girls, this set of letters, in this particular language, corresponds to a class. Grammatical gender in most cases is about the word, and not the thing in itself.

>> No.17836328

are you a N?

>> No.17836404

First of all, I never said that I equate grammatical gender to biological gender. My example with "male/female" friend was just because I couldn't think of another word right now, I don't know why. I don't think that it's weird that it's "das Mädchen" (especially since, etymologically, it results from "die Magd" and "das Mädchen" has just become more normal to use). Sorry for the confusion; the same rule with the Greek η and ο hold true with other words as well; and it even translates to the plural: οι φίλοι (the friends)

Your Google search does hold true, but I do have to stress that words that end like this mostly are nouns deducted from their verbs or adjectives (wahr die Wahrheit; truetruth). So this rule CAN be used by a German-learner in some cases.

But what do we do with words like "Tisch", "Stuhl", "Schrank", "Bett" (table, chair, cupboard, bed)? There's no rule for that.

>> No.17836496

Imagine in deiner Sprache duzt dich jeder

>> No.17836499

Oder jeder siezt dich.

>> No.17836525

it's a pasta, dummkoff

>> No.17836575

Ich stelle mir stattdessen vor, dass ich der Art von Mensch sei, der sich daran stören würde.

Um Himmels Willen, was hast du nur für ein erbärmliches Leben?

>> No.17837578

What even is grammatical gender?
I've learned French and German to a reasonable enough level that I obviously know how it works and what it does but I still don't understand.
For what reason would grammatical gender come to exist and why hasn't it been removed in all of these languages. Does it clear up ambiguity? Does it sound nicer? What would any of these languages actually have to lose if grammatical gender is done away with?

>> No.17837672

There are some linguistic theories that argue that in Spanish, gender was used to differentiate between general and specific things("la leña", as in wood in general and "el leño" as a specific piece of wood.) In certain cases it does clear ambiguity, and it can be poetic at times. The truth is that language is nonsensical and very chaotic, and cutting out things that don't make sense is not how it works. For example, articles in English are always necessary and its mostly useless. Same thing with the word "do" when asking a question. Both of these things are pretty ingrained in the English speaker's mind and probably will never go away.

>> No.17837712

>Every noun has a gender, and there is no sense or system in the distribution; so the gender of each must be learned separately and by heart. There is no other way. To do this one has to have a memory like a memorandum-book. In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl.

>To continue with the German genders: a tree is male, its buds are female, its leaves are neuter; horses are sexless, dogs are male, cats are female--tomcats included, of course; a person's mouth, neck, bosom, elbows, fingers, nails, feet, and body are of the male sex, and his head is male or neuter according to the word selected to signify it, and NOT according to the sex of the individual who wears it--for in Germany all the women either male heads or sexless ones; a person's nose, lips, shoulders, breast, hands, and toes are of the female sex; and his hair, ears, eyes, chin, legs, knees, heart, and conscience haven't any sex at all. The inventor of the language probably got what he knew about a conscience from hearsay.

>My philological studies have satisfied me that a gifted person ought to learn English (barring spelling and pronouncing) in thirty hours, French in thirty days, and German in thirty years. It seems manifest, then, that the latter tongue ought to be trimmed down and repaired. If it is to remain as it is, it ought to be gently and reverently set aside among the dead languages, for only the dead have time to learn it.

>> No.17837753

Jungs ich bin auf dieser Kackinsel gefangen. Muss wieder zurück nach Schland aber zackig sonst dreh ich durch

>> No.17837775
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>> No.17837793

>Um Himmels Willen, was hast du nur für ein erbärmliches Leben?

Anscheinend nicht so ein schlimmes, um das jemandem vorzuwerfen, du Projektor.

>> No.17837801
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>> No.17837803



>> No.17837804

It prevents languages from being trannies. Gendered language=heterosexual. Genderless language=transsexual.

>> No.17837813

Grammatical gender=/=biological gender

>> No.17837841

Ich finds schon geil wie leicht man diese Komposita lesen kann.

>> No.17837850

Mein Beileid.

>> No.17837912

It's fairly intuitive, you'll just pick the gender of the closest German word, same for brand names acting as product description.
You will however get some variance between the different German-speaking countries, same for "native" German words.

>> No.17837924

Sadly the SJW and feminists refuse to acknowledge this in German-speaking countries, leading to the abomination that is "gender-neutral language".

>> No.17837935

>If a German person is presented with a borrowed word from a foreign language, or someone makes up a new word in German, are Germans usually able to instinctively agree on the grammatical gender?
Since you only got non germans replying:
Yes, new compound words will have the gender of the last noun.
totally new words are really rare, but form Philosophy I know the gender gets set by the person who first uses the word.
Foreign words are usually always neutrum. Sometimes latin and greek words will be given the appropriate gender from their language but that is mainly because there is a pretentiousness here, where we even declinate the latin/greek words fitting for the german sentence.
but retarded rules like what this anon says >>17836323 definitely do apply more often than not.

>> No.17837946

Same thing is slowly happening in France and to a lesser extent in Hispanic countries. It looks disgusting.

>> No.17837958

the French academy already BTFOd the burger meme of gender neutral language which only succeeded with latinx

>> No.17837967

Yeah, that sucks lol. Say, why don't you guys just switch to using English? It doesn't have uncomfortable gender issues at all! Plus, being an English-speaking country will help keep you guys connected to American media, which is popular all over the world. Rather than clinging to the sexist languages of the past, adopt English, which is a modern, forward-thinking one.

>> No.17837996

>"der Burger King" von"der König"
>"die Dairy Queen" von"die Königin"
>"das Persil" von "das Waschmittel"
>"der Laptop" von "der Computer", wiederum von "der Rechner"

>> No.17838008

There's way too much English used in German speaking countries, especially by people who don't have anything meaningful to say (i.e. marketing, management and many academics) and cover that by using English.

>> No.17838049

But I already know English. There's no "switch" unless you immigrate.

>> No.17838050

German is modern day Latin

>> No.17838077

i disagree with your equating the gender form the german noun.
I have never even heard Burger king used with an atricle desu.
dairy queen, never heard in germany
I failed to find an article for Persil on the wikipedia but I have heard Neutrum used for Persil.
Laptop wiktionary shows can be both m. and n., and I have heard both.

>> No.17838119

"Ich warte vor dem Burger King auf dich." or something like that, need the article there.
I just stated what I've read in the Zwiebelfisch column years ago, so I might have messed up some things.

"Das Laptop" wouldn't fly here at all, I guess we're living in different areas.

>> No.17838132

>Ich warte vor dem Burger King auf dich
lets be real. the people who go to burger king would jsut say
>Ich warte vor Burger King auf dich.
just like
>Ich fahr U-Bahn nach Hause.

>> No.17838165


>> No.17838177


>> No.17838236

Ich will dass Butterfly meinen Schwanz mit ihren Lippen und ihrer Zunge liebkost.

>> No.17838256

wunderbar Hitler Bayern München lalalala Deutschland, Deutschland über alles

>> No.17838264
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More like Bayern Hühnchen :DDDD

>> No.17838323

je ne pourrait être moins en accord avec vous mon cher,
Chaque language possède une qualité qui lui est propre, si ce n'était le cas la population l'aurait transformer.
donc je vous suggère fortement de retourner dans votre cave et de sucer le kilomètre de bite qui vous y attend.

TLDR for non french speaker: OP is a fag

>> No.17838337


>> No.17839283

Wenn ich könnte, würde ich OP, diesen Neger, in sein Gesicht schlagen.

Assuming OP is male. There would be a few ways to say this, as in every language I guess

>> No.17839438

Learning German has really opened my eyes to how ambiguous English can be. German is by comparison very precise and I'm not surprised at all that the culture that produced the language also produced so much science and philosophy

>> No.17839454

>English promotes freedom and is shown in its culture and history
>German is autistic and for automatons who need rigid precision to even function as "human" beings and it shows in their culture and history

>> No.17839463 [DELETED] 

kill yourself gorilla nigger, i hate all you language supremacist fucktards, each language has the same capacity for expression as any other if you know how to use it
>unlike english
english verbs are exactly as consistent as german verbs, you just haven't learned the rules for them because english is your native language.
>Latin of the 21st century.
there is literally nothing special about latin and I say this as someone who has been learning it for years
>German literature is literally GODLIKE
so is french, english, russian, spanish etc you illiterate faggot, read more

>> No.17839473

You don't use würde, you can use hatte like he did

>> No.17839488

>muh freedumb
found the silly burger

>> No.17839491

English is the universal language of science and commerce, anon. It's incredibly precise

>> No.17839506

Every language is the language of science and commerce and all that depends on context and the audience. English is nothing special.

>> No.17839509

>this is what anglos actually believe

>> No.17839523

>English is nothing special
And neither is German.

>> No.17839538

>English is nothing special
It's one of the weirdest languages, having a lot of features absent in most other languages and it has an interesting history, with a rich literary tradition. Of course it's special. All the cope in the world doesn't change that.

>> No.17839541

The only special thing is that it's so easy that even Americans can learn it.

>> No.17839546

this is the umpteenth x language is the best thread and you should all have killed yourselves by now, you are all retarded and you don't know shit about shit even though your minds are filled with it, you've never thought critically about how you might be biased, you can't learn to appreciate what you don't understand, you don't realize how your native language is just like any other language because you never think about it or learn about it the same way you do your second language. If you actually take the fucking time out of your day to learn about each language you talk about you would learn to appreciate each and every one. Japanese and Dutch sounds absolutely horrible to me but I know that other people don't feel that way and I am not used to them. I learn things about my native language I had never thought of before because it comes naturally, and I come to appreciate it just as much as another language I have made a thorough study of grammar in. I understand that a like or dislike of a certain language is purely an aesthetic opinion which is based on nothing but your perspective and your personal taste. It's fine to like one language especially, but please shut the fuck up about how this language is better than that language, or Russian poetry is more beautiful than English poetry, or Latin or classical chinese are the perfect languages, because all of those opinions stem from ignorance.

>> No.17839559

seethe more angloid.
Deutschland über alles

>> No.17839566

It's just patois, mate. First time?

>> No.17839568
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This. It's a Germanic language but with a huge proportion of its vocabulary having a Latinate origin and it's the only analytic Indo-European language. It's utterly unique. Also pic related.

>> No.17839579

>It's just patois
Factually incorrect. Cope harder.

>> No.17839586

>nice thread
>anglos with their fragility arrive and instantly start screeching about how their language is da best motherfucka etc. totally unique etc.

>> No.17839591

The more europoors seethe about English the more superior I think it is

>> No.17839594

you aren't seriously criticizing anglos of being the insecure ones are you? lmao

>> No.17839600
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>anything goes
>no language institution
>no standard rules
>non-phonetic orthography
>mix of dozens of languages
Yea, I'm thinking patois.

>> No.17839605

That would make Middle English the patois. Try again.

>> No.17839610

The funniest thing is that the OP is all about German and also mocks French a bit but then the Angloids, attention whores that they are, tried to force themselves into the discussion somehow even though this isn't about them. Pretty funny if you ask me.

>> No.17839624

Start shit, get hit. Simple as.

>> No.17839628

This, it was a thread among Europeans then Anglos had to storm in for no reason

>> No.17839637

I'm thinking you don't know what patois means. Read a book fag

>> No.17839644

Eurofags can't go 10 minutes without seething about English and it's supposed imprecision and lack of SOVL when compared to German or Latin or whatever the fuck. I'm sorry but you're all cringe and you deserve to have your thread derailed.

>> No.17839654

In practice, it's all the same shit. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190905124520.htm

>> No.17839664

Yeah but only in the spoken word.

>> No.17839665

Why are you so OBSESSED, little princess? Thread's not even about you.

>> No.17839675

What does "sec" mean in your graph then? Reading time?

>> No.17839680

Alright, but still, German>English.

>> No.17839697

No no. All I'm saying is that info density exists independently from syllabic rate.

>> No.17839705

Yeah, at suckin dick lmao

>> No.17839711

all over 60+

also perfect example for the pitiful state of german literature, half of these write about nothing but muh Holocaust, muh DDR, muh Nachkriegsdeutschland.
German literature today consists of nothing, but shitty poetry slam hipsters or old bores, who watch too much ZDF History in their spare time.

>> No.17839712

>Latin of the 21st century
It's not beautiful enough.

>> No.17839715
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kek very good, but German is still a better language.

>> No.17839729

"Langauge." Is that what you guys over there call giving head? Lmaooo

>> No.17839732


>> No.17839808

>Look Mom, he made a spelling error

>> No.17839813

>burger """"humour""""