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/lit/ - Literature

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17828333 No.17828333 [Reply] [Original]

How did one ugly Spanish woman named Carmen inspire so much great literature/art? Did she have big boobs?

>> No.17828373

listen, op. this is an extremely shit thread, and you're a faggot, but let me tell you a secret:
sometimes, people are so attractive for their personality, that their looks are secondary.

>> No.17828417
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>> No.17828423

Spanish guy here
Who's Carmen?
Also if you don't live in the mediterranean you are physically incapable of being beautiful. That's just how it is.

>> No.17828578
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You clearly are unfamiliar with the wealth of literature Carmen has inspired. Let me give you an example:

Carmen est maigre, – un trait de bistre
Cerne son oeil de gitana.
Ses cheveux sont d’un noir sinistre,
Sa peau, le diable la tanna.

Les femmes disent qu’elle est laide,
Mais tous les hommes en sont fous :
Et l’archevêque de Tolède
Chante la messe à ses genoux ;

Car sur sa nuque d’ambre fauve
Se tord un énorme chignon
Qui, dénoué, fait dans l’alcôve
Une mante à son corps mignon.

Et, parmi sa pâleur, éclate
Une bouche aux rires vainqueurs;
Piment rouge, fleur écarlate,
Qui prend sa pourpre au sang des coeurs.

Ainsi faite, la moricaude
Bat les plus altières beautés,
Et de ses yeux la lueur chaude
Rend la flamme aux satiétés.

Elle a, dans sa laideur piquante,
Un grain de sel de cette mer
D’où jaillit, nue et provocante,
L’âcre Vénus du gouffre amer.

As can be observed, she is admittedly ugly, however she inspires lust in all the men she meets. I'm assuming this is because her bust was immense.

>Also if you don't live in the mediterranean you are physically incapable of being beautiful.
Based Mediterranean supremacist. Carmen is a gypsy that inspired many poets and composers. You will of course recognize the opera from Bizet about her:

>> No.17828598

like I said. you're a stupid faggot

>> No.17828612

Oh I see, the Andalusian gypsies stereotype, it might have been kind of impressive/exotic for people in the past. Although, I must admit, I've never met a beautiful gypsy, andalusian women generally fit in that archetype better. They are so gorgeous with their tanned skin and ecstatic character. They contribute a big deal to the spanish soul, our "esprit".

>> No.17828636
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>> No.17828645
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This is a wonderful post, anon. I too have felt the allure of Andalusian women, notably from Seville; and I share your sentiment about gypsy women- very uncomely they are. This is why we must concur: Carmen must have had big boobs, otherwise no one would have written about her. Do you agree with our conclusion? A gypsy would never attract so much attention unless her bust was exceedingly large.

>> No.17828654

Gypsy women are crazy and fun but I've never seen a truly attractive one, nor been attracted to one. I've known a couple I imagine I could become attracted to, through familiarity.

I was once head over heels for a rather obese girl because she radiated a powerful, primal aura of kindness and sweetness. She was actually too nice and I didn't go for her because she felt out of my league. The way a swimsuit model is obviously unattainable for most men. Felt like that on a spiritual level.

>> No.17828683
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>she radiated a powerful, primal aura of kindness and sweetness
I am in love with a girl like this right now, but I can't be held back. I have pursued her relentlessly. We have dry humped. She has a boyfriend.

>> No.17828687

I'm not triggered by separatist movements, I'm no Spanish nationalist and I've never met a kind of nationalism that wasn't garbage. I think Euskadi, Catalonia and Andalusia have enough culture on their own to deserve autonomy, but having all of them together is better, there are so many differences in a piece of land so small, it's cool I guess.
Yeah, probably, I would fuck a gypsy like that if it meant not getting killed by her family if I didn't marry her.

>> No.17828700
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Paz Vega in the 2003 movies was incredibly how and had 10/10 body and boobs.

>> No.17828708

Ah, okay. You were coming off as that sort snob, but I guess not.
Nation-states are the cause of the problems

>> No.17828716

You're a horrible person and you contribute nothing to this board save its general decline. You are entropic swine.

>> No.17828734

That's why She married a Venezuelan brown skinned chad.

>> No.17828738

>I was once head over heels for a rather obese girl because she radiated a powerful, primal aura
Yeah, I had someone like that. Except the aura wasn't of kindness, but of something dangerous and powerful. Everyone around her gravitated towards her and wanted her attention.

I made out with her a couple times, and I always felt like a puppy being given treats. An amazing woman. I think she's the first person I ever fell in love with. It was so long ago that I don't even remember her name, but she's been almost deified in my memories.

>> No.17828786

She's just a white woman, dude. She believes whatever elites want her to.

"Men" like this >>17828687 are the problem.

>> No.17828803
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>> No.17828806
File: 43 KB, 485x511, images - 2021-03-20T104743.366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look brown-skinned. More like tanned.

>> No.17828846

Listen here you little bitch boy faggot. You have no fucking idea what masculinity is. You are probably one of those emasculated men which turn into some power fantasy to cope with your weakness. You have never had a moment in your live in which you were in control, you'd rather be submissive since you are probably a coward just like everyone else. Liberalism, Socialism and Nationalism (all of them the perfect children of the french revolution) as mass movements are the worst that Europe has produced in its long history. You are just another retard who will live a long and mediocre life. You have no soul, you have no style. You probably don't even have the courage to kill yourself you absolute faggot.

>> No.17829117

lol look at this angry sØy faggot

>> No.17829131

>i'll post the most obscure lefty writer i can to pretend my opinions aren't just the neoliberal consensus I picked up in college

You dames are hilarious.

>> No.17829132

Keep coping walloids

>> No.17829160

That's not a good representative pic. He has clear indio ancestry, don't think he is castizo.

>> No.17829503

I'm a basedchad and you'll never be a man.

>> No.17829527
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So what? Looks Spanish enough to me.

>> No.17829688

>that pic
Lol, nice angles. Whatever floats your boat. His indio side is pretty strong, even if he does have spanish ancestry. Bottom line is that eternal hottie vega chose him over people closer to home.

>> No.17829701

what in the goddamn hell is a walloid?

>> No.17830045

Angles? That's just how the guy looks. There's nothing wrong with his Amerindian blood and he looks southern Spaniard either way.

>> No.17831155

You playing idiot? I we t from christian-conservative, to non-compliant, to progressive liberal, which I stayed for a mere seven years of the Bush administration, before embracing antistate socialism. The obscurity of Herod doesn’t change the fact. Both he and I are not liberals

I guess he means that wall of attractiveness the wizards over at r9k go on about

(Bump or not to bump...hm)

>> No.17831166

I know this chick. She's some romanian tv actress no ? Post name I need to jerk off.

>> No.17831428

>You playing idiot? I we t from christian-conservative, to non-compliant, to progressive liberal, which I stayed for a mere seven years of the Bush administration, before embracing antistate socialism
How fucking old are you, like 40? lmfao Get off this board, bitch.

>> No.17831440
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>> No.17831511

Gypsies are pretty hot when they're young.

>> No.17832095

>You playing idiot? I we t from christian-conservative, to non-compliant, to progressive liberal, which I stayed for a mere seven years of the Bush administration, before embracing antistate socialism. The obscurity of Herod doesn’t change the fact. Both he and I are not liberals

You are so perfectly enveloped in neoliberal indoctrination that you honestly believe neoconservatism was a product of evangelicalism, and will never understand your lemming -leap into fashionable Anarcho/Marxist/xyz/LGBTBBQP+ was a the "escape" you were corralled into. You're just a more advanced form of Capitalismo faux-dissident. A higher end version of the boomer widow who religiosity attends the televised sermons of Rachael Maddow et al. A self-imagined intellectual vanguard who is, in truth, a loney ion. Drifting though the void. Cursed never to form a bond with anything.

Like most millennials you have childhood political PTSD from that era and I don't fault you for it. You have only my sympathy as a victim of scientific mass brainwashing.

You deserved better. We all deserved better. My heart breaks for you.

>> No.17832775

Imagine thinking that Mediterranean = Gypsy and Andalous

>> No.17832806

shut up, bitch