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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 300x500, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17822319 No.17822319 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good?

>> No.17822326

Can a gaming YouTuber make a good book?

>> No.17822327

wtf did he actually write a book

>> No.17822335

several in fact

>> No.17822336

I'm not going to read this because if I try I'll just hear it in his vocal-fry faggot voice

>> No.17822353

Been meaning to read it, i think it'll be interesting to identify all the things he critiques other stories for and see how he likes it done, judge not lest ye be judged n all that shit.

>> No.17822356

>The Wizard and the Dragon
and not:
fuckin' lame. I'm outtie.

>> No.17822363

>the wizard and the dragon

What a fucking lame title

>> No.17822437

Hi, here's some better fantasy you could read instead.
>Lord of the Rings
>Tales from Earthsea
>Wheel of Time
>The Sword in the Stone
>His Dark Materials
>Howl's Moving Castle
>The Buried Giant
>Harry Potter
>Grimm's Fairy Tales
>Stormlight Archive
>Watership Down
>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
>Mother of Learning
>Magic School Bus

>> No.17822641

wtf. he's one of the wackiest you tubers I've heard, everything he says is either retarded or devoid of meaning. its hilarious he writes fantasy

>> No.17822649

>retarded or devoid of meaning
sounds like fantasy is the only thing he could write

>> No.17822664 [DELETED] 

Splashing around the ocean with Sonia when she releases a little cumfart and tiptoes away with the semen stain visible on her soaked bikini bottoms

>> No.17822689

>everything he says is either retarded or devoid of meaning
What does he say?

>> No.17822693

he seems almost too awful for fantasy, id be scared to read him. Also I meant to say wackest rather than wackiest

>> No.17822702

its all too inconsequential to repeat here. You can try watching one of his videos, I don't want to rewatch his videos to find quotes.

>> No.17822732

what yter?

>> No.17822774
File: 61 KB, 1803x475, Screenshot 2021-03-19 21.14.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skimming through the beginning and it's as dry and awkward as its title. here's an inanimate object sitting calmly on a table though.

>> No.17822780

Oh my god, I'm only on the 3rd line and I'm already bored.

>> No.17822885
File: 56 KB, 1771x469, Screenshot 2021-03-19 21.30.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to take genre fiction on its own terms (the novel as a delivery system for plot and worldbuilding) but even by those standards this surely fails the smell test. so far, it's just a generic medieval European fantasy setting with no thought put into culture or language, and the only named character besides the protagonist is Tower the wizard, whose name comes from his place of residence. the protagonist was orphaned by the titular dragon and now he's learning magic system autism from the wizard. i understand why someone might find a conlang or an action-packed plot inherently interesting, but this is like eating dry oats.

>> No.17822998

Joseph Anderson, the name on the book lol

>> No.17823398

it's all video game "critique"
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17823692

The lost basedsl arts of demons souls arts by Mathew mitosis is a /lit/ video

>> No.17823764

also death stranding review by Tim rogers is lit approved

>> No.17823765

I was expecting it to be poorly written or hilariously bad like Waldun or Gardner but this is just dull

>> No.17823883

Tokimeki memorial.

>> No.17823934

Tim Rogers is the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.17823959


>> No.17823982

Only like video game reviews like these guys because I’m never going to play any of these games for 80 hours. The catharsis from them scratches the itch in a fraction of the time at x2 speed. It’s actually kinda sad to see the self I used to be that was a ‘gamer’ turn into someone who’s so averse to wasting time and money on video games is really surreal.

>> No.17824115

well clearly he didn't spend a lot of time on the title so the rest of the book can't be worse

>> No.17825489

I was prompted to replay FFVII after Rogers' story of the girl who committed suicide in his video series about the game. But yeah, I only play video games from time to time now, usually in specific genres.

>> No.17825785


>> No.17826005

I thought the same thing.

>> No.17826021

This. It's competent enough to not be so bad that it's interesting, which is disappointing.

>> No.17826030
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>> No.17826034

true, he gets a little much at times but he's overall kino

>> No.17826193

I'm curious, why do people dislike his youtube reviews? I found his critique of the souls games pretty insightful; they're a good change of pace because most youtubers and people who talk about the souls game suck their dick so hard that they never bring up any actual problems with the games.

>> No.17826215

No. He even admits himself that his books aren't good. He only wrote them in an attempt to earn some money to get by back before self-publishing on Amazon got completely fucked.

>> No.17826419

I don't think they're bad. I see them as a video game equivalent of close commentary.

>> No.17826434

I watched them and he said nothing at all of note and a number of retarded things. im struggling to see what their is positive about him other than that "he exists"

>> No.17826442

>What does he say?
He said Silent Hill 2 made no sense and there's no symbolism and Pyramid Head represents nothing. This was during a stream when Mr. Genius Analysis had to think on his feet instead of over the course of 3 months writing a script.

Silent Hill 2 may not be literature, but it's as good as it gets for an atmospheric horror game with half a brain. And it overloaded Mushmouth's circuitry.

>> No.17826510

Because just like most critique and analysis it isn't one. Rather, it's a series of lists to expound upon.

>> No.17826668


>> No.17827116

Care to elaborate further? What's the difference in your mind between a list of complaints and a critique?

>> No.17827123

What retarded things did he say that you disagree with? I thought a lot of his points, though perhaps simple and obvious, were rather good. I like the defense of ds2 that he makes, originally I hated ds2 but he pointed out several places that I was playing wrong, after replaying its a pretty good game.

>> No.17827211

I once heard him call Bayonetta a female sexual objectification whatever for the male gaze. The FIRST thing you learn about the series is that the main artist for the characters is a female fashion designer that works on actual fashion brands in Japan. She created her specifically to appeal to what females perceive as beautiful, hence the long limbs relatively small breasts and well proportioned big ass.

That moment alone shows me he has absolutely no fucking clue what he's talking about, IF he's anything more than an actor that gets paid to read a script like Lindsey Ellis then he's fucking retarded, lazy AND incompetent.

>> No.17827213

You don't need 3 hour videos to do it. Only Matosis seems like a good accomplished reviewer, and Bunnyhop too.

>> No.17827234

Fuck me that seems so generic and uninteresting

>> No.17827235

Yeah I think he's got a problem with verbosity and he sometimes focuses on small details that most people don't give a shit about

>> No.17827520

Ye but I also get an erection when I see bayonetta

>> No.17827545

Irrelevant, I also get an erection from handholding, that doesn't mean handholding is a sexualization or objectification.

>> No.17827592

It's not even badly written, just sterile.

>> No.17827662

> I also get an erection from handholding

>> No.17827720

they are 4 hour long reviews of games everyone knows about most consisting of regurgitated opinions, say what you want about sseth but at least he talks about interesting shit and you get a pretty good idea of the game and whether you want to play it in just 15-20 minutes.

>> No.17827910

Given his opinions on video games and art as a whole, I have no doubts that his output is absolute rubbish and avoid it wholly.

>> No.17827939

The second thing you learn was that the game made the game so he could jack off to Bayonetta, so she's objectified, but in such a manner that it's actually female empowerment and it somehow works. But that male gaze bullshit is just that, bullshit, and he can go fuck himself.

Compare him to Noah Gervais and you'll see why. He's a pseud, a midwit, and a fraud. Noah is insightful, detailed and has worthwhile things to say, while Mr. Anderson nitpicks and does pseduo-critique for the audience that wants hours and hours of background noise. That's why.

>> No.17827957

>The second thing you learn was that the game made the game so he could jack off to Bayonetta
>the game was made so he could jack off to a character whose model wasn't defined when the game was being made
Based retard.

>> No.17827979

>what's the conceptual phase

>> No.17827996

Her looks weren't finalized until way late production, for about 2 years or so, to the point where most of the guns, most of the weapons, most of the levels and most of the enemies were already done, she was just a generic model.

>> No.17828010

Kamiya created the character and had her looks in his mind. He didn't need her to be finalized to jack off to her, you dumb dumb.

>> No.17828042

>literally gives off full creative control over to someone else, only ever changing the concept whenever he sees the artist trying to appeal to the male audience
>"hurr durr he had her in his mind"

>> No.17828056

>creates the character and gives the artist the instructions
>gives off full creative control
You are dumb.

>> No.17828077

he always sounds like hes trying to not give his opinion on anything.

>> No.17828084

>creates the character and gives the artist the instructions
He didn't. That's the point. He only ever said "no".

>> No.17828240

>Noah is insightful, detailed and has worthwhile things to say
Fuck off, Noah. Bioware was never good.

>> No.17828258

Spends too much time navel gazing his own opinion

>> No.17828262

a solid critique is able to take into consideration the wants of the average consumer, or anyone other than solely himself really.

>> No.17828274

nah, his reviews are pretty good

>> No.17828279

lol no they arent

>> No.17828426

yes, they are

>> No.17828503

okay Dunkey whatever helps you cope :)

>> No.17828695

based guy-who-thinks-he's-smarter-than-he-really-is

>> No.17829776


>> No.17829837


>> No.17830108

his meta microvideo is actually really good

>> No.17830156
File: 306 KB, 1200x1600, disco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of vidya, this shit was kino af

>> No.17830319

I like his videos.

>> No.17831107


>> No.17831312

Does it include an 8 hour section about why something you thought was bad was actually good, even though no one gives a shit?

>> No.17831328
File: 346 KB, 1440x864, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he need hours to tell me that a video game is shit?
I could do it in a sentence:
videogames are all shit because they are for children.
>millions of views

>> No.17831350

>I also get an erection from handholding
ok Joyce

>> No.17832044

>number of retarded things
like what?
>Because just like most critique and analysis it isn't one. Rather, it's a series of lists to expound upon.
I don't quite get what you mean.
>That moment alone shows me he has absolutely no fucking clue what he's talking about
Just because you don't like his views on whether or not Bayonetta is for men or not doesn't mean that his other reviews are bad.
>You don't need 3 hour videos to do it
most of his videos are around one hour unless he's talking about multiple games in the same video. i think you can easily discuss a game and what you think of it for an hour and I don't feel like he repeats himself in the same video.
what is a psuedo-critique?
I think he spends most of his videos making points.
>they are 4 hour long reviews of games everyone knows about most consisting of regurgitated opinions
I've always found that a lot of what he has to say about certain games is usually not said often. He defended Dark Souls II, and while it's not a game that I personally enjoy, I think he makes some good points as to why he thinks it's not a bad game. He always fairly criticizes Bloodborne and the souls games when most youtubers would rather talk about how much they love the games rather than addressing their flaws.

>> No.17832929

Mathew mitosis is /lit/

lmao. this is like that time thom yorke responded to some comment made about him on /mu/ and forgot to talk in third person

>> No.17832940

>lmao. this is like that time thom yorke responded to some comment made about him on /mu/ and forgot to talk in third person
Did this really happen?

>> No.17832999

mathew mitosis only makes surface level commentary about games, kinda shit

>> No.17833005

>this is like that time thom yorke responded to some comment made about him on /mu/ and forgot to talk in third person
was probably just some random radiohead loving dipshit larping as thom yorke

>> No.17833132

His microvideo series are unironic kino. The rest of his videos are the just the best youtube video game critique anyone could make.

>> No.17833137

He talks for 3 hours straight and says nothing.

>> No.17833160

This is why Matthewmatosisis the best in the “genre.”
Gives his opinions on an interesting aspect of the game, talks about how/why it is porbably like that, then talks about how it could have been done differently, all delivered insightfully and intelligently. Never wastes time despite most of his videos being over half an hour long.

>> No.17833179

Nothing about MM is surface-level, he is always divingdirectly into the heart and soul of any game he talks about.

>> No.17833315
File: 24 KB, 1223x115, drfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833355

You forgit children of hurin, beren and luthien, the fall of gondolin, alice in wonderland, the lost world

>> No.17833362

>male gaze
What does it say about women that they feel threatened by someone witnessing them? I swear it should be illegal for any woman (and 95 percent of men) to make publicly viewable statements.

>> No.17833411
File: 35 KB, 680x408, the kind of bothered that honey won't fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning mormeme sanderman, Robert Jordan and web novels in the same breath as LOTR, brother's Grimm and the Odyssey

>> No.17833491

>it's a /vlit/ episode
Name a better crossover.

>> No.17834022

well he's a writer turned youtuber not the other way around

>> No.17834052
File: 235 KB, 550x400, heresy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"SOMA is not a horror, it didn´t scare me."

>> No.17834281
File: 8 KB, 240x240, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The only one to actually talk about literature

Wow this thread is full of plebs

>> No.17834357

Doesn't Joseph Anderson do this as well? As far as I can recall he usually offers up a suggestion to fix the problem

>> No.17834397

Shhh, don't say it so loud, the jannies will get us

>> No.17834517

Soma didn't scare anyone, if it had to be judged entirely on whether it can scare someone it would fail as a video game

>> No.17834586

no, his scripts are super bloated and slow pace and his points suck

>> No.17834629

None. The 500 reply Blood Meridian /v/ thread from 3 months ago was better than what /lit/ has produced in a long time.

>> No.17834783

>what is a psuedo-critique?
What most of these ecelebs are doing, nitpicking and making surface level takes that are pretending to have depth and credibility. Your Andersons and Maulers of the world, that have confused length with depth for their equally as ignorant audiences. Essentially glorified blogs, if you will.

>> No.17834790

>This is why Matthewmatosisis the best in the “genre.”
Hardly, Noah Gervais and Hbomber are.

both of those boards are awful and incapable of discussing their own topics

>The only

>> No.17834817

Fucking how? He is a snarky commie with teenage tier analysis.

>> No.17834854

>God of War
>almost a masterpiece
kek, imagine reading such an idiot

>> No.17834877

>He is a snarky commie with teenage tier analysis.
His Bloodborne, New Vegas and Fallout 3 videos weren't snarky at all, and were for the most part serious analyses of those games. The same is true for the videos he did about VHS and Director's cuts. Also, everyone can be boiled down to stupid caricatures and be made into something they're not, so refrain from doing that since it's pathetic.

>> No.17834896

I agree with that, he has a major issue with getting to the point and sometimes focuses on points that no one cares about. I don't think that means you can totally disregard everything he says though, just acknowledge that he takes too long to say it.

Sadly it seems the direction he's taking is to make his videos more bloated and focus on more shit no one cares about, instead of trying to refine himself. I guess people still fund him so its what people wanna see, but I think he has some good points in a lake of shit.

>> No.17834909

>but I think he has some good points in a lake of shit.
You can say that pretty much for everyone, but that "lake of shit" part counts and is what sets those worth listening to apart from the rest. I also dislike how defensive he gets about having opinions. Like, if you're gonna say anything at all, fucking own it no matter what and don't be a bitch about it. Don't excuse yourself every minute or so because online shitheads are gonna flood your comments and tell you how big of a faggot you are.

>> No.17834920

>Also, everyone can be boiled down to stupid caricatures and be made into something they're not, so refrain from doing that since it's pathetic.

That seems to be the theme of this thread, sadly.

I didn't enjoy Hbomberguys videos but I think some of the titles put me off, so he had to work extra hard to regain that interest; As a result I ended up leaving after 10 minutes but maybe I'll try to rewatch some of his videos.

>> No.17834921

>Joseph Anderson

>> No.17834928

>That seems to be the theme of this thread, sadly.
Usually the case on the internet, is what it is.

>I didn't enjoy Hbomberguys videos but I think some of the titles put me off, so he had to work extra hard to regain that interes
Those Bloodborne is Genius/Fallout 3 Sucks And Here's Why titles had intent behind them, but are quality stuff and one of the few longform videos actually worth watching to the end. I'd also recommend that you watch his video essay on the topic of Director's cuts, personally my favorite and the one I think is his best. Not the topic that gets covered that often, which made it even better in my opinion.

>> No.17834939

I really like that guy. I've only watched his videos on MGS, it's my favorite series but he really did a great job reviewing it. A lot of critics either come off too easy or much too harsh on just about anything but he does strike a very nice balance and keeps a level head. No gimmicks except good content.

>> No.17834961

I think he's just conscious of how questions can sound rude given his tone of voice, so he tries to keep things civil by apologising. Might just make things worse however.

>> No.17834966

If you don't think this is badly written you have very poor standards. My BLACKED Crash Nitro Kart girls fanfic has better prose than this.

>> No.17834977

It does, because it appears as if he doesn't really believe in his own thoughts so why should anyone else? OWN THEM, THEY'RE YOURS AND YOU'VE GIVEN THEM GOOD THOUGHT (hopefully), SO STOP THIS SHIT AND JUST READ THE SCRIPT.

>> No.17835004

>"Pyramid head died cuz i hit him with my sword bro"
He unironically meant that.

>> No.17835084

>>>H “Dark Souls 2 is intentionally bad and therefore a masterpiece” Bomberguy

>> No.17835091

A person is allowed to have garbage takes, and that doesn't invalidate his other takes that are far better.

>> No.17835144

>but whatabout

>> No.17835148

He has no good takes, and his DS2 is just an encapsulation of his entire quality.

>> No.17835215

Nah Fallout 3 is garbage

>> No.17835247

>and his DS2 is just an encapsulation of his entire quality

>> No.17835593

All his takes are shit.

>hurr durr pathologic is good but don't actually buy it

>> No.17835698

part three WHEN

>> No.17836492

any day now

>> No.17837005

His Youtube videos are some of the best I've ever seen, so I would imagine his book is decent at least.

>> No.17837025

That's just sad.

>> No.17837067

I really want to beat the shit out of you and every insipid faggot who nodded their heads in agreement to your post.

>> No.17837095
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>> No.17837101

The sheer lack of self-awareness in taking pride in being a braindead /v/edditor faggot in a thread about a e-celeb on a board that is not even tangibly related to your subject matter.

>> No.17837131

I don’t know why someone who doesn’t watch any youtube would suddenly jump into consuming the catalog of a man who only pumps out multi-hour-long word vomit, but hey you do you man.

>> No.17837154

No, fuck off. "/lit/" has become the favorite buzzword of crossboarders desperately trying to fit in and seek validation.

>> No.17837155

Thread’s been up for 3 days, why wouldn’t they take pride in something that the site moderatirs encourage?

>> No.17837180

Because janitors don't pay attention to /lit/. Notice how not even once anyone goes into detail about the book itself or any discussion of literary merit at all.

>> No.17837300

Fuck off reddit. The book is trash, it's no mystery.

>> No.17837380

See? There's no /lit/ discussion to be had here. You're just yet another shitstain on this board too edgy for Discord or Twitter yet too lukewarm to discuss anything that matters.

>> No.17837433


>> No.17837451

That’s my point. There’s no reason for shitposters like >>17837300 to stop, because the site population ballooned to the point where the janitor/moderation team became incapable of doing their job in regards to the overly large volume of site traffic.

>> No.17837479

What do you like about the book anon?

>> No.17837517


maybe don't make /lit/ your pet project. problem solved.

>> No.17837561

Well, the prose style is bland, I'm assuming purposefully so to avoid comparison with popular high-fantasy authors (Tolkien, Eddison, etc). The sentences contain abrasive elements - "I recoiled from it but didn't take my eyes off it." (it/it) - Overall, it's genre schlock, not dissimilar to any number of other clumsy attempts by your average college-dropout.

>> No.17837572

Fuck off, newfag retard.
>muh video game fantasy schlock book discussion
Oh my! We really need serious discussion on this.

>> No.17837573

Fuck off, wanker.

>> No.17837584

Then off yourself.
>where the janitor/moderation team became incapable of doing their job in regards to the overly large volume of site traffic.
Reactionary newfag retards and their fantasy. Kek.

>> No.17837593

He needs something to complain and fit in but he hasn't figured the next step yet.

>> No.17837609

god i hate how that guy talks. one of the all time most fart huffing inflections

>> No.17837627

i don't make /lit/ my job so i'm never troubled by being called a wanker or finding no threads of interest. i have the luxury of waiting it out until something of interest comes along, and it always does. problem solved.

>> No.17837658

>Noah Gervais
Another insufferable voice guy. I really dont know how you guys can listen to any of these people besides Mattosis. He's the only one that doesnt put on a cooing radio voice.

>> No.17837674

>still missing the point
Why are you so stupid?

>> No.17837719

There was never no point.
>"Make better threads, discuss books in off topic threads because rulezzz. The board quality is going down!"
Stfu. Off topic threads have always been here and this is no strict, totally serious discussion board. Never was and never will be, just stop fucking crying about it. If you are so interested in the book why didn't you start? 5 posts later and you have said about as much as me: The shitposter.

>> No.17837760 [DELETED] 

The Bloodborne video was somehow still terrible in spite of having one of the most easily defensible video essay theses ever.

>> No.17837773

It's not the fact no one is discussing the book is the problem, it's the fact it's a very thinly veiled off-topic thread through the filter of a vaguely tangible subject matter related to the board itself. I'll reiterate, leave this board and never come back you autistic /v/edditor shitposting bastard and stop lowering the discourse.

>> No.17837777

The Bloodborne video was somehow still terrible in spite of having possibly the most easily defensible video essay thesis ever.

>> No.17837835

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/. Literally no day on this board is spent when we don't have a thread like that; and stop backpedalling nigger, you were clearly crying about how there is no discussion on "muh literary merit" over video game fantasy schlock books. If it hurts your butt so much then don't open the thread instead of running your trap for 15 posts over some "ethics"
and practically being the single biggest hypocrite on this board.

>> No.17837851

So you have no intention of talking about the books but need to virtue signal on 4chan of all places? Your definition of good discourse is ghastly.

>> No.17837892

artless and dead on the page

>> No.17837943
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 1612022092815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely reddit post my dude

>> No.17837952

Hey there's some good discussion going on in this thread, no ones sucking this dudes cock and its hard to find genuine discussion about video essays that doesn't devolve into cock suckin on this place. If you don't wanna be here you got 149 other threads to go to.

>> No.17837954

>it's a very thinly veiled off-topic thread through the filter of a vaguely tangible subject matter

>> No.17837982

I watched the first half of that and I'm not sure I get the guy. He has a pretty extreme case of verbal diarrhoea, still kinda interesting though.

>> No.17838450

>He's the only one that doesnt put on a cooing radio voice.
Noah literally sounds like a 50s radio host, while Mattosis is insufferable and has that "another cynical faggot" vibe.

>> No.17838463

Why is his Bloodborne video terrible?

>> No.17838483

I've been on here for years

>> No.17838493

yeah, I don't think he's good all the time but that video comes together well for me. its also supposed to be comedic

>> No.17838495

dude dont bother. you are just talking to underage zoomer retards

>> No.17838515

>wah wah da zoomer boogeyman
/lit/ is not worth defending so both of you stop larping and get thee gone!

>> No.17838774


>> No.17839466


>> No.17840193

nah mattosis just talks like a normal person, the rest of these faggots try to sound sensitive and considered and shit, it's hyper gay, youre probably gay too since you like it

>> No.17840897

>underage zoomer retard replies to himself
Cannot get more pathetic.

>> No.17842027

I watched one video of his and it was full of vague pseudo-analysis that avoided close commentary entirely. No thanks.

>> No.17843023

you dont need 3 hours to analyze/review a game.

>> No.17843099

Its like he works at the police department and has to write a neutral and exact discription of a run in with a burglar. The fucker is writing in the wrong genre. He should be writting some crime lit and focus on the technical details.

>> No.17843169
File: 185 KB, 704x672, 1427268859770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a common joke people make (also known as a meme). Welcome to 4chan and feel free to save this funny image, friend