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17763379 No.17763379 [Reply] [Original]

>waah I can't stop checking my phone every 5 minutes
>waah I don't like contemporary music
>waah everything is capitalism's fault, I am not responsible for anything
Why are leftists such pathetic crybaby incels?

>> No.17763391

You have to be 18 years old to post here

>> No.17763392


>> No.17763415

You have to had sex to post here.
Get a life incel.

>> No.17763419

I really want to kill commies, I secretly wouldn't mind civil war breaking out if it meant I could kill some commies and get away with it.

>> No.17763429

>Why are leftists such pathetic crybaby incels?
They're not, Fisher was just depressed and retarded

>> No.17763447

Name one (1) leftist that doesn't blame le epic capitalism spook for all their problems.

>> No.17763448

If you’re not a communist that’s how I know you’re a brainlet. Also the only music worth listening to are liturgical chants from the 10th century

>> No.17763458

It's all because the fantasy of the hedonists is that hedonists will hug each other once all their desires are met.
This is why marxism is materialism, ie reducing everything to material conditions and money, and why they push for more and more cheap goods.

hedonists get acclimated to their current situation, but they need more and more pleasures and less and less hardship to feel happy, otherwise they get depressed.

This is why atheists (who are hedonists) confuse happiness with having free stuff, free goods and services.
According to marxists, people are happy only they have the material conditions for it.

Liberals define freedom and happiness with an opulence of goods, an orgy of sense pleasures and they call this progress.

Okay, but since hedonists need bigger and bigger breakthrough to ease their life, they get depressed when those breakthroughs do not happen, like it has been the case since the 80s.
They freak out when there is a recession and they whine that progress stagnates.

For 2 centuries atheists could hype their human rights has progress and the right side of history, because human rights is just giving people more and more of an easy life.
However it is never enough.

>> No.17763464

You have to be straight to post here.

>> No.17763468

>liturgical chants from the 10th century
Please recommend me few chants

>> No.17763478

>capitalism spook
How does something that affects your everyday life directly be a spook

>> No.17763480

Ridiculous post. If you read all of that and don’t burst into laughter you’re very pathetic

>> No.17763488


>> No.17763497

Capitalism affects my every day life no more than ghosts, demons and fairies.
It's a meaningless spook. Leftists use the word to mean all the bad things they dislike.

>> No.17763501

>>waah I don't like contemporary music
The worst part is he had embarrassing entry-level tourist taste. This guy was a music critic LMAO

>> No.17763506

A thread died just for this

>> No.17763532

It’s a very succinct deconstruction of liberal psychology. Lacan would be proud.

>> No.17763550

That may be the case for you but not for everyone else.

>> No.17763556

Let me guess, capitalism is the reason you're wasting your time on the internet right now?

>> No.17763583

No. What I mean is that there's millions of workers being exploited everyday and that is directly the result of a system that prioritizes profit and production over everything else.

>> No.17763679

well, as a right-winger, to answer your question.
yes, it's capitalisms fault.

>> No.17763686

He's actually kind of right in the sense that the hedonic treadmill will push people to feel depressed if they have gotten a taste of a higher form of happiness, which is unsustainable. However, to declare that all liberalism and hedonism is a result of this wish for higher pleasure, or that that desire is even a bad thing is ridiculous.

>> No.17763688


>> No.17763692

>What I mean is that there's millions of workers being exploited everyday and that is directly the result of a system that prioritizes profit and production over everything else.

So, address immigration and technological progress -- both things Liberals/Neoliberals push for.

>> No.17763693

You're not a right winger if you can't accept personal responsibility for such a simple thing as browsing 4chan.

>> No.17763720

That's not true, they could easily blame jews or women and remain right wing.

>> No.17763723

I haven't browsed 4chan in 9 days actually.
and personal responsibility (i got nothing against it tho) is liberal, mr. American.

>> No.17763724

>It's all because the fantasy of the hedonists is that hedonists will hug each other once all their desires are met.
I promise I will hug everyone (yes, even NIGGERS) if my desire to execute the 1% and installing Socialism is met.

>> No.17763732

you'll hug them right onto a knife.

>> No.17763747

>blame jews
That would make you fascist/nazi, which is a left-wing ideology.
Personal responsibility is one of the core tenets of right wing thought.
I'm not american.

>> No.17763762

>That would make you fascist/nazi, which is a left-wing ideology.

>> No.17763764
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>That would make you fascist/nazi, which is a left-wing ideology.

>> No.17763770

Explain left and right to me with historical context that deviates from economics please anon

>> No.17763782

>national socialism isn't socialist
spot the amerishitcucks

>> No.17763785

>That would make you fascist/nazi, which is a left-wing ideology
This is what happens when you overdose on PragerU videos

>> No.17763803

>party members call each other comrades
>not socialism

>> No.17763826

Let Hitler speak for himself:
>We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions
In what universe is socialism not left-wing?

>> No.17764007

I saw this book cover posted all the time so I went and read it so I could participate in the discussions. Come to find out all the discussions are exactly like this.

>> No.17764030
File: 932 KB, 2765x1308, Nazi Political Economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words are cheap, actions are not

>> No.17764037

>I'm not american.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre, You're an American

>> No.17764039

Sorry anon, I'll try to be more deserving of your efforts in the future.

>> No.17764044

oh yeah that quote is from Strasser not hitler

>> No.17764109

Fucking read stirner and don't use terms you don't understand

>> No.17764128


>> No.17764141

Far right people say all the same stuff in a slightly different way

>> No.17764142


cool. I wanna kill commies AND nazis

>> No.17764147

He's unironically right desu

>> No.17764148


Me. I blame the state as a whole

>> No.17764355

Labor theory of value is retarded and profit is not theft. Grow up.

>> No.17765026

National SOCIALIST party is fascism, huh makes you think

>> No.17765035

Based, hedonism will be the fall of man.

>> No.17766081

Read Matthew B Crawford instead, "the world beyond your head" is excellent. Read it. It focuses on similar issues that effect us in 'modernity'

>> No.17766523

For thought in a similar vein i would suggest Matthew B Crawford's book, 'why we drive'. It is about much more than just driving, obviously.

>> No.17766530

You will never be a woman

>> No.17766547

Shiet I thought one comment didnt post rip

>> No.17766614
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To be honest I have to agree though I liked the book, it seemed as though Fisher was projecting his own hopeless depression onto the society around him. This doesn't mean that all of his observations are wrong though. His section about university students and depressive hedonia is very accurate and deeply troubling.

>> No.17766684

God, you illiterate /pol/ niggers are so tiring. Fisher is smarter than you. You should be able to read leftists and be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. If you can’t, you are retarded. >>17763391

>> No.17766869

thinking that fascism is left wing is the ultimate amerimutt opinion

>> No.17766883

There's good leftists out there (a few) but Fisher isn't one of them

>> No.17766970

You are a case study of this, you retard. You're proving his point with all of your replies. Now back to bed, it's way past your bedtime you little faggot.

>> No.17766988

Reading Capitalist Realism and judging Fisher is like reading the Communist Manifesto and judging Marx.

>> No.17766999

Yes? If they were good they wouldn't have put out mediocre garbage like that.

>> No.17767078

digits aside you're a moron.

>> No.17767703

Ask yourself why author of pic related couldn't be helped by Jewish psychiatrist and tons of antidepressants while monks from Mount Athos are doing just fine with prayer and the least amount of possessions possible

>> No.17767715

Just like Fisher and Marx eh?

>> No.17767959
File: 38 KB, 710x528, c3cc5aa34f4623e47bbda4f318ffcc88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>National Socialist Party = Socialism

You're exactly the type of moron actual fascist love.

>> No.17768103

Why are both poles of the pol tards such victim narrative seeking cry babies?

Because neither you understand that God is good and you are the living manifestation of Jeremiah 17:5.

t. Not religious, just a soul.

>> No.17768164

Well said.
It has been and is.
Very good point. Although the idolatry of Christianity was the snow ball that started this avalanche. Most people are far to dumb to understand its esoteric significance. Thats why, imo, we need a more purely transcendent conception of the Divine, i.e. like the OT.

Also me.

>> No.17768265

socialism is not exclusively left wing, you know that right?

>> No.17768282
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>> No.17768629

I wish people would actually make arguments against this sort of thing. He speaks the truth he is just describing modern marxism in reality rather than in theory. Not a single person acknowledges this and they ALWAYS dismiss it without argument.

>> No.17768817


>> No.17768831

>According to marxists, people are happy only they have the material conditions for it.
This is misleading. The material conditions for Marxist care about has less to do with hedonism than work place control, that is the means of production. A large part of the sadness people feel today is less about the possibility of red plenty that anon is attempting to equate to headonism than it is about a lack of access to meaningful skilled creative selfdirected work. Marx ree's about the excess being kept from the workers sure, but he also shows talks this alienation workers began to face as would be craftsmen became factory workers with the transition to the industrialized mode of production.
Nobody every responds to comments like that because they are at best made by people arrogantly ignorant of what Racist German Santa's material conditions are all about or at worst are disengenously equating disire for creation in work with consumption and accumulation.
don't >> me

>> No.17768912


>> No.17769763

>>waah I can't stop checking 4chan every 5 minutes
>>waah I don't like contemporary movies
>>waah everything is the jew's fault, I am not responsible for anything

>> No.17769774
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>> No.17769830
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>yes i did just today learn about the concept of spooks
>no i do not understand it
>yes i will hamfist it into every conversation

>> No.17769872

calling capitalism a spook is the ultimate example of capitalist realism

>> No.17769884

not an argument

>> No.17769902

nice bait, can't believe it got you some (you)'s

>> No.17770423

It shouldn't warrant a name considering it is reality. Just say realism. The only reason people use capitalism is to contrast it with socialism which is pure fantasy.

>> No.17770436

The people they sold those industries and services to were all a part of the nsdap and would go on to form orginisations like KdF. The distinction is meaningless and shows the limits of liberal thinking

>> No.17770444

Should say communism, which is fantasy, as socialism is just "state capitalism"

>> No.17770471

try reading the book before participating

>> No.17770660

good post

>> No.17770756


>> No.17770774

I don't know but this book is really bad.

>> No.17770781

>What I mean is that there's millions of workers being exploited

If they're being paid they're not being exploited...

>> No.17770785

i thought you were describing this board

>> No.17770789

>Fisher was projecting his own hopeless depression onto the society around him.

Very accurate.

>> No.17770916

this x10

>> No.17770956

anon just say you haven't read the book

>> No.17771024
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Correct, all Enlightenment-based politics from Liberalism to Marxism is hedonism. The fundamental political divide today is basically how people respond to pic related.

>> No.17771054

For me it was the part about "privatizing depression".

>> No.17771099

>You have to be 18 years old to post here
then why are so many lefties here?

>> No.17772195

Based opinion. Look up Safetyism

>> No.17772217

Anyone got books on against hedonism and modernity? Not memeing about monke mode but more onto what’s going on in the world and where we are headed, is that essentially the “blind pill” stuff?

>> No.17772227

Based, all collectivist ideologies are left-wing and cringe

>> No.17772272

Have you ever tried to get a permit to do something? It's the fastest acting anprim pill.

>> No.17772327

That book was written in 2009

>> No.17772329


>> No.17772356
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>According to marxists, people are happy only they have the material conditions for it.

That is absolutely not true and you are a fucking idiot if you think this, Marxists believe that once their material conditions are good, then they can fulfill their other desires, whatever they may be, because they will no longer have the anxiety of worrying about their material conditions, I literally went from a poor fag to a rich fag, and it only made me realize how true this is.
The fact that there are so many retards in this thread unironically saying BASED and TRUE is making me go insane.

>> No.17772395

This is just the foundation of society. You can live whatever way you want. You want to be a religious nut? Go for it.
What you want is to control other people, and that’s not happening.

>> No.17772437

What are the definitions of material needs at that point? The problem with man is everything is relative if you get your needs met you always want more give a man a Toyota and he’s upset that he doesn’t have a Lexus. Meeting basing needs is incredibly easy and even those in “poverty” have their needs met in first world countries, it’s an issue of consumption and materialism that needs to be addressed.

>> No.17772480

Economically yes, nazism was a form of socialism.

>> No.17772517

Yes but politically they are nationalist, calling the Nazis left wing is an absurd claim

>> No.17772541


Maybe you can say this of the wannabe Marxists alive today but obviously this is not what Marx intended he was really just trying to help his country by trying some new ideas same as Hitler

>> No.17772556

>Marxists believe that once their material conditions are good, then they can fulfill their other desires, whatever they may be

>> No.17773022

All humanists do this. And since they cant derive morality from their lack of god, they put the emphasis on their kids. This is where the meme ''think of the children'' comes from.

So according to those secular rationalists, you should embrace the dogmas of the humanists because your kids will have a better life than you.

This worked for 200 years because those rationalists picked up all the low hanging fruits of physics, and they sold their dogmas with the material progress for the peasants. Now that science stagnates, the peasants no longer see any scientific breakthrough and get their easy lives for them and their kids, so they wonder if this is the end of their atheist democracy.

>> No.17773027

National socialism is indeed socialism. Even Hitler viewed himself as socialist. And all the capitalists feared that he would deprive them of their goods.

>Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?"

>"Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists!"

>"Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic."
-Adolf Hitler, Interview with George Sylvester Viereck, 1923

>> No.17773036

>>That is absolutely not true and you are a fucking idiot if you think this, Marxists believe that once their material conditions are good, then they can fulfill their other desires, whatever they may be, because they will no longer have the anxiety of worrying about their material conditions,
Yeah so they need the material conditions to be happy and those conditions are necessary and sufficient. Once they have them, they can realize the humanist dream of freedom, which is for those people ''doing what I want''

>> No.17773043
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I think mods should ocassionally delete posts who aren't honest enough to exit their own hypocrisy to at least engage in an authentic conversation in their own thread

>> No.17773077

Why do you need the state to be theistic?
I think the state should operate based on what we can all be certain about.
The state doesn’t need to be making any leaps of faith. It should be as grounded as possible.

>> No.17773080

>bread, clean water, a roof, and education = a hedonistic orgy of sense pleasures

please try harder

>> No.17773090

Hitler strayed from socialism and many more socialistic party members criticised him for this.

>> No.17773111

What is the point in arguing with you when you are clearly so dishonest? You are the one who should try harder, and engage with discussion properly.

>> No.17773134


You will never ascend into heaven. There is no God, no divinity, no life after death. You are a scared plebian twisted by political control into a crude mockery of human potential.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people damn you to hell. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish beliefs behind closed doors.

Intellectuals are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of thought and discovery have allowed the intellectual community to sniff out religious beliefs with incredible efficiency. Even PhDs in theology look like brainwashed pedants to anyone with basic critical thinking. Your refusal to question scripture is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get into a proper debate with an average guy, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your unwillingness to challenge basic assumptions of your thought.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself that one day you will join the father up in heaven, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll wonder what you could have become, as they cremate your ashes and spread your dust to the wind, as your consciousness is lost to eternity.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17773145

A lot of these religious nuts come off as thinly-veiled sadists.

They can’t go to the BDSM dungeon because of their religiosity, so they use their faith as a vehicle to discharge their sadistic urges.

Okay, “pleasure” rubs you the wrong way. What about suffering? Is that good?
Who would believe it is good except a sadist?
Not to be too Freudian, but it really is like a deeply repressed sexual thing.

>> No.17773689

It’s not pleasure but the pursuit of pleasure above all else that is the issue.

>> No.17773756

>getting ass raped for eternity to own the fundies

>> No.17775187

I'm beginning to think that hitler was a pretty cringy guy

>> No.17775215

communism is the natural state of affiars, with some loser called a "chief" or proletarian dictator in charge.
>"the march of social progress is out of communism and into mutualism"

>> No.17775235

Relegating nazism exclusively to the right is equally absurd. Ideologies aren't as neatly situated onto a two pole continuum as mainstream burger education will have you believe.

>> No.17775240

>Meeting basing needs is incredibly easy and even those in “poverty” have their needs met in first world countries
Not really, there are lots of homeless people in many first world countries. Homeless shelters and similar places exist but they're often not enough.

It is very rare for someone to starve in a first world country thougb, that is true.

>> No.17775294

>Relegating marxism exclusively to the left is equally absurd. Ideologies aren't as neatly situated onto a two pole continuum as mainstream burger education will have you believe.

>> No.17775401

Ah the ol Möbius strip, yeah Nazism and Marxism at the extreme poles are so far apart they become neighbours

>> No.17775412

I still don’t understand what the end goal is, okay here is a small apartment with water and food. Than what? What is the noble pursuit that they are incapable of doing whilst holding down a regular job? Why is it so difficult to find meaning in their work?