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17757833 No.17757833 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Want to read Crime and Punishment
>Look up what the best translation is
>No consensus on what translation is best
>Can’t decide what translation to get
>Never get book
Anyone else?

>> No.17757847

>Anyone else?
yes. I obsess over translations constantly

>> No.17757926

That's how I feel with Thus Spake Zarathustra.

>> No.17757969

The translation doesn’t matter as much as people here think. I have no idea what translation of Crime and Punishment I read, I just picked up a random copy at a used booksals, but I still loved it.

>> No.17758312

if you can't decide just get the garnett translation, it was the only translation that was available for a long time and left an impression on other writers

>> No.17758343

>Be me
>Going for a stroll
>Decide halfway that I should swing by my local bookstore
>Just finished Notes from the Underground, want more Dosto
>Had Demons in mind, they didn't have it
>Get the Idiot instead
>Dont care about the translator, just get what they have in stock.

>> No.17758365

Everything is permitted, anon. Even reading bad translations.

>> No.17758373

On that note, P&V is the best for Dosto translations because they actually use the phrase 'everything is permitted' unlike others.

>> No.17758390


>> No.17758416

what phrase is used by the others?

>> No.17758442

Everything is allowed

>> No.17758445

I dont fucking know man leave me alone.

>> No.17758452

Learn Russian you retard. Its an easy language.

>> No.17758456

>Not reading it in Russian as Dostoyevsky intended


>> No.17758468

I just got the Garnet because it was free

>> No.17758484

Just read some of a few translations, realize that Garnett is the best writer, and that it's her translation that popularized Dostoevsky in the west and influenced major English writers. Or have no taste and just read P&V

>> No.17758492
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>download the first translation I find on Project Gutenberg
>read the book
>enjoy the hell out of it
>never think once about whether there are any better translations out there
You created your own prison. Break free.