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/lit/ - Literature

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17724239 No.17724239 [Reply] [Original]

Books about having a massive intellectual ego without the natural ability to back it up, being put in your place, having a mental breakdown, and becoming an apathetic social failure with an inferiority complex?

>> No.17724241

my diary desu

>> No.17724247

somebody post the screencap about the guy who only read Infinite Jest and made an ass out of himself in front of an entire lecture hall

>> No.17724328
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Not sure about the book but I've got the perfect movie.

>> No.17724357

thanks :)

>> No.17724371

My life desu

>> No.17724380
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Thank God my ego matches my intellect.

>> No.17724408

i'm 100% sure that's fake just because if it were true then anybody who witnessed it would have killed themselves out of vicarious embarrassment and then we would surely have heard about it

>> No.17724608

Bump i want to see it

>> No.17724646

Almost anything by Thomas Bernhard but The Loser more specifically.

>> No.17724660

Read Tao Te Ching and learn to accept yourself.

>> No.17724685

Most people on this board seem to go through steps 1 and 2, but never 3 and 4, no matter how justified it may be

>> No.17724691

I’ve definitely gone through the four steps. When I turned 30 last year I sealed my faith by accepting that I am not cut out for grand things.

>> No.17724706

I want to hear your story anon

>> No.17724707

You'll always be great to me, Anon

>> No.17724718

bumping for interest

>> No.17724736

Get it together!

>> No.17724786
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>skipped several grades
>got into uni at 15
>Didn't care to study because I've never studied before
>Kicked out at 18 for failing GPA
>I'm 24 now and work minimum wage

I don't know if I can go on
Being told you're a genius at a young age really fucks with you

>> No.17724798


>> No.17724829
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>ywn solve p vs np

>> No.17724834

There should be a chart of this.

>> No.17724861

Come on people where is it

>> No.17725222

that's just plain retarded; when you finally came to the stage where you could put your intellect to good use, you failed. you were never incredibly smart anon, just an above average student with an inflated ego and rich, well-educated parents. most actual child prodigies do something with their lives, or at the very least, don't fuck it all up.
i think you're a few years late for an appointment with mr. rope and bucket, my friend. don't keep them waiting too long

>> No.17725243

Sounds like my diary desu

>> No.17725261

Salieri was talented though. He was in an even worse position, perpetually being second best. That will drive you mad

>> No.17725265

Checked and rekt

>> No.17725274

You sound insecure af bro

>> No.17725289

>rich, well-educated parents
My mom still rents at 50

>> No.17725307

The same thing happened to me when I was young but with athletics. I was a naturally talented athlete and effortlessly won everything I competed in, so no one ever told me to train or to develop a work ethic and just showered me with blind praise. Obviously no one's so gifted that they don't have to train ever so as I got older I found I lacked the discipline to really profit from my talents and so I just sort of gave up out of laziness and squandered them in the end. It's not rare for this kind of thing to happen. Kids shouldn't be given to much praise lest they become complacent.

>> No.17725379

It's still crazy to me that someone could be so bitter and jaded that they would encourage people they don't even know to commit sudoku. It's not surprising as much as its bizarre and sad, do you really not have anything better to do with your time?

>> No.17725483

>Salieri was talented
No he wasn’t
>second best
Far from it

>> No.17725490

i dunno, is a single post on lit indicative of some deeper malaise in my soul? possible. does it negate the content of what i said? unlikely. also, suicide should never be ruled out, it is the ultimate dhamma of the person who could not fruitfully carry out the dhamma of his birth/life.
how does praise reduce your will to become better? fucking animals have understood this for millenia: if there is a negative stimulus, you try to reduce your exposure to it. either this is a bad excuse for not living up to expectations, or worse, a sign that you are worse than an animal.

>> No.17725511

Shut up pretentious faggot

>> No.17725523

>how does praise reduce your will to become better?
if it isn't counterbalanced by encouragement to nurture your natural abilities further and not let them go to waste then it can lead to complacency. young people don't usually have so much foresight as to think that they'll keep enjoying the same success forever without putting in as much work as everyone else. that can easily become a bad habit that leads into adulthood.

>> No.17725536

Bitter loser spotted

>> No.17725538

>won't keep enjoying*
one of the worst things you can do to a precocious child is tell them how great they are all the time. it's a golden recipe for creating burnout fuckups

>> No.17725552

>Shut up pretentious faggot
you know where you are posting, right? also, not an argument, as the greatest thinker of our times puts it
you know what, point accepted. but is it wrong to expect some more maturity and bloody-mindedness from young adults/ teenagers?

>> No.17725553

The Great Gatsby.

>> No.17725554
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how to escape this as an "adult"?

>> No.17725561

aside from suicide of course

>> No.17725574

Want to see this so bad lol

>> No.17725590

I would say it's wrong because wisdom and foresight and totally different things from intelligence and natural ability and it's dangerous to conflate them. A kid may have mastered differential equations before 8 years old but ask him to meaningfully expound as to the importance of friendship or humility and you'll almost certainly get nothing.

>> No.17725642

Zen Master Hakuin once said that you need 3 things in life to lead a careful and mindful life.

1. You need the trust, the deep trust in yourself that the path you are treading is the right one.

2. You need the effort, the constant effort.

3. You need the doubt, the healthy doubt whether what you seem to believe is really right and true.

So you are saying that you are having a mental breakdown. Then you need to research the cause and be honest with yourself. How did this ego come about and how high is the truth content in your knowledge. There are also certain differences in knowledge.

There is "implicit knowledge" (implicit knowledge or tacit knowledge means - to put it simply - "can without being able to say how." the words to describe this skill or to convey it verbally to others.). And there is "explicit knowledge" that you can express yourself freely.

Many people know something but have problems articulating themselves or need a little push and a guideline, a help, so to speak, so that they can get ahead in their thinking. Something always seems to be very depressing for many, it is a certain pressure. Perhaps also a social pressure, an excessive demand from which a kind of inferiority complex arises and if that is the case, then you have to learn enough to find out what's really behind it. At this point you can again mention the effort, without the effort of reading books and not being intimidated by 4chan, you need a certain effort. But you also need trust and doubt.

>> No.17725650

Humility. Consider how laughably pathetic and nauseating it is that someone should be an unemployed friendless virgin living with their parents and yet consider themselves superior to the average person on account of his Mensa membership or IQ test score, or some lingering memory of his 3rd grade teacher calling him gifted and talented, despite producing nothing of value to himself let alone other people. Granted this is a charicature and you're probably not that bad but plenty of people like this exist and you don't want to be like them at all. You should rather want to be a leper than one of these people.

>> No.17725716

Without the effort of reading books, you don't necessarily get smarter or make it too difficult for yourself. Unless you are very lucky and have already gained certain key experiences and also find the right abbreviations through videos, etc. But there are very insecure or ignorant, inexperienced people everywhere on the Internet who all influence and unsettle each other with their ignorance. Of course, those affected do not notice that, they live in their own world, in which many things are still very unclear and some are only just beginning to deal with philosophical issues. That is why many ask if there are such things as forbidden books because they still don't really understand what is going on in the world. You should get rid of this as quickly as possible and try to make a kind of master plan, which is of course not easy when many people in the minds of the whole new generation are already using foreign ideas and manipulations from the media. That should only be mentioned in passing.

The most important thing is that despite all the circumstances you try to keep a cool head and not panic. Those who try will also find the answers they are looking for. But you shouldn't wait too long for it, because years can go by quickly.

>> No.17725841


What stubborn thinking entails; At the beginning you don't believe everything you see because you don't know anything about it and therefore can't just be interested in books suggested by others. That naturally makes your concerns a little more problematic, where do you start? One says that, the other says something else. The whole thing can quickly make you tired and listless. But after you have bought and read a few books after a very thorough and individual calculation, you immediately notice the change in your own view of the world. Of course, other people's opinions also always play a role, because you want to know what others say about it. That's why people like to discuss complex topics on / lit /. But I wouldn't recommend assuming that at a certain point you know everything, because that's the catch. At first you don't know anything, then you know little, then you think you understand everything, then nothing, then you understand a lot and if you try harder, until you get the feeling that you know almost everything again, just in order to be determined in the end, provided you are honest with yourself, to admit that you don't know that much after all.

It is not so easy to say where exactly the inferiority complex is supposed to have originated. Because knowledge has nothing to do with being able to show off with it, rather it is usually formed from a specific occasion and an existing interest. I would even argue that this complex was imposed on you from the outside world and that it is not of natural origin, but that you have been tricked, so to speak.

>> No.17725880

how do i trust myself?

>> No.17725919
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Thanks for the rec, anon. I'll look for it on the high seas now.

>> No.17725949

The only actual good recommendation in the thread.

>> No.17725986

Don't you think that's a strange question? As if there was some magic trick on how to trust yourself. Trusting in yourself is something individual that you have to find out for yourself. Even science does not have a clear answer for this, because so many questions would be connected with it, of course science always tries to start from the simplest answer (reductionist determinisus) but if one investigates more closely, one realizes that even science is based on set assumptions, the you can also set it differently. Therefore, in my opinion, trust has to do with a higher level of knowledge of what is inherent in one. Of course you can also ignore it and rely on the fact that you do not have that confidence in yourself and build your life on it or do nothing at all, but that depends on your own decision and your opinion. Nobody claims to have eaten wisdom with a spoon ... Except maybe science.

The whole topic could of course be deepened, but that's enough as an answer from my side.

>> No.17726132


>> No.17726166
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>> No.17726179

Just read /lit/.

>> No.17726184

It got hyped up too much and turned out not to be funny at all. Pass

>> No.17726398

Uhm... well mine is sorta about that. Some chapters more than others. But the main character thinks a lot, but he took the wrong education and ended up in a dead end job.

The book is written from his perspective and he constantly ponders and meditates, he is so deep, that when he meets his first new friend in a long while, he can barely shake hands.

Each chapter is no more than 2500 words, followed by a poem for the mood of what was just read. I try to make each chapter kinda stand on its own, the first half of the book is just about getting to know the main character.

I have one completed book on fictions press:

I really appreciate if anyone would give me a review. I have no reviews, but I have had three offers from kongfubooks and others. They liked it, but it is probably just spam.

The first chapters are a bit clumsy. The first poem I have got to change. I like to take my time and develop the characters.

My second book is where the plot thickens. I have posted half of it:


Feel free to read if you enjoy that sort of stuff. Please leave some positive feedback. I am already hard on myself. It isn't too difficult to be your own worst critic.

Just pick one chapter. Read it, comment on it. You don't have to read the whole book. Any good feedback feels good. If you have some love to give, please give.

>> No.17726409

>suicide should never be ruled out
based beyond belief

seething onions

>> No.17726420

Literally me, except I'm retarded. Will shrooms help with an inferiority complex?

>> No.17726429
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you know what you have to do anon