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/lit/ - Literature

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17709763 No.17709763 [Reply] [Original]

Name a good black writer that isn't Thomas Sowell.

>> No.17709770

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.17709776

i like colson whitehead

>> No.17709793

brother spear

>> No.17709800

Julius Caesar

>> No.17709806

Adolf Hitler

>> No.17709807


>> No.17709809

The Sellout is a legitimately great recent book.

>> No.17709810

Dumas was 1/4 black, 3/4 white. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.17709819

Machado de Assis
Saul Williams
Alexander Dumas

>> No.17709883

which is considered black in america

>> No.17709893

marlon james

>> No.17709912
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My racing heart, it stops and starts
Breaks apart and paints the walls
Where did all this pain come from?
Break the laws and sell the cause
Break my chains, I change my locks
I want to talk to the spirit Gods
I talk to you through broken jaws
Broke my teeth on something hard

>> No.17709916

Ralph Ellison.

>> No.17709918

MF Doom

>> No.17709935

the guy who wrote hukelburry fin

>> No.17709939
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>> No.17709941
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DOOM and Pusha-T cemented to me the idea that poetry is a retarded endeavor nowadays and that rap music is the evolution of poetry that we deserve, the only thing that can be called progress. Instead of tedious, mechanical and anti-natural metrics with occasional rhymes, the acrobatic rhyme schemes of DOOM and Pusha's triple, quadruple entendres are the modern, logical conclusion evolution of what poetry used to be, and it's about time.

Classical poetry for pseuds, slam poetry for complete faggots, rap music for real enlightened intellectuals

>> No.17709943

It’s also considered proper to commit yourself to 70 hours a week slaving in a factory and parading your transgender children through the street in America.

I rest my case.

>> No.17710144

Hot take for a 20-year old

>> No.17710156


>> No.17710297

as far as actual black people go
Machado de Assis
Jay Wright
Booker T. Washington

>> No.17710603

Mandingus Clitteratus

>> No.17710617

>tfw always got asked this question at school particularly by this clique of would be communists my gf hung out with
My answer then is the same as it is now. James Joyce.

>> No.17710713
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Octavia butler, coates

>> No.17710747

Frantz Fanon

>> No.17712403

Based eccoposter

>> No.17712433


>> No.17712435

based, Irish are the niggers of europe

>> No.17712444

fucking genius man

>> No.17712611

wole basedinka

>> No.17712672


>> No.17712692
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MLK Jr. if he lived longer and made fiction books.
>tfw no bug gf
inb4 someone tells me to just get a chink gf

>> No.17712709

Based. Niggers are the only chance for the salvation of the English language.

>> No.17712847


>> No.17712870

Ishmael Reed

>> No.17712888

Ralph Ellison

>> No.17712921

J K Rowling

>> No.17712936

my diary nigga

>> No.17713209


>> No.17713735

As a distant relative of Dumas, he was more of a fucking quarter, washed down to 1/16th than a full black you dumb nigger. At least he had more mentality than a full brained nigger.

>> No.17713745

Considered Mexican

>> No.17713757

Aren't you the tranny from /tv on 4+4 that keeps shitposting trying to validate yourself from cutting off your cock? You should write a book yourself and let anons review it.

>> No.17714670

donald goines
chester himes
iceberg slim
spice 1
scarface from the geto boys
noreaga from capone n noreaga

>> No.17714692


>> No.17714696

Dumas wasn't even American

>> No.17714702

Machado de Assis

>> No.17714725

If blacks could write they wouldn't be blacks.

>> No.17714752

More embarrassing is keeping your values and interest the lowest common denominator of what you think is the "patrician" thing to think. I think poetry is obsolete dross, and I stand by it.

>> No.17714936

dude does not get enough respect here
good one, Invisible Man is amazing
I haven't read Coates other than his articles and didn't care for them but Butler is top tier sci-fi

I'll say James Baldwin. What's so based is when you realize all these shitposters trying to justify their passed down beliefs will only defend it anonymously and online

>> No.17716161


>> No.17716189

Based as fuck. Everything he puts out is lucid and interesting. Definitely deserved his Nobel.

>> No.17716202

>passed down beliefs

Dead giveaway the person speaking is a retard. The reality no one wants to face is that those neo-white-nationalists and alt-right types are made, by society, not by tradition. They are a reaction, ultimately a philistine, dilettante neurotic paranoid reaction, but a reaction nonetheless to a world that leans too radically in favor of extreme ideologies of the left and claims to be so anti-racist it goes full circle and becomes racist against whites, which is not the result of some kind of conspiracy theorist view of the world but blatantly and painfully open and verifiable.

And don't try to hide behind cowardly arguments (fueled by a demonization of anonymity) that anonymity in the internet is what emboldens such ideologues, they are all over the public political discourse and they have not a fuck to give what people think, see that Richard Spencer type.

t. nigger loving latino

>> No.17716264

good post.

>> No.17716352

>Samuel Delaney
This guy too

>> No.17716901


>> No.17716905

based you

>> No.17716981
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Nope. Not even a dude.

>> No.17717069
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>> No.17717091

If you like fiction
N.k. jemison
Octavia butler

James baldwin
Toni Morrison

Sorry I don't know jackshit

>> No.17717876
File: 165 KB, 948x450, prada-tienda-quinta-avenida-948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frederick Douglass
Harriet A. Jacobs
Martin Luther King
Chinua Achebe
W. E. B. Du Bois

>> No.17717890
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>> No.17717900
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How new are you?

>> No.17718261

holy shit pseud, put down the thesaurus and recognize culture has always been an amalgamation and not a binary white/nonwhite product

>> No.17718289

And get more cheese than Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos