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17707387 No.17707387 [Reply] [Original]

"In Marx’s analysis, social domination in capitalism does not, on its most fundamental level, consist in the domination of people by other people, but in the domination of people by abstract social structures that people themselves constitute. Marx sought to grasp this form of abstract, structural domination — which encompasses, and extends beyond, class domination — with his categories of the commodity and capital. This abstract domination not only determines the goal of production in capitalism, according to Marx, but its material form as well. Within the framework of Marx’s analysis, the form of social domination that characterizes capitalism is not ultimately a function of private property, of the ownership by the capitalists of the surplus product and the means of production; rather, it is grounded in the value form of wealth itself, a form of social wealth that confronts living labor (the workers) as a structurally alien and dominant power."

Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination (1993)

>> No.17707521


>> No.17707738

Funny how leftists always talk about these nebulous but somehow omnipresent abstract structures of racism or capitalism but when you start naming concrete actors and networks wielding power in concrete ways the suddenly you are a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite

>> No.17707981
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>Funny how leftists always talk about these nebulous but somehow omnipresent abstract structures of racism or capitalism but when you start naming concrete actors and networks wielding power in concrete ways the suddenly you are a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite

>> No.17707991

like clockwork

>> No.17707992

>A reinterpretation
And another book bites the shelf

>> No.17707999
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>Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:19:08 No.17707981▶
>File: download.jpg (8 KB, 372x136)
>8 KB

>>Funny how leftists always talk about these nebulous but somehow omnipresent abstract structures of racism or capitalism but when you start naming concrete actors and networks wielding power in concrete ways the suddenly you are a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite

>> No.17708000
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>> No.17708024

Pure leftist pseud virtue signalling. Fuck off back to leftypol tranny this wont become a meme as nobody here has any interest in larping as if they care about marxist economic theory from the 30s.

>> No.17708060

Lmao anti-semitism really is the socialism of fools. You do not have the mental capacity to understand how much of your life is determined by the actions of abstract processes, so you have to invent grubby little hook-nosed devils to whom you can attribute your very accurate feelings of being systemically buttfucked. It's exactly the same thing as american liberals who think the issues of capitalism begin and end with 'corporate greed,' and if only we could get more black women CEOs who cared more about the environment, then our problems would be solved. The inability to think evaluatively about the effects of systems except in terms of the moral qualities of the people involved in them is a dead giveaway of an absolute bottomwit.

>> No.17708077

Leftists would hate jews if Hitler never rounded them up.

>> No.17708083

>invent grubby little hook-nosed devils
But they're right there anon, just look at them

>> No.17708129

>Communist scholastic #738495
who cares

>> No.17708279

>abstract processes
Not anon, but I guarantee you that if people en masse started blaming jews for their problems those problems would go away. At least for a little while. Jews are the power structure right now and have been for at least half a century now. If they stopped preforming those "abstract processes" I'm sure some other group would take their place. But these processes require flesh and blood in order to happen.

>> No.17708498
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>Mom I posted it again

>> No.17709012


>> No.17709093

call me a moral fag but if you care so much about the problems of the mob why can't you care about the problems of the jews??? especially when a section of the mob will become the scapegoat afterwards... it doesn't seem like you can claim to care

>> No.17709217

>You can't claim to care
I wouldn't claim to care. I don't think the current social/political situation really impacts my life too much. I'm just saying blaming jews would be effective and you would have to be playing dumb to deny it. My point is that the idea of immaterial abstract processes is cucking you. The best bet for someone who is upset with those processes is to start playing musical chairs and hope their in-group ends up on top in the end.

>> No.17709236

go be a retard somewhere else

>> No.17709260

its very amusing to see communists act like religious evangelicals. They can assert their "high brow" intellectuall dogma and as soon as someone retorts them they respond with personal rhetoric

>> No.17709266

I can be a retard in multiple places at once

>> No.17709289

Based omnipresent retard!

>> No.17709303 [DELETED] 

>as someone responds with a retort
"durrrr but the juice bro"
yeah ok

>> No.17709310

>Where the bourgeois economists saw a relation between things (the exchange of one commodity for another) Marx revealed a relation between people.
Lenin, The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism (1913)

>> No.17709315

>and as soon someone responds with a retort
"durrrr but the juice bro"
yeah ok

>> No.17709328

Is your bot broken or is this some sort of meta joke?

>> No.17709343

Does he mean Jews?

>> No.17709347

you're proving my point.

>> No.17709354

>post Commie shit

Sorry Bro, I like being able to read books.
Even ones the party doesn’t approve of.

>> No.17709359
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>> No.17709362

Under Communism how does the redistribution of wealth happen? How are the means of production seized and how are they re-distributed? Is it all property of the state? How do we know the people who hold all this power have our best interests in mind? If they are democratically elected what stops them from forming a corrupt system like we have now?