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17703427 No.17703427 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of pic related and its implications in metaphysics?
If you haven't read it, put aside your bias against new thought and go read it, it's only thirty pages.

>> No.17703579

Got a link?

>> No.17703600


>> No.17703605

not op but look at this


>> No.17703644

The equivalent of government funded schizo posting. It's still an entertaining read, though.

>> No.17703655

Do you watch New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove and Jason Reza Jorjani?

>> No.17703658

No, should I?

>> No.17703668

It being "schizo" doesn't make it wrong

>> No.17703721
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Yeh, I didn't mean to dismiss it. I might not believe it's true but I can't refute it. I jutst don't dwell on it because, even if it were true, it would never directly affect my life in any way. But if you're into that, more power to ya.

>> No.17703728

What makes you think it's wrong?
I don't wholeheartedly believe in it but it does sound very plausible.
All in all I think new agers in general might be right about a lot of things but the movement also included so much stupid bullshit that it could only fail.

>> No.17703766

stop making me want to join the CIA anon.
the more you guys talk about them the more fun it seems.

>> No.17703787
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w-we don't even want you to join us baka!

>> No.17703790

Most spooks probably work on boring diplomatic shit, I doubt you'd get to see the interesting stuff without being either lucky or high-ranked.

>> No.17703826

Today's CIA is woke harry potter cat ladies

>> No.17703867

This. I'm pretty sure there are like three CIA interns paid to create false schizo documents to divert the attention of real schizos from shit like Abu Ghraib. I wish I had that job desu

>> No.17703870
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thank you for curving my excpectations.

>> No.17703876

Bob Monroe and his institute's work are widely documented and still active today, the documents aren't baseless.

>> No.17703938

yeah didn't U.S. military go to his place? i remember reading about that before.

>> No.17703958

I don't know about that, but the dude has a bunch of interviews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc8tKvT9ehU)) and books, the institute still offers retreats, and you can even try the tapes discussed in the CIA document for yourself (https://mega.nz/folder/uSZGCYCQ#-3miZdUvjf0W7zmBTL8C8Q).). So it's not just schizoposting at the very least.

>> No.17703978
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Pergammon, robert maxwell iran contra and the promis software and the NSA and john brockmann and ted k being an mkultra subject, under doctor henry murray also a herman melville scholar, rows and rows of screens only the saved will see the holy trinity. on his deathbed CIA head allen dulles hums the tune to an old puritan hymn, stanford research institute, bohemian club spinoff like disneyland, and UFOs remote viewers and scientologists, william s burroughs heir to the burroughs adding machine fortune reads spengler and margaret mead
the count of korzybski: a profoundly disturbed individual who doesnt understand general semantics campbell and lucas' star wars as killer app for the new mythology, cocreated to go with engelbart and lickrider and the personal computer. Human machine coevolution. It was cs peirce who first thought of implementing. boolean logic as electric circuitry, ENIAC computes fissile mass for the hydrogen bomb. Oppenheimer quotes the Gita you must go and kill your cousins the ravannas. If you use all your bombs at once its not a war its a wargasm. 1955: buckminster fuller and john cage at blackmountain college lawn total mechanization of spaceship earth and the total zen spontaneity of the happening complement each other.

>> No.17704002
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>this whole post

>> No.17704017
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>In 1994, a front-page article in the Wall Street Journal reported confirmation from the former director of the Intelligence and Security Command of the U.S. Army sending personnel to the institute

>> No.17704042

Not only that, the CIA more or less confirmed remote viewing was a real thing (https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP96-00787R000300110001-8)) and used it for practical applications (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBl0cwyn5GY))
They had an actual project for remote viewing Mars' surface (https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf)), too.
Sorry for dumping all these links on you but it's quite an interesting rabbit hole once you get into it.

>> No.17704060

what is this MK Ultra or what

>> No.17704085

No it's more interesting

>> No.17704538

How far does this shit go

>> No.17704556

>In 1978, the U.S. military evaluated TMI and arranged to send officers there for OBE training.[12] In 1983, it sent additional officers.[13][14]
uh bros?

>> No.17704567

Try out the tapes and see for yourself.
It's all real, anon.

>> No.17704607

Idk. They talk about this stuff a lot on there.

>> No.17704718

Thanks I'll check it out

>> No.17704793

>itt: nobody who understands the concept of spreading disinformation to obscure signal in noise

>> No.17704815

The information being discussed has been verified by various people.

>> No.17705301


>> No.17705360


>> No.17705912


>> No.17706530

And? Christianity has been verified by various people, doesn't make it any less bullshit

>> No.17706533

Thanks for posting

>> No.17706643

if anyone hasnt read it, the men who stare at goats is like irl pynchon. but its better written and more absurd

>> No.17706647

Is the movie good?

>> No.17706661

so so. lets call the movie, "loosely" based on the book.

>> No.17706676

to what extent? How tf can anyone trust any cia documents that are open to the world?

>> No.17706688

It's not like the CIA are devils, they will lie about things they have incentive to lie about, this rather esoteric document about hypnosis and the brain might not fall under that umbrella.

>> No.17706698

no. its a fictionalized holywood story and even it doesnt go as far as the real stuff. i also remember it not being a well made movie whereas the book presents its research in the most entertaining well composed way imo. theres an audiobook of it too

>> No.17706705

Read the thread, many sources have been posted already
The only part of this document the CIA refuses to release is page 25 meaning there must be some shit they care about in there. As for astral projecting I don't think they give a shit if civilians get into that

>> No.17706723

Its a theory and proposal, not entirely factual. Still an interesting read.

My nations intelligence agency pays 80k a year starting just to follow people around irl and on the internet. It really does seem like a fun job.

>> No.17706727

Read the documents. Research the names and institutions.

>> No.17706729

>Its a theory and proposal
The cosmological parts make quite a lot of sense though.

>> No.17706743

Yeah a lot of it makes sense. I first read it after watching serial experiments lain and almost had a nervous breakdown.
But its just a model to explain how these phenomenon work.

>> No.17706754

>I first read it after watching serial experiments lain and almost had a nervous breakdown.
Did you find correlations or something? I should try that, haven't rewatched Lain in a long time

>> No.17706776

Yeah man the wired. That episode where they explain how it all works.

>> No.17706861

I only have vague memories of it, I guess I'll rewatch everything this weekend