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/lit/ - Literature

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17655237 No.17655237 [Reply] [Original]

Cute Eldritch Woman edition
Previous Thread:>>17646010

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

>> No.17655272

First for Colleen McCullough

>> No.17655273


>> No.17655285

New thread hop in here

>> No.17655287

Can an Eldritch being be considered cute? Let alone female? I thought they were beyond human understanding and comprehension? Or am I thinking of something different but similar in concept?

Now, I have to ask, but has there been novels where Eldritch being or lovecraftian horrors, are living amongst us and giving birth to more of their kind? I remember reading one a long time ago, where a female eldritch was just giving birth to more of her kind, but her children were being fathered by a human. Which kicked off the story.

>> No.17655318

The insanity of kawaii uguu culture has granted them the ability to be cute.

>> No.17655372
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>Can an Eldritch being be considered cute?
No, but little girls can

>> No.17655396

Anyone read the Punktown series from Jeffrey Thomas? How is it and where should I start?

>> No.17655458

It’s a series of stories that seem a mish-mash of Horror, Science Fiction, and Noir. Everything on it's surface seems utterly strange, from various alien species to mixtures of religions, to strange technologies, yet there is a core or melancholy or humanity in each story. I don't want to spoil anything, but they are stories of broken dreams, love, redemption, damnation, death, irrelevance, and reconciliation, which are fundamentally human issues.

I will say these stories are not for the faint of heart. what's popular these days seem to be stories about badasses, battles between the forces of good and evil, and the like. these stories have a transgressive flair, a cloying weirdness, and a feeling of familiarity and relatability in their contents that might put normies off. this is weird fiction with a capital W, and also fiction of some of the highest caliber. buy it, just to see what it's like on the planet of Paxton, or what the locals refer to as Punktown.

>> No.17655466
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Explain what's wrong with it.

>> No.17655468

That sounds awesome. What book should I start? Or are they self-contained?

>> No.17655509


>> No.17655544

From what I remember, they all share the same universe and are largely self-contain. Through take my word with a grain of salt, since I only read Punktown and Monstrocity, and I liked the latter more since it appeal to my love of Lovecraftian, though it did do it differently than the others.

>> No.17655585

Eldritch beings are a type of creatures defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They are grotesque mockeries of reality beyond comprehension whose disturbing otherness cannot be encompassed in any mortal tongue. So, to answer your question, no, they cannot.

>> No.17655611

Is there any defence of the blind honour of the starks or condemation of the cunning of Tywin that's not based on the god of their world, GRRM, aiding one and condemning the other?

>> No.17655678

malazan is literally the best fiction i have ever read, brando sando is a hack, isaac asimov is great but not on the absolute KING SHIT erikson writes malazan.

>> No.17655755

I gave a listen to writing excuses. I can't be the only one who finds every single person on it insufferable right?
Mary Kowal and Howard are particularly bad.

>> No.17655775
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posting in this thread because i prefer the op pic to the other two

>> No.17655785

Not even /lit/ is safe from the /vt/ menace I see.

>> No.17655792

Literally everything is explained throughout the story. Not even in a half-assed way either, there's an entire series of excerpts from the in-universe equivalent of the bible about the system of cultivation in a more abstract mythological sense, and then detailed explanations whenever something is directly important.

>> No.17655794

I particularly like pic related because greuceanu is a mythological hero from my country, a legendary chosen one with unknown origins who became hero after saving the sun and moon from the evil.

>> No.17655805
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>> No.17655844
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>> No.17655866

Why do the bad guys do the things they do?
For example in the black seed scheme, the guy that went in to "rape" Esmi eventually paid her a gold coin. Why? Why didn't he simply kill her or leave her or even get a skin spy to take her form?

>> No.17655889

There is a discord, you retard.

>> No.17655892

Did you miss the part where she was instrumental to learn more about the mandate/achamian’s plans?

>> No.17655906

And it’s fucking terrible.
You thought /sffg/ was lame and full of retarded nerds? the discord is way worse and much slower and more off topic. I was lured there by anons saying it was a Bakker discord (certainly not). It’s like 5 boring retards talking about off topic shit. Avoid!

>> No.17655924

Bakkercord was hyperbole, but we are starting TDTCB tomorrow. There is a lull between books, we finished Fifth Season last week.

>> No.17655982

Are there trannies tho?

>> No.17655991

seems more like a bunch of fat neckbeards unfortunately

>> No.17656007

>After he was done she helped Fang Yuan dress, her plump breasts rubbing against his elbow or his back a few times during the process. Fang Yuan's face showed no expression; his heart was calm as water.
Will Fang Yuan always be this chad? I just started reading this and it's so weird

>> No.17656041

Too bad the two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.17656047

That's nothing, his base worldview is pretty much "disdain for plebs"

>> No.17656077

tfw no tranny femboy gf (bf?)

>> No.17656097

It's for idiots.

>> No.17656259
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>> No.17656364

Why are there like four threads at once
what is going on

>> No.17656413

The End of History (as we know it) and the rise of the Black Pharaoh.

>> No.17656470

First for Bakker

>> No.17656481

retarded phoneposter was retarded

>> No.17656493

First for yer mum's cunt became the world.

>> No.17656776

Has anyone read Seven Blades in Black? Its sequel just came out and I'm wondering if it's worth bothering with. Seeing mixed reviews that seem to suggest that it doesn't earn its page count.

>> No.17656797

Is the Bakker raid finally over?

>> No.17656827

[spoiler/]Does it trouble you?[/spoiler]

>> No.17656842

nice spoiler tags, redditor

>> No.17656845

>I’ve long come to dislike the Tolkien kind of fantasy: I think it shuts out too much of what we know to be real.
If I had the chance to ask him now, I’d want to know why he lets women play such a small part in the story of the ring. There is absolutely no awareness of sexual power and mystery in the book. Children might as well be delivered by post. I think that, like many Englishmen of his generation, he was actually afraid of women and much preferred the company of men (no women among the Inklings). ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is a dead-end, in my opinion.

Is Philip Pullman just bitter he can't write something so full of soul and wonder?

>> No.17656855

I had no intention to prevent you gazing upon them, but I accept your surrender.

>> No.17656867


>> No.17656913
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Is Philip Pullman saying that a gay author would likewise not be worth reading if he was uninterested in writing about sex with women? Also, why can't he talk about female inclusivity without throwing in the phrase "sexual power and mystery" in the next line? Doesn't sound very woke at all. Funny that this came up when I searched his name.

>> No.17656997

Because it was humiliating for her and the consult are all sadists. He thought it was funny.

>> No.17657053
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Null States, Centenal Cycle #2 - Malka Ann Older (2017)
This is what I expected the first one to be and because of that I think it's the better book. The first in the series was confused as to what it wanted to be, but this one isn't at all. It knows what it wants and what it has to do to achieve that. Unlike the first book, I was enjoying myself from the start and felt it was consistent throughout. Everything seemed to be handled better. No longer were there infodumps, extraneous plot threads, or questionable characterizations.
Roz, an analyst from the first book is now the primary viewpoint, which places Mishima in a secondary role, and relegates Ken to being a bit player. For the better for me, and possibly for the worse for others, everything has been reduced in scope and toned down in general. Most of the book is Roz's efforts in promoting micro-democracy in a certain former African country that has recently opted in to the system. Mishima's espionage activities have been reduced to the subplot.
A null state is a region that has refused to join micro-democracy and remains as a sovereign nation situated in its historical geographical locale. The majority of the book takes place in newly acceded regions of Africa, though null states are the driver of the conflict. This provides an entirely different perspective from the first book as it shows the limitations of and concerns about micro-democracy from a more nuanced view than simply "power corrupts" or "question all authority".
Rating: 4.5/5

>> No.17657110

Mary is the best, you shut your whore mouth.
That military guy is annoying.

>> No.17657143

He is completely incapable of discussing other peoples work without complaining about some imagine social or political issue. He also spends an inordinate amount of time disparaging safe religions.

>> No.17657219

Which safe religions?

>> No.17657322

which of them is the bakker general?

>> No.17657402

All of them.

>> No.17657410


>> No.17657694

I don't get it. Why do you guys revere Bakker, but don't show GRRM the same amount of respect?

>> No.17657734

They are part of the Holy Trinity of GRI fantasy: Bakker, Martin and Wolfe.

>> No.17657801

Virtual youtubers are /lit/ approved.

>> No.17658182

Bakker often hits closer to home than GRRM
That being said I still immensely respect ASOIAF.

>> No.17658279
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I am currently reading A Thousand li. After Wu Ying kills the bandit, later he is shown wearing a storage ring. Where did he get that ring from? Did he take it from dead bandit or did a merchant give it to him. He just randomly appeared to have it and there is 0 explanation how he got it

>> No.17658315

the good the bad the ugly
not in that order

>> No.17658319

Stop speed reading

>> No.17658329

he has worn it since the first chapter. Must be somewhere page 20-30ish

>> No.17658338

Martin is the beautiful and most gracious, so that analogy doesn't work.

>> No.17658604
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What are some good books with dragons in it?

>> No.17658633

i didn't say the order
you just assumed
your prejudice is showing

>> No.17658638





>> No.17658986
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>> No.17659013

Damn it, /sffg/. Stop confusing me. Am I supposed to like the fat man then or not?

>> No.17659051

i'm dying anon

>> No.17659095

Enjoy the dragons.

>> No.17659325


Ork hands drawed that image.

>> No.17659371
File: 214 KB, 1024x679, 1609548752842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to write dialogue in sff? What's the easiest to read, the cleanest, the best flow, the most aesthetic?
Using this:
- Talk talk talk
- Talk talk

or using this:
"Talk talk talk"
"Talk talk"

>> No.17659389

Stick with what people know, quotation marks.

>> No.17659408
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Noted. The anglo audience is so uncultured tho. Using the hyphen is the objective patrician way of writing dialogue, but I've gotten enough criticism for that (unreadability) to just edit it into using quotes.
- Damn you, she said. Damn you damn you damn you
and the cunt was the world and all that crap

>> No.17659439

The used to use those in the 19th century then stopped for some reason. Dunno why.

>> No.17659451

creating a fantasy world with rapid miscegenation

>> No.17659457


>> No.17659479

is this good or bad (in the context of your world)

>> No.17659495

Mashalah Bakker.

>> No.17659498


>> No.17659504

there's a slant towards certain species, but for the most part it isn't focused on too much.

>> No.17659514
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You might say that, in a sense that I didn't create pic, but rather twisted it and perfected it to my whims.
>found pic on /tv/

>> No.17659810
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Is this series any good?

>> No.17659822


I have also seen it as:

<<talk talk talk>> he said, calmly.
<<talk talk!!>> she answerd, calmly.

>> No.17659864

"What if you, as an example, have used commas but still want to add shit - that may or may not be relevant - to a sentence?"

>> No.17659926

Twist: humans are the hybrids.

>> No.17660015

humans are a cross between minotaurs and mermaids

>> No.17660036

This is a bit lazy of me but I’m wondering whether it’s worth it to read Moorcock’s “Gloriana” - has anyone here read it who could air their opinion on it?

>> No.17660042

I can't believe the bakkerfags are fucking dead

>> No.17660102

Does it trouble you, anon?

>> No.17660127

What are cows then :o

>> No.17660129

i guess they gave up and or moved on with their lives

>> No.17660169

And so the Great Ordeal of the Bakkerbros against autist anuses ended in salt and butchery.

>> No.17660175

Don't even invoke their name. They'll come back if you do

>> No.17660184

I'm on book two of Garden of the Moon. I'm liking Darujhistan a lot

>> No.17660189

Tune in next week as our heroes face their next challenge. Who will it be?

>> No.17660203

The Sandersinistas

>> No.17660259

What are your favorite tropes, /sffg/?

>> No.17660263

The Love Triable

>> No.17660502

Any novels or web novels like Release that Witch that aren't genuine garbage? I've looked through a few and they have shit writing or dumb plots.

>> No.17660515

The Discord TDTCB read is beginning tonight. The raid is over, now is the time for Holy War.

>> No.17660601
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I miss the bakkerposters Where'd they go?

They were kind of annoying, but funny, and they kept the general moving.

>> No.17660670

>like Release that Witch
in what aspect

>> No.17660681

Either someone from the future bringing a younger civilization to modern technological standards or just a generic small fry ending up as the leader of a country.

>> No.17660716

Hey boys, I'm hoping you can help me. Last year I was in a bad accident and read tons of books while in the hospital. I was on lots of drugs so I can't remember much, but it was fantasy, and I'm 99% sure this part was a story in the story, but the not Jesus beat people with a hammer to drive out demons, healed them, then fixed the boss demon to a big wheel and threw it in a hole.

I'm fairly certain this wasn't a fever dream

>> No.17660723
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Fully anti-statist fantasy and sci-fi?

>> No.17660738

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.17660753
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Books with this feel?

>> No.17660755

Ah, I have a good, well at least decent, example but it's unfinished and never will be, it's called tales of reincarnated lord, if you decide to go with it than be warned the start is slow as balls.

Other than that nothing much comes to mind. I suppose I could alternatively point to another novel by the same author as above - black iron's glory, but I found it pretty dull and uninteresting by comparison and yet it's not that much worse than release the witch, has magic in it playing a role, and is probably gonna get finished, if it's not already.

>> No.17660847


>> No.17660924

For Us, the Living
The Illuminatus! Trilogy
Smile On the Void
Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy
Rant by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.17661440

Fuck red mars dragged on near the end. I don't know if I can bring myself to keep going.

>> No.17661525

>muh magic systems
>muh worldbuilding

>> No.17661730
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WHY AREN'T THERE MORE SCI-FI FANTASY WORLDS OUT THERE???? I swear Star Wars and Mass Effect are the only fleshed out ones

>> No.17661761
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Bruce Willis's daughter Scout is into it

>> No.17661781


>> No.17662019
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I got tired of posting threadly reminders to read Bakker

>> No.17662041

"Talk talk talk
- talk talk
- talk talk talk"

>> No.17662054
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I finally started Foundation
I remember people saying it becomes mediocre later in the series, is it true?

>> No.17662061

It becomes mediocre in the first book. If you enjoy it all the way through then you may enjoy the rest.

>> No.17662111
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Your work is done, i fell for the meme.

>> No.17662128
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"Good space opera/ military sci fi should focus on naval (i.e. space) combat rather than land combat, because space wars are decided by space fleets."


>> No.17662164

is that now how it is?

>> No.17662475

The ones that don't cut off your head or get your twitter banned when you insult them, I'd assume, not that I know anything about that author.

>> No.17662481

Is TLoR miscegenation propaganda?

>> No.17662491
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how's it feel knowing she's taking it from the clown

>> No.17662532


Cucking Perrin would be doing him a favor

>> No.17662533

What about those that encourage slavery or infanticide?

>> No.17662542

>Hoid is former King Elhokar's Wit and entertainer. He is a recurring mysterious character in the cosmere who existed before the gods of the various worlds were created,[1] and was involved in that situation.[2] It has been hinted that he was a rogue student of Silverlight University.[3] He has abandoned his real name.[4]

Ugh, is this character as annoying as this paragraph makes me suspect he is?

>> No.17662582

Well, depends on who fights whom and for what reason. Any hostile alien race that just wants to destroy humanity would definitely just shoot ballistic FTL weaponry at them until all our planets are oblierated instead of entering the atmosphere or landing.

>> No.17662616

Depends entirely on the magic system - err, I mean tech. Teleportation/boarding are good examples, as are planetary shields.

>> No.17662645

Wtf what kind of phone is that

>> No.17662647
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>> No.17662743


>> No.17662801

>I am... was... a butthole wizard. Long ago my buttocks and butthole were arrested due to my magic butthole blowing up a convenience store. Many years I have lived parted from my own butt.

>No longer shall I tolerate this humiliation. Today I will know liberation.

>> No.17662815

During the final confrontation he does a literal asspull move by finally getting the buttplug out and unleashing his true powers?

>> No.17662851

>In my cheekless wandering, I have learned many arts. I learned to hunt prey and to skin and rend its flesh. I have learned the thrust of the sword and the twang of the bow. I have taken many community college courses and then a few credits at a state college and then studied with a preparatory school and then passed a regional test to become a CPA and learned the shrug of accrual-based corporate accounting.

>With this knowledge I will seek justice.

>My early attempts to invade the Warehouse And Internment Center of Semi-Sentient Magical Malpractitioners and Itemry came to nothing. I attempted to climb to the roof, but I had no buttocks with which to climb. I attempted to assault the guards, and lo did I come upon them sleeping, but even so I could not defeat them with my sword nor my bow.

>But I have persevered, and today I have triumphed. Today I have been hired as a consulting accountant tasked to perform a random audit of the Warehouse. And today I will slake my thirst for vengeance.

>> No.17662893

>"Dear Gretchen, It is necessary that I must inspect item #28423743923834. Please have your office assistant deliver it to our office by Tuesday March 2nd at 3:30pm. We appreciate your time," I wrote in my email. But I did not appreciate Gretchen's time. Such deceptions will send my soul to deepest hell. But to hell I must go, to ford the icy river Styx and to wade the blood pools of Phlegethon, ever on and on though there be nothing left of me but a wailing whisper on the wind, I will know again my butthole. This I swear.

>And so did Gretchen's assistant deliver unto my office a cooler. And so too did I have to sign for it. It is orange. My breath is coming quickly now, quickly. My heart beats loud. Do the veins of my buttocks pump in sympathy?

>Pump pump. Pump pump.

>> No.17662922

>I lean forward. Which is difficult.

>Slowly, trembling, my letter-opener slits a sticker bearing the legend CUIDADO. Then another: PELIGRO. Then another, and another, until with a cry I spring forward, wrenching the cooler apart, flinging its lid to the floor.

>I cry out! No, it cannot be! There, steaming on a single ice pack, it's--

>> No.17663012

Isn’t Dr Sadler doing something on Bakker?

>> No.17663114

fucking based cover

>> No.17663117


>> No.17663167
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>> No.17663176

She's down with the clown?

>> No.17663186


>> No.17663323
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>> No.17663411

Woo, conga

>> No.17663435
File: 869 KB, 1125x1348, B201BCFF-CC2D-48D4-BDCB-29F9B81E8C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg Sadler

>> No.17663461

people keep asking me if Bakker is back... yeah.. I'm thinking he's back

if anything gets him to make a post on his blog this will

>> No.17663580

Which book is this one supposed to be?

>> No.17663593

>It is official, winds was been on "writing" status for 10 fucking years

Well bros, the set Fatso is 72 years old, do you believe that he's capable to writing dream of spring and fire and blood 2 or he will died before?

>> No.17663726

Paul should never have appeared in children of dune with exception of being a vision to Leto in that dialogue.
His survival ruined the end of messiah

>> No.17663879

I cropped the top...

>> No.17663921

you obviously aren't educated on the subject, he uses MS dos and only writes at home, so ANY time he isn't at home he can't write, that means any time he goes to a con or something he's making no progress

he isn't writing winds and will never release it

>> No.17663926

>he doesn't know the word tenebrous


>> No.17663970

Link please

>> No.17663974

Give me some of that SF written mostly in ebonics.

>> No.17663989

What's the /lit/ equivalent of Ayreon?

>> No.17663992

>Curse Likaro! Sheeeeit.

>> No.17664040

Have you heard of the high elves?

>> No.17664062


I'm gonna commission some 2A art, any ideas/scenes?

>> No.17664066

Who is the guy in the cover even supposed to be?

>> No.17664073
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>> No.17664136
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>mfw they're training the one at the back of the line to walk like a human.

>> No.17664143

Awesome. I’d personally love to see:
>Scenes from the Cûno-Inchoroi wars
>The Inoculation
>Mage fortresses like Kiz, Attrempus, Atyersus
>Seswatha’s dreams
>Battle of Kiyuth
>Proyas meeting Conphas
>Kellhus meeting Moënghus in the nonman mansion
>The scalpers arriving at Cil-Aujas
>Esmenet and her kids
>The Deepest Deep
>Psatma, Fanayal, Meppa and Malowebu
>The Accusatory
>The golden Room
Come to think of it, I should try my hand at some of these.

>> No.17664150

Me in front.

>> No.17664163

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17664165


>> No.17664178
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While we're on the topic:
Can someone post the most ridiculous fantasy book covers out there? In the sense that they completely misrepresent said book.

>> No.17664188
File: 2.62 MB, 2737x3922, ajokus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17664190

based frog edition looks like it was published in 1981.

>> No.17664259
File: 52 KB, 300x400, Lot-livres-Blizzard-Fleuve-noir-Warcraft-Starcraft-Diablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fleuve noir
I remember these guys, they published the vidya novels

>> No.17664287

>Whatever he was, he looked obscenely fat compared with the rakish Inrithi caste-nobles. Perhaps, Cnaiür thought, the Dûnyain planned to use his bulk as a shield should the Consult or Cishaurim attack.

>> No.17664288

whats a good book that has elves, goblins, hobbits, and niggers

>> No.17664329

darkness that comes before

nonmen = elves
goblins = sranc
hobbits = emwama
n= Zeum

>> No.17664350

bakker dabbing on martin..?

>> No.17664352

I think it’s fine. Dune and Dune Messiah is the story of Paul’s rise and fall. In Children of Dune, he’s just a shadow of his former self. It’s best to think of him as no longer Paul or Maud dib. He even states that in the book. Children of Dune and God Emperor is the story of Leto II.

>> No.17664465

Where is Space Marine Loli 2, E William Brown?

>> No.17664590

Zeum is actually China, but black.

>> No.17664603

we wuz high negotiants and shiet, also they aren't that chinese, they have african voodoo dolls

>> No.17664716

Started Worm Ouroboros once you get used to the names and the Jacobean writing style it's super comfy.

>> No.17664739
File: 38 KB, 633x693, norsirai f.c..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure about the horses. I made it very Sakarpus-centered, but those are the norsirai we get a closer look at.

>> No.17664748

haha hunry pigg

>> No.17664749

lmao. bravo, anon

>> No.17664803

commissioning serwes heart scene I think

Serwë! Breathe girl, breathe! I command it! I come before you. I come before! Bound skin-to-skin to Serwë. What have I . . . What? What? A convulsion of some kind. No . . . No! I must focus. I must assess . . . Unblinking eyes, staring down black cheeks, out to the stars. There’s no circumstance beyond . . . No circumstance beyond . . . Logos. I’m one of the Conditioned! From his shins to his cheek, he could feel her, radiating a cold as deep as her bones. Breathe! Breathe! Dry . . . And so still! So impossibly still! Father, please! Please make her breathe! I . . . I can walk no farther.

yah totally emotionless bros!

>> No.17664811

should be 'ate

>> No.17664814

Based, fuck pickniggers

>> No.17664852
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>> No.17664858
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>> No.17664861


>> No.17664867


>> No.17664870

>hate picks
Isn't that Ce Tydonn instead?
Don't remember Sakarpus being all about "muh pure hard boiled wild warrior bloodlines"

>> No.17664871

So bakkerfags just /pol/ then?

>> No.17664875

if he's sakarpian then maybe something about he hates the aspect emperor

>> No.17664893
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>getting this upset over some jokes

>> No.17664898

See TJE, chapter 1. The Horse-Lords of Sakarpus thought of the Southrons as effeminate, perfumed degenerates, but were also in awe of their power and wealth. The Sakarpi also ‘ated education and learning, Sorweel recalls how the scholars were most despised among them.

>> No.17664900

bakker is a centrist or libtard, he posted multiple times about how he hates trump for example

>> No.17664901

>bakkerposting is back
that was a close one
i was getting worried there for a moment

>> No.17664912

Bakker is a libtard, but he unironically created a world confirming Nordicism lmao

>> No.17664914
File: 739 KB, 913x1200, 518A1847-CE16-4C8E-A219-2DB58A2187F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based science-based, agnostic “but hopeful,” male feminist but goes to the nudie bar sometimes with his mates, academic but working class, fart joke making Bakker.

>> No.17664918

yes he will. God i love that chinkshit its so comfy. The part where he feeds a bitch to a bear while doing some weird buddhist monologue is fantastic. Also people onions about magic systems and world building a lot but Reverend insanity has some of the best of both ive ever seen.

>> No.17664921

I think you are right. There isn't a single norsirai group that gets enough unique traits and the norsirai as a whole don't have that much in common with each other besides beind tall, blonde and blue-eyed.

>> No.17664926

Hm, that should probably added to the meme.

>> No.17664927


>> No.17664933

>tfw used many images of bakker as reference material for Kellhus

>> No.17665009

What are some of the best space operas? Especially escapist ones.

>> No.17665016

gundam seed

>> No.17665041

didn't he also take 10 years to publish the previous book in the series?

>> No.17665060

GRRM will live to be 120.

But he'll only write one chapter per year.

>> No.17665234
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I don't remember how they wear their hair.

>> No.17665283

He forgave Likaro

>> No.17665307

I don't remember this scene

>> No.17665318

No, wait, I actually do. I was thinking of Serwa

>> No.17665355

it's one of THE most memorable scenes though, THE climatic moment of one of the books

>> No.17665413

Akka getting bdsm’d by the scarlet spires

>> No.17665418

This is before he was decapitated.

>> No.17665491
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Which one do you prefer, wheels of time or the malazan series?

>> No.17665500

Better yet the little vengeful doll emerging from and standing on top of the mountain of rubble that was the Sareotic Library in Iothiah. Ready to venture forth and rescue Achamian.

>> No.17665523

>the waste of time



malazan is pretty good

>> No.17665526

1. Why are they so skinny?
2. Why do they look like men?
3. Why do they look like walking undead without any blood?
4. Why do their dogs look like they want to die?

>> No.17665576

They're white.
They're white.
They're white.
Their owners are white.

>> No.17665595

They're nerds.

>> No.17665620

>They're white.
Not with those air-intake devices.

>> No.17665678

Polish or some such.

>> No.17665706

There is some sad fuck in this general that wants to put their pee pee in those two stick figures.

>> No.17665719
File: 69 KB, 880x478, funny dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep seeing this dog posted everywhere?

>> No.17665739

>hair color
>eye color
[X] Doubt

>> No.17665751

Am I making it if I write fantasy and some underground rock bands are inspired to make music about it?
There's no greater compliment in fantasy, right?

>> No.17665755

The first three are great, the rest just a soulless cash grab trying to tie all his works into one retarded universe

>> No.17665772

Yeah, just ask erikson

>> No.17665856

You haven't really made it til you get a Blind Guardian song about your book. That's pretty sick tho ngl

>> No.17665892
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Wheel of time probably. The only downside is that some of the characters are sometimes retarded (in a way that makes sense, but is still annoying to read). Worth it for the Rand plot though.

>> No.17665948

when is the Karsa trilogy

>> No.17666090

like a year or a year and a half

>> No.17666106

Where is the 2nd apocalypse song Bakkerchads?

>> No.17666113


>> No.17666143

They're "Polish" the same way the "Russian" mafia is Russian.

>> No.17666146

Why do they look smelly? I mean you can't exactly guess, but they look like they smell of fucking rotten tuna,

>> No.17666179

Because they don't shower daily, like normal Americans.

>> No.17666270

Read this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_True_Story

>> No.17666277

Colonising America is probably Britain's biggest mistake.

>> No.17666296

They are unattractive women wearing cosplays of star trek, using little makeup, they are pale, their hair looks greasy and the dogs look miserable.

>> No.17666313

I feel bad for the golden retriever. He looks like he just wants it to end.

>> No.17666333

well the serwes heart commis is in, hopefully getting the sketch soon.

>> No.17666442

What are your go to arguments for detractors of Bakker who argue he is misogynistic/overuse of rape?

Every time he’s brought up anywhere but he some sneed and feed employee will bring up one of his quotes from his website stating men have a rape switch in their mind and he is scum.

Obviously reading that quote I understand Bakkers actual point - but it clearly detracts against the cause of spreading the Bakker, and arguing with these pansys who think rape in novels is so supreme ultimate evil is necessary and just as I need the next trilogy to be released and therefore require his reputation be untarnished.

>> No.17666459
File: 199 KB, 1162x1538, 1609366120854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, whoever posted those 2 sranc, NEVER post that shit in my general again. In this case, I DO NOT FUCK SRANC

>> No.17666505

We are a general of lovers

>> No.17666520
File: 50 KB, 432x960, bac18d3892ce895244a89cd5d288fd83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post them again and we Cûno-Inchoroi Wars on your ass. I warned you.

>> No.17666738

Will writing a pre-historic fantasy book in English using only words of germanic origin (anglish) work and be readable?

>> No.17666762

But you look just like one doe

>> No.17666798
File: 41 KB, 900x375, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"[...]And soon Men clamoured at our gates, begging sanctuary, for they could not contend with the creatures. “They wear your face,” the penitents cried. “This calamity is your issue.” But we were wroth, and turned them away, saying, “These are not our Sons. And you are not our Brothers.”[...]" - Isûphiryas

>> No.17666911

Don’t forget to take your prescription, old man.
Inoculatol ™ — a nostrum for all your mortal fears.

>> No.17667001
File: 32 KB, 720x404, ulbb2vzv-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget? Forget..... I feel like I have forgotten something. No matter, you will help me remember.... Won't you?

>> No.17667018

This is my personal favourite.

>> No.17667050
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>> No.17667053


But it'll have a lower market cap.

>> No.17667083
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It's been done and I loved it.

>> No.17667177

Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger

>> No.17667192

Isn't that just Soulcatcher?

>> No.17667269
File: 217 KB, 880x1169, grotesquerie-e1601935329511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone read this and tell me if it's any good.

>> No.17667295


>black sabbath — heaven and hell
the only official and true answer.

>> No.17667314

Adele - Skyfall

>> No.17667345

he is an absolute dogshit writer but a solid storyteller, you can tell he's just a D&D nerd who recycles the campaigns he's played into book format, modern day pulp, fun but don't expect any challenge or thought-provoking ideas whatsoever

>> No.17667383

>but don't expect any challenge or thought-provoking ideas
Oh no how horrible lol

>> No.17667422
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>> No.17667430

Nonmen are probably my favorite of Bakker’s many brilliant creations.

>> No.17667449

Do you personally prefer Star Wars' Legends or Disney Canon lore?

>> No.17667459

Why didn't Kelhus breed Kayutas? Shouldn't he be trying to have as many super-grandkids as possible?

I get why he'd put off doing that with Inrilatas (insane) or his daughters (who knows what kind of pregnancies they'd have), but Kayutas is prime material and he is 20. He should have his own rugrats by now.

I'd probably also try to marry Moe Jr. with someone who'd chill him out a bit.

>> No.17667483

Presumably the blood was already getting thin enough to cause all sorts of problems, a quarter Dunyain would just be a normal human, maybe slightly smarter/stronger/more insane. Not much point. And if he wants more children, he's the best candidate, it doesn't exactly take a lot of time or effort on his part, he's only limited by viable wombs.

>> No.17667498

I wonder if Kellhus knew about Koringhus. He seemed utterly unfazed when Akka told him he has a grandson.

>> No.17667499

He didn’t need a dynasty. Just enough tools to get him to golgotterath

>> No.17667508

A quarter Dûnyain would still be a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.17667513

this november

>> No.17667524

Kellhus' problem is precisely that his seed is too strong. Most of the pregnancies he causes were abominable. Esmi's were the exception.

Maybe a half-dunyain would have more success breeding with human women. With an harem he could put out 100 kids or so a year. Some of these were bound to be pretty good and when he had enough relatives he could start picking better pairings. Some of the his great-grandkids could be more dunyain than even his own kids.

>> No.17667548

Is there no book of the month anymore?

Also any books that revolve around drug use somehow? I really loved a scanner darkly.

>> No.17667595

That would take too long. I'm sure if he planned to wait a hundred years or so he would implement a new Dunyain sect and instate a eugenics system, but only his oldest children were directly usable in the war.
There's also the danger, he's superior to all men, and even his children are mostly putty in his hands. If he created several full-Dunyain, they might rebel against him. I think he either betrayed or was betrayed by EVERY SINGLE actual Dunyain he met after leaving Ishual.

>> No.17667619

As others have said, what's the point? The children were made to conquer Golgotterath, nothing more.
What I wonder is why Kellhus chose the time he did to embark upon the Great Ordeal. He could have spent more time preparing food and resources, conquering and adding Zeum to the Ordeal, waiting for Kelmomas to grow up and be able to help too. The only explanation I can think is he saw Ishual destroyed and realized the Dunsult might exist. By striking as soon as he could he minimizes the chance that they'll learn/trance enough to defeat him.

>> No.17667691

T. sranc fucker

>> No.17667807

The Empire wasn’t built to last. The Shortest Path is not the long game. Every single thing Kellhus did was designed to maximize his potential to strike Golgotterath before the Consult managed to awaken the No-God (ironic, isn’t it). As another anon said, the empire and the Ordeal were all merely an instrument to conquer the Golden Halls. I’m not sure what Kellhus expected would happen after he defeated the Consult. I doubt he paid it much thought, fixated as he was on his singular goal.

>> No.17668014
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Not the best trilogy I have read but it was fun and action packed. anything similar?

>> No.17668218

did you try his other series?

>> No.17668281

They're probably bad enough in the original language, how much worse must they be in translation?

>> No.17668291

no, last time I heard about it, it wasn't finished. Is it any good?

>> No.17668324

Totally possible that Dunyain-human offspring are sterile.

Has anyone read Bakker's paper, On Alien Philosophy? bretty good and provides some insight into his thinking.

>> No.17668336

post link pls

>> No.17668521

The first three books are

>> No.17668564

I just imagined Kellhus as a salesman. He throws back his shining golden mane. To the camera he says "For my hair needs I only use Dunyain(TM). I'm one of the conditioned." Then he holds up the bottle of conditioner.

>> No.17668573
File: 529 KB, 1125x966, C4D66CD8-5F45-4310-ABE1-EE907837F98F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kek’d

>> No.17668809

writers of /sffg/, what's your book about?

>> No.17668872

>a gnostic, post-apocalyptic fantasy inspired by Blake, Bakker, Wolfe, body horror, and Nag Hammadi.

The Angels warred in Heaven; destroyed Heaven, and fell to Earth.

3000 years later, the demented remnants of the rebel and loyal angels rule over a much-reduced humanity. Two human sisters embark on very different journeys to save their Mother, their home, and their world, after God is awakened at last and decides to destroy his failed work of art.

>> No.17668898
File: 39 KB, 839x657, 618[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a coming-of-age story about a boy escaping an anti-magic community and setting out on a journey to find a magical familiar out in the wilderness. I think I've posted an excerpt in this thread at least once, but maybe it was all in /wg/. I'm only about 1/4 or 1/3 of the way done with it, though.

>> No.17668971

It's an isekai but a little different from the usual one. The magical world is a depopulated city that's as strange and mathematically twisty as wonderland. this is bad news for the handful of human children trying to survive there because most of the plants and animals are too surreal to eat and can kill you in bizarre and horrifying ways even if you try to avoid them.

The early story revolves around the main character trying to establish a renewable food source, but when things go wrong, the MC and his friends go on a quest into the subway tunnels to find the boundary between worlds which is viciously guarded by the frozen grip of the Mice King

>> No.17669026

Are you the writing from /wg/?

>> No.17669176

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I haven't posted any excerpts in there in the last few threads.

>> No.17669197

Are you the middle schooler story, anon?

>> No.17669240

It's probably a middle grade story, so sure.

>> No.17669246

Ah, yes, my bad, good luck in writing it.

>> No.17669274


I had an idea for a fantasy setting where the sky is a purple swirling thing, what looks like an eye is the sun, and the civilized world exists inside the open maw of a giant wormlike beast. The various inhabitants of this world live in cities carved in the worms teeth, under it's tongue, etc, and outsiders travel into the mouth from other parts of the worm the "city" dwellers don't know about. The people in the cities, since each tooth is basically a separate city state and there are vast tracts of "land" between the teeth, aren't sure what the sun/eye thing is exactly. Some think it's the eye of a god looking into their world, others think it's just some kind of inanimate magical object like a sun, without feeling or will. The most radical sects believe it is a portal that leads to another world. The worm's life cycle is so slow and long that nobody for the entire history of their world can remember a time when the worm moved or ate or breathed. Essentially the worm is so massive as to be near infinite to the population that inhabits it. I hadn't decided what kind of beings live there, or even exactly what their cultures might be like. I just had a vision one day of a giant worm in this hellish dimension with its mouth wide open and a society in the worms mouth and I think the phrase and faith no more song title "as the worm turns" stuck in my head even though it has nothing to do with the concept.

>> No.17669294

Does it have to be Fantasy or science fiction?

>> No.17669296

Giants mecha vs giant mechanical monsters and slice of life.

>> No.17669332
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Why does everyone and everything in Earwa (sranc, skinspies, wracu, etc.) have a thicc upward curving benis that pokes them in the belly button? What did you mean by this, Scott? Are you describing your own peen and think they all look that way? It's it somehow a result of Inchoroi tekne? I know you're here fucker, answer me!

>> No.17669346

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17669379

So like an anime?

>> No.17669391


>> No.17669397

Well, I think I don't have many western elements there, if any, It's not a dystopia, or postapoc, or a western, or space marines, or a hard boiled story.

>> No.17669399

I think he's referring to the fact that Bakker gave all of his male characters bent dicks, and he wants to know why.

>> No.17669405

Kinda gay.

>> No.17669410

So yes.

>> No.17669413

Do you have an example of anime in mind? It's pretty varied.

>> No.17669420

Curved for her pleasure

>> No.17669421

Any mecha anime.

>> No.17669429

It's most definitely not like Getter Robo, or Star Driver, or Votoms. Or Ideon, or Granbelm. It has some similarities to series like Gundam, Mazinger, or TTGL, but even those are indirect.

>> No.17669844

>10,000 pages of hardcore gay anal rape and cannibal elf beastiality
Yeah, it's pretty gay

>> No.17670322
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A centauries long shadow war between an order of Magi and various spooky guyz, set against the backdrop of a newly industrialising world, and increasingly more aware/conscientious humanity. Told from the pov of a newly inducted apprentice.

>> No.17670716

I think I read one of each series a long long time ago, but the only one I remember is the Starcraft one (Liberty's Crusade). I don't know why but there's an analogy that stayed with me ever since where the main character who is a chain-smoking journalist compares cigarettes with putting nails in your own coffin. I barely remember the story apart from that.

>> No.17670759
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>sent Abominations of Yondo to a friend
>he says he is tired of Lovecraftian fiction
>says he is reading more "introspective stuff"
>its mothman prophecies

I'm fucking mad bros, Clark Ashton Smith is such neat writer with a great atmosphere, and even without any great philosophical thesis, pulp lit is so fun (and come on, conan has some nietzchean concepts).

Why people think horror is just dumb entertainment? Not every writer is stephen king