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17643969 No.17643969 [Reply] [Original]

How did you anons write your master's dissertation? I'm struggling to keep up deadlines. It's almost March and I only have 20 pages written.

>> No.17643986

i never got my grade 10

>> No.17644001

i dropped out of college

>> No.17644006
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Are you seriously trying to get a masters degree?

>> No.17644033

Hey Ricky

>> No.17644035

Because of the 'rona I got a couple months extension. Looking back I spent way too much time on reading and notetaking, and started writing much too late.

>> No.17644036


>> No.17644044


>> No.17644046

90% of it in one evening

>> No.17644062

How many words does it need to be? Some institutions have a 10k limit even at Master's.

>> No.17644085

Yeah, so?

>> No.17644093

It's between 50 and 100 pages excluding bibliography, cover and abstract following the APA.

>> No.17644196


>> No.17644211

Lol I have zero, dont even know what I'll write about

>> No.17644238

I fucking hate uni so much. I don't even want to become a teacher. I've done whole courses where each week centred around how to teach a different minority (trans, abos, gender, niggers, blah blah) I went to one lecture and then did all three assignments on the weekend. Yesterday 1984 got mentioned and the whole table proceeded to have a midwit Olympics, vying with each other ( the most outspoken said it took him 8 months to finish it but it was one of the best books he had ever read) to prove that they have read it as well as the hur dur bnw better predicted society trite. It's my own fault.

>> No.17644251

Just take your bachelors thesis and increase the number of whatever you are doing. Comparing two things? Compare 4 in the masters etc

>> No.17644447


>> No.17645826

Good. An education is too important to troll about.

>> No.17645843

The better question is how did you write your Mcdonalds drive through job application.

>> No.17645982

I didn't write a "master's dissertation." In fact I got kicked out of university twice.

>> No.17646069

Set your own deadlines. Make them sooner than your "actual" deadlines.
Spend some time and figure out the actual framework of what you'll be writing.
If there are sections that have more research, grab sources for that, and read them in what I have to call "transitory time". That'd be time like bus rides, meals, any time that you're not doing something important and you want to be doing something important, but you can't write.
Don't waste as much time online. (but spend some time relaxing, you need to avoid burnout while maximizing productivity)
Get sleep.
If you write better with a little bit of a buzz, get a little buzzed, and hammer through some pages. Reward yourself every couple pages with another shot, depending on how quickly you write. Ideally you'll stay buzzed, but the writing will keep you paced out enough to not end up drunk.
If you have a tendency to not eat, then eat. If you have a tendency to eat too damn much, then slow that down. You don't want to put yourself into a food coma.
Shower regularly and put yourself into an environment where you feel like you want to work. I say this one because I find I'm most efficient after showering and putting on clean clothes.
Also, above all else, do not end up getting depressed or too hard on yourself. As soon as that happens, you're fucked. Don't be a lackadaisical pussy either, but as soon as your psyche breaks, your writing will plummet. Don't do that.
You've got this OP, I believe in you, you faggot.

>> No.17646069,1 [INTERNAL] 

My point of view: Try to do everything yourself, in business you cannot make others look smart on your behalf.