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/lit/ - Literature

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17629584 No.17629584 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw letters are going to be a forgotten art form
so are we going to have the collected emails, texts, and tweets of writers in the future?

>> No.17629592

You’ll always have my diary desu

>> No.17629599

I wouldn't bank on there being a future, really.

>> No.17629618

I used to write a receive fairly long and even literary emails from my girlfriend when she or I would travel - when I was in China, Skype didn't work very well so we started writing them and continued to do so whenever we were further apart than about 200 miles (otherwise we would call or text normally).

I could post some if anyone is interested.

>> No.17629628

You don't read any you fucking asshole frog poster, so why the fuck do you care? Go post another frog on /pol/, /tv/, and /r9k/ dick weed. If I met you in real life I would kill you on the spot. There would be nothing left of you. I would smash your stupid retard self-identifying with a retarded frog retard ass into smithereens. If I had your IP data, I'd pay $20k for a hitman to kill you. That's how much I despise niggers like you ruining this board with your fucking retarded frogs and off topic gay ass fucktard posts.

>> No.17629639

How will OP ever recover?

>> No.17629641
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Everything okay?

>> No.17629660

lmao so this is the power of incel rage

>> No.17629671

ah yes the clear and evidently superior answer to frogposting - psychopathposting

>> No.17629673

do it

>> No.17629691

There is no future, anon.

>> No.17629708
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>> No.17629719

who doesn't indulge in a good psychopath post every now and then

>> No.17629735
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>> No.17629737

You'll know it was a good psychopost if jannies nuke the whole thread over it. I did that one time with ~100 words about bludgeoning a homeless man with a sledgehammer. Thread was purged and I got 3 days site vacation

>> No.17629753



Dear J----,

Basically this was my thought process: I am too kooky for you to stay with, but because we both like each other, whenever we talk, no matter how strange or terrible anything that’s happened is, we always find a way to reconcile. Last Friday (or whatever day it was) I was very insulted by what you said about my parents and it made me feel strange that I knew that we would reconcile despite that, apparently, there would never be a positive relationship between two people that play important roles in my life, meaning that there would be permanent and ugly mark on both of our lives if we were to stay together. Combined with the fact that I feel that my interactions with you do you no good, despite how we feel about each other, made me think that the only way to stanch the bleeding, as it were, would be to stop everything so that you could return to a normal life. I thought if I tried to tell you this, we would still resolve it, but in the moment the situation seemed so desperate and impossible, it seemed very important to me that we not, once again, engineer a solution of cardboard and duct tape, so to speak. I feel that we are carrying increasingly heavy burdens of each other despite increasingly not getting anything out of it.

I feel toward you like a sibling – I can’t imagine life without you, but our relationship is something that has begun to feel like something constructed separately for the other’s idea of the benefit of the other, rather than for something organic, which more simply works for the other – it’s as if there is an element of duty, like we are more interested in reducing the possibility of the greatest acute harm to the other, rather than attempting to improve the most overall, because, the relationship, like a familial one, being permanent, there is no possibility of acute harm being better than a duller, longer harm, because the idea of that acute harm, and the ending, would seem like death, because the end seems like an impossibility.

>> No.17629759



I also increasingly feel conflicted about our sexual relationship, because I don’t know if I feel exactly as I used to. I really can’t explain this, but I don’t know whether I can continue it. Sex is beginning to spook me, which I think would be an arrangement that would be bad for the other person in the relationship.

Basically, I feel less and less suited for this relationship, but I feel that our sympathies for one another have made it impossible to change the relationship. I feel that I am like a growth on your side through which an artery flows. You would be best without me, but the process of removal is painful and dangerous. Over those days when I avoided contacting you, I was very upset and constantly distraught and I was constantly fighting the urge to contact you. I’m not sure that I should have let my guard down, as it were, in the end, to be honest. I want you to be happy because I love you, but I don’t want to be near you because I think I make you sad and worried. I want you to be rid of me and that loss of contact was what seemed to be the only possible way to return you to a normal life because otherwise our feelings for each other would make it impossible for us to part. So to contact you would seem to be returning to harming you less obviously, though permanently. And to maintain silence would be a terrible pain for us both that would send you on your way to a normal life.

This is basically how I feel. I don’t think this is articulate, but perhaps you can tell me what you think. I am sorry.


>> No.17629776

There's no way someone actually talks like this

>> No.17629783
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Probaly not. No research is avaible right now to show this. I personally have been emailed by no one but I will live in infamy as a person of aids. I hope my screenshots leak then at least someone will my see my minecraft world.

>> No.17629794




I'm not sure if you ended up actually going to China. If you did, I hope you're having a good time. You always talked about wanting to live in China after graduation, so I'm really glad that you got to do it. I can't imagine moving to a foreign country, especially a non-English speaking one. I think it's really admirable that you're doing this.

I'm moving out of my apartment tomorrow, into another XXXXX apartment with S----- and A-----. I found one of your notes buried in my desk drawer, and I guess it made me nostalgic.

After we split, I continued working at P------- for another 2 months. It was a fantastic experience and I still visit my old coworkers often. My manager gives me the biggest hug every time I go back to the store. I also spent an amazing week in C------ with P----- and B----, and I fostered a one-eyed shih tzu for 3 weeks in June.

I started at U------- and it's been pretty good so far, but I'm definitely going to switch careers within the next year. I've been volunteering very heavily with Make a Wish and also the -------.

I've gotten really close to my roommates in the last few months. I "dated" 3 different guys casually, including one of my P------ coworkers, but broke up with each of them because they didn't fit what I was looking for. I told my dad that he's an asshole for hitting B------- when I was younger, and I've pretty much completely cut contact with him.

I'm not sure why I'm even telling you any of this, and you probably don't care. I guess it's just because, at some point, you knew virtually every detail of my life, and out of habit, I feel compelled to update you.

In short, I'm so much happier now that we're not together. I'm sure you are too.

I'm not mad or even mildly upset at you. I feel bad for all the time we wasted fighting, and for all the times I yelled at you. I don't, however, necessarily feel sorry for anything I said. To be fair, I think that you put me through some really rough situations.

I don't know how things would've turned out if we had never dated, and just decided to remain friends. Part of me wishes we had done that, because maybe we would still be in contact now. At the same time, I feel blessed to have gotten to know you so deeply, and I don't necessarily regret the relationship. Despite everything, I honestly think you are such a beautifully complex person, and you remain one of the most interesting people I've ever met.

I occasionally miss the good times, and I doubt I'll ever find someone who understands my thinking as well as you did. I miss our deep conversations and your ability to think along the same lines as me. I worry that I'll never find that kind of intensity again. At the same time, I feel like our relationship was one long nightmare, and I'm so happy to be out. I don't say this to make you feel guilty, but I feel like you really screwed me over a bunch of times.

>> No.17629805


>> No.17629809


I don't really feel anything except for mild disappointment that it didn't work out as I had planned. I know it was awful for both of us 99% of the time, but I still remember a few moments of extreme, exquisite beauty. I'm thankful that I got to experience that. You somehow felt like both my soulmate - if such a thing exists - and the worst thing that ever happened to me. Meeting you really did change my life.

I hope none of this offends you or hurts your feelings. I'm just trying to be totally open with you, and I don't say any of this with malice.

I really hope you're well and I hope you find exactly what you want. I don't know if you'll even receive this, and you don't need to respond if you don't want to. You were always good at ignoring me anyways....(Haha, too soon?)

I guess I wish we had ended on a better note. I guess this could be an attempt to find some kind of final closure. Or maybe it's just a former friend's curiosity to see how you're doing. If nothing else, I hope you know that I sincerely did love you.

(Also, happy slightly belated birthday.)


(These were in the process and after the process of breaking up from a very intense 4 year relationship)

No, that's really how I wrote. I had to put in a fair bit of effort to get less formal. I come from a upper-class New England family and I actually not only wrote, but spoke this way for the first 20 or so years of my life - I couldn't help it.

>> No.17629820

new england literati supremacy

>> No.17629851

We already have https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Mira-Gonzalez/dp/0989695026

>> No.17629863
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Take it back.

>> No.17629875

i'm actually the author of a pretty popular psychopost which is frequently reposted on /pol/ even to this day (i wrote it in mid to late 2019 i think)
you can read it here: https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/does%20anyone%20else%20ever%20get%20violent%20thoughts%20when%20they%20see%20a%20woman/

>> No.17629922


Wow, this is actually sort of moving or at least very very sad.

>> No.17629986


>> No.17630043
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I still enjoy writing letters and postcards. I posted a couple postcard threads on /lit/ in the last week or so, but they didn't get many replies.

If any of you are deranged enough to post your address on /lit/ I'll send you one.

>> No.17630401

Can I publish me and my friend's whatsapp texts?

>> No.17630489

You can definitely self publish them. If you send them to a publisher they'll get rejected faster than that dragon sex book some anon's bro wrote.

>> No.17630531

I cried

>> No.17630694

That’s a great pen

>> No.17630802

>Sex is beginning to spook me

>> No.17631051

Fair enough. It's similar content to that too, actually.

>> No.17631079

Ikr what a fuckin fag

>> No.17631222
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>> No.17631244
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Are there seriously people in this thread who don't write long, letter-level emails? I write them all the time. The letter as an art form isn't gone at all, it's just shifted from analog to digital.