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17598573 No.17598573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, if there is any sort of benevolent god, his only gift to us was art. Maybe I just have an extreme innate sensibility to art, but please give me books/authors that talk about this type of feeling

>> No.17598630

The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.17598635
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isn't it obvious?

>> No.17598652

>Seriously, if there is any sort of benevolent god, his only gift to us was art.

That's why Jews try to destroy it like how they did Christ.

>> No.17598655

okay cool, I love beyond good and evil and Zarathustra, I love his writing style so I´ll look into it

I never read Kant so Im not going to dive into Hegel yet

>> No.17598694

"God is indebted to Bach for proving that He is real"


>> No.17599118

dont waste time reading about art silly fellow aesthete, indulge in it. also maybe learn very basic music theory since most aesthetic goodness comes from the underlying musicality of the works execution

>> No.17599319

heinrich von stein, another wagnerian philosopher who died early

>All four elements corresponding to the soul phenomena (elevation/sublime, reconciliation, mood/vibe, message) can be found in the accomplished work of art; it is therefore a counter-image of the spiritual unity on which the four functions are based. These four elements can also be distinguished in the effect of natural beauty. Nature has a sublime effect in a huge bare rock or in the desolation and solitude of the desert; it reconciles us with reality by looking at a peaceful bay or looking up at the stars; it puts us in a certain mood when a landscape appears before us in uniform lighting; it communicates to us in the bird's cry.

>Belief in a providence is connected with the psychic phenomenon of reconciliation. The evil, of which we ourselves are the originator, hits the wound of a sense of guilt within us. In the atonement of guilt, however, a soul force emerges which is directed towards good. Thus, through the fact of atonement, the evil in us is balanced. But the question arises: Is there such a compensation of the evil in the world? (...) Be that as it may, we will always feel drawn to this problem; the sight of the peaceful evening sky will always have a reconciling effect and lead us to believe that all is well. just as goethe "learned to believe in a god" on his italian trip, so the sight of the beautiful fills us with the conviction "that a being who is friends with us, in an inexpressible way, is in control over things".

>Finally, a metaphysical problem is closely related to the basic psychological fact of the message, but there is no uniform name for it. perhaps it can be described as the "super-personal in great individualities". "What does Bach sacrifice his eyesight for, Schiller his life? for the people who are walking down the street here today?"

> in a letter to Overbeck, Nietzsche writes that his friend Heinrich von Stein is enough of a poet to be deeply affected by ‘The Other Dance-Song’ and has even learned it by heart: ‘For whoever is not compelled by precisely the serenity of Zarathustra to shed tears, such a one is still very far from my world, from me’

>> No.17599320

read an aesthetics anthology. it should start with the 10th chapter of The Republic where Plato calls painters and poets fucking losers that should be banned from the ideal society but challenges at the end for them to prove him wrong because it would be good if art enjoyment was beneficial. Aristotle took this challenge and more or less proved the value of art by pointing out that imitation (which Plato considers worthless illusion) is an extremely important and innate human characteristic and that children use sensory data to imitate others so that they may learn how to live in the world, and by virtue of this you cannot just write all imitation off as unimportant to society. And many, many other extremely convincing arguments. etc etc etc

>> No.17600526

“We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting”

― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam

>> No.17601394

The entirety of creation is the perfect work of art.
God is good.

>> No.17602592

it just is anon

>> No.17602648
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>The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.

>> No.17603325
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This book makes a good case for art as integral to humanity and bros science/logic nerds

>> No.17603344

Because it's escapism.

>> No.17603385

because you don't have to read

>> No.17603396

>*looks at a painting of flowers*
>All four elements corresponding to the soul phenomena (elevation/sublime, reconciliation, mood/vibe, message) can be found in the accomplished work of art; it is therefore a counter-image of the spiritual unity on which the four functions are based. These four elements can also be distinguished in the effect of natural beauty. Nature has a sublime effect in a huge bare rock or in the desolation and solitude of the desert; it reconciles us with reality by looking at a peaceful bay or looking up at the stars; it puts us in a certain mood when a landscape appears before us in uniform lighting; it communicates to us in the bird's cry.

>> No.17604348

>"God is indebted to Bach for proving that He is real"
Who is this from ? I knew Cioran's "If someone owes it all to Bach, it's God".

>> No.17604555
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>> No.17605218

Tolstoy's essay 'What is Art?'

>> No.17605228

>Why is art so good?

Because you're young. Enjoy it while it lasts, and let it go when it is time.

>> No.17605235
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>> No.17605242

This was Cioran's single biggest failure as a thinker, and made me realize even the greats can be fooled. Music is no more impressive than any other art form, and no less devoid of truth

>> No.17605245


>> No.17605255

redpill me

>> No.17605288

All creative work is a smokescreen of implied meaning which upon serious investigation is proven disengenuous. At the end, as an artist, you will know this, whether you admit it to yourself or not. Worse still, much of the joy found by consumers _in_ art is their use of the work as identity signifiers used in status games, subconsciously and otherwise.

>> No.17605332

Its good because it hasn't been ruined by extrapolation.

>> No.17605356

>also maybe learn very basic music theor
best music theory books?

>> No.17605374

music is much more impressive than painting or sculpture

>> No.17605389
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>> No.17605392

Basically this. I still enjoy art but don't hold it in high regard anymore.

>> No.17605553

This thought is me whenever I listen to my own playlists desu

>> No.17605604


Lol no I thought I got art when I was young then I experienced actual hardship and now while less often struck by something that which does, strikes far far deeper

>> No.17605615

Aristotle's imitation is a fucking weird precursor to freud

>> No.17606068

Sauce? I looked it up but couldn’t find anything

>> No.17606093


>> No.17606099

You're retarded

t. Boomer anon

>> No.17606106

holy based