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17586841 No.17586841 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of philosophy after Kant and Wittgenstein? It seems like all we can do is be silent or become sophists.

>> No.17586847

wittgenstein is Š Ö Ÿ

>> No.17586848

derrida btfo all these hacks

>> No.17586857

Well, what else are the people filling philosophy departments supposed to do?

>> No.17586860


>> No.17586861

it only took 2k+ years to realize philosophy is for retards

>> No.17586865

I'd rather be a sophist than a soulless Wittgensteinian.

>> No.17586866

Even Wittgenstein conceded that philosphy did not end with untangling language-games. Your type has been saying that the best of us might give up on philosophy and become sophists for the past 2500 years, and have proven every bloody century.

>> No.17586874
File: 59 KB, 850x400, whitehead wonder quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Philosophy is not a mere collection of noble sentiments. A deluge of such sentiments does more harm than good. Philosophy is at once general and concrete, critical and appreciative of direct intuition. It is not—or, at least, should not be—a ferocious debate between irritable professors. It is a survey of possibilities and their comparison with actualities. In philosophy, the fact, the theory, the alternatives, and the ideal, are weighed together. Its gifts are insight and foresight, and a sense of the worth of life, in short, that sense of importance which nerves all civilized effort. Mankind can flourish in the lower stages of life with merely barbaric flashes of thought. But when civilization culminates, the absence of a coordinating philosophy of life, spread throughout the community, spells decadence, boredom, and the slackening of effort.”

>> No.17586878
File: 1.44 MB, 1240x1499, engraving-Georg-Wilhelm-Friedrich-Hegel-Lazarus-Gottlieb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17586887

derrida btfo himself. Because all that Derridas philosophy can do is btfo anything and never affirm. Reject deconstruction and embrace concept creation. Take the Deleuze pill

>> No.17586888

Derrida affirms metaphysics numbnuts

>> No.17586893

late Wittgenstein is literally unBTFOable, he was doing deconstruction 30 years before Derrida coined the term

>> No.17586899

>pick up another philosophy that’s going to be refuted by some scientific discovery or another philosopher in a couple centuries
Bros, I’m tired.

>> No.17586900

Where do I start with Wittgenstein and is there any prerequisites I need to read before him?
I'm going in cold turkey

>> No.17586953

Not at all, deconstruction is more than just philosophy of language

>> No.17587015
File: 18 KB, 343x499, 41tKTzRW-EL._SX341_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related makes a convincing argument that late Wittgenstein can be read as deconstructing

>> No.17587017


>> No.17587204


>> No.17588182

Kant certainly didn't think we ought to be silent, nor he thought his system had been completed by the time of his death.
Almost the same can be said about Wittgenstein. Both Philosophical Researches and On Certainity are actual developements of his project. Fro them we can infer that even W. himself would have agreed that there was still work to be done in philosophy (in fact his notion of philosophy as therapy grants that there will always be some use for philosophy as long as there will be humans)

>> No.17588188

sophists are based, actually

>> No.17588209

scientists don't refute philosophy. go read a book or something

>> No.17589060

To refute Heidegger

>> No.17589653

Kant was a frail little manlet and so he said things that would keep him from getting beaten up

>> No.17589926

Is Husserl worth checking out or not? From what I've heard of him he seems like a potential way of going past Kant.

>> No.17589928

Is this why he wrote books that were deemed massively controversial in his time, which also attacked and claimed to have refuted the most popular philosophies of his time (Humean and Lockean empiricism, and Wolffian/Leibnizian rationalism)?

>> No.17589948

Philosophy was finished with Sextus Empiricus, if not earlier.

>> No.17589949

the sophists were good.

>> No.17589958

I feel like the point is to help others who are at similar steps before reaching the forgone conclusion. Not that it really matters but it’s about the least you can do, if you want, idk maybe I’ve got it wrong.

>> No.17590005


>> No.17590013

Wittgenstein is a pseud lmfao don't put him next to Kant you hopeless retard

>> No.17590059

He was the definition of centrist "be a good person" is his thesis and its because he was too weak to risk another position

>> No.17590085

Initially btfo by himself, then btfo by Grice and Kripke. Had he lived longer he would have btfo himself again. Kill your heroes you SIMP

>> No.17590098

Philosophy was ended with Thales. Everything else is cope

>> No.17590123

Not a philosopher

>> No.17590139


>> No.17590662

Are you actually award of the historical context behind Kant's works? For example, do you realize that his religious writings were censored, and that both his theoretical and moral philosophy were completely at odds with all those traditions I mentioned?
Actually ignore this post, I should stop wasting my time responding to shitposters

>> No.17590679

This. So many fags here on /lit/ can't into linguistics. Older Wittgenstein spent his later years trying to recover from his self-BTFO

>> No.17592207
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>> No.17592708

>he's think quantum physics or imaginary number maths refute the dialectic

>> No.17592739

Actual good contribution.

>> No.17592940

>logic is söy
woman detected

>> No.17592958

Metaphysics is more active than it’s been since the logical positivists, so you tell me.