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File: 356 KB, 630x473, bill-gates-climate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17571627 No.17571627 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit interested in climate change? What are the essential books?

>> No.17571687

Why is this man viewed as bad again?

>> No.17571697
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Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.17571699

Out of touch millionaire thinks he knows what’s best for a world he’ll be leaving soon.

>> No.17571706

>dude, just shoot dust particles into the atmosphere bro
>just let me sterilize the Indian nation, c’mon they just poop in streets anyway

>> No.17571714

run of the mill midwit with no moral principles having a powertrip because he's buttered by neolib elites

>> No.17571715

What about his actions?
Like eradicating polio.

>> No.17571717


Epstein, private jet environmentalist, NGO funder, pick your reason.

>> No.17571720

im interested in the communication polemics behind a lot of people interested in climate change as a topic. As a cause study for rhetoric.

>> No.17571727

Billionaire with multiple mansions flies around to tell poor people they have to consume less

>> No.17571735

Great, now those people can starve to death instead!

>> No.17571740
File: 25 KB, 329x499, 41VBh8PQL4L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is a myth.

As for literature, it's pic related.

>> No.17571755

I spoke to Allah while on DMT, he said climate change is a troll.

>> No.17571762


>> No.17571764
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I absolutely love it when the wealthiest men on the planet who fly in private jets and live in mansions are trying to teach us all bad naughty humans who eat meat and procreate how to live in harmony with nature by accepting their anti-human brave new world. Too bad Ted didn't get to him.

>> No.17571767

>Climate change is a myth.

>> No.17571776

Bill Gates giving out climate change advice is like Stephen King giving out writing advice. He is wholly unqualified to do it.

>> No.17571778

I’m down

>> No.17571784

Climate change as we know it may or may not be, but the islands of trash in the ocean and rapidly disappearing flora and fauna across the planet still don’t exactly inspire optimism for the planet’s health going forward.

>> No.17571786

Because it's not real.

>climate changes
whoopdiwoo climate isn't static who could have thought

Now pay your 10 different climate taxes, while living in your pod, biking to work and eating your insects.

>> No.17571794

No we’re fucked-it’s worse than they say.

T. Guy who does remediation on large bodies of water

>> No.17571808
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If the crisis is so impending and NYC will be underwater by 2050, then my question is why the fuck are the riches people in the world that are espousing this message the most moving into NYC and other big cities along the coasts?
I used to just view him as a technocratic wannabe and thought the conspiracies around him were overblown, but turns out he wants my kids to eat bugs, living in pods, and owning nothing. Pic related.

>> No.17571821

Tell me more, did you write down everything you saw? Climate change is a troll.

>> No.17571826
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>Commies hating on rich people.

There's literally nothing new here.

>> No.17571833


Kys eco-chambered faggot

>> No.17571844
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You're contradicting yourself.

>> No.17571850

Not only is he an expert on viral outbreaks, but he's a climatologist and power engineer too.

>> No.17571852

No I'm not.

Climate changes, no one denies this.

The claim that humans can somehow impact climate change is a grandiose myth. We have no say in it.

>> No.17571862

Capitalists are evil vultures, but that doesn’t mean climate change doesn’t exist retard. And even if it doesn’t exist, even if everybody is wrong, you have to be braindead levels of retardation not to want to protect the environment and nature. You’re looking for crazy ass conspiracies, bitch just try to save the turtles

>> No.17571864

Of course we can impact it. The question is by how much.

>> No.17571872

Dirty sophist! Address the argument not the speaker

>> No.17571874

>what are greenhouse gases

>> No.17571893
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>Reddit spacing
>"The claim that humans can somehow impact climate change is a grandiose myth. "
>What are Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

You are so fucking retarded, holy shit.

>> No.17571894

I didn't have time to write it down it came on so suddenly. He approached my mind's eye as a still at first and I couldn't understand what he was saying, I suspect this may have been either a language barrier or my neurons were just unable to ruminate on the impact of his words. After what felt like hours he imparted on me two pieces of crucial information, directly into my soul. The first and lesser was that climate change is a troll. The second and greater was that I have his blessing to eat pork shoulder for dinner.

>> No.17571902

today your only option for news is to check multiple echo chambers midwit

>> No.17571909
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>bitch just try to save the turtles
This isn't twitter moron

>> No.17571924

>le pepe
Jump into a hole and stay there for a very long time and think about you became so contrarian and reactionary to basic belief and accepted scientific findings

>> No.17571931

give us more details

>> No.17571944

He wanted to launch a missile at the sun.

>> No.17571955

>Is /lit interested in climate change?
Not even a little bit.

>> No.17571968

0 iq

>> No.17571970

This is such a contradictory and ironic post I can't even tell if troll.

>> No.17571973

>>just let me sterilize the Indian nation
Fucking based

>> No.17571982

Please stop being less dumb. This is embarassing

>> No.17571987

I will begin listening to him when he actually sterilizes India and Africa to a significant degree.

>> No.17572026

because he wants to enact extraordinarily risky environmental and nutritional changes for billions of people without their consent

>> No.17572031

Refute HAARP. ops you can't.

>> No.17572041

That’s what he said, that you can get “used to the taste difference”?
That was the wrong thing to say, lol

>> No.17572053

I accept your surrender.

>> No.17572076

>He wanted to launch a missile at the sun
Sounds based and potentially Bataille-pilled

>> No.17572079

Please explain how CO2 causes temperature to rise, when CO2 lags behind temperature change.

>> No.17572097

For one thing, methane is also a significant green house gas.

>> No.17572106

Please explain how CO2 causes warming when it lags behind temperature change.

>> No.17572118
File: 68 KB, 777x437, 1601414309139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Chlorofluorocarbons even related with your question?

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17572120

Please Bill, lead by example, show us how you and your family only eat soiy burgers and cockroaches, sell your jet and buy a bicycle and donate all your wealth to save the oceans. Ah right, just for me not for thee.

>> No.17572122

The whole climate change myth is dependent on the claim that CO2 causes temperatures to rise.

>> No.17572130

Can I also get used to the lack of nutrients?

>> No.17572145

Are you asking for a basic understanding introduction into atmosphere physics? It sounds like you read that CO2 production alone wouldn't cause the temperature change observed, but CO2 alone doesn't cause the temperature change observed. Methane is a huge factor. There is less methane released, however it does more damage, and it also exists in the atmosphere for a shorter amount of time

>> No.17572153

There’s climate change, the liberal elite just want to tie it up with industrial activity so that they can control it.
Because, let’s face it, some of these countries do pollute like crazy.
It just seems crazy for us in the West because we have so many regulations already.

I don’t really give a shit about any of this, it doesn’t affect my life one way or another because I have nothing in the first place and no stakes in any system as it is.

>> No.17572157
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>I know nothing about this subject. Therefore, I will simply go to /pol/ and copy paste what they say.

>> No.17572168
File: 133 KB, 538x1775, iykyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in agreement in a way. pic rel

Not entirely, this is a case of arrogance

>> No.17572172

>American education

I studied this shit in high-school.

>> No.17572173

1. Advocates climate action, which is unpopular at the right.
2. Is living proof of non-government humanitarism having some advantages over government humanitarism, which is unpopular at the left.

>> No.17572174

Aren't CFCs more potent still? Also don't forget that carbon dioxide is a factor in ocean acidification aswell.

>> No.17572177
File: 43 KB, 484x252, climate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am asking you for evidence on the claim that CO2 causes temperatures to rise. That is the fundamental argument of climate change hoaxers.

Pollution isn't climate change. Me nor anyone else thinks pollution is something positive.

>it doesn’t affect my life one way or another
This kind of thinking is one of the reasons they get away with all the evil bullshit they are doing.

Not an argument.

>US government letter agency ruining society
no one is surprised

>> No.17572189
File: 48 KB, 210x177, moldbug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mencius Moldbug already disproved the whole climate change hysteria in A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations. Can't believe people are still buying into that shit.

>> No.17572196

>Pollution isn't climate change. Me nor anyone else thinks pollution is something positive.
I know but they’re going to use the inevitable climate change as an excuse to control pollution even if the pollution isn’t causing it.

> This kind of thinking is one of the reasons they get away with all the evil bullshit they are doing.
I’m just being honest. I have no stake in anything and I’m just exploited and that’s it.
The system makes no difference to me.

>> No.17572234

Yep that's also another major factor
Here's some evidence. Hope you read it carefully instead of dismissing it because it contradicts /pol

>> No.17572255

Can someone explain to me why so many normies lack the same instinctive revulsion I have toward "activist" billionaires and the "expert class" in general

Why would you ever trust some technocrat fuck with a private jet? Why would you ever trust a politician, a celebrity? Why do these people lap it up? People really fucking BUY Bill Gates' ghostwritten book?

>> No.17572286
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>Can someone explain to me why so many normies lack the same instinctive revulsion I have toward "activist" billionaires and the "expert class" in general
I understand this feeling, but what IF he's actually being truly altruistic? Ever considered that for a moment? I don't think that Bill is one of the "bad" guys, but that's just me. I don't blindly hate on people like most of you just because they're rich. He's also responsible for a lot of good things. Yes, I'm speaking about Microsoft

>> No.17572299

Not evidence, thus not an argument.

>> No.17572323

Read Samuel Huntington on "Davos man," and look into Gates' backstory in particular. These people are fucked. You can't be part of their club without getting dick deep in evil. Look up Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment.

>> No.17572325

The major problem with CFCs is that they destroy the Ozone layer. The industry, in general, got rid of those in consumer goods.

>> No.17572333

Name ONE "good" guy.

>> No.17572342



>> No.17572352

This is some advanced sophistry right here

>> No.17572426

>bro, just shoot poo shit in the air
i'm /lit/ today !

>> No.17572563

You can want to protect the environment and not believe in climate change

>> No.17572635

I dislike him because he is only helping people to build a legacy. Morality is defined by intention. He isn't a good person.

>> No.17572783

There are none at that level. From the crooked timber of humanity, nothing straight can be made and all that.

>> No.17572855
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>> No.17572856
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>> No.17572896

The funny thing is, his legacy will be dust. Carnegie built libraries which are still standing. I wish our elites would build monuments instead of dictating minutiae of our daily lives.

>> No.17572904
File: 83 KB, 1080x608, 84C7A5BD-D88D-4875-9D18-1769BB34255A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if this guy that was best friends with Epstein and was known as being an evil bastard in the tech industry suddenly turned into a saint
Honestly go back to re.dd.it you won’t be criticized for worshipping the malicious ruling class that hates you there.

>> No.17572946


>> No.17572955

Some actual good book recs:
>John R. McNeill - The Great Acceleration. An Environmental History of the Anthropocene since 1945
> David Wallace Wells - The Uninhabitable Earth. Life After Warming
> Erle C. Ellis - Anthropocene - A Very short Introduction
Also work by Michael Mann, Stefan Rahmstorf etc

>> No.17572956
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 49EBB7DC-A227-4AB6-A8B4-EB08C0B991B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me super heroes that I can worship
There are none get over it. There are occasional heroic acts committed by firefighters, policemen, friends and family, etc but this is at the local personal level, the people themselves are not great but they are able to attain greatness for those around them. Guys like Bill Gates are so far removed from this it’s laughable, in fact it’s his intention conscious or not to root out this localized qualitative essence from human life.

>> No.17572967
File: 36 KB, 500x499, 5D4BB4BE-7F90-41AC-802A-2D589F7A8C5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re anti Semitic if you don’t worship your ruling class

>> No.17572970
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>> No.17572985

On point.
These brainiest won't even admit that the guy was right about the pandemic. The absolute state of poltards.

>> No.17572987
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 7E64CC60-8656-4544-9CD3-1FD39953AFA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re literally wasting your life on 4chan ass licking a billionaire that doesn’t wants to take away your right eat meat. >>17571808

I hope this is a shill desu, would be sad if it’s not.

>> No.17572994
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>billionaire that doesn’t wants to take away your right eat meat.

This would be kino, if true. Maybe you'd finally lose weight then.

>> No.17572996

Politically incorrect guide to global warming.

>> No.17572997


Fixed that for you. Bezos and Musk are in the same boat. Quit being an idiot anon.

>> No.17573008
File: 70 KB, 609x408, 096DB11A-88A7-4953-B689-A969262ADE5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroyed the social life of America
>destroyed countless small businesses while making corporations richer then ever
>right about the pandemic

>> No.17573013
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>> No.17573020

The absolute state of the left.

>> No.17573026

>my favorite billionaire is better than yours!!

>> No.17573032

> citing the fall in our stars

>> No.17573034
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Based. We should abolish meat consumption.

Good to see that we have some educated anons here.

>> No.17573043
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>> No.17573073

forcing someone to do something is the weakest argument, force: backfires

>> No.17573087
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>Stop doing something.
>Forcing someone to do something.
Pick one, Trumpet.

You clearly don't know what forcing is. That's a low IQ brainlet argument.

>> No.17573090
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>> No.17573115

Alright then stop sucking nigger dicks.

>> No.17573117

I accept your surrender.

>> No.17573126
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>> No.17573132

It's too late to fix climate change. Best option now is to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels and build infrastructure to protect against it's effects (seawalls, food stores, etc). Maybe on a centuries timescale we fix it.

>> No.17573169

The photo was taken in 2011 after the first Epstein investigation for pedophilia. He met with him numerous times during this period.

Nyt article- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

>> No.17573177
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>> No.17573193


>> No.17573200

It's ironic when trumpets turn to the NYT for sources.

>> No.17573226
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>> No.17573321

>He thinks I was addressing Gates
(read what was i replying to)
I rather be low iq with a strong reading comprehension ability than an illiterate high iq

>> No.17573571

I am. I am fully in favor of depopulation. Specifically in China, India and all of Africa.

>What are the essential books?
The Impeachment of Man

>> No.17573607
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The world can be scaled, there is more room available.

>> No.17573717

he built a company that'll be one of the corporate overlords of the future, bruh. Can't spell legacy more clearly than that.

>> No.17573752

>the state of climate religionists

>> No.17573804

Their cultures don't value the planet. They don't value cleanliness and efficiency. They have no respect for the wild. Look at how they kill endangered animals to harvest their organs for boner pills and useless, superstitious trinkets. It's indefensible and they need to go away.

>> No.17574023

bro that wasn’t Allah that was your cousin Abdul. Now go wash up mom wants us to finish castrating the goats before supper

>> No.17574404
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No amount of (((philanthropy))) and blogging about which shitty books he read will make up for ruining computers forever. Also he's a cunt.

>> No.17574488

I like him and his honest assessment of the problem. People will not tolerate changes to their generally improving lifestyle for a solution to a problem many don't even believe exists. The only realistic approaches are mitigation, adaptation and eventual rollback of the damage with more advanced technology.

>> No.17574580

Or his actions like taking a private jet anywhere he goes

>> No.17574677

I am reading Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry for the Future right now which is pretty good. KSR is a sci fi author and as such, his solutions to the climate change problem are all technical-rational-economical. Pumping water into the ice caps; creating carbon crypto coins to incentivize corporations; etc. All this stuff might work, who knows. The most interesting point in the book is the sect of eco terrorists that bomb tankers and planes. I read somewhere that it's not climate change that's the problem, it's the strong economic disparity. (((They))) want to both keep (You) down, and keep their lineage going. Hence the increased political focus on climate change by the neolibs. But what do I know, I work for a fuckin chemical company

>> No.17574700

I’m not redpilled in this, how did he ruin computers?

>> No.17574744

Your revulsion isn't instinctual, and your arguments are nil. You have just been brainwashed from overconsumption of bad fiction as a child where the villain is some big bad businessman lex luther type and stupid conspiracy theories as an adult.

In reality though, there are rich and powerful people that use their good fortune for good and are those that use it for evil.

>> No.17574789

The 2016 r/thedonald tourists have given this board a lower IQ than early 2010s /b/

>> No.17574912

im a doomer and think its pretty much a done deal that humanity is going extinct.

>> No.17574947

bootlicker kys

>> No.17575036

retard alert

>> No.17575090
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>Is /lit interested in climate change?
Yes. I can't wait for it to wipe us all out.

>> No.17575134

He poses like a little fucking punk that needs a noogie.

>> No.17575395

What do you dumbfuck /pol/tards even consider as evidence? All the empirical scientific proof that climate change is real and made significantly worse by humans is out there for you to freely access but when presented with it you bury your heads in the sand and complain about it being jewish trickery. Kys retard.

>> No.17575409

no, I'm rich :^)

>> No.17575566

It's fake. The amount of trust you should give to a field of "science" should be inversely proportional to its distance from physics. People who do "atmospheric and planetary sciences" couldn't hack it as even fifth-rate physicists.

>> No.17575620
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>What are the essential books?
Industrial Society and its Future
Technological Slavery
Metaphysics of Technology
The Question Concerning Technology - Heidegger
Men Among the Ruins

>> No.17575878

>Eradicating polio
He has lots of money he got from popularizing a device which has been an enormous waste of human potential and a social poison, and sent it to underfunded countries to complete goals that were already in progress. Bill Gates didn't eradicate polio. Sabin, Koprolski, and Salk did by inventing the polio vaccine. Rich people who think they deserve a medal for basic humanistic donations rather than their actual accomplishments should feed the poor with their fat, dumpy, useless bodies to make a meaningful personal contribution to alleviating hunger.

>> No.17576009
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Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumaker is the essential sustainable living book. Forget any robber barron faggot that got rich off of excessive living telling us to stop. That's literal hypocrisy right there

>> No.17576017

* Schumacher

>> No.17576133

>bitch just try to save the turtles

Never post like this again

>> No.17576173

Because he was a crappy computer developer who thinks being rich makes him an expert in everything even though he is clearly a moron outside of small niche area.
>Like eradicating polio.
Imagine being such a tard that you give Bill credit for eliminating polio....

>> No.17576204

Because not a single prediction made about it has ever come true and the excuse is always just "well its more complicated than we thought"

I think particle physics and organic chemistry is much more complicated and we seem to be able to reliable predict that to produce meaningful results.

Then there is the entire history behind it which is riddled with lies, propaganda, and even manipulated data.

Even if we just accept the 3 basic premises that pollution is bad, resources are finite, and efficiency is good - all the promoted "solutions" are just communism mixed with money making scams on emergent technology that fundamentally will NEVER solve the problem. Whereas actual potential solutions like developing nuclear power get dismissed...

All of this leads one to reasonable conclude its a farce. Its fear mongering for the sake of money and power - which is arguably the simplest answer.