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17546937 No.17546937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17546945

No serious schollar thinks classics should burn.
Anglo academia is the one that should burn.

>> No.17546948
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>> No.17546953

Buzzfeed articles (and their kindred bloggers) are literally just single soimen spouting their own autism, or what they've been told focus on, it's not a movement until retards think it has any force behind it and cave.

Like with MDE.

>> No.17546955

Scholarship is a waste. What you should do is form groups dedicated to engaging with the classics and understanding these texts through directly relating them rather than subjecting them to academic lenses.

>> No.17546961


>> No.17546975

Not by the Old Oligarch's Painted Stoa.

>> No.17547006
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I just want to study ancient philosophy. What does ancient philosophy have to do with American identity politics?

>> No.17547017

The only classics are Anglo? That makes no sense.

>> No.17547018

no one cares about anglo academia retard

>> No.17547028

You mean Chinese, because all this crap comes from them and our useful idiots.

>> No.17547036

Its just "academia", no need for an adjective when academia is inherently Anglo.

>> No.17547074

2023 can't come soon enough

>> No.17547086

How did it get to this?

I just wanted to read books and play video games.

>> No.17547090

What’s 2023

>> No.17547103

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17547113

you are a smart lad figure it out

>> No.17547123

what did the classics ever do to them

>> No.17547126
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>leave the Greeks to me

>> No.17547137

They're are ways of using them that aren't conducive to achieving their political goals.

>> No.17547173

old white guys BAD

>> No.17547182

I am smart but I don’t know

>> No.17547188

reading comprehension on killa with this one

>> No.17547226

when will ossian be introduced into the classics?

>> No.17547234
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hope you have the western cannon memorized big guys its going into the fire

>> No.17547261

I don't understand the idea of reforming the Classics. They'd no longer be the Classics but some bastard form.

>> No.17547262

>the government giving money to people is socialism

>> No.17547323

They have the audacity of existing and not extolling the virtues of trannies.

>> No.17547339

anglo reading comprehension right here everybody

>> No.17547344

That's the point, they want to teach their narrative that fits in line with their worldview.

>> No.17547349


cool pic

>> No.17547361


idk man, getting money from EU to create concentration camps doesn't look like socialism to me

>> No.17547380


>> No.17547392

can we just classify the Greeks and Romans as POC and then let the blacks think WE WUZ PHILOSOPHERS

>> No.17547395

>we need to stop American cultural imperialism and prevent it from applying false American constructs to Classics from antiquity
>The only way to do this is applying these different false American constructs to Classics from antiquity
Anglos man, they never fucking change. First they rubbed down Greek statues with steel wool, now they rubbing down Greek literature with their retard brain juice or whatever. Fuck man why can’t they just say away from my fucking culture? I hate american cultural imperialism and their smug pretense of progress fuck

>> No.17547405

mate your banter game is fucking atrocious

>> No.17547406

gaddafi has nothing to do with the contemporary Libyan ‘concentration camps’ brainlet

>> No.17547421

Why does it matter if these burger academics ruin the classics? They will still exist for everyone to read if they so desire.

>> No.17547439

It’s right there in the fucking article. American Cultural-imperialist shit like Emily Wilson’s “translation” of the Odyssey was a bestseller. They’re fucking it for all of us by gaslighting everybody

>> No.17547472

How can you take that the only classics are Anglo from >>17546945 ?
Are you a retard?
No one implied that

>> No.17547482

4 people already replied, why are you chiming in

>> No.17547492

Burger academics are the current world's hegemon. When the hegemons are this retarded, everyone should be worried.

>> No.17547497

are you crying?

>> No.17547502


Hmm yes? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/sep/01/eu-muammar-gaddafi-immigration

>> No.17547533

>anglos and germans do trans-atlantic slave trade
>ancient peoples who only share the same vague skin color get the flack

fuck off

>> No.17547550

I suppose it ruins everything for those
aspiring to become academics but I still don't understand why it would matter for hobbyists. You can still find good translations or even better, the original text if you bother to learn ancient Greek.
There are also decades old articles from academic journals about classics if you want some good insights, it's not like recent articles matter anymore since they are pozzed.
As for gaslighting, I don't really care if they gaslight normies who are probably left-leaning anyway. They are the last people I would want to discuss about the classics.

>> No.17547567
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>american constructs
You are the best useful idiots in ages. Thanks to you, french pomo faggotry, kraut jewish marxism and globalist cultural deconstructivism have dissimulated beneath your anti-us butthurt to a point where no correct action be taken.

You throw an entire nation under the bus out of sheer jealousy and spite when ALL nations are concerned

>> No.17547676

This got nothing to do with concentration camps. Also
> "We don't know what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans," the Libyan leader told a Rome meeting attended by Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister. "We don't know if Europe will remain an advanced and united continent or if it will be destroyed, as happened with the barbarian invasions."

>> No.17547692

Fuck you retard I’m Greek and I’m a lifetime KKE voter. I’ve been opposed to America AND all this pomo neoliberal globalized shit since I was 12. You’re shit

>> No.17547702

To add, fuck America. Fuck you Anglo-saxon subhuman cunt

>> No.17547721
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I agree with what your saying and am a berger, but wtf is a pomo?

Pls ehjewcat ur dum frens

>a dead meme I miss

>> No.17547762

just appalled

>> No.17547899

You have to be inmensly priviliged to think you can study ancient philosophy without reference to your identity.

>> No.17547908

You're a perfect example of a dumb anglo nigger.

>> No.17548505

it's not banter, I'm just commenting on how stupid you are

>> No.17548508


>> No.17549055

>zoomers actually care about flack from ancient peoples
fuck off zoomers

>> No.17549102

latin american literature fucking sucks

>> No.17549126

The fuck are you talking about? Who's talking about latin america?

>> No.17549132

9/10 bait

>> No.17549164

I'm convinced these peoples don't actually read the classics, because if they did they'd realize that the classics aren't White supremist colonial manifestos but instead the writings of a bunch of olive-skinned homosexual pagans. I don't really understand what the problem is from an "intersectional" perceptive.

>> No.17549167

sweaty... western civ, is a construct.

>> No.17549172

my dick in your anus is a social construct

>> No.17549185

Believe it or not not everything has to change... But guess that makes me a conservatard

>> No.17549193

Wtf does this gayshit even mean

>> No.17549213

Black people suffering means the world and everything in it revolves around them.

>> No.17549221


>> No.17549225

>to think you can study ancient philosophy without reference to your identity.
Anyone can study it without navel gazing about their own "identity". This is the dumbest shit I've heard all day.

>> No.17549243

Only the exclusive, pretentious "ivy leagues" even make you take a classics course. I went to a public uni as a humanities major and I never had to take a classics course. In other words, this debate is a giant circle jerk . My opinion? Don't "require" a classics class (as 90% of universities and programs already don't) but leave it optional. Let people who interested take it.

>> No.17549244

The mild discomfort you experience from being told to examine your privilege is not even one millionth of what marginalized folx such as PoC or queer people go through every instant of their conscious existence from living under white supremacist christian patriarchy. Social justice is nothing but empathy and basic human decency and justified outrage at white supremacist cruelty

>> No.17549252

>Western Civilisation is a construct, it's a complete construction.
Imagine being a position where you have to care what this person thinks about anything.

>> No.17549259

a postmodernist

>> No.17549262

Of course they dont think these "people" are really nothing but purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for neoliberalism. I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? What are you a russian bot trump supporter? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? a it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training"

>> No.17549264

You people think your all so smart but you isnt.

>> No.17549284

get'em girlfriend

>> No.17549305
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Why did people take so quickly to obsessively destroying, degrading, and subverting everything good? I understand why the bignose clan does it, but why did women suddenly get so enthusiastic about destroying their own civilizations? Why do city dwelling fags like it so much? Why are normal people increasingly the exception to the rule?

>> No.17549319

the internet accelerated propaganda exponentially. extremism is becoming the norm as people silo into worldviews and then police those worldviews for purity.

>> No.17549348

Its about empathy the surge of overt white supremacy means the marginalized no longer feel safe and its time to confronnt the evil at the root. You see the glorious history of civilization but marginalized folx see the humillation of people like them at the hands of people like you. Read bell hooks fannom and quijano the process of decolonial education needs to be violent and transgressive for the colonizer as well as for colonized people who have internalized white values. It actually took years for these ideas to be taken even remotely seriously by the establishment.

>> No.17549358

Its white terrorists who assaulted the capitol. Proving the necesity and urgencyof decolonization as the only means to protect the lives of the marginalized beimg threatened by white supremacy

>> No.17549385

What if the entire country just gets razed to the ground instead?

>> No.17549394

I think you're letting a handful of people color your perceptions of entire swaths of the population.

>> No.17549396

Its white terrorists who are burning the country to the ground and poc and queer people who are trying to create a new world it is time for a rupture as a white settler male you have to acknowledge you have no role to play in the revolution which must begin by your repentance and humilliation

>> No.17549404

You should take your meds.

>> No.17549406

I mean i see those people om twitter everyday and in the pages of the nyt. I dont think sane coexistance is posdible with the left, believe me i voted for bernie but i merely refuse to submit to their ideology and tjey consider it an act of war because they have no idea of individual consciousness

>> No.17549420

women were always soulless and so were cityfags. It's soul vs soulless.

>> No.17549426

If you voted for Bernie, then you are part of the problem.

>> No.17549427

I would have believed that bait if you hadn't mentioned christians in your idea of the patriarchy kek

>> No.17549436

Obvious b8

>> No.17549438

Of course i wouldnt vote for him again. If you ask me im a hard right libertarian because i've read foucault and carl schmitt and see the left has opted for a mass lobotomy were government is taken over by psychiatrists

>> No.17549471

I think it means nonwhites aren't human and trying to engage with culture created by humans makes them acutely aware of the fact.

>> No.17549487

Perhaps dysgenics

>> No.17549515
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Leftists agree with white supremacists on the qualities of non whites. The eft lost the working class a long time ago and they are in the process of driving away immigrants

>> No.17549520

christ. why don’t you monoglot immigrants learn english before posting on lit eh

>> No.17549538

Classics already died when they stopped the requirement to learn Latin and Greek. I know Phds in Ivy league/Oxbridge who only learnt 1 (in one case none!!) Of the ancient languages.

>> No.17549577

>classics doesn't
nigger thsi is pathetic and i am not even an anlgo

>> No.17549603

on topic I find classicist's inability to cope with this so funny. fuck the leftists that are in charge of our departments. they are despicable, evil people, and they make me really sad. they hate the very thing they are employed to champion. they hate the thing that raised them, the culture that taught them and raised them. sad.



>> No.17549618

They've had plenty of time to prepare too. They saw just how the academic left reacted to The Closing of the American Mind decades ago, so they should have known this was coming.

>> No.17549619

And NOTHING of value was lost!

>> No.17549631


>> No.17549647

manufactured outrage. Besides, zoomies likely won't even read the books now that video games exist, and modern academia is a rotting corpse anyways. Those that deserve the classics will find them, and these retards will forever flounder in their stupidity. Faggots like Op are the same, infinite feedback loop of conditioned outrage from one clickbait article to the other, never realizing that if he simply stopped looking he'd realize how shallow it all is. Pathetic

>> No.17549651

ur reading comprehension on sicko mode rn

>> No.17549653

Humans cannot tolerate too much realism but there is no limit to the unrealism they can have

>> No.17549667

classics SHOULD be a requirement of all majors. Go read brandon sanderson

>> No.17549669

>try to read the article in question
>caught by a paywall
God I hate online new so FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING MUCH

>> No.17549674

I hate how people think calling something a social construct is an argument in and of itself. Yeah western civilization is a social construct, no shit, it’s still a real thing. Civilization itself is a fucking social construct. It’s such a worthless mouth breathing statement jfc

>> No.17549679

There are extensions to bypass pay walls. Google one. You're honestly not missing much.

>> No.17549683

almost every marxist I know is into ‘old white guy philosophy’. You know, like Marx.

>> No.17549692
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Ever think that you are just looking for stuff to get mad about?

>> No.17549699

Bernie just wanted to give us healthcare. Fuck you he a cute old man

>> No.17549703

anon be honest did you hunt for an article like this on purpose?

>> No.17549719

In what way do you "reference your identity" when you study ancient philosophy and what does that mean?

>> No.17549755

If you are oppressed identity politics is not a choice but a matter of survival. Want rational debate? You should start by taking you boot of marginalized people's throats

>> No.17549760

You’re not good at parody

>> No.17549772

What part of Bernie crabwalking backwards over to establishment democrats and deepthroating their cock down the entire length of his body and out his asshole, for the tenth time in a row, after they specifically say "Fuck you old man, we're backstabbing you again because you won't do shit about it as usual little bitch," was the part where he was going to give people healthcare? Was it the part where he ate Hillary's pussy and said "thank you maam" after she humiliated him? Or was it the part where Biden made him personally crawl over to Neera Tanden and suck her hyena clit after she humiliated him? When do we get the healthcare? Should I give him all my money again so he can endorse the Democratic party again? While it becomes the party of business? Is Neera Tanden going to help us get healthcare finally? Is what why Bernie is currently in her office eating her shit?

>> No.17549779

I know it's bait, but:

What about the White colonized peoples like the Finns, Polish, Balkanites and Irish? greeks themselves were colonized for hundreds of years. Were they too victims of "White supremacy" and aren't they too marginalized folx with a humiliating history? Why do we treat them like equals instead of coddle them like children as many demand we do with the amerinigs?
The knowledge of history and the World outside of America among these people is the thing that enables this inconsistent ideology.

>> No.17549822

They benefit from whiteness even if they dont live in america because whiteness is a global system

>> No.17549831

this nigga woke af

>> No.17549841

What psyop is this? What organization would spout something so transparently anti-intellectual while calling itself "chronicle of higher education?" Either this is a fascist propaganda piece, or some Marxist 20 something is so blinded by ideology he can't see when he's hurting his own cause.

>> No.17549844

These peoples were colonized before America existed. So these marginalized folx still see the humillation of people like them at the hands of people like you in history.

>> No.17549854

Based Global Whiteness

>> No.17549890

Yeah man well he’s a bitch, but he’s also in his seventies. He’s just a nice and sincere old man, I can’t hate him, I don’t know how anybody could. He’s a unique face in American politics nowadays

>> No.17549905

And what about the Chinese and Koreans, they were colonized. They seem to have done damn well for themselves despite that.

>> No.17549914

If you read the article all the way to the last paragraph you find out it's all a psyop against China. Basically, China is trying to build soft power links with "ancient nations" which the USA is obviously not. So, to undermine that, we say only diverse American scholars can understand classical antiquity, not the descendants of ancient monocultures like Italy, Greece, or China.

>> No.17549949

No shit so >>17547395 was completely right. This whole new paradigm shift pushed for by the elites is just an attempt to reassert American capitalist power with a new American capitalist ideology. Bros, why is America a cancer on the world?

>> No.17549983

This sounds like some Great Leap Forward tier shit

>> No.17549988
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I note too that Confucian Institutes in the West have been aggressively attacked in recent years. They don't want English students reading the Sino-classics in the original tongue.

>> No.17550022
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This is the proximate cause of the recent calls to abolish Classical studies by the way--calls made by Classicists!


>> No.17550062

That guy is obviously Indian. I hope he's not larping as someone of African descent.

>> No.17550068

Eat shit wumao, no one is interested in your totalitarian bugman dystopia.

>> No.17550078

>Why did people take so quickly to obsessively destroying, degrading, and subverting everything good? I understand why the bignose clan does it, but why did women suddenly get so enthusiastic about destroying their own civilizations? Why do city dwelling fags like it so much? Why are normal people increasingly the exception to the rule?
people are just trying to adhere to the value system installed as a reaction to WW2.

>> No.17550112


He's from the Dominican Republic, but fancies himself a Black--that most nebulous of categories.

>> No.17550212

What kind of name is "Dan-el"?

>> No.17550241
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>> No.17550285

oh fucking amazing is it that I'm on the paragraph of Demons by Dostoevsky in which Stephan gives his speech about art.
Fucking communists

>> No.17550308

What did a stone ever to do a stone mason?

>> No.17550335
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These people are becoming increasingly more delusional in their circles, if coronavirus had not happened I think they would have had a shot at really influencing academia, kind of glad people are starting to have their priorities put in order.

>> No.17550340

He's a coward that exalts the same people that set out to destroy him, instead of holding firm in his beliefs and fighting for them. There is nothing unique or loveable in that spineless old man.

>> No.17550367

It's unironically more appealing than your totalitarian bugman dystopia, Shanequia.

>> No.17550402
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Also, the ancient Daoist texts hold the secrets of the universe, and most of it hasn't been translated.

>> No.17550406

What's that from?

>> No.17550414
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>> No.17550436

Oh yeah the old kike politician is nice and sincere. You're as delusional as any Trump supporter.

>> No.17550443

don't even disagree, but fuck off and unironically kys

>> No.17550450

In awe at the stupidity of this lad. Absolute retard.

>> No.17550477

What sort of concentrated basedbean faggotry is this???

>> No.17550506

as time moves onward, just like water will erode a stone, schizophrenic chaos will erode the collective consciousness. Many voices can speak on many things to a large audience of placid and tired ears who will take in whatever is presented to them in their docile and supine state. Just like a prey animal or a woman who can't defend herself against rape, most humans living in 'accelerated conditions' are hazed by the beekeeper, homogenized self-consciousness. Everything is so overly self conscious that it all becomes a feedback loop, only able to be punctuated by our strongest and most primitive instincts of 'knowing' what is attractive and what is ugly. Nobody is exempt from the rule, it is a spectrum. We know ugliness when we see, feel and think it and often the mechanized reproduction of identified and quantified attractiveness results in over stimulation and leads to an even more extreme search for novelty which eventually leads to the seemingly inescapable drain which spirals back into itself. Yes women appear to be tending towards suicide, but the conceptions about 'axioms' like something visible being something aren't real. 'city dwelling fags' has less and less meaning the more it is used, because the nature of the argument is one that is against the making of individuals into an ugly unreal reproduction. Every time you do the same thing you are tending more and more towards what you are criticizing. If you understand this, you will be better than when you didn't.

>> No.17550520

Goodnight sweet prince.

>> No.17550547
File: 40 KB, 524x400, BC1533D2-3E3E-4B52-8FBD-D79CD453EBA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean... he did kill god so I’m sure the Greeks would be a piece of cake

>> No.17550564

6/10 lol

>> No.17550574

I love you 8.5/10

>> No.17550581

>installed as a reaction to Germany holding (((them))) accountable for crimes against the German people
So again, it's the bignose "people", Satan's choses psychopaths

>> No.17550606

Marx is neither old, nor white, and possibly not even a guy.

>> No.17550646

A Dan-el is an Indian-Nigger, it is a type of mulatto sub human. There are many such cases in the Caribbean and north-east South America

>> No.17550649

Every board:
> wtf happened to this board how did /pol/ take over!!

What if... Bear with me... What if this WASN'T a 4chan conspiracy, and this is constant signal across channels is actually an indicator that more than one person in the world thinks something is very wrong?

Nah, couldn't be.

>> No.17550658

Although I think I agree with you, who are you replying to or is this a fantastical delusion of Jewish proportions?

>> No.17550666

More like I got the wires crossed...

>> No.17550670

Fuck off, Satan

>> No.17550763

No. No it doesn’t.
You’re one of those idiots who think east v west means it all comes from the chinks and that the I Ching is a seminal work. Greeks talking about the east and you think China and not Near East aka Jews and meso.

Did the chink ideas come before Jewish and Christian ones? Before Greek philosophy?

I want proof.

>> No.17550788

As a public schooled Brit who gave himself a private education self-taught at home I think it should be a requirement.

The reason we don’t see genuinely one of control. If you don’t teach people their history they are naive and will repeat it. Those who know it can then make money off of the ‘cycle’. I’d rather everybody be brought up to date so that we can work toward new answers.

Though we then possibly just end up like China with no ‘new’ creativity and arts.

>> No.17550793

Why do big noses do it? I’m curious about your perception?