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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 583 KB, 1800x1799, Gort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17490686 No.17490686 [Reply] [Original]

Is Amanda Gorman the greatest poet of all time? See her poem for the superbowel half-time, 'Chorus of the Captains'

Today we honor our three captains
For their actions and impact in
A time of uncertainty and need.
They've taken the lead,
Exceeding all expectations and limitations,
Uplifting their communities and neighbors
As leaders, healers and educators.
James has felt the wounds of warfare,
But this warrior still shares
His home with at-risk kids.
During Covid, he's even lent a hand
Live-streaming football for family and fans.
Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop,
Providing his community with hotspots,
Laptops and tech workshops,
So his students have all the tools
They need to succeed in life and in school.
Suzie is the ICU nurse manager at a Tampa hospital.
Her chronicles prove that even in tragedy, hope is possible.
She lost her grandmothers to the pandemic,
And fights to save other lives in the ICU battle zone,
Defining the front line heroes risking their lives for our own.
Let us walk with these warriors,
Charge on with these champions,
And carry forth the call of our captains!
We celebrate them by acting
With courage and compassion,
By doing what is right and just.
For while we honor them today,
It is they who every day honor us

>> No.17490701

Sounds like a speech from a Democratic politician, or an email from a University dean that begins with "In these difficult times..."

>> No.17490784


>> No.17490800


>> No.17490806

In what way?

>> No.17490812

I've noticed that the US is starting to venerate "Our Healthcare Workers" like the UK venerates the NHS.

>> No.17490815

I agree, in that they are both shit.

>> No.17490828
File: 274 KB, 1415x1000, welcome to earf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17490830

She's cute but says nothing of value.

>> No.17490833

Really tired of this clown world trend of pretending that people other than white males are capable of creating great poetry. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17490836

>Today we honor our three captains
>For their actions and impact in
that was pretty good
I would have slapped a 'brave' in front of "actions" though for better rhythm

>> No.17490880

Are we just treating her like a child?

>> No.17490934

It’s not even poetry, it’s just advertisement copywriting with internal rhyming and alliteration. I feel bad for rea black poets whose work was skipped over in favor of this cloying, smoothbrained pablum.

>> No.17490942

Niggers want to be treated like children. It's their natural submissiveness. They have zero self awareness and don't understand why they should be ashamed of asking for gibs and free shit.

>> No.17490976

>She's cute

>> No.17490986


Her pronunciation of hard-R’s, her lack of pause between sentences, and her hand gestures are..... interestinff. Why these idiosyncracies, why?

>> No.17490990

Lmao this is so fucking bad, it's embarrassing

But this warrior still shares
His home with at-risk kids.
During Covid, he's even lent a hand
Live-streaming football for family and fans.
Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop,
Providing his community with hotspots,
Laptops and tech workshops,
So his students have all the tools
They need to succeed in life and in school.

>> No.17491000
File: 136 KB, 1428x1188, 1600516262543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is elementary Dr. Seuss level bullshit. No symbolism, no imagery, literally nothing more than a political speech wrapped in the thin guise of poetry. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17491001

>the poem is spoken in ebonics so impact in becomes impactin'

>> No.17491010

she has a speech impediment which empowers her poetry

>> No.17491022

Who are the three captains and why are they so special? Are these the captains of the football teams? Why these three people?

>> No.17491098

She managed to fit every political propagandic topic in. That's got to count for something right?

>> No.17491107

she cute :3

>> No.17491130

>Live-streaming football for family and fans.
>Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop,
>Providing his community with hotspots,
>Laptops and tech workshops,
>So his students have all the tools
>They need to succeed in life and in school.
I liked this part, it had the rhyme/rhythm, which I like.

>> No.17491147

Yes, exactly. It's basically prose with extra line breaks.

>> No.17491153
File: 106 KB, 1106x1012, 1599805501843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the half time show was a literal Satanic ritual.
the neolibs are losing their grasp on reality

>> No.17491162

I loved the halftime show though
The Weeknd is great

>> No.17491166

Lol, even niggers don't actually like her shit.

She's just catnip for white shitlibs and cat ladies.

>> No.17491187
File: 312 KB, 505x605, Gorman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real niggas aren't falling for it, but /lit/ is.

>> No.17491196

Hubris will ultimately be their downfall. If they try to go for the guns or censoring the internet, citizens will behead them with machetes in the street. Up to the very last moment, their arrogance will be so extreme, that they will not be able to comprehend why it's happening.

>> No.17491208

>Look at what the Twitter trannies think!

>> No.17491248

>If they try to go for the guns or censoring the internet, citizens will behead them with machetes in the street.
Utterly delusional
If you wanted a revolution, you should have had one before the internet became popular. At this point people will do what the media tells them to.

>> No.17491250

What?? Did she really performed in the superbowl??? I didn't thought America cared so much about poetr, lol.

>> No.17491259

The Superbowl is pretty much "American Carnival". All the big names were there, and she gave a poem before the cointoss.

>> No.17491296

Nigger, why do you think so much shit is happening in the last 5 years? It's BECAUSE of the internet. People are finally getting unfiltered unedited truth for the first time arguably in history. It's so jarring and profound that people don't even know how to process it yet. For decades people have been getting their news from 4 TV stations. Now they have billions of websites.
If you think this is somehow going to have a happy ending for the elites, you are the delusional one.

>> No.17491305

NFL saw the positive reception she got from the general public and are trying to ride the good feelings. Helps she is black, young, and female. Also a way to promote all the books she has coming out.

>> No.17491328

Literally just a diversity hire, just another talentless nigger pushed forward by kike subversion to stagnate and destroy art and lower moral.

>> No.17491329

I don't think anyone outside of Twitter liberals are particularly fond of her.

>> No.17491360

Like Robert Frost had much more talent. Get over yourself. All you see is the skin, so you can't objectively judge for yourself that all these "poets" who blather at inaugurations are bad.

>> No.17491365

Terrible bait

>> No.17491374

that shit was hilarious but good for her. Get that bag sis!

>> No.17491391


>> No.17491398

>Uplifting their communities
>at-risk kids
>During Covid
>tech workshops
What really bothers me about her "poetry" is how these buzzwords and stock phrases are just thrown in there, she doesn't even try to be creative about it. The one about global warming is the worst example of this. No self-respecting poet would ever include a phrase like "climate change is the single greatest challenge of our time" in their work.

>> No.17491405

Imagine thinking you're so important and groundbreaking for writing this generic garbage that you need to be in a bulletproof cage to read it

>> No.17491503

You're unable to tell the difference between Frost and this nigger because you have a lack of both taste and IQ.

Don't assume everyone shares your handicap.

Fuck off nigger enabler.

>> No.17491530

Its such a corporate idea of what a poem should be. Two weeks and I'm already sick of these neolibs

>> No.17491553

Americans don't care about poetry, they care about niggers. As soon as it's made by a nigger they love it and consume it unquestioningly.

>> No.17491567

Have you even read Frost? His shit is lukewarm suburbanite blather you'd find in dentist's office magazine. He wasn't anything special, just like this girl.

>> No.17491621

Some of his stuff is good. 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' is a genuinely good little poem, particularly the closing lines. The poem he did for the JFK inauguration was somewhat suburbanite blather, but not like this poem, which is bureaucratic blather with woke corporate buzzwords and pre-made phrases. So Frost at his worst was inoffensive, but this is positively bad

>> No.17491628


>> No.17491642
File: 15 KB, 220x314, 220px-Léon_Degrelle_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You westashits don't realise yet, but all your "literature"(niggerified to a point I have to put those quotations mark around the word) is quickly becoming something eastern european commies called "building literature". It was literature written with only one intent: to build the communist regime and ideology. Soon all books were required to have communist propaganda and the authors had to be in communist party and had to openly support it. Just heads up, that's what's coming to you. With dangerous trump supporters/altr right, that do not in fact exist, being the "shadow threat", to commies it was capitalists and fascists, which too didn't exist. Get ready.
>time to move to eastern europe!
No. Stay where you are and fix your shit. Don't fuck it up for us too.

>> No.17491683

Great take. That sounds exactly what it is. Not only literature, but all media: Movies, video games, music, comics and so on.

>> No.17491724
File: 26 KB, 474x508, 1596195859882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt say its gonna lead to their downfall, but they sure are getting arrogant.
Read this article: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/
It's like a parody article

>> No.17492026

>Real niggas aren't falling for it
Of course not, Black celebrities like her come from Black circles that are isolated from the Black community (the losers that ramble about afrofuturism like a religion, Black feminism like it was their constitution, and scream about intersectionality like it was their favorite K-Pop band), White liberals pick them to be the "face" of a community that doesn't want them because they're easy to control.

>> No.17492071

'“I proudly call myself a bitch,” Gorman tells me. “It’s a survival mechanism.”

In the greater world of poetry, Amanda works against its traditional conception as a realm that keeps its gates closed to all except the “non-political.” She struggles with the idea that poetry is mostly focused on nature and romance.

“I am very honest in saying that that type of conception of poetry is actually rooted in white supremacy,” Gorman says. “The personal is political. The fact that you have the luxury as a white male to write all your poems about being lost in the woods, that you don’t have to interrogate race and gender, is a political statement in and of itself."'

Charming girl

>> No.17492112

>As 1968 began to ebb into 1969, however, and as "anticlimax" began to become a real word in my lexicon, another term began to obtrude itself. People began to intone the words "The Personal is The Political." At the instant I first heard this deadly expression, I knew as one does from the utterance of any sinister bullshit that it was - cliché is arguably forgiven here - very bad news. From now on it would be enough to be a member of a sex or gender, or epidermal subdivision, or even erotic "preference," to qualify as a revolutionary. In order to begin a speech or ask a question from the floor, all that would be necessary by way of preface would be the words: "Speaking as a..." The could follow any self-loving description. I will have to say this much for the old "hard" Left: we earned our claim to speak and intervene by right of experience and sacrifice and work. It would never have done for any of us to stand up and say that our sex or sexuality pr pigmentation or disability were qualifications in themselves. There are many ways of dating the moment when The Left lost - or I would prefer to say, discarded its moral advantage, but this was the first time that I was to see the sellout conducted so cheaply.

>> No.17492115

>Politically Charming girl

>> No.17492183

>“I am very honest in saying that that type of conception of poetry is actually rooted in white supremacy,” Gorman says. “The personal is political. The fact that you have the luxury as a white male to write all your poems about being lost in the woods, that you don’t have to interrogate race and gender, is a political statement in and of itself."'
This actually makes me kind of mad. Yeah, race is important and White people in America far more often than not have benefited from their race. But really? You're going to focus your creative efforts on analyzing race/power structures, rather than the sublime or the ethereal? For all you talk about dismantling white supremacy, you're pretty much making the contemplation of things that transcend the current moment a white-only activity.

It's something that makes me weary when it comes to minority writers. They are trapped in thinking in terms of race, inequalities, etc. Very few of them try to transcend that, to contemplate things bigger than that. (I will note that this is a post-colonial phenomenon. I have not read much of African mythology but what I have read is far more similar to the Classics than it is to modern African/Black literature in terms of scope).

It's sort of embarrassing, really. Do you think you're less than whites, that you shouldn't be allowed think beyond your mental enclosure? People talk about internalized white supremacy. Isn't this train of thought, where only whites get to contemplate nature, romance, life beyond the day-today, the ultimate expression of internalized white supremacy?

>> No.17492200

When aeons ago the gods created earth

>> No.17492240

>Amanda works against its traditional conception as a realm that keeps its gates closed to all except the “non-political.”
In what fucking world is this true of poetry? I feel like most of the great poets have had something political to say and have said it, at least in the last 300 or so years. Liberals are so far up their own ass

>> No.17492251

Probably because there’s a pandemic going on, doofus

>> No.17492276

Can someone help me find out the metre of this poem?

>> No.17492298


Why did I read the transcript of the poem with more rhythm than the actual poem? She literally stops herself from having any sort of flow. This is shit, it’s actual shit. What the fuck dude

>> No.17492318

Fuck off Frost has some good stuff

>> No.17492331

why on earth would you pull your hair back like that?

>> No.17492372

It is as >>17491642 said, they think all poetry and media should be about social issues, just like the Communists thought all literature should be about building Communism and class issues from a Communist perspective, and anything to do with the ethereal and sublime was condemned as bourgeoisie aestheticism.

>> No.17492378

>it’s just advertisement copywriting
You could not be more right. Poetry is now an "ice cold" can of coca cola.

>> No.17492387

so American burnt burgers are parroting white ideas?

>> No.17492401
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Unironically an older friend's poem, who wrote it for Black History Month and showed me. Her stuff is usually stream-of-consciousness to the point it's hard to understand (she writes it down by compulsion without really editing it), and I normally don't like muh oppressed soul sista shit, but honestly, the imagery got to me while she was explaining, and I think she actually hit home on the feeling of being exiled in some way. Reading this let me know her marbles actually are there in their own way, that there's cohesion, she was so happy when someone else understood it.

What do you think guys, honestly? I can't shake my feelings on the piece.

>> No.17492407


> Mystery Babylon

Desolation is the greatest despair in the depths of ignominy and the American prism. A prison erected with mental walls-emotional barriers- and physical confinement. The gates of heavy metal latches across the breastplate-a familiar place for babes and sucklings. A remote and sacred place for the uprising of levitating windpipes and the breath of sudden release in the wait between life and death.

The elements of the Eucharist in breathe- clings to the saps of a weighted sack of air threshing with probity and certainty- rises up again. Foison-foison alone carries the spirit on an enduring journey.

Expostulating words is the sackcloth of garments that conceals the naked breastplate of amour. Expedite the flesh to parts unknown-saddle the feet to colorable footwear and find the path ahead. Detriments-detriments is far more explained than the dramatic irony of vessels adrift on the sea of life- on trips with mast less ships in search of coco-plums and candelabra trees.

Dire straits-dire straits is an obvious reality of debilitated efforts to break free outside the American prism. The dead load of bars are feet apart from the floors of prisons- dead letters and unpaid postage covers the curing layers of concrete.

The elements of the Eucharist in breathe- clings to the saps of a weighted sack of air threshing with probity and certainty- rises up again. Foison-foison alone carries the spirit on an enduring journey.

A view of the empyrean is the greatest desire in the depths of ignominy and the American Prism. The gates of heaven lifts the burden and the weight from strained shoulders. The ancestors come into view in the line of many generations. Four hundred years is an earthly eternity for those who uphold the pagan outlook of emergent evolution. The empressement of fools is the emporium of the former place in the wilderness of secluded areas, a long stretch, and a hard road to travel.

Strange Babylon in the history of two-thousand years of vigils -the cremains of the lost at sea and the remains of those unfounded in the land of plenty bones is a anomaly. Take the refugees to the house of muleteers- walk them across the digital landscape of developed plantations. Test the heart strings in the divided chambers of the heart and measure the gravity of the flow of air in the bosom of the chest.

Read the instruments- the signs are in the veins- the spirit pours out a strange valour from the ceiling- flees and return with vengeance and expedite the findings. Old Babylon the crib of babes and sucklings nesting in the dream land of milk and honey (awake from the dream) of hollow grounds. Iron is the mattress-copper is the bed-the plates of nickel pillows (under the head)- the sheets are stained with sulphur- fire burns in barrels and crates- wooden legs shakes and breaks asunder from yonder-the American prison-the American prism.

Mystery Babylon-estranged

>> No.17492427

Vomit-inducing garbage

>> No.17492447


For a polished piece, I can see that. It's very interesting, from a stream-of-conciousness point of view, like seeing into someone's raw thought process

>> No.17492456

Maybe if you're a pseud. Can't relate

>> No.17492465

got nothin on gorman

>> No.17492476

yet they still vote for their plantation masters

>> No.17492486


Even if you said this ironically, how so?

>> No.17492495

This poem is indiscernible from ad-copy and I can entirely imagine this being spoken with no changes over a Pepsi commercial. I'm sure she'll have a long and prosperous career but she's there to serve a function of public interface for powerful people, not to further a medium, not to make compelling poetry.

>> No.17492497

If yuri was right its your disease unleashed here. We actually need your help, reasonable people are overwhelmed and outnumbered 100000-1.

>> No.17492520

> a millenia of Litterature is about a white boi and his dog
If I write poetry about being lost in da Hood, would it be cultural appropriation? Tasteless joke apart, how can she ignore stuff like Victor Hugo, Dante being exiled or Plato dapping on poetry, or all the poets censored through the ages or that retard Solzhenitsyn sent to the Gulag.
And even then, Nerval alone would justify the need to write about walking in the Woods.

>> No.17492560
File: 1.56 MB, 1914x2112, 1612493398348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> write all your poems about being lost in the woods

How would Spengler or Toynbee classify the aspects of her High Culture, anons, if they had to write about it? I'm actually interested in your thoughts on this

>> No.17492603

Gorman's poem transcends art -- beautifully encapsulating an exact moment in time. A perfect sliver where there is no depth or life.
Your friend's poem is too hard to understand

>> No.17492621

she clearly isnt well read or she is just full of shit and lying.

>> No.17492626


Like a cadaver? Thanks, I'll take a look into Gorman after this.

>> No.17492639


> Your friend's poem is too hard to understand

Yeah, it takes a little looking. Not saying she's the next poet laureate, I was just happy that this one made sense to me more than the other ones, and that the imagery was compelling

>> No.17492645

>white supremacy
Leftist conspiracy theories are boring and overdone

>> No.17492663

I tried to like it, but it's just a boring, chewed-out political pitch.

>> No.17492704

Why did you try to like it?

>> No.17492712

>Poems about getting lost in the woods are just about getting lost the woods.
Is this the power of a Harvard education?

>> No.17492721
File: 25 KB, 340x485, Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends, do not tremble with fear, tremble with anticipation - for you have an enemy to defeat. How? How we defeated him. Create your own art. This board is the only place on internet, where literature is being discussed - You have read the greeks, use them!
They won't print your book? Print it yourself and share with your friends or among the community, czechoslovak samizdat style. Create the underground art. This board already has that yearly writing selection. That's first step. You need to share your works with people, who do not visit /lit/.
Create your own art.

>> No.17492749

Based and inspiration-pilled

>> No.17492753

our art is /lit/ shitpost. everything else is cringe

>> No.17492799

I know, it's incredibly gay

>> No.17492800

Based. Create what you like and share it with whoever is close or just shitpost it on here.

>> No.17492870


plenty of old dead white males have created better poetry than this 22 year old hack but lets be honest, anyone who is remotely good at poetry right now is making music. yes Rap music and they arent white either.

you almost had it anon. but of course you fell for the other side of identity politics.

>> No.17492889

>She struggles with the idea that poetry is mostly focused on nature and romance.
>“I am very honest in saying that that type of conception of poetry is actually rooted in white supremacy,”
Is anyone going to tell her that writing about nature is deeply ingrained in Chinese and Japanese poetry?

>> No.17492901

Rap music is lousy poetry and many of the worst aspects of her poems (particularly the obnoxious use of internal rhymes) derive from that music.

>> No.17492908
File: 22 KB, 460x456, F8BE11A0-6CF1-4B3E-9B84-E9052B2DC3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas iffy, uh, Blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum, it holds fifty, uh
Pop these niggas like a wheelie, nigga, you a silly nigga
In the hood with them billy niggas and them Hoover niggas
You run up and they shootin' niggas, we ain't hoopin', nigga
Yo KB, you a loser, nigga, up that Uzi, nigga
On the stoop, crills in my drawers, your girl on my phone
She wanna fuck, but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw
Man that's really all I use her for as I kick her out the door
I don't want her, you can keep the whore, she fiendin' for some more
In New York my niggas don't Milly Rock, my niggas money bop
Blow a case, a nigga throwin' shots, I run 'em off they block
Quarter milli in the stash box, I grinded for my spot
Niggas talkin' 'bout that…

>> No.17492915

Nothing outside of my suffering is worth exploring. Being oppressed makes me the center of the world, don't ya know.

>> No.17492928


>> No.17492977

cute girl

>> No.17492980

You may not like it but she's definitely the Shakespeare of our time

>> No.17492997

>The fact that you have the luxury as a white male to write all your poems about being lost in the woods, that you don’t have to interrogate race and gender, is a political statement in and of itself."'
Dante rekt, danteboos on suicide watch

>> No.17492999
File: 428 KB, 1200x1200, unnamed-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rap music is lousy poetry

Ok and thats your opinion. I could sit here and post links of songs i genuinely enjoy and you wouldnt listen to any of them and will keep your same opinion.

>many of the worst aspects of her poems (particularly the obnoxious use of internal rhymes) derive from that music.

thats just factually wrong.

not a fan of tekashi69 but this kinda slaps with a beat. Of course you taking it out of context and posting the lyrics is low tier bait.

now listen to it with the beast and tell me you dont nod your head. (of course you won't) because you are a swagless pussy ass nigga.


>> No.17493033
File: 60 KB, 600x673, smiley-face-thumbs-up-thank-you-clipart-panda-free-clipart-images-4eZHzt-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes fiery, cry tears to my diary
Sometimes a Xanny bar can't help you fight back the anxiety
I go to my Lord quietly, teardrops on our faces
Teardrops on my face, it's like teardrops become waterfalls by the time they reach my laces
My eyelids is like levees but my tear ducts is like glaciers
As I contemplate creation, the salt that heals my wounds pour out my eyes just like libations
I can't stop my mind from racing, I got numbers on my phone
Pictures on my phone
The day my mama died, I scrolled her texts all day long
The physical returns but the connection still stay strong
Now I understand why you used to cry sometimes we ride down Claybourne

>> No.17493048


sup bic, nice digits

>> No.17493054

whos bic?

>> No.17493127
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End of thread

>> No.17493137


>> No.17493183

I can't believe this is real, someone please confirm

>> No.17493210


She's our poet-laureate :)

>> No.17493217

It's real. Google Superbowl LV poem and watch for yourself.

>> No.17493314

Where is she going to recite her next poem?

>> No.17493487

project for /lit/: write your own amanda gorman poem that's so bad it might as well be indistinguishable from the real thing.

>> No.17493522

Can we get a list of corporate talking points that we have to cram in? Preferably in bulletpoint for easy copy/paste

>> No.17493552

>Trump bad
>George Floyd
>wear a mask
>eat bugs
>global warming
>women in power

>> No.17493635

Amanda Gorman is an american poet and activist.
Her Superbowl poem inspired the rest of us
To write about immigration and multiculturalism
George Floyd, Trump bad, eat bugs, and racism

>> No.17493649

Man has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

behind him lies ape
with niggers, browns and kikes who
yearn to pull him back

tugging at his sleeve
they manage to make him doubt
west now lies in ruin

>> No.17493660

Behead who?
Who do you know of that rules you?

>> No.17493689

Who do corporations and big tech hate trump

>> No.17493697

Dude, everyone hates Trump

>> No.17493703

It has nothing to do with ebonics. Poetry isn't spoken like it's prose; you should be matching the cadence it expects of you.

>> No.17493762

Agreed. I sent a couple friends the video asking for their thoughts and they both thought it was an advertisement for something.

>> No.17493803

Lower-middlebrow pretentiousness. The masses eat that faggoty garbage up. They confuse it for substance somehow.

>> No.17493850

Is that Paglia?

>> No.17493863

He lifts the veil hiding their corruption

>> No.17493881

Did you seriously post this as an example of good rap?

>> No.17494029


>> No.17494080

I liked it, I'm not a poet and don't read or listen to much (yet) but it sounded nice. That should count for a lot since it's entertainment.

>> No.17494198

>Ok and thats your opinion. I could sit here and post links of songs i genuinely enjoy and you wouldnt listen to any of them and will keep your same opinion
Judging by your picture, I’ve likely already heard whatever it is you would post.

>> No.17494224

Dude whats up with her skull, she looks like one of them incan crystal skulls lmao

>> No.17494894

>Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop,
>Providing his community with hotspots,
>Laptops and tech workshops,
Is this one of those lyrical miracle rapsters the urban youth loves?

>> No.17494907

lol 2nd one is very accurate

>> No.17494933

Yes. But she is not it.

>> No.17494965

>the half time show was a literal Satanic ritual.
explain pls, I know the masks and shit were weird and all

>> No.17494968

From Shakespeare to this... what a shame...
I feel sorry for what happened to English Literature.
Thank God I'm a portuguese native speaker and I'm able to read in portuguese, spanish and italian. You, english speakers, are passing through some hard times in Literature...

>> No.17494977

Yeah, soon our literary world will only be as fruitful as the worst of the worst like Portugal and Italy.

>> No.17495001

i'm so glad bloom isn't alive for this

>> No.17495241

Woman has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

behind her lies rape
with legspreaders, mansplainers and privilege who
yearn to pull her back

tugging at her pantsuit
they manage to make her silent
woman now lies in ruin

>> No.17495279

they neeeeeeeeed to suceeeeeeeeeeeed in life and in school SUZIE

>> No.17495356

>the home of Dante
>worst of the worst

>> No.17495362
File: 608 KB, 800x800, poo poo pepe debunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17495398

hello jew shill, go eat nigger foreskin

>> No.17495414

>impact in

>> No.17495422

>White people in America far more often than not have benefited from their race.
The benefit white people have is being able to think about transcendental things. Your diversity hire pet won't ever live up to your expectations, libshit.

>> No.17495489

Kinda like what this guy said (>>17493803)
If you've ever watched slam poetry or poetry performed by young people at any point in the last decade you would have come across this style of delivery

Not bad imo just very tired (to me), probably because I've been exposed to it so much. It does work well if your words work well tho

>> No.17495597


>(not yet developed)
>has a prime example of Russian architecture right under the name

>> No.17495656

No, she's adorable though. She has almsot the same facial structure of a Russian-American girl I used to date.

>> No.17495662

is she repping McDonalds?

>> No.17495694

>the internet
This thing is the most powerful narcotic known to man, people aren't doing shit except somehow managing to contract schizophrenia.

>> No.17495954

bureaucratese + black + internal rhyme = poetic voice of your generation

>> No.17496008

What amazes me is her utter lack of rhythm. I've mentioned this before in other threads, but her spoken rhythm is entirely affected; anyone could do the same reading from the back of a cereal box. But look at her meter. It's all over the place. "And fights to save other lives in the ICU battle zone/Defining the front line heroes risking their lives for our own." Zero innate rhythm. Might as well give a speech at this point.

>> No.17496016

>They are trapped in thinking in terms of race, inequalities, etc.
It's often publishers imposing those things. I believe Marlon James has said something to the effect of the publishing industry just being a lot of white women who a) don't understand what he's doing and b) just want the race shit.

He's a pretty lone voice on that front, however. The rest of the lot —this Gorman girl, Ocean Vuong, etc.— are happy to supply this treacle, and hey, why not? She's had two epochal gigs before she was 25, Vuong has gotten sweet MFA gigs, there are tangible rewards to selling out, which is an outmoded anxiety of Gen Xers.

>> No.17496036

>white Americans
>transcendental things

>> No.17496058

based noticer

>> No.17496081

I thought black people liked Democrats.

>> No.17496109
File: 288 KB, 1440x612, GormanPoetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be preordering her stuff /lit/?

>> No.17496206

Live-streaming, laptops, references to Covid, poetry should not include any modern elements or its dated and trash. I don't understand why someone would take anything from this stale, lifeless dystopia and try to make art of it.

>> No.17496260

This reads exactly like an ad copy if you remove the line breaks.

>> No.17496317
File: 266 KB, 750x582, coronavirus_texas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James has felt the wounds of warfare, but this warrior still shares his home with at-risk kids. During Covid, he's even lent a hand live-streaming football for family and fans.

Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop, providing his community with hotspots, laptops and tech workshops so his students have all the tools they need to succeed in life and in school.
Suzie is the ICU nurse manager at a Tampa hospital. She lost her grandmothers to the pandemic, yet still fights to save other lives in the ICU battle zone.

Let us celebrate them by acting with courage and compassion, by doing what is right and just. For it is they who every day … honor us.

>> No.17496327
File: 42 KB, 480x542, 1607184748934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think you're lying
>watch it
>very first moment is a red eyed floating being descending (falling) in the dark to a chorus of red eyed chanters

>> No.17496357

She's going to live off that poem for the rest of her life huh

>> No.17496487

I watched the video and the whole thing felt like those ads youtube doesnt let you skip , the text is not good, but the words + the video collage + corporate ad music combination is just too much...

>> No.17496525

How tone deaf to have someone read a poem for the SuperBowl, let alone a diverse one. This is an annual festival of pure illiteracy, beer, chicken wings, quirky commercials and plebian panem et circenses. This is not your local Brooklyn indy bookstore poetry reading, this is an event for pot-bellied working class men to rally around the glorious game of hand-egg and forget about the growing list of burdens and stresses placed on them by capitalism by submitting to its spectacle and immersing themselves in the meaty clash of sports teams and flashing lights and colors for a couple hours of sports ritual.

>> No.17496915

Rap stands for retards attempting poetry.

>> No.17497003

Such an old joke, but entirely true.

>> No.17497042

they aren't venerating them at all, it's just words.

>> No.17497069

They signed up knowing full well if shit hit the fan they’d have to work harder. They lost the bet. The real people who got fucked here are the teenagers and younger people who couldn’t stop working at grocery stores and essential businesses, so they had to kill their grandmas.

>> No.17497091

My attempt ;

Yo Yo yo,
todays be-iths the fifityfrst or somtin big game
but da game out der be in its 2nd century
you see
we been dogin calls and steanlin yards since it was
washington jefferson and hamilton b,
aint never been no blackskins and redskins pictured with greenskins see

but nows i see a better place,
no more judgemnet, by our race
biden leads us sets us free
biden be the best we see
i lurve biden and hes be lovin me

the new america is black brown and gay and tranzeezus
no more football players on there kneesez

>> No.17497101

8/10 although I'm a wh*te so what do I know

>> No.17497427
File: 20 KB, 680x357, ZWfSXu8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dors she fuck? I want to sleep with her so bad lol

>> No.17497440

>those alluring lips and that inviting throat
she would be the greatest at wringing out tremendous amounds of seed from my balls, that's for sure

>> No.17497947

literally more entertaining and arguably thought provoking than her poem LMAO

>> No.17497953

It seems, in this case, that the ICU is the real author of the poem; for the ICU has given the framing and form to the situation. The ICU has written Suzie's actions, has declared her role, has hosted the battle which has been raging. Likewise, the "hotspots, laptops, and tech workshops" have lent their pen to the work, for these make the success of Trimaine's students, they give form to his community and to his classrooms; they structure the lessons and the manner of working and thinking. James, Trimaine, and Suzie are mere actors, mere content; their 'actions' and 'impact' in the story are informed by the technological infrastructure that makes up the background and frame of the drama. The alleged author, Gorman, has merely transcribed what the infrastructure has spoken, but she has added her own meaningless flourishes about 'honor' and 'compassion' and so forth.

>> No.17497975

That's genuinely insightful. And depressing.

>> No.17497988

>I see you

>> No.17498186

The architectural symbol of Russian High Civilization is the military cathedral

>> No.17498796

it's a bit funny how the high culture is called "Chinese" and then it says "Korean, Japanese, Chinese." This is a subtle commentary on how all Asians look the same

>> No.17498821

who has the better literature: Portugal or BRAZIL?

>> No.17498851
File: 70 KB, 800x533, 9c7b97853e9a6036347f05f41a82cfbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The architectural symbol of Russian civilization is the family of cupolas, the most distinctive feature of the Orthodox churches. The tall narrow arched windows and fake windows are another consistent feature

>> No.17499204

Not at all.

>> No.17499370

Well, gentlemen? Can indeed it be considered as among the great poems which posterity will inherit from our age? I think it at least attempts to capture something singular, something rare, namely, the outstanding qualities of the trio considered in the work. They are clearly put forth as an example for others, a model. This is certainly not always the duty of poetry, for it is permitted to consider not simply what is moral and exemplary but also what is violent, tragic, sinister, and so forth. There may indeed always be some system of values underlying all poetry, since human beings can hardly live without such a system, or otherwise poetry would be as dry and technical as science (and even the scientific attitude betrays an underlying sense of value). Gorman's poem is clearly a sort of call to action, and therefore rhetorical in no small degree. It is not the detached, contemplative attitude of the lover or the scholar. Nonetheless there is a sort of shining quality in it, a sort of boldness, exuberance, whatever want of command over the language it shows. The poet makes an excited appeal to the audience, to imitate, to be inspired by the actions of the models set forth. It almost reminds one of a national anthem, or a battle speech. As such it is a call to sacrifice, and one can readily see how religious imagery could be involved--give your life at the altar of compassion, freedom, etc.

In summary, the poem is an example of a modern variety of hero worship. I think one might say that it is cute, it charms with its naivete, with its elementary wordplay, as if a little girl composed a poem for the school clinicians working overtime--a parent might put it on their fridge--but overall it is ultimately forgettable.

>> No.17499618

Rap stands for revolutionaries alleviating poetry.

>> No.17499690
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Not gonna lie brehs, this isnt really high quality poetry if i have to be honest

>> No.17500101

>If they try to go for the guns or censoring the internet
They already have.

>> No.17500114

Yes. Actually most of the messages, literature, and announcements recently seem to be shifting to maintaining the regime.

>> No.17500153
File: 267 KB, 500x762, 1608933529402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astroturf in its purest form. The perfect mixture of the "young woke black girl" as a façade to repeat the most cold and and manipulative Globalist agenda, in quirky, folksy way. Her racial narcissism turns the art of poetry into pure propaganda for whatever big evil group you think owns the world/

>> No.17500372

Today we jail these three niggers
For their crimes and fraud in
A time of gibsmedat and sneed.
They've taken the lead,
Exceeding all expectations and limitations,
Ruining their communities and forcing out their white neighbors.
As gangbangers, drug addicts and welfare recievers,
Adam has felt the wounds of niggers,
But this social worker still shares
His apartment with juvenily deliquent minorities.
During Covid, he's even lent menthol
Handing out PCP to Tyrone and Qanuisha.
Trimaine is a nigger who listens to hip-hop, drop-top.
Providing his community with tinninuts non-stop,
Hustling stolen laptops stolen from tech workshops,
So his niggers have all the tools
They need to succeed in robbing crackers and drowning in pools.
Shaniqua is the KFC night manager at a Tampa strip-mall.
Her surving a diabetic coma prove that even in tragedy, hope is possible.
She lost her grandmothers to aunt jemimas pancake mix,
And fights to save other lives in the cholesterol battle zone,
Defining these drug dealing niggers ruining our civilization to never make their own.
Let us jail these monkeys.
Work to deport these gorillas,
And carry forth the vision of our ancestors!
We celebrate them by segregation,
With courage and compassion for our future children,
By doing what is true and just.
For while we jail them today,
It is they who every day imprison us.

-me anon

>> No.17500409

v2 fixed some typos

Today we jail these three niggers
For their crimes and fraud in
A time of gibsmedat and sneed.
They've taken the lead,
Exceeding all expectations and limitations,
Ruining their communities and forcing out their white neighbors.
As gangbangers, drug addicts and welfare recievers,
Adam has felt the wounds of niggers,
But this social worker still shares
His apartment with juvenily deliquent minorities.
During Covid, he's even lent menthol
Handing out PCP to Tyrone and Qanuisha.
Trimaine is a nigger who listens to hip-hop, drop-top.
Providing his community with tinnitus non-stop,
Hustling stolen laptops taken from tech workshops,
So his niggers have all the tools
They need to succeed in robbing crackers and drowning in pools.
Shaniqua is the KFC night manager at a Tampa strip-mall.
Her surving a diabetic coma proves that even in hope, tragedy is possible.
She lost her grandmothers to aunt jemimas pancake mix,
And fights to save other lives in the cholesterol battle zone,
Defining these drug dealing niggers ruining our civilization to never make their own.
Let us jail these monkeys.
Work to deport these gorillas,
And carry forth the vision of our ancestors!
We celebrate them by segregation,
With courage and compassion for our future children,
By doing what is true and just.
For while we jail them today,
It is they who every day imprison us.

>> No.17500448

garbage-eating take. learn about meter and the art of poetry before coming back.

>> No.17500457

unironically this

>> No.17500664 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 407x623, 1612906741897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was perfect

>> No.17502181

Black people dislike Democrats. Thing is they just think that Republicans are even worse.

>> No.17502212

This unironically speaks to me more than pretty much all poetry written before 1945

>> No.17502475

I'm a palestinian. In university people used to be confused when I wanted to write about medieval Italians and the development of vernacular architecture in safavid persia for many of my papers. If I was white I doubt they would think a second more about it, but because of my ethnicity or race I was just expected to be only immersed in that realm you mention, discussing being an oppressed minority(not to say that Palestinians aren't opresssed....but i legit have no interest in the matter). Its a cliche to say but many western liberals do engage in some serious subtle racism through expectations like this. Or that I was always assumed to be an "ally" of whatever new pet project oppressed people in the USA whenever we had a discussion on it. People were genuinely shocked when I said I dont have an opinion on black people at all.
All of this was extremely annoying when I was young because I never identified with my ethnicity, or nationality, or sex, or race ect, as this group. I was me, and that's it. I would always but heads with members of my family over this.
Blacks and hispanics in the usa now get on my nerves when they engage in politics and art because they can't say anything that doesn't have to do with their fucking race. It pisses me off

>> No.17502489

you're not alone

>> No.17502542

Funny how they had to use an 87 year old with lung cancer as evidence for their narrative lmfao

>> No.17502680 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 1022x1024, 1612922077411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit

>> No.17502699

A fucking sportsball poem
Damn this country to Hell

>> No.17503652

MF Doom is unironically brilliant.

>> No.17503777


>> No.17503875
File: 91 KB, 1080x939, 1540341470578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17503923

i swear this reads like those attempt-at-being-inspirational advertisments

Today we honor our three captains
For their actions and impact in
A time of uncertainty and need.
They've taken the lead,
Exceeding all expectations and limitations,
Uplifting their communities and neighbors
As leaders, healers and educators.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there for you.

James has felt the wounds of warfare,
But this warrior still shares
His home with at-risk kids.
During Covid, he's even lent a hand
Live-streaming football for family and fans.
Trimaine is an educator who works nonstop,
Providing his community with hotspots,
Laptops and tech workshops,
So his students have all the tools
They need to succeed in life and in school.
Apple. Think Differently.

Suzie is the ICU nurse manager at a Tampa hospital.
Her chronicles prove that even in tragedy, hope is possible.
She lost her grandmothers to the pandemic,
And fights to save other lives in the ICU battle zone,
Defining the front line heroes risking their lives for our own.
We'll Be Here. McDonalds.

Let us walk with these warriors,
Charge on with these champions,
And carry forth the call of our captains!
We celebrate them by acting
With courage and compassion,
By doing what is right and just.
For while we honor them today,
It is they who every day honor us
Nike. Just Do It.

>> No.17504545

This isn't poetry. This just shitty prose broken into segments.

>> No.17504716

When I hear the words 'educator' 'healer' 'communities' and especially 'uplifting' I reach for my revolver.

>> No.17504730

Cringe. Americans are such an embarrassing bunch of faggots.

>> No.17504733

Not at all

>> No.17504772

You dated an alien? No Russian has that weird alien skull.

>> No.17504840


>> No.17505042


But what if I think Robert Frost was a shitty poet with an alien head too? Am I still racist because I think it is a different kind of alien head? (Ayyes vs AlienTM)

>> No.17505057

>whats up with her skull
She's black

>> No.17505060


There's no way this is just ad copy designed to be spoken over a shitty commercial. She's a poet laureate. There's no way it's just shitty commercial copy. There's no way it's just....


>> No.17505091

I was not expecting that voice. She sounds like a white Midwestern soccer mom. And the way she over-enunciates suggests she underwent speech therapy at some point beyond her early childhood. Intradasting.

>> No.17505104
File: 104 KB, 1108x831, indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull-harrison-ford-1108x0-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17505109

>And the way she over-enunciates suggests she underwent speech therapy at some point beyond her early childhood.
how can you even know that? are you a linguist or oral speech guy?

>> No.17505222


Do you even Madison Avenue?

>> No.17505253

is everyone in the youtube section actually fucking retarded?
why is it so easy to impress burgers, is it just being an ape that does it? or being an overly pretentious wack?

so many questions, so little answers

>> No.17505258


>> No.17505267

she's black, if she didn't undergo a speech therapy we wouldn't even know about her..
fuck race-inclusive speech pathologists

>> No.17505294

>is everyone in the youtube section actually fucking retarded?
I have to imagine most of them are bots.

>> No.17505303

Seems to be the only genuine take on the poem in this thread.

>> No.17505317

>the only interpretation I agree with is the only one that is genuine

>> No.17505375

Great post anon. The world seems so neutered now... If poetry is merely a vehicle for sociopolitical posturing, where has poetry gone? If every piece of art must be fashioned to a preconceived, heavily processed, and pre-screened grocery list of corporate nonspeak, what is art? I would rather fall ill in the middle of winter, walk along an icy road and vomit all over the pavement than subject myself to this mass-produced schlock. With any luck, I would scent wild thyme, feeling a thin layer of blood trickle down my face. I would hoist myself up, and walk to a nearby park. Sitting on the bench, it begins to rain. How I wish I had a cup to drink from, or some gauze for my face. My muscles relax under the pattering haze of rain.

At any rate, inspirational anon is right. Ignore this entirely, and seek your own harmony. If we spent less time worrying about copywritten advertisements, we could do more reading.

>> No.17505702

I can't take any poetry seriously anymore since listening to aesop rock.

>> No.17505999

delicious dick sucking lips

>> No.17506387

>nigger literally invents a new genre of prose-poetry hybrid that white foambrain chuds can't wrap their heads around.
And, oh boy, they are MAD. If you wanna diss black girls try being as smart as one. LoL.

>> No.17506638

>is quickly becoming
>not "has been for decades"