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17443561 No.17443561 [Reply] [Original]

Is romance dead? Why is it that even after society’s supposed sexual liberation all the best art and literature about romance and love was in the past?

>> No.17443589

That which is set apart is made sacred, that which is made common is made profane.

>> No.17443606

>all the best art and literature about romance and love was in the past
do you have any proof

>> No.17443610

Romance now is accepting a 30 year old post Wall roastie who’s ready to settle down after taking a mile of cock

>> No.17443616

> Is romance dead? Why is it that even after society’s supposed sexual liberation all the best art and literature about romance and love was in the past?

This is literally the subject of everything, people barely talk about anything else. What are you talking about?

>> No.17443620

>that which is made common is made profane
Based. Where is that from again?

>> No.17443631

And this too, now that there are more feminine perspective of romance, anons get all fucking butt hurt.

>> No.17443663

Movies don't have "romance" anymore
Every modern Hollywood romance scene goes like this: 10/10 male protagonist meets 10/10 female protagonist, they say random shit to each other, awkward silence as they stare each other in the eye, and bam cut scene to them making out/fucking
There's nothing special about it and it only exists to pander to teenagers/pedos/incels

>> No.17443665

Me, it’s a common sentiment throughout world religion among other things.

>> No.17444219
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sexual liberation destroyed romance and that was literally the point of it, to strip everything away from such human interactions until there is nothing left but hollow materialist skeletons so that shitty people could treat them as such and feel morally justified about it. liberalism is pure aids (literally buh dum tss)

>> No.17444279

>The sexual liberation has gone too far, these days people have sex before the priest casts his D&D spells on them!

>> No.17444325
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^This guy

>> No.17444335

Bro really?

>> No.17444338

lel that made me chuckle but it doesn't change the fact that that I am objectively correct in pointing out that the goal of sexual liberation was to strip such human interactions of their significance so they can be freely treated as something little different than smoking a cigarette or any other fairly meaningless and fleeting source of instant gratification. like that was LITERALLY the entire point and its proponents were completely open with that fact

>> No.17444352

no they talk about sex and relationships, nobody talks of Love anymore

>> No.17444355

>society’s supposed sexual liberation
You already answered yourself, anon.

>> No.17444359

What older romance novels do you like?

>> No.17444361

>posts a subjective opinion
>retard asks for proof
fucking econ majors jesus christ

>> No.17444368

>pop music is art
k cool

>> No.17444418

Sexual liberation means that you can now sleep whenever and with whomever you want, which is a clear improvement. Plus you can now do do your gf in the ass/ have her do you in the ass.

>> No.17444429

Because we confuse Lust with Love, you probably do too. I wouldn't say Griffith and that princess is really a great love story though

>> No.17444447

>people shoving things up their shitty rectums and spreading aids and ass cancer is a clear is a clear improvement for the human condition
of course, how could I have been so foolish

>> No.17444450

Romance between is and always was an entirely midwit preoccupation.

>> No.17444461

Daily reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong.

>> No.17444484

Griffith and guts both did the right things for their Wills and dreams.

>> No.17444485

thia unironically

>> No.17444503

Selling out your friends.

>> No.17444512

incredible cope

>> No.17444529

If it's really haram, why does it feel so halal?

>> No.17444536

i can't argue with that

>> No.17444539

Sex with more than one peson destroys your ability to truly love one person. If you were able to love this person and you realized what you did, you'd die of regret, so you have to cope and never love them at all.

>> No.17444544

A mile of cock is about 11,000 full pumps. I wonder how many sex sessions that is

>> No.17444550

Could we maybe get some older romance novel suggestions that aren't purely for middle-aged white women?

Maybe also some books that might help someone just and regain the classical idea of "Love" and "Romance"

>> No.17444577

>A mile of cock is about 11,000 full pumps.

Speak for yourself dicklet

>> No.17444585

The Greeks believed that you shouldn't obsess with your wife and save Eros for prostitutes, while you honor your wife. Monogamy makes men become sexually obsessed with their wives which is not healthy..

>> No.17444599

It's such a clear improvement that there's less relationships today than ever before

>> No.17444745


Some recommendations I have for you fellas, though some of them are pretty mainstream:
>Les Miserables
>Anna Karenina
>In Search of Lost Time
>War and Peace
>Pride and Prejudice
>Love (Stendhal)

Can't think of anymore currently
>Inb4 Brainlet

>> No.17444767

Love was a meme created by the Romantics in their efforts to overthrow the Catholic world order.

>> No.17444882

>Anon is a meme created by The Jewish Cabal in their efforts to subvert the connection of Love and The Catholic Church.

>> No.17444885

Romance is a meme. Love isn't.

>> No.17444906

>which is a clear improvement

>> No.17444946

The romance in Les Mis was the worst part of the book, Marius is a textbook pseud wiener. Jean Valjean, on the other hand, is the Volcel that converted me.

>> No.17444990

Love is a meme created by the Catholic church to push monogamy and other traditional values.

>We need something that will convince men to not rape women on sight and for women to not act like whores

>> No.17444996
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Well that thread has to be the one of the most compelling arguments for traditional/christian morality I've ever seen

>> No.17445252

Could I please get a single book suggestion on how to achieve some semblance of traditional love and romance. I'm talking about how to create a love affair that would make Romantics swoon.

I don't want any of 'The Manuel' or 'Models' shit I want something you could make an epic poem out of.

>> No.17445340

it literally dosent exist anymore, im sorry

>> No.17445346

behold! the last man!

>> No.17445355

Kinda this, abandon this toxic stuff. It might unironically end up killing you. Check out later Goethe.

>> No.17445437

I'm less interested in the morality of Griffith than his general characterization, in that Griffith is given this sublime naivety and otherworldly childlike horrific aura, even before the Eclipse. What happens to Griffith afterwards is interesting, but for some reason that childlike and simultaneously horrific aesthetic is appealing to me, as common and overused of a juxtaposition as that is. Are there any books that have similar aesthetics/characters to the one I just described?

>> No.17445452

I don't think women are really capable of love towards anyone other than their child

>> No.17445552

My mother is proof enough this isn't actually a given

>> No.17445562

Based respector of the sacred.

>> No.17445578

What if I’ve taken and given a mile of cock myself? And sucked two miles? Who cares. People were sluts in history too

>> No.17445595

But I didn't say they automatically feel love towards their spawn

>> No.17445626

Most societies werent cartoonishly prudish like how its commonly thought of. Everywhere throughout history there were stories of sex kinks cuckery harems general whoredom and liscentiousness. These were things that werent even looked down upon that much in reality by most people because as ive said before, human nature doesnt exist except for the fact that all humans are sexually deviant whores. Before the sexual revolution culture was decided by the aristocracy and bourg. These classes had the attitude of not denying sexuality but of treating it with a sort of dignified coldness on the surface. It was an open secret. This actually made it sexier. Nowadays there is no secret. Its just in the open. And in doing so actually makes it less sexy and erotic. We re living in the real era of sexual repression now. Eroticism is denied in favor of bare flesh.

>> No.17445699

Sluts disappear to time

>> No.17445724

>human nature doesnt exist except for the fact that all humans are sexually deviant whores
what a retard lol sexual deviancy is only a fraction of human nature that is all very real for the same reason

>> No.17445736

Sexuality itself is deviancy

>> No.17445764


>> No.17445805

Never before did people have such ample food and free time. Never before did they have such wide access to contraceptives. Never before did they have dating apps.

The sexual revolution simply created a behavioral sink to keep people from pursuing higher goals.

>> No.17445820


>> No.17446042

Everything. In some sense, all non sexual social noems and codes..in fact sexuality only exists as transgression of these
But it is also deviancy of even pre social existence. Feral children do not have sexuality. This isnt just philosophy or psychoanalysis (although it is also that), Its been proven and observed. They basically have drives that manifest in aggression. Sexuality is an invention on par with language.

>> No.17446082
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>> No.17446233


>> No.17446266

Im gonna spend/waste my life chasing after impossible ideals of love and when I die alone im going to be the happiest man in the world

>> No.17446271

Nah, 11000 is the pumps, the average male can pump 100-500 times, so let’s reduce that to 300, so 11k divided by 300 is 36. So she would have to have had sex 36 times prior to marriage, the average number of partners prior to marriage in women according to some sources is 7(without counting flings, casual encounters and so forth, relationships only) meaning she would have had to have sex 5 times with each of her partners which isn’t an unrealistic number.

It’s likely by 30 the average whore has taken multiple miles of cock, statistically speaking.

>> No.17446279

are u a real priest

>> No.17446289

Wuthering Heights is great
The Arthurian/Chivalric romances are good too, but anything beyond Le Morte d'Arthur isn't casual reading that anyone would be able to pick up and enjoy
A lot of the other books that I've been thinking of have a romance as a sub-plot but don't make it the main focus of the book.
Don Quixote

>> No.17446298

It just relates to how current literature is obsessed with realism. Romance is just idealist bullshit that can't exist under these conditions.
You can only find old school romance in Japanese media these days

>> No.17446302

you mean the last trans woman

>> No.17446306

Fucking based.

>> No.17446318

it was a joke. anyways though, its not like you pump the full length of the penis, you leave an inch or two in to stay in the groove and you don't go balls deep every time necessarily. but what the fuck do i know i'm a virgin

>> No.17446319

we just keep losing, hominidbros...

>> No.17446327
File: 50 KB, 249x401, Normal_People_(Rooney_novel).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Normal People a romance story that doesn't involve hookup culture (and also about white people for the Nazis out there).

>> No.17446361

based me 3

>> No.17446362

Griffith is a stereotypical Puer Aeternus (and I suspect Miura himself is as well). Read the problem of the Puer Aeternus by Marie Louis von Franz, should be right up your alley.

>> No.17447267

Besides the societal effects birth control has, my somewhat schizo theory is that the regular use of hormonal birth control (especially pill form) will stunt the potential of many future children due to the suspected long-term microbiome damage it causes to potential mothers.

It's all still relatively recent research and not solid, but gut bacteria by weight and function is almost like another organ for everything it does to help the proper functioning of hormones, digestion (proper nutrition absorption), and immune system. There's only increasing evidence that a healthy microbiome is needed for optimal development and function of many things, including healthy brain development. And if the mother's gut microbiome is damaged, the child will inherit that microbiome. Maybe this wouldn't really be that big of a deal in a society that emphasizes eating healthy and making sure to incorporate highly nutrient dense foods like liver to make sure infants develop with the most optimal building blocks they can get, but that definitely is not a description of obese western countries.

>> No.17447491

If this is Berserk then it's a comic book superior to 99% of all lit, and superior to 99.999% of anything ever created by a woman.

>> No.17447497

>all the best art and literature about romance and love was in the past


>> No.17447505

the absence of all romance is the main theme of the book desu

>> No.17447510

>literal toxic filteration organ
>good for infants and children
i agree with you on most what you said but this doesnt really add upp.

>> No.17447512

You can only achieve this by grooming a 10 year old girl

>> No.17447515

Its not even romance, just pure logistics.

>> No.17447723 [DELETED] 

Every baby directly inherits their microbiome from their mother (unless delivered by c-section) when born, it's unavoidable to have bacteria colonize the gut from birth

>> No.17447749

It's only recently in history that people say "yucky" to eating organ meat. Toxins aren't stored in animals' livers, they're sent to be stored in fat or disposed of. Even though liver isn't really popular now, nutritionists unanimously still note that liver is highly nutrient dense with bioavailable vitamin A. Where else is a major source of natural vitamin A going to magically come from, exactly?
And this isn't about babies eating liver, but mothers eating nutrient dense foods in general to ensure proper, healthy development. Liver from ruminants or fish (cod liver oil) is just easier to find for anyone than finding very high quality dairy.

>> No.17447785

He raped Casca.

>> No.17447820

Thanks bro that sounds pretty cool, I've been getting into Jungian stuff anyways. Is there anything specifically that focuses on the horror of the archetype? In a sort of otherworldly sublime sorta way?

>> No.17447969

Because we don't live in a society so repressed all we can do is dream about it. How often does a caged bird seek stories about cages?

>> No.17447989

When has there ever been a liberation that didn’t so much liberate from the chains that binded but from chains that sustained? It’s not to be found in history.

>> No.17448090


>> No.17448134

Has been dead since the bible.

>> No.17448161


>> No.17448165

"selling out," more like turning them into demon fodder.

>> No.17448175

The worst part of it is that he got a bunch of new friends, and I have no doubt that he would do it all over again, if he 'had' to.

>> No.17448182

OP is probably a retard if he thinks that Griffith is capable of loving anything that isn't power.

>> No.17448186

Yea, but at least they used to have the decency to get stoned to death for being whores.

>> No.17448203

>Greatest mathematician ever dies in a duel over a woman
You were saying?

>> No.17448207


>> No.17448212

On 23 February 1855, Gauss died of a heart attack in Göttingen (then Kingdom of Hanover and now Lower Saxony);[6][18] he is interred in the Albani Cemetery there. Two people gave eulogies at his funeral: Gauss's son-in-law Heinrich Ewald, and Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen, who was Gauss's close friend and biographer. Gauss's brain was preserved and was studied by Rudolf Wagner, who found its mass to be slightly above average, at 1,492 grams, and the cerebral area equal to 219,588 square millimeters[26] (340.362 square inches). Highly developed convolutions were also found, which in the early 20th century were suggested as the explanation of his genius.[27]

>> No.17448247

tfw no gf

>> No.17448260

Define dead, anon. Romance novels are still being made as of right now.

>> No.17448525
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>The most normal people in the world decide they aren't normal

>> No.17448608
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tfw no gf

>> No.17448704

He means Galois

>> No.17448758
File: 69 KB, 600x705, Behold_the_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based eclectic

>> No.17448864

always thought this painting was highly based
the alchemist who has achieved illumination i think

>> No.17448920

I never knew its name, thanks!

>> No.17448931

>I< care and as long as I retain control over my mind I can care as deeply and passionately about your choice to desecrate your temple as you do about your belief that it's perfectly fine.
Why do the world's most degenerate people always try to moderate your thoughts, as if they are entitled to a stay of your judgement.
At the end of the day, no matter how you try to justify your actions, you cannot and shall not convince me that you are anything other than a total degenerate and thus completely unworthy of respect. You have, in my eyes, no agency, no worth, no importance.

>> No.17449455

youre a christfag, i dont give a shit about you and would put a bullet in your head without hesitation

>> No.17449506

End stage liberalism + dysgenic proliferation are killing many good things.

>> No.17449534

More like 10/10 man wants to fuck a 4/10 blown out granny. Post wall White women eat that shit up

>> No.17449562

>Is romance dead? Why is it that even after society’s supposed sexual liberation all the best art and literature about romance and love was in the past?
Because romance before sexual liberation was mostly authors coping because the women they simped for were of higher status and only aristochads were allowed to fuck them

Now after sexual liberation you have authors that cope because they are too socially retarded to fuck women

>> No.17449597

How do I become less socially retarded?

>> No.17449601

Kek, underrated post

>> No.17449686

You have to literally piss on women to show dominance, that's the first step.

>> No.17449789

i hate people like you

>> No.17449861

the absolute irony of your post

>> No.17449891

I love that AI

>> No.17449892

ceci n'est pas un bait

>> No.17450127

Idk, maybe Bruno Goetz's Das Reich ohne Raum, if you speak German. It's the books analyzed in the second half of The Problem of the Puer Aeternus.

>> No.17450175

>Normal People
Everything about this book felt blatantly calculated to produce a certain effect for an audience of midwit women.

>> No.17450206

what effect?

>> No.17450276


>> No.17450347


>> No.17450360


i've had a mile of pussy, so I guess that's fair

>> No.17450364

You're supposed to feel sympathy for two of the most ridiculous characters possible. Pretty much everything you learn about Connell or Marianne is transparently calculated, like how they're both super smart, attractive, politically liberal, secretly psychologically damaged, etc. You just know that her audience sees themselves in exactly that way. That and 90% of the events of the book are just increasingly contrived ways to justify them not dating or them fucking other people. And of course the ending was bullshit, Connell's motivations there didn't make a lick of sense given how little he seemed to care about writing for 99% of the book.

>> No.17450446

Admiration is a feeling that reflects deep spiritual connection with another being, as well as desire's penetration and permeation of the soul. It is inspired by mutual synergy. The source of the emotion is the shared quality of being, an enduring feeling of commonality. This is beyond mere pleasure or sexuality, it is a feeling of something deeper. It is about the wavelengths of the soul, the auras of one another being aligned.

>> No.17451124

Show me one historical culture where rampant promiscuity was deemed beneficial to society

>> No.17451149

Two obese people getting together, hitting the open buffets together and having strokes together in their 50s is fine for them, but pretending their lifestyle is healthy is not.

>> No.17451154

this is pseud nonsense. there is no such thing as spiritual connections or essence of love or souls or whatever. fuck off with this deepak chopra crap

>> No.17451165

Where is the proof?

>> No.17452017

you are tethered to the material. you are a blind man trying to find light

>> No.17452070

OPs pic is proof of the exact contrary idea. he fucked up his own ethos by raping the girl, "stealing her fire to light up his own" is what he says to her the moment before he takes her virginity. his original motto was that he did not need anyone but him.

>> No.17452081

you're a pretentious twat trying to cope with lack of sex. casual sex is just as valid as "real love" sex or whatever the fuck. this is pure cope from virgins

>> No.17452225

People who were sexually repressed for centuries will be eventually tired of playing, just later

>> No.17452279

No. You'd realize the difference if you ever felt love.

>> No.17452318

Literally though.

>> No.17452335

Is this true? Don't men put their entire penis inside a girl while having sex?

As a virgin, if I ever had sex I would be so anxious to please that I think I would make sure that every last millimetre entered the vagina, if only due to the fear that one of her previous lovers had a penis around the same size which reached a spot which is potentially desirable for her and would not register contact were I not to enter fully. As I understand it, many women enjoy clitoral stimulation as much if not more than actual penetration, so I would also make sure to rub her clitoral area (near the top of the vagina) in a circular motion beforehand, applying adequate pressure and maybe even using the free hand to gently lift or make taught the skin directly above the clitoral hood to ensure maximum exposure of the clitoris itself. I can imagine, if I were a female, the simple thrusting motion alone would not allow me to reach maximum erotic pleasure, and the whole experience would require some kind of LARPing on the part of the male in order to create an atmosphere of implicit danger or some kind of feeling that what we were doing was somehow transgressive or wrong. Ultimately, however, the entire sexual experience to me seems to require such a letting down of barriers and a kind of vulnerability which I feel entirely incapable of expressing. I feel too cold, detached, analytical and self-conscious to let my guard down and "have at it" with a girl, and I lack the confidence and self-assuredness to convince myself that any girl would genuinely, enthusiastically want to see me nude and have me enter her. It feels like such an alien concept.

>> No.17452348

>also about white people

Doesn't the girl have BDSM sex with a refugee while doing a Master's in Sweden?

>> No.17452360

again this is all mystical garbage. "love"? what do you mean by this? "spiritual connections" wtf is this garbage none of that is real you are just making shit up to try to justify why "casual sex" is bad

>> No.17452362

They usually “love” more the younger

>> No.17452368


>> No.17452369

you write like an engineer of some kind anon