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File: 668 KB, 598x990, Screenshot_2021-01-30 Abigail Thorn on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17417747 No.17417747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Abigail is her name.

>> No.17417751
File: 1.60 MB, 2093x1581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is her statement

>> No.17417754

Well I would

>> No.17417755

That's nice. The guy who didn't understand anything he talked about is now a girl who doesn't understand anything she's talking about.

>> No.17417757

So him and ContraPoints are different people?

>> No.17417759

Is he tall or short? I forget.

>> No.17417762

literally who

>> No.17417764
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>> No.17417768

something i thought about recently is if 'trans' becomes a bad term, as it implies this person went from male to female rather than always truly being a female. or is trans specifically there so we can distinguish them from vaginal women?

>> No.17417771

I used to find his earlier videos quite interesting and all, but this just seems...so fucking surreal. I’d never label myself as anti-trans, I don’t give two shits, but why? Same with Jim Sterling? I’m just confused.

>> No.17417773

Is this a joke?

>> No.17417777

>Wealthy cis white women
Female African immigrants known for being so pro-trans after all. A little off topic I know but the achilles heel of the left is that they can NEVER acknowledge any negative traits of marginalized groups. Only white people can be bad.

>> No.17417778
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>> No.17417780

absolutely epic. I don't know how anyone can honestly deny that trannyism isn't a type of mass-delusion that is sweeping through contemporary society.

>> No.17417782

This is what happens if you read too many books. Take it as a warning

>> No.17417786

why do these marxist youtubers turn into trannies?

>> No.17417789

He is 6 feet tall. The guy could have been a Chad but has instead decided to become a transwoman. This is almost certainly a result of pornography, a toxic worldview, and mental illness. I disagree with the guy on most things but I can't help but feel sorry for him. This is almost certainly a mistake and he will almost certainly kill himself.

>> No.17417792

Yo is that Margret Thatcher?

>> No.17417793

No way
Who could have seen that one coming

>> No.17417800

volcel if you wouldn't faggots

>> No.17417801

I remember watching him 2 years ago and telling myself how much of a failure of a man he is. Turns out he felt the same way.

>> No.17417802

She clearly states her pronouns

>> No.17417804

*raises paw*

>> No.17417806

Holy quads

>> No.17417809

Why does god waste the extra inches on these people and not me? Answer me christians

>> No.17417811
File: 75 KB, 784x605, 450FABF1-986E-43F5-9005-DEB80344ABC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s she/her, thanks

>> No.17417812

I feel like this has to be a joke
He passes pretty well though

>> No.17417814
File: 187 KB, 702x394, 6C9052E1-8303-4CC7-B71D-672D5B849F95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys transphobes.

>> No.17417815

gotta keep climbing that progressive stack

>> No.17417816

That is literally the stance of moderate right wingers on foreigners though
The spot is already occupied and since they can't agree on anything by necessity, they have to deny it

>> No.17417820

uh, sweaty, she was always a girl, you just projected a man onto her due to your internalized transphobia

>> No.17417825

She passes better than ContraPoints did for years

>> No.17417833
File: 278 KB, 750x742, 0D8F466C-9DC0-4A81-B941-5D7EA3136C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a cult though

>> No.17417838

>"Cis men are allowed to take HRT for balding, so why can't I take it to fufill my sissy hypno lunatic sex fantasy?"

>> No.17417840

Oh no. If we want hormones to change the physical makeup of our bodies with have to go see a psychiatrist. This is transphobia. How dare they assume I may need some mental guidance before rejecting my biology for a false sense of who I am based on gender stereotyping.

>> No.17417843

Sneed feed and dilate

>> No.17417845

one of us, one of us

>> No.17417846

Good for her I guess. Doesn't make the videos any better though, they're still cringe as fuck.

>> No.17417848
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1611001228923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again the international left outs itself as the purveyors of degeneracy and mental illness.
Branch broken, grandparents cry.

>> No.17417849

It doesn’t make sense because the entire trans movement is dogmatic and is not based in reality.

>> No.17417851

What’s wrong with that screencap? I’ve heard multiple people ask if Olly (or I guess now Abigail) is trans. I guess they were right.

>> No.17417856

Get of my /lit/
This is a place where men convene to discuss the progress of Hobsian thought and its continued consequences.

Leave at once you.

>> No.17417857

I am anti trans because transgenderism is evil. >>17417780

>> No.17417860

Heckin checkederino

>> No.17417864 [DELETED] 

Imagine being such a shit content creator that's lost influence over time, that you have to resort to chopping your dick off to gain back views, sad!

>> No.17417866

What is it about porn that turns people into freaks? I get that it's bad for you, but what exactly does it do to your brain?

>> No.17417869

The tl;dr of it all is to test you.
God made you short so that you could struggle in this life to reach a greater position in the next.
Purification through fire and all that.

>> No.17417870

Jim Sterling's case makes a lot more sense when you learn that he was abused as a child.

>> No.17417874
File: 39 KB, 250x250, 1608256718360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Genuinely? They are fucked in the head. I don't understand.

>> No.17417878

The people who push transgenderism know that it’s not real. You have fallen victim to a movement who is led by people who actually believe you’re mentally ill. Cope

>> No.17417880

This is some creepy underworld satanic movement.

>> No.17417883
File: 82 KB, 999x800, 9754E9AE-0D76-4571-B3B8-7FE72CB9F030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17417886

I’ve always found it interesting that transgenderism is the ONLY delusion treated through surgery and hormones rather than good old fashioned psychotherapy. Makes you wonder...

>> No.17417888

Read: Your Brain on Porn for a more in depth look.

Basically internet porn makes you up the ante each time because the stuff you coom to gets old, so your brain seeks new stimuli in the form of more and more degenerate porn. There are a lot of interviews in the book with porn addicts where they say they got into dog fucking and scat (probably hiding the more seedier/illegal shit), but that’s the gist. Porn breeds degeneracy

>> No.17417890

frankism strikes again.

>> No.17417896

"That will show them"

>> No.17417898


>> No.17417902

yeah after sophie literally just 41ed this morning is this really an effective treatment?

>> No.17417903

Using he/him pronouns seems like the more respectful thing to do imo. I genuinely feel bad for transwomen and I don't say that he will kill himself with any glee. Maybe I should since his content is often misleading and he probably thinks I should be killed since I'm basically a fascist but that's how I feel. I'm a very empathetic person. I can barely even stand being in the room when those animal abuse commercials come on. If I wasn't so fit and attractive, I'd probably get made fun of for being such a wuss.

>> No.17417905

He also has a godly Jaw wasted on this faggot. Life is bullshit.

>> No.17417910

>an abortion, which is permanent, but trans children can't get life-saving puberty blockers
>Antisemitic conspiracy theories about a mythical "trans lobby"

>> No.17417911

>smug anime girl reaction pic

>> No.17417915

>should be killed since I'm basically a fascist
Yeah, you should be. No one loves you.

>> No.17417916

Oh gouge a hole between your legs.
Leave a ever bleeding, puss filling gash.
Stuff a rod in it every day to prevent your body's natural reaction to heal it.
That'll show us.
May God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.17417921

who is sophie?

>> No.17417922

Literally any other breadtuber is better than this hack.
He never goes in depth.
He lies to his audience.
He promotes the philosophy of acting but IRL.
The topics he chooses are always trite and meander.
The fact is that only his early videos where he actually discusses philosophy were any good.
Now his entire bit is using his pretentious accent to describe bullshit in a way that talks down to everyone but the content of the material is so introductory that I question WHO THE FUCK IS HIS AUDIENCE.

>> No.17417924
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x2004, Screenshot_20210130-124243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wham bam thank you ma'am

>> No.17417927


>> No.17417930


>> No.17417934

To be honest that does sound like something a woman would do

>> No.17417936

My Mom and Dad love me lol

>> No.17417938

some musician who worked in that obnoxious british electronic genre known as "pc music"


>> No.17417940

>empathetic fascist

That’s an oxymoron if I ever saw one. Are you sure you’re a fascist?

>> No.17417943

>He lies to his audience.
Care to give any examples?
From the things I saw it had been biased and superficial but I remember no blunt lies

>> No.17417944

>my precious

>> No.17417949

It is there to specify their predicament. Every trans woman or man is aware of the difference in lived experience and physiology from cis women or men. It is worth categorising. There are cis women or men and trans women or men; both are women or men.

>> No.17417952

The premise that his desire, to live out a sexual fantasy, should be considered as important, and prioritised as highly as actual health problems (i.e. breast reduction for women with back pain) just reeks of narcissism.

>> No.17417959

anyone into theory is a tranny until proven otherwise

>> No.17417960

Given that fascists typically are highly concerned for the nation or race, from the highest politician to the lowliest worker.
And many modern fascists are quite concerned with environmentalism it would make sense that some will be high in empathy.

>> No.17417963

do people really listen to this? do they hear it in their ears and think 'this sounds good'?

>> No.17417967 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 828x590, A2823452-F27D-4F9C-8849-F398980807A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh...wow, this is really interesting, don’t you think!

>> No.17417970

The lies I'm talking about are the falsehoods of acting. He argues that there is truth in what he portrays on screen, even if what he portrays are exaggerations of personal anecdotes that take 20 takes to film properly through his own method acting. I don't mean that he's outright said things that are 'lies' in the traditional sense of "the sky is actually purple with gumdrop sprinkles" but more along the line of simulacra and simulation. That he ardently defends the ideas of an emotional core being the truth to something explicitly tailored to elicit a response.

>> No.17417972
File: 318 KB, 1208x720, tranny_denial.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17417974

Heman got a sex change and now wants to be called sheman

>> No.17417978

yeah it got shilled on /mu/ a lot in its heyday and projects affiliated with that label got decent reviews on pitchfork, kero kero bonito is probably the only one that isn't totally obnoxious

>> No.17417979

You skipped the hair loss treatment for dudes though. That's pretty clearly a sexual fantasy

>> No.17417986

>yeah it got shilled on /mu/ a lot
not surprised. /mu/ may be the worst board on this site

>> No.17417995
File: 122 KB, 813x587, F79CD22A-C47B-4460-8070-8CB805E62019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hormones-and-surgery-transitioning is the biggest fraud and travesty of ethics in history of medicine.


Every doctor performing these operations should immediately lose their license

>> No.17418000

I’m non binary.

>> No.17418001
File: 2.85 MB, 512x288, tranny_freak_jazz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're making good money though lol.

>> No.17418002

It's just redditors and even gayer fags

>> No.17418003


>> No.17418009

She made hyperpop songs https://youtu.be/uERIXLWeik0

>> No.17418010

This is just depressing

>> No.17418011

Has anyone else noticed that pretty much every single male breadtuber has 'come out' as either trans or non-binary? It's almost like their ideology has no place for masculinity and treats identity as a commodity. Nah, its probably just a coincidence right? they were trans the whole time, even before becoming leftists right?

>> No.17418015

how to make trannies seethe in 3 words:
>Aging is real.

>> No.17418018

>I'm a faggot

>> No.17418025

Im still an Anarachist, but lads, the right wingers were right on this. Why didn’t I see it. Fuck me this is blatant

>> No.17418030

Why would that trigger trannies? Real women age too

>> No.17418033

Pretty sure hbomberguy is just bisexual?

>> No.17418036

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17418037

Ah, so just mentally ill but not self harming.

>> No.17418038
File: 126 KB, 320x475, MarioBob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single male breadtuber has 'come out' as either trans or non-binary
you're forgetting someone

>> No.17418045

it's a mere aesthetic choice, get over it

>> No.17418048

41%, tick tock tick tock, he already had sucidal tendecies only a matter of time now

>> No.17418057

because women age into women. men on hormones inevitably age into at best masculine crones

>> No.17418058
File: 2.12 MB, 640x340, trannythread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418060

oh boy your tears are going to be falling from a noose sweaty

>> No.17418061

peter coffin is straight right? he's just an incel

>> No.17418064

Will Hakim be the only leftist e-celeb who doesn't transition by 2025? Being Iraqi, Muslim, and relatively honest, I doubt he would.

>> No.17418071

A lot of people love me, actually. Not everyone who loves white people is an antisocial edgelord.

I don't believe in democracy, want to ensure the survival and flourishing of my people, and hate free market capitalism so I think most people would call me a fascist. I don't hate other races or anything. I just want to prevent ethnic conflict, save the environment, and save my people.

>> No.17418074

That's the crux of it. These doctors get a fucktonne of $$$ as well as social capital for being woke (ruining people's lives).

>> No.17418075

This makes it plainly clear he was dying for victim points. As a straight white male he didn’t fit in the new left where victims are treated like superior citizens. What’s the easiest way to fix that? Become trans. The dude’s 30 fucking years old for fucks sake if he was actually trans he would have known before. Such a desperate clout-grab.

>> No.17418076

I was being hyperbolic. Of course some have yet to come out (and perhaps never will). however, the fact that such a disproportionate amount of the male breadtubers have ended up this way speak to the progressive attitude towards masculinity.

>> No.17418078

why are you so obsessed with trans women? where does the hatred come from?

>> No.17418079

First time I saw him I commented that he was a less masculine version of Contrapoints.

>> No.17418083

>Has anyone else noticed that pretty much every single male breadtuber has 'come out' as either trans or non-binary
Only the center left ones, the more hardcore communists are hyper masculine

>> No.17418085

they emanate unholy, demonic energy

>> No.17418086

what does that have to do with what I said? Are you retarded? You're arguing against something I didn't argue. npc faggot

>> No.17418090

They're groomed

>> No.17418092

He can’t really be trans. He was leftist living in a highly liberal country for 30 years. If he was really trans he would have jumped at the chance to transition immediately when he turned 18, like the trans people I know IRL. This is a clout grab

>> No.17418095

Hbomberguy is unironically going to come out as trans within the next 5 months.

>> No.17418097

This is hardly surprising honestly. He took a lot of his "aesthetic" from contrapoints. All the theatrics, costuming and niche sexual interests are preliminary signs of a non cisgendered person coming to terms with their identity.

>> No.17418098

I think you underestimate the extent to which leftism as a whole has been subverted and hollowed out by progressivism. there are certainly still some masculine leftists out there, even in the west, but man they are few and far between.

>> No.17418099
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Hasan will never transition

>> No.17418100

See >>17417883

>> No.17418101

Yea mtf trannies are just incel-class traitors

>> No.17418103

True. The ones fully into theory seem a lot more level headed and less virtue signalling than the "mainstream" left who recycle the same personality and jokes, reminiscent of schlocky condescending teenage clique-esque humour.

>> No.17418105

The prerequisite for being a right-winger is loving yourself, leftists can't do it.

>> No.17418106

>t. bunker migrant fag

>> No.17418107
File: 245 KB, 364x504, 1601767256298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass replying will never make you a woman :) You are, and will always be, a joke.

>> No.17418110
File: 402 KB, 587x582, unknown-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me not to convert to Islam.

>> No.17418114


>> No.17418118

LMAO I'm sorry but if Hasan transitioned I would die laughing

>> No.17418119

>mom i posted it again look mom isn’t it big take that chuds!!!

>> No.17418120

What does it say about me that I felt barely any reaction to reading this drivel? My pang of disgust quickly subsided to apathy. This shit is so trite at this point I'm struggling to care about young men throwing their lives away under the weight of their own delusions

>> No.17418132

this doesnt apply to people like hasan piker though. that guy is a chad meme

>> No.17418135

What the fuck is a simulated pregnancy?

>> No.17418138

let me guess: he's a leftist?

>> No.17418145

vaush isnt a tranny or lgbt, he's just a nerd
kyle kulinski and the chapo people arent either
the only trans left youtubers i know of are contrapoints and now philosophytubeq

>> No.17418148
File: 38 KB, 305x308, 1591912868260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we both know the answer to that

In seriousness I don't know who this faggot e-celeb is

>> No.17418157

Has anyone ever actually been offended by the word chud? It seems like such a toothless insult.

>> No.17418159

Kyle Kulinski isn't part of breadtube. He's explictly a moderate social democrat.
CTH is their own thing ("dirtbag left")

>> No.17418160

Just another facet of tranny delusion.

>> No.17418163


>> No.17418167

Why do these people always choose an "A" name? Alice, Amanda, Abigail, Amy, Anna, etc.

>> No.17418172


>> No.17418173

because it's forcing a lie from both sides (addressing them as what they are not and them inauthentically trying to conceal their true nature from you), forces you to accept their postmodern ontology if you don't want to be the target of their hatred (essentially Scholasticism but worse because at least the Scholastics tried to imagine sound arguments against them) and God with Promethean arrogance. It's worse than a mere moral offense and can not be compared to something like homosexuality.

>> No.17418174

i thought vaush was bi

>> No.17418176

No because it's yet another instance of inferiors trying to invent a witty quip to use against dominant groups. Ever wonder why there's no good racial epithets for Whites?
>mayo boy!

>> No.17418177

Couldn’t finish reading because she says
>trans people die waiting for x while men get it
it’s like they don’t want them to transition and make sure their sanity is in check

>> No.17418179

I never noticed this until you pointed it out but yeah, many of them do choose A names. In one case, it's because her (his? idk) birthname also started with an A.

>> No.17418184

The capital "A" is open, wide - reminiscent of spread legs

>> No.17418186

>Kyle Kulinski
I wouldn't put him with this group. He's not leftist enough.

>> No.17418187

Based. Transphobes are inhuman, they should be rounded up and massacred like cattle. Be honest with yourself: do you really think someone like you, whose hatred of transpeople has gone from bigotry to obsession, who constantly posts about "41%", "axe wound", "you will never be a woman", is anything but the lowest type of inhuman scum, lacking in even basic empathy, consumed by cynicism and cruelty? Do you really think you deserve to live, instead of being slaughtered like livestock? Laughable.

>> No.17418190

*spitting on God

>> No.17418195


>> No.17418198


Because >>17417995

>> No.17418207

Left wing beliefs are negatively correlated with physical strength.

>> No.17418212

Sneedgma male

>> No.17418214

transitioning is as cringe and 2016 as kekistan flags

>> No.17418213

if you actually cared about the plight of trans people or think its just a mental illness being abused, you wouldnt demonize them but people pushing the rhetoric or surgeries. but you seem to have a seething hatred for the trans people themselves just because they are trans