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/lit/ - Literature

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17412899 No.17412899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>um hi!
>haha sorry for bugging you
>I just noticed you checking out that book. Its actually one of my favorites!
>would you maybe like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime?

does this happen at bookstores? Because I'm still waiting

>> No.17412905

Do you think life is a movie retard?

>> No.17412906

i would hit her in the face because she has a nose ring

>> No.17412907

dubs and youre built for bbc

>> No.17412909
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please don't get my hopes up, even if there were true I would spill my spaghetti

>> No.17412910
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Die Aufnahmefähigkeit der großen Masse ist nur sehr beschränkt, das Verständnis klein, dafür jedoch die Vergesslichkeit groß. Aus diesen Tatsachen heraus hat sich jede wirkungsvolle Propaganda auf nur sehr wenige Punkte zu beschränken und diese schlagwortartig so lange zu verwenden, bis auch bestimmt der Letzte unter einem solchen Worte das Gewollte sich vorzustellen vermag. Sowie man diesen Grundsatz opfert und vielseitig werden will, wird man die Wirkung zum Zerflattern bringen, da die Menge den gebotenen Stoff weder zu verdauen noch zu behalten vermag.

>> No.17412911

no. maybe if you're european, but sex there doesn't have to go so far as talking or introducing one another.

>> No.17412925

the only way this MIGHT EVER happen is if like a classmate recognized you at the bookstore. total strangers? almost never, unless someone's quirky and/or mildly aspergers

>> No.17412927

stop being a pussy and approach women, shithead. you will get weaker if you never try and then it's truly over.

>> No.17412930

Which book is it, anons?

>> No.17412941

>Explain how get woman in 21st century
>*insanity knowledge*

>Explain how get woman in any other time before now
>Want woman get woman
It’s not fair brehs. A life of technology but in place we’re all lonely rejects in the postmodern marketplace of human flesh.

>> No.17412945

based woman beater

>> No.17412954

does it happen exactly like that? probably not.
but yes, women so approach and ask out men sometimes.

>> No.17412958

The only viable position in this market is to wait and watch as women hit the wall. Then cash out in laughter. It's good to laugh at a woman who has hit the wall. The misery she is experiencing is worth all the misery you've faced a hundred times over. I like to collect pictures of women who have hit the wall. Sometimes I look at women I used to know. Not even close acquaintances, but coworkers from ten years ago that I barely interacted with. It's fun to see them hit the wall.

>> No.17412994

>Do something outside the house
>See woman
>Say hello
Wow that was so hard.

>> No.17412996
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>rips off blouse
>exposes chest
>HA! Worst disguise yet so far charls carroll!
confront the material, destroy the illusory, profit

>> No.17413006


Something like that happened at a library once but she was an underaged emo girl with issues and the daughter of a nice librarian lady who had helped me a while earlier when I was basically a hobo, so I thought it would be shitty to turn around and plow her daughter.

>> No.17413008

It’s a sad truth but as I grow older the women left on the market become increasingly desperate. Keeping up with health as a man will ensure a good chance at finding a decent girl in later life. Just sucks how the things are a “wait your turn” kind of process.

>> No.17413009


>> No.17413014 [DELETED] 

she was prob hoping u'd plow her daughter cuz the guy her daughter usual dates is an illiterate pot head who plays fortnite 14 hours a day

>> No.17413036
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>Oh I'm actually just passing through town, I'll be gone in an hour hahah
>Sorry, I totally would though!
>*scurry home*
>*never go to that bookstore again*

>> No.17413044

i mean, everyone has a "turn." for women it's 18-30, for men it's 30-45. People really shouldn't be so upset that 20s year old hotties are dating 40 year old professional dudes

>> No.17413046

The biggest whitepill is seeing the kinds of bfs that women have these days. Men are lazier than ever. Literally all you need to be an above-average male is to shave and not play vidya all day. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.17413055

I'd assume she was mocking me and tell her to fuck off

>> No.17413057

what is he drinking

>> No.17413068

yeah there used to be this hot americanized arab chick that would wear painted on yoga pants at my work all the time, but then i found out her boyfriend is some alcoholic thug who's in and out of jail all the time, i was like eww i figured her bf would at least be some jacked pre-law party bro or something not a total deadbeat lmao i felt a little sad

>> No.17413074

>does this happen at bookstores? Because I'm still waiting

Elliot, I...

>> No.17413080

Hello Ma'am. Sure, I'll have a coffee with you if you like, but before we go any further you should know if we enter a relationship I'll want you to regularly cheat on me with well-endowed black men

>> No.17413091

Nah, we actually talked about it because her daughter ended up sending me a valentine card inviting me ice skating and I actually really wanted to go (for the ice skating, and she was a nice girl to, but too young), so I asked her mom permission and she said nope (she was nice about it). I kinda understand why tho, and can appreciate her being protective of her kid.

>> No.17413102 [DELETED] 

oh well ya if she's underage that's a def no go lol

>> No.17413108

coffee bc he tired

>> No.17413114

How young are we talking here relative to you? How did you bring this up with her mum? This is very interesting to me lol.

>> No.17413116

Walk up to a woman and start talking to them. It. Is. That. Easy.

Holy fucking shit just:
1. Walk up to a woman
2. Talk to her

It is that easy

>> No.17413117
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get away from me harlot

>> No.17413132

The reason why they end up with these deadbeats is because those are the men with blind confidence and who ask out more women than any other man. At least, that's my theory

>> No.17413166

OP, you don’t actually read do you, you just want to seem like you read because that will somehow make you more appealing to the girls that find you pitiable at best? Larping as having interests demonstrates how much of a tedious dullard you are, and how submissive you are in your own fantasy shows how much of a pussy you are. You will never ever have gf until you find an actual personality. Also you should lift, it’s not /lit/ related but I can tell from your post that you’re a dyel fatass

>> No.17413175

>see some guy looking at 2666
>tell him it’s a good book
>he immediately starts telling me how he loves bolano but hasn’t read it yet
>too awkward to disengage, tell him that’s cool
>he absolutely goes off, talks about all his favorite books, recites the first page of finnegans wake in a fake Irish accent
>tell him “oh wow haha anyway”
>asks me to go over to the Joyce books
>”sorry I have to go”
>badgers me and follows me, tell him okay fine
>pulls all the James Joyce off the shelf and talks about different editions
>tell him I have to really go
>he follows me to the checkout and asks for my number like three times because “it’s so nice to talk to someone about literature!”
>give him a fake phone number
>asks to put his number in my phone
>”uhhh no that’s fine just text me”
>”okay, so great meeting you!!!”
>he leaves the store before me
>go back to browsing
worst bookstore experience of my fucking life

>> No.17413186

agreed, some dudes just spam any hot chick they see with no self-consciousness or concern for consequences. part of the reason i found out about her backstory was ppl sensed i found her attractive and maybe wanted me to give it a go, but i'm so brainwashed by the sexual harassment training things we have to do all the time that i didn't dare

>> No.17413192


She'd just turn 16 and I was 20. For a lot that wouldn't be enough of a difference, but she was still very innocent (hence the valentine card), while I wasn't so much by then (had spent the previous 6 months essentially homeless).

>How did you bring this up with her mum?
Told her mom she had invited me to go out, that I wasn't interested in her that way but that I had no friend in that city either, and her daughter was a nice girl anyways, so I would like to hang out with her, but that I'd also understand if it made her too uncomfortable.

>> No.17413194

Easy for those it’s easy for. If it were easy for me it would be easy.

>> No.17413196


>be me
>recently divorced
>crushing loneliness
>used to spend weekend nights at bookstores
>wander around for bit
>guy asking for some magazine about pen collecting
>so I'm not the saddest one in the place
>end up at the poetry section
>where I belong because it's my favorite
>drinking in all those sweet beats and chill line endings
>look up
>there's a woman on the other side of the display
>we make eye contact
>hold that eye contact for 10 maybe 20 milliseconds
>feels like an eternity
>haven't been touched in months
>remember the sharper bits of my shredded heart
>leave without buying anything
>cause I only shop at indies

>> No.17413200

>16 and I was 20
Ah shame, that's prime (assuming you're not a burger).

>> No.17413201

/lit/ has a heart after all

but what she plowable?

>> No.17413203

just dont talk to men. you are upsetting the natural order.

>> No.17413219
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>recently divorced
sorry, anon

>> No.17413221

As a man with a job and a car it's so easy to get laid.

1. Dinner date -- pay for it, pick her up
2. Activity date (movie, bar, something) -- pay for it, pick her up
3. Netflix and chill date <--- this is where you fuk

>> No.17413237

Silence. You're probably really good-looking.

>> No.17413240

I am a man. I made the mistake of making a casual comment to some manic fag

>> No.17413241

Yeah, this was a long time ago. I'm remarried now and have a fantastic partner. We talk for hours every day and do everything together.

It's not the girl from the bookstore.

>> No.17413250

>go out for drinks
>so handsome and charming my date comes home with me on the first date

>> No.17413252

Nope, never. Even when you approach the woman, she's never been more embaressed in her life that you would find yourself worthy of her average pussy.

>> No.17413257

i don't have a car that's my problem but i just can't bring myself to buy one since i can literally walk to work in 10 minutes even before remote work became a thing, and i can get into the city in like a half hour on a train. i could easily buy something decent with cash rn, but i just don't want to have to deal with all the bullshit like insurance and parking and shit for no reason, if i ever seriously think about buying a car i hope i have the sense to fap it mercilessly until i drop the idea

>> No.17413264


>> No.17413268

>Ah shame, that's prime
Perhaps for some girls. She was still very much a kid at heart, I wasn't going to settle down back then and I didn't want to be a dick to her and cause her any further issues.
>but what she plowable?
Very much so. The attraction was there, and had we remained in contact later I would totally have dated/plowed/made sweet love to her. But that wasn't to be.

>> No.17413273

Patrician but kinda diff

>> No.17413286

Why would you remarry if you already went through a divorce? Why would you marry in the first place? Are you 40+?
You're too kind, Anon. If not you then someone else. Shame indeed.

>> No.17413293

based urge denying pedo

>> No.17413311

Wife just confirmed I'm very average looking. So it's probably less than that because she's blowing smoke up my ass.

>> No.17413319

>Why would you marry
I'm on my third wife.

Married at 24, 37, 43. They were all nice in their own way, but last one is the best. Marriage is very fulfilling.

>> No.17413322

>I'm on my third wife.
lol sounds horrible

>> No.17413327

how many oldfrogs are there on /lit/???

>> No.17413328

Books for this feel please

>> No.17413330

You must be new. Bookstores are a bit of a sore subject around here

>> No.17413334

Whenever I come back to America, I never fuck around with a girl outside of 18-19. When I'm in Europe or Asia, specifically Eastern, I could care less but after having been veritably spoiled abroad, American girls over the age of 19 I find are visciously repugnant

>> No.17413347

>based urge denying pedo

She was taller than me. Granted I'm not the tallest man around, but she was still very tall for a 16 years old. Prairie girls, man...
The thing too is, my ex before meeting her was a 24-years-old-but-14-years-old-looking 5 foot tall philippino girl. Felt weird going from a fully demured girl older than me to a really reserved girl younger than me, however much I was attracted to her.

>> No.17413361

based old man

>> No.17413369

This was sad to read

>> No.17413387


Can't help you there, haven't written a memoir yet.

>> No.17413388

it’s there for you to loop floss in it when she’s asleep and yank on it until she whimpers but not hard enough to wake her

>> No.17413399
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I had this happen at my community College library a few years ago. she said I was really handsome and didn't know what to say so I said thank you, I waited around for a minute reading the back cover and the sleeve of the book for a few minutes until her line was empty, then I asked for her number before i left, she wrote it on a piece of paper really quick and squealed to go tell her coworker behind the desk who looked to be a gay guy. she was a short qt3.14 Latina about a foot and a hf shorter than me, 9/10. i texted her for a week before she told me she had a kid and I dropped her. never thought about it again until this thread right now.

>> No.17413407

>does this happen at bookstores?
Nope. It doesn't happen anywhere else either.

>> No.17413417

if you are ugly, never.

>> No.17413422

I would still fuck him

>> No.17413431

You niggers just need to learn how to take and give compliments

>> No.17413443

write a tutorial and put it on medium then submit it to hn

>> No.17413446
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I don't compliment women, I photograph their feet from between bookstacks

>> No.17413452


We can only hope.

>> No.17413468

>Do you think life is a movie retard?

Do you not think most women try to base their lives on movies, retard?

>> No.17413483

oh shit he does have a point

>> No.17413503
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>> No.17413508

The /lit/ guide to getting laid
>study ur fuckin shit
>be smart
>be interesting to talk to
>hitting the gym doesn't help
There are like, waaaaaaay to women in this world who get wet just being lectured all day about shit for you fucks not to get laid, I've had at least a dozen women want to fuck me and all I had to do was talk to them for hours about /lit/ bullshit.

>> No.17413523


This. You fags won't believe me anyways but I once fucked a stripper (didn't meet her at work, never saw her there) after explaining (poorly) Husserl to her for 3 hours.

>> No.17413528

this but unironically

looks dont matter too much unless you're a literal 2/10 pigface

style is important but you don't have to be a fucking /fa/ loser to look approachable to girls

and most importantly, actual substance of a discussion is irrelevant so long as you're passionate, masculine and engaging to a girl

you can talk about the shit you took this morning and it'll get you laid if you know how to flow the conversation naturally and make it seem funny and relevant to her

>> No.17413534

I actually think the reason dead beats get the girls is because that's what media tells people is an attractive masculine figure. Look at popular celebrities, rappers and youtubers and whatever. They're essentially all garbage people but that's what media brainwashing shows us is the image of the man

>> No.17413535

You're attractive. Shut up.

>> No.17413549

>You're attractive

I'm under 165 cm mate.

>> No.17413550

I'm not that handsome, anon. And it is not like I try, women have hormones, anon. As long you seem like you are trying, it is not that hard.

>> No.17413554

how unattractive are you? be as descriptive as possible

>> No.17413556

I only shop at Amazon and this happens all the time in my porn window in the next tab.

>> No.17413561

I'm not unattractive. I'm moderately good looking. 192cm, Waito Piggu, nice face, not too fat. I just think it's disingenuous to tell anons that they "just need to talk about /lit/ bullshit haha bro" to get laid.

>> No.17413562

u can tell this guy has non-autistic social skills by the way he addresses his statements directly to u, anon.

>> No.17413563

KEK this, uniroincally. But I don't even shop, it is libgen for me.

>> No.17413573

hey you, post dem tittys (no nip of course, blue board n all)

>> No.17413580

>bunch of homos talking about how easy it is to fuck women at bookstores
>bunch of incels taking the bait
this fucking board man Jesus Christ

>> No.17413586

Not on bookstores, anon. But being out there. Anons are a bit retarded, there isn't a waifu SWAT that invades houses of incels.

>> No.17413587

That just sounds like a schizo conspiracy theory

>> No.17413595

The thing about women is attraction for them works different to the way it works for men

Men see a girl with a nice face, nice tits, nice ass and at that point they've decided "I'm going to fuck this girl." For a woman though, obviously initial attraction is important, but far more important is a man's ability to emotionally charm and engage her. This is why /fit/ is full of stories of young men with nice faces, good bodies, etc. still being virginal incels because they're huge autists who don't know how to talk to women properly.

Even a short, skinnyfat dude can get laid easy enough if he's got a comfortable, funny personality to women and doesn't talk to her like she's some alien species or whatever.

>> No.17413599

It's alot easier to communicate over text then talk like that in a real conversation

>> No.17413601
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Yea, the board is in a bad spot right now.

>> No.17413602

marriage sounds like a fuckin scam. hey, let's hitch our legals together to save a few bucks and make medical decisions for each other. Oh, and now we can secretly open joint credit lines and take half of each other's stuff after the breakup

>> No.17413603

Don't label everything you don't like schizo. It's true that media shapes our views and desires

>> No.17413604

sounds like cope, bruh

>> No.17413609

Found the deadbeat

>> No.17413619

the media also reflects the views and desires of the masses, if kfc thought the masses wanted vegan gruel instead of fried chicken buckets the ceo would have a plan for it on his desk by monday

>> No.17413634

Wtf, this is supposed to be the celibate board. Very disheartening.

>> No.17413636

It works the other way around too. That's why every restaurant is now coming up with meat alternatives like impossible meat and whatever. They want us to eat it probably because it's cheaper to mass produce than factory meat. But it's also the case that there's a section of the population that want that alternative, however it is in no way a large enough section to be called the masses. Since the fast food places want a replacement, they inundate us with commercials about impossible meat and fund research into it. That's literally the purpose of advertising, not that I'm disagreeing with you, just expounding on what you said

>> No.17413641

how old is your current wife?

>> No.17413674
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>"she's kind of ugly"
>"ew, a nose ring"
>"what the hell is with that cheap necklace?"
>"I said I don't want a girlfriend, didn't I?"
>"if I were to do this kind of thing I'd try to find some teenage girl in her prime, not a used up hag"
>"how do I do this without hurting her feelings?"
>"I wish I was home and shopping on amazon right now"

>> No.17413690

dont support amazoom

>> No.17413694

the hype for veganism and impossible burgers is coming from a couple very well funded venture capital backed fake meat startups, so yeah, that vegan influencer you fapped to before eating a soi burger? on the payroll of one of those startups, woops

>> No.17413710

there are literally zero moral arguments in favor of eating meat, it's more of a convenience and tradition than anything else
I'm all for lab-grown meat or protein-equivalent meat-substitutes. it doesn't matter to me if the movement is pushed by washington money

>> No.17413732

eating meat is yummy
eating meat makes me feel yummy
feeling yummy is good
therefore eating meat is good

>> No.17413749

it's pushed by tech bro money. i do find it interesting that the same people that have a fit over gmo crops will eat fake meat grown in a lab, but ok. desu i barely eat meat, so i don't care either way.

>> No.17413766

I think you may be conflating groups. The people who cry about GMOs are probably either vested small farmers or extreme naturalist vegans, neither of whom would be interested in lab burgers

>> No.17413821

>The only viable position in this market is to wait and watch as women hit the wall.
ehhh nice in theory, you'll be waiting a long time

>> No.17413839

that's what I meant by profit

>> No.17413844

saw this exact same thread on /int/ earlier today
sup fag

>> No.17413855

it's true i was being disingenuous, the ppl who bitch about gmos are usually europeans trying to get out of agricultural trade obligations with america while most vegans are chain smoking hedonists who just do whatever is cool on instagram

>> No.17413861

The vast majority of the time that the media and businesses try to shape and alter people's preferences through advertising it has failed. Businesses respond to demand, they don't tell people what to demand lol

>> No.17413884

>moral arguments for eating meat
My holy book says it's ok to eat meat as long as the animal is treated humanely before it's killed. The moral argument is that my religion allows it and you need to eat meat in order to be healthy. As a hunter gatherer you can't survive without eating meat. Choosing not to eat meat for "moral" reasons, or because you "care about animals" is the most shallow and stupid reason to not eat meat. Also vegetarians are hypocrites because plants also suffer and feel pain when you eat them

>> No.17413892
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>plants also suffer and feel pain when you eat them

>> No.17413905

Two relationships and the first meeting/encounter both times was because of a book lol, but you have to do a little more work than just stand there with a book in your hand until they ask you out on a date anon

>> No.17413932

It's not bait. It's true, science has verified it not that I care what science has to say. But people have known about it for a long long time


>> No.17413960

Mein Kampf

>> No.17413967

you dont?

>> No.17413974
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why is getting gf impossible...

>> No.17413984

where to find aspergers gf

>> No.17413987

Sun and Steel

>> No.17413993
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this fills me with pain

>> No.17414008

>I'm so quirky and whimsical I'm gonna sit in this aisle and read xD
>don't hit on me silly boys
fucking stupid cunt get out of the way, people are trying to shop here

>> No.17414028

>nose ring
Go bother someone else, lobotomite.

>> No.17414047
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>yeah that sounds great
did I do it right bros, do I get gf now?

>> No.17414072

God damn is there anything in the world less sincere than walking around with fucking coffee cups. Every time I see someone walking around with a coffee cup it drives me into a rage. Not somebody enjoying a nice cup at a coffeehouse or walking around the office with a mug. It's these fucking people who just have to walk around the city with their branded coffee cups. Oh look at me, I 'm just so busy I absolutely MUST have my coffee, but i'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOO busy, i can't ENJOY my coffee, I have to get it togo and walk all around campus showing everyone just how BUSY i am
man i sure do love my shitty coffee that i just had to go buy today after i left my house instead of taking five seconds to make it when i woke up does everyone understand how busy i am hehe im a girl btw :3

>> No.17414073
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Solid theory, but allow me to expand. When a woman is checking a man's worth she is mostly reading cues off of him. That is, a woman will read a man's opinion of himself and decide based on that whether or not he is good enough for her.
You can be a shredded lawyer who volunteers with children but if you act like you don't deserve her time of day, she will go. On the other hand when a total deadbeat who doesn't even work out acts like it's the most natural thing for a girl who's way out of his league to swallow his cum on a daily basis, she just assumes that's the truth.

This us nit easy to put into practice but god help me I'm getting better every time

>> No.17414079

i wish you could step down from that ledge, my friend
you could cut the ties with all the lies
that you've been living in

>> No.17414158


>> No.17414166

my german vocab isn't that good yet stop flexing me on me ):

>> No.17414188

bluepill fantasy

>> No.17414200

>im a girl btw :3

>> No.17414215

lol get a grip faggot

>> No.17414221

>they hated Jesus because he told them the truth

>> No.17414238

All your gains and you still can’t gain anything resembling charisma.