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/lit/ - Literature

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17397156 No.17397156 [Reply] [Original]

Not to sound like a whiny little low t subhuman manlet, but there are lots of negative things about being a man (especially in the twenty-first century). Seeing as you're all men, I probably don't need to elaborate beyond:
>absurd suicide rate
>absurd homelessness rate
>expendable in every way (this is universal)
>tax-raped to support a society that hates us
What are some books that distill the situation of the modern man (or man's biological role)?

>> No.17397176

That's what you get for centuries of patriarchy, chud

>> No.17397194
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>> No.17397196
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>Not to sound like a whiny little low t subhuman manlet
too late

>> No.17397212

The Bible.

>> No.17397229
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>he needs a manual

I'm sorry. Start here.

>> No.17397276

you don't even have to have a penis or balls to be a man anymore. is great. I'm drinking onions latte right now on my way to me cuckolding appointment. hey wait isn't this a literature message board??

>> No.17397284

mayhaps it's karma
I already know what women want
ty I love historical fiction

>> No.17397324

What does this have to do with manhood?

>> No.17397388

the tradition male roles are romanticized brother. these models are the reason men are expendable and hate themselves. love yourself and other men for who they are:)

>> No.17397408
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Based. The most radical thing you can do is love yourself and your fellow men (platonic or not) for more than simply what they can produce.

>> No.17397430

If you were a man and read it, you wouldn't need to be told.

>> No.17397611
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Find a cause greater than yourself, and a brotherhood of like minded individuals.

>> No.17397803

read the works of ernst junger.

>> No.17398507

>absurd suicide rate
>absurd homelessness rate
Is there any study that tries to isolate the causes for these? I have heard a lot of pop sociology explanations (men just need to express their emotion more!) but there should be some research at this point.
>expendable in every way (this is universal)
>tax-raped to support a society that hates us
that sounds like victim complex, post data or btfo

>> No.17398546
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Christopher Lasch provides a psychanalytical refutation of the theory of toxic masculinity in his book "The Minimal Self"

>> No.17398562

You do sound like a whiny lil bitch though

>> No.17398579

Any book about soldiering is going to be mostly about just men things. Lord of the Rings springs to mind, but ofc there are countless others.

>> No.17398580

this is b8

>> No.17398585
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everyone else has a victim complex so why can't white men have one too?

>> No.17398594

I thought you were supposed to be better than everyone else

>> No.17398599

Sounds like a strawman.

>> No.17398607

Good to know that the noble white man is just as whiny as any woman or gay

>> No.17398608
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>Is there any study that tries to isolate the causes for these?
Directly related to men being expendable in every way. As for men being "taxraped", it should be no shock to you that men, the primary taxpayers in every society, don't always enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices. They pay the taxes that fund the state to enforce anti-male laws upon them. I don't care to explain it in a long fucking post, but basically the majority of men are completely superfluous and expendable, which is why men have always been the ones to go out and do dangerous shit (kill the bear, fight the war, build the bridge, etc). Take picrel and be on your way.

>> No.17398609

You can, as long as your victimhood is supported by data.

>> No.17398618

>don't always enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices
Men famously don't use roads or any other infrastructure

>> No.17398631

>supported by data
Just trust me bro

>> No.17398636

The pic sounds like pop biology/psychology, are there actual studies that find a correlation between male suicidality and sexual success(or lack thereof)?
>As for men being "taxraped", it should be no shock to you that men, the primary taxpayers in every society, don't always enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices. They pay the taxes that fund the state to enforce anti-male laws upon them.
sounds overly hyperbolic, I want to see the evidence

>> No.17398639

Disingenuous faggot. I don't care to spend 3 hours battling with you. Put your trip back on and fly away, Butters.

>> No.17398641
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Men live a hard life...

>> No.17398666

>Seeing as you're all men
kek this has to be bait.

>> No.17398675
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It's very simple
>Men pay the vast majority of taxes
>The state needs taxes to run
>The state runs an explicitly anti-male pro-female platform
>... using men's tax dollars
I dare you to find me one western country where women aren't HUGELY disproportionally recieving state-benefits across the board (not to mention receiving bags of money in "empowered woman" scholarships). And >>17398641 is another fine example. Homeless people are almost ALWAYS men because it is human nature to sympathize with and protect women. Like I said, I'm not going to battle this out with you people. Look up homelessness statistics, look up suicide rates, look up gender-based subsidies, look up lifetime tax contributions and THEN come back to me and tell me that men have it easy and we're just being whiny. Good day.

>> No.17398681

The vast majority of your taxes go towards boring bullshit, much of which you frequently make use of and benefit from. I'm the disingenuous one?

>> No.17398684

>Men just need to open up and express themselves more
>No! Not like that! you're supposed express stuff i agree with

>> No.17398687

Checked and he's not wrong. /lit/ is a penis board minus tourists
Silence, woman.

>> No.17398691
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When did r*ddit become based???

>> No.17398697

Men are the ones that have it tough and always have been. It's the men who go out and get dirty, fight the wars, crawl through the mud, so women can be nice and comfy and produce offspring with minimal danger. Simple as.

>> No.17398705

As if he has lived for centuries. You don't have the stones for action or revolution. You are just another little powerless pinko wannabee. Now go wank to Santa Claus Marx and have a good bitch cry.

>> No.17398715

> much of which you frequently make use of and benefit from

Not even close. A quarter of taxes go to the military and two-thirds to niggers and boomers on their respective welfare systems. That leaves scarcely 10% for taxpayers before waste and kickbacks.

>> No.17398732

>yes but
>you see actually
>from that perspective, yes,
>intersectionality says
don't even bother arguing with these slimy faggots. Not worth the time nor the effort.

>> No.17398748

Conversely, the oh so insufferable hardship of having to stay home and - shock horror - keep the place clean and cook and not have a career they don't even actually want is peanuts compared to the shit men had to go through historically.

>> No.17398750

I’ll save you the trouble and summarize masculinity in a few words; struggle, endure, provide.

>> No.17398834

>struggle, endure, provide
Sounds awful. I'd rather struggle as little as possible, minimize the amount of bullshit I have to endure, and provide only as much as I need to survive (God willing I have no children)

>> No.17398839

Struggle and endurance is what being a man is all about. It's why no NEET or woman ever wrote a truly compelling novel.

>> No.17398852

I care more about not being poor and having the ability to be cozy and CONSOOM /lit/.

>> No.17398873

>>absurd suicide rate
>>absurd homelessness rate
>>expendable in every way (this is universal)
>>tax-raped to support a society that hates us
So what you really want is a book on capitalism?

>> No.17398883

Well things weren't peachy pre-capitalism either. Man's eternal burden is to suffer under the weight of existence. Men have always been the ones to get BTFO when the goings got tough. Gynocentrism runs very deep indeed.

>> No.17398897
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>what woman want
to be vindicated in there contradicting beliefs (as in, to be abused but told its love, but that's its sexist and also impowering)

>> No.17398909

>Men have always been the ones to get BTFO when the goings got tough
grow some balls faggot

top kek nice meme word

>> No.17398924

Japan sounds like a living hell. I'll never understand weebism

>> No.17398993

>top kek nice meme word
it's not a meme word, it's human nature. men are also extremely gynocentric.

>> No.17399068
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>apply for free course
>mfw 40/50 year old single mothers are getting into it before me


>> No.17399087

This chick has dark hairy arms 100%. Look at them brows.

>> No.17399116

>biological role

>> No.17399135

>you people
>and THEN come back to me and tell me that men have it easy and we're just being whiny
When did I say that men are being whiny about the percentage of homelessness and suicide rate among the male population? And who is "you people", blue haired college students?
What I actually said is that the part about men being taxraped to fund the state to enforce anti-male laws sounds overly hyperbolic. I think the average person would have a similar reaction upon reading that post. So if this is a real problem that makes the lives of men a lot harder you need to provide evidence for the claim.

>> No.17399140

>taking obvious bait

>> No.17399148

>It's the men who go out and get dirty, fight the wars, crawl through the mud
What war, are you are living in the middle east?

>> No.17399152

Then you don’t care about being a man, faggot. You sicken me.

>> No.17399162

This is what's going on inside the brain of the partisan, question their narrative or simply ask for evidence and they immediately assume bad faith, while acting in bad faith themselves.

>> No.17399201 [SPOILER] 
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i'm about three bad days away from succumbing to hedonism and nihilism. i hate it here

>> No.17399328

What's going on in Pakistan lmao

>> No.17399372

Going through the Jack Donovan books..then way of men, Barbarian etc. They are definitely cartoonish takes on masculinity, but his arguments ( or I should say the arguments he presents) are valid.

>> No.17400859


>> No.17401268

Less arguing and more book posting, niggers.

>for the ascetic man
Way of the Ascetics
The Seven Storey Mountain

>for the LARPing warrior
Living the Martial Way
The Unfettered Mind

>for the sage
The Book of Chuang Tzu
The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart

>for the psychonaut
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Writer's Journey

>> No.17401496

Knausgård - My Struggle

>> No.17401560

All this "to be a man is to suffer and endure" stuff is just a huge cope for terminally miserable losers who have never attempted to understand themselves or what they actually want. Everyone suffers, not everyone chooses to make it the cornerstone of their identity.

>> No.17401610

suicide is forbidden

>> No.17401747

>top kek nice meme word
The truth hurts. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that, on a deeply biological lizard-brain level, our entire species operates on the basis of serving women and minimizing their discomfort.
>I'll never understand weebism
I don't get weebism either but I very much understand likeing Jap qts. If you've never slept with an East Asian woman I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it.
Which is why I'm well past the point of engaging in hour-long "discussions" with them. I know what's going on and I'm content with that. I gain absolutely nothing from trying to brute-force a shred of reason into people who adamantly don't want to hear it.