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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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17383119 No.17383119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to this board bros? There's literally a goddamn porn thread that's a sixth of the way to the bump limit.

>> No.17383124

Dunno, probably something happened to /b/ or whatever.

>> No.17383135

its literally just 2 idiots and a sad man
1 wants to be banished
2 know how to restart their routers so they couldn't care less

>> No.17383142

i thought you were based frogposter fren?

>> No.17383167

Jannies are inept. I WILL apply to do it for free and you WILL have your unrelated threads deleted. I WILL DO IT FOR FREE!!!

>> No.17383185

good luck, the world of the jannies is a kafkaesque nightmare. You are both against the mods and against the users of this site.

>> No.17383190

My humble request is no porn on our sacred blue board. That is all.

>> No.17383191

Don't, anon. Let this place rot. They don't deserve you.

>> No.17383192

Forget it, Jake. It’s 4chan.

>> No.17383199

but this is my last bastion on the internet

>> No.17383206
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>Le pop culture reference

>> No.17383213

No, it shouldn't be. I will make a latrine. Where everyone can shit post and have meaningful conversations. It is necessary.

>> No.17383217
File: 62 KB, 1301x739, 820-8207058_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-lbfxskq-apu-apustaja-thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are based

>> No.17383225
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>le basedface

>> No.17383226

then why are you complaining like a cuck instead of spamming his thread with gore or some other shit?

>> No.17383230

many have tried and failed, but I wish you luck. You'll need to deal with the eternal dynamic of good site = popular = bad community

>> No.17383238

different poster

>> No.17383255
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Chinatown is a good movie tho

>> No.17383257

Is there a super secret and selective /lit/ discord or alternative forum or something?

>> No.17383279

it's getting raided by bunkerchan p sure don't know if you've noticed but it happens every month or so. usually it's a bunch of guys tugging their cocks and commie spam

>> No.17383290

Not a raid fellows

>> No.17383291

>Jannies are inept.
Jannies are complicit

>> No.17383298

Havent seem any commie spam tho. I think its just shitflinging.

>> No.17383304

Fuck's sake lads. It's at 100 replies. It's been on the first page for a full hour.

>> No.17383309

what do you want?
if its not to idiotic there's probably a tyrannical discord server that offers no quarter to any sort of adult material

>> No.17383318

This is different man

>> No.17383322

Been seeing "chud" and weird faggot speak an awful lot just today.

>> No.17383324
File: 50 KB, 1614x246, e7ab73d8990fbc4e1b9591f1eb47490f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fat Mr Oinkers thread on /pol/ too thats been up for nearly an hour. I think the jannies all quit...

>> No.17383326

This anon is right, moderation is inherently authoritarian. People will feel uneasy to express themselves at some point.

>> No.17383340

They are probably on a meeting deciding if they ban /PTG/

>> No.17383344

Who's Mr Oinkers?

>> No.17383354

bet this thread will be deleted before the granny pussy one

>> No.17383362

granny pussy is /lit/, why do you think we keep butterfly around

>> No.17383370

you seen her rancid skidmarks?

>> No.17383373

I want something like a mix between /lit/ and discord with a small community which holds reasonable (AND ENFORCED) rules. Yes I know, it doesn't exist.
They should just move it to >>>/x/
A guy who posts his asshole on /pol/ and asks for people to humiliate him. It's pretty vile. Just got 404d though. Maybe they're back.

>> No.17383374

an odd bunkerboi is always here every now and then responding to a dead thread and trying to into 4chan.

>> No.17383385

I never understood why they delete threads like this one, discussion of the state of the board should be allowed.

>> No.17383391

I think they're supposed to allow one at any given time.

>> No.17383398

>vague rules vaguely enforced
they used to let one but now they delete it or move it to /qa/, the "official" metaboard

>> No.17383400

This happens sometimes OP, when people find they are too addicted to the board they’ll post porn on in order that a janitor may, perhaps, ban them for a significant period of time so that they won’t have the option to post.

It’s so that their self control won’t need to be as strong, that’s all.

>> No.17383413

I know that it happens sometimes, but one of these such threads has never stayed up for this long, at least not in years, this is an anomaly.

>> No.17383417

Because if its not deleated there inevitably becomes 3 threads about the topic because it agrigates (you)s since everyone has their own oh so very enlightened opinion about the board.

Not saying gushing granny should be here either.

>> No.17383418
File: 71 KB, 365x365, THEABSOLUTESTATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to 2021, /lit/bros

>> No.17383431
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>> No.17383435
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There's a good new goodreads /lit/ group but its secret and you're not invited.

>> No.17383437

Meanwhile janny/mod is regularly deleting foreign language literature threads that are completely on-topic /lit/. I don't even mean language learning threads, I mean /lit/ threads for other languages, that are actually ABOUT literature (unlike 95% of threads here).

He moved the German thread to /bant/ kek. >>17372740

But meme threads and shitpost threads are fine.

>> No.17383444

half of them are complaining about that thread, they are not even saging it

>> No.17383453

Because you have to post in english, retard. That's why the Spanish General died too.

>> No.17383454
File: 40 KB, 254x280, 5435326563241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn threads
>eceleb threads
>/pol/ & commie bait threads
w...what's happening?

>> No.17383456

checked and you can only report it once. replying with a sage is worse than saying nothing.

>> No.17383457

Even shitposting english threads are higher literature then German "literature"

>> No.17383458

This is supposed to be a thread that supports intellectual improvements and yet it deletes threads that are in other languages with the intention of encouraging anons to pursue more langagues. Fuckin make it make sense.

>> No.17383462
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>> No.17383466


good rule

>> No.17383470

wtf you on about, there is like 2, this is a babies raid at best, there are a number of non contaminated threads.

>> No.17383471

read that granny pussy you faggot bitch lmao

>> No.17383472

No one said that you absolute retard.

>> No.17383475
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I wanted to go to bed hours ago, but... now I need to watch /lit/ die.

>> No.17383477

>monolingual phoneposter doesn't get jokes
Go back.

>> No.17383480
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 9ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read actual book
>make thread to discuss get 2 replies only about how I chose the wrong cover
>porn thread on page 1 for 2 hours
Why.. bros...

>> No.17383481

then /lit/ "dies" twice a month lol

>> No.17383484
File: 1 KB, 187x27, f5e7baff47aaac6e849c65f000994398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It finally happened, bros... we're free...

>> No.17383488

>go back
why are you so sensitive retard? only because your /int/-tier thread got moved to another board?
now this one will be deleted as well

>> No.17383490

No we're not look again

>> No.17383492
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oh nvm now there's someone posting shit-eating

>> No.17383496
File: 202 KB, 1928x532, ye gods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, the nightmare is finally over...

>> No.17383502

Take another glance. It's only just begun.

>> No.17383503


>> No.17383504

it's not, /lit/ may die today boys. Batten down the hatches, I think we're in for a storm

>> No.17383507
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As long as they don't enter this thread we should be safe

>> No.17383509


>> No.17383513

He's going full schizo mode this time. Prepare lads, this might be fun to watch.

>> No.17383518

>/lit/ may die today boys
cringe, this shit happens all the time. were you not there last summer when there were threads of guys firmly grasping their cocks like every night?

>> No.17383524
File: 146 KB, 720x361, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /lit/
Don't catch you slippin' now
Don't catch you slippin' now
Look what I'm whippin' now
This is /lit/ (Woo)
Don't catch you slippin' now
Don't catch you slippin' now
Look what I'm whippin' now

>> No.17383525

Also known as the Plato copypasta

>> No.17383530

I was there, but can you look me in the eye and tell me any of those threads stayed up that long?

>> No.17383531
File: 42 KB, 768x522, 1605747360674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad and scared

>> No.17383534

get under the blanket and close the curtains, you'll be safe then

>> No.17383535

Nigger anus lasted a good 3 hours.

>> No.17383539

the poop eating is still there. I guess the janny only stopped in for a minute.

>> No.17383547

apparently the jannies are on strike and one crossed the picket line

>> No.17383549

yeah but he's not bumping it. Probably because he did get banned but not blocked, that's why he get to made the thread and then he got banned.

>> No.17383551

I get payed hourly, not by the amount of work.

>> No.17383571
File: 2 KB, 125x85, 1605411963926s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 2012-14 /lit/ bros

>> No.17383578
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>> No.17383587

this board has always been shit, newfriends

>> No.17383596

I miss 6 hours ago,
any other oldfags here or just me?
Prove you are an oldfag by

>> No.17383605

If you are a newfag name the meme trilogy

>> No.17383623

Back in the glory days Dave Eggers was part of the trilogy, guess he's fallen out of favor around here though.

>> No.17383626

If you're so smart, which symbol is this? ∑
No google

>> No.17383700

Infinite, Something about rainbows and a third one. Sorry, ill hand in my newfag badge immediately.

>> No.17383706

the sum symbol dipshit. this board has the highest collective iq of 4chan why the fuck wouldn't i know basic precalculus.

>> No.17383724

based and not gay

>> No.17383739

>they do it for free
>they don’t read
Jezebel posting is the tired tactic of forum sliding from time immemorial, it’s now self propagating and aware with the advent of Coomerjack

>> No.17383743

Sigma balls

>> No.17383762

sigma balls goofy dumbass nigga LOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.17383798

Are you from /v/ or something? For us intellectuals it is a mathematical symbol first, and a Greek letter second. Fuck your moronic gamers' memes.

>> No.17383838

Ahem... Sigma balls

>> No.17383840

or maybe he learned greek. He seems particularly eloquent.

>> No.17383841
File: 56 KB, 720x711, 1607913109103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they usually post things to try to bother me. they will be gone soon though. there needs to be more philosophy threads.

>> No.17383851

which thread was it?
link me up