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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 589 KB, 1100x1536, Magister Henricus Cornelius Agrippa ab Nettesheym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17345298 No.17345298 [Reply] [Original]

I have now read 100 pages of his most prominent work 'De occulta philosophia libri tres'.

I can now deduce that one should not bother with magic. Anything I have read so far was a perversion of neoplatonism. The transmutation of gold, sending messages over moonbeams und other things that are clearly false.
The source of magic is the Weltseele, a metaphysical concept closely related to the Platonic 'World of Ideas' which emanetes the magical qualities. For example the qualities of a magnet.

In conclusion: There is no wisdom to be found in old magic tomes.

>> No.17345478
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>t. filtered anon
also please don't tell me you read a translation of it...

>> No.17345552

>There is no wisdom to be found in old magic tomes.
Just deal with it.

>also please don't tell me you read a translation of it...
cope, that is simple latin, not much you can do wrong.

>> No.17345607
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>> No.17345629

>cope, that is simple latin, not much you can do wrong.
I was reading a scholar's study of this work and he stated how not a single translator has been able to pick up on the hidden messages nor capture the literary brilliance of Agrippa. You got massively filtered bro lmfaoooooo

>> No.17345642

>based Magister filters anon retroactively
Thanks for the rec though. Sounds very interesting. Added to my backlog.

>> No.17345666

Could you explain the qualities of meditation being the through line for most practices of magic today? Looking at /x/ threads it seems that most methodologies of "magic" practice are belief based hacks into the subconscious.

>> No.17345688

Where to start with Agrippa? Genuinely curious.

>> No.17345738

>not a single translator has been able to pick up on the hidden messages nor capture the literary brilliance of Agrippa.

I was not reading for a larp, I was reading for the arcane knowledge.

Sadly there is non.

This is the version I read: https://havassite.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/heinrich-cornelius-agrippa-von-nettesheim-die-magischen-werke-1855.pdf

>> No.17345740
File: 307 KB, 728x713, sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unholy trips in a thread about magic
I mean...I'm not an >>>/x/ schizo but I'm kind of scared anons O_O

>> No.17345756

>Thanks for the rec though.
You are whalecum bro!

Sadly it literally is humouralism.

>> No.17345768
File: 606 KB, 1280x1411, 596D308B-675A-49F7-808C-3DF7F0EB1A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posting this from the other thread:
There's a section in the lesser keys that's about improving your ability to remember and study. Chants that monks would use as they studied the bible and scripture daily. I was studying for the bar exam for the third time and was willing to try anything. Had reached out to Athena during a meditative state and, after watching what I thought was far too much Buffy the Vampire slayer, went to /x/ and asked them about it and they told me the lesser keys. I then started looking at other parts of the lesser keys and got to the list of demons. In which I found pic related. Buer. Who's basically the Aristotle of demons, and I thought that was pretty cool.

I did end up finally passing the bar exam.

>> No.17345773
File: 29 KB, 264x400, 0857927480005cb4bec93894569005cc-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the first modern study of Agrippa's occult philosophy as a coherent part of his intellectual work. By demonstrating his sophistication, it challenges traditional interpretations of Agrippa as an intellectual dilettante. The analysis walks the reader through the text of De occulta philosophia, Agrippa s 1533 masterpiece, explicating the often hidden structure and argument of the work. This volume will especially interest early modern intellectual historians, historians of religions, and scholars interested in the history of linguistic philosophy."
This is the scholarly work I was referring to. It's a good starting point before jumping in.

>> No.17345815

Op here, there are some modern approaches to magic founded on hypnosis and autogene techniques, 'Magick' is what these people call it.

It is based on soulboundspirit-magic (aka selfinduced psychosis) like it was practised by Abramelin.

There is also ritual-magick which is 100% larp.

>> No.17345834

>This volume will especially interest early modern intellectual historians, historians of religions, and scholars interested in the history of linguistic philosophy."

Op here. I didnt say it wasn't interesting for a historian.

>> No.17345857

>based Magister filters anon retroactively

If by filtered you meant that he, which am I, stopped reading these works because of pages and pages of continues esoteric bullshit then yes.

>> No.17346207

>Lawyer enters into a Faustian bargain in desperation to pass the bar exam.
Sounds about right.

>> No.17346353

Should I write a book about it?

>> No.17346421
File: 58 KB, 397x519, 1644C1F3-635C-4A2F-A63C-E4F19B62B699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have read Paracelsus

>> No.17346542

A blogpost would suffice.

>> No.17346557

Was writing a novel about lawyers. I’ll put it in there somewhere as an offhand story the character tells.

>> No.17346628


So which ritual did you perform?

>> No.17346727

Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age by Frances Yates is probably the most definitive text on this subject. I read the whole fucking thing and all I learned was that it's kinda useless to get too deep into the nitty gritty of the Occult. Much better to keep it at arm's length so it retains a bit of mystery and allure. It did let me read and understand Gustav Meyrinks novels though so that was nice

>> No.17346755

Based Hermes of the north.

>> No.17347428
