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17294158 No.17294158 [Reply] [Original]

So my mom asked me for one (1) political book recommendation. She has Reaganite/boomer Republican politics and sucks off Blumpf. Everyone in my family has this same type of politics and you don't know how ashamed I feel to be part of a brainless and tasteless family. She also watches a lot of OAN which if you don't know is a more whack Fox that sucks off Blumpf and perpetuates retard conspiracy theories and fake news. She believes all the dumb rightist conspiracy theories like the qanon shit and "voter fraud" and that the radical left democrats are destroying the western civilization.

And so she asked me for a political book recommendation and this is my chance to make her less retarded. But what should I recommend? I have considered something by Foucault. I think he is easy to read but I'm not sure how tough he would be for a normie with dumb boomer politics. Help me out lads.

>> No.17294181

Bill Oreillys Killing Series would hit the spot. Maybe take the time to appreciate your families tastes instead of resenting it

>> No.17294194

Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore J Kaczynski

>> No.17294217

Tucker's Ship of Fools would be good for her, or if she can handle a bit more, something by Pat Buchanan. Or maybe some essays by Samuel Francis, like Beautiful Losers, which is about neoconservatism being shit.

Be nicer to your family.

>> No.17294226

if you are going to recommend retard /pol/ shit just don't post in my thread. i said i wanted to make my mom less retarded not more. fuck off.

>> No.17294235


You are 100% not 18 years old. Delete your thread.

>> No.17294237
File: 3.31 MB, 2254x2952, El_padre_Juan_de_Mariana_(Museo_del_Prado).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make her read "De Rege et regis institutione" by BASED Mariana, SJ.

>> No.17294261

She probably won't read anything written by a liberal or a leftist, so you could at least reccomend something written by a conservative who isn't so dumb. Someone like Roger Scruton or something similar

>> No.17294262

Conquest of Bread

>> No.17294264

Easy and introduces her to philosophy from a rw perspective https://b-ok.lat/book/3712519/7a27a8

>> No.17294269


>> No.17294270

No, Kropotkin sucks.

>> No.17294275

After this try to introduce her to Plato. Republic has a lot of bang for your buck in terms of ideas but I think Gorgias then Protagoras is a good start

>> No.17294285

Plato’s republic is a good choice. It would both show her the light or feed her fantasy but it discusses a wide variety of political points and it would be the perfect opportunity for you and her to read and discuss it together.

>> No.17294286

While your parents may be midwit boomers who don't read, they are basing their voting decisions on a lifetime of trial and error and experiences of being screwed and jewed by politicians and understand better than you do how the world works and understand politics better than your dumbass not-fully-formed 16 year old brain can possibly comprehend. To have the audacity of thinking that your parents will be interested in reading a book by some commie faggot shows how arrogant you are. You are not smarter than your parents and you aren't special.

tl;dr: Kill yourself zoomer.

>> No.17294296

This is a bait thread if you're not picking that book. It's rw pundit crap which fits w her but lets her see a more universal perspective of it all and disinclines her to politics in favor of philosophy. It's actually enjoyable and she'll get a look at doctor spock and everything. Plus it's short. He's better at modern aspects but the point is a book for your mom that helps her see more universally.

>> No.17294308

If you're not convinced then read it for yourself and decide. Philosophically it makes some annoying stretches but I'd recc for any Trump fan who is too engrossed in politics

>> No.17294322

Foucault won't convince your mom lol
Buy her Scruton's how to be a conservative, she'd probably be more open minded to his gentle conservatism

>> No.17294330

If she doesn't read regularly that's probably not going to cut it right?

>> No.17294331

That's a good rec, Chesterton or Belloc would also be good. Or some cultural essays of T.S. Eliot. Shame OP is a baiting faggot, this could be a nice thread about getting nice gifts for nice boomer moms.

>> No.17294333

There are members of the Democratic caucus that genuinely hate western civilization and either wish to reshape it or disavow its principles almost entirely. Obviously, this is not true for the average voter of the majority of the party but, the ones furthest to the left are radical in all the worst ways.

>> No.17294338
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Good luck with your brainlet family, anon. I recommend pic related.

>> No.17294345

This is not a bait thread

>> No.17294358

It's threads like this that remind me how hilariously underage everyone on this shithole board is.

>> No.17294362

I am 22

>> No.17294365

Most ppl are around or over 30. Look on warosu newfag

>> No.17294372

>Son, you seem very politically engaged. Why don't you recommend me a book so I can better understand you?

>uhh...l-let me get back to you. I have to ask my online friends for their opinion because I'm too retarded to give you a recommendation on the spot.

>oh, okay dear.

>> No.17294404

If you're talking about Foucault, think relatively
Easy for you but if your mom doesn't read a lot and is pretty entrenched in glumpfisms, then throwing Foucault (which Foucault anyways? "hey mom, I bought you HISTORY OF SEXUALITY, I hope you enjoy it!" What kind of reaction do you even expect)
People are best convinced when they're in their comfort zone or better yet, when they are laughing, Scruton is a little witty if nothing else

>> No.17294420

I'm not op but I was referring to scruton. She probably wants something very pundity

>> No.17294445

OP here. I was thinking one of his lecture books like Security, Territory, Population or Society Must Be Defended. But yeah think Foucault might be too hard.

>> No.17294452

Haidt. Righteous Mind

>> No.17294462

She's either only going to read it then put it down or not read anything at all. You should give her Shapiro then segue it into Plato.

>> No.17294463

Scruton won't make her more liberal, the fundamental problem here is that European conservatism is more high brow but still conservative.

>> No.17294489

Why Liberalism Failed - it will sound good to her Reagan lib tears beliefs and then redpill her on the failure of free market politics

>> No.17294496

ISAIF isn't /pol/-tier and you're absolutely fucking retarded if (You) think that Foucault is both easy to read and persuasive to Boomers.

>> No.17294507

kaczynski is /pol/tard tier. i said foucault is easy for me but not sure how tough he is for boomers.

>> No.17294517

>for a fox boomer
nah, start slower than that

>> No.17294530
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Buy your mom a copy of this and read it yourself too.

>> No.17294549
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The blindpill is perfect for her

>> No.17294564
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This is only tangentially political but I would highly recommend this. This is an easily digestible but potent eye opener, especially for Boomers of the TV generation. Whatever her political affiliation is it should make a person more grounded and wary of the influence media has on them.

>> No.17294568

summerfags such as yourself need to be ostracized from the board. this is a worthless thread and nothing of value has been said.

>> No.17294664

OP here. this looks good anon thanks.

>> No.17294688

Respond to this suggestion OP

>> No.17294775

idk. is this guy like a natcon?

>> No.17294778


The idea of an OAN watcher reading la société du spectacle is really quite funny to me, I don't even know how they would approach it

>> No.17294826

I don’t know but if you want you should meet her where she’s at. One of the book’s central points is that free market conservatism, the legacy of Reagan and the Republican Party, etc. are completely antithetical to conservative ideals about the preservation of family, community, etc. You’re not gonna say anything meaningful to her by showing her Foucault. But things she cares about, brought up in a conservative context - that’ll give her some common ground, and then, through that, you’ll have some common ground with her too.

>> No.17294827


>> No.17294837

yeah i doubt op's mom has the background with marx needed to comprehend it

>> No.17294848

Lurk moar pseud. Try reading the text and identify a vector for attack. His IQ is beyond you.

>> No.17294858

>is this guy like a natcon?
who fucking cares
do you only read books based on labels?
kys zoomer

>> No.17294932

Have some respect for your mother, OP. I’m sure she has redeeming qualities and she clearly respects your opinion enough to ask you for book recommendations.

>> No.17294942
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I'll fuck your mother, kid.

>> No.17294954
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>> No.17294990

I couldn't even possibly think of asking my smug 16-18 years commie faggot son for book recommendations if I had one. That's a loving mother.

>> No.17295000

I'm 22

>> No.17295011

this, she knows he's a queer and patronizes him anyways because her love is unconditional and she never gives up hope. what a mom

>> No.17295034

Mein Kampf

>> No.17295039


this was a based response.

you're alright OP.

good luck with your old girl, I don't have a title that can help but I might offer some advice - you may already have considered it

conservative perspectives are often quite entangled with emotion, and so, challenging their ideology can easily result in an irrational or ignorant response for no other reason than they feel attacked, and their values allow for very little to no wiggle room - that's why it's conservative.

this is compounded, often, by their age. when you're old it's hard to change your view point, it's hard to see merit in an alternate way of doing things when you've survived 50, 60, 70 years on the planet thinking about things a certain way.

whatever title you end up recommending, in my opinion, should probably be somewhat aware of this, if you give her a book by and specifically FOR centrists/leftist/progressives to enjoy, she will probably reject it.

try to find something FOR a conservative, that presents liberal/left/progressive ideals.

t. a man who, some years ago now, converted an influential man who is now fairly front and centre to american politics.

>> No.17295052

which man

>> No.17295059

Something of Burnham.

>> No.17295060

chomsky - manufactured consent

>> No.17295062

Giver the Foucault and tell her you're on the way to the bathhouse

>> No.17295090

She's presumably old, definitely too old to be changing her mind about politics
Just buy her something she might actually enjoy
Get her some Cicero or some pundit horseshit like the Gad Saad book
Or maybe Chesterton's everlasting man

>> No.17295101

Patrick Little

>> No.17295103

donald j trump

>> No.17295107

Stop being such a fucking insufferable disrespectful tween ass bitch. You’re family believes in some stupid shit. So fucking what. They’re you’re family. Grow up. Learn to discuss other things. That’ll be the day when I allow any fucking good for nothing faggot politician get in the way of ANY relationship I have least of all any familial relationship

>> No.17295117


it doesnt matter and its not relevant to the thread

>> No.17295119


>> No.17295128

so why did you mention it

>> No.17295163


because it may lend some legitimacy to the advice if OP chooses to believe it, if he doesnt, the advice stands on its own.

shut up and fuck off idiot

>> No.17295380

Tuckers book Ship of Fools is good desu

>> No.17295393
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>> No.17295413

The Serville State by Hilaire Belloc.

>> No.17295419

National Conservativism.

>> No.17295421

Democracy: the God that Failed by Hoppe. He's a lolbert, but this may make her more critical of the two-party system and therefore less prone to mindlessly worshipping the GOP.

>> No.17295445

I think he’s a distributist

>> No.17295505

Before you go recommending your mom philosophy books usually taught in university courses make sure she's can actually comprehend them. The text might be too verbose for her to understand. These aren't simple texts, you absolutely need to watch some lectures on this or have the perquisite knowledge.

>> No.17296121

The decline of the west by Oswald Spengler

>> No.17296213

Are you sure you are not on the retard team too, OP?

>> No.17296275

Aristotle - The Politics, perhaps?

>> No.17296296
File: 61 KB, 616x768, 817D1B33-2F21-43D1-A737-CC010A2A36EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture of Critique

>> No.17296780

for my legionaries

>> No.17296829

Based, this is a really good pick. Tucker is probably the least “conservatarian” guy on Fox News, and doesn’t worship GDP.

>> No.17297308

>conservative perspectives are often quite entangled with emotion
Unlike all the others, of course

>> No.17297458

hope your based mum spanks you until you cum

>> No.17297472
File: 127 KB, 906x1024, marxism homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17297493

Shitty english translations are illegible to 95% of the population

>> No.17297499

When does Marx say “they are worse than pedophiles” — that quote seems anachronistic.

>> No.17297510

Your mom sounds based fuck you

>> No.17297532

Find a good book on The People's Temple

>> No.17297563

>be nicer to your family
>Fuck off /pol/tard
Some things are true regardless of where you hear them.

>> No.17298572

>Unrestricted Warfare, those two Chinese Colonels
>Anatoly Golitsyn, New Lies for Old
>Anthony Sutton, Wallstreet & the Bolshevik Revolution
>Strauss & Howe, 4th Turning (Bannon’s go to)
>Carrol Quigley, Tragedy & Hope
>Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse (meme tier)
>Curse of Canaan, Eustace Mullins
>anything Michael Collins Piper

>> No.17298610

She won't any books you give her just send her some Destiny videos

>> No.17298662


>> No.17298703

>muh life experience
>still buying drumpf bullshit
Experience does not make you less gullible automatically, people are not rpg characters

>> No.17298709

Reminder foucault was an aids ridden daddy issues faggot, "ad hominim" is jew shit, physiognomy never fails. Niggers niggers niggers. 14 88. Dial 8. You are fat. And ugly. And have a mangina.

>> No.17299014

How are Rick Perlstein's books?

>> No.17299138

I was going to recommend this as well; The Republic observes society from a very 'foundational' perspective and I think it's worth a read for anyone who seeks to understand more about society and the politics which arise within it.

>> No.17299179

>a book by some commie faggot
That's not what he is asking for you walking illogical phallus.

>> No.17299201

I came here to say this. Try Das Kapital, wouldn't that be a sight

>> No.17299735

post is a big cope. boomer brains are literally of shit, absolute shit. they have absolutely nothing to contribute mentally and their wisdom is a farce.

>> No.17299771

>Stop being such a fucking insufferable disrespectful tween ass bitch. You’re family believes in some stupid shit. So fucking what. They’re you’re family. Grow up. Learn to discuss other things.
Not OP, but I have a very similar situation with OP, only my Mom comes up to me and starts blabbing about Trump and how the Democrats want to kill America, literally she cannot talk about anything else besides that and some gossip between her friends/family or something that happened at work.

>> No.17299845

OP here. Same situation lol. Wish my mom would watch shows or movies instead of paying attention to politics would be better for her mind.

>> No.17299965

>just let people enjoy things!!! even if they're wrong!!!
Yeah, no.