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17294456 No.17294456 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else troubled by this recent trend? Amazon and other retailers are banning a lot of books.

>Turner Diaries
>Mein Kampf
>The Poisonous Mushroom
>The Brigade

Once I found out they were doing this I went our and tried to buy these banned books ASAP. Had no reason to read them besides being banned.

>> No.17294471

Not that much, they can choose what they want to sell. They are not banning any book.

>> No.17294481

And book prices on Amazon are a ripoff.

>> No.17294491

Martin Luther's book has been off amazon for a while too

>> No.17294500

lol shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.17294521

Liberal faggot. Corporations should serve the people. They should sell what we tell them to sell because they're not our fucking government.

>> No.17294550

Yes and the people who use Amazon the most have spoken. You can start selling these books if you want, they aren't banned

>> No.17294582

Nobody has spoken. They didn't stop selling it because nobody wanted to buy it, they stopped selling it because the people making the decisions are ideologically opposed to the message. Even if they did pull it because it wasn't selling I don't give a shit what the market has to say. If you want it banned then pass a law banning it, but stop making private corporations our government. The social media cartel needs to be strung up and thrown off a building for usurping the government.

>> No.17294590

My Kindle is jailbroken, anon.

>> No.17294596


>> No.17294687
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Let's get an obvious one out of the way.

>> No.17294694

I can put whatever I want in it.

>> No.17294712

I don't know why you're telling me this.

>> No.17294842

The vast majority has spoken against these books, and they will stop patronizing these companies if the companies don't comply with pulling the books from the shelves.This is the power of the free market. You, and the rest of the cheeto benito supporters have to do mental gymnastics to delude yourselves that the majority of people in the West don't agree with you and don't like you and think that you're dangerous. Your call to "string up" people who work for social media is dangerous, anti-democratic and fascistic. They haven't usurped the government nor do they want to. That's something you want to do, you fucking fascist, and you're trying to gaslight everyone around you into thinking otherwise.

>> No.17294882

The market has spoken, trust me if they could make alot of money with these books then they would be available on Amazon. Stop yelling at a cloud, you can still get your gay nazi books elsewhere

>> No.17294883

When and where have this vast majority spoken? It doesn't even matter because the majority don't get to decide what's good or true. When corporations decide what's good and what's true, which is what they're doing when they decide what can be said, they become your masters. You are a slave to the unelected managerial class and you're happy about it.

>> No.17294890

Confederate flags were selling like crazy when they were pulled. Fuck off with your free market bullshit. I don't even care if that was the case.

>> No.17294901

> Not that much, they can choose what they want to sell. They are not banning any book.

As in it doesn't matter what Amazon is selling or not selling, anon. Are you ok, anon? This is like 3 posts long.

>> No.17294927

Okay I see what you're getting it. When Amazon removes a book from its market, they're not banning it because you can still get the book through other markets or underground methods. That's retarded. You may as well say that 19th century Russia never banned any Tolstoy books since they were available in other countries, like England. You're dumb.

>> No.17294930

No because we all knew this was going to happen sooner or later, they just needed a good enough excuse which they got last week

>> No.17294944

Confederate flags are for fags. Why do you care what a store decides to sell? Shouldn't every store have the right to sell what they want? Go start your own store if you care about this so much, or better yet try to find one and finally realize that no one gives a fuck about your retarded views

>> No.17294947

You are being retarded. It is not like I have to leave my country or import anything. I just download it on the internet. It doesn't matter. It is not like I don't do it with other books too.

>> No.17294957

I went to my grocery store and they didn't have bananas, how could my entire country ban Bananas? Go to another store, how is this so hard

>> No.17294961

>The market has spoken
You're a retard. Digital books cost NOTHING for them to stock. This is why they can host millions of books by literal who's that only have lifetime sales of 5 or so. Pulling it is purely an ideological move.

>> No.17294972

Protip: you could always buy banned books back when they were banned. You just had to go to another market.

>> No.17294974

No, store don't get to decide what they sell. The government does. I don't give a shit what your opinion on confederate flags are, it's beside the point which is that the market is not deciding what the stores are selling, ideologues are.

Amazon is banning books regardless of whether or not it's available somewhere else.

Your grocery store didn't ban bananas, they ran out. This is not what's happening with Amazon.

>> No.17294991

Look, anon. It is not that hard. The author/publisher can set up their own stuff somewhere else. A lot of people do it.

>> No.17294997

Author is dead retard.

>> No.17295005

Liberals destroyed eh?

>> No.17295008

You can't fucking read. Clearly triggered, get to porn hub or something. And then you come back.

>> No.17295009

Bump for good thread. IIRC "La Confirmation" is banned in several countries.

>> No.17295013

Even if that were possible, which it's becoming increasingly hard to do since banks are pulling their services too, people shouldn't have to set up their own infrastructure. Is business going to serve us or are we going to be slaves to business?

>> No.17295023

OP's book is literally out of print and was only carried by Amazon. Banning it is banning it from the public effectively. Stop defending tech oligarchs from censoring you complete and utter retard. Doesn't matter what the book is about. Censoring books is never okay.

>> No.17295025

You would know about alternatives to all those things if you were reading relevant things instead of bs, anon. Just saying. Now, to the porn hub you go.

>> No.17295146

just admit that you're pro-censorship, comrade. you have won. you don't have to keep up the charade anymore.

>> No.17295274

quit your fucking whining. https://archive.org/

>> No.17295288

>our control over the flow of information through blatant economic repression and censorship isn't perfect, therefore it doesn't exist

>> No.17295314

>refusing to carry is banning
You are semi-literate?

Why don't you start your own online bookstore?

>> No.17295329

good meme, but a bit overused at the moment

>> No.17295339

>Corporations should serve the people.
What in the actual fuck do you mean by this?

Private enterprises are in the business of making profit, nothing more. If something is going to be better for business, or not, or they simply decide they don't want to provide a certain service, they are free to do so.

>> No.17295340

Not troubled because they're a private company. They can ban all books besides harry potter if they want to and think this won't hurt their revenue (it will, obviously). I'm troubled because they get orders from the government to do so, so the government and public opinion wants to ban the minority who would read books such as Mein Kampf from doing so, thus not allowing them to fulfil their desire.

>> No.17295341


>> No.17295357

>store don't get to decide what they sell. The government does.
Only in the sense that things can be made legal or illegal. Are your books and flags illegal, if not then they're not banned.

>> No.17295367

>Your grocery store
In Canada, I think but you may check it out, dog meat is legal but no butcher tgat I know of sells it.

>> No.17295378

>monopolies aren't real bro, you can make your own online platform and compete on the market if amazon doesn't sell books for which there is a demand
you don't believe this, stop lying through your teeth

>> No.17295389

Ah, I see what he wants. Fucking bad kind of idealism.

>> No.17295402

It's illegal to procure dog meat in any way except maybe roadkill, but even with that I'm not sure. You need certain permits to process meat for sale and human consumption iirc, and you can't get them for dog meat. This isn't even mentioning the massive public backlash that would come from some store selling dog meat. I have no doubt in my mind that a business selling dog meat would be firebombed in no time.
t. Leaf

>> No.17295406

I do believe that if there's a gap in the market it can be exploited by a clever business model, absolutely. It's not even that difficult to start up an online bookstore if you want to put a little bit of effort into it, quite easy.

>> No.17295408

aww he's mad because he cant get free shipping on his edgy books with his prime account :(

>> No.17295416

Ah cool, thanks for the clarification. I'm sure it's legal somewhere, maybe South Australia.

>> No.17295426

Amazing how the generation that literally fought nazis was more tolerant of nazi books than you retards.

>> No.17295427

kill yourself you gaslighting cunt

>> No.17295439

>just make your own Amazon, sweaty ;)

>> No.17295448

you act like amazon has a responsibility to serve you. now if we're talking about the government banning books, I'm all with ya bud, but I don't give a shit about what a company does, even if they're as massive as amazon.

>> No.17295454

Amazon has more power in determining what people read than the government does. If you can't even recognize the terrifying power that these large megacorps posses then nothing will save you, brain shrivelled by Libertarian dreams.

>> No.17295464

They have no more power than the public willingly give them.

>> No.17295470

the lib stereotype he's channeling doesn't really exist anymore, everyone has seen the terrifying power of big business. "it's not the government doing it so shut up" is just a convenient mask for commies to hide behind while they cheer on the censorship and pretend to be pro-freedom.

>> No.17295473

It's legal everywhere in Australia except for SA

>> No.17295481

Go take a shower you smelly cunts.

>> No.17295508

>letting a private company to do what it wants = communism
You guys are fucking retards

>> No.17295523

who are you even trying to fool?

>> No.17295541

>is just a convenient mask for commies to hide behind
And for national socialists. Or anyone who isn't liberal for that matter.

>> No.17295553

Might want to update this to You Will Never Be Amazon Web Services

>> No.17295562

accurate enough, depending on who's in charge different totalitarian ideologies will take up that argument.
it's all so tiresome

>> No.17295577

You're under totalitarianism under a different name. You're being told what to think and say. At least Hitler and Stalin were honest about it, Jack Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Bezos and the rest of our current leaders do it behind a curtain.

>> No.17295587

it's only proto-totalitarian for now. deteriorating fast though.

>> No.17295594

>They have no more power than the public willingly give them.
Do you even know what a monopoly is? Do you realize that over half of the internet-based businesses IN THE WORLD depend upon Amazon web services. Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

Amazon makes Standard Oil look like peanuts by comparison.

>> No.17295597

Funnily enough, it actually has more market share than Standard Oil did when it was prosecuted for anti-trust.

>> No.17295621

Our legal system is just as corrupt as our political system, so I don't expect any lawsuits coming down the pipe anytime soon.

>> No.17295662

I do disagree with amazon ceasing to sell books of any sort, but why is the distinction from the government important? Shouldn't the government do what we tell it to?

>> No.17295689

The government is the entity that could legitimately tell us what to think or say. For a private company or a cartel of companies to do it would be classical tyranny because they have no legitimacy for rule. In our current system we elect people to rule and that's what gives them legitimacy. Amazon is taking it upon themselves to act as a government.

>> No.17295699

the argument is that the government can persecute things like incitement to political violence and on that basis deplatform "dangerous radicals" from social media, since then it's done through proper legal channels and the people affected have recourse.

>> No.17295713
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>> No.17295803

where the hell can i buy a copy of mein kampf? what the fuck

>> No.17295857

when major, monopolistic companies like amazon decide to remove a product it's effectively banned.

>> No.17295898

>Just don't use Amazon, sweaty ;)
>OH! Don't like them choosing what people are allowed to read? Just make your own trillion dollar company, SWEATY ;)
So disingenuous.

>> No.17295899

They aren't even just discontinuing access to items themselves, but they're actively pressuring other companies to alter their behavior too. These companies are de facto governments. They rule through manipulation and even our elected "government" bends the knee.

>> No.17295912

My last hope is obscure smalltown bookstores with old white proprietors. Going to shell out for some extra rarez before they get burned or made illegal to sell.

>> No.17295956
File: 35 KB, 253x360, EruP-w_XcAA7wwE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re: all the stuff about Amazon and American tech monopolies, there's some hope for the future because many governments and world leaders are spooked by big tech's blacklisting of Trump and Parler. In the coming years there will be national bans or regulations on American technology companies in Europe and elsewhere and the creation of local equivalents in economies that are still open to access by Westerners, so we should have more options.

>> No.17295976

If you believe that then you are honestly just retarded. Corporate power weighed the money they make from selling those books against the economic effect the hypothetical negative press of selling them and they deemed them unprofitable.
It's hilarious seeing the same people crying about trannies and commies seething so hard when the unjust system they are so ready to defend shits on them too.
There is absolutely no ideology involved. It's just money. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.17295988

whats the best translation of mein kampf

>> No.17296006

>hypothetical negative press of selling them and they deemed them unprofitable.
Lol, even more lies. Protip: no one is going to stop buying from amazon, regardless of what they're selling. Also, amazon books doesn't even make amazon money. All of their money comes from AWS. Even twitch loses money year after year.

The profitability of Amazon has jack shit to do with their book sales. This was a purely ideological decision.

>> No.17296019

Imagine being so stupid.

>> No.17296040

it's interesting that people with a totalitarian mindset still play these games even when they're in control. they don't believe their own bullshit, clearly, but it still serves some psychological function for them, like a rapist "joking" about how his victims deserved it.
>I'm not admitting to doing anything wrong, even though we both know what's going on here

>> No.17296105

I think people who crave power really just like controlling other people. These are the types of people who gaslight others, who lie to subvert and manipulate others. It gives them a thrill to do so. Sociopaths even experience an emotion called "duper's delight," which is a thrill they get from successfully lying to everyone.

Everything else is just backwards justification from that initial impetus. I don't think they're looking for a hypothetical end goal. For them, the goal of power is power. They just want control over others and damned be everything else.

Playing these stupid pilpul games are just them exercising their power over others.

>> No.17296106

>The vast majority has spoken against these books
no the vast majority has no idea about any of these books at best a special interest group told them book bad stop selling or we write mean article about you

>> No.17296509

They aren't banned you fucking retard.

>> No.17296526
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>not the first post by this IP in this thread

>> No.17296555

>Forbidden; not allowed.
Well, they are forbidden from purchase... and you're not allowed to buy them... and they're forcing other merchants not to sell them... and they're doing this because they were told to by political power... so... by definition, they are indeed "banned".

>> No.17296725

What Amazon did doesn't fall under the particular definition of banned that I insist on using, therefore Amazon hasn't banned anything. Consider yourself dunked on, conservatards.

>> No.17296752

>Anyone else troubled by this recent trend
Yes, in case you haven’t noticed, we are entering the age of corporate Globofascism

>> No.17297330

Reassuring. Predictions for UK?

>> No.17297856

These are all anti-semitic books anyway. Why would you want them?

>> No.17297945

Not OP.

But I hope you realize that someone writing about Hitler would have to read Mein Kampf. Someone writing about the rise of anti-semitism in Europe would want to read the anti-semitic fiction. And at least one of the liberal thinkpieces that have come out since January 6 (in the NYT, I think?) was a comparison of QAnon to the Turner Diaries.

Owning, reading, or even enjoying a book does not mean you automatically agree with its author's politics. You can't construct any coherent understanding of your own politics unless you can compare it to another's. Besides, the historical import of a book like Mein Kampf is undeniable, because of the fact that Hitler wrote it. It's the same reason that all of Trump's tweets are newsworthy, no matter how asinine. When the President says it, it's news.

>> No.17297947

Yeah what happened? They used to be one of the cheapest places to buy unused books and as of like last month every book on my wishlist became about $5 more expensive

>> No.17298014

What does that even do?

>> No.17298031

Allowing these books to circulate just gives an outlet for nazis and fascists to contextualize their beliefs. If we bury Hitler, his work, and even his history. There would be no more fascism. These books need to disappear.

>> No.17298078
File: 86 KB, 720x860, completely kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain no one will independently invent fascism again. Retard. Why do Jews maintain Holocaust memorials? They want to make sure it never happens again.

But oh no, we should live out the rest of our days drinking the water out of snowglobes and stroking off. Kek. Now imagine fascists do come to power and burn all YOUR books. (Or do you not read because you are a /lit/poseur?)

>> No.17298103
File: 175 KB, 805x798, 1610389064243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always felt like Amazon had stuff like this for sale so they could use the data from the sales to decide who to target with their murder drones in 10 years

>> No.17298125

not sure if this counts as banned or whatever
A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery might be a bit heavy for lots of people, but it has some amazing information in it. Mary Atwood who wrote the book, and her father Thomas South tried to destroy every issue of the book because they felt they'd given away too many secrets, and I can understand why, you'll want to read a print version and a PDF version because the PDFs have some information that has been kept secret from the current printed editions.

>> No.17298194

>If we bury Hitler, his work, and even his history. There would be no more fascism.

This is totalitarian logic because people will either make accusations of fascism or be accused of fascism constantly and few or none of them will have the intellectual tools to know what "fascism" actually means after the evidence has been taken away from them - so 'fascism' will for most people mean whatever it's expedient for it to mean among certain elites and power centers. And that's exactly what's happening now, so if your post wasn't sarcastic congratulations on being a toady to the system.

>> No.17298217

Ah yes, by censoring the idea of x, we can prevent anyone from committing genocide again!

Fucking retard. There are no good arguments for censorship. At bare minimum, you want to learn what people thought in the past so you can avoid making those same mistakes. When you try to remove historical context, all you do is invite people to make the same exact mistakes, over and over again.

>> No.17298333

Not sure either. You don't need to "jailbreak" your kindle to use calibre. I think it lets you use custom wallpapers maybe.

>> No.17298398

Oh, don't worry, you can still buy the Abe Foxman edition, wherein Foxman, chairman of the ADL between 1985 and 2015, removes the passages that Hitler didn't mean to say, and adds passages of what Hitler ACTUALLY meant to say.

You're memeing, but this is why Facebook doesn't actually want pro-Trump stuff removed: precisely so it can gather data on pro-Trump people. Now replace "pro-Trump" with "literally everything, ever".

>> No.17298429

I sell all of these books at my book store, not banned at all. The people who buy them (other than academic sorts) are great, absolutely terrified of being seen with them or seen buying them. I suspect most of the people itt are pissed off because it means they can not get them shipped in a plain amazon box and use their prime account. Now they will have too choose between having them delivered in a box that has something ridiculous like kkk bookclub stamped on it or go out into the world and buy them in person.

I do like when Amazon "bans" a book, I make good money from it. I could do without the edgy skin heads who take an hour to work up the courage to buy, they always get a selection of other books to make it look like they are more interested in a wider subject, but the other titles always have only a superficial connection at most and it is pretty clear what they are after.

>> No.17298459

Does your store have copies of Siege

>> No.17298514

I have ordered it once for a fella doing his thesis on neo-nazis, never had anyone else interested in it.

>> No.17298518

Based bookstore owner, are you in the USA? If so, I wonder what your thoughts are on the wave of white-guilt-laden messages that businesses put out in support of BLM over the summer. I read about a used bookstore that had a policy of never making political statements (because you could buy any kind of book at the store and they were against censorship etc.), but after much protest that they hadn't put out a pro-BLM statement, they finally did—and Carmen Maria Machado (or similar) canceled her reading at the store, because their statement wasn't heartfelt enough.

Did you feel the same pressure? Did you put out a statement?

>> No.17298530

>. I could do without the edgy skin heads who take an hour to work up the courage to buy, they always get a selection of other books to make it look like they are more interested in a wider subject, but the other titles always have only a superficial connection at most and it is pretty clear what they are after.
Are you making this up or is this an actual phenomenon? Because that is very funny

>> No.17298620

I have no need or care to make statements about such things, most anyone could find something to be offended by in my shop if they wanted too. It is unlikely to affect my business if I were to make such a statement or refused to make one. I have no issues with those that make them, you have to think about the business and feeding tour family, if 80% of you customer base is of a mind you would do well to cater to that mind if you want to eat. These booms are not going to disappear because some book stores stopped carrying them, freaking out about amazon cutting these books is silly and childish. I half expect it is a shill thread, has the same site or two been posted in these threads of the past few days?

Fairly common, not just skinheads either, pretty much anyone buying something for the first time which they were raised to see as taboo.

>> No.17298794

I've a friend who is an independent bookstore owner and I'm certain that if I want to buy anything not carried by Amazon, I don't and never have bought a book from Amazon anyway, that it would be no problem and they'd possibly even deliver it to me in a plain paper bag. It's good that it's good for other than Amazon sellers, support the indies!

>> No.17298897

They probably realized that they could raise prices and people would still buy from them anyways. When just about everyone is using your service, they're not likely to go elsewhere just to save a couple dollars, especially when it's still cheaper the alternative anyways because of free shipping

>> No.17298917

Wouldn't surprise me at all if that's true. That's a pretty common thing for people to do when they're ashamed or embarrassed of something they're buying in general. Of course, it doesn't actually help anything because the cashier always knows what's going on anyways

>> No.17298963

My town has zero book stores, now. I have to go another big town over to a Barnes and Noble, or their 100 year old down town business.

>> No.17298977

that's cool but I don't think many bookstores carry The Turner Diaries or The Poisonous Mushroom

>> No.17299002

Most books stores dont care and most people realize that books are not the problem.The stores which make a show of it and stop carrying certain books do it mostly because destroying their business and livelyhood with a weak and fake free speech claim is not worth it.

My personal view is that I would rather have these kids come to me and buy the books instead of going down to the skinhead shop and buying them, at my shop there is not going to be anyone to pressure them into any beliefs, they get to read it and make up their own minds. A good number of them realize what a crock of shit it is and no matter how much proof the accumulate it will not solve the problems in their lives.

The people who cause the biggest problem with such books are the people which buy the books of those they disagree with and read solely to win the argument. They are insufferable and destroy good honest discussion.

>> No.17299015

That is mostly because there is very little demand for them.

>> No.17299139

that was debunked, sweety

>> No.17299156

An evangelical atheist once lent me his personal copy of Dawkins' God Delusion. I read it and kept notes, we had some good discussions about it but he was extremely close minded but that's okay.

>> No.17299217

Alibris and B&N still carries most the banned shit online.(Usually at better prices too)

>> No.17299228

You should treat corporations as separate sovereign entities operating within your own country. Amazon is literally another country within your own country hiring people to work for them. It doesn't matter if they are ideologically opposed, have you even looked at the state of the world? Reality is prompting you.. prodding you... take up the sword. Comfort will end soon.

>> No.17299233

>Amazon is literally another country within your own country

>> No.17299320

Nation wide demand vs local demand are very different things. Small book shops are not going to keep enough copies in stock to meet nation wide demand when they only sell one copy a year. Also, there are companies you can higher to dicky such stats, there is even one which specializes in getting books on the NYT best seller list. Book sales and demand is a fairly blurry topic these days, I will stick to trusting my sales and orders, done well for me so far.

>> No.17299331

BAN ALL BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!! N O W !!!!!!!!

>> No.17299368
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>> No.17299388

You can still buy Mein Kampf on Amazon in the USA.

>> No.17300496

>If we bury Hitler, his work, and even his history. There would be no more fascism.
Don't forget burying the wrongthinkers and poisoners of the youth. That's just as important for preventing fascism. Punching nazis and nazi-enablers like Jordan Peterson is the same as standing up for democracy.

>> No.17300780
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You, your family, your kids and your relatives and friends should be enslaved to work 24/7 and killed when wasted

>> No.17300818

>majority of people in the West
In other words, the plebs, the masses, the common folk.

>> No.17300830

They're already slaves to the managerial class, thinking and acting as they're taught and they currently work as many hours as efficient productivity demands. They either can't see the manipulation or don't care because they've been convinced it's better to live the life they're told to live by their masters.

They must go to college, they must be independent and have their own house, they must work to consume which motivates them to work more. If they don't follow the program things will become increasingly difficult. Try getting by without a cell phone now.

>> No.17300833

>implying it’s being done to appease customers and not at the request of employees who were trained as activists as part of their schooling.

>> No.17300924

go to barnes and noble. If you can't find it their look on lulu and otherwise look to independent booksellers. I was able to get all the works of Rockwell from some pretty big lokal book seller after it had been bannend from all the webshops in our country