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/lit/ - Literature

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17286196 No.17286196 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we larp as Redditors giving reading suggestions

>> No.17286214

me like rickhard hawkins lol

>> No.17286247

You like sci fi, dude? Definitely read the classics:
>Book of the New Sun
>Canticle for Lebowitz
>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>And of course heckin everything by Cherryh and Butler

>> No.17286255

guns germs and steel

>> No.17286266

Just put a link to any other /lit/ thread and you'll be done.

>> No.17286294

Start with the greeks

>> No.17286614

Read Nietsche

>> No.17286626

Bro you gotta read:

Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
Gulag Archipelago

It's essential reading.

>> No.17286627

i appreciate the classics ..... pride and prejudice... and zombies!!!

>> No.17286630

uhh might want to throw some color in your whiteness there dude

>> No.17286903

>canticle for leibowitz
Wow reddit were the based ones all along

>> No.17286916

>we larp as Redditors
yeah, ‘larp’ yes of course haha

>> No.17286940
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Most of you came from reddit

>> No.17286946
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>> No.17287463

I am the Diversity Bot: I Kindly remind people to elevate women BAME/BIPOC bodies and their voices!
Cool list! Lacking a lot of names from oppressed group though my good sir...
How about you try Cassandra Clare, Ngozi Adichi (YASS Feminism power!!!!!) or Tanahesee Coates?
Stay awesome my dude!

>> No.17287497

Stop shilling this garbage.

>> No.17287548
File: 466 KB, 1080x1920, 1610662812703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m[24] just found out my older brother m[28] is an antitech fascist...so I stole half his books and replaced them with sodoku puzzle books...

>> No.17287756

kek you guys.

>> No.17287784

I got these recommendations from Jordan Peterson!

>> No.17287803

Man, Rhythm of War is so fucking amazing. You guys have really got to give it a try if you haven't yet. I don't understand how Sanderson writes amazing novels so quickly

>> No.17287825

Check out Das Kapital my dude

>> No.17287911


I can't upvote this enough except where is the Harry Potter series? I know some people would say it isn't technically science fiction but I would classify it as social science fiction. You are also missing Scalzi's Redshirts which is a laugh a minute.

>> No.17287927

>implying this board isn't filled with them

>> No.17288070

I personally love the Harry Potter series, I know it’s for kids but it can be enjoyed by everyone! Of course, JK Rowling has shown herself to be extremely problematic (sigh), so support a local charity shop by buying her books second hand. It’s not like that transphobic billionaire deserves any of your hard earned money! EAT THE RICH.

>> No.17288244


edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.17288303

What does this mean

>> No.17288356

Das Kapital? Das auto!

Lol hope you guys like the reference

>> No.17288389

Anyone has a good bullet point summary of Marx 's critique of capitalism?

Some chud nazi (he watches Pewdiepie) wants to debate me in campus but I don't have time to actually read Das Kapital, if I do the usual x2.5 speed audiobook while in the gym the words are too hard and I don't understand ):

I'm a real Marxist tho, I've watched all of Vaush and ContraPoints' videos (before she became an anti-enby bitch, of course).

>> No.17288391

EDIT: Thanks so much for the reddit gold! Did Reddit remove the edit feature on comments? I have to post this as a reply. Anyway, thanks guys, this is my first big post.

>> No.17288392

evola, guenon, houllebeucq, kjv, debord, the list goes on
edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.17288404

Whatever you do, don't go on r/communism or r/communism101. The mods there are literal internet Nazis lol. They permaban anyone who answers questions from a non orthodox Marxist perspective. Such bad vibes bro.

>> No.17288411

99% of ledditors wouldn't recognize a single author from that list.

>> No.17288427

Uh, the New York Times, The Atlantic, The Financial Times, The Economist. If you want news about China you should definitely get it from there.

>> No.17288433


>> No.17288435
File: 211 KB, 700x915, mr reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Reddit

>> No.17288443

MODS MODS MODS this chud is recommending problematic books! where does he live? please, someone knows who his (or they're's) employer is? Freedom of peach is not freedom from consequences (raises fist in solidarity with our felow BIPOC allies)

>> No.17288480

EDIT 2: Wow! This comment blew up. Thanks for the updoots my dudes!

>> No.17288632

Don't you just love the philosophical concepts of bob-verse!

>> No.17288659
File: 853 KB, 1280x720, sweary-book-titles-1280x720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a new book for my self help section :)

>> No.17288802

Mencius Moldbug is really a delight. he's so well read

>> No.17288875

Hello kind strangers! I'm wondering where I should start with reading books for fun :) I'm not new to reading - I have a degree in Journalism with a minor in Equity Studies - but I am new to reading on my own time! I'm a big fan of Star Wars (Baby Yoda ftw!) and Marvel movies (DC sucks lol). I was thinking of starting with something challenging, like the Harry Potter series, or a visual novel. Nothing too hard please, and nothing offensive. The missus and I are following the CDC guidelines against getting too riled up, and her boyfriend is an intersex individual.

>> No.17288883

Somebody gave me gold on Reddit before and I immediately deleted the comment. I hope the dumb cunt lost his money.

>> No.17288926

this thread is a complete circle jerk. i hope you're all proud of yourselves

>> No.17288939

>Hello kind strangers! I'm wondering where I should start with reading books for fun :) I'm not new to reading - I have a degree in Journalism with a minor in Equity Studies - but I am new to reading on my own time!
This feels painfully authentic.

>> No.17288943

>or a visual novel
problematic :/

>> No.17288950

>implying this board is any better than reddit

>> No.17289052

I'm not your dude pal

>> No.17289074

If you haven't got it already, I can really recommend subscribing to LinkedIn Pro; you get tons of cool and inspirational content that is tailored to your job profile. You can even add preferences as to what kind of content you like: e-books, audiobooks, videos etc, so if you're more of a visual learner like me, this is the perfect tool for you.

>> No.17289433

I'm not your pal bro

>> No.17289447

You have to explain why you blaspheme the Blessed Leibowitz, degenerate

>> No.17289491

how the hell did james joyce know all that shit?

this isn't a shitpost. swear to god.

I'm in a Ulysses reading group right now, and Joyce's breadth of knowledge is astounding -- medicine, history, physics, epistemology, phenomenology, obscure newspaper advertisements, early film, dead languages, obscure printing technologies, Egyptian mythology, color theory... it seems like nothing escapes him. multiple times I've tracked down a reference in the Gifford, thinking there's no fucking way this was intentional, only to find out that it is intentional, and forms yet another node in a seemingly infinite network across the book.

as far as I know, Joyce quit school after 20 and lived on patronage/teaching gigs until he died. how did he learn languages as disparate as Norwegian and Hebrew? how did he find the time to learn about fetal development? the man was a genius -- obviously -- but how, physically how and where, did he learn all of this shit to put into his book?

>> No.17289522


>> No.17290377

wow gave me a funny. here is gold and updoot stranger

>> No.17290537

Goodness, quiiiite a lot to unpack in this thread. You guys should like, bake some cookies or call your mom or something. It's not healthy to have this pent up rage at society, things are only getting better

>> No.17292180

Im going to order some books now. I got 15 dollars left and right now I picked

Call of the wild
Animal farm

what else should I get? I like jack london and fedor dostoevsky

>> No.17292406

>Phoneposting started as smartphones started getting better interfaces for websites
Gee who wouldve thought you goofy

>> No.17292456

Sorry brox, i havent read it, but maybe pit up a trigger warning before refering to the gym, im actually other-able bodied myself. Also i would say its better to read/listen to a POC-feminist interpretation of Marx since that would dissect the white pathriarchal influences of Marx.

Glorious revolution brotHER!

>> No.17292521

I just downvoted your comment.


What does this mean?

The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one.

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There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

* Rudeness towards other Redditors,
* Spreading incorrect information,
* Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`.

Am I banned from the Reddit?

No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

>> No.17292818

Kaczynski is a retard

>> No.17292832

IANAL but read the law books.

>> No.17292855


>> No.17292998

>t. 168 iq

>> No.17293038

Pathetic thread.

>> No.17293042

you have to read more fantasy my friend! i say check out sanderson's novels right away. the philosophical depth that he manages to put in his work always astounds me. it's thought provoking, but also very fun! lots of action and drama. you would definitely enjoy it. my girlfriend certainly agrees with me.
oh and if you want more brain food, you could always read some stephen king. he's a very reliable hand, plus he deals with the real horror of this world (christianity, ugh).
what's your mbti, stranger ? i might have more books to recommend if you told us. i'm an HDMI btw.

>> No.17293327

Thanks for further proving my point. If only he used it to advance a field he was familiar with like Maths, one can only wonder :^-)